
Year 10 Italian
The aim of this course is for students to be able to communicate in Indonesian
across the four macroskills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Throughout this
course students will also develop their knowledge and understanding of Indonesian
sociocultural references.
Delivery (mode, time requirements, lessons):
Students are expected to undertake independent study on their program to complete
lessons, tasks and assessment in accordance with the Work Rate Calendar.
Students also have access to a one hour scheduled teacher delivered lesson and a
one hour tutorial each week. Lessons are delivered via Blackboard Collaborate and
Student Requirements:
Computer, access to internet, email, printer, scanner, telephone or headset with
microphone, exercise book, stationery.
Grammar Supplement
Italian Workbook 9 and CD
Italian Workbook 10 and CD
Italian Workbook 11 and CD
Italian Workbook 12 and CD
Subject Fee:
Year 10 Italian
Term 1
Term 2
Meeting Others
Descriptions – physical appearances, meeting new friends, personal
pronouns, direct and indirect objects, describing favourite outfits,
giving opinions.
Grammar focus: descriptions of self and others,idiomatic expressions
with ‘avere’, personal pronouns – direct/indirect pronouns, stressed/
unstressed pronouns, giving advice, revising plural of nouns and
Term 3
Childhood memories
Describing childhood and school memories, infinitive and imperative
forms of verbs, direct and indirect object nouns, adjectives and
demonstrative adjectives.
Grammar focus: imperfect tense of verbs (regular and irregular),
revision of past tense.
Cultural focus – Italian cuisine.
Future Plans, Revision,
Talking about what you would like to do (weekend, holidays, future),
expressing opinions when things go wrong, revision /self- tests.
Grammar focus: using the present conditional tense of verbs, revision
of vocabulary, grammar, sentence structures.
Cultural focus: Christmas celebrations.
Semester 2
Semester 1
Past and future holidays and
Discussing holidays, weekends, typical school day, what Italians do
for their holidays.
Grammar focus: future tense, past tense of verbs (passato prossimo)
with avere or essere as auxiliary verbs, regular and irregular past
participles, perfect tense of reflexive verbs.
Cultural focus – Sicily.
Term 4
Topics and Learning Experiences
Writing Exam
Listening Exam
Reading Exam
Speaking Exam
Listening Exam
Speaking Exam
Reading Exam
Writing Exam