Key #2 (answer key 1075982) Name _____________________________ Date ___________________ (Answer ID # 1075982) Word Roots Lesson 4 Fill in the missing prefix. Then write a sentence using the word. 1. 2. 3. _____interested _____motion _____spell Circle the correct definition for the prefix. 4. ahundred out, from, away from, away 5. opacross, through against into, in, cause to 6. ambiagain, back beneath around, both Fill in the blanks with the meaning of each word root. Root Words Prefixes iso = same en = in, into, pod = feet vert = turn cause to duo = two log = discourse Suffixes orium = a place for 7. natatorium natat + -orium , _______________ 8. isopod iso- , _______________ + pod , _______________ 9. envision en- , _______________ + vision 10. vertex vert , _______________ + ex 1 Key #2 (answer key 1075982) Match each word from the previous word roots section with the definition. 11. _______________ the highest point (of something) 12. _______________ pool that provides a facility for swimming 13. _______________ imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind 14. _______________ any of various small terrestrial or aquatic crustaceans with seven pairs of legs adapted for crawling Fill in the missing suffix. Then write a sentence using the word. 15. 16. 17. vermil_____ establish_____ calculat_____ Circle all of the words that have a prefix. 18. radius arcade miserable frequency 19. earthworm optician preventive postpone 20. madder illuminating catfish terrain 21. ridicule corridor translate hesitate 22. breadth hostile uphold swinging 23. pediatrician picket different cellulose Fill in the missing prefix. Then write a sentence using the word. 24. 25. 26. _____portion _____cuss _____pass 2 Key #2 (answer key 1075982) Circle all of the words that have a suffix. 27. flourish courthouse iguana hobble 28. penalize coastline whirlpool plunge 29. ablaze grouse walnut supple 30. circumference appearance suicide metronome 31. bathtub graphic hamster infirm 32. arbour warrior fermentation frighten Circle the correct prefix for the definition. 33. well, good bene- in- non- en- 34. under dis- iso- sub- tra- 35. against peri- infra- inter- op- Fill in the blanks with the meaning of each word root. Prefixes Root Words im = in pre = before ego = self centr = center nat = birth, born mill = thousand port = to carry 36. egocentric ego , _______________ + centr , _______________ + ic 37. native nat , _______________ + ive 38. million mill , _______________ + ion 39. import im- , _______________ + port , _______________ Match each word from the previous word roots section with the definition. 40. _______________ disadvantage by prejudice 41. _______________ a person who was born in a particular place; an indigenous person 42. _______________ an imported person brought from a foreign country 43. _______________ the number that is represented as a one followed by 6 zeros 3 Key #2 (answer key 1075982) Circle the correct prefix for the definition. 44. outside, on bene- epi- de- op- 45. wrong, bad tra- mis- se- mid- 46. before a- fore- intro- counter- Circle the correct definition for the prefix. 47. comtogether, with together, with against 48. diapart, not, away half from, away 49. ambiaround, both into, in out, from, away Fill in the blanks with the meaning of each word root. Prefixes Root Words con = together ad = to, toward amphi = both bio = life spir = breathe kinemat = aster = star motion, division Suffixes ics = study of, science 50. amphibious amphi , _______________ + bio , _______________ + us 51. conspire con- , _______________ + spir , _______________ + e 52. kinematics kinemat , _______________ + -ics , _______________ 53. aster aster , _______________ Match each word from the previous word roots section with the definition. 54. _______________ the right to enter 55. 56. 57. _______________ relating to or characteristic of animals of the class Amphibia _______________ any of various chiefly fall-blooming herbs of the genus Aster with showy daisy-like flowers _______________ the branch of mechanics concerned with motion without reference to force or mass 4 Answer Key 1075982 Key # 2 Fill in the missing prefix. Then write a sentence using the word. 1. uninterested 2. promotion 3. misspell Circle the correct definition for the prefix. 4. ahundred out, from, away from, away 5. opacross, through against into, in, cause to 6. ambiagain, back beneath around, both Fill in the blanks with the meaning of each word root. Prefixes Root Words iso = same en = in, into, pod = feet vert = turn duo = two log = discourse cause to 7. natatorium natat + -orium , a place for 8. isopod iso- , same 9. envision en- , in,into,cause to 10. vertex vert , turn + pod , feet + vision + ex 5 Suffixes orium = a place for Answer Key 1075982 Key # 2 Match each word from the previous word roots section with the definition. 11. vertex the highest point (of something) 12. natatorium pool that provides a facility for swimming 13. envision imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind 14. any of various small terrestrial or aquatic crustaceans with seven pairs of legs adapted for crawling isopod Fill in the missing suffix. Then write a sentence using the word. 15. vermilion 16. establishment 17. calculating Circle all of the words that have a prefix. 18. radius arcade miserable frequency 19. earthworm optician preventive postpone 20. madder illuminating catfish terrain 21. ridicule corridor translate hesitate 22. breadth hostile uphold swinging 23. pediatrician picket different cellulose Fill in the missing prefix. Then write a sentence using the word. 24. proportion 25. discuss 26. surpass 6 Answer Key 1075982 Key # 2 Circle all of the words that have a suffix. 27. flourish courthouse iguana hobble 28. penalize coastline whirlpool plunge 29. ablaze grouse walnut supple 30. circumference appearance suicide metronome 31. bathtub graphic hamster infirm 32. arbour warrior fermentation frighten Circle the correct prefix for the definition. 33. well, good bene- in- non- en- 34. under dis- iso- sub- tra- 35. against peri- infra- inter- op- Fill in the blanks with the meaning of each word root. Prefixes Root Words im = in pre = before ego = self centr = center nat = birth, born mill = thousand port = to carry 36. egocentric ego , self + centr , center 37. native nat , birth,born + ive 38. million mill , thousand + ion 39. import im- , in + ic + port , to carry Match each word from the previous word roots section with the definition. 40. prejudice disadvantage by prejudice 41. a person who was born in a particular place; an indigenous person native 42. import an imported person brought from a foreign country 43. million the number that is represented as a one followed by 6 zeros 7 8 Answer Key 1075982 Key # 2 Circle the correct prefix for the definition. 44. outside, on bene- epi- de- op- 45. wrong, bad tra- mis- se- mid- 46. before a- fore- intro- counter- Circle the correct definition for the prefix. 47. comtogether, with together, with against 48. diapart, not, away half from, away 49. ambiaround, both into, in out, from, away Fill in the blanks with the meaning of each word root. Prefixes Root Words con = together ad = to, toward amphi = both bio = life spir = breathe kinemat = motion, division aster = star 50. amphibious amphi , both 51. conspire + bio , life con- , together 53. aster science + us + spir , breathe 52. kinematics kinemat , motion,division Suffixes ics = study of, + e + -ics , study of,science aster , star Match each word from the previous word roots section with the definition. 54. admittance the right to enter 55. amphibious relating to or characteristic of animals of the class Amphibia 56. 57. aster kinematics any of various chiefly fall-blooming herbs of the genus Aster with showy daisy-like flowers the branch of mechanics concerned with motion without reference to force or mass 9