Centerville City Fault Lines, Flood Zones and Debris Basins SR 67 : MA IN LUND R PA H VA W 65 0 W 52 5 500 E 400 E k OAK R ID GE 325 E NOLA 325 E 300 E E DORIS 600 E GOLDE N R A INT RE N 77 5 700 N LONDON PHEAS ANT 700 E N 550 N A 700 N BO 220 E 150 W 200 W L OM 275 E LI ND IT A 650 N ND 300 W ASPEN M W LA 350 W SA A 710 N 90 0 N OD RO 500 N 250 E AR BA L B ROOK 625 N 555 N POWELL WIL M BR I A R W O 75 W 165 W NT e Cre ard n r Ba Parrish 650 N 500 E KA G IE 150 W 250 W W 310 W APPLEWOOD 2 55 EE 710 N CR 250 W 500 W 200 E IE L D D EE RF 225 W 4 00 W 575 W 450 W A EW VI AS K 925 N E 645 W 950 W PA RK 850 N ME ADOW PH 65 0 W 1000 W 1100 N 10 0 E E 1250 N BARNARD AD AM S 425 W MOUNTAIN VIE W AN 1375 N D 1250 N CHASE 950 N A RI 15 0 E 75 W O 1250 N 1200 N EE C A SA L OMA 1125 N 1050 N COTT O N W O I-15 50 E 70 0 W 725 W 1175 N I NGT O N PEAC H T R Y 1375 N R 175 E 60 Y RK W A LE 1400 N R HUGHES W VI E PA SU N S GA LLUP ET CA 180 E 0W S ROSEWOOD SUNSET OAKCRE ST NT O M FR E 500 W ES F O RD C ANY ON 1500 N OD AL WV 1300 W Ric 0E 20 K 725 W EA PR W I LL O W E BR EX FOX 1465 N 1045 N 1 2 50 F IR RK Y SE R JE SC RE EK Y 13 00 N 650 N 350 E T PA P ON Y WO M IL K R IC K 1275 N 725 N Creek ks JENNINGS 1350 N 850 N E 1825 N S MO O JIM BRIDGER 950 N 0 30 18 00 N 16 5 0 N OW 19 00 N 1750 N 1 67 5 N WI LL 50 E 1850 N EY 1975 N 20 0 E W 1950 N N LL N 19 75 150 E 5N 100 E L 2 20 0 50 5 N 2050 N H IL 725 W RC 1825 N FRONTAGE 21 00 M CH U 1875 N Parks & Rec S CK ANO R 1950 N 192 SHE EP LL HI RO R FRONTAGE K E WA L K OLD HAUL k Cree WORSLEY 500 N 500 N ZONE AH Debris Basins ZONE X Structures 0 This map should be used for general reference only. Data descriptions have been taken directly from the source 700 E NY ON CA 700 E 600 E 85 0S TYA RD ELBERT 700 E 80 0 65 0 S 70 0S 800 S 850 S 950 S S 800 E 8 600 E S 800 S RI D G EL I PAGES Miles 1 Flood Zone Source: National Flood Insurance Program Rate Maps Fault Source: Utah AGRC 1-877-336-2627 SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAs) SUBJECT TO INUNDATION BY THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD The 1% annual chance flood (100-year flood), also known as the base flood, is the flood that has a 1% chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The Special Flood Hazard Area is the area subject to flooding by the 1% annual chance flood. Areas of Special Flood Hazard include zones A, AE, AH, A0, AR, ASS, V and VE. ZONE A = No Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AE = Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AH = Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AO = Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain); average depths determined. For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities also determined. ZONE VE = Coastal flood zone with velocity hazard (wave action); Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE X = Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood: areas of 1% annual chance flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile: and areas protected by levees from 1% annual chance flood. Centerville GIS Printed: May 30, 2008 Document: Q:\GISProjects\DrainageUtilities\DebrisFlood.mxd 650 E 600 E 300 E 225 E E C OUR 1200 S 0.5 400 E 200 E S 150 W 1 inch = 1,431 feet AR QU ES EVENS EN 00 FORD I-15 1:17,175 735 S 780 S 850 S 0S NE City Boundary VILLA G 700 S 70 E ZONE A0 ZONE AE RANDALL Y 8 00 Inferred Fault Creek TOBE AD L E L LA ZONE A BR Deuel Creek 60 0 S 550 S E ES T Surface Fault 550 S E ZONE VE RY 300 S N 475 S CANYON BREEZE 5 47 2 Classes: FE H ERIDA PORTER 425 S PITFORD J EF Flood Zones 200 S 300 S PORTER WILLIAMS 550 S Fault Lines 70 W PORTER 600 W Legend 200 S WALTON 75 W 675 W PORTER R BAM B E R G E 100 S W PORTER A RADI S O 125 S 200 E DAVINCI CENTER 50 S 650 E 170 W SIENNA 100 N IE ISLA N D V ar y VENENZIO P 115 N LLAN O 210 W L ib r 50 S 20 0 N 160 W 360 W SR 1400 W BE 250 N FAIRVIEW FAIRVIEW RE A K FIR E B 200 N 75 N 300 N 100 E PL 67 ET MA R K AC LIL LEGACY PARK 2 75 N 300 E A CE 100 W PARRISH This dataset represents geologic fault lines for a limited area along the Wasatch Front in Utah. Purpose: For analysis and display at 1:24,000 scale. The data were digitized as part of State of Utah Comprehensive Emergency Earthquake Preparedness Program, 1986-1989. Supplementary Information: Procedures_Used: Paper source maps were provided by CEM with hand-drawn corrections of certain faults. AGRC digitized the data using ARC/INFO. Attributes were read from the maps and coded manually. Reviews_Applied_to_Data: Hardcopy plots were overlaid on source maps and checked visually.