The Moving Man Name: _______________________________________________ Section: _____________ Date: ________________________ We are going to investigate the relationship between position, velocity and acceleration through this simulation. First go to the website:­‐man Click on “Run Now!” When the download appears at the bottom of your screen, click on “keep”. Open the download now. Spend a few minutes and play around with the simulation. Increase velocity and acceleration and click “Play” to see how motion is changed. Now click on the tab at the top labeled “Charts”. Answer the following questions: 1. Set the velocity at 2.0 and the acceleration at 0.0. How long does it take for the Moving man to hit the brick wall? 2. Now, pull the moving man back to the zero position and hit “Clear”. Set the velocity to 2.0 and the acceleration to 3.0. How long until the moving man hits the brick wall? 3. Pull the moving man back to the zero position and hit “clear”. This time set the velocity to 2.0 again, and change the acceleration to 5.0. How long until moving man hits the brick wall? 4. How does increasing the acceleration change the amount of time it takes for moving man to hit the brick wall? 5. Pull the moving man back to the zero position and hit “clear”. This time try leaving the velocity at 2.0 but entering a negative acceleration, or a deceleration. What number did you put it for acceleration? How did it affect the moving man? Why? 6. Pull the moving man back to the zero position and hit “clear”. What happens when you leave the velocity at 0.0 and the acceleration at 3.0? How long until the moving man hits the brick wall? 7. On the back, write a short paragraph that explains how acceleration affects velocity and position. Site an example from this exercise, or one that you tried on your own as evidence.