Wepwawet of Upper Egypt

Wepwawet of Upper Egypt
wp wAwt Smaw – “Wepwawet of Upper Egypt” Also wp wAwt rsy [24, 43, 45, 60, 65]
Middle Kingdom [28-29, 31, 36, 45, 57, 61]; 2nd Intermediary Period [41, 50, 52]; New Kingdom [5-22, 2527, 30, 32-33, 35, 37-40, 42, 44, 47, 49, 51, 59-60, 62, 68, 76, 109, 113-114, 116-117]; 21st-24th Dyn [24,
34, 70]; Kushite Period [64-66, 67?]; Saite Period [2, 4, 43, 56?]; Late Period [23, 46, 48, 53, 73?, 95,
109]; Greco-Roman Period [1, 3, 54-55, 58, 63, 69, 71-72, 74-75, 77-94, 96-108, 110-112, 115, 118-119]
A. Human Forms:
a) God with HqAt scepter, frond, and ankh in his hands [79]
B. Canine Forms:
1. Jackal-headed God:
a) Jackal-headed god with wAs scepter [5, 10, 21, 33] and ankh [5, 10, 21] in his hands
b) Jackal-headed god, who protectively covers Wesir [7]
c) Jackal-headed god, who pulls a barque [8]
d) Jackal-headed god who holds an ankh to the king’s nose, whose hand he holds. Next to him is a
standard with a jackal [16]
e) Jackal-headed god with the white crown [102]
f) Jackal-headed god with the double crown [91, 98, 104, 108] and a piece of cloth in his right hand [104]
2. Canine:
a) Standing jackal on a high standard [11-12, 80, 88, 90, 92, 118-119]
b) Standing jackal on a standard; before him is the hieroglyph for Upper Egypt [50]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt
c) Standing jackal on a standard with a uraeus [6, 9, 18, 24, 42, 46, 74, 94, 96-97, 101, 103, 105, 107,
116-117]. By [9] with two ureaus. The standard is supported on a support frame of priests [117].
d) Reclining jackal with a loop/bow around his neck, sxm scepter in his paws and a frond above his back
e) Reclining jackal on a box in the tympanum of the stele; opposite wp wAwt mHw [52]
Member of group of gods
a) First of five standards in the term wp wAwt Smaw *sxm tAwy [6]
b) Second of seven standards [80]
c) 1st of 15 standards in a procession of priests in the term wp wAwt Smaw *… n pt [82]
d) 1st of 15 or 9 standards in a procession of priests in the term wp wAwt Smaw *sxm tAwy [81, 90, 94]
e) 14th in a list of 15 gods in the term wp wAwt Smaw *sxm tAwy [37]
f) 18th of 26 (52 in total) gods, who stands before the papyrus thicket of Chemmis as the variant to wp
wAwt *sxm [98]
a) First standard in a procession of priests in the term wp wAwt Smaw *sxm tAwy [83, 118]
b) 59th [71] or 62nd [72] in a series of gods, crouching in the upper frieze of the outer sanctuary wall
a) He is listed in a list of gods in the term wp wAwt Smaw *sxm tAwy [2-3]
b) In a long list of gods in the term wp wAwt Smaw *sxm tAwy [76]
c) In a series of several deities [56]
d) One of the gods on a standard to the right side of st wrt of Heliopolis [4]
e) One of the deities who sit at the birth of the child-god on the bed [95, cf 97]
Predecessor: iwn mwt.f [72]
inpw m bw nb mr kA.f im [1]
ir rn.f Ds.f [56]
wADt [4]
wp wAwt mHw [80]
nmty *nb Atft [98]
rs wDA *Hry tp nTrw [76]
Hwt Hr *nbt inty [37]
Hr mdnit *Hry ib wsxt [71]
tm *kA Xt (nt) psDt aAt [2-3]
Ast wrt [56]
wp wAwt mHw *sxm n pt [2-3]
wp wAwt mHw *nb tA Dsr [6]
bAstt *nbt anx tAwy [37]
nbt mDdny *Hnwt 16 [71]
Hwt Hr *nbt qis [98]
Hr [81]
Hr bHdty [81, 94]
Xt sAbw [4]
