Vision 20/20 Software – Manual

Version 4.X
Table of Contents
Version Improvements .................................................................................... 3
1. Program Installation ................................................................................... 3
2. Login .......................................................................................................... 4
3. Meter Compatibility With 4.0................................................................... 4
4. Configuring Meter with Vision 20/20 ....................................................... 5
5. Main Screen ............................................................................................... 6
5.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................ 6
5.2 Enable warnings ........................................................................................................ 8
5.3 Protocol Version ....................................................................................................... 8
6. Settings Screen ......................................................................................... 10
6.1 Meter Form ............................................................................................................. 11
6.2 Transformer Ratio ................................................................................................... 11
6.3 Configuration .......................................................................................................... 12
6.4 Meter Settings ......................................................................................................... 12
6.5 Reverse Allowed ..................................................................................................... 13
6.6 Pulse Output Option................................................................................................ 13
6.7 System Time ........................................................................................................... 14
6.8 Demand Intervals .................................................................................................... 14
6.9 Automatic Demand Reset ....................................................................................... 14
6.10 Set Register Values ............................................................................................... 15
7. Display Settings ....................................................................................... 15
8. AMR/AMI Settings.................................................................................. 18
8.1 AMR(ERT) Protocol ............................................................................................... 19
8.2 Packet Information .................................................................................................. 19
8.3 ERT Type ................................................................................................................ 19
8.4 Packet Structure ...................................................................................................... 20
8.5 Multiple ERT (SCM) Transmission........................................................................ 20
9. Security Keys Setting............................................................................... 21
10. TOU Settings ......................................................................................... 22
11. Load Profile Settings ............................................................................. 24
11.1 Load Profile Settings............................................................................................. 24
11.2 Load Profile Read/View ....................................................................................... 25
12. Event Log ............................................................................................... 25
13. Manage Users Settings........................................................................... 27
13.1 Change Password .................................................................................................. 28
14. Phasor Diagram...................................................................................... 29
15. Meter Error List ...................................................................................... 29
15.1 List of Possible Errors ........................................................................................... 29
Vision Metering’s 20/20 Programming Software is designed to program both XT & ST models
and 2.X or newer versions of the Vision Metering product line. The Vision LT meter (low cost)
model is not supported by Vision 20/20 version 4.0. It is used to program and read all operating
parameters of the meter including the communication modes of Hunt Airpoint and Vision’s Data
on Demand RF communication circuitry. This software complies with ANSI C12.18 and C12.19
Version Improvements
The following improvements have been incorporated into Version 4.0 and apply to meters
containing firmware version 4.0 or later:
● Additional 4th and 5th ERT capability
● Firmware Upgrade
● Reset/Set Register Values
● Event Log Read
● Alternative Mode & Test Mode Display Selection
● Time of Use
● Basic Meter Configuration Display
● Cumulative Demand & Continuous Demand Displays
● Switch Operation
● Manage Users
● Phasor Diagram
1. Program Installation
Start by running the Vis2020-4.X-win32 file provided and the installation process will begin.
Follow the on screen prompts and once the install is complete, the driver for the optical cable
must be installed. This is located in the Vision 2020 folder under program folder on the hard
drive. If the user does not have .NET Framework installed, the installation will detect this and
automatically install the proper version of .NET Framework. Vision 20/20 can now be started.
During the initial run of the application, it is necessary to select a COM port for the attached
Optical probe. This is accomplished by selecting SETTINGS located on the upper most banner
and then selecting COM settings from the main screen. After the initial selection the program will
save this COM setting for future use.
2. Login
Before continuing to the main screen the user must login to the program. Vision 20/20 provides
multiple login access. The login screen is shown below in Figure 1. The default user access
levels are Supervisor, Technician or User. One of these three modes must be entered in the
User Name field. The associated password is entered in the Password field and can be viewed by
clicking on the eye icon located in this field. After entering the user name and associated
password click the LOGIN button.
Figure 1
The factory default User Access Login Profiles and Passwords are shown below, with
associated privileges:
Supervisor (Password “2020”):
● Read meter settings
● Program meter settings (all functions)
● Read load profile
● Read event log
● Upgrade firmware
● Set register values
● Program security keys
● Manage users
● Reset Error, demand, event log, etc.
