Team Development - Human Synergistics Canada

Team building works. Organizations that have invested the time and effort into
group decision-making, team building and interpersonal skills continue to reap
the rewards. Our team building exercises are designed to be interesting, fun and
have impact. When you combine a team building simulation with the creative
Group Styles Inventory, you will be offering a powerful training and development program.
Let Your Teams
Experience Effective
Group Problem Solving
Human Synergistics Canada has two types of team development instruments:
group decision-making simulations that measure how well a group works
together to solve problems, and group assessments that measure how groups
work together. The simulations enable participants to experience decisionmaking scenarios in a safe environment.
There are four types of simulations: survival simulations, business simulations,
leadership simulations, and the Challenge Series. Each type has slightly different
situations with the same objective of solving a problem together. This range of
themes provides the trainer with enough simulations to ensure variey and
The simulations by themselves provide participants with an opportunity to
understand the group decision-making process. Coupled with a group
behavioural assessment, they provide a dramatic learning experience. The
Group Styles Inventory enables groups to examine how they reach decisions whether they are too passive, too aggressive, or just right.
Call our training professionals to help you design a team building workshop
Use our team building simulations to measure
your teams' effectiveness. Combine them with the
Group Styles Inventory to understand why the
groups performed the way they did.
Team Development
Team Development
Team Development
Survival Simulations
With the Survival simulation series, each simulation presents a survival
challenge. Team members work individually and then as a group to
assess the value of a series of items in terms of their importance to
survival. Then, scores are generated by comparing individual and team
answers to those provided by actual experts in that particular situation.
This use of survival experts lends a high degree of credibility and
interest to the exercises. It also alleviates disagreement over the “right”
solution, freeing participants to focus on the process of working as a
Desert Survival Situation
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 11/2 to 21/2 hours
A desert plane crash is the setting for this classic survival exercise that
challenges team members to band together to survive the elements.
Participants rank order 15 items.
1 2 4 0 1 .................................................................. $7.50
La survie dans le désert - Cahier du participant
1 2 4 0 2 .................................................................. $7.50
1 2 4 0 3 ................................................................ $35.00
Survival Simulations Observer’s Guide
9 2 4 2 1 .................................................................. $7.50
Desert Video Enhancement
VHS ................................................. $189.00
DVD ................................................ $189.00
Simulation Scoring Flipchart (bilingue)
12495 ................................................................... $25.00
Desert II Survival Situation
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 21/2 to 31/2 hours
Participants decide what problems to overcome, basic strategy and
rank-order the 16 items by priority and best use. This exercise
challenges in-tact teams and experienced decision-makers.
1 2 4 1 1 .................................................................. $7.50
1 2 4 1 3 ................................................................ $35.00
Survival Simulations Observer’s Guide
9 2 4 2 1 .................................................................. $7.50
Desert II Video Enhancement
VHS ................................................. $189.00
DVD ................................................ $189.00
Simulation Scoring Flipchart
12495 ................................................................... $25.00
To Order: PHONE (519) 284-4135
FAX (519) 284-4272
Team Development
Subarctic Survival Situation
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 11/2 to 21/2 hours
Suppose the plane in which you and your colleagues are traveling is
forced to crash land in a frigid isolated area of northern Canada. Will
your group’s problem-solving skills help you beat the elements? Or
could destructive conflicts and communication breakdowns jeopardize
your very survival? Participants rank-order 15 items.
1 2 4 2 1 .................................................................. $7.50
La survie en région subarctique - Cahier du participant
1 2 4 2 2 .................................................................. $7.50
1 2 4 2 3 ................................................................ $35.00
Survival Simulations Observer’s Guide
9 2 4 2 1 .................................................................. $7.50
VHS ................................................. $189.00
DVD ................................................ $189.00
Simulation Scoring Flipchart (bilingue)
12495 ................................................................... $25.00
Cascades Survival Situation
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 1 to 11/2 hours
A helicopter crash in a remote area of the Cascade Mountains of
Washington is the setting for our least complex survival exercise.
Participants rank-order the 12 items salvaged from the crash in terms
of their survival value.
1 2 4 3 1 .................................................................. $7.50
La survie dans la chaîne des Cascades-Cahier du participant
1 2 4 3 2 .................................................................. $7.50
Working Overseas?
PAL versions of our
video enhancements
are available by
special order.
