Chapter 1 Theories of Power

Empowerment and Community Planning
Chapter 1
Theories of Power
A Survey Towards the Development of a Theory of
Before beginning the discussion of empowerment and the
development of a theory connected with it, I want to deal with
a concept that is prior to empowerment—power. Power is a key
concept for an understanding of processes of empowerment.
The theory of empowerment that will be developed further on
will draw its inspiration from an integration of two domains:
from an understanding of theories of power and the use of
insights drawn from these for the purposes of developing a
theory of empowerment, and from an analysis of processes of
empowerment. Hence, this deeper study of it will also make
possible a better understanding of states of powerlessness,
practices of disempowerment, and processes by which people
and communities struggle for control over their lives and
A Brief History of Theories of Power
This chapter makes no pretension to survey all the existing
literature in the field of the theories of power. It begins with a
historical survey of thought about power in the social sciences,
relating only to the most prominent theories. Further on,
a number of theories that contain elements suitable to the
development of a theory of empowerment are presented in
more detail.
Modern thinking about power begins in the writings
of Nicollò Machiavelli (The Prince, early 16th century)
and Thomas Hobbes (Leviathan, mid-17th century). Their
books are considered classics of political writing, and the
Empowerment and Community Planning
contrast between them represents the two main routes along
which thought about power has continued to this day (Clegg,
1989). Machiavelli represents the strategic and decentralized
thinking about power and organization. He sees power as
a means, not a resource, and seeks strategic advantages,
such as military ones, between his prince and others.
Hobbes represents the causal thinking about power as a
hegemony. Power, in Hobbes, is centralized and focused on
According to Hobbes’ basic premise, there exists a total
political community, the embodiment of which is the state, or
the community, or the society. This is a single unit, ordered
according to a uniform principle, possessing a continuity of
time and place, from which the power stems. According to
Machiavelli, total power is a desirable final end, which is
achieved only rarely.
In the mid-twentieth century it appeared that Hobbes’
view was triumphant. 1 His language and his images, written
more than a century after the publication of The Prince,
were more appropriate to the modern scientific approach
than Machiavelli’s military images. The central tradition of
research in the social sciences sought precision and logic
(and is still seeking them today), and it asks how one can
observe, measure, and quantify power. Power was presented
as a position of will, as a supreme factor to which the wills of
others are subject. In the seventies, Machiavelli’s strategic and
contingent approach attained to a renewed appreciation in
France, with the crystallization of approaches that rediscovered
1 Interest in power exists in a variety of fields of thought: Karl Marx
influenced the conceptualization of power in all the social sciences;
Alfred Adler, following Marx, opened a discussion on power in
psychology; Friedrich Nietzsche influenced thought about power in
philosophy. The present chapter, however, focuses on contemporary
theorists for whom power is the central concept in their thinking.
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
the unpredictable character of the power game, and its
profound dependence on context (Clegg, 1989).2
After the Second World War, the social sciences began taking
an understandable interest in power. At that time, the work of
Max Weber (1947) served as a point of departure for thought
about power because it continued the rational Hobbesian line
and developed organizational thinking. Weber’s approach to
power connected with his interest in bureaucracy, and linked
power with concepts of authority and rule. He defined power
as the probability that an actor within a social relationship
would be in a position to carry out his will despite resistance
to it. The activation of power is dependent on a person’s will,
even in opposition to someone else’s.
Weber was interested in power as a factor of domination,
based on economic or authoritarian interests. He historically
researched the sources of the formal authority that activates
legitimate power, and identified three sources of legitimation,
or accordance of social permission, for the activation of power:
the charismatic, the traditional, and the rational-legal.
Theories of power after Weber developed in the direction
of investigation of illegitimate power, as this grows within
the formal and legitimate frameworks of hierarchic and
bureaucratic power, and in the direction of the critique of
Weber ’s bureaucratic model (Merton, 1957). The critique
of Weber stemmed, unjustly, from an understanding of his
theory as an idealization of the bureaucratic organization.
The truth is that Weber saw the organizational power of
the bureaucracy as the source of the mechanization and
routinization of human life, and as a threat to the freedom of
the human spirit. He also predicted that this organizational
form, as a power instrument, would sabotage the appearance
2 Stuart Clegg’s book Frameworks of Power (1989) has been of great
assistance in helping me to understand the history of sociological
writing about power, and he is one of the sources for my writing of
the present chapter.
Empowerment and Community Planning
of more democratic forms of organization (Morgan, 1986,
Robert Dahl (1961) continues Weber ’s approach, both
in the definition of power and in the attribution of it to a
concrete human factor. Whereas Weber discussed power in
the context of the organization and its structures, Dahl located
the discussion of power within the boundaries of an actual
community. However, the major importance of Dahl is in the
development of the interest in understanding ruling élites,
which came to the fore after the Second World War (Mills,
1956; Hunter, 1953). According to his theory of community
power, power is exercised in a community by a particular
concrete individual, while other individuals, also actual,
are prevented from doing what they prefer to do. Power is
exercised in order to cause those who are subject to it to
follow the private preferences of those who possess the power.
Power is the production of obedience to the preferences of
others, including an expansion of the preferences of those
subject to it so as to include those preferences. To this day,
most writers dealing with organizational behavior make
do with Dahl’s definition of power—power as the ability
to make somebody do something that otherwise he or she
would not have done.
Peter Bachrach and Morton Baratz (1962) developed a model
as a response to Dahl—the two faces of power. This model is also
a critique of Dahl’s basic premises. Dahl assumed a pluralistic
society, in which all the community interests are represented
by means of open processes. Bachrach and Baratz also have
a doubt as to whether the decision-making process is really
democratic and open as Dahl assumed. They dealt mainly
with the connection between the overt face of power – the
way decisions are made – and the other, covert face of power,
which is the ability to prevent decision making. They pointed
to the strategy of mobilizing bias to prevent discussion on
certain issues and thus to determine what is important and
unimportant. They referred to this organizing of what stays
in and what is out as the non-decision-making process where
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
power conflicts do not rise above the public face of power
which is confined to certain values, rituals or beliefs that tend
to favor the vested interests of one (or more) group/s relative
to others (Clegg, 1989).
In the seventies, Steven Lukes (1974) developed Bachrach
and Baratz’s approach further. It was he who shifted the
discussion from community power to a focus on power as such,
by introducing a three-dimensional model into the discussion
of the subject. The third dimension that Lukes added to the
discussion of power, which theoretically already recognized
two dimensions – the overt and the covert dimensions – was
the latent dimension of power. While the overt dimension of
power deals with declared political preferences, as they reveal
themselves in open political play, and the covert dimension
deals with political preferences that reveal themselves through
complaints about political non-issues, the third dimension
deals with the relations between political preferences and
real interests. Power, according to Lukes, is measured also
by the ability to implant in people’s minds interests that are
contrary to their own good. The third, latent dimension is the
hardest of all to identify, because it is hard for people who
are themselves influenced by this dimension to discover its
existence. The analysis of power, according to Lukes, must
henceforth relate – in addition to the open decisions (of
Dahl’s overt face) and the non-decisions (of Bachrach and
Baratz’s covert face) – also to the entire political agenda, in
order to examine its adequacy to the true interests of various
groups. (A more detailed explanation of the three dimensions
of power, and their development, appears in the section on
Gaventa’s theory of power.)