● Set meter time
● Save files
Technician (Password “Austin”):
● Read meter settings
● Program AMR, demand and event log settings
● Read load profile
● Read event log
● Reset error and demand
● Set meter time
User (Password “Vision”):
● Read basic meter settings
● Read load profile
● Read event log
● Reset error and demand
● Set meter time
Note: The Supervisor is the only login profile allowed access to the security key and manage users
functions. These tabs are absent from the main screen of the Technician and User login profiles.
*This manual will cover all aspects of Vision 20/20. All screens captures will be in Supervisor mode.
3. Meter Compatibility With 4.0
Meters containing firmware earlier than 4.0 will not communicate with Vision 20/20 version 4.0.
When trying to read a meter in this instance, a “Firmware not compatible” message box will
appear as shown below in Figure A (see note). Clicking the Ok button will open version 2.7 of
Vision 20/20. Version 2.7 is not covered in this manual.
Figure A
Note: Vision 20/20 version 2.7 will automatically launch only if “Check all Protocols” has been
selected under the Application Settings menu. If this option is not set, then a “Communications
Error” message will display on the status bar.
4. Configuring Meter with Vision 20/20
Meters are configured to customer specifications at the factory. To save time, the Read Meter
button can be utilized to retrieve the meters current settings. The Configuration screen is the first
and main screen. The Read Meter button is located at bottom left on the Configuration screen.
After viewing the current settings, changes can be made and applied to the meter by using the
Program Meter button. This button is located at bottom right of the main screen. In addition,
Vision 20/20 also provides the Configuration screen which provides a multitude of useful data
which can be viewed by pressing the Read Meter button.
Note: The meter must be energized and the optical probe must be used to perform any read or write
5. Main Screen
5.1 Configuration Screen
The user may find it helpful to configure some of these settings upon first use of Vision 20/20.
The Configuration screen is the main screen upon launching Vision 20/20, Figure 2. The meter
can be read by clicking the Read Meter button located at bottom left. The Reset Meter button
will reset errors, demand settings and registers. The Program Meter button is not accessible in
User mode and therefore nothing can be written to the meter. However, this is how the main
screen appears in Supervisor mode until a meter has been read. Notice first the File, Edit,
Phasor Diagram, Meter Error List, Application Settings and Help selections located on the
upper task bar. The File tab allows the user to open, save as or exit. The Edit tab allows user to
copy, paste or cut. The Phasor Diagram and Meter Error List tabs are not selectable until the
meter has been read. Refer to Section 14 for detailed information on the Phasor Diagram
The Application Settings tab allows the user to select Log Out, COM port, Enable Warnings,
Change password, Radio Not Supported or Check Old Protocol Version. This is shown below in
Figure B. The Security Key selection is only available when the present key won’t provide
access to the meter. This provides the user the opportunity to input a different key, and is detailed
in Section 9. The Help tab allows user to select About or Help. By clicking on the Help tab, the
user may select Shortcut Keys. These are provided to help simplify and expedite routine and
repetitious reading and programing functions. This is shown below in Figure C.
Figure 2
Figure B
Figure C
5.2 Enable warnings
Vision 20/20 4.X contains a number of pre-defined warnings which can be displayed. Located in
the Application Settings tab of the upper task bar as shown above in Figure B, the user simply
selects which warning(s) are important. To select or unselect any individual warning message,
simply click to add or remove the checkmark.
5.3 Protocol Version
Also located in the Settings tab shown above, is the Check Old Protocol Version option. If
selected, Vision 20/20 4.X will check the meter’s firmware first when reading a meter. If the user
is confident that the meters they will read/program contain firmware of version 4.X or higher,
then this option can be de-selected. This will speed up the meter reading process. However, if
this option is not selected and an attempt to read a meter with firmware older than 4.X is made,
the read process will fail in a communications error.
Figure 3
5.4 Reading, Updating, and Programming Meter I.D.
To read a meter, click on the Read Meter button located at bottom left. The empty fields will
populate as the status bar indicates level of completion. The user can navigate through the
program with the rest of the tabs. An example is shown in Figure 3. This initial reading
provides the user with basic information such as date, time, serial number and firmware version.
Here the user may see if a battery or switch is present in the meter.
To send settings to the meter, click on the Program Meter button located at the bottom right
Once read, the meter firmware version will display in the center box. The user may update meter
firmware by clicking on Update Firmware (Figure 3). The user will be prompted to select a
firmware file from the computer to send to the meter. This is available only in Supervisor mode.
