Model of talking aloud how to apply FIRST

Model of talking aloud how to apply FIRST-Letter mnemonic strategy when reading the first
chapter of The Joy Luck Club:
FIRST-Letter Strategy
L = Look for clues.
In the first chapter, I read that following her mother’s death and at the request of her
father, Jung—Mei Woo takes her mother’s place in the Joy Luck Club along with
Lindo Jong, Ying-ying St. Clair, and An-mei Hsu. The members of the Joy Luck Club
now are Jung—Mei Woo, Lindo Jong, Ying-ying St. Clair, and An-mei Hsu. So the
heading for this list is: Joy Luck Club members.
I = Investigate the items.
Joy Luck Club Members
Jung-Mei Woo
Lindo Jong
Ying-ying St. Clair
An-mei Hsu
S = Select a mnemonic device using “FIRST.”
Joy Always Likes You.
T = Transfer the information in a card.
Front and back of card:
Joy Luck Club
Joy Always Likes You.
Jung-Mei Woo
An-mei Hsu
Lindo Jong
Ying-ying St. Clair
S = Self test.
F = Form a word.
Jung—Mei Woo
Lindo Jong
Ying-ying St. Clair
An-mei Hsu
JLYA is not a word.
I = Insert a letter or letters.
After inserting a letter or letters, I cannot come up with a word using all four letters.
However, I can form the word “Joy” using the first letter of the first member listed
(while borrowing from the title and name of the club).
R = Rearrange the letters
After rearranging the letters, I cannot come up with a word. However, I can form a
word with the remaining three letters (LYA) that I did not use in the step above 
S = Shape a sentence.
JYLA  I can shape the following sentence: Joy always likes you.
T = Try combinations.
Joy LAY is formed by combining two different steps: inserting letters and rearranging