Team Building & Business Skill Development Simulations

Team Building &
Business Skill Development
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Improving team work using team development simulations
Human Synergistics (HS) team development simulations are an
effective, quick and objective way to evaluate the quality of your
teams and to demonstrate their potential. HS offers various
simulations in 2 categories:
1. Survival Situation™ simulations
2. Business Skill simulations
The HS simulations provide a unique opportunity to quickly and
objectively measure whether your teams are achieving synergy—
as well as demonstrate this otherwise elusive concept. Synergy
occurs when the interactive efforts of two or more people have a
greater impact than the sum of their independent efforts. By
measuring the quality of both individual and team performance on
a single task, the simulations allow groups to quickly calculate the
extent to which they are fully utilizing their resources—and doing so in a way that achieves synergy.
In addition, the simulations can be used for team building and the development of more effective group processes.
The approach emphasized by many of HS’s simulations involves developing and applying skills in two critical areas:
Rational skills and Interpersonal skills.
Rational (Task) Skills and Processes
Interpersonal (People) Skills and Processes
Analyzing the Situation
Setting Objectives
Simplifying the Problem
Considering the Alternatives
Discussing the Consequences
Striving for Consensus
Each simulation requires participants to resolve a specific problem in a
limited period of time—first individually, then as a team. As participants
work together to draw upon their experiences and knowledge in search of
the best answers, they are challenged to successfully integrate the
expertise of all group members. By comparing individual and team
solutions to the recommended expert solution, participants can see
whether, as a group, they were able to take advantage of what each
member had to offer and contribute.
Use HS Team Development Simulations to:
¾ Strengthen members’ rational problem solving skills and interpersonal
¾ Demonstrate and promote synergy within teams
¾ Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of individual and group
decision making
¾ Establish a Constructive & team oriented atmosphere in the workplace,
seminars, training programs and classrooms
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How the Synergistic Problem-Solving Model Works ?
Synergy occurs when the interactive efforts of two or more people have a greater impact than the sum of their
independent efforts. Synergistic problem solving is achieved when groups maximize their use of available resources,
knowledge, and task skills by exhibiting constructive (as opposed to defensive) interaction styles. It is further promoted
when members approach problems in a rational, interpersonally supportive manner.* The outcome is an effective
solution—one that is both accepted by members and of higher quality than their individual solutions.
Demonstrate Synergy and
measure Solution Effectiveness
with any of HS’s Survival Situation
simulations or Business Skills
Assess and develop
Interpersonal and Rational Skills
and Processes with the Observer’s
Measure Constructive group
interaction styles and redirect
Defensive styles with the Group
Styles Inventory™
Synergistic Problem Solving Model
Effective Solutions
Rational Skills & Processes
Analyzing the Situation
Setting Objectives
Simplifying the Problem
Considering Alternatives
Discussing the Consequences
Task Skills &
Knowledge Resources
12. SELF-ACTUALIZING: Members are
optimistic, enthusiastic & interested
11. ACHIEVEMENT: Members are
concerned with getting things
done & performing well
Interpersonal Skills & Processes
Striving for Consensus
Members are constructive, sensitive
& supportive of one another
2. AFFILIATIVE: Members are friendly,
cooperative & relaxed
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1. Survival Situation™ Simulations
From the Canadian subarctic regions through the Sonoran Desert in the USA to the Australian Bush and beyond, the
HS Survival Situation simulations requires team members to work together effectively to deal with the unknown.
Set in exciting and unfamiliar locations under unusual circumstances, the survival simulations take participants outside
of their organizational roles and areas of expertise to a situation where only their synergistic problem-solving skills will
help them to survive. This allows group members to participate as equals — regardless of rank or position. By starting
on equal footing, participants have the opportunity to fully participate, focus on group processes, and analyze their
contributions to the quality of the team’s performance.
Applications & benefits
The Survival Situation simulations highlight general problem-solving processes and skills (rather than problem-specific
content or knowledge) and are suitable to utilize in workshops for lower level employees up to top level management.
The Survival Situation simulations can be used:
¾ As an icebreaker at the beginning of a workshop or training program
¾ To promote teambuilding and collaboration among organizational members
¾ To practice newly acquired knowledge and skills (and thus closing the ‘knowing - doing gap’) in the real life group
setting to evaluate learnings in order to:
o Create understanding and acceptance of other peoples’ characteristics and thinking patterns after an
o Practice newly learned skills in areas as communication, listening, questioning, negotiation, coaching, etc.
