Jubilee Fellowship CRC

Jubilee Fellowship
Christian Reformed Church
In Christ, With Each Other, To the World
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, that
person is a new creation; the old has gone,
the new has come! (2 Cor. 5:17)
Welcome to Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed
Church. A special welcome to our members and
guests! We hope you will experience God's presence as you worship with us this morning. If you
would like more information about Jubilee, please
ask one of our Welcome Team members. They
would be happy to assist you.
Please join us after the service for refreshments
and allow us to introduce ourselves to you. Child care for children 3 and under is provided in the nursery. Children, ages 3
through Grade 5, will be dismissed part way through the service
for our Sunday School program, Joy Jam & Joy Jam Jr.
We extend a warm welcome to Bert de Bolster who is preaching for us this morning. We will be focusing on Jesus' cry, "My
God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" In connection with
the Classis Niagara retreat the past two days, Pastor Woody has a
Sunday off today.
Tues. March 1
Coffee Break, 9:30—11:00 am
Wed. March 2
Jubilee Night—6:00—Supper; 6:30 pm—Acts,
Gems, Cadets, Jubes; 7:00—Adult Education
February 28 2016
JOY JAM JR — Joanne Breimer
JOY JAM Story teller — Karen Gerritsma
Preaching: Bert de Bolster
Our Saviour’s Cry
Mark 15: 33-37
Elder of Service: Harvey Radersma
13 Wilholme Drive, R.R. 3
St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P9
Telephone: (905) 687-3372; Fax: (905) 687-8074
de Jong
Feb. 21
Elly Hoff
Grade 4/5 Kindergarten
Stacy Kok
Grade 1
Grade 2/3
Hall Monitor: Bill de Vries
Birthdays: Monday ‑ Derek De Kleine
Tuesday ‑ Jane Van Duyvenvoorde,
Zachary DeBruyne
Thursday ‑ Jacob DeBruyne
Friday ‑ Fabiola Prins
This week — Jubilee & Great Commission Foundation: Today's
offering supports Cora Hunse's mission work in the Dominican
Republic with child nutrition and providing vital health care for
families and young children.
Next week — Jubilee & World Renew Canadian Foodgrains Bank:
World Renew’s membership in Canadian Foodgrains Bank
(CFGB) enables it to respond quickly and effectively to disasters
around the world by drawing on funds in its CFGB account. Currently this account at CFGB is at an all‑time low due to the unprecedented level of recent disasters to which World Renew has
responded. This partnership with 14 other church‑based agencies
has been part of World Renew’s work since CFGB was founded
more than 30 years ago. Today more than ever, World Renew
needs your support to respond to the needs of the world’s hungry.
Please give generously. Donations to World Renew’s account at
CFGB are usually matched 4:1 by the Canadian International
Development Agency.
Summer jobs with Camp SHOUT: Jubilee CRC is accepting applications for Day Camp Coordinator and Camp Counselor positions for our annual Summer Day Camp. High school and college/university students with a passion for outreach ministry and
gifts for children's recreation programming are encouraged to
submit applications to the Camp Shout Committee
(campshoutinfo@jubileecrc.org) by March 15, 2016. Find a
downloadable copy of the application at www.jubileecrc.org
Adult Education: A new course has begun Wednesday evenings
to read and discuss the book "Accidental Saints" by Nadia
Bolz‑Weber. This book, at times very raw and using language not
often found in Christian books, takes a hard and honest look at
the brokenness of our lives and the ways in which God's grace
shows up, sometimes in very unlikely places and people. Everyone is welcome to join this group which will continue till the end
of April.
Nursery Attendants: There will be a short meeting after the service
this Sunday for all those who volunteer in the nursery immediately
after the service in the nursery check‑in room. Please plan to attend. Thanks, Stacy Kok
GOODS FOR CUBAN CRC: On March 9 Rose and Jim Dekker
plan to travel to Cuba where Jim will teach and translate for the
Cuban CRC's "Day of Encouragement." Air Transat allows 2 suitcases and up to 100 pounds of luggage per person as part of the
ticket cost. The Dekkers would love to pack four suitcases full of
light household goods (towels, bedsheets, shampoo, toothpaste,
toothbrushes, good light clothing, etc., etc.) to deliver to the
Christian Reformed Church headquarters church in Jaguey
Grande, Matanzas, Cuba. These goods will be used in diaconal
ministries among the 15 congregations and several house
churches that comprise the Christian Reformed Church in Cuba.