SntAyt [72]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt
txn Sps [118]
DHwty [82]
DHwty *aA aA wr *nb xmnw [83]
DHwty *wp rHwy [80, 90]
DHwty *nb xmnw [76]
wp wAwt mHw [50]
A. Identification with Gods:
a) Probably designation of Wesir [100]
B. In Ritual Scenes:
1. Identification with Gods:
a) In a ritual scene (appearance in the palace: xat m aH) [88, 92, 96]
2. Other:
a) He opens the way (wAwt) for the king in a ritual scene (excerpt from the palace: untitled) [103, 111]
C. In Connection with the King:
a) He opens (wbA mTn) the way for the king and leads his run (smAa Hp.f) [80]. He opens his ways for
the king (wp wAwt) [96, cf 101]
b) Jackal on a standard, who drives out (sHr) the evil (Dwt) from before the king [87]
D. In Connection with the Deceased:
a) He makes the way (mTnw) straight (smAa) for the deceased [56]
b) He protects the deceased [73], directs his steps along the path of the necropolis and leads his Ka to
the great god [63]
E. Part of a Longer Term:
a) In the term wp wAwt Smaw *sxm tAwy [10, 13-15, 17-18, 20-21, 26, 28, 35-36, 39-40, 42-43, 49, 51,
66, 92]
b) He is called in the sixth hour of a Book of Hours as wp wAwt Smaw *sxm tAwy [1]
F. As Opener of the Way:
a) He opens the way to Philae [77]
b) He opens the way (mTn) for Aset [86]
c) He opens (wp) the way (wAt) [90], (mTn) [93] for Hethert
d) He opens the way (smAty) [112]
e) He makes the way free/clear (sDsr) for the Ba of the Beloved One (nA n mryty)
[cf C.a.; D.a.]
G. With Geographic Reference:
a) He is found together with wp wAwt [mHw] in the 13th Upper Egyptian nome [78]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt
H. In a List of Deified Body Parts:
a) The lower leg/shank (sDHwy) of the patient is that of wp wAwt mHw and wp wAwt Smaw (in a list of
deified body parts) [109]
I. Recipient of Offerings:
a) He is named in a Htp di nsw formula [28-29, 31-32, 39, 47-49, 55, 57, 60-62, 113-114]
b) In a wdnw litany [110]
J. Other:
a) He is high together with wp wAwt mHw on his standard (iAt) with the fall of Set [23]
b) He is together with wp wAwt mHw, Heru, Djehuty, and Ptah before the Apis [69]
c) In a series of 50 deities of the mammisi, where the gods are called in their months (nTrw m Abdw.sn)
and the excellent ladies are called in the years (Spswt mnxwt m rnpwt) [79]
d) The mouth of Wesir is opened by wp wAwt Smaw [99]
Literature and Citations:
See page 347-348 of Band 2
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt
A. Cosmos
1. Heaven/Horizon
wp pt r tA – Who separates the heaven from the earth
pxr pt – Who runs through the sky
nb pt – The Lord of Heaven
sxm pt – The Power of Heaven
sSm pt – Who directs Heaven
2. Sun
wbn – The Rising One
7. Earth/World
wp pt r tA – Who separates the heaven from the earth
8. Underworld
nb dwAt – The Lord of the Duat
wp wAwt dwAt m rA qrrt – Who opens the ways of the Duat in rA qrrt (necropolis of Assyut)
B. Topography
1. Nomes
nb nDft – The Lord of Asyut Nome (13th and 14th Upper Egyptian nomes)
xnty nDft xntyt – Foremost of the 13th Upper Egyptian nome
2. Place Names
imy sAwt – Who is in Asyut
wp wAwt m AbDw – Who opens the way in Abydos
nb AbDw – The Lord of Abydos
nb iAt xt – The Lord of iAt xt (Hill of Retreating/Flinching)?