¾ To evaluate team effectiveness (e.g. quality of communication, interpersonal interaction, behavior, collaboration,
etc.) of intact or newly formed teams
¾ To analyze cross functional interaction, communication and collaboration
¾ By assessment centers to review team members quality of interaction and problem solving skills
¾ To establish healthy norms within a (new) teams.
¾ To demonstrate the value of synergy and collaboration in problem-solving to new or established team members
Survival Situation simulation descriptions
Desert I
Desert II
Your float plane crashes on the east shore of
Laura Lake in subarctic Canada
(Newfoundland). Your team is stranded 22 air
miles east of your intended destination.
On the way back from a weekend retreat, the
helicopter carrying you and your group crashes
during snowstorm in a small clearing high in
the Cascades Mountains (USA)
You and your group are on holiday in the
Australian bush in the Dandenong Ranges
east of Melbourne, when you suddenly notice a
bushfire approaching
Rank 15 items salvaged from the plane in
the order of their importance to your team’s 1.5 - 2.5
Rank 12 items salvaged from the crash in
the order of their importance to your team’s 1.5 - 2.5
Rank 12 items in the order of their
importance to your team’s survival
1.5 - 2.5
Identify which of 12 possible action steps
are important and sequence them in the
order they should be carried out. Rank the 1.5 - 2.5
remaining steps from least to most
It’s a hot August day and your plane has just
Rank 15 items salvaged from the plane in
crash-landed in the Sonoran Desert in the
the order of their importance to your team’s 1.5 - 2.5
Southwestern USA
On your way home from Acapulco (Mexico),
Identify your 4 greatest problems and the
your chartered plane experiences engine
best survival strategy. Then rank the 16
2.5 - 3.5
trouble and crash-lands in the Sonoran Desert items salvaged from the crash in order of
importance and decide on their use
You and your co-workers are working late in
the basement library of your 10-story
downtown office building when a major
earthquake hits
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Survival Situation simulation products overview and pricing
Survival Situation simulation products are available in English and Korean
(see order form for details or contact us for questions)
The leader’s guide, DVD and related MS office files provide detailed guidance
to successfully conduct a simulation. The guide provides information on:
¾ How to facilitate the simulation including preparation, time schedule,
simulation usage options, PowerPoint slides (MS PowerPoint), scoring
instructions, MS Excel to compile scoring of all teams
Synergistic problem solving method (incl. rational skills & interpersonal
guide, DVD
& MS office
Survival expert guidance DVD helps to reduce facilitator preparation time,
keeps the program on schedule, and brings “to life” the simulation by
vividly showing the actual situation, salvaged items as well as providing
the expert’s ranking and rationale during the debrief.
¾ Simulation debrief process and guidance on improving group problem
solving and decision making effectiveness
Prices in KRW
(excl. VAT) (incl. VAT)
N.B. Leaders’ guides,
DVDs and participant
booklets are different
for each simulation
¾ 5 participants’ booklets
Presenting the survival challenge, a worksheet for recording individual,
team and expert answers, and grids for scoring the simulation.
¾ 1 Observer’s Guide™
Used to assess rational (task) and interpersonal (people) skills of the
team kit
team. This invaluable tool helps team observers to quickly, objectively
assess the team quality in a uniform manner across observers. At the
same time observers develop their own coaching skills as they provide
groups with feedback on their performance.
How to incorporate Survival Situation Simulations in your workshop?
The facilitator introduces the simulation and a video case describes the survival
situation to the team members
15 - 20
Using the participant’s booklet each team member individually ranks the 12 – 15
survival items in order of importance for survival
10 - 15
Team ranking
Then the teams discuss and decide the order of importance of these items as a team.
Independent observers monitor the teams and observe the dynamics of the group
discussions and rate the quality of the group interaction using the Simulation
Observer’s Guide™
30 - 45
Expert video
When the teams have finished a rescue expert will debrief the teams via DVD and
introduce the expert ranking of the items including his rationale
15 - 25
Calculate team
Each team reviews and calculates how their teamwork has contributed to the quality
of their results in comparison with the expert ranking and the ranking of individual
team members. The best teams and individuals are the winning survivors.
10 - 15
Debrief team
The observers debrief the quality of the team dynamics and problem solving process.
The facilitator can link the team ranking results to the quality of the team dynamics.