Please drop off goods (and maybe large suitcases too!) off at
Jubilee church or at the Dekkers' home by March 6. Address: 17
Parnell Road.
Joy Jam: Thanks to everyone who brought in egg
cartons. We have enough now. Thanks so much!
Jubilee Night: The meal this week is Hamburger & Rice Casserole
and Fruitty Cabbage Salad. Hope to see you there!
Invite to attend a concert in April: On Wednesday, April 20, the
contemporary Christian musicians Hillsong United, Kari Jobe,
Martin Smith and others, will be performing in Hamilton. Members of our new refugee family, Danait and Haben, and maybe
others, would love to attend this concert as they became very
familiar with this music while living in Ethiopia. If you are interested in going along with them please contact Martin Lensink,
905‑685‑6244, before February 29 so tickets can be ordered.
Change of Address:
 Gerard, Jane, Caleb, Logan and Reuben Kuntz, 39
Claremount Circle Welland L3C 2P4. Home phone ‑
Nancy Baker, new phone: 289‑219‑4096
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: On March 4, Christians in more than 170 countries and in 2,000
communities across Canada will gather to learn
about, pray for, and celebrate Cuba in solidarity
with the women of Cuba through the World Day
of Prayer.
This year MOUNTAINVIEW is hosting the
local World Day of Prayer ecumenical service to
be held on Friday, March 4 at 2:00 p.m.
THEME: Receive Children, Receive Me
SPEAKER: Francisco Beltran of Crossroad Bible Institute
(Prison Ministry). His testimony bears witness to the power of
prayer and the power of God’s Word in prison.
WORSHIP TEAM: Samantha Bondy, Heather Kikkert and
Jack Rintjema
NURSERY provided to age 4.
Refreshments will be served following the service. Please join
us and invite your friends and family to attend the World Day of
Prayer 2016.
Shalom Manor Volunteer Requests: Bowling Helper – setting pins,
cheering, score keeping and portering residents alongside the
recreation staff. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 11‑12. Enthusiasm
and mobility are the only requirements!
Bingo Assistant – helping residents attend and participate in
Bingo from 10:30‑11:30 on Thursdays or Fridays. You will sit at
a table with residents to help them review their cards as the numbers are called by the staff.
Friendly Visitors – male and female visitors are needed to
visit those who need extra friendship or engagement. Flexible
schedule, training provided; we will match you with one or two
residents. A friendly and personable demeanour is essential.
Worship Service Usher –individuals needed to serve on one
Sunday per 6‑8 weeks. Qualifications: physical ability to push
wheelchairs, friendly personality.
If you have some time and are able to partner with us, I’d
love to hear from you! Please contact Laurie at 905‑945‑9631
ext. 1115 or volunteercoord@shalommanor.ca
Church, 290 Main Street East in Grimsby. For more information
about CTI go to ctimusic.org
Volunteer Needed: Niagara Life Centre is looking for a volunteer
to work as receptionist in the office occasionally. If this is something that may be of interest to you, please call the office at
905‑934‑0021 and ask for Joanne.
GET CONNECTED CAMP ‑ is an exciting week‑long experience
for GEMS in grades 6, 7, and 8, and we are looking for university‑aged cabin counselors for the week of August 12‑19, in Rockwood Ontario. If you're a young woman who has finished high
school and is passionate about helping younger girls experience
the love of God and a week of fun, consider applying at
gemsgc.org/events/get‑connected‑camp. Volunteer application
are also being accepted at this time.
GEMboree!: Is coming for all GEMS counselors, CITs, girls and
Moms! May 28 from 9 ‑3pm at the Clearview CRC in Oakville. We
will be gathering for a day of praise and worship with Colleen &
Grace & the Unity Band and celebration with games, a photo booth
and other surprises all giving GOD glory for what He is doing. Our
Keynote speaker will be GEMS Training Manager – Lenae Bulthuis.
As an extra special treat ‑ AREA 27 has the chance to register early
Regular registration opens on March 6 for the rest of southern Ontario. Spaces are limited – so register at gemboreeontario.ca for
15.50/person today!
CTI MUSIC MINISTRIES: Join us on Sunday February 28th at 5 pm
as CTI Team 14:21 leads us in an amazing service of Praise & Worship! CTI is a community of young people who combine their common passion for music with their mutual desire to share the love of
Christ. It is also a vehicle through which these young people are
trained, equipped and mobilized into ministry opportunities where
they can use their gifting to impact their generation. CTI will be performing live at Mountainview Church, 290 Main Street East in
Grimsby. For more information about CTI go to ctimusic.org.
