MINERALOGICAL 782 NOTES HurroN, C. O. (1956) Manganpyrosmalite, bustamite and ferroan johannsenite from Broken Hill, New South Wales. Arn. Minetal.4l' 581-591. Parecrr, C. (1937) The minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill, N. J. U' S' Geol,.Surtt. ProJ. Paper 18O,75-79 Scn.tr-rrn, W. T. (1938) Johannsenite, a new manganesepyroxene. Am. Mineral' 23r 575582. Scnr.lvrn.tro, G. (1953) Sulla johannsenite dei giacimento a silicati manganesiferi del Monte Civillino. Rend..Soc.Mineral.Ital.9,21O 218. Yonnn, H. S. alln T. G. Sanau,l (1957) Olivine *-ray determinative curve. Am. Mineral. 42,475-491. THE AMERICAN MINERALOGIST,VOL 50, MAY_JUNE, 1965 CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC DATA FOR RARE-EARTH PART II ALUMINUM GARNETS: C. B. RuerNSrErNAND R. L. BenNs, Bell Telephone Laboratories,Inc., Murray Hill, l{ew Jersey. The rare-earth aluminum garnets may be representedby the general where R representsthe rare-earthion. The crystalloformula RaAIzAlsOrz graphic properties of the rare-earth aluminum garnets from terbium to thulium in the periodic table were reported by Rubinstein and Barns (1964). This note presentsthe indexed r-ray powder data and index of refraction for gadolinium, ytterbium and lutetium aluminum garnets which will hereafter be referred to as GdAlG, YbAIG and LuAlG. In addition, the growth habit of YbAIG is reported. All the crystalsusedin this studl- were grown by a techniquediscussed by Van Uitert et al.(1965). The crystalsvaried in sizefrom fractions of a The total impurity conmillimeter to a full centimeter in cross-section. per cent. The powder be 0.1 to crystals is estimated in the centration Norelco with a Straumanis-Type photographs were taken diffraction filter. Ni and an radiation using CuKa 114.6 mm diameter of camera given are so obtained The data film shrinkage. were made for Corrections 1. Table in The lattice parameters used to calculate the spacings reported in Table 1 are given in Table 2. The color, r-ray density and index of refraction are also given in Table 2. For convenience,our previously reported lattice parameters,r-ray densitiesand colorsare also included in Table 2. The refractive indices were determined with a Rayner refractometer equippedwith a sphaleriteprism. The indicespreviously reported by Rubinstein and Barns (1964) were redeterminedby this, more accurate, method. A conservativeestimate of the error for the lattice parameter gives 3o limits of + 0.003 A and an estimateof the probable error for the index is +0.001. Iablc I, x-Rry Pordcr D.tr hkt I vlsual 2lt 220 32r 4oo 4?o \zz 9 l. qtl Sample C d AG I d (A) d (^) c al c d obgd Y b AG l d (a) d (a) calcd obld l}.s3a \.86s 4.2f7 3.t8\ 2.980 2.663 2,430 2. l ?\ t.933 r.758 1.7f8 1.65t 1, 6 2 0 L592 1,513 1.49o I.332 1.300 r.285 t.270 l. lo8 r.062 t.o54 .9682 .8996 .8890 .6t9t .tl t6 . ?866 2 3 I 3 | | 3 I 2 t | 3 2 r r 4,944 4.252 3.237 3.028 2. 708 ?.\72 2,211 r.964 t,785 I .749 t.679 | .648 1.518 I,53S 1.5t4 1.354 I .321 1.306 r.291 1.124 L079 I .070 ,9823 .9t29 .9027 ,8318 ,821rc ,7985 | I .7850 .7753 . 7E50 . 7753 E 6 3 4 5 3 ll 8\o e\z 9 2 1 ,7 6 1, 6 5 5 66\ t04o,864 I tzt,lo5t,963 880 t?2?,lo6l{' 1244 1260,to8l| I 44O,| 262 l\42,1?o6,rolo4 1521,!s3,r365 I I l03,109? rs32,.]Js6 t z l o o ,t 2 8 6 Aluninun Grrnets, CuKa (l 4.277 3.?30 3.O20 2.697 2.464 2.207 t,959 1.783 I .745 r.6?6 I .646 t.6t5 t.537 t.sil l.3sr | .3t9 1.305 1.29r t.l2r 1.079 l.o7t .982\ . 9 13 2 .9033 .83t8 .8239 .7985 7 6 ro \ 5 tt , 5 3 2 63t \\4 640 721,633,552 6\a 732,651 goo Taeln for Rlrc-E.rth ' \.8?o \,2!6 3.r88 2,9A2 2.66? z. \35 2. I 78 1.935 1.759 t.l?2 t.514 1, 6 2 3 L59\ 1,515 l.qgt |.331+ 1.302 r.286 t.?7? l. lo8 1.063 r.os4 .9675 .8992 .8E91 .8t93 . E rr ? .7865 1.5\l8A) R.dlation. L u AG l d (A) d (a) c alcd ob3d 4.856 \.863 4.205 \.212 3.175 3.l8ll 2,958 ?.978 2.659 2.664 2.\32 2.\29 3, I 7s ?.l72 1.930 L932 1.758 1,756 1,.719 l.?19 1.651 1.65? 1. 