Baker College Curriculum Development In partnership with Houghton Mifflin’s TeamUP:Faculty Programs & Training Curriculum Design ♦ Online ♦ Onground ♦ Hybrid or Blended Baker Online ♦ Curriculum designed to Baker SLO’s and utilizing course design document ♦ Written individually for each course by Subject Matter Expert – not a redesign ♦ Working with Baker Instructional Designer and Dean on design, review, revision Student Learning Outcome 8. Describe and give examples of special interests groups. 9. Distinguish between the functions of the House of Representatives and the Senate, along with length of terms and the basic qualifications for these office holders. (Abbreviated version) Seminar Week Three: Special Interest Groups and The Congress Instructional Assignments Assessments Strategies Readings: Text Role of Interest Assigned Chapters 7 & 8 and Groups in Health Readings Primary Sources Care (links) Assignment: Problem based Written learning Role of Interest Evaluation Groups Simulation/Role Assignment: What Would You playing Watch and Do? evaluate the Health Assignment: Self reflection Care ad Written Response and Discussion for deeper What Would You Conclusions understanding Do? Assignment: Read and take Discussion Post/ Self reflection notes on Primary Response: Source on ANWR and Cooperative Learning Impeachment Interest Groups Battles ANWR and Interest Group Battles: Discussion Post/ Watch AP Response: Summary Clip (via Should Senators link) and read Be Chosen or summary to Elected? prepare for discussion post/ response Should Senators be Chosen or Elected? Read Federalist Paper no. 62 (via link) to Media PowerPoint Chapter Seven (file) Chapter 7 Audio summaries http:// m/polisci/ Health Care ad http:// m/polisci/ Read the AP summary on ANWR at: http:// m/assocpress Primary Source on Impeachment of President Nixon 1974 http:// m/polisci/ eduspace/ sources/ executive_branc h/ hmps_house_ju diciary.html Baker onground courses ♦ Designed to Baker specifications ♦ Written by subject matter experts ♦ Utilize various instructional methods to accommodate learning styles and enhance retention of content ♦ Unique course designed individually for Baker MGMT 211 Sample Lesson Plan (abbreviated version) Week 1: Class Session 1 (100 minutes) SLOs addressed SLO 1 Explore the roles of manager and their ongoing personal and professional development processes. SLO 2. Analyze the essential components such as workforce diversity, technology, the global economy, ethical behavior, corporate social responsibility for successful management in today’s workforce. Materials Needed · · · · • Student Achievement Series: Principles of Management by Ricky Griffin, 2007 ISBN-13: 978-0-618-73078-0 Video Clip DVD/DVD player and projector Computer and PowerPoint presentation Nametags and markers Classroom Activity 4: International Environment (20 minutes) Students take the International Culture Quiz on textbook pages 50 and 51 to test their knowledge of local customs overseas. Place students in teams of 4. They will each conduct research out of class and come back to the next class session prepared to present information. Each team chooses 1 country from the list below. Assure that each team chooses a different country. China India Indonesia Brazil Pakistan Bangladesh Russia Nigeria Japan Determine which team member will complete which aspect of the research below. They are to come to the next class session with their information and collate it in class. They will then present their findings to the class. Research must include the following: a. What is the population? b. What is the average life span of individuals in that country? c. What is their biggest export? d. What is their biggest import? e. What is the gross domestic product per capita in that country? f. Identify 1 company or industry that may wish to increase their exports to that country. Provide them with the following sources: U.S. Census Bureau , for population trends and estimates, for import /export data and the World Factbook, published by the Central Intelligence Agency, located at Classroom Activity 5: Video Case – Management at Southwest Airlines (20 minutes) Show the Southwest video case (DVD) and read the case study on pages 25 and 26. If equipment is not available, just have students read the study. As a large class group discuss the following: Judging on the basis of information in the case, describe the managerial skills that Southwest managers such as Colleen Barrett and Jim Parker use in their jobs at Southwest. Discuss the internal work environment at Southwest. Out-of-Class Activities Instructor Tips (abbreviated version) • Read text chapters 1-2 • Do their part of teamwork and be ready to discuss with their team and ultimately present to the class at the next session. • Complete the Johari Window Experiential Exercise on page 24 in your text. Bring the results to class and be prepared to discuss. • Review valuable resources at the Online Teaching Center • Refer students to ace practice tests and other review materials at the Online Study Center: student_home.htm • For International Culture Quiz, team project, divide students into teams using closest birthdays, similar number of siblings and other similarities. Do not allow students to choose their own teams. This is an opportunity for students to get to know one another. • Additional tips will include resources and strategies relevant to this class session.