A filed for Meter Settings # is provided for customer convenience. If desired, the user can input
any 2-digit number indicating the number of times the meter has been programmed. For instance,
if the meter is receiving its first configuration, the user may want to insert “01” in this field. This
would allow the user to determine if a meter (perhaps deployed to the field) has received the most
recent programming or any at all. This field is purely optional for the user and may be left blank
(or “00”).
The Meter ID allows a user-customized ID to be sent the meter. This number may not exceed 20
alpha-numeric) characters. The ID is sent to the meter using the Program Meter ID button.
5.5 Current Limit Disconnect Switch
Some meter models are equipped with battery and/or current limit (shut-down) switch, as shown
in Figure 3-1 on the following page. These meters allow the user to set a maximum limit of
current the meter is to provide. If current usage exceeds the defined limit, the meter will
disconnect utility service.
If the meter is equipped with a current limit switch, Open & Close buttons are visible. When the
switch is Open, the utility service is disconnected. The status of the switch will be displayed as
either Charging or Ready. It takes approximately one minute to charge the capacitor to change
the position of the switch. When charging is complete, Ready will be displayed prompting the
user to change the position if desired.
Figure 3-1
5.6 Validation and Reset
The user has the option to validate any/all changes to the meter by checking the Validate box
followed by clicking the Program Meter button. The user may also reset register values by
checking the Reset Values box followed by clicking the Program Meter button. This will reset
errors, demand and registers. This action does not reset the event logs or load profiles.
Other aspects of the meter are seen in the remaining boxes (date, time, SN, etc.). Many of these
items may be changed or reset under other screens which will be discussed throughout this
6. Settings Screen
The second tab displays the Settings screen (Figure 4). This screen allows the user to read or set
the following:
Meter Form
Transformer Ratio
Meter Settings
Battery/Switch Mode
Pulse Output Mode
System Date/Time
Meter Date/Tame
Demand Interval
Automatic Demand Reset
Set Register Values
Figure 4
6.1 Meter Form
The meter form must be chosen first as it makes any other associated options available. The
meter form selection is made at the top left corner of this screen. This parameter is listed on the
nameplate of the meter (FM 2S, FM 3S, FM 16S, etc.). Simply click the appropriate radial box
and that form will be highlighted red. Depending on meter form chosen, some items on the
Settings screen may disappear or become “grayed-out” since they are not associated with the
chosen form.
6.2 Transformer Ratio
This selection will be available automatically for transformer-rated meters (Forms 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,
10) as shown below in Figure 5. Simply select the proper form and the Current transformer CTR
and Voltage transformer PTR (Potential Transformer) ratios can be entered and stored in the
Example: If a Current Transformer ratio is 200:5 then the user should simply enter 200 in this
box. If register values such as kWh and kW demand also need to be multiplied, check the
kWh=kWh*(VTR*CTR) box located at the bottom of this section. Leaving this box unchecked
will cause the meter to display only raw kWh and kW but only multiply currents and voltages for
display purposes.
Note: Potential Transformer ratios will always be N:1 and Current Transformer ratios will always be N:5.
Figure 5
6.3 Configuration
This section defines whether or not the meter is equipped with battery/switch hardware and how
these items behave. It is important that the user confirm that the meter is equipped with
battery/switch hardware prior to selecting these options.
LCD Mode is used to provide battery power to the meter’s display when the power line is
disrupted. The selection can be either on or off. LCD Mode cannot be selected without fist
selecting Battery.
Switch Board will automatically be checked after reading a meter equipped with a current limit
switch (see section 5.5). However, in cases where the current limit switch is not recognized and
is confirmed to be present, the user can select this option.
6.4 Meter Settings
This setting configures the value the meter uses internally to output pulses for testing and
measuring purposes, in Kilowatt-hours per meter pulse. The Kh represents the amount of energy
usage that will be transmitted through the Optical Port. The Kh value is usually mandated by the
company deploying the meter, and is therefore a user-defined field. Vision meters are shipped
with the following default Kh settings:
Form 1S, 2S, 3S, 4S, 5S, 6S, 8S, 9S, 12S, 25S = 1.0 Kh
Form 16S, 12S-D and 2S-D = 10.0 Kh
6.5 Reverse Allowed
This option is used in cases where a secondary power distribution method is employed, such as
solar or wind power generation. Checking this box will allow recording kWh in both directions.