6 2 0 1, 6 2 1 I .591 1.s92 1.513 l.5ll 1.488 l.l+89 I.330 |,332 1,300 l.?98 1.284 |,28s 1.270 1.270 l 106 l. 106 1.061 l.06l i .O53 1.O53 .9665 .9562 .8981 .89?9 .8873 .8879 .8180 .8181 ,8105 .8lo\ .7855 ,7855 2. Cnvsrar, Pnopnnrrns or rHE RARE-EARTE ALuMTNUu GanNnrs Colorr Lattice parameter2 (A) Colorless Pale Yellow Calculated r-ray density Index of refraction3 G/c-') t2.ltl 5.97r 1 .866 Pink 12.074 12 0+2 t2.otl 11.981 Pale Green rr.957 6.063 6.193 6.297 6.397 6.476 |.873 1 .868 1 .863 1. 8 5 3 I .854 YbAIG Colorless Pale Yellow lt.929 6.619 1 .848 LuAIG Colorless Pale Yellow l1 .9t2 6.692 1.842 GdAIG TbA}G DyAIG HoAIG ErAIG TmAIG Colorless PaleYellow Pale Yellow Golden Yellow 1 The color exhibited by some samples may be modified due to lead impurities from the flux in which the crystal was grown. , CuKar:1.54050 A. 3 S o d i u mD ( I : 5 8 9 0 A ) . 784 MINERALOGICAL NOTES t2.15 G d T b Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu r2.to F z 12.05 F .n z o u lrl o | 2.OO F F J | 1.95 I t.90 64 65 69 68 67 60 A T O M I CN U M B E R 70 7l Frc. 1. Lattice constant versus atomic number for the rare-earth aluminum Earnets. T h e G d A I G l a t t i c e p a r a m e t e r1 2 . l l l A u g r " . r w i t h t h e v a l u e 1 2 . 1 1A determinedby Bertaut and Forrat (1956),but it doesnot agreewith the value 12.122A extrapolated by Geller et al. (7964a) from their data on the system Gd3 Fe5-" Al* Orz. In this mixed system the lattice constant v e r s u s1 i s l i n e a r o v e r t h e r a n g e s0 { 1 ( 1 . 0 a n d 1 . 0 ( 1 ( 3 . 0 a n d t h e e x trapolation was made from the latter range. However, in the system Y3 Fes-" Al" Orz which was investigated by Geller et ol. (1964b) the lattice constant versusl behavior is linear up to 1:2.5, but beyond this point there is an inflection toward the abscissa.A similar inflection might occur in the Gda Fe5-, Al* Op system for 1) 3.0 which would explain the discrepancvbetweenthe extrapolatedvalue and our measuredvalue. Figure 1 contains a plot of the lattice constant versus atomic number for all the rare-earth aluminum garnets investigated. The resulting curve is similar in form to one drawn for the rare-earth iron garnets by Espinosa (1962) and unlike the straight line relation reported by Bertaut and MINERALOGICAL 785 NOTES Forrat (1957)for the rare-earthaluminum garnets.An explanationof the shapeof the curve is given by Espinosa (1962). The growth habit of YbAIG was examinedby optical goniometry. AII the growth faceswerefound to be of the dodecahedron[110] and trapezohedron [112] types. The crystal is similar in appearanceto Fig. 135 by Ford (1958). The authors wish to thank D. J. Nitti for taking the *-ray powder patterns and L. G. Van Uitert and W. H. Grokiewicz for growing the cr1'stals. RrrrxnNcns 1219-1222. Brnteur, F. eto F. Fonner(1956)Compt. Rend.243, --(1957)Compt. Rend.24,96 99. . Esrrxos,r., Phys.37,23M-2347 G.P. (1962) Jour.Chem. Fono, W. E. (1958)Dana's TertboohoJ Minera.logy4th Ed. John Wiley and Sons,Inc', New York, 75. Gnr.r.rn,S., H J. Wrr,rr.tus,R. C. Snrnwoon aNn G. P. EsprNose(1964a)(to be published). --H. J. Wrrrr.urs, G. P. EsprNosaeNr R. C. Snnnwooo (1964b)Bell SystemTech' Jour.43,565-623. RuuNsruN, C. B. .tNn R. L. B.tnNs (1964)Am. Minerol.49, 1489-1490. VeN Urrenr, L. G., W. H. Gnooxrowrcz aNn E. F. Dn.qtsonN (1965)Jour. Am. Ceram. Soc.48.105-108. THE AMERICAN MINERAI,OGIST, VOL. 50, MAY-JUNE, i965 NEW ANALYSIS OI- GENTH'S VOLBORTHITEI MancanBr D. FosrBn AND WALDEMART. Scuatlon, U. S. Geolog'i'cal Surwy,Washington, D. C. GBNtn's ANar,vsBs or VoLBoRTHTTE In 1877 Genth published a paper giving the results of his analysis of volborthite from Woskressenskoi,Perm, U.S.S.R. Genth recognizedhis analyses as very imperfect, becausein the material he worked with volborthite occurred as a crystalline coating on the grains and pebbles, and in the cavities of an argillaceousconglomerate.He found it impossible to pick out the volborthite, so crushed the whole mass to separatethe grains of the conglomerate. The material was then treated with very dilute nitric acid. He does not specify the strength of acid used nor the duration or temperature of treatment. The insoluble matter, which amounted to more than 80 per cent of the sample treated, was filtered off' and the solution was analyzed. After such a treatment of an argillaceous 1 Publication authorized by the Director, U. S. Geological Survey.