
inpw – “◊ Yinepu” In [41] written as wsir inpw.
Early Period [73]; Old Kingdom [19, 26, 40, 42, 49, 67, 118, 129-133, 144]; Middle Kingdom [18, 20-24, 134]; New
Kingdom [1-12, 14-15, 17, 34-35, 38-39, 41, 43-48, 50-59, 62-64, 70, 74-76, 79, 86, 120, 122, 128, 137, 140, 142, 186,
196, 198]; 21st-24th Dyn [16, 52, 60-61, 77-78, 87-89, 93, 100, 101?, 110-111, 123-124, 127, 135, 138-139, 141, 192, 197];
Saite Period [13, 36-37, 65-66, 69, 90-91, 94-95, 108?, 109?, 126, 193, 195]; Late Period [72, 80-85, 97, 119, 125, 149];
Greco-Roman Period [25, 27-33, 68, 71, 92, 96, 98-99, 102-107, 112-115, 117, 121, 136, 143, 145-148, 150-185, 187-191,
194-195]; uncertain [116]
A. Human Forms:
a) Standing god [85]
b) God who holds his arms over a chest (awy Hr afdt StAt) [7]
c) God who brings the cattle [171, 174]
d) Crouching gift bearer with bulls on his offering board [155]
e) Mummy with a sxm scepter on his head and crook and flail in his hands
B. Lion Forms:
a) Lion-headed god at the scale of the judgment of the dead [32]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
C. Jackal Forms:
1. Without Crown:
a) Jackal-headed god [5, 11, 50, 80, 84, 86-91, 112, 164-165, 179, 194]
b) Jackal-headed mummy [16, 122]
c) Jackal-headed god in an oval sarcophagus [1]
d) Jackal-headed god at the scales [149]
e) Jackal-headed god bent over the bier of Wesir [33, 43-44, 83]
f) Jackal-headed god with a rod in each hand *38, 41, 151+. On each rod is a man’s head *38, 151+ or a falcon-head [41]
g) Jackal-headed god with a crook in each hand [39]
h) Jackal-headed god with a crook and flail in his hands [111]
i) Jackal-headed god with a flail in his bent arm [125]
j) Jackal-headed god with a disk in front of him [57]
k) Jackal-headed god (called xnty sH nTr nTrwy), embracing a high stele depicting two eyes [82]
l) Jackal-headed god with ointment jars in his hands [103]
m) Jackal-headed god carrying a tray with ointment jars and a box [182]
n) Jackal-headed god with a reliquary in his arms [172-173]
o) Jackal-headed god bent over forwards, emptying a water vessel into an offering basin [121]
p) Jackal-headed god wearing a long skirt, holds mummy wrapping in his hands [101]
q) Jackal-headed god wearing a panther-skin cloak; in his left hand he holds strips of fabric and his right hand is
stretched out in front of him, holding a sxm scepter [139]
r) Jackal-headed god armed with knives [154]
s) Jackal-headed god with a taut bow [177]
t) Jackal-headed god, who originally held an object in his outstretched left hand [116]
u) Jackal with a mummy loop around his neck and flail over his back. He lies on the Hb hieroglyph [100]
v) Jackal reclining on a pedestal [70, 178], with a sxm scepter between his front paws, a flail above his back, and a loop
around his neck [70]
w) Jackal lying on an altar. At the side of the altar is Bes with his arms held high and the heads of the four sons of Heru
x) Reclining jackal with a key in front of his front paws [102]
y) Reclining jackal on a chest behind a gate; in the chest is a lion [93-94, cf 95-96, 107, 113]
z) A jackal (wnS) with a dark blue (wAD) face and a pale/bright rear portion; otherwise he is black. He is one of the xstt
animals of the 18th Upper Egyptian nome [30]
aa) A greyhound (Tsm) with a black face, red back, and white legs; the rest of it is black (qd irtyw). He is one of the xstt
animals of the 18th Upper Egyptian nome [31]
1. With Headdress:
a) Jackal-headed god with the double-crown [15, 25, 61, 71, 99, 180, 184, 192, 197], leading the deceased before Wesir
[71]. He holds the crook and flail in his hands [61, 192, 197].
b) Jackal-headed god with the double-crown and linen strip on his garment. He stretches out his arms to the mummy.
According to the demotic inscription, this is Yinepu with a leopard skin (bs) and mnxt bindings [150]
c) Reclining jackal on a pedestal with the double crown. There is a wAs scepter between his forepaws, a frond over his
back, and a loop around his neck [77, 124]
d) Jackal-headed mummy with mummy wrappings in his hands and a snake on his head [68] [cf E.b.]
D. Ram Forms:
a) Ram-headed god [8, 74-75, 142]; on the horns is a cobra [142]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
E. Falcon Forms:
a) Falcon-headed god [156-163, 166-170] with the double crown [156-163]
b) Jackal-headed falcon with the double crown [175]
F. Snake Forms:
a) He transforms himself into a large snake (HfAw aA) with two wings, each of which end in a knife. He has two flint
knives in his hands. There are six snakes running behind him, three to his right and three to his left [29]
G. Other:
a) Imiut [195]
b) sxm scepter on a pedestal; on the scepter hang two menit instruments [59-60, 78]. It is held/supported by Aset and
Nebt-het on either side, squatting. [78]
c) sxm scepter above a Sn ring; on the scepter hang two menit instruments [141]
Member of group of gods
a) First of three [95, 113] or four [94] gods, preceding a group of gods
b) Second of four gods [119]
c) First of six gods [154]
d) Seventh of seven gods, belonging to the college/quorum (DADAt) of a gate (sbxt) [37]
e) Eighth of eight gods [122]
f) Third of ten deities in the third section of the Book of Caves, who stand around the shrine of Wesir [1]
g) Third of ten deities, standing before the enthroned Wesir [50]
h) inpw *xnty sH nTr is 8th in a list of 15 deities [64]
i) inpw *imy wt is 9th in a list of 15 deities [64]
j) inpw *imy wt is 13th in a list of presumably 15 gods [63]
k) 10th of 14 14 invoked gods and groups of gods [146]
l) 18th of 20 forms of Yinepu [27]
m) 23rd of 26 (in total 52) deities, standing before the papyrus thicket of Chemmis [180]
n) 26th of about 26 deities [144]
o) God of the 20th [72] and 21st [92] days of the lunar month
p) 24th of 61 forms of the sun god in the term inpw *xnty sH nTr [141]
q) God of the day of I. Axt 23 [140, 156]; I. prt 28 [165]; III. prt 4 [166]; III. prt 7 [167]; III. prt 12 [168]; III. prt 14 [169]; III.
prt 20 [170]; III. prt 23 [157]; I. Smw 9 [158]; I. Smw 26 [159]; II. Smw 16 [160]; III. Smw 7 [161]; III. Smw 12 [162]; III.