Studying at Brock University? ‑ Christian student accommodation is
now available at Brock University in St. Catharines. Son View
House, a new Christian student residence invites applications from
students (first year to final year, male as well as female) seeking
off‑campus accommodation starting in the fall 2016. Students willing to participate in ministry activities (social and/or outreach) are
especially encouraged to apply. For more information, email abasson@brocku.ca. The deadline for applications and character references (at least one per application) is Friday, April 15.
Western University Campus Ministry ‑ Did you attend university at
Western and/or participate in the CRC campus ministry there?
We're preparing for our upcoming 50th anniversary and would love
to be in touch with you about what's happening on campus these
days. Please send your contact info to us at alum@kuypercentre.ca
FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITY: The Christian Reformed Church in
North America (CRCNA) has an opening for a 1‑year full‑time (40
hrs/wk) Policy Analyst and Advocacy Fellow with the Office of Social
Justice (OSJ). This opportunity is being offered to recent college or
university graduates interested and qualified in the field of public
justice and faith. The fellow will help the OSJ develop timely and
effective advocacy strategies relating to selected issues of US and
Canadian policies, specifically those that benefit the poor and oppressed. She or he will gain invaluable hands‑on experience in real
world advocacy. For details, visit www.crcna.org/jobs and to be
considered, complete an online application, with a resume and
cover letter by April 4, 2016.
DMC Position Opening : Diaconal Ministries Canada is seeking
applicants for the full‑time position of NATIONAL DIRECTOR. Located in Burlington, the National Director will be responsible for
ensuring that Diaconal Ministries Canada fulfills its mandate of
partnering with diaconates, churches and para‑church organizations
across Canada to demonstrate God's love in the community. For
more information please visit our website at
Workshop for Visiting with an Elderly Person: Visiting the elderly
can be challenging. You want to care for a family member, a
friend, or someone in your faith community. Perhaps you're a
pastoral care giver. Perhaps previous visits have not gone well.
This workshop is designed to help you to connect and to have
a meaningful visit with an elderly person. Please join us for an
interactive workshop, on Monday, February 29th, at 7:30 pm,
at Meadowlands Fellowship CRC. Contact Marian Lensink at
marian@classishamilton.ca for more info.
2016 FESTIVAL OF FAITH & WRITING: Registration is now
open for the 2016 Festival of Faith & Writing: April 14‑16,
2016 at Calvin College. Visit calvin.festival.edu for more information and registration, or call 616‑526‑6770. Featured
speakers include Nadia Bolz‑Webber, Christian Wiman, Makoto Fujimura, Tobias Wolff, Zadie Smith, and many more!
Hope & Compassion to Help with Mental Illness: This conference on April 9 will feature keynote speaker Amy Simpson,
author of Troubled Minds. Breakout sessions include a family
panel, Early Intervention, Suicide Prevention, and the role of
faith communities in caring. Location: Best Western, 930 Burnham Street, Cobourg, Ontario. For more information or to register, visit hopeconference.ca. Early registration rate is $75.
Annual Inter‑Classis Safe Church Conference: You are invited
to the Annual Inter‑Classis Safe Church Conference which will
take place on Saturday, March 5 at Waterloo CRC from
9:00am‑3:15pm. Workshops include: Abuse & Addiction, Responding to Self‑Harm, How to Reduce Risk in Faith Forming
Experiences, Healthy Relationships & Dating Culture, and
more. Youth, youth leaders, pastors, elders, deacons, safe
church team members and all those who desire to learn more
about abuse dynamics are encouraged to attend. Pre‑registration is required. For more information or to register, visit:
www.abc.wmott.ca/scc or call Atie Ott at (519) 576‑0965.
Connecting for Ministry: The Network is the CRC website where
you’ll find information and resources for nearly 60 different
ministry roles, including blogs, Q&As, discussion topics,
how‑to’s, sample policies, and other resources shared by
churches. It’s a place to connect with others, ask questions,
and share your experience. Visit crcna.org/network to see
what’s there for you!
New Digital Library and Discount Announced for CRCs: The
CRC has announced the launch of a new Digital Library to provide its churches and members with free, online access to hundreds of Faith Alive titles‑‑including curriculum, Bible studies,
and more. As part of this pilot program, you and everyone in
the CRC can have convenient access to these resources anytime, from anywhere, on any web‑connected device. Plus,
CRCs will begin receiving a 20% discount off print purchases.
Visit crcna.org/Library for all the details and to reserve your