employee handbook - Priority Staffing

870 Greenbrier Circle
Suite 100
Chesapeake, VA 23320
(757) 965-4287
(757) 965-4294 Fax
Revised 09/28/10
Thanks for choosing Priority!
OUR COMPANY .............................................................................................. 4
AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT ................................................................................ 5
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ....................................................... 5
SAFETY ........................................................................................................... 5
SUBSTANCE ABUSE...................................................................................... 6
Illegal Drugs................................................................................................. 7
Alcohol ......................................................................................................... 7
Prescription and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs........................................ 7
Drug Testing ................................................................................................ 7
WORKPLACE VIOLENCE............................................................................... 8
INSPECTIONS AND COMPANY PROPERTY ............................................... 8
ANTI-DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT ............................................... 9
REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 10
AVAILABILITY ............................................................................................... 10
ACCEPTING/DECLINING OFFERS ............................................................. 10
ATTENDANCE – TARDINESS – NO SHOW/NO CALL ............................... 10
Attendance/Tardiness ............................................................................... 10
No Show/No Call ....................................................................................... 11
PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................... 11
Repetitive Mistakes/Critical Errors ............................................................ 11
CONFIDENTIALITY ....................................................................................... 11
MISCONDUCT .............................................................................................. 11
Breaks ....................................................................................................... 11
Personal Activities ..................................................................................... 12
Attitude ...................................................................................................... 12
RETURN OF PROPERTY ............................................................................. 12
EMPLOYEE INCENTIVES/BENEFITS* ........................................................ 12
Holiday Pay ............................................................................................... 12
Vacation Pay ............................................................................................. 12
Referral Bonus .......................................................................................... 13
Medical Insurance ..................................................................................... 13
Credit Union............................................................................................... 13
PAYROLL ...................................................................................................... 13
Overtime .................................................................................................... 14
Garnishments / Liens / Child Support ....................................................... 14
Time Cards ................................................................................................ 14
Payment Options ....................................................................................... 15
OPEN DOOR POLICY................................................................................... 16
Priority Staffing Services, herein referred to as Priority, is a full service human
resource management company committed to delivering efficient staffing and
employment solutions. Established in 1995, Priority’s mission is to promptly
connect the needs and potential of our client’s staffing programs with
qualified individuals motivated to get the job done. Because of our day-today commitment to this goal, we have been able to develop and maintain
outstanding partnerships with our clients and special relationships with our
Through one-on-one assistance, we aim to help candidates find the job that
best matches their skills, interests, and career goals at no cost. We provide
the tools and support needed to succeed in short and long-term
assignments, assignments to hire, and direct-hire positions.
Our areas of specialty include, but are not limited to, administrative, customer
service, data entry, accounting, technical, IT, and human resources.
Because of our experience screening, testing, and interviewing candidates,
we feel certain that Priority would be an asset to candidates seeking a oneon-one dedicated staffing service.
We view our professional services, integrity, and uncompromising ethical
standards as foundations for building lasting relationships.
This manual is intended to acquaint candidates with Priority’s employment
benefits/incentives. We hope it will serve as a useful reference document
throughout employment. This manual is not intended to create a contract,
expressed or implied, of employment or for a definite term, nor is it intended
to otherwise create any legally enforceable obligations on the part of Priority
or you. This manual does not alter your “at-will” employment status.
To obtain information regarding specific employment policies and
procedures, whether or not they are referred to in this manual, contact a
Priority representative. Priority reserves the right to add, modify, or delete
provisions of this manual, or the policies and procedures on which they may
be based, at any time without advance notice, in its sole discretion. For this
reason, we urge candidates to check with Priority to obtain current
information regarding the status of any particular policy, procedure, or
All Priority employees are “at-will” employees: voluntarily-employed and not
contractually bound.
Priority is committed to providing equal employment opportunity to all
applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age,
national origin, pregnancy, disability, family or veteran status, and any other
protected status or factor made unlawful by local, state, or federal laws.
