UC San Diego Summer Session 2015 Recommended Courses for High Schoool Students (All course offerings subject to change) Session 1 - June 29 - August 1 Session 2 - August 3 - September 5 Session 3 (Special Session) - Varies by Course Department Anthropology Department Biological Sciences Department Session 1 2 1 2 1 2 Course ID ANTH1 ANTH2 ANTH21 ANTH21 ANTH23 ANTH23 Course Title Introduction to Culture Human Origins Race and Racisms Race and Racisms Debating Multiculturalism: Race, Ethnicity, and Class in American Societies Debating Multiculturalism: Race, Ethnicity, and Class in American Societies Units 4 4 4 4 4 4 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Session 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 Course ID BILD1 BILD2 BILD3 BILD4 BILD12 BILD18 BILD36 The Cell Multicellular Life Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Introductory Biology Lab Neurobiology and Behavior Human Impact on the Environment AIDS Science and Society Course Title Units 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 Prerequites CHEM6A; CHEM6B may be taken concurrently. BILD1. NONE BILD1. NONE NONE NONE Session 1 Course ID CHEM6A General Chemistry I Course Title Units 4 2 CHEM6A General Chemistry I 4 1 CHEM6B General Chemistry II 4 2 1 2 1 1 CHEM6B CHEM6C CHEM6C CHEM7L CHEM11 General Chemistry II General Chemistry III General Chemistry III General Chemistry Laboratory The Periodic Table 4 4 4 4 4 Session 2 1 1 1 Course ID COGS3 COGS11 COGS14A COGS17 Course Title Introduction to Computing Introduction to Cognitive Science: Minds and Brains Intro to Research Methods Neurobiology of Cognition Department Communication Session 1 Course ID COMM10 Introduction to Communication Course Title Department Session 1 1 Course ID CSE3 Fluency in Information Technology CSE5A Introduction to Programming I Course Title Chemistry and Biochemistry Department Cognitive Science Computer Science and Engineering Units 4 NONE CSE5A Introduction to Programming I 4 1 1 2 CSE7 CSE11 CSE11 Introduction to Programming with MATLAB Introduction to Computer Science and Object-Oriented Programming: Java Introduction to Computer Science and Object-Oriented Programming: Java 4 4 4 1 CSE12 Basic Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design 4 1 CSE15L Tools and Techniques Laboratory 2 1 CSE30 Computer Organization and Systems Programming 4 Department Critical Gender Studies Session 2 Course ID Course Title CGS2A Introduction to Critical Gender Studies: Social Movements Units 4 Department Session 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Course ID ECON1 ECON1 ECON2 ECON2 ECON3 ECON3 ECON4 ECON4 Units 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Department Electrical and Computer Session 1 Course ID ECE45 Circuits and Systems Department Session 2 1 1 2 Course ID HILD2A HILD2C HILD7C HILD14 Economics History All course offerings subject to change. Course Title CHEM6A or 6AH and MATH10A or 20A. Recommended: concurrent or prior enrollment in MATH10B or 20B. CHEM6B or 6BH. Recommended: completion of MATH10B or 20B. CHEM6B or 6BH. NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 2 Principles of Microeconomics Principles of Microeconomics Market Imperfections and Policy Market Imperfections and Policy Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Prerequites Recommended: proficiency in high school chemistry and/or physics; concurrent or prior enrollment in MATH10A or 20A. Units 4 4 4 4 Units 4 4 NONE Prerequites Prerequites Prerequites A familiarity with high-school level algebra is expected, but this course assumes no prior programming knowledge. NONE NONE CSE8B or 11, and concurrent enrollment with CSE15L. CSE8B or 11, and concurrent enrollment with CSE12. CSE12, 15L, or consent of instructor. NONE Prerequites