nb Hr Sn – The Lord of Hr Sn (unknown location in the 8th Upper Egyptian nome)
nb sAwt – The Lord of Asyut
nb sAwt – The Lord of sAwt
nb tA HD – The Lord of the Land of Light (= unknown location by Gebelein)
nTr aA m sAwt – The great god in Asyut
Hry ib AbDw – Who is in the midst of Abydos
Hry ib hbt – Who is in the midst of Hibis
Hry ib sAwt – Who is in the midst of Asyut
Hry ib tA bh – Who is in the midst of tA bh (unknown location in Nubia)
xnty AbDw – Foremost of Abydos
xnty bAw iwnw – Foremost of the Bas of Heliopolis
xnty wTst Hr – Foremost of Edfu
xnty msn – Foremost of Mesen
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt
3. Lands, Regions, and Names of People
iT tAwy m mAa xrw – Who takes possession of the two lands in triumph
nb mHw – The Lord of Lower Egypt
nb tA rsy – The Lord of Upper Egypt
nb tA Smaw – The Lord of Upper Egypt
xw tAwy – Who protects the two lands
xnty tA Smaw – Foremost of Upper Egypt
sxm mHw – The Power of Upper Egypt
sxm Smaw – The Power of Upper Egypt
sxm tAwy – The Power of the two lands
sxm m tAwy – The Power in the two lands
HqA n bAqt – The Ruler of Egypt
4. Shrines
mAty m wabt – … ? … in the place of embalming
Hry ib Hwt mn mAat ra – Who is in the midst of the temple of Seti I (Abydos temple)
Hry ib Dsr st – Who is in the midst of the small temple of Medinet Habu
xnty pr bik nTry – Foremost of the House of the Divine Falcon
xnty pr qrst wsir – Foremost of the House of the Burial of Wesir
xnty Hwt sn … ? … - Foremost of the House of … ? … (= Edfu)
xnty st wnp – Foremost of the Place of Stabbing
6. Cardinal Points
nb imntt – The Lord of the West
7. Necropolis
wp wAwt dwAt m rA qrrt – Who opens the ways of the Duat in rA qrrt (necropolis of Assyut)
nb rA qrrt – The Lord of rA qrrt (necropolis of Assyut)
nb tA Dsr – The Lord of the Holy Land
nb Dsrt – The Lord of the Holy Land
nbw tA Dsr – The Lords of the defined land
xnty tA Dsr – Foremost of the defined land (= necropolis)
8. Other
imn rn.f m iAt – Who hides his name in the hills
nb wAt – The Lord of the Way
nb wAwt – The Lord of the Way
C. Fauna/Flora
1. Animals
iwiw – Dog
sAb – Jackal
sAb Sma – Upper Egyptian Jackal
sAb Sps – The Magnificent Jackal
kA Htpw – The Bull of Offerings
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt
kA snTr – The Bull of Incense
Tsm – Greyhound
E. Development
1. Primordial Deity
mn pAwt – The Permanent One of the Primordial Time
ms m HAt r nTr nb – Who was born earlier than any god
nTr smsw – The oldest god
qmA aA – The Great Creator
3. Child
nxn – The Child
wp Xt nt mwt.f – Who opens his mother’s body/womb
G. Intellectual Properties
2. Moral/Law
bwt.f grg – Who detests lying
mr mAat – Who loves Ma’at
3. Reasonableness
pr sAA – Whose wisdom emerges
H. Physical Properties
1. Personal Strength
nxt wsr r nTrw – The strong one who is more powerful than the gods
sxm pHty – He with mighty power
3. Speed/Agility
Hpwty StA – The mysterious runner
pxr pt – Who runs through the sky
xAx – The Swift One
4. Fertility
Hnn naS – The powerful phallus
5. Physical Features and Body Parts
nb pAd – The Lord of the Knee
qA wsrt – He with the high neck
I. Other Attributes
1. Weapons
spd Ssrw – He with sharp arrows
di Ssrw – Who gives arrows
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt
2. Clothing and Jewelry
Xkr – The Adorned One
L. Personal Elements (Ba, Ka, etc)
aA bAw – He with great Bas
M. As an Acting Deity
3. As a Helping/Charitable Deity
in ir nfrt – Who brings about and causes goodness
wp wAwt m AbDw – Who opens the way in Abydos
wp wAt – Who opens the way
wp wAt n it.f – Who opens the way for his father
wp wAt n it.f r bw mr.f – Who opens the way for his father, towards the place where he wants
wp wAt n nTrw nTrwt – Who opens the way for the gods and goddesses
Dsr smAty – Who makes the way elevated/lofty/sublime
Sd sAwty r xnty – Who saves the Abydosian from the crocodile
4. As a Protective Deity
psDt rst Hr wsir – The Ennead watching over Wesir
xw tAwy – Who protects the two lands
sA wsir skr – The protection of Wesir-Sokar
sHr xftyw m HAt sAw n.sn – Who drives out the enemies at the forefront of the gods of protection
6. As a Pleased Deity