The writings of Michel Foucault (Foucault, 1979, 1980,
1996) extended the discussion of the concept of power from
sociology to all the fields of the social sciences and the
humanities. Through Foucault’s influence, the empirical
activity of identifying those who possess power and of locating
power loses its importance. His approach systematically
rejects the belief in the existence of an ordered and regulating
Empowerment and Community Planning
rational agency. In Foucault’s world there is no source from
which actions stem, only an infinite series of practices.
Decentralization of the position of power is one of the great
innovations of his thinking, which will be discussed more
extensively further on.
Anthony Giddens (Giddens, 1982, 1984) developed his
approach as a continuation – and also as a critique – of Foucault
and his predecessors. He constructed an inclusive social
theory which he called structuration or duality of structure. On
his view, power is an important, if not exclusive, component
of the social structure. Power is exercised by human agents
and is also created by them, influences them, and limits them.
In other words, power is not a quality or a resource of people,
or a position in the social structure, but a social factor which
influences both these components of human society and is
also created by them—this is the duality that we will discuss
once more when we turn our attention to Giddens.
This condensed survey describes in general lines how
the discussion of power burst through the boundaries of
organization and location and penetrated into all the domains
of the social discourse. The roots of the concept are grounded
in political theory and political philosophy. In the period after
the Second World War, power was a central concept only in the
political sciences. The work of Lukes and Giddens contributed
to the establishing of the importance of the concept of power in
the contemporary sociological discourse. Thanks to Foucault,
the discussion of power became a widespread intellectual
preoccupation. Foucault investigated the concept in new
fields: medicine, psychiatry, penology, and human sexuality.
Others continued his work in the criticism of literature, art
and film, in semiotics, in feminist analysis, in social history,
and in theories of planning.
We will go on in this chapter to discuss a selection of
contemporary theories of power, and then to present the
approach to power that will serve as a basis for this book.
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
Likewise, we will deal with several issues that are also relevant
to the subject of empowerment, like, for example, the human
and social damage involved in powerlessness (Gaventa, 1980);
the organizational roots of powerlessness (Mann, 1986); the
need for a combined approach to action and structure in
the social domain (Giddens, 1984); and an understanding
of power as concomitant to social relationships (Foucault,
Gaventa’s Theory of Power
John Gaventa (Gaventa, 1980) researched the phenomenon
of quiescence – the silent agreement in conditions of glaring
inequality (p. 3) – and tried to understand why, in difficult
conditions of oppression and discrimination, no resistance
arises against the rule of a social elite. He found that the
social elite makes use of its power principally to prevent the
rise of conflicts in its domain, and to attain social quiescence.
In other words, a situation of apparent lack of conflicts is
identified as both a sign and a consequence of deliberate use
of power mechanisms.
The purpose of power is to prevent groups from
participating in the decision-making processes and also to
obtain the passive agreement of these groups to this situation.
A silent agreement, then, is not an expression of a desire not
to participate, but evidence of a mute compliance with the
situation. Hence, a violation of this quiescence is a rebellion,
whether it be an explicit demand to participate in decisionmaking, or a more minor response, such as non-acceptance.
Gaventa bases his model for the understanding of quiescence
and rebellion in conditions of glaring inequality on Lukes’ three
dimensions of power (Lukes, 1974) which were mentioned
earlier in the chapter. This will be an opportunity to gain a
deeper acquaintance of these dimensions, and to understand
how each of them relates to power and to powerlessness.
Empowerment and Community Planning
1st. The One-Dimensional Approach to Power
In the overt arena of power relations, A’s power over B is
manifested to the extent that A can make B do something
which B would not have done had it not been for A. The
overt dimension of power may be investigated by means of
observation of behavior: who participates, who profits, who
loses, and who expresses himself in the decision-making
The one-dimensional approach is based on assumptions
that were sharply criticized by those who continued it. For
example, that people always recognize grievances and act
to right them; that participation in power relations occurs
overtly in decision-making arenas; that these political arenas
are open to any organized group; that the leaders are not an
elite with interests of its own, but represent or speak for the
entire public. All these assumptions lead to a conclusion which
is characteristic of the one-dimensional approach: because
people who have identified a problem act within an open
system in order to solve it, and they do this by themselves or
through their leaders, then non-participation, or inaction, is
not a social problem, but a decision made by those who have
decided not to participate.
On the basis of this conclusion, the one-dimensional
approach provides explanations for the inactivity of deprived
groups: indifference is a general quality of the human species,
and people are divided into various kinds—the active political
person, and the passive civic person. The constant connection
between a low socio-economic status and minimal participation
is explained as indifference, political incapacity, cynicism or
alienation. At any rate, the causes of the non-participants’
quiescence are sought in the circumstances of their life or
in their culture, and not in the context of power relations.
As a consequence of this approach of blaming the victim for
his non-involvement, the recommendations too are generally
for a change of the victim’s non-participatory norms of
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
behavior—principally through education and social integration
(Pateman 1970).
Even within its own basic premises, the one-dimensional
approach will have difficulties explaining what there is in
low income, low status, and low education, or in traditional
or rural culture, that can explain people’s quiescence. And
how are we to understand vast differences between one place
and another in the political behavior of people with these
same characteristics?
2nd. The Two-Dimensional Approach to Power
Power is activated on the second, covert dimension, not
only in order to triumph over the other participants in the
decision-making process, but also to prevent decision-making,
to exclude certain subjects or participants from the process
(Bachrach & Baratz 1962). A study of power in the covert
dimension needs to observe who decides what, when and
how, who remains outside, how this happens, and how these
two processes interconnect. One of the important aspects of
power, beside victory in a struggle, is to determine the agenda
of the struggle in advance. That is, to determine whether
certain questions will even be negotiated. The understanding
of the second facet of power changed the explanation of
the quiescence of deprived groups. From now on , nonparticipation in decision-making would be explained as a
manifestation of fear and weakness, and not necessarily as a
manifestation of indifference.
Since the two-dimensional approach, like the onedimensional, assumed that the powerless are fully conscious
of their condition, it cannot easily explain the whole diversity
of means that power exercises in order to obtain advantages
in the arena. For example, how is the raising of issues for
discussion prevented? This approach also did not recognize the
possibility that powerless people are likely to have a distorted
consciousness that originates in the existing power relations,
and thus live within a false and manipulated consensus that
Empowerment and Community Planning
they have internalized. The two-dimensional approach related
to open conflicts and to the ability to maneuver their extent
and their contents, while one of the most effective mechanisms
of power is the ability to ensure quiescence in the decisionmaking arena—to prevent the outbreak of conflict.
to obtain an advantage in bargaining on key issues. Resources
may be votes in the ballot box, or influence that the actors cab
bring to the bargaining game. Possible talents are personal
efficacy, political experience and organizational strength,
which the participants use in order to win an advantage.
