CSC 111: Foundations of Computers and Program Design Module 1: Introduction to computer science 8 April 2011 Kiet T. Tran Contents 1 Announcements .......................................................................................................2 1.1 General ...............................................................................................................2 1.2 Course structure ................................................................................................2 1.3 References ..........................................................................................................2 2 Introduction to Computer ......................................................................................3 3 Introduction to Web ................................................................................................4 4 Introduction to Computer Science ........................................................................5 5 Programming in C ...................................................................................................5 6 5.1 Overview............................................................................................................5 5.2 Setup Cygwin for windows .............................................................................6 5.3 C basics ...............................................................................................................6 5.3.1 hello.c program........................................................................................6 5.3.2 Primitive data types ................................................................................7 5.3.3 Intermediate hello.c program ................................................................7 5.3.4 io.c program .............................................................................................9 5.3.5 Conditional statement in C ....................................................................9 5.3.6 Array in C .................................................................................................9 5.3.7 Reading from file ................................................................................... 10 Exercises ................................................................................................................. 11 6.1 Reverse string .................................................................................................. 11 6.2 Counting .......................................................................................................... 11 6.3 Crypto............................................................................................................... 11 7 References ............................................................................................................... 11 8 Credits ..................................................................................................................... 12 1 CSC 111: Foundations of Computers and Program Design Module 1: Introduction to computer science 1 8 April 2011 Kiet T. Tran Announcements 1.1 General This course is an introduction course in computer science. It is CSC 111 at Trident University International (TUI). CSC 111 has six modules. Module 1 through 5 lasts 2 weeks each and module 6 1 week. This course is not quite a hands-on programming; however, I would like to offer you opportunities to write program early on in the course. My thinking is that you are in a computer science (CS) degree, soon or later you will be immersed yourself in solving difficult CS related problems. The sooner you are familiar with programming tools, the better you are prepared for a career in computer related career even if you will not write any program at work. Contact information: I normally respond to my students within 24 hours. Any concern for this course, please contact me via email. Please avoid use COURSENET to leave me comments or questions. Unfortunately, COURSENET does not always notify me your comments. I use my personal blog to put additional materials there ( I will notify you if you need to visit to download additional materials for the course. 1.2 Course structure Module 1: introduction to computer science degree – we will learn about computer, the web, and computer science degree. Module 2: introduction to networking and the Internet – we will learn how computer talk with one another and dig a bit deeper into the Internet. Module 3: Introduction to computer hardware – We will learn more about computer hardware and its capabilities. Module 4: Introduction to computer software – we will learn about computer applications. Module 5: Introduction to python programming language – we will learn writing Python. Module 6: Reflection – write an essay to reflect what you have learned during this course. 