If the user desires “Delivered Only”, the Reverse Allowed box must be left unchecked. Selecting
any items under the “Energy Received” or “kWh net” section of the Display Setting (section 7)
screen will automatically check this box. If any of those items are checked and the user attempts
to de-select “Reverse Allowed”, a message box will appear as in Figure 6 (following page).
Figure 6
6.6 Pulse Output Option
Some models of meters are equipped with optional pulse output(s). If a meter is so equipped it
will be necessary to set the value of each pulse. The Kp is the value assigned to each pulse in
terms of watt-hours per pulse. The value can be set from 1 to a maximum of 65,535 watt-hours
per pulse.
6.7 Time Settings
The System Time field provides the user with the system (PC) clock information (Date, Time
and Day). The system time zone may be changed by clicking the Change button and then
selecting the appropriate time zone. Meter Time indicates current time/date information
programmed to the meter. The Set Meter Time button will synchronize the meter clock with the
system clock. This segment also provides the user with the DST (Daylight Saving Time) settings
as per the system clock.
If a “Time Of Use” (TOU) program is to be employed with battery-equipped meters, the date and
time fields are required to be sent the meter.
Date/Time formats cannot be changed (mm/dd/yyyy, etc.).
Note: If the meter is required to transmit Date/Time via ERT, select the date format on the AMR
(section Intervals
6.8 Demand
Located at the center of the Settings screen is the Demand Intervals section which consists of
four fields:
Interval Type which can be None, Block or Rolling. Block creates a simple interval
time length. Rolling allows for sub-interval lengths.
Interval Length is selectable from the dropdown menu. If Rolling Demand is selected,
the Demand sub-interval length must be selected followed by number of subintervals.
Example: Selecting a 30 minute rolling interval with 6 sub-intervals results 5-minute
lengths (i.e. 5 minutes x 6 intervals = 30 minutes).
Demand Lockout Time provides the time span after demand reset until it may be reset
again. This is designated in minutes up to a maximum of 255.
Demand Power Up Time allows the user to set a delay for demand, after power to the
meter is restored.
6.9 Automatic Demand Reset
Depending on the demand selection, the user may choose an automatic demand reset schedule. If
the demand is set as None, the automatic demand reset section will not be available. If either
Rolling or Block is selected as demand then the automatic demand reset becomes available and
the selection between None, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Custom also becomes selectable. This
is shown below in Figure 7. Clicking on the Program Demand button sends the desired
selections to the meter. Clicking on the Reset Demand button resets the demand register. The
user may also read the current demand settings of the meter by clicking the Read Demand
Settings button.
Figure 7
6.10 Set Register Values
This will allow the user to set the selected values to a user-defined “starting-point”. The fields
that are allowed will be displayed in the Set Register Values section in accordance with the meter
form selected. The user may then click a value to check the box and then enter the register value
in its field. Clicking the Set Value button will send these selections/values to the meter.
7. Display Settings
The Display Settings screen is where the user configures which data is to be displayed on the
meter LCD screen. This screen is shown below in Figure 8. Vision 20/20 provides three mode
options for displays; Normal, Alt and Test. Virtually every value available in the meter can be
displayed. The user may select any or all of these values up to a total of 25 to be displayed. The
user may select different values to be displayed in all three modes.
The Normal Mode is the primary mode for the LCD display. Alternate & Test modes are
intended for shorter duration displays. The modes are programmed under the corresponding tab.
The modes are selected & sent to the meter by choosing the desired radial button under “Select
Meter Display Mode”. Alternate & Test modes can be displayed up to a maximum of 60
minutes. The display will revert to Normal Mode when the other mode has timed out.
Figure 8
The user may also select the scroll time for the display by clicking the up and down arrows
(minimum is 1 second and maximum is 15 seconds). The Reset Registers button will reset
registers to zero and the Reset Error button will reset errors.
The user has the option to display an ID number for the values selected to be displayed. The ID
can be chosen by the user and is limited to 999. If Display Meter ID Code is checked, Instant
demand will not be displayed. Checking the Display Instant Demand box will turn on the
instantaneous demand feature of the meter. This is a three digit reading that appears below the
KWh registration on the LCD display.
Located at center screen are the display category tabs which consist of kWh, kVA, kVARh; V, I,
Phase; Demand; TOU; Precision; and Features. The following screen shots show the entire set
of variables from which to choose.