Smw 22 [163]
In the term inpw *imy wt [166, 168]; inpw *nb int [162]; inpw *nb wnw [157]; inpw *xnty sH nTr [161]; inpw *nb tA Dsr
[159, 163
l) Variant to dwA mwt.f [165]
a) First in a group of gods [178]
b) Sixth god in a list of body parts [11-14]
c) 21st in a group of gods [179]
d) 62nd in a series of deities, crouching in the upper frieze of the outer sanctuary wall [153]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
a) One of the deities on a standard to the right side of st wrt of Heliopolis [36]
b) God, who is one of the gods of the ninth cave (nTrw qrrt psD nwt) [38-39, 41]
c) In a series of more gods [86-91, 93, 96, 98, 106, 108-109, 112, 114, 115, 117, 136, 195]
d) Last in a series of more gods in the term inpw *imy tA sty [196]
e) In a procession of gift bearers [155, 171, 174]
Predecessor: iwnt [36]
iwn mwt.f [72]
imy bAqw [37]
imn [158]
imsty [108]
inpw *nb wnt [27]
inpw dwn anwy [157]
ir rn.f Ds.f [195]
ann abwy [179]
aXmty [122]
wp wAwt [11, 92, 140]
wr snD [117]
wsir *Hry xAst [161]
wpdw [171, 174]
bAstt [146]
mAat *nbt pt *Hnwt tAwy [64]
mnTw [170]
mr xt.s [153]
niw and niwt [160]
nb ptrt [168]
nb nmtt m pt [169]
nnywt [38-39, 41]
nDHDH [195]
Hwt Hr *nbt iwnt [64]
Hwt Hr nbt Htpt [63]
Hwnt [86-91, 98, 106, 112]
Hpy [109]
Hpy *sA wsir [141]
Hr mxnty irty [115]
Hr *nb prw [166]
Hr *nb nTrw [167]
Hr *nb Sstyt [180]
xnsw [165]
xnty xm [13]
xnty Sps [14]
xntyt xAs [12]
Xnmw *nb niwt S [163]
sbk *nb rA Hwy [162]
spdw *nb iAbtt [159]
sxm a [1]
sTn irw.f [119]
Ssmw [144]
qbqb [37]
kkw [37]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
ddwn *xnty tA sty [196]
destroyed [50, 155-156]
iAty wA xpr m niwt [119]
imn and imnt [160]
in Hrt [165, 169]
inpw *nb wt [27]
ar iwtyw [115]
wp wAwt [72]
wr HkAw [166]
wr snD [114]
wsir [140]
wsir m […] [159]
wsir *nb tA Dsr [156]
bs aA *nb mAnw [141]
mAat [87-88]
naw [92]
nb nmtt m pt [167-168]
nb nmtt *nb pt [168]
npr [153]
nxbt *HDt nxn *Hnwt tAwy [64]
Hnb [146]
Hr mxnty irty [117]
Hr *nb Hbnw [171]
Hry ib tA [161]
Hry S.f *nb Hwt nn nsw [180]
xw Dt.f [163]
xpri [14]
xnfA [178]
xnsw m wAst [170]
xnty wArt.f [155]
sAwt [1]
sw [36]
sbk *nb kA [157]
sbk *nb gsy [162]
sbk ra *nb sw mnw [64]
smt [86, 89-91, 98, 106, 112, 136]
srqt [11-13]
sTt *nbt Abw [63]
Sw [50]
qbH snw.f [109]
dwA mwt.f [108]
dwn HAt [93]
dwn Hr [94, 113]
DHwty [95]
destroyed [158]
without inscription [179]
sStA [7]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
A. In Ritual Scenes:
1. Identification with Gods:
a) Title of Hr smA tAwy pA Xrd in a ritual scene (milk: irTt) [185]
2. In Connection with the King:
a) The king is his living image (snn anx) in a ritual scene (milk: irTt) [176, 188]
b) The queen is his daughter (sAt) in a ritual scene (carrying things: fAt xt) [181]
B. Part of a Longer Term:
a) In the term inpw *Hry ib iw m itrw [56]
b) The reciter identifies with him inpw *dni dnit [186]
c) In the term inpw *xnty Amm as a title of Wesir, who is in his misery (wsir m swt.f) [130]
C. In Connection with the Sun God:
a) Heading/title to a shape of the sun god (imy wt Hry mnxt) [16]
D. In Connection with the King:
a) The iwn mwt.f performs the opening of the mouth of the king with the opening of the mouth equipment of Yinepu
b) The way of the king should be opened, to stand before the Akhs as Yinepu, Foremost of the Westerners (xnty imntt)
c) The fingers of the king are as inpw *xnty sH nTr around the god [53]
E. In Connection with the Deceased:
a) The deceased comes outside when hearing (xrw) Yinepu’s voice (pr Hr), as he (Yinepu) transfigures (sAx) him (the
deceased) as Djehuty (DHwty) [26]
b) He is related to the shrine (mniwy) and raises (Ts) the deceased [42]
c) The deceased receives mrHt ointment from the arms of Yinepu [104]
d) He strengthens (srwD) the mummy wrappings (wt) of the deceased [105]
e) He crouches on the gate of the deceased (snDm.i Hr arrt.k) [113]
f) He rejuvenates (srnp) the bones of the deceased [114]
g) He calls to the deceased, to build a house that is in the earth [47]
h) In the term inpw *xnty tA wab as a title for the deceased [133]
i) The rod (mdw) belongs to the deceased in front of the Akhu like Yinepu as Khenty-Amenty [132]
F. In Connection with the Afterlife:
a) The gods of the middle register of the fourth hour of the Amduat guard (sAw) Yinepu in his image of the Pulling One
(sSm.f n sTA), when he passed by them in the holy land (tA Dsr) [6]
G. In a Funerary Context:
a) He treats (srwx) Wesir in the embalming site (wabt) [27]
b) He is with Djehuty behind Wesir in the first hour of the night, and greets him with a water offering (qbHw) [69]
c) He gives an offering as the chief of the defined land (xnty tA Dsr) [134]
d) He revised (ip) the secret [3]
e) A grave in the necropolis (xAst) of Yinepu [126]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
H. In Magical Spells:
a) If the words of a magician are not heard/answered against a headache (gs mAa), thus shall he allow Yinepu to sit
wrapped (afn) in the fur of a dog (iw) [34]
b) He works against the poison (mtwt) in a magical spell as Lord of the Lips (nb spty) [35]
c) The bTw snake in an unclear connection with the outflow of Yinepu (dbH rDw?) [66]
I. With Geographic Reference:
a) God ot the 17th [172] or 18th [173] Upper Egyptian nomes in a procession of relic bearers
b) Title of the temple god in a procession of nome gods (w of the 19th Lower Egyptian nome) [183]
c) God of the 18th Upper Egyptian nome in a procession of gods, who bring Wesir an ankh [184]
d) God of the 17th Upper Egyptian nome in a list of nome gods, who are each asked for different actions for the deceased
e) Together with Nit, Wadjet, Sekhmet, Bast, rSp *nTr aA, and HA *nb imntt, he is one of the gods of the west (nTrw
