Sign Language Vol II Index: A a SEE above SEE & ASL absent SEE abuse SEE accident SEE/ASL ache SEE across SEE/ASL again SEE/ASL against SEE/ASL alarm SEE/ASL all SEE & ASL alligator SEE all right SEE/ASL almost SEE/ASL always SEE/ASL am SEE/ASL amaze SEE/ASL ambulance SEE and SEE/ASL angry ASL another SEE & ASL answer SEE/ASL anxious, eager ASL any ASL appointment ASL are SEE/ASL arm SEE & ASL as ASL ashamed ASL at SEE/ASL attention ASL aunt SEE/ASL away SEE/ASL B bacon SEE/ASL badge SEE bag SEE bag, box SEE bag, container SEE bake SEE/ASL balloon SEE banana SEE bang SEE bank, check SEE/ASL basket SEE & ASL be SEE bead SEE bean SEE bear SEE/ASL because SEE/ASL bee SEE behind ASL bell SEE below ASL berry SEE/ASL best ASL between ASL beyond ASL bike SEE/ASL bird SEE/ASL birth ASL birthday SEE/ASL blind SEE/ASL block SEE blow SEE body SEE/ASL boil, cook ASL bone SEE bones ASL boot SEE boots ASL boring SEE/ASL boss SEE both, pair SEE/ASL bottle SEE bounce SEE bow SEE box SEE & ASL brain ASL break SEE/ASL broom SEE/ASL brush SEE bubble SEE bug SEE/ASL button SEE buy, purchase ASL C cake SEE & ASL camel SEE candle SEE/ASL cannot, can’t SEE/ASL careful ASL careless SEE/ASL carry SEE/ASL cave SEE cheap SEE/ASL cheat, trick SEE & ASL cheek SEE cherry SEE 1 chipmunk SEE choke, stuck SEE & ASL choose SEE class SEE/ASL claw SEE clay SEE clouds SEE/ASL clown SEE cocoa SEE collar ASL come ASL confuse ASL congratulate SEE/ASL cooperate SEE/ASL copy SEE/ASL corn SEE cough ASL count SEE/ASL court SEE cousin SEE/ASL cover SEE/ASL crab SEE cracker ASL crash SEE crawl SEE crocodile SEE crush SEE crutch SEE curious SEE/ASL curl SEE cut SEE cute SEE/ASL D danger SEE date SEE dawn SEE deaf SEE/ASL deodorant SEE diploma, degree ASL dirt, dirty SEE/ASL disappear SEE/ASL disk SEE dog SEE, SEE/ASL doll SEE dollar ASL dolphin SEE donkey SEE/ASL don’t care ASL don’t know ASL don’t want ASL doughnut ASL dozen SEE drawer ASL dream SEE/ASL drill SEE drum SEE/ASL duck SEE/ASL dust ASL E eagle SEE/ASL ed (sign marker) er (sign marker) electricity ASL enough SEE/ASL environment SEE/ASL every SEE/ASL everyday ASL F fake, imposter SEE & ASL false ASL famous SEE/ASL farm SEE/ASL fat SEE/ASL favorite SEE/ASL fear SEE/ASL feet SEE & ASL fever SEE finish SEE flower SEE/ASL flush SEE fly SEE fold SEE follow SEE/ASL force, defeat ASL, SEE/ASL forest SEE fork SEE/ASL fox SEE/ASL frog SEE/ASL from SEE/ASL full, filled ASL, SEE/ASL fun ASL funeral SEE/ASL funny ASL G gang SEE garage SEE garden SEE gardening ASL gate ASL gift ASL giraffe SEE & ASL give up ASL gloves ASL go on SEE goat SEE & ASL God SEE & ASL gold ASL golf SEE/ASL gone ASL goose SEE gorilla SEE gossip SEE/ASL government ASL grapes SEE/ASL grass SEE grasshopper SEE grate SEE gray SEE/ASL ground SEE guard, defend SEE guinea pig SEE guitar SEE/ASL gym SEE H had SEE haircut ASL half SEE hall SEE hammer SEE hamster SEE handle SEE hang SEE hang up, hanger ASL hard, solid SEE & ASL hate SEE/ASL hear SEE helicopter SEE helmet SEE hiccup SEE high SEE & ASL high school SEE highway SEE hike SEE history SEE/ASL hockey SEE/ASL holiday SEE honest SEE/ASL hoop SEE hope SEE 2 horn SEE horseback riding ASL hotel SEE & ASL hunt SEE hurricane SEE hurt ASL husband SEE/ASL I ice, freeze SEE/ASL icicle SEE important SEE/ASL ing (sign marker) insect SEE interrupt SEE iron SEE & ASL ish (sign marker) island SEE/ASL itch SEE J jealous SEE jello SEE jelly SEE jewel SEE job SEE jog SEE/ASL joke SEE juice SEE & ASL jungle SEE K kid SEE kite SEE