3rd. The Three-dimensional Approach to Power
2nd. Mechanisms of the Second, Covert Dimension:
Mobilization of Bias; Non-Decision-Making
The third, latent dimension, that of the true interests (Lukes
1974), explains that B does things that he would not have
done had it not been for A because A influences, determines
and shapes B’s will. Yet another innovation in this dimension
is that this phenomenon can occur without overt conflict.
A conflict of interests between the activators of power and
the true interests of those who are excluded from the arena
creates a potential for conflict—a latent conflict.
An approach which assumes latent processes requires a
special research methodology. It is no longer possible to
make do with behavioral analysis and with observations
of individuals as the only means of understanding power
relations. Since systems prevent the appearance of claims
and frustrate their transformation into political issues, what
is required is a study of social and historical factors that
will explain how human expectations are shaped and how
people’s consciousness of problems is formed.
Mechanisms of Power
After defining the three relevant dimensions, it is important
to identify various mechanisms by means of which power
operates in each dimension in order to attain its goals.
1st. Mechanisms of the First, Overt Dimension: Open
Conflict in the Decision-Making Arena
In the first dimension, relatively straightforward mechanisms
are activated. The actors invest resources and talents in order
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
In addition to the resources of the first dimension, the people
with power mobilize game rules which work in their favor,
at others’ expense. Decision-making may be prevented by the
exertion of force, the threat of sanctions, or the mobilization
of bias which creates a negative approach to the subject.
Mobilization of bias means the reinforcing and emphasizing
of values, beliefs, ceremonies and institutional procedures
which present a very particular and limited definition of
problems. By mobilizing bias it is possible to establish new
barriers and new symbols which are aimed to thwart efforts
to widen the scope of conflict.
Several mechanisms of non-decision-making are harder to
discover than others: like institutional inactivity resulting in
decisionless decisions. The sum total of accumulating outcomes
of a series of decisions or non-decisions, and non-events
which, because they are such, cannot be observed and thus
one may mistakenly think that they have not occurred.
3rd. Mechanisms of the Third, Latent Dimension:
Influence on Consciousness and Perception
These mechanisms are less developed theoretically, so they
are less clear. This dimension involves identification of the
way in which meanings and patterns of action which cause
B to believe and act in a way that is useful to A and harmful
to himself are formed.
Since in situations of latent conflict it is especially difficult to
learn how the perception of needs, expectations and strategies
Empowerment and Community Planning
is shaped, a number of domains must be investigated.
For example, what use is made of social myths, language
and symbols, in order to obtain an advantage in power
relations. We need to investigate processes of communication
and information transfer in order to understand what is
communicated and what is not, and how this is done; how
social legitimations develop around the dominant groups, and
how they are imbued into people’s consciousness in the form
of beliefs or roles. The indirect mechanisms of this dimension,
it would seem, have a significant influence on the shaping of
people’s political perceptions, especially of those belonging
to powerless and highly dependent groups.
A Model of Power and Powerlessness
Gaventa’s model of power is an attempt to integrate the three
dimensions of power in order to explain processes of power
and powerlessness in situations of social equality. Gaventa
examines the concentrated influence of mechanisms from the
three dimensions on responses in such situations. He claims
that a challenge, or a rebellion, can occur only if there is a
shift in the power relations: a loss of power by A or a gain
of power by B. Together with this, before an open conflict
can take place, B has to take some steps in order to overcome
his powerlessness. B has to overcome both the direct and the
indirect effects of the third dimension: he has to go through
a process of issue and action formulation, and he has to carry
out the process of mobilizing action upon issues. By means
of these processes B will develop his own resources – both
real and symbolic – to engage in manifest conflict. In other
words, B can actually participate in a conflict in the first,
overt dimension, only after he has successfully overcome
the obstacles of the second and third dimensions. Actual
participation means the presentation of well-defined claims
and grievances which are brought to discussion in the decisionmaking arena by B together with others who are in an identical
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
A has a series of means with which to overcome the
outcomes of the overt or covert conflict that B initiates:
first of all, A can simply patronize B and remain aloof, thus
preventing the very admission of the existence of the conflict.
But A can also interfere with each one of B’s steps: he can
interfere with his obtaining of resources and his development
of his own abilities; he can incite against the opening up of
issues, and he can sabotage activities. It should be recalled
that all the barriers to effective challenge that B has to face
are options for the maintenance of the status quo that are
available to A.
As the ability of powerless people (B) to act increases, the
options of the activators of power (A) diminish; hence, too
the process of A’s becoming weaker. Each triumph reinforces
itself and builds further consciousness and activity among
the powerless, towards further change. The meaning of the
process is social change—an emergence from quiescence to
political participation and, as this happens, a strengthening of
the weak. From the point of view of the powerful, expectations
of such outcomes are a reason for adopting many means in
order to preserve B’s quiescence.
Gaventa’s theory of power helps to expose the direct and
indirect ways in which social powerlessness is created and
maintained. It draws attention to the great influence of indirect
mechanisms in the creation of powerlessness—a phenomenon
which we will have more to say about. Gaventa’s theory of
power will serve, further on, as a basis for a discussion of
powerlessness, not as a personal problem of the powerless,
but as a social situation that has its roots in conditions of
social inequality and in disempowering social solutions. The
various mechanisms of the three dimensions of power will be
used for developing strategies of empowering activity.
Empowerment and Community Planning
Mann’s Organizational Outflanking
Mann’s concept of organizational outflanking (Mann 1986)
makes clear the extent to which organizational resources and
tools to activate these resources are necessary for efficient
resistance against power. The advantage in power relations is
on the side of those who possess an organizational advantage.
Hence, those who possess the organizational advantage will
always succeed in overcoming those who lack organizational
resources, by means of a principal strategy which Mann calls
organizational outflanking. Organizational outflanking finds
expression in the ability to eliminate resistances with relative
ease, to prevent them in advance by means of organizational
priority, as well as to impose the order desirable to those doing
the outflanking. All these goals can be achieved by those
who possess the preferred organizational means. A historical
social analysis proves that the advantage of the networks and
alliances of power leans on the preferred organization that
was available to them. The act of collective organization alone
is inadequate to overcome an organization of power. In order
to produce an effective resistance, people have to acquire the
ability to activate a collective organization.
Organizational outflanking creates an advantage in the
power relations for the outflankers as opposed to the
outflanked. Powerlessness in a situation of organizational
outflanking may be attributed to a lack of knowledge among
the outflanked; however, there exist situations in which the
knowledge exists and is available to the outflanked. In other
words, not in every situation is knowledge useful to extricate
oneself from a situation of organizational outflanking. It is
important to understand that there are situations in which
the outflanked know and are conscious of their situation, but
nevertheless cannot, or are not ready to, extricate themselves
from it.
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
Surrendering to Organizational Outflanking as a Result of
a Lack of Knowledge. In situations where the surrender to
organizational outflanking stems from a lack in knowledge
resources, we must distinguish among various kinds of lack
of knowledge:
A. The most common explanation is ignorance. There is
ignorance which expresses itself in the fact that people do
not know the rules of the game: they lack knowledge about
developing a strategy and assessing the opponent’s resources.