imntt) [148]
J. In a List of Body Parts:
a) The eyebrows (inHwy) are identified with him (var.: with the psDt) [43]
b) The leg (wart) of the deceased is Yinepu [23]
c) The crown (of the head) (wpt) is identified with him [46]
d) The back (psD) of the deceased is Yinepu [22]
e) The face (Hr) of Wesir is Yinepu [51]
f) The hands, arms, belly, back, buttocks, and legs of the king are Atum; the face (Hr) however is Yinepu [19]
g) The throat (Htyt) and trachea (Sbb) of the deceased are identified with him [48]
h) The lips (spty) of the deceased are identified with him [11-14, 58, 143, 193], in the second hour of the night rituals
[58] [cf H.b]
K. In a Catalogue of Ship Parts:
a) The front rope (HAtt) is the lock of hair (Hnskt), which Yinepu pegged (mni) through/by the work of the embalmer (kAt
wt) [17]
L. As Owner of Sanctuaries:
a) Mention of the chapel (tA aby) of Yinepu [191]
b) In the title Hry sStA of the temple (pr) of Yinepu [187]
c) Mention of the site of asylum (nHAt) of Yinepu [190]
M. Recipient of Offerings:
a) In a Htp di nsw formula [120, 128]
N. Recipient of Worship:
a) Litany for Yinepu [9]
O. In Word Play:
a) Someone should not decay (inp) [20], var. (irp [21]) in his name inpw [20-21]
b) Aset and Nebt-het can prevent (xw) the decay (rpw) of Wesir, in his name Yinepu [40]
P. Other Names:
a) He is a creature of the Hesat cow (qmA HsAt) [54]
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Q. Other:
a) The lifetime of humans (aHaw rmT) belongs to Yinepu, (when/if?) he swallows (sam) his father (the later could also
refer to Djehuty) [2]
b) In the title of a spell: To become Yinepu [18]
c) He fills himself (mH) with milk (irTt) [24]
d) Some/several explanations of his name [28]
e) He has increased/raised (sqA) the Beautiful Faced One (nfr (Hr)) [45]
f) Speech of Yinepu [52]
g) Main character in the Tale of Two Brothers [62]
h) The agamids (? kr) as appearance of Yinepu (aHa <.f n?> inpw) [65]
i) The eastern magic stele and/or the eastern magical brick contains a clay statue of Yinepu [76]
j) One brings (sDfA) Wesir with an iwA cattle, which Yinepu brought (in) him [145]
k) In a series of 50 deities of the mammisi, which calls the gods in their months (nTrw m Abdw.sn) and the excellent
ladies in their years (Spswt mnxwt m rnpwt) [164]
l) He holds an udjat eye [152]
Literature and Citations:
See page 393-394 of Band 1
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Also inpw m pr.f n tA Smaw; inpw n nfrt; inpw m Hwt rDw; inpw Hr sA Ast; inpw m xnt Hwt nt; inpw spdw; inpw m STyt;
inpw m Ddw
A. Cosmos
1. Heaven/Horizon
pr m Axt – Who comes forth from the horizon
nb pt – The Lord of Heaven
nb pt tA – The Lord of Heaven and Earth
nb SAs r pt – The Lord who wanders to the sky
Hry ib msqt – Who is in the midst of the msqt region of heaven
xy pt – The High Heaven
sxm m pt – The Powerful One of the Sky
dm pt – Who cuts through the sky
2. Sun
nb sHD – The Lord of Lights
3. Moon
naST aA n wDAt – The Great Strength of the Udjat Eye
5. Wind
dd TAw n nty m DbAt – Who gives air to the one in the coffin
7. Earth/World
nb pt tA – The Lord of Heaven and Earth
nb tA – The Lord of the Earth
tpy tA – Who is on the earth
8. Underworld
iry aA mtr n dwAt – The exact doorkeeper of the Duat
wpwty aA n dwAt – The great messenger of the Duat
wr m dwAt – The Great one in the Duat
pr aA n dwAt – The Pharaoh of the Duat
nb qrrt – The Lord of the Cave/Cavern
nb qrrt m tA Dsr - The Lord of the Cave/Cavern in the Necropolis
nb qrrwt - The Lord of the Caves/Caverns
nb dwAt – The Lord of the Duat
nb dwAt igrt – The Lord of the Duat of the Realm of the Dead
nb dwAt Dsrt – The Lord of the elevated/sublime Duat
rs n dwAt – The Guardian of the Duat
dd awy.fy m rA n qrrt – Who gives his arms at the entrance of the cave
Hry ib pr nfr m Xnw dwAt – Who is in the midst of the embalming house within the Duat
Hry tp imnt – Head/Chief of the Underwold
xnty qrrt.f – Head/Chief of his cave
xnty dwAt – Head/Chief of the Duat
Xry Hb tpy n dwAt – The first lector priest of the Duat
sAw mtr n dwAt – The exact guardian of the Duat
Dwi nbw xrt wsir m TpHt.f – Who calls the Lords of Requirement and Wesir in his cave
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
B. Topography
1. Nomes
nb wnt – The Lord of the 15th Upper Egyptian nome
nb nDft xntyt – The Lord of the 13th Upper Egyptian nome
nb tA wr – The Lord (of nomes) of Abydos
nb dwn anwy – The Lord of the 18th Upper Egyptian nome (or nome capital Hardai)
nsw m tA wr – The Upper Egyptian King in Abydos
Hry ib Atft – Who is in the midst of the 12th Upper Egyptian nome
Hry ib wADyt – Who is in the midst of the 10th Upper Egyptian nome
Hry inpwt – The head of the 17th Upper Egyptian nome
2. Place Names
imy wt m Ddw – Who is in the embalming place in Busiris
imy tAxbt – Who is in tAxbt (unknown location)
inpw n pr Hapy – Yinepu of Per Hapi (Atar en-Nebi; Nile port of Heliopolis south of Babylon)
pr m Ddw – Who comes out of Busiris
nb AbDw – The Lord of Abydos
nb iw m itrw – The Lord of iw m itrw (El Mahamid/Er Rizeiqat by Armant)
nb int – The Lord of the Valley (unknown location)
nb inrty – The Lord of Gebelein
nb anx tAwy – The Lord of Memphis
nb wnw – The Lord of Hermopolis
nb wtyw – The Lord of the Residents of wt (unknown location)
nb mint – The Lord of mint (unknown location in the 10th Upper Egyptian nome)
nb rA – The Lord of rA
nb Hwt rDw – The Lord of the House of the Effluents (unknown location in the 18th Upper Egyptian nome)
nb Hnw n sAkA – The Lord of Hnw (unknown location) of sAkA (unknown location in the 17th Upper Egyptian nome)
nb Hr spr – The Lord of Hr spr (= Hardai?)
