AP Biology

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Mrs. Kalafsky - AP Biology
Ecology Summer Assignment 2014
Welcome to AP Biology!
In an effort to be prepared for the AP Biology exam, we have a tremendous amount of
work ahead of us before May 11, 2015! I hope you are all up for the challenge! To start
us off I have attached your 2014 Summer Assignment.
Course Materials:
It is imperative that you order your course materials immediately. Use of the e-text
and MasteringBiolog online program is required for the summer assignment. Lack of
course materials will not be accepted as an excuse for a missing portion of the
summer assignment.
Ipad requirements (e-text and MasteringBiology)
E-text and online MasteringBiology access MUST be ordered from:
MasteringBiology with Pearson eText (1-year access) for Campbell Biology 9e AP®
Edition for Campbell BIOLOGY AP® Edition, 9th Edition
isbn10: 0321686519
isbn13: 9780321686510
Do not order through Amazon or other online sellers. It is quite common that the
online access codes received from these retailors have been previously are used and
therefore you will not be able to gain access to the e-text or MasteringBiology.
Hardcover review book:
AP* Test Prep Workbook for Campbell Biology—Revised for New Curriculum
price: $14.97
isbn10: 0321856635
isbn13: 9780321856630
Other Essential Information:
• You may reach me all summer via my email address
(gaetanakalafsky@popejohn.org) or cell (201-213-5727).
• Please do not hesitate to ask questions. Better to ask up front then to be
disappointed in your grades.
• Do not wait until the last minute to submit your assignments. Online assignments
will not be reopened if not completed by due date. Assignments not done will
result in a grade of zero.
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PART 1: Complete Before June 20, 2014
Email the following information to me. Be sure to email it from an account that you
WILL check throughout the summer:
Grade (2014 – 2015)
Why did you register to take AP Biology?
What are your personal strengths when it comes to learning new material? How
do you learn best?
5. What causes you to struggle in a course?
6. What is the most effective way for you to prepare for a test?
7. At this time, what do you plan on majoring in when you get to college?
PART 2: Due June 27, 2014
Register for the Mastering Biology site using the access code purchased with your course
Register at www.pearsonschool.com/access
Enter the first 6 letters of your code (purchased with your text)
Click on Covered Titles to Select Discipline and Title
Click on Science
Select Campbell, Biology 9e AP* Edition
Choose Student Registration
Accept - Pearson License Agreement
Access Information
• Create your username & password
* Enter your complete access code
9. Account information – complete this section with your name & school
10. A Confirmation and Summary will be visible on the screen and emailed to you.
Register for your specific class within Mastering Biology.
1. Log in to Mastering Biology.
2. Click YES to the question Did you receive a course ID from your instructor.
3. Enter the following Course ID: KALAFSKYAPBIOLOGY20142015 and click
4. Skip the step that asks you to enter your student ID.
5. You should now be on our specific Mastering Biology Course home page.
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Learn to use Mastering Biology.
1. On the Assignments tab, complete the Introduction to Mastering Biology
2. This assignment must be completed prior to June 27, 2014 at 11:59 pm.
Note: If you have any difficulty accessing Mastering Biology, I must be notified before
June 27, 2014!
PART 3: Due August 15, 2014 (by 11:59 pm)
Ecology is the scientific study of the interactions between organisms and the
environment. Because of its great scope, ecology is an enormously complex and also an
exciting area of Biology. For the ecology unit you will read each of the Ecology chapters
and complete a MasteringBiology homework assignment and a MasteringBiology quiz.
Be sure to follow the chapters in order to acquire a better understanding of the topics
covered in each section. After successful completion of all of the chapters,
MasteringBiology homework assignment and MasteringBiology quizzes, you will be
required to complete a series of free response questions (FRQs) related to the topics you
have just learned. The FRQs are located at the end of this document.
In summary:
Read Chapters 51 – 56 and the corresponding essays (located in this packet).
• Complete the assigned MasteringBiology homework assignment
o Due by 11:59 pm 8/15/14
• Complete the MasteringBiology chapter quiz for each chapter.
o To be completed by 8/15/14 at 11:59 pm.
• Complete the FRQs (found at the end of this document)
o Emailed to me by 11:59 pm 8/15/14
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PART 4: Due August 29, 2014 (in class)
Ecological Review:
All work must be: your OWN, original work; typed in complete sentences, doublespaced, Times New Roman, 12 font; printed out and handed in by August 29, 2014.
Review ONE of the following films: (Finding Nemo, I Am Legend, Fern Gully, The Lion
King, Ice Age, or Medicine Man)
Identify and completely explain 2-3 ecological relationships by citing specific examples
from the movie and using information from your text as support for the examples. Be
sure to appropriately cite information used from your text.
Identify and completely explain 2-3 ecological concepts by citing specific examples from
the movie. Be sure to appropriately cite information used from your text.
Identify 2-3 ecological fallacies shown in the film and discuss why they are fallacies
based on specific information from your text. Be sure to appropriately cite information
used from your text.
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After reading the ecology chapters 51-56 and completing all homework and quiz
assignments in MasteringBiology, complete the following FRQs.
Your Answers must be in essay form. Outline form is NOT acceptable. Labeled diagrams
may be used to supplement discussion, but in no case will a diagram alone suffice. It is
important that you read the question carefully before you begin to write.
Your answers MUST be original work. DO NOT copy from a friend or take information
directly from the web. Although your answer may differ from others in the class, it does
not mean it is wrong. As long as you answer logically and reasonably and provide correct
information you will be given credit.
a) Living organisms play an important role in the recycling of many elements within
an ecosystem. Discuss how various types of organisms and their biochemical
reactions contribute to the recycling of either carbon or nitrogen in an ecosystem.
Include in your answer one way in which human activity has an impact on the
nutrient cycle you have chosen.
b) The survival of organisms depends on regulatory mechanisms at various
levels.Explain how the density of a population is regulated.
c) Compared with other terrestrial biomes, deserts have extremely low productivity.
Discuss how temperature, soil composition, and annual precipitation limit
productivity in deserts.
d) Describe a four-organism food chain that might characterize a desert community,
and identify the trophic level of each organism.