They do not know the rules of behavior, the agenda, and the
meaning of informal behavior. However, there can also be a
more profound ignorance, when people do not identify the
game itself. Especially extreme instances of the second kind
occur when a group which possesses a great technological
advantage encounters its absolute contrary (colonialism
of the traditional kind, which obtained advantages of
power by means of colored beads and mirrors; experts in
community development and international merchants who
exploit local poverty and innocence in order to amass profits
in undeveloped countries).
B. Isolation is a more complex kind of lack of knowledge.
It expresses itself in lack of information about others who
share the same fate, with whom it is possible to create an
alliance in order to resist power. Organizational outflanking
succeeds because isolated resistance is an event which is
easy to overcome. This is true even in cases where protest
breaks out in different places at the same time, as long as the
protesters themselves do not know about one another and
do not form a coalition.
C. Division. Separation is an active step, a part of the
strategy of organizational outflanking, and its goal is to create
conditions of isolation even when people know about one
another and could perhaps form an organized alliance. It is
common for organizational outflanking to make use of time
and space in order to divide groups from one another. An
example of this is the division, on the face of it functional,
carried out among workers in a single organization by means
Empowerment and Community Planning
of organizational culture, complex divisions of labor, and
extreme competition (for example, in the name of maintaining
secrecy, workers are prohibited from telling one another
how much they earn; in the name of efficiency, workers are
forbidden to organize and co-operate with one another.
Surrendering to Organizational Outflanking, on the Basis
of Knowledge. It is less customary to think that a surrender
to organizational outflanking can be based on the outflanked
people’s knowledge about their situation, but there are
situations in which surrender to organizational outflanking
is based on knowledge. In these cases the outflanked are
conscious not only of their situation, but also of the price of
resistance to the outflanking. Sometimes people estimate that
the price they will have to pay for their resistance may be
higher than their chance of obtaining a positive outcome, or
than the benefit they may gain. When this is the evaluation
of the situation, the knowledge ceases to have practical value
in the existing conditions. Another kind of knowledge that
is available to the outflanked is the knowledge about the
oppression which the organizational outflanking creates
in their lives, and about the fact that time that passes
in the situation of organizational outflanking operates
against them and strengthens the organizational ability of the
outflankers, which continually becomes more sophisticated
(Clegg 1989).
Organizational outflanking does not describe a particular
tactic or mechanism of power, but is a given of the social
situation. It makes clear that a lack in organizational resources
characterizes everyone who is outside the networks and
alliances of power; it makes clear why disempowerment is a
common social phenomenon; it enriches the explanation of
the quiescence of the powerless (Gaventa 1980); the culture
of silence expresses a surrender of the organizationally
outflanked, stemming from a knowledge that they are
incapable of preventing the outflanking. As opposed to a
tendency to explain powerlessness in a one-dimensional
manner as people’s lack of consciousness and knowledge
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
about their situation, organizational outflanking explains
why knowledge by itself is not always enough to change
the situation.
True, the theory of organizational outflanking is not an
inclusive or a central theory of power and powerlessness, but
it does emphasize important aspects which have accompanied
the discussion of power all along the way. Organizational
outflanking emphasizes the importance of efficient resistance
to power—the price paid for the resistance is dear, and
therefore it is necessary to obtain results, and in the most
efficient way possible. Organizational outflanking makes clear
the necessity of active organizational development in order to
gain significant achievements while resisting power.
Clegg’s Circuits of Power
A tradition which began with Weber and continues to Foucault
seeks to understand how social institutions create obedience.
After the concepts of quiescence, rebellion (Gaventa, 1980)
and organizational outflanking (Mann, 1986), we will discuss
the meanings of obedience and resistance. Stewart Clegg
(1989) sees power as a circular process that flows in three
channels which he calls circuits of power. Each of these three
circuits of power has a dynamic form of its own:
1. The overt circuit of power—this circuit may be observed
concretely. For example, one may analyze what happens
in the decision-making arena. This is a relatively simple
circuit, in which a human agent exercises power according
to the traditional explanation: A activates resources and
means, and influences B in a way in which B would not
have acted were it not for his relations with A.
2. The social circuit of power—this is an abstract circuit,
which is called the circuit of social integration, in which the
rules that order relations of meaning, membership and
belonging are created.
3. The systemic-economic circuit of power—this too is an
abstract circuit, in which both material and non-material
Empowerment and Community Planning
resources are created. It is called the circuit of system
The circuits of power illuminate the importance of context
in the theory of power; real acts of power appear in the first,
simple circuit. However, the description of the field of power,
with all the advantages and limitations that it creates, appears
in the second and third circuits, which are complex and
contextual. In these circuits, power relations are conducted
in complex and diverse ways. On the face of it, power which
does not need to struggle against rules and does not require
special resources for any goal whatsoever is the most efficient
power. However, power relations are actually characterized
by a complexity which undermines their effectiveness and
thus makes them unpredictable. Hence, a one-dimensional,
episodic perception of power relations can teach us something
about the character of the relations between A and B, but
teaches us nothing about the context, the field of relations in
which A and B operate, and about how this field influences
their access to resources of power and their ability to use
these. This field of relations is described in the social and the
systemic-economic circuits of power.
In the social circuit of power, the central rules of social
life are created. The metaphor of a chess game can illustrate
their importance: the overt power of the queen, which is
greater than that of the knight, brings it about that the queen
3 Clegg (Clegg 1989, p. 236) makes use of the term empowerment
to describe processes that occur in the economic circuit of power.
However, although the idea that empowerment and disempowerment
occur in the process of the dynamic production of power is correct,
Clegg uses the concept of empowerment in the sense of creating
or diminishing power. In my estimation, he found in the word
empowerment a semantic solution for a description of a process in
which a gain or loss of power occurs. The word is not used in this
sense in the present book.
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
triumphs over the knight in the course of a certain event. This
power is based on and stems from the rules of the game. It
is social power that, by means of fixed laws, determines the
ability of the queen and the knight to take the different steps
they can take, However, dispositional power allows certain
people not only a greater space of maneuvering for various
moves, but also authority to reinterpret the meaning of the
rules. Because of the power that the rules give them, they
possess greater freedom to activate them according to their
own interpretation than do those people who, like the queen
and the knight, are permitted only a series of pre-defined
moves. Implicit in this state of affairs are several possible
strategies of resistance to power: for example, not to recognize
the other’s game rules; or to object to the meaning that the
other attributes to them and to the steps that these entail.
The overt circuit of power is self-evident, but it is not
independent, since it moves through the two circuits of power
in which a social and systemic integration occurs. These
determine rules and permit creation, and create the fields
in which episodic power events take place. The outcomes of
the resistance to power are not based on what happens in the
overt circuit alone, but, among other things, on the creation
of a “correct and logical context”. What will be described as a
“correct and logical context” is a good example of a norm that
the social circuit of power supplies. Techniques of production
are an example of power that is created in the systemiceconomic circuit. They are enabling and innovative, and at
the same time limiting and dominating. Hence domination is
never fixed and eternal. It is subject to processes of creation
and innovation which can weaken it to the same extent that
they can strengthen it.
Facilitative power originates in the systemic-economic circuit,
and it creates change and tension, making possible new
organizational forms. In contrast, dispositional power originates
in the social circuit, and supplies social integration and
stability to the power relations. According to this explanation
it is easier to change structures of domination because they
Empowerment and Community Planning
get built and they flow in a changing and dynamic circuit
of systemic-economic power, and in principle they are more
open to change and innovation than structures of social
belonging and meaning, which get built in the social circuit
of power.