Figure 9
Figure 9 shows the kWh, kVA, kVAR,
programming menu; all of the kilowatt hour
(kWh), Kilovolt ampere hours (kVA), and
Kilovolt ampere Reactive hours (kVARh)
can be selected. Options include delivered
values, received values and net value. If
kWh is all that is desired, click the radial
box next to kWh Delivered.
The V, I, Phase screen shown in Figure 10
(previous page) may be selected to display
Phase A, B or C voltage (Vrms), Phase (A,
B or C) current (Irms), Phase Angle (A, B
or C), Frequency and the power factor
(PF) on each phase or the total (PF Total).
Figure 10
If the meter is programmed for demand
functions, it will be necessary to check the
desired boxes in the Demand section as
shown in Figure 11. The user may select
from Max kW Demand, Max kVA
Demand and Max kVAR Demand. The
date and time of Maximum Demand can
also be displayed for battery-equipped
meters. The last reset date is also selectable
as a display item by choosing the Demand,
Reset Date box. Additionally, the user may
also select Cumulative Demand and
Note: *Do not click the Reverse Allowed box on the main settings Continuous Cumulative Demand.
Figure 11
screen if there is no received energy. kWh net should only be used
when the customer is providing power.
The Time of Use display settings tab shown
in Figure 12, allows selection of what TOU
values will be displayed. Any or all of the 4
TOU can be displayed. The user also has
the option to display the maximum demand
reached for each of the 4 rating periods.
These demands will be reset when the
meter’s Demand Reset button on the main
settings screen is depressed. The user may
also select Cumulative Demand and
Continuous Cumulative Demand.
Figure 12
 Remember that this screen only allows selection of values to be displayed. The actual method of recording
and displaying must be set in the main settings screen.
Remember that only 25 values can be selected to be displayed in each mode.
Figure 13
Note: When selecting Record Negative Value, the – sign is
used as a digit. When selecting # of digits as 6, the result is XXXXX.
The precision settings screen shown in
Figure 13. It is only available after
selecting kWh Net. The user may set the
precision of the kWh and the kW. On the
kWh, the user may select the number of
digits to be displayed on the meter up to a
maximum of 6 digits. The user may
choose how many digits to display before
and after the decimal place. In addition, the
user may also select either Roll Over Value
or Record Negative Value for displaying
net kwh. The precision setting remains
constant for all three display modes
(Normal, Alternate and Test).
The Features tab shown in Figure 14
allows the user to select Date, Time, Serial
Number, LCD Check, Battery Test,
Current Season Rate or Custom
Display(only in Alt mode) to be shown on
meter’s display. Checking the Battery Test
box will allow the meter to alert the meter
reader that the battery needs to be replaced
by displaying BATT. This alert appears
when the battery voltage drop below 2.7
Figure 14
Note: Custom Display is only allowed in ALT display mode.
8. AMR/AMI Settings
The AMR/AMI screen allows the user to select all the parameters associated with Hunt Airpoint
RF (radio frequency) transmission and/or Vision’s protocol for Data on Demand RF
transmissions. This screen is shown below in Figure 15.
Figure 15
8.1 AMR (ERT) Protocol
There are two different RF protocols available either independently or simultaneously:
SCM (which is the ERT transmission, compatible with Itron’s ERT™ system)
Vision Data on Demand protocol, requiring the use of a Vision Metering RadioGate
If the meter is not equipped with a radio or if the radio is not needed, then the radio off radial box
should be checked. IDM is the interval data message.
8.2 Packet Information
The Signal Strength allows the user to set the strength of the radio transmission, selectable from
1(min) to 20(max).
The Transmission Interval allows the user to set the time between the ERT or Data on Demand
transmissions. The most commonly used settings are between 2 and 30 seconds. Likewise, the
IDM Usage Interval can also be set. The user may choose between 1.25, 1.5 or 5 minute intervals.
8.3 ERT Type
There are three ERT types supported by Vision 20/20. Single-phase meters are typically set to 5,
but some utilities use 8. Poly-phase meters are typically set to 8. Meters equipped with multiple
ERT’s default to type 8. If IDM Only is selected under AMR Protocol, then the ERT type will
default to type 23.