Priority expects its employees to abide by all safety guidelines it requires and
the requirements of any assignment company. Be aware that safety rules
vary at each location and it is the employee’s responsibility to know the
safety rules at the work location. Contact a supervisor for a copy of these
Personal protective equipment required for the job is to be worn at all
Do not remove or disable guards and other safety devices.
Obey all safety signs.
All forms of horseplay and practical jokes are prohibited.
Never work on surfaces or platforms including, but not limited to, roofs,
extension ladders, and scaffolding that are more than four feet above the
Always seek assistance when lifting items heavier than can be safely
handled or in excess of 50 pounds.
Always use proper lifting techniques i.e. keep legs bent, do not twist the
Never drive any employer’s vehicle without prior written permission from
Do not operate any powered industrial vehicle, machinery, equipment, or
hand and power tools without proper training and/or certification.
Do not use machinery appearing unsafe or without proper guards and
safety devices engaged.
Do not handle any chemicals without knowing proper storage, disposal,
and first-aid procedures.
Be cautious in using flammable items, such as cleaning fluids.
Keep work areas clean and free of hazards.
Keep cabinet doors and file and desk drawers closed when not in use.
Stack materials only to safe heights.
Sit firmly, do not stand in chairs that roll or tilt.
Avoid overloading electrical outlets with too many appliances or
machines. Manager approval must be obtained prior to using any
electric heaters.
Learn emergency fire escapes/exit routes and procedures.
Learn first aid kits locations.
Notify Priority and your supervisor of any unsafe conditions and/or faulty
Walk - don’t run - in work areas.
Use stairs one at a time.
Report to your manager if you or a co-worker becomes ill or injured.
Smoke only in designated smoking areas.
Never empty an ash tray into a waste basket or open receptacle.
Watch out for the safety of fellow employees.
Applicants for and employees on assignments where physical safety is a
matter of concern will be required to view, understand, and be evaluated on a
safety video before beginning the assignment.
If you are involved in an accident or property incident as described, you
should observe the following procedure:
1. Report the incident to your supervisor, manager, or human resources
manager immediately.
2. Your supervisor, manager, or human resources manager will advise
you where to go for immediate treatment, unless the injury is
sufficient to require hospitalization. In this case, go directly to the
nearest hospital.
3. In the event that you are required to receive medical treatment as a
result of an accident, the treating physician will be requested to
perform a drug and/or alcohol test. Failure to comply with this
procedure may result in termination of your employment.
Substance abuse adversely affects the safety, security, and best interest of
all employees and employers. It is imperative that Priority’s substance abuse
policies are obeyed to ensure the highest quality service. Priority applicants
and employees who refuse to submit to substance abuse testing or who test
positive for substance abuse will be discharged. Priority reserves the right to
release an employee from an assignment when the consumption of a
prescribed medication jeopardizes the employee’s and/or other’s safety.
All employees involved in an injury and/or illness that may require Workers’
Compensation coverage will be tested for drug and alcohol use; Priority
reserves the right to deny related Workers’ Compensation claims to those
who refuse the testing or whose test results are positive. All test results will
be kept confidential between Priority and our constituents, except where
required by law.
Illegal Drugs
The use, distribution, dispensation, sale, offering for sale, possession,
purchase, manufacture, or trade of illegal drugs in/on premises of Priority, the
assignment company, any work-related location, and/or any work-related
representation or event is strictly prohibited.
Employees are not permitted to be under the influence or consume alcohol
while on premises of Priority, the assignment company, or while conducting
work-related business. This does not include official functions at which
alcohol may be served, as long as it does not impair job performance or
safety in any way.
Prescription and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs
Employees are prohibited from misusing and/or abusing prescription and
OTC drugs. Employees must inform Priority of the use of such drugs if they
have possible side effects that may affect job performance or alter mental or
physical abilities at which time temporary job duties and/or assignment will
be discussed.