nb Hrdi – The Lord of Hardai
nb xm – The Lord of Letopolis
nb sAwt – The Lord of Assyut
nb sAkA – The Lord of Sako (unknown location in the 17th Upper Egyptian nome)
nb sipty m rA Aw – The Lord of Investigation in Tura
nb spA – The Lord of Sepa (unknown location in the 18th Upper Egyptian nome)
nb sxm m AbDw – The Lord of the Scepter in Abydos
nb Srpt – The Lord of Srpt (unknown location by Hardai)
nb Sspt – The Lord of Sspt (Harageh at the Fayum output)
nb Sstyt – The Lord of Sstyt (unknown location in the 17th Upper Egyptian nome)
nb tA HD – The Lord of the Land of Light (unknown location by Gebelein)
nty m iwnw – Who is in Heliopolis
nty m inbw HD – Who is in Memphis
nty m wAst – Who is in Thebes
nty m nn nsw – Who is in Herakleopolis
nty m xmnw – Who is in Hermopolis
nty m sAwt – Who is in Asyut
nTr aA m iAt nTryt – The great god in the holy place (unknown location by Philae)
nTr aA m Hwt rDw – The great god in the house of the effluents (unknown location in the 18th Upper Egyptian nome)
nTr aA m sAwt – The great god in Asyut
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
nTr aA m tA rr – The great god in Dendara
Hry ib AbDw – Who is in the midst of Abydos
Hry ib iAt TAmt – Who is in the midst of the Hills of Djeme
Hry ib iw m itrw – Who is in the midst of Imiotru (El Mahamid)
Hry ib iwnt – Who is in the midst of Dendara
Hry ib bHdt – Who is in the midst of Edfu
Hry ib hbt – Who is in the midst of Hibis
Hry ib Hwt inpw – Who is in the midst of the House of Yinepu
Hry ib SAs Htp – Who is in the midst of SAs Htp (unknown location in the 11th Upper Egyptian nome)
Hry ib DArt – Who is in the midst of DArt (unknown location)
Hry ib Ddw – Who is in the midst of Busiris
Hry sStA n wsir AlbH – Who is over the mystery of Wesir of AlbH (unknown location north of Busiris)
xw it.f wsir m Dw qA m snmt – Who protects his father, Wesir, on the high hill on Bigga
xnty anx tAwy – Foremost of Memphis
xnty wTst Hr – Foremost of Edfu
xnty bHdt – Foremost of Edfu
xnty p msn – Foremost of Edfu
xnty niwt xprr – Foremost of the City of the Scarab (= Abydos)
xnty Hwt wDAt – Foremost of the House of the Udjat Eye
xnty st DbAt – Foremost of the Place of the Coffin
xnty spA – Foremost of spA (unknown location in the 18th Upper Egyptian nome)
xnty tA rr – Foremost of Dendara
xnty tA HD – Foremost of tA HD (unknown location by Gebelein)
xntyw msn – Foremost of Mesen
sSm tAwy m inbw HD – Who leads/directs the two lands in Memphis
sStA Dt.f m bHdt rsyt – Whose body is hidden in southern bHdt (= Edfu)
tpy Dw.f nb hn nty Hr mHty n inbw HD – Who is on his mountain, the lord of the chest/box, which is north of Memphis
tpy Dw.f m snmt – Who is on his mountain in Bigga
3. Lands, Regions, and People Names
imy tA sty – Who is in Nubia
nb idHw – The Lord of the Delta
nb tA sty – The Lord of Nubia
nb tAwy – The Lord of the Two Lands
nb tAwy … ? … – The Lord of the Two Lands and … ? …
Hry tp tAwy – The Head/Chief of the Two Lands
xnty tAwy – Foremost of the Two Lands
4. Shrines
ip ibw xx m wsxt mAaty – Who counts and weighs hearts in the Hall of Two Truths
imy wt m Hryt ib – Who is in the embalming place in the central hall
imy pr.f – Who is in his house
imy Hwt dwA mwt.f – Who is in the temple of Duamutef
ir kAt nt it.f m qAb Hwt nbw – Who performs the work of his father inside the House of Gold
wr STyt – The Great One of the Shetyt shrine
mxnty sH nTr – Foremost of the tent of god
nw it.f wsir m wabt – Who clothes his father, Wesir, in the Place of Embalming
nw Haw nTr m pr.f – Who envelopes the body of god in his house
nb ipt.f - The Lord of his Sanctuary
nb is – The Lord of his Laboratory
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
nb at imnt – The Lord of the hidden chamber
nb aAwy – The Lord of the two door wings
nb wabt – The Lord of the embalming place
nb pr dwAt StAt – The Lord of the house of the secret Duat
nb Hwt bnw – The Lord of the House of the Bennu (Phoenix)
nb Hwt tnw – The Lord of Hwt tnw
nb sH nTr – The Lord of the tent of god
nb STyt – The Lord of the Sheyt shrine
nb tp n st mAat – The Lord of the Head of the Place of Ma’at
nb Tnnt – The Lord of the Tjenenet shrine
nTr aA m iAt dit – The Great God in iAt dit (Temple of Aset in Dendara)
nTr aA xnty rs wDA – The great god of the atrium of the intact Awakening One
nTr aA m st nfrt – The Great god at the beautiful place
di mrHt mnxt r xnt Hwt nbw – Who gives oil and linen to the House of Gold
Hry ib bHdw – Who is in the midst of the throne (= Edfu)
Hry ib pr nfr – Who is in the midst of the embalming house
Hry ib pr nfr m Xnw dwAt – Who is in the midst of the embalming house within the Duat
Hry ib Hwt mn mAat ra – Who is in the midst of the temple of Seti I (Abydos Temple)
Hry ib Hwt nTr Ax stXy mr n ptH m pr imn Hr imntt wAst – Who is in the midst of the temple of Seti I, who is magnificent
in the Temple of Amun district in the west of Thebes
Hry ib st wrt – Who is in the midst of the great throne seat
Hry ib sH nTr – Who is in the midst of the tent of god
Hry ib STyt – Who is in the midst of Schetit
Hry sStA sH nTr – Who is over the secret of the tent of god
Hry tp n pr nfr – The Chief/Head of the Embalming House
Hry tp m pr nfr – The Chief/Head in the Embalming House
Hry tp st StAt – The Chief/Head of the Hidden Seat
xnty aH – Foremost of the Palace
xnty wabt – The Front of the Embalming Hall
xnty p n Hr – Foremost of the Seat of Heru
xnty pr fA wsir in Hmt.f – Foremost of the House, which is Wesir is brought to by his wife
xnty pr nxw wsir – Foremost of the House of Protection of Wesir
xnty pr rm.tw im n wsir – Foremost of the House in which one cries/grieves for Wesir
xnty pr Smswt – Foremost of pr Smswt
xnty pr qrst wsir – Foremost of the House of the Burial of Wesir
xnty Hwt papa – Foremost of the Birth Houses
xnty Hwt nTr – Foremost of the Temples
xnty Hwt skr rsyt – Foremost of the Southern House of Sokar
xnty Hwt dwn anwy – Foremost of the Temple of Dunanwy
xnty st wrt – Foremost of the Great Seat
xnty st Hwt nTr – Foremost of the site of the temple
xnty sH nTr pr HsAt – Foremost of the divine tent of the House of Hesat
xnty sH nTr nTrwy – Foremost of the divine tent of the two gods
xnty sH nTr m Hryt ib – Foremost of the divine tent in the central hall
xnty sH nTr m swt.f nbwt – Foremost of the divine tent in all his sites
xnty sH nTr m swt.f nbwt nfrwt – Foremost of the divine tent in all his sites
xnty sH nTr m swt.f nbwt nfrwt wabwt – Foremost of the divine tent in all his beautiful and pure sites
xntyt STyt – Foremost of Shetit
xnty Tnnt – Foremost of the Tnnt sanctuary
xnty Dsr Dsrw – Foremost of Dsr Dsrw (Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari)
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
xntyw Hwt wsir – Foremost of the Temple of Wesir
Xty Hb tpy n st mAat – The First Lector Priest at the Place of Ma’at