10 - 15
guidance for
Using the Group Style Inventory (GSI) the team members assess the effectiveness of
their team interaction and the facilitator will provide further insight in constructive
team interaction and effective problem solving using the Synergistic Problem-Solving
0 - 15
Total duration of Survival Situation simulations
90 - 150
The simulation leader’s guide provides detailed insights in how to use the team development simulations. In case of
queries please contact us to get answers and suggestions.
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2. Business Skills Simulations
The HS Business Skills simulations are used to
create a double impact as team members
sharpen their business related skills and
practices while tuning up teamwork skills at the
same time.
The Business Skills simulations provide team
members with in-depth and practical “how-to”
knowledge to skillfully tackle common, yet
demanding, business problems and situations
with expertise and confidence. As team members
learn and practice these business skills, they
strengthen their interpersonal team skills and
behaviors at the same time and furthermore effectively (and efficiently) solve problems and make decisions. This
improves the professional abilities of the individual team members and the quality of the team process and business
results in parallel.
Applications & benefits
The Business Skills simulations address a wide variety of business skills such as teamwork, organizational culture
change, coaching, performance management, meeting effectiveness, ethical decision making, project management,
strategic planning and much more (details hereunder). The simulations aim to:
¾ Enhance specific knowledge, behavior and experience in a targeted skill area
¾ Improve synergistic problem solving (general problem-solving processes and skills)
¾ Adopt a high quality processes (e.g. project management) in the organization which carry the support and buy in
of team members
The Business Skills simulations can be used for:
¾ Setting the learning agenda and/or creating buy-in for the various issues resulting from a simulation at the
beginning of a workshop or training program
¾ Learning by doing. Practicing newly acquired knowledge and skills (and thus closing the ‘knowing - doing gap’)
in the real life group setting.
¾ Learning from others. During the simulation team members will learn from the experience, mistakes and learning
application of other team members.
¾ Evaluation of team effectiveness (e.g. quality of communication, interpersonal interaction, behavior, collaboration,
etc.) of intact or newly formed teams
To analyze strengths and areas to develop for teams and its members
By assessment centers to review team members quality of interaction and knowledge of a specific business skill
To establish healthy norms within a (new) teams.
To demonstrate the value of synergy and collaboration in problem-solving to new or established team members
To promote teambuilding and collaboration among (cross functional or project) team members.
The Business Skills simulations are most suitable for use in workshops with:
¾ Middle managers or top level organizational leaders
¾ Young high potentials
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Business Skills simulation descriptions
Concerns about stagnating growth
at a home health care supplies &
equipment manufacturer require
that your management team
outlines a change process for
revitalizing the company
A recent survey conducted by
Create a culture that corporate headquarters indicates
makes service
that your store rates “average” in
quality and
service quality and suggests that
teamwork the norm the problem may be your store’s
organizational culture.
You are the manager of a strategic
Configure the
business unit and serve on a
strategic planning
committee responsible for
process for your
developing strategic plans
business in line with
consistent with the mission and
your organization or
philosophy of the larger
As successful coach you have just
assumptions about
accepted an invitation to coach a
top regional sports team that has
lost five of their first six games in
collaboration, and
the current season.
Leadership Skills
Organizational Learn the steps of
an effective
change process
Envisioning a
Culture for
Design a process
for maximizing
motivation and
You have been appointed to serve
on a committee responsible for
developing new performance
management guidelines and
procedures that will be used at a
large financial services company.
Management Skills
You are a member of your
Promote recognition
hospital’s Institutional Review
of ethical dilemmas
Board, which is responsible for
and the skills for
evaluating research proposals
dealing with them
involving human subjects.
As a manager at a large computer
Constructive Understand what it
software company, you serve on a
Negotiations takes to achieve
committee responsible for
negotiating agreements with
prospective partner organizations.
Strengthen general
Your team has been assigned
planning proficiencies responsibility for designing a plan
and competencies
for managing a secret project
Develop effective
Increasing turnover rates in most of
your stores requires that you call a
management skills
meeting to discuss the problem.
and practices
Learn how to handle
customer complaints A customer approaches you with
a complaint
efficiently and
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Sequence 17 activities in
the order they should be
implemented to most
effectively accomplish
organizational change
Envision a culture for quality
for your store by ranking the
impact (from most positive
to most negative) of 24
behavioral norms on service
Sequence 18 critical
strategic planning activities
in the order they should be
implemented to most
effectively achieve a set of
integrated plans at the
Identify the most
appropriate approach,
goals, selection strategies,
training methods, and “team
talk” objectives from 54
Sequence 20 performance
management activities in
the order they should be
implemented to evaluate
and improve the
performance of appraisees
most effectively.