Prerequites NONE ECON1. ECON1. NONE Course Title Units 4 ECE35. Course Title United States History Unites States History Race and Ethnicity in the United States Film and History in Latin America Units 4 4 4 4 NONE NONE NONE NONE Page 1 of 4 Prerequites Prerequites Prerequites 02/13/2015 UC San Diego Summer Session 2015 Recommended Courses for High Schoool Students (All course offerings subject to change) Session 1 - June 29 - August 1 Session 2 - August 3 - September 5 Session 3 (Special Session) - Varies by Course Department Latin American Studies Session 1 Course ID LATI50 Introduction to Latin America Course Title Department Session Course ID Course Title 3 LIFR5B Fundamentals of French 5 3 3 3 LIFR5C LIFR5D LIGM5A Fundamentals of French Fundamentals of French Fundamentals of German 5 5 5 3 LIGM5B Fundamentals of German 5 3 3 3 3 3 LIGM5C LIIT5AS LIIT5BS LIIT5CS LISP5A Fundamentals of German Fundamentals of Italian Fundamentals of Italian II Fundamentals of Italian III Fundamentals of Spanish 5 5 5 5 5 3 LISP5B Fundamentals of Spanish 5 3 3 LISP5C LISP5D Fundamentals of Spanish Fundamentals of Spanish 5 5 Linguistics Department Literature Session 1 Course ID LTCS50 Introduction to Cultural Studies Course Title Department Session 2 Course ID MATH3C Pre-Calculus Course Title Units 4 Units Units 4 Units 4 1 MATH10A Calculus 4 1 2 MATH10B Calculus MATH10B Calculus 4 4 2 MATH10C Calculus 4 1 MATH20A Calculus for Science and Engineering 4 1 MATH20B Calculus for Science and Engineering 4 2 MATH20B Calculus for Science and Engineering 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 MATH20C MATH20C MATH20D MATH20D MATH20E MATH20E MATH20F MATH20F 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Department Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Session Course ID 1 MAE8 Department Session Course ID 1 MUS5 Introduction to Music Making - Sound in Time: Art and Science of Music Making 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 MUS8 MUS8 MUS11 MUS11 MUS14 MUS14 MUS15 MUS15 American Music - Band Geeks vs. Jocks: Music and Sports in America American Music: American Experimental Music Folk Music: Music of Latin America Folk Music: Music of Spain Contemporary Music: Music/Image/Text Contemporary Music: Living Music (1945-Present) Popular Music: Teen Pop: Image is Everything Popular Music: OMG! It's a Girl Drummer 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Mathematics Music Department NanoEngineering All course offerings subject to change. Calculus and Analytic Geometry for Science and Engineering Calculus and Analytic Geometry for Science and Engineering Introduction to Differential Equations Introduction to Differential Equations Vector Calculus Vector Calculus Linear Algebra Linear Algebra Course Title Matlab Programming for Engineering Analysis Course Title 4 MUS15 Popular Music - Passing Through the Fabulous 50s: Explore 50s Rock and Jazz 4 MUS15 MUS80 MUS80 MUS80 4 4 4 4 2 MUS80 Popular Music - Punk: Music, Philosophy, Fashion Special Topics in Music: Music and the First World War Special Topics in Music: Music and the Mind Special Topics in Music: Music of Iran Special Topics in Music: Audiovisual: Analyzing and Creating Music with Film, Video and Theater Course ID Course Title CENG15 Engineering Computation Using MATLAB NANO15 Engineering Computation Using MATLAB Page 2 of 4 NONE 4 Units 4 4 Prerequites Prerequites Math Placement Exam qualifying score. Math Placement Exam qualifying score, or AP Calculus AB score of 2, or SAT II Math Level 2 score of 600 or higher, or MATH3C, or MATH4C. AP Calculus AB score of 3, 4, or 5 (or equivalent AB subscore on BC exam), or MATH10A, or MATH20A. AP Calculus BC score of 3, 4, or 5, or MATH10B, or MATH20B. AB score of 2 or 3 (or equivalent AB subscore on BC exam), or