1.3 References This course does not require textbooks; however, I use the following books in preparing my notes and assignments: Important links: 2 CSC 111: Foundations of Computers and Program Design Module 1: Introduction to computer science 2 8 April 2011 Kiet T. Tran Introduction to Computer Computer is a data processing device or a programmable machine that can carry out data processing tasks such as: o Gather data o Process data into information o Output data or information o Store data or information Data and information are two different concepts. Data represents fact while information has meaning. A digital computer understands only binary language, namely 0 and 1. A binary digit or bit has a value of 0 or 1. This language has very little use for us human; however, it is the foundation of all computers in existence today. A byte is made up by 8 bits that can represent a character of data. A byte can have a value between 0 and 255 inclusively. How can it be? The next unit of accounting in computer is a kilobyte. A kilobyte has 1024 bytes. It is odd, isn’t it? A kilogram, as we’d learned in high school, has 1,000 grams. So, why 1 kilobyte (KB) is equal to 1,024 bytes? Other units of measurement are: o 1 Megabyte (MB) = 1,024 KB o 1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1,024 MB o 1 Terabyte (TB) = 1,024 GB o 1 Petabyte (PB) = 1,024 TB o 1 Exabyte (EB) = 1,024 PB o 1 Zettabyte (ZB) = 1,024 EB Hardware is any part of the computer that you can physically toched. Software or application software is a set of programs that you can use to perform some tasks. For example, you are using Microsoft Word, application software, to type your term paper. System software allows your computer system and your application software to work together to achieve your objectives. An Operating System is the most commonly used system software. A computer system normally comes with a system unit and peripheral devices (input and output) Input devices are keyboards, mice and pointing devices, and sound input. Output devices are monitors, printers, sound output. System unit incudes power supply, storage devices, hardware interfaces, and motherboard. o Storage devices include hard drive, CD, CD-RW, DVD, DVDRW, blue-ray, flash memory card, and flash drive. o Interfaces can be serial ports, parallel ports, USB ports, Ethernet port, audio port, video ports, modem port, and FireWire ports. 3 CSC 111: Foundations of Computers and Program Design Module 1: Introduction to computer science o 8 April 2011 Kiet T. Tran Motherboard contains a set of chips that powers the system. Motherboard includes central processing unit (CPU), memory modules (random access memory or RAM) and extension slots. CPU or processor is the largest and the most important chip. It is the ‘brain’ of the computer RAM is the primary storage that will be lost when the computer is powered down. RAM provides quick access to data for the CPU. Hard drive is one form of permanent storage that remains after the computer is powered down. 3 Introduction to Web For many, it is hard to imagine life without the Internet because everything they do requires it. I am one of these people. The Internet was born from a US government funded project called Advanced Research Projects Agency Network or ARPANET for short. The network connected the research centers of four universities: UCLA, Stanford, UCSB, and University of Utah in Salt Lake City. The first established connection occurred in 1969. Vincent Cerf and Robert Kahn are thought of the fathers of the Internet because they were primarily responsible for the development of many of the initial internet protocols. Worldwide Web (www) is different from the rest of the Internet use this way: o Computer-to-computer communications o A hyperlink enables one jump from one computer to another. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee from European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) invented the WWW. You can look around the Internet using a web browser such as FireFox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, and others. A browser is a software application that enables you to interact with textual data and other media on the Web. o URL o Hyperlinks o Favorites, live bookmarks, and tagging o Search engines Communicating technologies: o Instant messaging (IM) o Podcasts and webcasts o Weblog (blog) o Wikis o Voice over IP (VOIP) o Emails Web entertainment allows you to watch movies and listen to music over the Internet. 4 CSC 111: Foundations of Computers and Program Design Module 1: Introduction to computer science 8 April 2011 Kiet T. Tran E-commerce enables businesses to conduct commerce activities with consumers and other businesses over the Internet. 4 All these come with some troubles: o SPAM o Malware, adware, and spyware o Phishing and Internet hoaxes Introduction to Computer Science Let us make it clear that computer science is not about programming languages but about how to solve problems. It is a study of information and computation. CS was born in 1940 with confluence of algorithm theory, mathematic logic, and the invention of stored-program electronic computer (Denning, 1999). CS is surrounded by o The structure and operation of computer systems o Principles underlying computer system design and programming o Effective methods for using computers for information processing tasks o Theoretical characterizations of their properties and limitations Programming language is a tool to instruct the computer to perform data process tasks for you. 5 Programming in C Important notes, please read carefully: Programming in C is not required for this class; however, many demonstrations are convenient in C. I encourage all students to program in C in order to begin appreciation of what computer software can do for us. Thus, here is my proposal: o You continue to do the assignments as defined in the CD o You perform additional programming assignments for extra credit. o For those who want more challenging assignment can email me for more complex programming assignment instead of the traditional writing case and SLP. In other words, if you want to get in programming right away, I can assist you. You may ask, why C? Why do we not use Java, python, or other languages? It is because C can perform low-level function that is not available in many high-level languages. 