Rank 10 research practices
involving human subjects in
order of their relative
permissibility or
Sequence 17 negotiation
activities in the order they
should be implemented to
effectively develop
integrative agreements.
Sequence 20 activities to
assure effective project
Sequence 20 action steps in
the order they should be
followed to maximize
meeting effectiveness
Sequence 18 action steps in
the order they should be
carried out to maximize
service effectiveness
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1.5 - 2.5
2.5 - 3.5
2.5 - 3.5
2.5 – 8
2.5 - 3.5
2.5 - 3.5
2.5 - 3.5
1.5 - 2.5
1.5 - 2.5
1.5 - 2.5
Business Skills simulation products overview and pricing
Business Skills simulation products are available in English and some in Korean
(see order form for details or contact us for questions)
The leader’s guide and related MS office files provide detailed guidance to
successfully conduct a simulation. The guide provides information on:
¾ How to facilitate the simulation including preparation, time schedule,
simulation usage options, PowerPoint slides (MS PowerPoint), scoring
instructions, MS Excel to compile scoring of all teams
guide & MS
Synergistic problem solving method (incl. rational skills & interpersonal
office files
¾ Expert guidance, ranking and rationale during debrief.
¾ Simulation debrief process and guidance on improving group problem
solving and decision making effectiveness
Prices in KRW
(excl. VAT) (incl. VAT)
N.B. Leaders’ guides,
and participant
booklets are different
for each simulation
¾ 5 participants’ booklets
Presenting the business skills challenge, a worksheet for recording
individual, team and expert answers, and grids for scoring the simulation.
¾ 1 Observer’s Guide™
Used to assess rational (task) and interpersonal (people) skills of the
team. This invaluable tool helps team observers to quickly, objectively
team kit
assess the team quality in a uniform manner across observers. At the
same time observers develop their own coaching skills as they provide
groups with feedback on their performance.
Participants team kit same as above for Coach – Co-Achieving
How to incorporate Business Skills simulations in your workshop?
Aided by the MS PowerPoint the facilitator introduces the Business Skills
situation to the team members
15 - 20
Individual ranking
Using the participant’s booklet each team member individually ranks the 10 -20
activities in order of importance
10 - 15
Team ranking
Then the teams discuss and decide the order of importance of these activities
as a team. Independent observers monitor the teams and observe the dynamics
of the group discussions and rate the quality of the group interaction using the
Simulation Observer’s Guide™
30 - 45
Expert video
When the teams have finished the facilitator will debrief the teams and introduce
the expert ranking of the items including the rationale
15 - 25
Calculate team
Each team reviews and calculates how their teamwork has contributed to the
quality of their results in comparison to the expert ranking and the ranking of
individual team members. The best teams and the best individuals are the
10 - 15
Debrief team
The observers debrief the quality of the team dynamics and problem solving
process. The facilitator can link the team ranking results to the quality of the
team dynamics
10 - 15
guidance for team
Using the Group Style Inventory (GSI) the team members assess the
effectiveness of their team interaction and the facilitator will provide further
insight in constructive team interaction and effective problem solving using the
Synergistic Problem-Solving Model.
0 - 15
Total duration of Business Skills simulations
90 - 150
The simulation leader’s guide provides detailed insights in how to use the team development simulations. In case
of queries please contact us to get answers and suggestions.
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3. Group Styles Inventory™ (GSI)
The GSI is an easy and accurate assessment to enhance and reinforce effective interpersonal behavior in teams.
Teams take on important issues in organizations
The toughest and most complex problems faced by organizations are
typically assigned to teams (task force, cross functional, project),
committees, or other types of groups. Team members are assigned to
these groups based on their functional expertise, but do these team
members have the knowledge and experience to interact effectively
together as a team in order to make the best decisions and create the
desired results? The GSI assessment has been developed to measure the
quality of the team interaction and can be used after a regular business
meeting or a training session. The GSI is an invaluable tool to support the
team to develop better interpersonal processes and team collaboration.