It is important to remember that what happens in actuality
is not dependent only on what happens in one of the circuits.
The ability to exploit new opportunities that open up in the
economic circuit to human agents who want to resist depends,
among other things, on efficient organization on their part,
which is made possible with resources from both the social
and the economic circuits. We will recall that organizational
outflanking (Mann, 1986) supplies a key to the question as to
why people obey so frequently and agree to be subservient:
because they are surrounded by organizations of power that
are controlled by others. They are organizationally outflanked
and lack a strategy of a collective organization.
Power and resistance are two separate, although interdependent, aspects of social life. The circuits of power model
distinguishes between two main kinds of resistance:
1. Effective Resistance. This is organized resistance and
is very rare: it becomes possible in conditions of victory
over organizational outflanking. Such resistance becomes
institutionalized as a new power and creates an entirely
new field of relations. Michel Foucault argued that the
events of May 1968 in France, in which students organized
and demonstrated together against the regime, were an
example of effective resistance of this kind.
2. Episodic Resistance. This is the most common form of
resistance. It generally manifests itself only against the
exercise of power: it is a resistance which operates in
the overt circuit and is conscious only of this circuit of
power. Episodic resistance itself actually strengthens
the stability of power and confirms its representational
character. This is resistance on a manifest level, which is
based on obedience in the covert (social and economic)
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
circuits which determine the division of resources and the
rules of power relations. A hunger strike by prisoners, or a
demonstration by wives of policemen against deterioration
in their husbands’ conditions of service, are episodic
Clegg’s circuits of power provide the theory of power with a
strategic approach to power relations. The circuits describe a
field in which all the possibilities are open, and none of the
sides have the possibility of maintaining advantages or a fixed
state over a period of time. Another important idea stems
from the fact that a stormy and dynamic environment which
requires complex resources creates a permanent opportunity
for change and for the incorporation of new groups in the
power relations.
The rarity of effective resistance is proof of the importance
of organization when people are interested in resisting
power successfully. (It also explains the success of military
coups—these lean upon the military organization, more than
on the military weapons, although efficient organization is
generally also accompanied by efficient resources).
The three circuits of power also propose an interesting tool
for evaluating the degree of power achieved in a process of
resistance. The evaluation is divided into three groups of
questions: questions about the outcome of the process—which
are revealed in the overt circuit; questions about the inner
ability created in the course of the process—which develops
in the social circuit; and questions about the actual resources
available to the process—which are made possible in the
systemic-economic circuit.
Michel Foucault on Power
It is almost impossible today to deal with the subject of
power without relating to Michel Foucault. Thanks to him,
thinking about power, which for many years was ponderous
and predictable, has become fascinating and full of surprises.
Empowerment and Community Planning
Foucault does not present an ordered doctrine of power.
He himself lives in peace with the contradictions and the
dialectics that his approach creates; however, anyone who,
like myself, is interested in applying his approach, runs into
more than a few difficulties. The solution I have found is
drawn from Foucault himself, who claimed that anyone who
wants to make use of the knowledge may and should quote
aggressively, and make use of what she requires without
committing herself to the entire theory. In this spirit, I will
make use only of the principal points of Foucault’s thought on
the subject of power and the research of power.
As already stated, Foucault’s writing is full of contradictions.
He does not have a sense of some profound and final truth.
Instead of this, he finds layers that have to be peeled away.
He is influenced by the phenomenological theory, but does
not agree with its main idea that the center of meaning is an
autonomous subject. His writing evinces a strong structural
element, but he rejected the model that develops in his
writings, and refused to create a uniform model with rules
of its own. Foucault was influenced by Weber and Marx,
but unlike them did not feel committed to a comprehensive
analysis of organizations or of economic aspects: he chose
each time to analyze a different social institution. Despite
his claim that he prefers to focus on the micro-politics of
power, his theory is suffused with structural macro principles
(Walzer, 1986; Ritzer, 1988). 4
Foucault, as noted, was influenced by structuralist ideas,
but because he did not adhere to them and preferred a
combination of personal and structural considerations within
a single explanation, he is considered a post-structuralist,
although there are some who dispute this (Walzer, 1986),
himself included. Foucault is also considered a post-modernist.
If modernity is connected with terms such as rationality,
purpose, totality, synthesis and determinism, and postmodernism is an approach characterized by the opposed
concepts—irrationality, play, deconstruction, antithesis and
non-determinism, then Foucault is indeed a post-modernist.
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
Power/Knowledge. Foucault adopted Nietzsche’s ideas about
the connection between knowledge and power. He assumes
a power/knowledge connection which cannot be separated,
even semantically. A review of Foucault’s writings, rather
than a reading of a particular book or essay, reveals his
theory of power, and especially the way the power/knowledge
connection is created.
In his book Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison
(1979) he discusses the period between 1757 and 1830, when
the practice of torturing prisoners was replaced by close
surveillance of them by means of the prison rules. Foucault
interprets this change not as a humanizing of punishment,
as is commonly thought, but as a more correct economy
of power. The meaning of the change is the development
and implementation of a new technology, which he named
disciplinary power. The principal mechanisms that disciplinary
power develops and by means of which it operates are:
1. The hierarchical observation. The ability of those in
charge to observe their entire range of surveillance in
a single gaze.
4 Apart from his own writings, two books are to a large extent
authoritative sources on Foucault’s approach to power, because they
were edited during his lifetime and with his collaboration. These are:
Power/Knowledge, edited by Colin Gordon (Gordon, 1980), which is
a collection of Foucault’s lectures and interviews on the subject; and
the book by Dreyfus and Rabinow (Dreyfus & Rabinow, 1982), which
contains mainly their interpretation and concludes with two chapters
wri en by Foucault. In addition to these two books, I have drawn
upon the book by Gane (Gane, 1986), which is a collection of critical
articles on Foucault; the critical article by Michael Walzer (Walzer,
1986); Giddens’ chapters on Foucault (Giddens, 1982, 1984); Rojek’s
approach to Foucault’s research methods (Rojek, 1986); Ritzer’s
chapter on Foucault’s sociology (Ritzer, 1988), in a collection of essays
edited by Gu ing (Gu ing, 1994); Eribon’s biography (Eribon, 1991).
Empowerment and Community Planning
2. The judgment of normality. The ability to determine
who is normal and who is not, and to punish those who
violate the norms, in three dimensions: time—if one is
late; activity—if one is not attentive; behavior—if one
does not behave properly.
3. The examination. The examining observation of people
and the judgment of them according to the norms. This
mechanism makes scientific research possible. It makes
use of the hierarchical observation and uses science to
determine the standards of normality in all spheres of
By means of this mechanism the power/knowledge circle
is completed; the knowledge that is derived by means
of the scientific examination and judgment is fed back
in order to impose standards of normality in all spheres
of life, and grants the society (by means of its various
institutions and its regime) the permission to legislate
laws to reinforce the standards and to supervise all the
citizens of the disciplinary society in order to prevent a
deviation from these laws.
