INVESTOR NEWSLETTER ISSUE N°3 FALL 2007 Contact: WHAT IS COMPELLED? Compelled exists to equip followers of Christ to share their faith intentionally, relationally and relate-ably in their sphere of influence. We offer FOUR specific teachings that are designed to equip people to share the hope that they have in a non-awkward, intentional way that our hearers can understand. All four teachings consist of: • Approximately one and a half hours of teaching and fill-in-the-blank curriculum. • One small group or one-on-one activity to practice or apply what is being taught. • A five to seven minute break in the middle of the teaching to stretch our legs and connect with one another. Every week we will provide stories, tools, and application for those going through Compelled to apply and use. EXPECTATIONS OF THE HOSTING CHURCH • Advertise for Compelled in the church services at least for four weeks through the bulletin, announcements, and the website. • Create a link for sign-ups for the training, and manage it, while providing the Compelled Team with names and emails of those who sign up. • Child care for at least birth through seven years old. • We strongly recommend finding a time prior to the start of Compelled to have Tim Reilly preach during weekend services at least once. • The hosting church/organization will need to purchase the curriculum for those who attend. • Printing needs: TWO specific cards (on card stock) for weeks two and three. • A registration table at all four trainings. • Provide name tags and sharpies for all four trainings. • Refreshments for the breaks at each teaching: Water, coffee, snacks, candy, etc. • Tech support for recording (preferably) and running slides/lights/sound during the trainings. • One administrative contact who will work alongside our team for communication and implementation. BEFORE & AFTER POSSIBILITIES One of our great hopes is to “activate” evangelism in people by equipping and inspiring them to use their gifts and the Holy Spirit’s leading to engage their sphere of influence with the Gospel. We would love to have Tim meet with the staff, elders, and any other key leaders to answer any questions about Compelled and dialogue about to expect once the training is over. If there are any specific people who you believe would be great leaders to possibly take on a leadership role of leading a “Compelled Evangelism Team” for your church, we would love to meet with them as well. After the training, an outreach may make a lot of sense. Let us know how we can help. CREATED NOVEMBER 2014 PRICING Note: We never want lack of resources to stop this training from happening, so please let us know if the full price is not in your budget. FULL TRAINING Duration: 4 weeks Includes: • 4-week training • 3 meetings with church leaders regarding advertising & strategy OR Q&A about the program ➡Price: $3500 RECOMMENDED WEEKEND SERMON (OR OTHER TEACHINGS) Note: Suggested Honorarium open to discussion & standard honorariums from church. ➡Suggested Standard Honorarium: $750 (per day) COMPELLED EVANGELISM TEAM LEADER DISCIPLESHIP: Meeting with a leader from a church, in which discipleship, mentorship, and resources will be provided and shared. Leader will then oversee an evangelism team from their respective church. ➡Monthly Price: $250-500 CONSULTING FOR EVANGELISM & DISCIPLESHIP FOR CHURCH LEADERSHIP ➡Price: $750 (daily rate)