High quality team collaboration doesn’t “Just Happen” it needs to be managed
Why do some groups exceed expectations while others fall short of their potential? Synergy occurs when the efforts of
two or more people working interactively produce ideas, solutions, or products that surpass those produced by the
same individuals working independently. Synergy is what makes a group an organizational asset. But synergy doesn’t
just happen. More often, it requires paying careful, focused attention to what makes a group successful, including the
interaction styles that emerge as members work together on tasks. Assessing these styles allows a group to
determine what’s working and what’s not, as well as identify what they need to do to achieve sustainable gains in
results and outcomes.
You can manage what you can measure
The GSI is a versatile tool to promote synergy in groups. The GSI can be used with any temporary or permanent
group whose members solve problems and make decisions. Use it with existing project teams, cross functional groups,
or standing committees to identify strengths, as well as areas for improvement. Or use it with a new group to foster
Constructive modes of interaction from the start. Alternatively, you can use the GSI with an ad hoc group to prepare
members to work effectively in groups in the future.
Applications & benefits
The GSI can be administered
following an actual meeting or work
session or it can be used in
conjunction with one of HS’s
simulations. Patterns of interaction
usually develop quite rapidly within
work groups. But are the “styles”
that have evolved in your groups
helping them to succeed or
preventing them from reaching their
Benefits Use the GSI to:
¾ Reinforce teambuilding efforts
¾ Promote Constructive behaviors
and synergistic decision making
in groups
¾ Improve the quality of team
¾ Increase members’ satisfaction
with their teams, as well as their
teams’ solutions
¾ Integrate team development with individual, leadership, and organizational development
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How the GSI works
1. Describe Interaction Styles
You can administer the GSI immediately following a group
meeting or work session or after groups complete a simulation
(but before they receive the answers). The GSI asks members
to describe how they worked together and approached the task
by responding to a set of 72 brief questions. Members’
responses to the survey reflect their perceptions of the patterns
of behavior or “styles” that were exhibited by the group.
2. Plot the Results
Team members can score and profile their own results and
also average together their results to create a group profile.
Differences between individual profiles reflect differences in the
impact that the group is having on individual members. The
group’s composite GSI profile reveals its dominant, as well as
its weakest, styles.
3. Identify Targets for Change
Some of the styles measured by the GSI are Constructive and
associated with high quality solutions, member satisfaction, and time effectiveness. Other styles are Defensive,
counter-productive and associated with inconsistent or poor performance, low member satisfaction, and inefficient
use of time. Thus, the GSI will tell members what styles they need to change in order to maximize their group’s
4. Modify Styles to Improve Performance
The GSI Participant Guide provides a number of suggestions for practicing and developing more Constructive
styles (and reducing Defensive tendencies). The two-step process outlined in the Guide helps groups to identify
appropriate improvement strategies and translate them into specific actions for implementation.
5. Monitor Progress
Once teams have had an opportunity to implement their strategies for change, they should complete the GSI
again (after another work-related meeting or simulated problem-solving session). Re-administration of the GSI
reinforces and supports team-building efforts by providing groups with feedback on the effectiveness of their
improvement strategies in relation to their performance.
Measuring & managing team development over time
Original team behavior
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Same team 1 year later
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Group Style Inventory (GSI) products overview and pricing
Group Style Inventory (GSI) products are available in English and in Korean
(see order form for details or contact us for questions)
guide & MS
office files
The leader’s guide and related MS office files provide detailed guidance to
successfully debrief a GSI assessment. The guide provides information on:
¾ How to facilitate the assessment including preparation, time schedule,
usage options, PowerPoint slides (MS PowerPoint), scoring instructions,
MS Excel to compile scoring of all teams
¾ Synergistic problem solving method (incl. rational skills & interpersonal
¾ Group styles debrief process and guidance on improving group problem
solving and decision making effectiveness
25 flipcharts with GSI Circumplex (in English only) that can be used for teams
GSI flipchart to plot their results or for creating a composite profile of all groups. The
flipcharts are very visual for groups and very useful in team development
Prices in KRW
(excl. VAT) (incl. VAT)
¾ 5 GSI assessments (self scoring)
The GSI assessment includes:
o 72 short questions
o a self scoring section so that every team member can easily and
accurately assess the group styles
o a summarized explanation of the styles
¾ GSI Scoring Supplement (one per team)
Streamlines the process of GSI scoring and averaging individual results
to create a composite profile for the team or multiple teams.
¾ Team assessment kit (same as above)
¾ 5 GSI participants development guide
The participants guide provides detailed information and guidance to the
team members in understanding the GSI styles and an action planning
guide for change implementation
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