Disciplinary power is not only negative; proper functioning
of the military or of industry, for example, is an expression
of its positive outcomes. Nonetheless, Foucault is concerned
about the expansion of discipline in the governing system
and the police, bodies for which the entire society is a field of
action and an object of disciplinary action. Although Foucault
did not believe that disciplinary power spreads throughout
society systematically, he estimated that most of the major
social institutions are already infected by it, and hence the
great similarity in the structure of prisons, factories, schools,
detainment camps and hospitals. The transition from torture
to rules, Foucault explains, is also a transition from physical
punishment to psychic punishment of the soul and the will,
and this is also the beginnings of the scientific discussion
of normality and morality (Ritzer, 1988). The combination
of power and knowledge with the rule of the state and its
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
supervision of normality has created something beyond a
sophisticated technology; Foucault calls this combination,
which is typical of contemporary Western society, the
disciplinary society.
In The History of Sexuality (1980), Foucault describes sexuality
in particular, and concern with the human body in general, as
an especially dense transfer point for relations of power (Gordon,
1980). Medicine, in his view, deals more with the morality
of sexuality than with the science of sexuality. Foucault
sees medicine, together with psychology and psychiatry, as
substitutes in scientific disguise for the religious confessional
that preceded them. Medicine is a source of surveillance
more than it is an instrument for researching the truth about
sexuality. If before the 18th century the society sought ways to
control death, since then it has been interested in controlling
life, and especially sex. Bio-power took on two forms: 1.
Anatomo-politics, which aims to discipline the human body
(and its sexuality). 2. Bio-politics, which aims at controlling
and regulating population growth, health, life expectancy and
so on. In both cases sex was central, and society came to see
life as a political object. Sex has become more important than
the soul, and almost as important as life itself.
Assumptions about Power
Power relations are dependent on culture, place and time, and
hence Foucault deals with power discourse in contemporary
Western society only, which he characterizes as follows:
A. Power is not a commodity, a position, a prize or a
conspiracy. It is the activation of political technologies
and is concomitant with the social body. Power not only
operates in specific spheres of social life, but occurs in
everyday life. Power occurs at sites of all kinds and sizes,
including the most minute and most intimate, such as
the human body.
Empowerment and Community Planning
B. Power relations are mobile, non-egalitarian and
asymmetrical. We must not expect to find a stable logic in
power, or a possibility of balance in its domain.
C. Since power is not a thing, is not control of a set of
institutions, nor a concealed historical pattern, the aim
of the researcher of power is to discover how it operates.
To do this, one must isolate, identify and analyze the
network of relations which creates political technologies.
It is important to research the level of the micro-practices,
from which one may learn how power operates in a social
institution on the most routine everyday level.
D. From all the previous assumptions it follows that power
is not limited to political institutions as it has been
commonly thought. Power has a direct and creative role
in social life. It is multi-directional, and operates from the
top down and from the bottom up. Although power is
at its peak when it is situated inside specific institutions
such as schools, prisons or hospitals, we should be wary
about identifying technologies of power with particular
institutions, because power is neither a superstructure
nor a quality of an institution.
E. When disciplinary technologies create a permanent
connection with a particular institutional framework,
they become productive. This is the positive aspect
of power—productive power. This point emphasizes
the advantages of efficient technologies of power in
many productive domains—economic, industrial, and
F. Power is a general matrix of power relations in a given
society at a given time. No-one is outside this matrix,
and no-one is above it. The prisoners and the jailers
are subject to the same procedures of discipline and
surveillance practiced in the prison, and act within the
actual limitations of the prison architecture. Even though
all are trapped in the grid of the power relations, there
also exist rule and domination: the jailers nevertheless
have certain advantages according to the prison rules,
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
as do those who are in charge of them and those who
designed the prison.
G. Domination, then, is not the essence of power. Domination
does exist, but power is exercised upon the rulers too and
not only upon the ruled. For the bourgeoisie in 19th-century
France to turn into a class it had to activate technologies
of power upon its members. Technologies of confession,
as well as surveillance over life, sexuality, and health,
were implemented first of all upon the bourgeoisie
itself. Bio-power served as a central strategy in the
bourgeoisie’s self-creation. Only a century later would
the same technologies be activated upon the French
working class.
H. In power relations there is intention, but there is no
subject. Only on the micro level, the tactical level, does
power have intentions. On the strategic level, which
includes the complex of power relations, no subject exists.
Hence we may not attribute the totality of what happens
in the power field to any personal plan whatsoever
(Walzer, 1986).
Nonetheless, power relations are suffused with calculations.
On the local level we can generally discover a high level of
decision-making, planning, manipulations, intrigues, and
co-ordination of political activity. Foucault calls this the local
cynicism of power, and does not attribute secret motivations
to intentions and interests on the local level. Actors more or
less know what they are doing when they do it, and express
this clearly. This, however, does not imply that the broader
consequences of local actions are coordinated, and that there
exists someone (a subject) to whom the total meaning of this
activity may be attributed. “People know what they do; they
frequently also know why they do what they do; but what
they don’t know is what they do does” (Dreyfus & Rainbow,
1982, p. 187). In other words, people are not conscious of the
by-products and the implications of their deeds.
Empowerment and Community Planning
Resistance to Power
In his writings and in the interviews he gave, Foucault related
to resistance in different and contradictory ways. In his
view, power exists only when it is exercised, and it does not
depend on agreement or resistance. Power operates only
upon free subjects, and hence it presupposes the concept of
freedom. Freedom means the ability to choose from a range
of possibilities, in different ways of behavior. The relations
between power and the freedom of the person who refuses
to surrender to it are part of a single whole picture, and are
inseparable. Hence, slavery, for example, is not part of the
power relations, but merely the exertion of coercion (Dreyfus
& Rabinow, 1982).
Resistance to power is part of the power relations, and
hence it is at the same time rich in chances and without a
chance. On the one hand, any resistance to existing power
relations confirms this power network, and reaffirms its
boundaries. On the other hand, the very appearance of a new
factor in the power relations – resistance – brings about a
redefinition of and a change in the power relations (Wickham,
It is important to understand the somewhat cunning way
in which power shapes the resistance itself. Power is the
force that produces the resistance, determines its place, and
administers it. In other words, resistance to power draws its
means of struggle, and even its actual social position, from the
existing form of power. It follows that a successful exercise of
power means promotion of certain forms of resistance no less
than effective mobilization of means against this resistance
(Minson, 1986). This has another important meaning: those
resistances and individual forms that are promoted by the
existing power relations also create conditions for preventing
the appearance of other maybe more dangerous and subversive
forms of resistance. Hence, a local failure in the exercise of
power cannot always be analyzed simplistically: a tactical
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
failure may be related to in more than one sense as a strategic
Research of Power
Power/knowledge is the critical coupling that Foucault warns
us about. The research of power is a scientific activity which
has to avoid entrapment in the power relations in order to
understand their meaning. Analytical interpretation is the
only valid method of analyzing and understanding social
phenomena, and it includes three inter-related steps:
1. The interpreter has to take a pragmatic stance of some
kind, on the basis of some shared social feeling, about
the direction in which things are transpiring. In other
words, she cannot speak from an arbitrary personal sense
of transcendence or distress.