5.1 Overview C was a popular programming language in 1970 and 80 for UNIX users. 5 CSC 111: Foundations of Computers and Program Design Module 1: Introduction to computer science 8 April 2011 Kiet T. Tran C is a general-purpose computer language developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell lab in 1973. It is hard to imagine the language is nearly 40 years old! It is still useful for many tasks today. C is not an object-oriented programming language. It is procedural or imperative. The principle design of C was minimalism in that the goal is to do enough and encourage portable across platforms. In order to program in C, you need a C compiler. We will use gcc compiler for the example of this course. 5.2 Setup Cygwin for windows Cygwin (now owned by redhat) provide a UNIX environment for Windows. Visit and install Cygwin for your windows (choose setup.exe option from the main menu). The current version is 1.7.9-1. Choose default installation. It will come with gcc compiler and a basic vi editor. You can use notepad text editor if you wish. 5.3 C basics 5.3.1 hello.c program A very basic C program is show as follows: #include <stdio.h> void main (void) { printf ("hello, world!\n"); } Figure 1: hello.c The above program, when runs, will print a simple line ‘hello, world!’ on screen. That is it. It is not very useful; however, if you get it to work, you just took the first step in programming a computer. You wrote a computer program or software that does something for you even though it is a useless thing. All C program starts out with one method called ‘main.’ A C program that does nothing can be written as simply as ‘void main (void){}’. That is a valid C program! printf is a library function that print out a sequence of character ended with a new line (‘\n’). The following steps instruct you how to write that C program, compile and link it to make an executable program for Windows or other operating systems such as a Linux, MAC OS, or UNIX. 1. Use your favorite basic text editor (notepad or wordpad). Don’t use MS Word. 2. Type in the above program and save it as hello.c 3. Go to Cygwin bash command prompt that you just download. When you go to a Cygwin bash shell, it places you in /home/xyz where xyz is your name. The actual location of this 6 CSC 111: Foundations of Computers and Program Design Module 1: Introduction to computer science 8 April 2011 Kiet T. Tran directory is from c:/Cygwin directory (if you takes the default install of the Cygwin program from steps 5.2). 4. Go to the directory where you save the hello.c file. 5. Run this: gcc –o hello hello.c 6. The output will be ‘hello.exe’ for Windows and hello for other Unix flavor operating systems. 7. To run: ./hello from the current directory. 8. You should see a message ‘hello, world!’ printed on your screen. 5.3.2 Primitive data types char – represents single byte (8 bits). short – represents two byte int – represents an integer that can be either 16 bit or 32 bit long. long – represents an integer 32 bit long. double – a double-precision floating point 64 bit long float – a floating point 32 bit long other types can be used: o short int (16 bits) o unsigned short int (16 bits) o unsigned int (16 bits) o long int (32 bits) o signed char (8 bits) o unsigned char (8 bits) o long double (96 bits) In C, you must declare all your variables before use. In C, you must specify a function prototype prior to use. This can be done by including a .h file (header file) or by simply declare it before use. To avoid the function prototype, you can define the entire function and place it on top of the calling function. 5.3.3 Intermediate hello.c program Consider the updated version of hello.c program: #include <stdio.h> #include "add.h" void main () { int val = add(1,2); int i; for (i = 0; i < val; i++) { printf ("hello, world!\n"); } return; } Figure 2: hello.c int add(int va1, int va2); figure 3: add.h header file 7 CSC 111: Foundations of Computers and Program Design Module 1: Introduction to computer science 8 April 2011 Kiet T. Tran #include <stdio.h> int add (int val1, int val2) { return val1+val2; } Figure 4: add.c The updated version hello.c gets a bit more complicated but it is still useless. It teaches us several things about C, though. It shows us how to call a C function namely ‘add’. It shows us how to define a variable before use, namely val and i. It shows us how to repeat tasks multiple times using ‘for’ expression. To increase a value by 1, use ++ after or before an int, short, or long variable. ++i has different consequence than i++. ++i tell the computer to add 1 to the variable before use while i++ tells the computer to use the variable, then add 1 to it. The function ‘add’ receives two integer values and returns an integer value. The header file such as add.h is often used to define the function prototypes. These two segment of code does the same thing in different way: While loop: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. int i = 0; while (i < val) { printf ("hello, world!