Teacher: Mrs. Marti Bowen
Overview: This academic course introduces major aspects the human body and its operations with emphasis
on bringing these concepts into the context of our lives. The structure, functions, and related pathologies of
the eleven systems of the body and their coordinated interactions will be studied. Recent issues in health and
research trends will be explored through current events and news articles/reports.
Text: Hole’s Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, eleventh edition, Shier, Butler, and Lewis
Student website:
Username: HolesAP Password: Shier11
Useful website: (for PowerPoints, reviews, interactive links, etc.)
2”-3” Ring Binder
Colored Pencil Set
Blue or black pens
Note cards
#2 Pencil
Red pen
Loose Leaf Paper
Grading: Your grade will be determined on a “total point system”. Each task will be assigned a certain
number of points – tasks with larger numbers of points, such as tests and projects, will count more than task
with smaller point values. Your grade equals the number of points you have earned divided by the total
number of points possible. Example: A test is worth 90 points. You earn 85 points. Your grade is 85/90 or 94
– an A – good for you!
It is incredibly easy to keep track of your grade on PowerSchool – just remember that your grade can
change dramatically when grades for larger assignments such as tests and projects are posted.
Class Achievement grade: Ten percent of your grade each quarter will be based on effort – a rubric will be
used to measure your involvement and participation during our class sessions. You can earn up to 10 points
per week, but you cannot receive a perfect daily achievement score by showing up and sitting in your seat.
Sleeping in class, cell phone use, and disruptive actions will result in an automatic zero for that day.
Dissection: There will be dissection of organs in the classroom. If students do not wish to participate, they
may opt to complete virtual dissection activities.
Student Responsibilities:
 Bring a positive, respectful, and helpful attitude to class. Never, never, NEVER give up! I won’t – and I
will try to help you as much as possible. If you need help, see me before or after school or attend the
science tutoring sessions after school.
 You are expected to be in your seat, ready to work, when the tardy bell rings. See the school/class
Tardy Policy in your Student Handbook for specific penalties. (This is part of the daily achievement
grade. I should not have to ask you to get into your seat.)
 Maintain notes, assignments, and handouts in order in your notebook Good class notes are essential
in preparing for quizzes, tests, and labs. Class notes cover crucial material that you will see again on
 Complete all assignments on time. All assignments are due at the beginning of class in order to receive
credit. Classwork and homework will NOT be accepted late. You will simply receive a zero for your
grade. Exception: Projects, labs, and other designated activities lose 10 points for each class day they
are late.
 Missed assignments due to absences: It is the responsibility of the student to check Power School or
ask for makeup work. If you are absent, you are expected to get missed assignments as soon as
possible – don’t wait until your next class – get the work and be done with it by the next block. Missed
assignments due to absences are expected to be turned in promptly, preferably by the next class
meeting. No work will be accepted after the end of the grading period unless the absence was due to
extreme circumstances.
Arrangements to take tests and quizzes missed due to absences must be made within 2 class days
from the date of the absence. Students are responsible for making arrangements to complete make up
work. Failure to complete the evaluation within a week will result in a test grade of zero.
 References and citations for work cited on classroom papers and projects must follow the MLA format
used in MHS English classes. Refer to the resource guide used by the English department.
 Bathroom breaks should be taken between classes. When a bathroom break must be taken
(emergencies only!) please wait until instruction is over. I will expect that emergency bathroom visits
will not exceed 2 per quarter. If there is a specific medical condition, please bring notification from
your doctor. Don’t forget the 10 minute rule – students must be in the classroom for the first and last
10 minutes of the block.
 You may bring bottled water or water in your own container to class, but soft drinks and food are not
allowed unless they are part of a teacher approved class activity.
 Please do not interrupt instruction. Sharpen pencils before class begins, and throw trash away after
instruction is completed. Please ask for missed work before or after class.
 All electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets, IPods, video games, and similar equipment are to be
turned off and put out of sight in the classroom from the time the tardy bell rings until the class is
dismissed. Cell phones and text messaging are not permitted at any time. These devices will be taken
from students and given to an administrator if they in used during class and students will be subject to
disciplinary action.
 Abide by the MHS Honor Code. All assignments should be considered Honor Code assignments unless
you are told otherwise. MHS Honor pledge is to be written and signed on all honor code assignments.
Please Note: A review of Chapters 2 through 4 should be completed by students. This material was covered in
Biology 1 and is essential information for understanding concepts taught in this course.
Pacing and order of topics may be adjusted as needed.
1st Quarter
Review, Structural Levels and Anatomical Planes
(Chapters 2-4 – Review of Biology 1)
Integumentary System
Skeletal System
Exam Review and 1st Quarter Exam
CH 1
Muscular System
Nervous System
Exam Review and 2nd Quarter Exam
CH 8
CH 9
CH 10
CH 1-11
Cardiovascular System
Lymphatic and Immunity
Digestive System
Exam Review and 3rd Quarter Exam
CH 12
CH 13
CH 14
CH 15
CH 1-14
CH 5
CH 6
CH 7
CH 1-7
2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Respiratory System
CH 16
Urinary System
CH 17
Reproductive System
CH 19
Fetal Pig Dissection/Senior Exams
SOLs – no classes
(No SOL in Anatomy and Physiology)
Exam Review and Final Exams
All material covered
NOTE: The total number of points earned is dependent upon the quality of your work. Work that is well
written, without grammatical and spelling errors, and contains well thought out, fully developed ideas will
naturally receive more points than work which is done hastily, has errors in grammar and spelling, and
contains vague references and fails to show understanding of the material. Please follow directions!