Of course, in any given society at any given time there
will be various groups possessing different shared feelings
about a given state of affairs. Even were a general
consensus about the social situation to come about in a
particular place at a particular time, it would only prove
that a certain orthodoxy has taken over in this society, and
not that the situation has arrived at a status of a single
objective truth. Hence the interpreter never represents a
pure truth or an inclusive social feeling, but only the view
of a certain social group, and he has to be critical towards
this relativity and also accept its limitations.
2. The interpreter has to supply a disciplined diagnosis of
what has happened and what is happening in the social
body that explains the shared feeling. At this stage, the
work involves a gray and meticulous search in archives
and laboratories in order to establish what has been said
in the past and in the present by whom and to whom and
with what results. In the framework of the diagnosis, the
social critic has to investigate the context as an inseparable
part of his field of research. This contextual research is
different from the research that is common in the social
Empowerment and Community Planning
sciences, which behaves like an entity with internal rules
of its own, ignoring the broader social context within
which it functions, and relating to important variables as
though they were self-evident.
3. To complete the task, the interpreter has to give the reader
an explanation as to why the practices he has described
create the common good or evil that was the reason for
the interpretative research.
Although since 1968 Foucault’s writing is suffused with the
concept of power, he himself insisted that there is no need
to develop a theory of power. He declared that he had not
created a theory for fear that it might serve the existing power
relations. Foucault claimed that there is no such thing as the
objectivity of the scientist, and no validity in the privileged
intellectual pose of standing outside the social order like a
prophet or a sage (Dreyfus & Rabinow, 1982). Since knowledge
is one of the things that define power in the modern world,
the researcher is not powerless and is not outside power, he is
part of the power relations whether he wants to be or not.
The Panopticon created by Jeremy Bentham in 1791 is an
illustration of the way Foucault researched and interpreted
texts (Foucault, 1979; Ritzer, 1988). The Panopticon is an
eight-sided building surrounded by a wall, with a tower at
the center. The prisoners (or other occupants of the structure)
sit in cells located on floors around the wall. The cells have
two apertures – one for light, facing outwards through the
wall, and one facing the inner courtyard and the tower. The
cells are completely separated from one another by means
of walls. Jailers (or overseers of another kind) sit in the
tower and observe what happens in every cell. The prisoners
are isolated from one another, and exposed to constant
observation. Since they cannot know when they are being
observed, they supervise their behavior themselves. Research
of the Panopticon led to the following conclusions about
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
Power is exercised and not held. In other words, it is not at
all important to measure power, or to attempt to locate it. The
important question is how power acts and what it produces.
Among other things, it produces obedience, discipline,
systematic knowledge about the prisoners.
Power tends to be non-personal, diffuse, rational and
anonymous, and at the same time all-inclusive—encompassing
as many dimensions of social life as possible. The observations
of the prisoners in the Panopticon may be exploited for the
research and production of scientific knowledge in various
disciplines. According to Foucault, the sciences of criminology,
psychology and psychiatry developed simultaneously with
the development of this technology of power/knowledge.
The most diabolical aspect of power is that it is not entrusted
in the hands of someone so that he may exercise it upon
others absolutely. It entraps everyone who comes close to it:
those who exercise power as well as those who are subject
to it. The jailers, like the prisoners, are in certain senses also
entrapped in the prison.
A Method of Researching Power
The danger in researching power relations by focusing on
institutions is that the researcher may adopt the point of
view of the institution itself in the course of his research,
and may not notice the technologies used by the institution.
When the researcher analyzes power relations from the
institutional point of view she puts herself in danger of
seeking explanations and sources in the institution itself; i.e.,
of explaining power by means of power. Another problem in
researching power, according to Foucault, is the necessity of
researching relations which do not have a necessary particular
form. Therefore the researcher has to provide himself with
an analytical tool. Foucault proposes a grid that should be
laid over the site being researched, with the aid of which it
will be possible to analyze the relations in their specific local
form. This grid has several dimensions:
Empowerment and Community Planning
1. Differentiation
In the particular institution that is being researched, one has
to examine what distinctions are made between workers and
clients, between healthy people and sick people, between
rich and poor—and also what is included in this set of
differentiating distinctions. For example—in the distinction
between rich and poor, are further distinctions made beyond
the quantity of money? Does the distinction between healthy
and sick rely only on medical criteria, or also on social norms
practiced in the institution?
2. Objectives
Power is always purposeful, so it is possible to examine its
goals. What gains or advantages is the institution interested in
achieving? What privileges? What functions does it fulfill?
3. Realization
What is the technology and what are the mechanisms by means
of which authority is expressed and obedience achieved? What
is threatened, and how? Are patients subjected to physical
force, economic punishment, punishment of expulsion from
the place? What kind of supervision and control is exercised,
what methods of surveillance, and according to what laws
or rules? Is the surveillance daily and intimate? Are the rules
explicit and clear, or vague, hinted at, and variable?
4. Degrees of Institutionalization
It is worth investigating the influence of four processes of
institutionalization (Rojek, 1986):
A. Individuation of Private Space. In almost all the
institutions of the disciplinary society there is an increasing
tendency to allot each individual a personal space of his own.
The purpose of this practice is to enable efficient supervision
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
of the behavior of each individual, so as to evaluate it, judge
it, and calculate its advantages and qualities. The interesting
question in a process of institutionalization is how the
allocation of a private space influence the life of the individual
and the society. Foucault claims that it isolates more than it
connects. If the institutionalization isolates, we have to ask
what goals or purposes this isolation seeks to attain
B. Coding of Activities. Coding of activities is the
prescription of social conduct which may be expressed in
manners, movements, but also in tasks, and its aim is the
regulation of the relations in certain situations. An activity
may be permissible in certain contexts and forbidden in others.
The researcher is interested in learning these codes, in order
to understand what is permitted and what is prohibited, and
especially what is considered normal in each context.
C. Routinization of Activities. Routinization is an
institutionalizing process that serves the expansion of the
power relations, because it makes certain acts automatic, and
ensures the ease of supervision and surveillance over people,
especially in schools and work-places.
institutionalization process, this means a rational division of
labor. The person who operates as a part of a social machine,
on the principle of automatic obedience, was the fulfillment
of the dreams of social engineers at the beginnings of this
century. When this process of institutionalization reaches its
peak, there is no need to exercise influence and compulsion to
make people act as they have been programmed to act. They
are trained to fulfill functions in concert with others. This
is the highest level of the institutionalization of power—the
creation of an efficient mechanism in which individuals act
predictably on the principle of automatic docility.
5. Rationalization
The exercise of power is a complex, changing, and organized
activity. It annexes to itself processes that are more or less
appropriate to the situation in which it operates. The search
Empowerment and Community Planning
for the rational asks: What is the effectiveness of the tools
available to power? How advanced are they technologically?
Do the mechanisms contribute to the achievement of the
objectives of power? What is their benefit in relation to their
cost? Cost, here, means not only economical cost, but also the
cost that stems from resistance to power.