Drug Testing
All offers of employment are contingent upon the applicant submitting to a
drug-screen. Results of this test will be used to determine eligibility for
employment. An applicant’s refusal to submit to a pre-employment drug
screen test shall constitute a basis for Priority’s refusal to hire that individual.
Priority may require employees to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test if the
company has reasonable suspicion that an employee is under the influence
of drugs or alcohol while in work-related environments.
Employees are subject to random testing to ensure compliance with this
policy. You may be selected for such tests through a neutral process and will
not receive advance notice of testing. Refusal to submit to a drug and/or
alcohol test will be treated as insubordination and be cause for immediate
If an employee is involved in an accident during work hours which results in
an injury to himself or others, or which causes damage to company property,
a representative of the company, or a customer, he/she will be required to
submit to a drug and/or alcohol test.
If you are convicted of or plead guilty to drug-related criminal charges, you
must notify Priority as soon as possible thereafter. If you operate a motor
vehicle as part of your job duties, you must also notify Priority immediately of
any conviction or guilty plea under any charge of driving under the influence,
reckless driving, or other serious driving offense.
Priority has zero tolerance for verbal threats, threatening behavior,
intimidation or coercion, or acts of violence against employees, vendors,
visitors or customers on or in company property.
Weapons are absolutely prohibited on company premises.
Any person who engages in violence on company property shall be
removed from the premises as quickly as possible, and shall remain off
company property pending the outcome of an investigation.
Should the investigation confirm that a violation of policy has occurred,
appropriate action will take place. This action may include suspension
and/or termination, reassignment of job duties, and/or seeking arrest and
prosecution of the person(s) involved.
Priority or the assignment company reserves the right to search or inspect
any company property and/or any other property on company premises at
any time, whether or not locked. You should have no expectation of privacy
with respect to any materials on or in company property.
This policy is applicable to:
Vehicles, uniforms, merchandise, desks, files, lockers, offices, and
personal or company vehicles on the property of the company, are
subject to inspection at any time by any supervisor or manager at any
company location.
If the employee has a locked locker, desk, file, office, or vehicle, he/she
may be required to unlock it for inspection on request.
All packages and other belongings are also subject to inspection upon
Priority and the assignment company assume no responsibility for the
theft or other loss or damage to any personal property of any employee
while he/she is on duty and/or on company property.
Priority is committed to providing a workplace that is free from all types of
discrimination, including sexual harassment, which is a form of sex
Illegal and improper harassment or discrimination may include, but is not
limited to:
Making unwelcome comments about a person’s clothing, body, or
personal life;
Offensive or abusive physical contact;
Use of offensive nicknames or terms of endearment;
Offensive jokes or unwelcome innuendos;
Any suggestion that sexual activities, race, gender, religion, national
origin, age, disability, or any other protected classification could affect
one’s job, promotion, performance evaluation, or working conditions;
Displaying offensive objects or pictures;
Other conduct that, even if not objectionable to some employees, creates
a working environment that may be considered by others to be offensive
or hostile.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for
sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature: (1)
which is made as an explicit or implicit term or condition of a worker’s
employment; (2) is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting that
worker; (3) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a
person’s work performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
working environment. Sexual harassment, in particular, may consist of the
above when one or more of the following occur:
Submission or rejection of such conduct is made a term or condition of
Submission or rejection of such conduct is the basis for an employment
decision, such as promotion, demotion, termination, or pay; or
Such condition interferes with an employee’s work performance or
creates a hostile, intimidating or offensive work environment
Priority may check employment references and application information of all
applicants and employees. The disclosure of employee information to other
employers, outside agencies, bureaus, and institutions is normally limited to
the information authorized by the employee concerned. The exception is the
disclosure of data by law to verify employment and to satisfy
legal/investigative requirements. It is Priority’s policy to only confirm the
position held, dates of employment, and eligibility – “yes” or “no” – of rehire
when responding to reference requests.
Employees not currently on assignment are required to notify Priority weekly
of the availability to work, beginning the day after an assignment ends.
