Report from analysis of sustainable economic activities and products

A Sustainable Development Model for Green
Mountain Areas:
Working Group 1
Identification of economic sustainable
products and activities
Identification Sheet .................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 6
WG3 Approach ............................................................................................................ 6
Concept and activities .......................................................................................... 6
Identification and analyses of the participating regions.................................................... 7
Structural Data Analysis............................................................................................... 8
Socio-demography in GM partner regions........................................................... 9
Economy in GM partner regions .......................................................................... 9
Environment in GM partner regions .................................................................. 10
Participative analyses / Results of half standardised interviews .............................. 10
2.3. Identification of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the
participating SEE Green Mountain regions (SWOT) ............................................................. 11
Example for a SWOT analysis ............................................................................. 11
Characterisation and classification of SEE partner regions ....................................... 13
Identification and analyses of Mountain products and activities.................................... 14
The Mountain character ............................................................................................ 14
3.2. Instruments, strategies and methods to support competitiveness, visibility and
territorial identity of economic activities in mountain regions ........................................... 15
Identification of regional products and activities .............................................. 16
potential customers and their demands ............................................................ 17
promotion of mountain products/activities to retailers and customers ........... 19
3.2.4. possible synergies in order to produce, process, distribute or label regional
mountain products ........................................................................................................... 21
Identification and analyses of ECONOMIC activities IN THE PARTNER REGIONS ............ 23
Austria........................................................................................................................ 25
Structural Analysis .............................................................................................. 25
SWOT-Analysis.................................................................................................... 26
Interviews ........................................................................................................... 27
already started exemplary local initiatives ........................................................ 31
Possible Green Mountain projects ..................................................................... 33
Bosnia-Hercegovina ................................................................................................... 36
Structural Analysis .............................................................................................. 36
SWOT-Analysis.................................................................................................... 36
Interviews ........................................................................................................... 38
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
ALREADY STARTED EXEMPLARY LOCAL INITIATIVES .......................................... 39
POSSIBLE GREEN MOUNTAIN PROJECTS............................................................ 39
Bulgaria ...................................................................................................................... 39
Structural Analysis .............................................................................................. 39
SWOT-Analysis.................................................................................................... 40
Interviews ........................................................................................................... 42
ALREADY STARTED EXEMPLARY LOCAL INITIATIVES .......................................... 43
Possible Green mountain projects ..................................................................... 43
Greece........................................................................................................................ 51
Structural Analysis .............................................................................................. 51
SWOT-Analysis.................................................................................................... 52
Interviews ........................................................................................................... 55
ALREADY STARTED EXEMPLARY LOCAL INITIATIVES .......................................... 58
POSSIBLE GREEN MOUNTAIN PROJECTS............................................................ 61
Hungary ..................................................................................................................... 62
Structural Analysis .............................................................................................. 62
SWOT-Analysis.................................................................................................... 66
Interviews ........................................................................................................... 68
ALREADY STARTED EXEMPLARY LOCAL INITIATIVES .......................................... 73
POSSIBLE GREEN MOUNTAIN PROJECTS............................................................ 84
Italy – Macerata ......................................................................................................... 97
Structural Analysis .............................................................................................. 97
SWOT-Analysis.................................................................................................... 99
Interviews ......................................................................................................... 102
ALREADY STARTED EXEMPLARY LOCAL INITIATIVES ........................................ 108
POSSIBLE GREEN MOUNTAIN PROJECTS.......................................................... 119
Italy – Monti Sibillini National Park ......................................................................... 130
Structural Analysis ............................................................................................ 130
SWOT-Analysis.................................................................................................. 132
Interviews ......................................................................................................... 135
ALREADY STARTED EXEMPLARY LOCAL INITIATIVES ........................................ 137
POSSIBLE GREEN MOUNTAIN PROJECTS.......................................................... 140
Montenegro ............................................................................................................. 145
Structural Analysis ............................................................................................ 145
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
SWOT-Analysis.................................................................................................. 147
Interviews ......................................................................................................... 149
ALREADY STARTED EXEMPLARY LOCAL INITIATIVES ........................................ 149
POSSIBLE GREEN MOUNTAIN PROJECTS.......................................................... 149
Structural Analysis ............................................................................................ 153
SWOT-Analysis.................................................................................................. 154
Interviews ......................................................................................................... 155
ALREADY STARTED EXEMPLARY LOCAL INITIATIVES ........................................ 159
POSSIBLE GREEN MOUNTAIN PROJECTS.......................................................... 162
Romania ................................................................................................................... 153
Slovakia ................................................................................................................ 176