Foucault and the Development of a Theory of Power
Although Foucault, as noted, asserts that he did not develop a
theory of power, in fact, as we can see in the present chapter, he
did actually develop such a theory (Walzer, 1986). Theoretical
insights stemming from his theory will help me further on in
the development of a theory of empowerment. For example,
to what extent can a practitioner develop a sensitivity to her
deeds in order not to mechanically serve systems of power
that contradict her original intentions? How to make use
of an interpretative analysis as a method for researching the
by-products of professional practice? In my opinion, Foucault’s
method, like Gaventa’s theory of power referred to above (1
980), teaches a subversive reading of texts and procedures in
order to discover the covert ways in which technologies of
power create obedience and powerlessness.
This is also the place to explain why, despite its great
relevance, I have not based a theory of empowerment on
Foucault’s approach. I have found that Foucault contributes
more with his ideas and the spirit of what he says than with
structure, which is so necessary for building a theory. Like
existentialist writers before him (Camus, 1942; May, 1972),
Foucault too sees powerlessness as structured into human
existence. This understanding serves a theory of empowerment
because it is based on a universal human insight about the
damage caused by powerlessness. The difficulty is that
Foucault does not believe in resistance, because he denies
the centrality of an autonomous subject who has the ability
to influence and change social relations. On his view, power,
not human agency, is the central factor that motivates all
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
the other relations. He did not believe that there is a chance
of bringing about social change through local efforts, and
since the belief in the human ability to effect social change
is a central belief of the theory of empowerment, there is no
room at its core for the skeptical and pessimistic Foucault. For
readers who may doubt the justification for presenting him
here at all, I will note that a reading of Foucault’s writings
reveals contradictions in this sphere as well (Ingram, 1994).
In contrast to his subject-less scientific method, his writing
is suffused with emotion and humanity, and the topics he
chose to deal with attest to a sincere concern for the fate of
the subject in Western democratic society.
Giddens on Power
Anthony Giddens (Giddens 1982, 1984) discusses power as
part of a social theory that he developed, which he called
Structuration. Giddens and Foucault are similar in that power
is an essential component in their social thought, and is
incorporated into their principal writings. However, they
represent almost absolutely opposite approaches to the place
of the individual in society. Giddens, too, allots power an
important place in social life. He agrees that power does not
have a locus, is not connected to norms and values, or to class
interests. However, he objects to the representation of power as
all-inclusive and as possessing awesome dimensions. Giddens
is very much influenced by Foucault, but he sees every
individual as possessing knowledge and even consciousness,
and in this he is the most optimistic among the theorists
of power.
Power is integrated within a complex social practice, in
which human agency has structural qualities, and the social
structure is part of the human activity that creates it and
ensures its continuity. This duality of structure model sees the
social structure and the human agency as two factors which
build and activate the social relations, and power as a central
and important component of both. The social structure makes
Empowerment and Community Planning
possible the human activity, and also limits it—by means
of laws, rules and resources, and also by means of human
practices that are part of it. It is human agency that creates
the social structure—it establishes it, consolidates it, and also
changes it while it acts. To the same extent, the social structure
is a component of all activity. People speak a language that
has a structure of rules and syntax, even if they don’t know
a thing about syntax and rules of grammar. While speaking,
the speaker decides to speak differently, and then he activates
two processes: he changes the language, and reaffirms and
reconstructs the structure and rules of the language. In other
words, human activity does not just happen—it is structured.
People make use of what already exists in order to know
what to say, what to do, and even how to begin acting in
situations in their lives.
Duality of structure integrates two separate approaches:
the idea of power as a voluntary human activity, and the idea
that power is structural, and hence is more a quality of the
society than of particular people (Hajer, 1989). Hence one can
explain power simultaneously in terms of human action and
in terms of structure: it is the ability of individuals to act in
a directed and voluntary manner and to bring about change;
it is also systems of domination and rule, and of the rules
and resources connected with these. Power is indeed human
activity: a person who exercises power could have behaved
differently, and a person on whom power is exercised would
have acted differently had it not been exercised. However, this
occurrence cannot be fully understood without relating to the
social structure in the context of which it occurs.
A number of principles derive from this:
Power is a basic component of human agency. Absolute
lack of power means ceasing to be a human agent. Power
is the human ability to intervene in events and to make
a difference.
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
Power is an inseparable part of the social interaction. Power
is an integral feature of social life. It is always part of the
relations, and its signs may be discerned even at micro
levels of interaction.
An inequality exists in different people’s ability and access
to resources, which also creates an inequality among
them in the sphere of power. Hence, the development of
ability and access to resources are key concepts for an
understanding of the power that people can exercise.
Power can also be described on a continuum of autonomy
and dependence. Unequal access to resources for realizing
goals and unequal opportunities to influence the course
of the interaction ensure mutual relations, because each
side is to a certain extent dependent on the other, and
also autonomous to a certain extent in its action. The
investigation of power involves exposing this dialectics of
dependence and autonomy in specific situations (Davis,
Power is a process. Power is a factor that intervenes between
human agency (in the form of every person’s inherent
ability to influence the world around him) and social
structure (in the form of the structures of domination that
determine the degree of a person’s ability to influence the
world). These relations, between human agency and social
structure, are dynamic and processual.
The theory of structuration, or, by its other name, the theory
of the duality of structure, will serve, from the next chapter
on, as a meta-theory for the development of a theory of
empowerment, and so we will go on discussing it. Giddens
creates the basis for the discussion of empowerment a
theoretical link that integrates micro and macro phenomena:
of action by individuals and the change that this action can
bring to the environment.
Empowerment and Community Planning
We have seen how difficult it is to find an agreed definition of
power. The discussion of the theory of empowerment will take
place in the shadow of the claim that power as a concept is
essentially contested. A précis of the views about the essence
of power will illustrate this:
Power has to be acquired. Power may only be exercised.
Power is a matter of authority.
Power belongs to an individual. Power belongs only to the
collective. Power cannot be attributed to anyone, it is a
quality of social systems.
Power involves conflict. Power does not involve conflict
in every case. Power generally involves conflict, but not
Power presupposes resistance. Power, first and foremost,
has to do with obedience. Power is both resistance and
Power is connected with oppression and rule. Power is
productive and makes development possible. Power is
an evil, a good, diabolical, and routine. (Lukes, in Clegg,
1989, p. 239).
Chapter 1: Theories of Power
empowerment. It reinforces the rationale for an integration
between the individual and the collective which it is important
to develop. Foucault’s influence finds expression especially
in the conception of power as an inseparable component of
social relations. Foucault and Giddens see the practitioner and
the researcher as involved in the social situation in the most
subjective way. These principles of the Foucaultian approach
have been fully adopted in this book. The theories of Gaventa,
Mann and Clegg will be used to illuminate specific spheres in
the theory of empowerment: the issue of powerlessness; the
importance of organization in community empowerment, and
the advantages of the development of strategic resources.
This being so, good and contradictory reasons will always
be found to prefer one approach over the others. I have chosen
to discuss approaches which have a greater methodological
value for the development of a theory of empowerment than
others: they are conducive to the clarification of problems
this book deals with, and they make it possible to deal
more comprehensively and profoundly with the central
topic—empowerment. Giddens’ theory of structuration will
be used to establish the general structure of the theory of