1 2 4 3 3 ................................................................ $35.00
Survival Simulations Observer’s Guide
9 2 4 2 1 .................................................................. $7.50
VHS ................................................. $189.00
DVD ............................................. $189.00
La survie dans la chaîne des Cascades - vidéo
VHS .................................................. $ 1 8 9 . 0 0
DVD ................................................. $ 1 8 9 . 0 0
Simulation Scoring Flipchart (bilingue)
12495 ................................................................... $25.00
Team Development
Bushfire Survival Situation
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 11/2 to 2 hours
On holiday in the forest covered Dandenong Ranges east of
Melbourne, Australia, all is going well until someone notices smoke.
Further investigation reveals that there is a bushfire! Ash, embers
and charred leaves are falling. The survival value of 12 items must be
Participant Booklet
32401 ........................................................... $7.50
Leader’s Guide
32403 ............................................................. $35.00
Survival Simulations Observer’s Guide
92421 ................................................................ $ 7 . 5 0
Bushfire Video Enhancement
VHS ............................................... $ 1 8 9 . 0 0
DVD .............................................. $ 1 8 9 . 0 0
Simulation Scoring Flipchart
12495 ............................................................. $22.00
Jungle Survival Situation
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 11/2 to 21/2 hours
Your small chartered twin-engine plane crashes into the trees of the
jungle, 15m above the ground. Participants rank-order 15 items that
have been salvaged from the crash in terms of their survival value.
Participant Booklet
92401 ................................................................ $7.50
La survie dans la jungle - Cahier du participant
92402 ................................................................ $7.50
Leader’s Guide
92403 .............................................................. $35.00
Survival Simulations Observer’s Guide
91421 ................................................................ $7.50
Simulation Scoring Flipchart (bilingue)
12495 .............................................................. $22.00
To Order: PHONE (519) 284-4135
FAX (519) 284-4272
Team Development
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 11/2 to 2 hours
A yacht excursion from Tahiti to Australia is threatened as the vessel
strikes a coral reef. Rank the 12 items you have salvaged according to
their survival value.
3 2 4 1 1 .................................................................. $7.50
3 2 4 1 3 ................................................................ $35.00
Survival Simulations Observer’s Guide
9 2 4 2 1 .................................................................. $7.50
Simulation Scoring Flipchart
12495 ................................................................... $25.00
Sea Survival Situation
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 2 to 3 hours
Your sailing vessel sinks below the surface of the vast Caribbean Sea.
You and your shipmates must prioritize strategy options and then rank
the 15 items you have salvaged according to their survival value in this
two-part simulation.
9 2 4 1 1 .................................................................. $7.50
La survie en mer - Cahier du participant
9 2 4 1 2 .................................................................. $7.50
9 2 4 1 3 ................................................................ $35.00
Survival Simulations Observer’s Guide
92421 ............................................................ $7.50
Simulation Scoring Flipchart (bilingue)
12495 ................................................................... $25.00
Simulation Scoring Flipchart
This flipchart is ideal for aiding in a professional presentation and
debriefing of the groups' results. Each flipchart has scoring grids for
up to four teams. Available in pads of ten flipchart pages, they are
printed in English on one side and French on the other.
12495 ................................................................... $25.00
Team Development
Business Simulations
Business simulations were developed to extend the simulation process
into the workplace. The content is business oriented and becomes more
focused on challenging teams to solve specific on-the-job problems.
Besides the process of group decision-making, one of the added
benefits of the Business simulations is a more focused and formal
discussion in an area of business expertise. By comparing their
individual and team scores with the suggested rankings, team members
start to develop an understanding of this aspect of business.
Meeting Effectiveness Situation
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 2 to 4 hours
This reality-based business simulation teaches consensus decisionmaking skills while challenging team members to rank order the steps
involved in planning, organizing and conducting an effective meeting.
This simulation develops an understanding of how to run a meeting.
Its highly relevant topic makes Meeting Effectiveness the ideal
business simulation for any audience.
1 2 4 6 1 ................................................................... $ 7 . 5 0
Tenir des réunions efficaces-Guide du participant
1 2 4 6 2 ..................................................................... $ 7 . 5 0
1 2 4 6 3 ................................................................ $37.50
Business Simulations Observer’s Guide
9 2 4 2 3 .................................................................. $7.50
Simulation Scoring Flipchart (bilingue)
12495 ...................................................................... $25.00
Project Planning Situation
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 11/2 to 21/2 hours
Team members learn group consensus skills through the use of a
business-oriented problem. This self-scoring exercise provides
participants with a suggested sequence of planning, organizing,
implementing and controlling activities. So often many team members sit down to do a project and everyone has a different idea of the
steps involved and their sequence.