kitten SEE kneel SEE/ASL knock SEE knot SEE/ASL Kool-Aid SEE L lady SEE/ASL lamb SEE lamp SEE large SEE laugh SEE/ASL launch SEE law ASL lawn SEE leaf SEE leak SEE learn SEE/ASL lemon SEE leopard SEE liar SEE lid SEE lie, fib SEE line ASL line up ASL lion SEE/ASL lips SEE/ASL log SEE lollipop SEE lonesome SEE/ASL lost ASL lousy, rotten ASL lucky ASL ly (sign marker) M macaroni SEE mail ASL main, chief ASL mall ASL mark SEE marry SEE/ASL mask SEE mat SEE match, fit SEE & ASL math SEE mean ASL melon SEE/ASL memorize ASL menstruate ASL menu SEE mess SEE microwave SEE middle SEE midnight ASL minute ASL miss SEE, SEE/ASL mittens SEE monkey SEE/ASL monster SEE moose SEE/ASL most SEE/ASL motorcycle SEE/ASL mow SEE much, lots ASL mud SEE mug SEE multiply ASL museum SEE mushroom SEE must SEE/ASL mustache SEE N nail SEE nail polish SEE nap SEE napkin SEE & ASL nausea SEE neat SEE & ASL necklace SEE necktie ASL neglect SEE & ASL neighbor SEE nervous SEE/ASL newspaper ASL nickel SEE night SEE/ASL noon SEE/ASL nuts SEE/ASL O oatmeal SEE ocean SEE & ASL octopus SEE odd SEE/ASL of SEE off ASL onion SEE/ASL open SEE & ASL operation ASL or, then ASL out SEE/ASL over SEE owe, debt ASL owl SEE/ASL P page SEE pail SEE paint SEE pajamas SEE panda SEE panty SEE parade SEE & ASL party SEE/ASL 3 past tense (sign marker) patio SEE pea SEE peace SEE peanut SEE pear SEE/ASL peel SEE penalty SEE pencil SEE penguin SEE penis SEE perfect SEE/ASL person SEE/ASL person (sign marker) persuade SEE/ASL photo SEE physical SEE pickle SEE picnic SEE picture SEE piece SEE pig SEE/ASL pine SEE pineapple SEE/ASL pitcher SEE place ASL plant, sow SEE & ASL plate ASL play, show ASL plug SEE plus SEE poison SEE/ASL polite SEE & ASL pollute SEE pony SEE pool SEE poor SEE/ASL porch SEE pork SEE positive ASL pot SEE practice, train SEE/ASL prefer SEE/ASL pregnant SEE/ASL present SEE president SEE/ASL pressure ASL pretzel SEE prevent, stop SEE/ASL priest, minister SEE/ASL principal SEE/ASL prison, jail SEE/ASL problem SEE/ASL profession, job ASL profit SEE/ASL promise ASL proof ASL proud SEE/ASL pull SEE pumpkin SEE punish SEE/ASL Q quarrel SEE/ASL R rabbi SEE/ASL rabbit SEE raccoon SEE race SEE & ASL rag SEE rainbow SEE rake SEE recess SEE recipe SEE refuse, won’t SEE/ASL rehearse SEE relative SEE religion SEE revenge SEE/ASL rise ASL river SEE roach SEE rock/stone SEE & ASL roll SEE roller-skating ASL rooster SEE/ASL rope SEE/ASL rose SEE rough SEE round SEE rub SEE & ASL rules SEE/ASL run SEE & ASL rush SEE S s (sign marker) ‘s (sign marker) sandals SEE scale SEE scared SEE schedule SEE/ ASL science SEE/ASL scold SEE/ASL scratch SEE & ASL sea gull SEE seal SEE seat SEE sell ASL send ASL serious SEE serve SEE/ASL set SEE setup ASL sex SEE & ASL shade SEE shadow SEE shake SEE shallow SEE share SEE & ASL shark SEE sheep SEE/ASL shell SEE shiver SEE shop SEE shot SEE should SEE shout SEE & ASL shovel SEE show SEE/ASL shrink SEE shy SEE sign SEE signal SEE silent SEE sion, tion, ion (sign marker) size SEE slice SEE slide SEE & ASL slip SEE slipper SEE smart SEE/ASL smoke SEE smoking SEE snack SEE snail SEE snake SEE & ASL snow SEE so SEE soda SEE & ASL soft SEE/ASL sold SEE soldier SEE/ASL some ASL sometimes SEE/ASL song SEE 4 soon SEE sore SEE/ASL sour SEE spank SEE & ASL special SEE/ASL spell SEE spend SEE/ASL spice SEE spill SEE spit SEE spot SEE spray SEE squirrel SEE/ASL stage SEE/ASL stay ASL stem SEE still, yet SEE/ASL stir SEE stocking SEE stone SEE store, market SEE & ASL story SEE/ASL