8.4 Packet Structure
The packet structure is the stream of data which is sent from the meter for use with theVision
Data on Demand system. The Vision Data on Demand system requires several parameters to be
broadcast from the meter. Two items are user-selectable:
Line item #3: Choices are mVa, kW Max.
Line item #4: Choices are Received Energy Volt or Date-Time.
Note: Packet selections programmed to meter must match structure in the EndSight software suite
provided with the Vision Data on Demand system using the RadioGate collector system.
8.5 Multiple ERT (SCM) Transmission
If the meter is equipped with one Airpoint, it will transmit readings. Vision 20/20 supports up to
five ERT’s. By clicking the dropdown menu for each ERT the user may select the desired value
to transmit and subsequently select the decimal place as well (Figure 16). The user may read the
AMR settings that are currently programmed to the meter by clicking the Read AMR button
located at the bottom right corner. Once all the values have been selected for programming, the
user may send all the AMR selections to the meter by clicking the Program AMR button also
located at the bottom right corner.
Figure 16
9. Security Keys Settings
The Security Settings screen tab is only available in Supervisor mode (Figure 17). Security
keys are a string of 30 numbers in groups of 2 used for authorized meter access. In order to
program a meter, the security key must match. Upon initial programming, the security key
currently in that meter will be displayed. Changing the security key is accomplished by typing
the new key in and then verifying it before clicking the Program Key button. The security key
can be customized for individual customers. This is done at the factory at the customer’s
There is no “back door” to unlock the meter and reprogram. The user is strongly advised to
save any new/changed security keys in a secure file/location! Vision Metering is not
responsible for any keys lost or changed by the user.
Figure 17
10. TOU (Time Of Use) Settings
The TOU screen is shown in Figure 18-1. At the top left corner is a field labeled TOU
Schedule. If the selection is None, then the entire screen remains blank with the exception of the
Clear TOU Tables button, used to erase any current TOU tables in the meter. With the selection
of Open TOU Schedule the user is prompted to open a previously saved TOU file. By choosing
New TOU Schedule, the user is presented with the TOU schedule programmer as shown in
Figure 18-2.
Available for programming to the user:
● Up to 4 programmable seasons
● Up to 4 Schedules per day
● Saturdays and Sundays can be treated as holidays or Non-Time of Use
● 10 year calendar with a separate holiday schedule for recurring and nonrecurring
Maximum of 64 tier schedule records can be entered for all four seasons
Maximum of 68 non-Rec dates
Maximum of 28 Fixed-Rec or Float-Rec dates
The Day Type Schedule is located at the top of the screen. Monday through Friday is Type 1.
Saturday and Sunday are selectable between Type 2 and Type 3. The “Type” is used to tell the
meter which Tier Schedule from which to draw instructions. Type 1 typically has the complex
schedule of up to 4 seasons and up to 4 rates per day in each season. Programming this schedule
is complex and should be thought through thoroughly before programming any variables.
The Tier Schedule has four tabs for each of the four seasons. There can be as few as one season
or as many as four, with the seasons being defined by the calendar located at the bottom of the
screen. It is necessary to select the desired type of season before selecting the season start date.
These options are located at center right of the screen and are Automatic Season Change,
Automatic Season Change with Demand Reset (a demand reset will be performed at the time
of season change).
The Calendar Section is located at the bottom and it contains three tabs to choose from: NonRec (this is a non-recurring schedule where all the dates change from year to year), Fixed-Rec
(this is a fixed date like Christmas, New Year’s or 4th of July) and Float-Rec (this is where the
calendar is fixed and changes are made based on floating dates like Memorial Day or Labor Day.
A schedule may be developed for each one of these categories. Under each header click on the
field and choose from the dropdown menu.
In the Tier Schedule, click on the fields under: Schedule, Hour, Minute and Rate and select
choice from the dropdown menu. Under Calendar: click on the fields under Month, Date, Year
and Action and select choice from the dropdown menu.
Figure 18-1
Figure 18-2
The user may use the Read TOU button to read the current TOU settings on the meter. Once the
meter has been read and changes have been made to setting selections, the modified settings may
be sent back to the meter utilizing the Program Updates button.
The TOU settings may be saved as a file to the PC by selecting “Save” or “Save as” under the
File menu from the main task bar. The Program TOU button is ideal for sending the chosen
settings (TOU file) repeatedly to multiple meters.
