KIN 340 Physiology of Exercise - Point Loma Nazarene University

Department of Kinesiology
KIN340 Physiology of Exercise
Brandon J. Sawyer, PhD, ATC
Kinesiology Office 1
x2283 [619.849.2283] or
Dr. Sawyer’s Office Hours:
MWF: 11am to 12pm
T: 10am to 12pm
TR: 2pm to 4pm
F: 1:30pm to 4pm (most weeks, check with me)
If you have any questions about the material in this course, feel free to stop by during my office
hours as listed above. Either set up an appointment or simply drop by. I will also be in my office
at other, unscheduled times. If my office hours don’t work for your schedule, e-mail or stop by
and we can set up an appointment to meet.
**I am here to help you in whatever way you need. Feel free to come to me with questions about
the course, your life, your future, your career, or anything else that comes up. You all matter
greatly to me.
Catalog Description:
A study of the effects of vigorous physical activity upon the systems of the body;
development of an understanding of factors which constitute training of the human body
for high levels of health and physical performance.
Student Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this course students will be able to:
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the structure, function, and physiological concepts
surrounding exercising skeletal muscle.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the essentials of human metabolism and
bioenergetics with a special focus on how they relate to physical activity.
Demonstrate the skills necessary to measure and compute energy expenditure.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of physical fatigue.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the physiology of the cardiovascular system with
special emphasis on how it works under conditions of vigorous physical activity.
6. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the physiology of the respiratory system with
special emphasis on how it works under conditions of vigorous physical activity.
7. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory acute
and chronic responses to physical activity.
8. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the general principles of endurance and resistance
exercise training.
9. Describe the adaptations to resistance and endurance exercise training.
10. Manipulate a resistance training program to invoke different physiological responses.
11. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the effects of exercise in heat and altitude
12. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the immense health benefits of physical activity.
13. Describe the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
14. Describe the physiological effects of exercise on the pathogenesis of cardiovascular
disease and type 2 diabetes.
Required Materials
1. Textbook: Kenney WL, Wilmore JH, and Costill DL. Physiology of Sport and Exercise.
Human Kinetics Publishing Co., Champaign, IL, 5th Edition, 2011.
2. iClicker2.
Educational Opportunities
1. Quizzes: Quizzes will be administered via the iClicker2 on most Fridays. The quiz will
be on the required reading for the day. Quizzes will be available on eclass the Wednesday
before the quiz. Students are to complete the quiz at home while reading and record their
answers on a sheet of paper. Students will have the first 7 minutes of class to “turn in”
their quizzes via the iClicker on the day of the quiz.
There will be 13 quizzes given over the course of the semester and the lowest quiz score
will be dropped. This will take the place of retaking quizzes for unexcused absences.
2. Concept Maps 1 & 2: Information from class notes and the textbook will be used to
create flow diagrams explaining the formation of ATP (#1) and the control of heart rate
during exercise (#2). Students will use the free concept map website For each
account made on you can make 3 mind maps. The maps must be exported as an
image and uploaded to canvas before the due date and time.
3. Final Concept Map: This will be a more detailed concept map explaining in detail the
effects of prolonged (3 months at least) endurance exercise training on one of the
following: VO2max, endothelial function, or blood glucose control. You can use any
medium you would like (bubbl, prezi, poster board, etc). The map must be accompanied
by a short paper explaining each portion of the map. You will need to use peer-reviewed
references as your sources for this concept map.
4. Lab Reports: There will be a short lab report due 1 week after each laboratory
experience in the class. Most labs will consist of volunteers from class participating in the
exercise testing then each student individually completing the report. You will be given
one chance to correct and return your lab write reports after the first grading.
5. Classroom Participation: We will use the iClicker2s on most class days. I will ask you
questions that you will either work on as a group or individually. You will input your
answers into the clickers and send them to me. You will receive points based on your
participation, not based on answering the question correctly. There are 36 total class days
(excluding exam and lab days) and you receive 3 points for each day you participate in
the class via clicker responses. You must answer at least 75% of the clicker questions for
the day to get the participation points. The total number of participation points is 75 (each
day is worth 3 points and only 25 days are needed to get full credit). This gives you some
grace for forgetting your clicker, not having extra batteries, or missing class. This also
gives me some room to not have clicker questions every single day.
6. Lecture Exams: The exams will be designed to test the students’ comprehension of the
material presented via lectures and independent studying of the textbook. Questions will
include: multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, true/false, and short answer format.