stove SEE strange SEE strawberry ASL street SEE & ASL stretch SEE strict SEE strike ASL string SEE & ASL stripe SEE strong, power ASL, SEE/ASL stubborn SEE/ASL student SEE stung SEE stupid SEE subtract ASL suffer ASL suitcase ASL support SEE/ASL sweat SEE/ASL sweater SEE & ASL swing SEE symbol SEE syrup SEE & ASL T take SEE/ASL take care of ASL tape SEE teacher ASL tear SEE/ASL teeth ASL that SEE/ASL the SEE these SEE they SEE thing (sign marker) those SEE tiger SEE/ASL tired ASL together SEE toothpaste SEE tornado SEE touch SEE/ASL tower SEE track SEE trade SEE traffic SEE/ASL trailer SEE train SEE/ASL true ASL tub SEE turkey SEE/ASL turtle SEE/ASL U umpire SEE uncle SEE/ASL unfair SEE & ASL United States SEE/ASL universe SEE/ASL until SEE & ASL upset ASL use ASL/SEE usually ASL V vacant SEE vagina SEE valley SEE/ASL van SEE vanilla ASL vase SEE very SEE/ASL vest SEE videotape SEE/ASL violent SEE violet SEE voice, vocal SEE/ASL vote SEE/ASL W wagon SEE wallet SEE warm SEE/ASL warn, caution SEE/ASL was SEE/ASL wash ASL wash dishes ASL washing machine ASL watch SEE watermelon ASL we ASL weak SEE/ASL web SEE wedding, marry SEE/ASL weight SEE/ASL were SEE/ASL wet SEE/ASL whale SEE wheel SEE wheelbarrow SEE will SEE/ ASL win SEE wind SEE wonder ASL wonderful ASL woods SEE word SEE/ASL workshop SEE world SEE/ASL worm SEE/ASL worry SEE/ASL worse SEE/ASL would SEE/ASL wow SEE wrap SEE, SEE/ASL wreck SEE X Y y (sign marker) Z 5 Picture Index ASL above all attention basket behind bones boots come don't know anxious, eager any appointment arm as ashamed below below best between beyond birth boil, cook box brain buy, purchase careful cheat, trick choke, stuck collar confuse cough cracker diploma, degree dollar don't care don't know don't know don't know don't want doughnut drawer dust electricity everyday fake, imposter false feet gift giraffe give up gloves government government government haircut hang up, hanger iron juice law line line up mall match, fit napkin napkin angry another force, defeat full fun funny gardening goat God gold gone government hard, solid high lost lousy, rotten lucky mail main, chief mean memorize menstruate midnight minute horseback riding hotel hurt cake gate main, chief much, lots 1 main, chief main, chief multiply multiply napkin napkin neat necktie neglect newspaper ocean or, then owe, debt parade place plant, sow plate play, show profession, job promise proof race rise rock/stone roller-skating sell send setup sex share shout slide spank stay strawberry street strike string suitcase sweater teacher teeth tired store, market syrup take care of upset usually vanilla wash wonder wonder wonder wonderful wash dishes washing machine watermelon 2 open operation positive pressure run scratch soda some strong subtract suffer true unfair until off polite rub snake we wonder wonder SEE a above above above above ambulance another arm badge bag bag banana bang basket be bead bean bone boot boss bottle bounce bow box brush brush brush brush brush bubble bubble button cake camel cave cheat cheat cheek cherry chipmunk choke choose claw clay cocoa corn corn corn corn corn court crab crash crocodile crush crutch curl cut danger date dawn deodorant dog doll dolphin dozen drill fake feet fever finish fly fly fold forest gang garage garden giraffe go on gorilla grass grasshopper grate ground guard, defend guinea pig 3 absent abuse ache all alligator bag, box bag, container balloon balloon bee bell block blow clown crawl disk flush goat