1 2 4 5 1 ................................................................... $ 7 . 5 0
La situation de planification de projet-Cahier du participant
1 2 4 5 2 ................................................................... $7.50
1 2 4 5 3 ................................................................ $37.50
Business Simulations Observer’s Guide
9 2 4 2 3 .................................................................. $7.50
Simulation Scoring Flipchart (bilingue)
12495 ................................................................... $25.00
To Order: PHONE (519) 284-4135
FAX (519) 284-4272
Team Development
Envisioning a Culture for Quality
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 21/2 to 6 hours
This challenging and contemporary simulation asks participants to
define the type of organizational culture that provides product and
service excellence. Team members rank 24 behaviours in order of
their impact on service quality (from positive to negative). Envisioning a Culture for Quality introduces participants to the concept of
organizational culture and how it relates to service effectiveness.
2 2 4 0 1 .................................................................. $7.50
Concevoir une culture de la qualité-Cahier du participant
2 2 4 0 2 ................................................................... $7.50
2 2 4 0 3 ................................................................ $37.50
Business Simulations Observer’s Guide
9 2 4 2 3 .................................................................. $7.50
Simulation Scoring Flipchart (bilingue)
12495 ................................................................................ $25.00
Customer Complaint Situation
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 11/2 to 21/2 hours
Customer service is the topic of this timely, informative simulation.
This simulation is an ideal way of looking at standardizing and understanding procedures for handling customer complaints.
Team members are challenged to sequence, first individually and then
as a team, the critical activities involved in receiving a complaint.
They identify the problem and finally resolve the situation. Comparing
their results to the suggested ranking helps participants understand the
process and consolidate their approach. The Customer Complaint
Situation is especially appropriate for members of any productoriented or service-oriented group serving either internal or external
1 2 4 7 1 .................................................................. $7.50
Le client insatisfait-Gestion des réclamations-Cahier du
1 2 4 7 2 ................................................................... $7.50
1 2 4 7 3 ................................................................ $37.50
Business Simulations Observer’s Guide
9 2 4 2 3 .................................................................. $7.50
Simulation Scoring Flipchart (bilingue)
12495 ................................................................... $25.00
Team Development
Leadership Simulations
The leadership simulations teach team building and leadership skills.
Ideally suited for management development programs, they integrate a
number of interpersonal and leadership skills.
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 4 to 10 hours
This realistic business case tests participants' leadership values and
skills in a team setting. Members are challenged to reverse the climate
and fiscal situation of a failing manufacturing plant. Survival of the
company depends on the team’s ability to make decisions in six key
leadership areas. These areas are:
Assumptions and Values
Problem Identification
Establishing Objectives
Action Steps
Approach to Management
Feedback and Communication
dat 1
U 200
Turnaround is an ideal simulation to use as the highlight business case
of an extensive leadership workshop.
Turnaround Participant Kit
Situation Description Booklet
Procedure Guide and Scoring
Participant Worksheets (4)
1 2 4 8 1 ................................................................. $ 3 4 . 0 0
Leader’s Guide
The Leader’s Guide provides extensive information for facilitating
Turnaround and relating it to various management theories.
1 2 4 8 3 ................................................................ $60.00
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 21/2 to 4 hours
This simulation challenges participants to test their leadership/coaching
values, skills and behaviours in a sport setting. The participants are put in
a sports team situation as a coach and questioned individually and then
collectively about their approach, goals, selection, training, and motivational techniques in 54 statements. Their decisions form the basis of a
learning experience for leaders/coaches.
The individual decisions test the participant's knowledge, skills and attitudes about leadership. The group decisions reinforce and enhance
learning, as well as test group skills.
3 2 4 2 1 ................................................................ $34.00
3 2 4 2 3 ................................................................ $49.00
To Order: PHONE (519) 284-4135
FAX (519) 284-4272
Team Development
Tower Building Project
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 21/2 to 6 hours
This simulation is designed to allow participants to experience
various leadership styles first hand. Participants are required to
build a tower that will be judged in an open competition. The
leaders are chosen by the facilitator and given leadership
roles to play. Learning comes from the quality of the work
completed and an employee satisfaction survey. The exercise
creates lively discussions and experiential learning through
modest physical activity. Ideally, the Tower Building Project
complements an LSI/STYLUS module; but can be used as an
introduction or follow-up to any leadership program.
