3. As a new dress grown old with time...so had Siddhartha's new life

Chapter 7 cont.
As a new dress grown old with time...so had Siddhartha's new life.... (63).
Read this simile in its entirety, then in the space below, write several of the comparisons used that the
dress and Siddhartha's life have in common.
The Dress
Siddhartha's Life
Example: loses its bright color
loses his bright enthusiasm for nature and life
This game was called Samsara, a game for children, a game which was perhaps enjoyable played
once, twice, ten times--but was it worth playing continually? (68).
On the page before this quote, Siddhartha summarizes his life up to this point and comes to a
conclusion. Outline and summarize what he says briefly. Then explain his conclusion and the decision
he makes. How does Kamala react to Siddhartha's decision?
The Noble Eightfold Path
Directions: Starting in Chapter 5, Hesse plays with incorporating the eightfold path into the plot structure and
journey) that his main character takes through the rest of the novel. Explain how Siddhartha encounters (or
how Hesse incorporates) the following step on the noble eightfold path into the journey/plot.
The Noble Eightfold Path
Manifestation in Siddhartha
3. Right Speech
Right Speech is to abstain from false speech, lies,
slander, harsh or offensive words and idle chatter
that lacks purpose or depth. It means telling the
truth and speaking warmly and gently, or not even
Directions: If any of the four major themes introduced in class are presented in this chapter, consider making
a note here of what you noticed, and which writing techniques the author uses to present the theme(s).
Is it presented in this chapter? How does the author present it?
1. Seeking means to have a goal;
but finding means to be free, to be
receptive, to have no goal.
2. People have to change a great
deal and wear all sorts of clothes.
3. Knowledge can be
communicated, but not wisdom.
4. Everything that exists is good–
death as well as life, sin as well as
holiness, wisdom as well as folly.
Ms. LeCren, La Jolla High School Name:________________________________________
Period:____ Date:______________________________
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse: "Samsara" (Part Two, Chapter 7)
Directions: While you read Siddhartha, answer/respond to the activities below. You may use the space on
this handout, or write on a separate piece of paper and staple it to this sheet to get credit for it.
Directions: Define the following words:
Plot Summary
Write a one-sentence summary of the chapter.
You are limited to one complete sentence, so
make sure you include the main idea.
Directions: Read the quotes below and answer the following questions/commentaries.
The only fountainhead which had once been near and which had once sung loudly within him, now
murmured softly in the distance (Hesse 61).
After this quote about the dimming of Siddhartha's memory, is a list of the things Siddhartha still
retains from his youth. List them here:
2. But on the other hand his _________ became more awakened, they learned a great deal, experienced
a great deal (61).
Fill in the missing word from the quote above. In an earlier chapter, Siddhartha claimed that there was
a balance between the mental and the physical (see the worksheet on Chapter 5, Quote 2). What has
changed since then? Why do you think it has changed?