7. Final Exam: The final exam will have a new material portion worth 50 points and a
cumulative portion worth 100 points. The cumulative portion will be in a “Major
Concepts” format. Information from the entire semester will be tested. The Major
Concepts format means that student will only be tested on the large and most important
concepts of the course.
Course Grading:
1. Quizzes
2. Exams
3. Concept Maps 1&2
4. Clicker Participation
5. Lab Reports
6. Final Concept Map
7. Final Exam
12 @ 10 points each (drop
3 @ 100 points each
2 @ 25 points each
25 @ 3 points each
3 @ 25 points
1 @ 50 points
1 @ 150 Points
Total Points
Percentage Points
Course Guidelines
1. Attendance: Students are required to attend class every class period unless they notify
the professor in advance. Excused absences for emergencies are accepted with
notification ASAP. Role will be taken and students missing more than 6 classes will be
de-enrolled from the class. If an eclass quiz is due on the day a student misses class the
student will receive a 0 on that quiz whether it was completed or not.
2. Late Work: Assignments not turned in the day they are due will immediately be docked
20%. If the assignment is two weeks late or more the grade will be docked 40%.
3. Make-Ups: Make up exams/quizzes will be given only if the professor is notified of the
excused absence prior to the missed class or if the student has a legitimate emergency. No
make-up labs will be allowed.
4. Email: Email will be the main form of communication used by the professor outside of
class. Students are expected to check their email at least on a daily basis. If you know of
issues with your account please notify the professor immediately.
5. Cheating and Plagiarism: Cheating is the actual or attempted practice of fraudulent or
deceptive acts for the purpose of improving one's grade or obtaining course credit; such
acts also include assisting another student to do so. Plagiarism is a specific form of
cheating which consists of the misuse of the published and/or unpublished works of
others by misrepresenting the material (i.e., their intellectual property) so used as one's
own work. Penalties for cheating and plagiarism range from a 0 or F on a particular
assignment, through an F for the course, to expulsion from the university. For more
information on the University's policy regarding cheating and plagiarism, refer to the
student handbook:
Tentative Course Schedule
Jan 14 (T)
Jan 15 (W)
Jan 17 (F)
Jan 20 (M)
Jan 22 (W)
Jan 24 (F)
Jan 27 (M)
Jan 29 (W)
Jan 31 (F)
Feb 3 (M)
Feb 5 (W)
Feb 7 (F)
Feb 10 (M)
Feb 12 (W)
Feb 14 (F)
Feb 17 (M)
Feb 19 (W)
Feb 21 (F)
Feb 24 (M)
Feb 26 (W)
Feb 28 (F)
March 3 (M)
March 5 (W)
March 7 (F)
March 10-14
Introduction/Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal Muscle
Neural Control
Assignment Due
Quiz #1
Martin Luther King Day
Hormonal Control
Hormonal Control
Exam #1
Energy Expenditure/Fatigue
Energy Expenditure/Fatigue
VO2max Lab
Cardiopulmonary Response to
Cardiopulmonary Response to
Cardiopulmonary Response to
Exam #2
Training Principles
Quiz #2
Concept Map #1
Quiz #3
Exam #1
Required Reading
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Quiz #4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Quiz #5
Lab #1
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Lab #2
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Quiz #7
Chapter 8
Concept Map #2
Chapter 8
Quiz #6
Exam #2
Chapters 9, 14
Spring Break!!!!
March 17 (M)
March 19 (W)
March 21 (F)
March 24 (M)
March 26 (W)
March 28 (F)
Wingate Lab
Adaptations to resistance training
Adaptations to resistance training
Adaptations to resistance training
Adaptations to endurance training
Adaptations to endurance training
March 31 (M)
April 2 (W)
April 4 (F)
April 7 (M)
April 9 (W)
April 11 (F)
April 14 (M)
April 16 (W)
April 18 (F)
Adaptations to endurance training
Exercise in the heat
Exercise in the heat
Exercise in the altitude
Exercise in the altitude
Exam #3
Quiz #8
Lab #3
Quiz #9
Quiz #10
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Exam #3
Quiz #11
Easter Break
Chapter 22
Chapter 15
April 21 (M)
April 23 (W)
April 25 (F)
April 28 (M)
April 30 (W)
May 2 (F)
May 5 (M)
Health Benefits of Exercise
Health Benefits of Exercise
Health Benefits of Exercise
Health Benefits of Exercise
Catch up/Final Review
Quiz #12
Final Concept Map
Final Exam: 7:30-10:00 AM
Gaesser Article
Gaesser Article
Chapter 21
Chapter 21