4 2 4 1 1 .................................................................. $7.50
4 2 4 1 3 ................................................................ $37.50
Pins and Straws Team Kit
There are a variety of "building" materials that the facilitator can
use in the simulation. However, we have found that using
straight pins and drinking straws produces great results. Each
kit comes in a plastic-ware container. You will need one kit per
team. The kits can be disassembled and reused.
4 2 4 1 5 ................................................................ $13.00
Cultural Change Situation
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 3 to 4 hours
In the Cultural Change Situation exercise, your team must present an
improvement plan for a hypothetical organization. Your analysis is
based on profiles produced by the Organizational Culture Inventory
(OCI) and the Organizational Effectiveness Inventory (OEI).
The Cultural Change Situation enhances understanding of cultural
norms measured by the OCI, forces that create and reinforce these
norms, and outcomes that result from them.
2 2 4 1 1 ................................................................. $ 1 5 . 0 0
2 2 4 1 3 ................................................................. $ 3 7 . 5 0
(set of 7)
2 2 4 1 5 ................................................................. $ 7 5 . 0 0
Team Development
Challenge Series Simulations
The Challenge Series is easy to put into place within any company, so your
people can begin learning and applying the skills they need right now. In each
simulation, participants work individually and then in teams to solve the
situation's problem. The Leader's Guides contain procedures for conducting the
exercise, transparency masters, recommended solutions and rationales, scoring
instructions and optional activities to enhance program results.
Developed in conjunction with the American Management Association, the
simulations in this series are more challenging than the Business Simulations.
Time needed for exercise, scoring and discussion: 21/2 to 4 hours
The simulations and their scenarios are:
Constructive Negotiations Challenge
Participants are "appointed" to serve on the committee responsible for negotiating
the final agreements for a joint business venture. They must choose the order in
which to carry out the 17 activities critical to an integrative negotiation process.
Participant Booklet
22421 ............................................................ $7.50
Leader ’s Guide
22423 ......................................................... $37.50
Critical Thinking Challenge
As members of a fictitious TQM team for a plastics company, participants work
together to solve five problems, using creative problem-solving and constructive
thinking. The exercises teach participants to apply lateral thinking strategies and to
think "outside the box" in team settings.
Participant Booklet
22431 ................................................. $7.50
Leader's Guide
22433 ................................................. $37.50
Ethical Decision Making Challenge
Participants apply their own ethical frameworks and paradigms in making decisions
about the relative permissibility and acceptability of ten research practices.
Participant Booklet
22441 ................................................. $7.50
Leader's Guide
22443 ................................................. $37.50
To Order: PHONE (519) 284-4135
FAX (519) 284-4272
Team Development
Organizational Change Challenge
The CEO of a fictitious company wants to make some organizational
changes to revitalize the company. Participants identify the optimal sequence for carrying out 17 activities relevant to initiating, planning, implementing, and institutionalizing change.
Participant Booklet
22451 ................................................ $7.50
Leader's Guide
22453 ................................................. $37.50
Performance Management Challenge
Participants identify the optimal sequence for carrying out 20 activities related to
performance management. They encompass establishing standards, facilitating and
monitoring performance, conducting appraisals, and utilizing results.
Participant Booklet
22461 .................................................................... $7.50
Leader's Guide
22463 .................................................................... $37.50
Strategic Planning Challenge
Participants choose the optimal sequence for carrying out 18 activities
relevant to creating a corporate vision and mission, developing business
strategies and goals, integrating unit and corporate strategies, and implementing and controlling the plan.
Participant Booklet
22471 .............................................................. $7.50
Leader’s Guide
22473 ............................................................ $37.50
Project Management Challenge
Participants are a group of project managers with a large publishing organization. They have been 'appointed' to a committee whose task is to sequence 24 project management activities, tools and techniques in the order
they should be carried out to manage projects more efficiently.
Participant Booklet
22481 .............................................................. $7.50
Leader’s Guide
22483 ............................................................ $37.50
Team Development
Group Styles Inventory (GSI)
How well people work together is a critical factor in achieving high quality results.
