EDFA 695Z - Department of Educational Studies

Fall 2004
Internship in Educational Administration in Conjunction with EDFA 612Z – Transformative
A school leader in your geographic area will be identified and you will work with this individual on the
IPSB performances associated with Standard #1 – Educational Vision and Standard # 5 - Acting with
Honesty, Fairness, and Professional Ethics. The standards and specific performances associated with it
are listed below:
Indiana Professional Standards Board (IPSB) Standard # 1 – Educational Vision
A District Administrator is an educational leader who guides, facilitates, and supports the success of all
learners by developing, articulating, implementing, and evaluating an educational vision that is shared and
supported by the greater school community.
A District Administrator facilitates processes and engages in activities that...
1. develop and model the core beliefs of the school's educational vision for all members of the greater
school community.
2. effectively communicate the vision and goals of the school district to staff, parents, students, and
community members through the use of symbols, ceremonies, and other community activities.
3. recognize and celebrate the contributions of greater school community members to the realization of
the vision and goals.
5. systematically communicate progress toward the vision and goals to the greater school community.
6. ensure that the vision shapes the educational programs, plans, and actions.
7. use assessment data related to student learning to guide the school vision and goals.
8. identify, clarify, and address barriers to achieving the vision and goals.
Indiana Professional Standards Board (IPSB) Standard # 5 – Acting with Honesty, Fairness, and
Professional Ethics.
A District Administrator is an educational leader who guides, facilitates, and supports the success of all
learners by personally demonstrating and promoting honesty, fairness, and professional ethics.
1. demonstrate a personal code of ethics.
2. examine personal and professional ethics.
3. treat all fairly, equitably and with dignity and respect.
4. consider the impact of one’s practices on the greater school community.
5. use the influence of the office to enhance the educational program rather than for personal gain.
6. fulfill legal and contractual obligations
A District Administrator has knowledge and understanding of…
1. the purposes of education and the role of leadership in a changing society.
2. the values, ethics, and challenges of the diverse school community.
3. professional codes of ethics.
A District Administrator believes in, values, and is committed to…
1. promoting the common good and constitutional principles.
2. using ethical principles to the decision-making process.
3. subordinating one's own interest to the good of the school community.
4. accepting the consequences for upholding one's principles and actions.
5. using the influence of one's office constructively and productively in the service of all students
and their families.
Student Assignments
1. Read the Wooden book – A Lifetime of Observations on and off the Court, and Blanchard and Peale –
The Power of Ethical Management, and use them as resources to answer the questions.
Case studies on ethical issues will be posted in WebCT (within the EDFA 612Z course). After
reading the case study reflect on the situation presented and answer the following questions:
a. What would John Wooden do in this situation?
b. What would Blanchard and Peale say about the case?
c. What would you do, and why?
Your postings in the Case Studies section WebCT should also indicate what the superintendent you
worked with would do in each of the case studies. These postings are not expected until near the end
of the semester and/or after you have had your meetings with your superintendent mentor.
(50 points or 50% of your internship grade).
2. Take the Orientation Self-Test (provided). Total your score. Dr. Auter will provide some
information on “average” scores and you can assess yourself on the items.
In order to better understand “Codes of Ethics or Standards of Conduct” get copies of these
documents from at least three sources. Here are some suggestions:
AASA, ASCD, NASP, NAESSP, American Library Association, National School Boards
Association, or others you deem relevant to educational administration.
Based on what you find in these documents and the results of your Orientation Self-Test, write your
own “Code of Ethics.” Expected length 2-3 pages. (50 points, or 50% of your internship grade)