Employees who do not call in weekly with availability status are considered
not available and to have voluntarily quit.
It is the responsibility of applicants and employees to maintain current
contact information with Priority. Failure to either accept or decline an
assignment offer within 24 hours will be considered a voluntary quit.
Although an assignment offer may be made, it is not guaranteed, as it is
contingent upon accepting the offer in a timely manner.
Attendance is critical.
Excessive excused or unexcused absences,
tardiness, or requests for time off may result in termination without warning.
This includes but is not limited to illness, doctor appointments, court dates,
vacation, transportation problems, and school schedules.
Failure to report any approved or unapproved absences, tardiness, or
requests for time off to Priority and the assignment supervisor will be viewed
as job abandonment and may result in termination without warning. All
absences and late arrival notices with less than 24 hours notice MUST be by
phone call. If after hours, leave a message on Priority’s 24-hour voicemail.
Any deviation from working all scheduled hours of scheduled, defined shifts
constitutes an issue of attendance.
If you are out of work for three or more consecutive work days due to medical
reasons, a doctor’s certificate indicating that you have been under his/her
care and are able to return to work must be supplied upon your return to
work. Priority adheres to all FMLA requirements in considering FMLAqualified leaves of absence.
No Show/No Call
Employees unable to go to a scheduled assignment must notify Priority prior
to their scheduled arrival time. Employees who fail to do so will be
considered to have voluntarily quit and will not be considered for future
assignments. No warnings will be given.
Employees unable to complete an assignment must notify Priority prior to
leaving the assignment. Employees who fail to do so will be considered to
have abandoned the job and will not be considered for future assignments.
No warnings will be given.
Repetitive Mistakes/Critical Errors
Employees asked to correct mistakes in daily work are to do so promptly.
Employees are responsible for requesting help, clarification, or additional
training from the assignment’s on-site supervisor or a Priority representative
if the employee feels it is necessary. Failure to improve job performance
may result in termination without warning.
Employees are strictly prohibited from publicizing any work-related
information in any format to include all explicit and implicit visual, written, and
verbal content. Any violation of this policy will be grounds for immediate
termination without warning.
Breaks are to be taken only when given permission and for the amount of
time granted by client.
Personal Activities
Personal use of company equipment and supplies is not
Personal use includes but is not limited to personal computer
calls, alternate employment, local/state/federal matters, and
Personal equipment includes but is not limited to computers,
machines, copiers, and scanners.
use, emails,
phones, fax
Personal cell phone use – visually, verbally, and textually - is prohibited
during work hours, except while on break.
Physical, verbal, mental, or written negativity of any kind towards co-workers,
customers, or supervisors is not acceptable. Respect of others and their
belongings/work spaces is required.
Employees are responsible for items issued, possessed, or controlled by the
employee including, but not limited to keys, vehicles, uniforms, tools,
communication devices, and security passes/badges.
All company property must be returned by employees on or before the last
day of work. Priority will take any and all action deemed appropriate to
recover or protect such property.
*Employees participating in Priority’s Payroll Plan do not qualify for the holiday and
vacation benefits as described below.
Holiday Pay
Employees who have worked 800 hours and who worked their scheduled
days before and after a holiday will receive $25.00 of holiday pay if not
already paid by the employer and if the employer is closed to observe the
holiday. Holidays include New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July,
Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Employees must be in
good standing and currently working with Priority. Holiday bonuses are
issued the second week following the holiday.
Vacation Pay
Employees who work 1500 hours between January 1 and December 31
qualify for 35 hours of vacation pay. The Priority employee must request
vacation pay after accruing 1500 hours and before December 31, at which
time hours accrued to qualify for vacation pay reset to zero. Employees must
be currently working and in good standing to receive vacation pay.
Employees not active with Priority for 60 or more consecutive days will lose
all accrued hours for the calendar year. Vacation pay is issued the second
week following the request. Should the second week coincide with a holiday
bonus check week, the vacation check will be issued the following week.