This involves paying attention to what is getting done, what is not, and why. Ask
yourself the following questions:
Why do some groups perform better than others?
What kinds of behaviours characterize effective groups?
Impress your audiences
by showing correlations If you find the answers are difficult to identify, you are not alone. That is why Human
between GSI and Synergistics developed the Group Styles Inventory (GSI).
simulation scores!
Like individuals, work groups have their own personalities or “styles” of interaction.
These styles are reflected in the way group members approach a particular task and
work together. Groups can be effective and constructive, or they can be nonproductive or even counterproductive. GSI tells you how your work groups measure up. It
shows groups how to work toward:
• enhanced cooperation and communication,
• heightened innovation,
• stronger consensus.
All of these benefits lead directly to higher quality results.
Group Styles Inventory Kit includes...
Group Styles Inventory
This is a self-scoring inventory of 72 items that participants complete and plot on the enclosed
circumplex graph. The result is a visual depiction of how the person perceives the group’s approach
to a task and how they work together as a team. Then they can compare this profile to the averag e
group profile they plot in their Participant Guide.
Participant Guide
This booklet includes style interpretations, improvement suggestions and an action plan for
committing to changes.
2 2 5 0 5 ................................................................. $ 2 0 . 0 0
ISG inventaire et guide de participant
2 2 5 0 6 ................................................................. $ 2 0 . 0 0
Group Styles Scoring Supplement
Scoring guidelines for those who purchase the Inventory separately.
2 2 5 0 9 .................................................................. $4.00
ISG tableau des scores
Utile surtout si vous n'utilisez pas le guide du participant ISG.
2 2 5 1 0 ................................................................... $ 3 . 0 0
GSI Leader's Guide
2 2 5 0 7 ............................................................. $175.00
Refer to page 29 for additional facilitation enhancements.
To Order: PHONE (519) 284-4135
FAX (519) 284-4272
GSI Leader’s Guide
This guide assists facilitators in understanding the 12 styles, interpreting group results, and in
combining the GSI with a simulation to create a dynamic Team-Building Workshop.
2 2 5 0 7 .............................................................. $ 1 7 5 . 0 0
PowerPoint ® Presentations
For those many trainers who are switching from overheads to PowerPoint®, Human Synergistics
has developed PowerPoint® presentations for LSI/STYLUS, GSI and OCI.
They may be purchased individually, or you may take advantage of our combination set offer,
and purchase all three for less than half price. Available on disk or CD.
GSI 42513 ............................................... $150.00
ISG 42514 ............................................ $150.00
LSI, GSI, OCI Combination 49911 ........ $ 3 0 0 . 0 0
ISV, ISG et IOC 49912 ......................... $300.00
Circumplex Flipchart Pad (bilingue)
Contains 25 enlarged, generic circumplex graphs for easy profiling and display.
2 2 5 1 5 ................................................................. $ 5 0 . 0 0
ISG Circomplexes en affiches murales
Contient vingt-cinq circomplexes vierges, taille affiche: rend les résultats du groupe visibles à tous.
2 2 5 1 6 .................................................................. $ 5 0 . 0 0
Simulation Scoring Flipchart Pad
Tra he
Contains 10 enlarged, titled scoring grids (up to four teams per sheet) for easy display and
convenience during the scoring portion of the simulation.
12495 ................................................................... $25.00
General Certification Program
Learn how to debrief the Life Styles Inventory, STYLUS, GSI and OCI at Human
Synergistics' General Certification Program. You will receive some of the Leader's materials
above as part of this program. Refer to page 37 for more information.
4 4 1 0 2 ............................................................. $995.00
Group Effectiveness Inventory
The Group Effectiveness Inventory is a new assessment instrument designed to assist
team-building. GEI measures the effectiveness of team building activities of intact teams.
The average raw scores will identify potential strengths and possible weaknesses in the
following areas:
Interpersonal Skills
Rational Process
• Participation
1. Preparation
• Listening
2. Setting Objectives
• Supporting
3. Analysis of the Situation
• Differing
4. Discussing Alternatives
• Constructive Criticism
5. Analyzing Consequences
6. Reaching a Consensus
Use the inventory to initiate change discussions with intact teams or as part of a
team-building workshop.
42501 ............................................................. $7.00
Participate in developing a normative database for the
Group Effectiveness Inventory
and receive a 50% rebate on all GEI's purchased.
Team Development
GSI / Simulation Facilitator Materials