Xry Hb tpy st StAt – The first lector priest of the secret place
sA Ast m Hwt Hnsktyt – The son of Aset in the House of the Widow
sA it.f wsir m pr qA – The protection of his father, Wesir, in the high house
sA it.f m pr qA – The protection of his father in the high house
sax it.f m wabt – Who transfigures/glorifies his father in the high house
swA bs r xf STyt – The flame/flaming one … ? …, to illuminate the Shetit sanctuary
sHr sbiw r Hwt HmAg – Who keeps away the enemies from the House of the Wrapped One
sStA Dt.f m pr qrst wsir – Who hides his body in the House of the Funeral of Wesir
sqr tbn m Hwt xnmt – Who strikes the tambourine in the mammisi
sdwx it.f wsir m wabt – Who embalms his father, Wesir, in the site of embalming
sdwx Haw nTr n it.f wsir m wabt – Who embalms the divine body of his father, Wesir, in the site of embalming
sdwx Haw Ntr n Dfn.f m wabt – Who embalms the divine body of his ancestor in the site of embalming
6. Cardinal Points
imy imntt – Who is in the West
imnty swt.f – The Western One of his Sites
aA imntt – The Great One of the West
pr aA nA n imntt – The Pharaoh of the Western Ones
nb imntt – The Lord of the West
nb spAt imntt – The Lord of the Western Nomes
Hry ib qAyt imntt – Who is in the midst of the western hill
Hry sStA m imntt – Who is over the mystery in the west
Hry tp spAt imntt – The head/chief of the district of the west
HqA imntt – The Ruler of the West
HqA imntt nfrt – The Ruler of the Beautiful West
HqA mAnw – The Ruler of the Western Mountain
xnty mAnw – Foremost of the Western Mountain
spr r mAnw – Who arrives at the western mountain
sxm imntt – The power of the west
tpy Dw.f nb hm nty Hr mHty n inbw HD – Who is on his mountain, the Lord of the Chest/Box, which is north of Memphis
7. Necropolis
imy Xrt nTr – Who is in the necropolis
wab aA n arq HHw – The great wab priest of the necropolis of Abydos
mryty Hr tA Dsr – The Beloved One in the Necropolis
nb igrt – The Lord of the Necropolis
nb rA sTAw – The Lord of Rosetau
nb rA qrrt – The Lord of rA qrrt (necropolis of Assyut)
nb Xrt nTr – The Lord of the necropolis
nb st Dsrt – The Lord of the holy site
nb qrrt m tA Dsr – The Lord of the Cave in the necropolis
nb qrst aAt m rA qrrt – The Lord of the great burial in rA qrrt (necropolis of Asyut)
nb qrst m Xrt nTr – The lord of the funeral in the realm of the dead
nb tA Dsr – The lord of the holy land
nb tA Dsr m swt.f nbwt – The Lord of the necropolis in all his sites
nb tA Dsr m swt.f nbwt nfrwt – The Lord of the necropolis in all his perfect sites
nb tA Dsr m swt.f nbwt nfwrt wabwt – The Lord of the necropolis in all his perfect and pure sites
nb dwAt igrt – The lord of the duat and the realm of the dead
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
nb Dsrt – The lord of the holy land
nTr aA imy Xrt nTr – The great god who is in the realm of the dead
Hry ib rA sTAw – Who is in the midst of Rosetau
Hry ib Xrt nTr – Who is in the midst of the necropolis
Hry ib tA igrt – Who is in the midst of the realm of the dead
Hry ib Dsrt – Who is in the midst of the necropolis
Hry sStA tA Dsr – Who is over the secret of the necropolis
Hry tp Xrt nTr – The Chief/Head of the necropolis
Hry tp tA Dsr – The Chief/Head of the necropolis
HqA igrt – The Ruler of the realm of the dead
xnty igrt – Foremost of the realm of the dead
xnty nTrw nbw Xrt nTr – Foremost of the gods, the lords of the necropolis
xnty rA sTAw – Foremost of Rosetau
xnty Xrt nTr – Foremost of the necropolis
xnty tA Dsr – Foremost of the defined land (= necropolis)
Xry Hb tpy m st tA Dsr – The first lector priest in the place of the necropolis
Xrt nTr m Drt.f – In whose hand is the necropolis
spd sxrw m Xrt nTr – He with effective plans in the necropolis
srq igrt – Who allows the realm of the dead to breathe
8. Other
nb iAt – The Lord of the Hill
nb niwt – The Lord of the City
nb hn m st.f nbt – The Lord of the Chest/Box at each of his sites
nb xAst – The Lord of the Foreign Country
nb swt StAwt – The Lord of the Secret Places
nb swnw – The Lord of the Fortress
nb spAt imntt – The Lord of the Western nome
nb smyt – The Lord of the Desert
nb tA anx – The Lord of the Land of the Life
nb tA wt – The Lord of the Land of Embalming
nb tA StA – The Lord of the Secret Land
nb tpy Dw.f – The Lord, who is on his mountain
nTr aA m st.f nbt – The great god at each of his sites
Hry iAt – Who is over the hill
Hry ib iAt – Who is in the midst of the hill
Hry ib wAt – Who is in the midst of the way
Hry ib qAyt imntt – Who is in the midst of the western hill
Hry ib tAw nfrwt – Who is in the midst of the lands of cows
Hry tp Dw.f – Head/Chief of his hill
Hry Dw.f – Who is on his mountain
HD mwt.f m iyHw – Whose mother spreads the wings in the midst of the marsh plants
xa m qAyt – Who appears on the hill
xnty at imnt – Foremost of the hidden room
xnty spAwt – Foremost of the nome
xnty tA wab – Foremost of the pure land
xnty Tn – Foremost of the shore mountains (?)
tpy Dw.f – Who is on his mountain
tpy Dw.f nb hn nty Hr mHty n inbw HD – Who is on his mountain, the lord of the chest/box, which is north of Memphis
tpy Dw.f m snmt – Who is on his mountain in Bigga
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
tpy Dw.f Dt – Who is forever on his hill
dr stX m niwt nbt – Who drives out Set from each city
C. Fauna/Flora
1. Animals
iwiw – The dog
iwiw km – The black dog
bik – The falcon
bik nTry – The divine falcon
bnn - … ? …
mAi – The Lion
nb wp – The Lord of the Milk Cow
Hr n iwiw – The face of the dog
sAb – The jackal
sAb xAx sw m nmtt.f – The jackal, hurrying in his movement
sAb Sps – The magnificent jackal
siAw nTry – The divine falcon
Sr n (wa) wnS whr – The child of a jackal and a dog
kA gs.f – The bull of his site
2. Plants
sSn pr m Xnw srpt nt pnwstr – The lotus flower, which comes forth from the lotus of pnwstr
E. Development
1. Primordial Deity
HAt nTrw xprw Hr sA – The beginning of the gods, who developed thereafter
2. Creator/Mother Goddess
ms tpw – Who creates the heads
3. Child
pr m xy m tm – Who comes forth as a child of Atum
snT nxn – The youthful creature
Sr n (wa) wnS whr – The child of a jackal and a dog
4. Elder God
iAw – The Old one
F. Life/Death
1. Renewal/Rebirth
wHm anx m … ? … – Who repeats life as … ? …
3. Other
nb anx – The Lord of Life
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
G. Intellectual Properties
1. Knowledge
spd sxrw m Xrt nTr – He with effective plans in the necropolis
sr wAt – Who announces the way
sxpr rA.f – Who allows his saying/utterance to develop
2. Moral/Justice
nb mAat – The Lord of Ma’at
smA mAat – Who unites with Ma’at
H. Physical Properties
1. Personal Strength
aA pHty – He with great strength
wr pHty – He with great strength
wsr pHty mi sn.f mnx – He with great strength like his admirable brother
bA tkk – The Belligerent Ba
pr a – He with extending arm
naS – The Strong One
nxt xpS – He with the strong arm