11. Load Profile Settings
11.1 Load Profile Settings
Load profiles are tabular data which are recorded by the meter in terms of load versus time. The
Load Profile Settings screen is shown in Figure 19. There are 12 channels (load characteristics)
of Load Profile settings available in the meter. After selecting the number of channels desired,
each channel may be set to a particular value from the dropdown menu for individual channels.
The values stored in the load profile are in the form of pulses and directly relate to the Kh of the
meter. Per phase volts, Amps and Power Factor values are stored as real values and not pulses.
Figure 19 also shows an example of the dropdown menu for a given channel. The user may
modify the load profile interval by checking the appropriate box. The number of days can be
selected by either scrolling with the up and down arrows or clicking the field and typing in the
desired number. By checking the box at the bottom left corner the load profile can be saved. The
load profile feature may be unselected by simply choosing 0 channels in the Number of channels
box. The channel menu selection items are contingent upon meter type selected.
Figure 19
The bottom of the screen will notify the user when a memory overwrite will occur in
terms of days. The selection of channels will change this timeline.
11.2 Load Profile Read/View
The load profile records from the meter can be viewed in either a tree or tabular format via the
Tree View and Spreadsheet View tabs (Figures 20 & 21). This is accomplished by clicking the
Read Load Profile button. The screen will populate with records in the assigned interval which
were selected in the setting screen. The load profile may also be reset by clicking the Reset Load
Profile button. The user may also save a read load profile by checking the box for Save Read
Load Profile; file format is *.csv.
Figure 20
Figure 21
12. Event Log
The Event Log screen can be displayed in & Tree View (Figures 22 & 23, following page). The
Settings tab displays the current event settings on the meter. Here as shown in Figure 24, the
user may enable or disable standard and manufacturing events to be logged. This is accomplished
by clicking on the enabled field for each event. This will toggle the selection between Yes and
No. To send the chosen event log selections, click the Program Event Log Settings button
located at the bottom right corner of the screen. By clicking on the Read tab, the user may read
the event long by selecting between 10, 20, 50, 100 and All. Following that selection click the
Read Event Log button to display data.
When reading the events from a meter, the Spreadsheet View screen will display by default. The
fields for Date, Time, Username, Event and Details will be populated. The event types
supported are listed under the Settings tab.
The user may also reset the event log by clicking on the Reset Event Log button. Lastly, the
event log may be saved by checking the box for Save Read Event Log, in *.csv format.
Figure 22
Figure 23
13. Manage Users Settings
Only the Supervisor mode allows for making changes to user access settings (Figure 24,
following page). The Current Users section shows the existing logins and respective passwords.
The New User button allows the Supervisor to add a new user. First, input the name and
password. Then select the Use Access Mode (User, Technician or Supervisor). Next, select the
desired available privileges. Lastly, click the Add User button.
To remove a user, select the desired user and click the Remove User button. It is also possible
to modify current users by selecting a user and then selecting a different user type. Then select
the allowable action followed by clicking the Modify User button. The Supervisor with ID 1
cannot be deleted as it is the default. Changing passwords for all existing users is done in the
Settings menu located in the top taskbar, when logged in with respective user name and
Figure 24
13.1 Change Password
To change a user password, select the Settings tab from the task bar and click Change Password.
This will open the screen showed below in Figure 25. Enter the current password followed by
the new password. Enter the new password again to confirm and click the CHANGE button.
Figure 25
14. Phasor Diagram
The Phasor Diagram is powerful diagnostic tool provided in Vision 20/20. The Phasor
Diagram menu item is not available until a meter has been read. Once read, the user may click
this selection and see the screen showed below in Figure 26(following page). This tool provides
the user with voltage and voltage angle of each phase as well as the current and current angle of
each phase. Also presented here are the power factor and the instantaneous values per phase.
The color code for the diagram itself is (Red-Phase A, Green-Phase B, Blue-Phase C). The
phasor diagram can be saved as .jpg format using the save button.
Figure 26
15. Meter Error List
This is available only after a meter has been read and is accessible from the upper task bar.
Clicking on this tab opens the screen shown below in Figure 27. From here the user can see the
errors listed by code and description. From this location the user may also reset the errors by
clicking the Reset Error button.
Figure 27
5.1 List of Possible Errors
The following list contains possible errors with their
corresponding codes. Each error scrolls through the meter
display and is not combined with others. Errors marked
with * are serious errors and do not allow the display to
continue scrolling.