SAT II MATH2C score of 650 or higher, or MATH4C with a grade of C– or better, or MATH10A with a grade of C– or better. AP Calculus AB score of 4 or 5, or AP Calculus BC score of 3, or MATH20A with a grade of C– or better, or MATH10B with a grade of C– or better, or Math 10C with a grade of C– or better. AP Calculus BC score of 4 or 5, or MATH20B with a grade of C– or better. MATH20C (or Math 21C) or MATH31BH with a grade of C– or better. MATH20C (or Math 21C) or MATH31BH with a grade of C– or better. MATH20C (or Math 21C) with a grade of C– or better. Prerequites MATH20A and 20B or consent of instructor. Units 2 1 2 2 Prerequites Prerequites Two or more years of French in high school or the first semester of college-level French. LIFR5B or consent of instructor. LIFR5C or consent of instructor. NONE Two or more years of German in high school or the first semester of college-level German LIGM5B. NONE LIIT 1A/1AX, 5AS or consent of instructor. LIIT 1B/1BX, 5BS or consent of instructor. NONE Two or more years of Spanish in high school or the first semester or the first quarter of college-level Spanish. LISP5B or consent of instructor. LISP5C or consent of instructor. Units 2 Session 1 1 NONE Prerequites NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Vary by topic. Vary by topic. Vary by topic. Vary by topic. NONE NONE Prerequites 02/13/2015 UC San Diego Summer Session 2015 Recommended Courses for High Schoool Students (All course offerings subject to change) Session 1 - June 29 - August 1 Session 2 - August 3 - September 5 Session 3 (Special Session) - Varies by Course Department Philosophy Department Physics Department Political Science Department Psychology Department Rady School of Management Session 1 1 2 2 1 1 Course ID PHIL10 PHIL13 PHIL14 PHIL15 PHIL27 PHIL28 Course Title Introduction to Logic Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics Introduction to Philosophy: The Nature of Reality Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Its Limits Ethics and Society Ethics And Society II Session 1 Course ID PHYS1A Mechanics Course Title PHYS1A Mechanics 3 Mechanics Laboratory 2 2 PHYS1AL Mechanics Laboratory 2 1 PHYS1B Electricity and Magnetism 3 2 PHYS1B Electricity and Magnetism 3 1 PHYS1BL Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory 2 2 PHYS1BL Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory 2 1 2 1 2 PHYS1C PHYS1C PHYS1CL PHYS1CL Waves, Optics, and Modern Physics Waves, Optics, and Modern Physics Waves, Optics, and Modern Physics Laboratory Waves, Optics, and Modern Physics Laboratory 3 3 2 2 1 PHYS2A Physics-Mechanics 4 MATH20A. Corequisites: MATH20B (prior completion of mathematics corequisite is permitted) 1 PHYS2B Physics-Electricity and Magnetism 4 2 PHYS2B Physics-Electricity and Magnetism 4 PHYS2A or 4A and MATH20B (prior completion of mathematics corequisite is permitted). Corequisites: MATH20C. 1 PHYS2BL Physics Laboratory-Mechanics and Electrostatics 2 PHYS2A or 4A. Corequisites: PHYS2B or 4C (prior completion of PHYS2B or 4C is permitted) 1 PHYS2C Fluids, Waves, Thermodynamics, and Optics 4 2 PHYS2C Fluids, Waves, Thermodynamics, and Optics 4 PHYS2A, 2B, and MATH20C. Corequisites: MATH20D (prior completion of mathematics corequisite is permitted). 