rwD awy Xr DAa m sA xftyw.f – The strong armed one with a knife behind his enemies
sxm Hr – He with a mighty face
tqr pHty – He with tremendous force
tqr pHty m st wnn.f – He with tremendous force at the place where he is
Tnr – The strong one
3. Speed/Agility
pA nty fA fks Hr rd wa – Who jumps on a leg
pD nmtt r sHr wAmmty – He with the outstretched step/stride, in order to repel wAmmty
nb prt – The Lord of Going Out
sAb xAx sw m nmtt.f – The jackal, hurrying in his movement
5. Physical Features and Body Parts
wr snsn mswt – He with great breathing and birth
pgA dmAty.fy HA it.f – Who spreads his wings around his father
pD dmAty.fy HA it.f – Who spreads his wings around his father
nb irw – The Lord of the Form(s)
nb spty – The Lord of the Lips
nb Sny – The Lord of the Hair
nxt Hr.f (r) iwd nTrw – Whose face is strong under the gods
nTr aA m StA awy – The Great god as the one with secret arms
xy – The high one
sHtp ib.f m mr.f – Who satisfies his heart with what he loves
qA HAt – He with the high front
kAwt wsrt m tpy iAt.f – He with the raised/exalted neck as the one who is on his standard
TAy – The manly one
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
I. Other Attributes
1. Weapons
nb inin – The Lord of Knives
rwD awy Xr DAa m sA xftyw.f – The strong-armed one with a knife behind his enemies
stp stX m sAw.f – Who slaughters Set with his knife
2. Clothing and Jewelry
sXkr – The decorated/adorned one
txn Dt.sn m snD n sxmt – Whose body is hidden by (the garb) of ‘Formidableness of Sekhmet’
L. Personal Elements (Ba, Ka, etc)
bA tkk – The Belligerent Ba
M. As an Acting Deity
1. As an Equipping/Supplying/Sacrificing Deity
abA xrpw n mwt.f Ast – Who offers cattle to his mother, Aset
nb prt xrw – The Lord of Offerings
di mrHt mnxt r xnt Hwt nbw – Who gives oil and linen to the House of Gold
DbA psDt – Who clothes the Ennead
2. As a Punitive Deity
in pHwy n wd qn – Who puts an end to the one who arranges mischief
bHn xftyw – Who cuts his enemies
Hw rqw m wsr.f – He who beats the adversary because of his strength
sxr xftyw.f – Who causes his enemes to fall
sxr stX – Who brings Set to fall
stp stX m sAw.f – Who slaughters Set with his knife
3. As a Helping/Charitable Deity
ir Axw – Who makes the useful things
ir sxrw nb imntt – Who executes the plans of the Lord of the West
rmn iwn – Who carries the pillar
dd awy.fy Hr wsir – Who puts his arms on Wesir
dd aw.fy <Hr> nty <m> iAt – Who puts his hands on that which is in the hill
dd awy.fy m rA n qrrt – Who gives his arms at the entrance of the cave
dd TAw n nty m DbAt – Who gives air to those in the coffin
sar it.f n nTr aA – Who lets his father ascend to the great god
swr qmA sw m kAt.f – He who makes the creator great through his work
4. As a Protective Deity
ir nht n it.f – Who prepares the protection for his father
psDt rst Hr wsir – The Ennead, who watches over Wesir
pgA dmAty.fy HA it.f – Who spreads his wings around his father
pD dmAty.fy HA it.f – Who spreads his wings around his father
nDty Hr it.f – The Protector of his father
nDty n it.f wsir – The protector of his father, Wesir
nDty mnx n it.f wsir – The admirable protector of his father, Wesir
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
nDty mnx n wnn nfr mAa xrw – The admirable protector of Wenennefer, the Justified One
nDty mnx n rs wDA – The admirable protector of the intact awakening one
nDty nfr – The perfect protector
xw it.f wsir m Dw qA m snmt – Who protects his father, Wesir, on the high hill on Bigga
xw nb.f – Who protects his lord
sA it.f wsir – The protection of his father, Wesir
sA it.f wsir m pr qA – The protection of his father, Wesir, in the high house
swDA rs wDA – Who allows the intact awakening one to be safe
sHr imyw […] – Who keeps those who are in *…+
sHr sbiw – Who drives out the enemies
sHr sbiw r Hwt HmAg – Who keeps out the enemies of the House of the Wrapped One
th th mTn n anx Htp – He who takes action against the one who crosses the path of the one who lives and rests
dr stX m niwt nbt – Who drives out Set from each city
7. As a Grieving Deity
qA n ianw – The high one in lamentation (= with loud lamenting)
9. As a Laudatory/Musician Deity
HqA m sr – The ruler with the tambourine
sqr tbn m Hwt xnmt – Who strikes the tambourine in the mammisi
10. Other
abA tAwy – Who directs the two lands
war – The Fugitive
sHtp nTrw nbw – Who satisfies all the gods
sStA snT – Who makes the body secret
Ts mAqt – Who ties together the ladder
dni dnit – Who restrains the dam
Dsr qmA.f – Who makes that which he has created, elevated/sublime
N. Recipient of the Actions of Others
1. Recipient of Worship
nb qbHw – The Lord of the Water Donation
O. Rule
1. Titles of Rule
ity n wSbw – The Ruler of the wSb cattle
pr aA nA n imntt – The Pharaoh of the Western Ones
pr aA n dwAt – The Pharaoh of the Duat
nsw m tA wr – The Upper Egyptian King in Abydos
HqA imntt – The Ruler of the West
HqA imntt nfrt – The Ruler of the Beautiful West
HqA igrt – The Ruler of the Realm of the Dead
HqA anxw – The Ruler of the Living
HqA mAnw – The Ruler of the Western Mountain
HqA m sr – The Ruler with the Tambourine
HqA Dt – The Ruler of Eternity
sr DADAt – The Prince of the College/Quorum
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
sr DbAt.f – The Prince of his Coffin
6. Unification of the Two Lands
wp Sat tAwy – Who conciliates the fight between the two lands
7. Crowns
nb wrrt – The Lord of the Upper Egyptian crown
sxm HDt – He with the powerful white crown
10. Other Insignia of Rule
nb sxm – The Lord of Scepters
nb sxm m AbDw – The Lord of Scepters in Abydos
rdi sxm.f m DbAt.f – Who puts his scepter in his coffin
P. Family Relations
1. Blood Relations
ir m Ahw it.f – Who treats the miserable condition of his father
ir mnxt n it.f wsir – Who prepares the cloth bindings for his father, Wesir
ir nht n it.f – Who prepares the protection for his father
irk At nt it.f m qAb Hwt nbw – Who performs the work of his father inside the House of Gold
[…] it.f wsir – *…+ his father, Wesir
abA xrpw n mwt.f Ast – Who offers cattle to his mother, Aset
wr wsir – The Great one of Wesir
wsr pHty mi sn.f mnx – He with great power like his admirable brother
pr m wsir – Who comes out of Wesir
pr m xy m tm – Who comes forth as a child of Atum
pgA dmAty.fy HA it.f – Who spreads his wings around his father
pD dmAty.fy HA it.f – Who spreads his wings around his father
fdw nw n msw ra – Fourth of the children of Ra
nw it.f wsir m wabt – Who clothes his father, Wesir, in the Place of Embalming
nDty Hr it.f – The Protector of his father
nDty n it.f wsir – The protector of his father, Wesir
nDty mnx n it.f wsir – The admirable protector of his father, Wesir
rs Hr it.f – Who watches over his father
rs r Dsrw ir sw – He who watches over the seclusion of the one who created him
di mnxty n it.f – Who gives his father the two strips of fabric