gym God had goose half hall helmet hammer helmet hamster handle hang hard hear helicopter helmet helmet hiccup high high school highway hike holiday hoop hope horn hotel hunt hurricane icicle insect interrupt iron itch jealous jello jelly jewel job joke juice juice jungle kid kid kite kitten knock Kool-Aid lamb lamp large launch lawn leaf leak lemon leopard liar liar liar liar lid lid lie, fib log lollipop macaroni mask mat match math menu mess monster mow mark microwave middle miss mittens monster monster monster mug museum mushroom mustache nail nail polish nap napkin nausea neat necklace neglect neighbor nickel oatmeal ocean octopus of open over page pail pail paint pajamas panda panty parade patio pea 4 mud peace peanut peel penalty pencil penguin penis photo photo photo photo physical pickle picnic picture picture picture picture piece pine plus polite pollute pony pool porch pork rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit raccoon rainbow rainbow rainbow rake pitcher plant plug pot present pretzel pull pumpkin raccoon raccoon raccoon race rag recess recipe rehearse relative religion river roach rock roll rose rough round rub run rush sandals scale scared scratch sea gull seal seat serious set sex shade shadow shake shallow share shark shell shiver shop shop shot should shout shovel shrink shy sign signal silent size slice slide slip slipper smoke smoking snack snail snake snow so soda sold song soon rainbow 5 sour spank spell stocking stone store stripe student spill spit spot stove strange street street stupid sweater swing symbol these they those together toothpaste tornado tower tub umpire unfair until vacant vagina violet wagon wallet watch web wind woods workshop wrap wreck stung spice watch wow 6 spray stem stir stretch strict string syrup tape the track trade trailer van vase vest violent whale wheel wheelbarrow win SEE/ASL accident across again against alarm all right almost always am amaze amaze amaze amaze and answer are at aunt away bacon bake bank, check bear because berry bike bird birthday blind body boring both, pair break broom bug candle cannot, can't careless carry cheap class clouds congratulate cooperate copy count cover curious cute deaf dirt, dirty disappear dog donkey donkey donkey donkey dream drum duck eagle enough environment every famous farm favorite fear flower flower flower flower follow force fork frog from full, filled funeral golf gossip grapes gray guitar hate history hockey knot lady laugh monkey moose moose honest husband learn lion ice, freeze lips important lonesome island jog marry melon 7 cousin kneel miss fat fox moose moose most motorcycle must nervous night noon nuts odd odd odd odd onion owl owl owl owl party pear perfect person persuade pig pineapple poison poor practice, train prefer pregnant president president president president principal prison, jail problem profit proud punish quarrel rabbi refuse, won't revenge rooster rope rules schedule science scold serve sheep show smart soft soldier sometimes sore special spend squirrel stage still, yet story stubborn support sweat sweat sweat sweat take tear that tiger touch traffic train turkey turtle valley very videotape voice, vocal vote weight were wet will word out prevent, stop priest, minister 8 strong, power tiger tiger tiger uncle United States universe use warm warn, caution was weak wedding, marry world worm worry worse would wrap Sign Markers ed sion, tion, ion er ing thing ish ly past tense y 9 past tense person s 's