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George Prevost, Trans., St. John Chrysostom, “Homily 19 on Matthew”, Accessed October 18, 2012,
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S. Thelwall, Trans., Tertullian, Accessed October 17, 2012,
S. Thelwall, Trans., Tertullian, Apology , Accessed October 29, 2012,
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John Nicholas Lenker, D. D., ed., Luther's Commentary on the First Twenty-Two Psalms , (Sunbury, PA, 1903.)
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Robert Kolb and Timothy Wengert, Ed., The Book of Concord, the Large Catechism, “The Lord’s Prayer” (Fortress
Press, Minneapolis, MN, 2000) 440-456.
Trans. Unk, The Book of Concord, the Large Catechism, “The Lord’s Prayer”, accessed October 9, 2012,
Rev. Robert E. Smith, Ed., Martin Luther, The Large Catechism, XI. Part Third , “Of Prayer”,
Dr. Henry Cole, trans., Luther's Commentary on the First Twenty-Two Psalms , (Internet Archive) accessed March
29, 2012, . (John Nicholas Lenker, D. D., ed., Luther's
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Desiring God Foundation, “A Summary Theology of Prayer”, accessed October 27, 2012, .
Thomas L. Constable, Talking to God: What the Bible Teaches about Prayer - A Biblical Theology of Prayer , accessed October 27, 2012, prayer / prayer .pdf
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Dwight L. Moody, Reading God’s Word, Chapter 3, accessed October 29, 2012,
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Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology , “Prayer”, accessed October 5, 2012,
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Merrill C. Tenney, Gen. Ed., The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible , Volume Four, “Prayer”,
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The Catholic Encyclopedia , “Prayer”, accessed October 5, 2012,
The Catholic Encyclopedia , “An attitude or posture at prayer”, accessed November 28, 2012,
A Report of the Commission on Theology and Church Relations , “Theology and Practice of Prayer, A Lutheran
View”, (The Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, St. Louis, MO, November 2011).
Harry Wendt, Praying like Jesus the Messiah, (Crossways International, Minneapolis, MN, 2005) 33.
Dr. Robert A. Cook, Accessed October 20, 2012, .
Ray, Sam Walter Foss, “The Prayer of Cyrus Brown”, accessed October 12, 2012,
William H. Gross, “Prayer - Overview”, accessed October 26, 2012,
Petey Prater, “Hindrances to Prayer – Distractions”, accessed November 6, 2012, .
Untitled and undated sermon, unidentified preacher, from St. Mark's Lutheran, West Henrietta, New York, pertinent to “The Paradox of Both law and Gospel”, NY, accessed November 8, 2012,
[May not be accessible via Church’s Web site. Google the term “The Paradox of Both Law and Gospel” and look for an MS Word document.]
Peter M. Berg, Hope Evangelical-Lutheran Church, Fremont, California, “The Eucharist Petition” accessed
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Bryan Vinson, Sr., Truth Magazine VI: 7 , “God’s Mindfulness of Man”, accessed November 18, 2012,
Thomas Watson, Heaven Taken By Storm , “Holy Violence”, accessed November 26, 2012,
Dr. Vic Reasoner, “Violence and Victory”, accessed November 27, 2012,