Hd mwt.f m iyHw – Whose mother spreads the wings in the midst of the marsh plants
xw it.f wsir m Dw qA m snmt – Who protects his father, Wesir, on the high hill on Bigga
sA Ast – The son of Aset
sA Ast m Hwt Hnsktyt – The son of Aset in the House of the Widow
sA wsir – The son of Wesir
sA bAstt – The son of Bast
sA nbt Hwt – The son of Nebt-het
sA nfr n wsir – The perfect son of Wesir
sA nsw wr tpy – The first great son of the king
sA nTr – The son of a god
sA ra – The son of Ra
sA it.f wsir – The protection of his father, Wesir
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
sA it.f wsir m pr qA – The protection of his father, Wesir, in the high house
sA it.f m pr qA – The protection of his father in the high house
… ? … Sps it.f – The magnificent … ? … his father
sAx it.f m wabt – Who transfigures his father in Abaton
sam it.f wsir – Who swallows his father, Wesir
sar it.f n nTr aA – Who allows his father to ascend to the great god
swr qmA sw m kAt.f – He who makes the creator great through his work
sdwx it.f wsir m wabt – Who embalms his father, Wesir, in the site of embalming
sdwx Haw nTr n it.f – Who embalms the divine body of his father
sdwx Haw nTr n it.f wsir m wabt – Who embalms the divine body of his father, Wesir, in the site of embalming
qmA HsAt – Who creates Hesat
Dwi nbw xrt wsir m TpHt.f – Who calls the Lords of Requirement and Wesir in his cave
Q. Origin of the Deity
pr m antyw – Who comes out of the myrrh
pr m nTr – Who comes out of (as?) a god
pr m HAty n SAy aA – Who comes out of the great heart of Shai
R. Social/Material Position
1. As a Popular/Contented Deity
mryty – The Beloved One
mryty n psDt – The Beloved One of the Ennead
2. As a Respected Deity
aA – The Great One
nTr aA – The Great God
nTr aA wr – The very great god
nTr Sps – The exalted god
Sps – The Magnificent One
Dsr – The Unapproachable One
2. As a Unique/Hidden Deity
imn sSmw.f – Whose form is hidden
wa m psDt aAt – The Unique One in the Great Ennead
pA nty sStA – The one who is secret
Hry sStA – Who is over the secret
Hry sStA.f – Who is over his secret
Hry sStA m imntt – Who is over the secret in the west
Hry sStA n wnn nfr – Who is over the secret of Wenennefer
Hry sStA n wsir AlbH – Who is over the secret of Wesir of AlbH (unknown location north of Busiris)
Hry sStA nA nw dwAt – Who is over the secret of those of the Duat
Hry sStA sH nTr – Who is over the secret of the tent of god
Hry sStA tA Dsr – Who is over the secret of the necropolis
sStA irw.f – Whose form is secret
sStA Dt.f m bHdt rsyt – Whose body is hidden in southern bHdt (= Edfu)
sStA Dt.f m pr qrst wsir – Who hides his body in the House of the Burial of Wesir
StA xprw – He with secret manifestations
4. As a Perfect/Excellent Deity
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
nTr nfr – The perfect god
5. As a Feared/Violent Deity
wr snD – Who enjoys great respect
pD nmtt r sHr wAmmty – He with the outstretched step/stride, in order to repel wAmmty
nb axw – The Lord of the Brazier (fire bowl)
Hry tp xryt – The head/chief of the carcass/slaughter animal
txn Dt.sn m snD n sxmt – Whose body is hidden by (the garb) of ‘Formidableness of Sekhmet’
6. As a Powerful/Successful Deity
wsr – The Powerful One
sxm nTrw – The Powerful One of the Gods
sxm Sps – The Exalted Power
8. Other Social/Material Position
nTr nTry – The divine god
Hry ib imAx – Who is admist the full supply
Hry ib psDt – Who is in the midst of the Ennead
Hry nTrw – Who is over the gods
Hry tp wr Axw fdw Spsw – The great leader of the four magnificent Akhu
Hry tp psDt – The head/chief of the Ennead
Hry tp nTrw nbw – The head/chief of all the gods
xnty .. ? … – Foremost … ? …
xnty Amm – First of seizing/grasping
xnty Xt psDt – Foremost of the body of the nine gods
xnty Smsw – Foremost of the entourage/suite
xnty kAw anxw nbw – Foremost of all the living Kau
Smsw n nTrw nbw r nHH – The Follower of the Gods, the Lords of Eternity
9. Relation to Other Deities
imy rA Axt n ra – The head/chief of the fields of Ra
ir sxrw nb imntt – Who executes the plans of the Lord of the West
psDt rst Hr wsir – The Ennead, who watches over Wesir
mAwty Sps iw.f m tA Tnn – The magnificent image (?), who comes as Tatenen
nTr aA xnty rs wDA – The great god of the vestibule of the intact Awakening one
nDty mnx n wnn nfr mAa xrw – The excellent protector of Wenennefer, the Justified One
nDty mnx n ts wDA – The excellent protector of the intact awakening one
rmn iwn – Who carries the pillar
dd awy.fy Hr wsir – Who puts his arms on Wesir
dd aw.fy <Hr> nty <m> iAt – Who puts his hands on that which is in the hill
dd TAw n nty m DbAt – Who gives air to those in the coffin
Hry sStA n wnn nfr – Who is over the secret of Wenennefer
Hry sStA n wsir AlbH – Who is over the secret of Wesir of AlbH (unknown location north of Busiris)
Hry sStA nA nw dwAt – Who is over the secret of those of the Duat
sty ra – The representative/substitute of Ra
swDA rs wDA – Who allows the intact awakening one to be safe
snfr Haw nTr n dmD awt – He who makes the divine body of the one with united body parts ideal/perfect
sStA wt n wsir – Who makes the embalming hidden for Wesir
stp stX m sAw.f – Who slaughters Set with his knife
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
sdwx Haw nTr n fnD.f anx –Who embalms the divine body of he whose nose is alive
th th mTn n anx Htp – He who takes action against the one who crosses the path of the one who lives and rests (= Wesir)
Ts tp n imn rn.f – Whose head is linked with the hidden name
Ts tp n aA xrt – Whose head is linked to the great requirement
Ts tp n HqA dwAt – Whose head is linked to the Ruler of the Duat
Ts tp n xnty qrrt.f – Whose head is linked to the head of his cave
dr stX m niwt nbt – Who drives out Set from each city
S. Activity/Work
2. Priest
imy xnt pr nfr – The imy xnt priest of the House of Embalming
wab aA n arq HHw – The great wab priest of the necropolis of Abydos
wab Xry Hb n st aAt – The purification priest and lector priest of the great site
Xry Hb – The lector priest
Xry Hb tpy – The first lector priest
Xry Hb tpy n st wnn nfr – The first lector priest of the site of Wenennefer
Xry Hb tpy n st mAat – The first lector priest of the site of Ma’at
Xry Hb tpy st StAt – The first lector priest of the secret place
Xry Hb tpy m st tA Dsr – The first lector priest in the place of the necropolis
Xry Hb tpy n dwAt – The first lector priest of the Duat
sA mr.f – His beloved son
sm – The Sem priest
3. Judge
Hry mabAyt – The highest one of the court of justice of the thirty
4. Guard
iwty aaw – Who never sleeps
iry aA mtr n dwAt – The exact door guardian of the Duat
mnhs mnx – The excellent guardian
rs Hr it.f – Who watches over his father
rs n dwAt – The guardian of the Duat
rs r Dsrw ir sw – He who watches over the seclusion of the one who created him