bnr Haawt – He with sweet jubilation
N. Recipient of the Actions of Others
1. Recipient of Worship
nb iAw – The Lord of Jubilation
2. Recipient of Offerings
Htp imy wty Htp – The Contented One in the midst of the offerings
O. Rule
1. Titles of Rule
ity – The Ruler
nsw nTrw – The king of the gods
nsw nTry – The Divine King
HqA n bAqt – The Ruler of Egypt
HqA psDt – The Ruler of the Ennead
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt
3. Legitimation of Rule
iwa snwy – The Heritage of Two
iT tAwy m mAa xrw – Who takes possession of the two lands in triumph
4. Transfer of Rule
rdi n.f iwat nHH – To whom the heritage of eternity is given
rdi n.f gb iwat.f – To whom Geb gives his heritage
5. Acquisition of Rule
iT tAwy m mAa xrw – Who takes possession of the two lands in triumph
7. Crowns
aA wrrt – He with the great white crown
nb iarty – The Lord of the two Cobras
nb iarwt – The Lord of Cobras
nb wADty – The Lord of the two Cobras
Hry tp wADty – The Head/Chief of the Two Crown-Goddesses
8. Throne
Hry nswt tm – Who is over the thrones of Atum
P. Family Relationships
1. Blood Family
pr m nwt – Who comes out of Nut
Hr sA wsir – Heru, the son of Wesir
sA Ast – The son of Aset
sA wsir – The son of Wesir
wp wAt n it.f – Who opens the way for his father
wp wAt n it.f r bw mr.f – Who opens the way for his father, towards the place where he wants
wp Xt nt mwt.f – Who opens his mother’s body/womb
snsn snty.fy – Who is united with his two sisters
Q. Development/Origin of the Deity
pr m isrt – Who emerges from the tamarisk thicket
pr m Xt – Who emerges from the body
R. Social/Material Status
1. As a Popular/Contented Deity
bnr mrwt – The Very Popular One
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt
2. As a Respected Deity
nb Sfyt – The Lord of Reputation
nTr aA – The great god
xnty r nTrw – Who is further in front than the gods
qA r nTrw – Who is higher than the gods
wr sxmwy – The Great One of the Two Powers
wr sxmw – He with great power
nTr wr m Xnw psDt – The great god in the midst of the Ennead
nTr Sps – The exalted god
qA r nTrw – Who is higher than the gods
3. As a Unique/Hidden Deity
wa – The Unique One
Hry sStA.f – Who is over his secret
4. As a Perfect/Excellent Deity
nfr – The Beautiful One
nTr nfr – The Perfect God
5. As a Feared/Violet Deity
nb Sat – Lord of Slaughter
nb Dw – Lord of Evil
sD ib – Who breaks hearts
Htm xftyw.f – His enemies are destroyed
6. As a Powerful/Successful Deity
sxm – The Powerful One
sxm nTrw – The Mightiest of the Gods
sxm Sps – The exalted power
8. Other Social/Material Status
nb – The Lord
nb nbw – The Lord of Lords
xnty nTrw – Foremost of the Gods
Smsw bity – The Companion of the King of Lower Egypt
nTr nTry – The divine god
9. Relationship to Other Deities
iwa snwy – The Heritage of Two
psDt rst Hr wsir – The Ennead watching over Wesir
rdi n.f rA n wa – To whom the saying of the unique one is given
rdi n.f gb iwat.f – To whom Geb gives his heritage
Hry nswt tm – Who is over the thrones of Atum
sA wsir skr – The Protection of Wesir-Sokar
sSm ra tm – Who directs Ra-Atum
Sd sAwty r xnty – Who saves the Abydosian from the crocodile
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Wepwawet of Upper Egypt
nb nDmt ds – The Lord of Those with the Friendly Knife
T. Temple and Cult
1. Ritual
nb antyw – The Lord of Myrrh
2. Festivals
xnty Hb sd – Foremost of the Sed Festival
4. Barques and Other Ships
sTA <wiA n> HH – Who pulls the barque of millions
5. Sacred Objects
nb SdSd – The Lord of the SdSd
Hry iAt.f – Who is on his standard
Hry tp iAt.f – The Head/Chief of his Standard
Dsr Hr iAt – The Sublime/Raised/Exalted One on the Standard
qA Hr iAt.f – Who is high on his standard
V. In Connection with Food
nb iwaw fdw – The Lord of the Four Pieces of Meat
nb DfAw – The Lord of Food
kA Htpw – The Bull of Offerings
W. In Connection with Concepts of Time (Also Time of Day)
nTr pn n Dt – This god of Eternity
rdi n.f iwat nHH – To whom the heritage of eternity is given
X. Identification with Other Gods
Hr sA wsir – Heru, son of Wesir
Y. Other
nb Hpwt – The Lord of the Hpt Ship Equipment
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)