\n"); i++; } 1. 2. 3. 4. int i; for (i = 0; i < val; i++) { printf ("hello, world!\n"); } For loop: Which one do you prefer? Perhaps, the while loop is easier to read at first? You loop through the activity until the value of i I is equal or larger than val value. A function is a convenient way to encapsulate some computation. It is similar to that procedure in Pascal, a subroutine in Fortran. A function can take input parameters of various data types and return a variable. A function that does not return anything must be of type void. 8 CSC 111: Foundations of Computers and Program Design Module 1: Introduction to computer science 5.3.4 8 April 2011 Kiet T. Tran io.c program Consider this simple input and output program. It reads an input character from keyboard and put it back on screen until end-of-file (EOF). In windows EOF is ctrl-d. #include <stdio.h> /* anything in here is ignored by the compiler */ // anything after this symbol ignored until the end of the line. void main (void) { int c; c = getchar(); while (c != EOF) { putchar(c); c = getchar(); } } Figure 5: io.c program != means not equal. Function getchar gets a character from the keyboard. Function putchar puts a character on screen. 5.3.5 Conditional statement in C Consider this example: #include <stdio.h> void main (void) { int c; c = getchar(); while (c != EOF) { putchar(c); if (c == 'c') putchar('*'); else if (c == 'd') putchar('!'); c= getchar(); } } Figure 6: io.c with conditional statement The result is: $ ./io cabd c*abd! Figure 7: output of io.c == is equal to (note that there is TWO =s) If the input character is ‘c’, I put an extra character ‘*’ on screen. Similarly if the input character is ‘d’, I put an extra character ‘!’ on screen. 5.3.6 Array in C Consider an example that uses array of integers: #include <stdio.h> 9 CSC 111: Foundations of Computers and Program Design Module 1: Introduction to computer science 8 April 2011 Kiet T. Tran void main (void) { int myIntList[10]; myIntList[0] = 1; myIntList[1] = 2; myIntList[2] = 3; myIntList[3] = 4; myIntList[4] = 5; myIntList[5] = 6; myIntList[6] = 7; myIntList[7] = 8; myIntList[8] = 9; myIntList[9] = 10; int i, val = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { val += myIntList[i]; } printf ("val = %d\n", val); } Figure 8: array.c $ ./array val = 55 Figure 9: array.c output Array a sequence of occurrence of the same data type. The position of the index always starts at 0. The program sets up a list of integer values, then add all of them. The sum is printed at the end. %d is to print out the value as an integer value. Other formatting characters are: 5.3.7 o %c for char o %d for int o %f for float o %lld for long long o %s for string. Escape character is backslash (‘\’). Reading from file Consider a simple exercise that reads data from a file and then put it on screen: #include <stdio.h> typedef char * string; void main (void) { string fname = "/cygdrive/c/tmp/hello.c"; FILE *fp; fp = fopen(fname,"r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("Cannot open file!"); return; } int c; while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF) { putchar (c); } fclose(fp); 10 CSC 111: Foundations of Computers and Program Design Module 1: Introduction to computer science 8 April 2011 Kiet T. Tran printf ("Done!"); } Figure 10: fileio.c program 6 *fp is the file handle that is used for reading data from file. First, you open a file, read data, and then close it. Exercises You can submit exercise as your SLP assignment for module 1. 6.1 Reverse string Write a program that reads an input string from a keyboard, reverse it and print the original and the reversed strings on screen. 6.2 Counting Write a program that reads in a text file, print out the following information of the input: Print out the number of lines read Print out the number of characters read For each character, print the number of occurrences 6.3 Crypto Write a program that read in a string of text and encrypt it using Caesar cipher technique that is explained here Make sure you can decrypt the string back to the original string. Print out the input, the encrypted text, and the encrypted text. Use the same program but read from a file instead of from a keyboard for a string. Validate your encryption/decryption functions (hint: read one line at a time as a string). Use fgets function. Here is your formula for generating a cypher text: ci = (pi + k) % 26 where: pi is the plaintext character at position i. ci is the cipher character at position i. k is a non-negative integer. 7 References Introductory Technology in Action sixth edition The C Programming Language 2nd edition. 11 CSC 111: Foundations of Computers and Program Design Module 1: Introduction to computer science 8 8 April 2011 Kiet T. Tran Credits If you are my student and catch bugs or errors in the document that I use for enhancement, I will mention your name here with your permission. 12