sAw m irw.f – The Guardian in his form
sAw mtr n dwAt – The exact guardian of the Duat
6. Other
Ax awy – He with skillful arms
imy rA AHt n ra – The head/chief of the fields of Ra
imy rA iHw – The chief of the herd
imy rA iHw nfr – The good chief of the herd
imy rA Snwt – The chief of the barn
wpwty aA n dwAt – The great messenger of the Duat
wpwty mnmnt – The messenger of the cattle
wr swnw – The great physician/doctor
nb iry mxAt – The Lord of the check weighman, juror, inspector of weights and measures
nb sipty m rA Aw – The Lord of the Revision in Tura
rmnwty – The Carrier/Companion
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
Hry tp mniww – The head/chief of the shepherds
Hry tp mnmnt – The head/chief of the herd
tAyty sAb TAty – Wesir
T. Temple and Cult
1. Ritual
nb abw – The Lord of Purification
nb Hsmn – The Lord of Natron
sAx it.f m wabt – Who transfigures his father in Abaton
swA wab – Who passes/moves through purely
2. Festivals
xnty Hb sd – Foremost of the Sed festival
4. Barques and Other Ships
imy wiA.f – Who is in his barque
wtT Hnw – Who generates/produces the barque of Sokar
nb Hnw – The Lord of the Hnw barque
Hnw – Hnw (the personified Barque of Sokar)
sTA <wiA n> HH – Who pulls the barque of millions
5. Sacred Object
mniwy – Who belongs to his shrine
nb hn – The lord of the chest/box
nb hn m st.f nbt – The lord of the chest/box in each of his sites
Hry tp hn – Who is on the chest/box
Htp Hr hn – Who rests on the chest/box
kAwt wsrt m tpy iAt.f – He with the raised/exalted neck as the one who is on his standard
tpy mniw.f – Who is on his shrine
tpy Dw.f nb hn nty Hr mHty n inbw HD – Who is on his mountain, the lord of the chest/box, which is north of Memphis
Ts iAt – Who bears/carries the standard
U. Death Cult
1. Embalming
imy wabt – Who is in the pure site
imy wt – Who is in the embalming site
imy wt m Hryt ib – Who is in the embalming site in the central hall
imy wr m swt nbwt – Who is in the embalming site at all the sites
imy wt m Ddw – Who is in the embalming site in Busiris
imy xnt pr nfr – Who is in the tent of god
ir m Ahw it.f – Who treats the miserable condition of his father
ir mnxt n it.f wsir – Who prepares the cloth bindings for his father, Wesir
ir kAt nt it.f m qAb Hwt nbw – Who performs the work of his father inside the House of Gold
aA wtw – He with the great mummy bindings
wt – The embalmer
nw Dt m rA awy.fy – Who provides for the body with the work of his hands
nw it.f wsir m wabt – Who clothes his father, Wesir, in the Place of Embalming
nw Haw nTr m pr.f – Who envelopes the body of god in his house
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
nb imy wt – The Lord of the Imiut
nb imnt – The Lord of the hidden things
nb wt – The Lord of the (mummy) bindings
nb nw – The Lord of the Wrappings
di mnxty n it.f – Who gives his father the two strips of fabric
di mrHt mnxt r xnt Hwt nbw – Who gives oil and linen to the House of Gold
Hry mnxt – The Chief of Linen
Hry sSdw – Who is over the bindings
HH rDw n wrD ib – Who investigates the effluents of the weary hearted
Htp wtAw – Who satisfies the wrapped ones
Hts nTr aA m rA awy.fy – Who prepares the great god by the work of his hands for the funeral
xnty imy wt – Foremost of the Imiut
sAq xt nt qmA sw – He who gathers the items of the one who created him
smnx Haw – Who makes the limbs splendid
snfr wtw m rA awy.fy nt […] – Who makes the linen cloths by his work, the [...] perfect
snfr Haw nTr n dmD awt – Who makes the divine body united with its members/limbs
sStA wt n wsir – Who makes the embalming hidden for Wesir
sdwx it.f wsir m wabt – Who embalms his father, Wesir, in the site of embalming
sdwx Haw nTr n it.f – Who embalms the divine body of his father
sdwx Haw nTr n it.f wsir m wabt – Who embalms the divine body of his father, Wesir, in the site of embalming
sdwx Haw nTr n fnD.f anx – Who embalms the divine body of he whose nose is alive
sdwx Haw Ntr n Dfn.f m wabt – Who embalms the divine body of his ancestor in the site of embalming
StA wtw – Who makes the mummy wrappings secret
kAt.f pw sanx XAwt – Whose work it is to revive the dead bodies
Ts arqw – Who knots together the bindings
Ts tp n imn rn.f – Whose head is linked with the hidden name
Ts tp n aA xrt – Whose head is linked to the great requirements
Ts tp n HqA dwAt – Whose head is linked to the ruler of the Duat
Ts tp n xnty qrrt.f – Whose head is linked to the head of his cave
DbA snT – Who clothes the body
2. Funeral, Grave, and Coffin
iab XAt m TpHt.f – Who buried the corpse in his cave
wAH Drt r imyt […] – Who stretches out his hand to what is in *…+
wAH Drt.f Hr nty m DbAt – Who puts his hand on he who is in the coffin
nb smA tA – The Lord of the Funeral
nb qrst – The Lord of the Burial
nb qrst aAt m rA qrrt – The Lord of the Great Burial in rA qrrt (necropolis in Assyut)
nb qrst m Xrt nTr – The Lord of the Burial in the realm of the dead
nb qrswt – The Lord of the Funerals
rdi nTr r DbAt.f – Who gives the god in his coffin
Hry DbAt – Who is over the coffin
smA tA m sStA aA – Who buries the great secret one
sr DbAt.f – The prince of his coffin
3. Other
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)
ip ib – Who checks/counts hearts
ip ibw – Who counts hearts
ip ibw xx m wsxt mAaty – Who counts and weighs hearts in the Hall of Two Truths
imy rA mxA – The Chief of Balancing
iry mxAt – The Lord of the check weighman, juror, inspector of weights and measures
iry mxAt nt nTr aA – He who belongs to the scales of the great god
HAp iwtyw – He with hidden decay liquid
sip mxAt – Who checks the scales
sHtp XAwt imyw tA – He who lets rest the corpses of the ones who are in the earth
V. In Relation to Food
iry msw nw nbw – Who belongs to the products of grain
W. In Connection with Concepts of Time (Incl. Time of Day)
ir Dt – Who creates Dt eternity
nb nHH – The Lord of Eternity
nb nHH r Dt – The Lord of nHH and Dt time
nb hrw – The Lord of the day
nbw nHH – The Lords of Eternity
Hry tp nHH – The Head/Chief of nHH time
HqA Dt – The Ruler of Eternity
xnty Dt – Foremost of Dt time
sbb r nHH m xt At.f – Who crosses through eternity during his time
SAy n hrw – Shai of the Day
tpy Dw.f Dt – Who is forever on his hill
X. Identification with other Gods
inpw – Yinepu of Per Hapi (Atar en-Nebi; Nile port of Heliopolis, south of Babylon)
Hr – Heru
Hr pa Xrd – Heru-pa-khered (Heru, the Child)
Hr sA Ast – Heru-sa-Aset (Heru, son of Aset)
xnty imntt – Foremost of the West
SAy n hrw – Shai of the Day
Sw – Shu
dwn anwy – Dunanwy
Y. Other
Ax … ? … – He with excellent … ? …
imy nb Hby – He in … ? …
an sw … ? … – Who turns around … ? …
nty iw awt nbt r xt.f – Who is in the entourage/wake of all the flocks
xnty iryw.f – Foremost of the things that belong to him
sA TAy – The manly son
As translated from German in the Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen by Naisenu (Carissa)