Referral Bonus
Employees may refer candidates whose skills and demeanor qualify them for
one of the many positions that we have available. The employee who made
the referral will receive the following:
$50 for the first successful candidate who completes 100 working hours
for Priority
$75 for the second successful candidate who completes 100 working
hours for Priority
$100 for the third successful candidate who completes 100 working
hours for Priority
Referred candidates must state their referral source to a Priority
representative at the time of registration. Referrals not stated at that time will
not be awarded.
Medical Insurance
Medical insurance is available with a third party vendor after an employee
works 40 hours. Interested employees should contact Priority for more
information once they have reached 40 hours. Employees are responsible
for insurance premiums.
Credit Union
Priority employees are eligible to join Chartway Federal Credit Union, a fullservice financial institution.
Services include: savings and checking
accounts, mortgage and consolidation loans, credit and ATM cards, financial
counseling, and investment planning. For more information, please call (757)
Priority’s work week begins on Monday at 12:01 a.m. and ends on Sunday at
12:00 a.m, some exceptions apply. It is Priority’s policy to adhere to
standard payroll processing procedures, which, in addition to complying with
federal and state laws to, ensure fair and equitable treatment of all
It is Priority’s policy to comply with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards
Act by compensating non-exempt employees for all hours worked in excess
of 40 hours per week. All work performed in excess of 40 hours during the
work week is considered overtime and must be approved and verified by
your assignment manager before the overtime is worked.
Garnishments / Liens / Child Support
It is Priority’s policy to comply strictly with the terms of all wage
garnishments, liens, and child support orders served on Priority.
Time Cards
It is the sole responsibility of the employee to fill out completely, obtain
signature approval, and submit an official Priority time card to Priority’s office
via fax, mail, or in person as soon as the work week is complete. Time cards
will be reviewed for calculation accuracy; any miscalculations will be
corrected. Time cards must be received in Priority’s office no later than 5:00
p.m. each Monday following the work week. (Exception: Time from
employees instructed to track hours through Hourdoc.com must be entered
before Mondays) Any time card received after these deadlines will not be
processed until the following payroll period.
Complete all sections of the time card as follows:
Company Assigned To/Address
Week Ending Sunday
Job Title
Social Security Number
Employee Name
Employee Signature
Authorized Signature/Title
Right side of time card:
Information Requested
Company name/address
Date of week-ending Sunday
Your job title
Your social security number
Your first and last name
Your signature
Supervisor’s signature/title
Supervisor’s signature date
Daily Hours
Total Hours
Additional Information
Month/day worked
Start/finish time rounded
to nearest quarter hour
Lunch break rounded to
nearest quarter hour
Total hours worked for
the day minus
Total hours worked for
the week
Sample time card:
Payment Options
Priority’s method of payment is direct deposit/ACH transaction.
Forms/Supporting Documentation
Traditional bank account
 Priority Staffing’s direct deposit request form
 Voided check*
Credit union account
 Priority Staffing’s direct deposit request form
 Completed direct deposit request from the
credit union
rapid! PayCard Visa Card account
Prepaid debit card or paycard
 Priority Staffing’s direct deposit request form
 Direct deposit request form from card
company (usually found on card’s website)
*Please note: copies of bank statements and direct deposit slips are not accepted in lieu of a
voided check.
Accuracy of direct deposit information is very important. Fees for notification
of change or return items will be deducted from the employee’s next
Payday is Friday. In a normal week - holiday weeks may differ - direct
deposited funds will appear in your account by close of business Friday.
PLEASE NOTE: deposits appearing before payday (Friday) are not
guaranteed and are subject to adjustments found in payroll auditing. Priority
is not responsible for fees incurred related to any activity scheduled or
spontaneous against bank accounts, including those made against funds
appearing BEFORE payday (Friday).
Priority provides direct access to a managing representative as a method of
treating you as a part of the Priority family and resolving problems, which in
your opinion have not been resolved to your satisfaction through ordinary