2 PHYS2CL Physics Laboratory: Electricity and Magnetism, Waves, and Optics 2 2 PHYS2D Physics-Relativity and Quantum Physics 4 Session 1 2 1 2 2 Course ID POLI10 POLI11 POLI12 POLI13 POLI30 Course Title Introduction to Political Science: American Politics Introduction to Political Science: Comparative Politics Introduction to Political Science: International Relations Power and Justice Political Inquiry Units 4 4 4 4 4 Session 2 2 1 2 1 2 Course ID PSYC1 PSYC2 PSYC4 PSYC7 PSYC60 PSYC60 Course Title Introduction to Psychology General Psychology: Biological Foundations General Psychology: Behavioral Foundations General Psychology : Developmental Foundations Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics Units 4 4 4 4 4 4 Session 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 Course ID MGT4 MGT4 MGT5 MGT12 MGT16 MGT16 MGT18 MGT45 Course Title Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Managerial Accounting Personal Financial Management Personal Ethics at Work Personal Ethics at Work Managing Diverse Teams Principles of Accounting Units 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Course ID 1 SIO45 Department Session 1 1 Course ID SOCI1 Introduction to Sociology SOCI30 Science, Technology, and Society Session 1 3 3 Course ID Course Title SE1 Introduction to Structures and Design SE2 Structural Materials SE2L Stuctural Materials Lab 2 All course offerings subject to change. Prerequites MATH10A or 20A. Corequisites: PHYS1AL and MATH10B or 20B (prior completion of mathematics corequisite is permitted). PHYS1AL Session Structural Engineering Prerequites 1 Department Department Units 3 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE PHIL27 or POLI27. 2 Scripps Inst of Oceanography Sociology Units 4 4 4 4 4 4 SE9 Course Title Volcanoes Course Title Algorithms and Programming for Structural Engineering Page 3 of 4 MATH10A or 20A. Corequisites: PHYS1A and MATH10B or 20B (prior completion of mathematics corequisite PHYS A or isA,permitted). A , and MATH 0 or 0 . Corequisites: PHYS1BL and MATH10C or 20C or 11 (prior completion of mathematics corequisite is permitted). PHYS1A or 2A, 1AL, and MATH10B or 20B. Corequisites: PHYS1B and MATH10C or 20C or 11 (prior completion of mathematics corequisite is permitted). PHYS1B, 1BL, and MATH10C or 20C or 11. Corequisites: PHYS1CL. PHYS1B, 1BL, and MATH10C or 20C or 11. Corequisites: PHYS1C. PHYS2A or 4A and PHYS2B or 4C. Corequisites: PHYS2C or 4D (prior completion of PHYS2C or 4D is permitted). (prior completion of mathematics corequisite is permitted). NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Prerequites Prerequites 4 NONE Units 4 4 NONE NONE 4 Prerequites One year mathematics or consent of instructor. Units Units 4 3 1 Prerequites Prerequites Prerequites NONE CHEM6A, PHYS2A. CHEM6A, PHYS2A and SE2. Grade of C– or better in MATH20D and MATH20F (20F may be concurrent) 02/13/2015 UC San Diego Summer Session 2015 Recommended Courses for High Schoool Students (All course offerings subject to change) Session 1 - June 29 - August 1 Session 2 - August 3 - September 5 Session 3 (Special Session) - Varies by Course Session 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 Course ID TDAC1 TDAC1 TDAC1 TDAC1 TDAC1 TDAC1 TDAC1 TDGE1 TDGE3 TDGE10 TDGE11 TDGE25 TDGE25 TDGE25 TDGE25 TDMV1 TDMV1 TDMV2 TDMV3 TDMV3 TDMV3 TDPW1 Department Urban Studies and Planning Session 1 Course ID USP2 Urban World System Department Session 1 1 Course ID Course Title VIS21B Introduction to Asian Art VIS60 Introduction to Digital Photography Department Theatre & Dance Visual Arts All course offerings subject to change. Course Title Introduction to Acting Introduction to Acting Introduction to Acting Introduction to Acting Introduction to Acting Introduction to Acting Introduction to Acting Introduction to Theatre Cultivating the Creative Mind Theatre and Film Great Performances on Film: Fantasy/SciFi/Horror Public Speaking Public Speaking Public Speaking Public Speaking Beginning Ballet Beginning Ballet Beginning Contemporary Dance Beginning Jazz Beginning Jazz Beginning Jazz Introduction to Playwriting Course Title Page 4 of 4 Units 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 Prerequites NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Units 4 NONE Units 4 4 NONE NONE Prerequites Prerequites 02/13/2015