Course Equivalency List IUPUI Oral Communications 3 cr R110 Public Speaking Written Communications 6 cr ENG W131 English Comp I And Choose 3 credits from the following W231 Professional Writing TCM 220 Technical Report Writing BUS X204 Business Communications W331 Business and Administrative Writing TCM 340 Correspondence in Business and Industry Biomedical Science 8 – 10 cr BIOL N261 Human Anatomy* And BIOL N217 Human Physiology* Or BIOL N212/213 Human Biology I* And BIOL 214/215 Human Biology II* Medical Terminology 2 cr M330 Medical Terminology* Information Technology 13 cr INFO I101 Intro to Informatics* INFO I112 Basic Tools of Informatics* And Choose 6 credits from the following CPT 120 Quantitative Analysis I* CSCI N207 Data Analysis Using Spreadsheets* CSCI N211 Intro to Databases* IU East SPCH S121 Public Speaking ENG W131 English Comp I And Choose 3 credits from the following ENG W132 Elementary Composition II ENG W231 Professional Writing Skills ENG W234 Technical Report Writing Anatomy A215 Basic Human Anatomy* And Ant & Phys P215 Basic Human Physiology* Or P261 Human Anatomy and Physiology I* And P262 Human Anatomy and Physiology II* (May also combine A215 with P261 if taken at Ivy Tech) M330 Medical Terminology* (offered at IUPUI) 9 – 13 cr INFO I101 Intro to Informatics (if offered online) INFO I112 Basic Tools of Informatics (will be replaced by a new Database class – more info to follow) CSCI N207 Data Analysis Using Spreadsheets* Online through IUPUI CIT 120 Quantitative Analysis I Online through IUPUI CSCI A110 Intro to Computers and Computing At IU East Social/Behavioral Sciences 3 cr Choose 3 credits from the following INFO I202 Social Informatics PSY B104 Psychology as a Social Science SOC R100 Introduction to Sociology Choose 3 credits from the following PSY P103 General Psychology SOC S100 Intro to Sociology Business 6 cr BUS X100 Intro to Business Administration And Choose 3 credits from the following BUS L201 Legal Environment of Business BUS L203 Commercial Law I Analytical Skills/Quantitative Methods 6 cr Math 118 Finite Math* And Choose 3 credits from the following STAT 301 Elementary Statistical Methods* SPEA K300 Statistical Techniques* PSY B305 Statistics* ECON E270 Intro to Statistical Theory in Economics* Professional Ethics 3 cr BUS W100 Intro to Business Administration And BUS L203 Commercial Law I Math M118 Finite Mathematics* And Choose 3 credits from the following MATH K300 Statistical Techniques* P: M117/Equil ECON E270 Intro to Statistical Theory in Economics and Business* Choose 3 credits from the following PHIL P120 Ethics PHIL P326 Ethical Theory CPT 410 Info Tech Ethics & Leadership OLS 263 Ethical Decisions in Leadership Choose 3 credits from the following PHIL P120 Personal and Social Ethics PHIL P140 Intro to Ethics Humanities 3 cr Accounting 4 cr Humanities BUS A100 Basic Accounting Skills BUS A200 Foundations of Accounting Organization and Management 3 cr Choose 3 credits from the following INFO I303 Organizational Informatics* OLS 252 Human Relations in Supervision* OLS 274 Applied Leadership* BUS Z302 Managing/Behavior in Organizations* PSY B358 Intro to Ind/Org Psychology* PSY B368 Personnel Psychology* SPEA V369 Managing Information Technology* 3 cr BUS A201 Intro to Financial Accounting Choose 3 credits from the following OLS 252 Human Behavior in Organizations* OLS 274 Applied Leadership* PSY B366 Intro to Organizational Psychology in Business & Industry* P: P103 General Electives 6 – 8 credits (68 total credits required to complete the prerequisite plan) * Requires a minimum grade of C (2.00)