Mitosis – A Cell Divided You have taken notes on mitosis, you have solved a mitosis puzzle, and you have even used Oreo cookies to make a model of mitosis. Today you get to get totally immersed in mitosis via the web. The hope here is that by the end of all this, you will know the process of mitosis forwards, backwards and inside out. Part 1: Mitosis Movies These movies will help you to solidify your knowledge of mitosis. There is nothing to write down for these movies, but please watch them and take them seriously. The more times that you show your brain the correct sequence of events; the better you will remember and understand them. 1. Mitosis Animation 2. Amoeba Sisters: The Cell Cycle and Cancer 3. Another Really Good Mitosis Animation Part 2: An Experiment For this part you are going to look at pictures of onion tip cells, classify them by what stage they are in and figure out how long a cell spends in each of the parts of the cell cycle. This is a great way for you to be able to identify the stages of mitosis. WARNING: Some of the pictures are hard to see clearly. 1. Go to iption.html 2. Enter your data in the table below (after you sort the cells, the site will show you how you sorted them, just count the number in each column and enter the totals in the table): Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase # of cells % of cells Total 36 100% 3. In which phase do cells spend the most time? 4. Why do you think cells spend most of their time in this phase? 5. In which phase of mitosis do cells spend the most time? 6. Why do you think cells spend the most time in this phase during mitosis? Part 3: Games Play a few games, have some fun and reinforce your knowledge of mitosis. Write down your best score for each game that you play. 1. Mitosis Basketball Best Score: _____ 2. Mitosis Matching Game celldiv/chm05_pg71_celldiv.html (No score to enter for this site) 3. The Cell Cycle Game What is the correct sequence of pictures? ________________ 4. Mitosis Hangman Score: ______ 5. Cell Division Jeopardy tm Score: ______ 6. The Cell Division Supervisor Game 7. Mitosis Millionaire Winnings: _____________ Part 4: Mitosis Quizzes Take the quizzes below, write down your scores. 1. Score: _____ 2. Score: _____ 3. Score: _____