OPTION 1: Current Event News Article:
Students have the opportunity to receive up to 20 extra points each 9 weeks. This grade can be obtained by
bringing in a current events article for the bulletin board at the back of the classroom. The article MUST be
current—it must be turned in within one month of publication and contain information about new
information discovered in the fields of biology or human biology—and it must be a page or longer. It can
come from a newspaper, magazine, scientific journal or the internet. Along with the article, which may be
posted in the classroom, you must also turn in a 1-page summary of the article and how it pertains to our
class in your own words. Read and research in your text or other sources as to how the article fits in with our
studies. I will only accept one copy of an article, so if you see something on the board already, do NOT try to
turn in the same thing (first come, first serve). If you have any questions about this assignment or you are
unsure if your article is acceptable, please do not hesitate to talk to me about it.
Current Events Rubric:
Summary in own words = 10 pts
Application to what we have learned (Research and explain – use MLA format) = 10 pts
Total points max = 20
You must attach a copy of the article in order to receive credit.
*For an extra 5 points, you may present the information you learned from the article to the class.
BOOK REPORT: Students have the opportunity to receive up to 60 extra points during each nine weeks by
taking part in the following reading assignment. You may choose one book, fiction or non-fiction per nine
weeks to read. In order to receive the maximum number of points, you must
1. Turn in a 3 ½ - 5 page paper on the book.
2. Write a brief synopsis/summary of the book’s content IN YOUR OWN WORDS.
3. Include a minimum of 3 quotes from the book in order to illustrate how it ties in with our class (give
quotes, page numbers, and explanations of pertinence to class information).
4. Follow MLA format in order to receive credit. (If you have questions about the format, you can see
me or your English teacher for assistance).
Please see me for suggestions of appropriate books to read that might suit your particular interests. Our
library now has expanded the list of books on the Accelerated Reader list. Many would be appropriate for
this assignment and there are many suitable books not on my list or on the AR list. You are welcome to find
and read books that interest you (Ms. Crain has books on display in the library), but you must have books
approved by me before starting the assignment.
Book Report Rubric:
3.5 to 5 pages = 5 pts (1 pt. per page)
Summary in own words = 25 pts.
3 quotes with explanation of how each pertains to class: 8 pts. each = 21 pts.
MLA format = 6 pts.
Total points max = 60
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY – SUGGESTED BOOKS – ( just a few – there are many more!)
The Andromeda Strain *
Prey *
Brave New World *
The Hot Zone, a Terrifying True Story *
Double Helix *
Second Glance*
Perfect Match
Change of Heart
The Relic*
The Stand *
The Third Twin
The Cobra Event*
Stiff (history of the use of cadavers in medicine and science)*
Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal
Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
The Bone Detectives
Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat and other clinical tales
Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World out of Balance
Survival of the Sickest
Your Inner Fish
The Seven Daughters of Eve
The Demon Under the Microscope
Good Germs, Bad Germs: Health and Survival in a Bacterial World
The Agile Gene: How Nature Turns on Nurture
My Stroke of Insight
Fixing My Gaze
The Science of Kissing
The American Plague
Cheating Death
Chasing Life
Monday Mornings
The Pathological Protein
The Fever
Microbe Hunters
The Ghost Map: The Story of London’s Most Terrifying Epidemic..
Musicophilia: Tales of Music and The Brain
Gifted Hands
Red Madness: How a Medical Mystery Changed What We Eat
Ether Day: The Strange Tale of America’s Greatest Medical Discovery…
Into Thin Air
Year of Wonders
Darwin’s Radio
Working Stiff: Two Years, 262 Bodies, and the Making of a Medical Examiner
* denotes that this book is on the Accelerated Reader (AR) list in the library
Michael Crichton
Michael Crichton
Aldous Huxley
Richard Preston
Nancy Werlin
Jodi Picoult
Jodi Picoult
Jodi Picoult
Douglas Preston
Michael Crichton
Boris Starling
Stephen King
Ken Follet
Richard Preston
Mary Roach
Mary Roach
Mary Roach
Matt Ridley
Robin Cook
Robin Cook
Rebecca Skloot
Donna Jackson
Oliver Sacks, M.D.
Laurie Garrett
Sharon Moalem
Neil Shubin
Bryan Sykes
Richard Preston
Jessica Synder Sachs
Matt Ridley
Jill Bolte Taylor
Susan Barry
Sheril Kirschenbaum
Molly Caldwell
Molly Caldwell
Sanjay Gupta
Sanjay Gupta
Sanjay Gupta
Philip Yam
Sonia Shah
Paul deKruif
Steven Johnson
Oliver Sacks
Ben Carson
Gail Jarrow
Fenster, Julie
Krakauer, Jon
Brooks, Geraldine
Bear, Greg
Melinek, Judy and Mitchell, T.J.