Nomenclature of units utilized in the energy field Volume (liquids) Unit Description b bd Mb Mbd MMb MMbd m3 m3d Mm3 Mm3d MMm3 l gal barrels daily barrels thousands of barrels thousands of barrels per day millions of barrels millions of barrels per day cubic meters cubic meters per day thousands of cubic meters thousands of cubic meters per day Millions of cubic meters Liters gallons Volume (gas) Unit Description m3G m3Gd Mm3G Mm3Gd MMm3G MMm3Gd ft3 ft3d Mft3 Mft3d MMft3 MMft3d MMMft3 cubic meter of gas cubic meter of gas per day thousand cubic meter of gas thousand cubic meter of gas per day millions of cubic meter of gas millions of cubic meter of gas per day cubic feet cubic feet per day thousands of cubic feet thousands of cubic feet per day millions of cubic feet millions of cubic feet per day thousands of millions of cubic feet Continuation Weight Unit Description t td Mt Mtd st lt kg lb tonnes tonnes per day thousand of tonnes thousand of tonnes per day short tons long tons kilograms pounds Monetary Unit Description $ M$ MM$ MMM$ US$ MUS$ MMUS$ USc$ pesos thousands of pesos millions of pesos thousands of millions of pesos dollars thousands of dollars millions of dollars dollars cents Continuation Energy Unit Description cal kcal Mcal Gcal Tcal Pcal J TJ W kW MW Wh kWh MWh GWh Btu MBtu MMBtu bhfoe Mbhfoe boe boed Mboe Mboed MMboe MMboed Calories Kilocalories Megacalories Gigacalories Teracalories Petacalories Joules Terajoules Watt kilowatt megawatt watt-hora kilowatt-hora megawatt-hora gigawatt-hora British thermal unit thousands of Btu millions of Btu barrels of heavy fuel oil equivalent millions of heavy fuel oil equivalent barrels of oil equivalent barrels of oil equivalent per day thousands of barrels of oil equivalent thousands of barrels of oil equivalent per day millions of barrels of oil equivalent millions of barrels of oil equivalent per day Continuation Combined units Unit Description $/b $/l $/m3 $/Mm3 US$/b US$/gal US$/l US$m3 USc$/barrel USc$/gal USc$/l USc$/m3 $/m3G $/Mm3G $/ft3 $/Mft3 $/MMft3 US$/ft3 US$/Mft3 US$/MMft3 USc$/Mft3 USc$/MMft3 pesos per barrel pesos per liter pesos per cubic meter pesos per thousands of cubic meters dollars per barrel dollars per gallon dollars per liter dollars per cubic meter dollars cents per barrel dollars cents per gallon dollars cents per liter dollars cents per cubic meter pesos per cubic meter of gas pesos per thousands of cubic meter of gas pesos per cubic feet pesos per thousands of cubic feet pesos per million of cubic feet dollars per cubic feet dollars per thousands of cubic feet dollars per million of cubic feet dollars cents per thousands of cubic feet dollars cents per million of cubic feet Continuation Combined units Unit Description $/kg $/t US$/kg US$/lb US$/t US$/st US$/lt USc$/lb $/Mcal $/Gcal US$/Gcal $/MMBtu US$/Btu US$/MBtu $/Wh $/kWh $/MWh lb/in2 kg/cm2 Btu/ft3 kcal/m3 kcal/m3G Pas pesos per kilogram pesos per tonne dollars per kilogram dollars per pound dollars per tonne dollars per short ton dollars per long ton dollars cents per pound pesos per megacalorie pesos per gigacalorie dollars per gigacalorie pesos per million of Btu dollars per Btu dollars per million of Btu pesos per watt-hora pesos per kilowatt-hora pesos per megawatt-hora pounds per square inch kilograms per square centimeter British thermal units per cubic feet kilocalories per cubic meter kilocalories per cubic meter of gas pascal second Continuation Multiples (energy)* Symbol Description P T G M k c peta tera giga mega kilo centi Factor 1015 1012 109 106 103 10-2 * It does not apply to the Btu. Multiples (volume and weight) Symbol Description M MM MMM thousands millions thousands of millions Factor 103 106 109 Note: In spite that the General System of Measurement Units stablished in México utilizes “M” as a multiple equal to 106 as it is shown in the first table of this page, the oil industry, in the practice, has used “M” as it is shown in the second table of the same page, with a value of 103. Both conceptions are valid within their own contexts for internal use. Continuation Others Unit Description ºAPI in inH2O SSU cSt hp Pa s API gravity inch water inch saybolt universal second centistoke horsepower Pascal second