Structural Analysis ........................................................................................ 176
SWOT-Analyis ............................................................................................... 177
Interviews ..................................................................................................... 178
ALREADY STARTED EXEMPLARY LOCAL INITIATIVES .................................... 182
POSSIBLE GREEN MOUNTAIN PROJECTS ...................................................... 187
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 195
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Project acronym
Project full title
Work Package
WP3 – Joint development of a Common Sustainable
Development & Management Model
3.1 – Working group 1 - Identification of economic
sustainable activities and products
Date of delivery
Final Report
Status & version (draft or final)
Final version
Responsible partner
AREC Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Bernhard Krautzer (WG1 Leader, WP3 Leader)
Silke Heinrich (Project Management)
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Other Contributors
Basarab Birladeanu – Calimani National Park (RO)
Maragrit Marcela – Calimani National Park (RO)
Ivo Tsarev – Industrial Association Smolyan (BG)
László Hubert – Köszeg Micro-Region (HU)
Alexandra Bartok – Köszeg Micro-Region (HU)
Istvan Krizmanich – Köszeg Micro-Region (HU)
Sasa Skrba – Ministry of Civil Engineering and
Physical Planning HNC (BH)
Oriana de Caro – Monti Sibillini National park (IT)
Dijana Andjelic – Municipality of Plevlja (MN)
Vera Madzgalij – Municipality of Plevlja (MN)
Georgeta Seghedin – National Forest Administration
Romsilva (RO)
Paolo Pinciaroli – Province of Macerata (IT)
Kalliopi Tesia – Region of Epirus (GR)
Eleni Kalaboka – Region of Epirus (GR)
Mairi Stergiou – Region of Epirus (GR)
Momchil Karaivanov – Regional Administration
Smolyan (BG)
Radoslav Virgovic – Slovak Environmental Agency
Robert Robenek – Slovak Environmental Agency (SK)
Bettina Maurer – Sölktäler Nature Park (AT)
Ferdinand Prenner – Sölktäler Nature Park (AT)
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Mountains are an important source of vital ecosystem services and have a significant role in
economic development, environmental protection, ecological sustainability and human
wellbeing. Due to the particularities of mountain areas, the stimulation of economic
activities is very difficult compared to lowland rural areas. Mountain products and services
form the basis for many economic sectors – food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics,
agriculture, forestry and grassland production, hydropower generation, tourism, mining and
others. Mountain grasslands and forests provide economic benefits to local people and
global communities through medicinal plants, agricultural products, timber and minerals
(ICIMOD 2011). While agriculture and forestry are often perceived as vital in local mountain
economies and for cultural identity, employment in other sectors is generally higher (Horst
2009). All over Europe, successful examples of sustainable activities for the economic
stimulation of mountain regions, which also foster the regional economy, can be studied,
e.g. through the development of renewable energy production capacities, by the promotion
of high-quality but low-yield agricultural production or through stimulation of responsible
tourism and recreational and leisure activities. The recent financial crisis has hit mountain
regions hard, reducing profits and increasing unemployment, which has added to the
massive migration of labour. But there is still great potential for sustainable economic
activities in the regions, and the specific regional features of the mountains, their cultural
identities and heritage can find their place in a competitive world (Council of Europe 2010).
The transnational thematic Working Group 1 (WG1) was established to identify economic
sustainable activities and products able to conciliate growth with the valorisation,
preservation and protection of the highly sensitive mountain areas. This should be reached
through the identification and analysis of activities and products that are specifically
adequate for the preservation, protection and valorisation of natural mountain territories
and that can transform their territorial "mountain character" in a comparative advantage
and added value, e.g. traditional handicraft production, agricultural activities, niche
products, recreational activities, etc. This should also be extended to the identification and
analysis of instruments and methods that can valorise these economic activities in order to
support their competitiveness, visibility and territorial identity.
Relevant data and information about the regions concerned are a precondition to get an
impression about their basic opportunities and limitations or to draw comparisons between
neighbouring regions as well as between different SEE partner regions. Therefore, one main
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
activity was dedicated to the collection of basic data, with a special focus on information
about the economic situation, for an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats of the regions and in the broader sense for the identification and analyses of possible
regional initiatives. To reach this goal, different information from the Existing Situation
analyses (ESA) as well as additional information from all partner regions was collected and
Another important aspect of mountain economy is the promotion of mountain food
products and typical local handicraft. The opportunity for the development of mountain
quality food products and handicraft lies within the great potential represented by the
positive image in the mind of consumers (Euromontana, 2011). Locality, seasonality, small
scale production, healthy environment and traditional production cause increasing interest
in mountain products.
What turns a product, what makes an activity typical for mountain regions? Having identified
the good reasons, how to transfer their typical mountain character into comparative
advantage or added value? What are the risks and weaknesses? Furthermore, can we
identify methods and strategies to improve their implementation, e.g. through the
development of special labelling strategies, training and education of local stakeholders,
development of business skills of producers? Do we have recommendable existing examples
from other regions? What could be realistic strategies and methods to realize above
mentioned activities? Overlap with WG2 and WG3 however, should be avoided.
Based on the big socio-economic differences between the participating regions, it was
decided to follow a bottom up process, giving every partner the opportunity to develop his
own ideas related to his local stage of development, awareness and potential. To reach this
goal, every partner reported on initiatives that are already in realisation as well as possible
future initiatives, taking all relevant information got from the European Good Practice
Report as well as from direct information and support given by external experts during the
meeting at AREC Raumberg-Gumpenstein. The collected and assessed proposals provide the
group with basic information about possible regional initiatives. For future project work,
they could act as sophisticated practical example (case study) for the implementation of the
Common Model and will also be useful as proposal for pilot activities as required in Work
Package 5.
Relevant data and information available for the mountain region is a precondition to draw
comparisons with the data from neighbouring regions as well as other SEE partner regions.
This part will be a collection of basic information for an analysis of strengths, weaknesses,
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
opportunities and threats of the individual regions and for the identification and analyses of
regional initiatives.
In order to identify possible economic sustainable activities and products within a region it is
essential to do a thorough analysis of the status quo. On the one hand it is necessary to get
to know the potential and weaknesses of a region, and on the other hand the collected data
form the basis for the alignment of any activities and their evaluation.
The availability of data can sometimes be very poor in remote areas. Quantification of the
level of economic development of mountain areas is only possible using indirect indicators
such as employment structure and unemployment rates (Nordregio 2004). The aspects
mentioned below have proved to be available also in remote regions in the past (Assamer
Handler, 2012). The Green Mountain partner regions collected the following data:
General socio-economic situation
- Area concerned (km²), number of administrative units (communities) concerned
- Gross domestic product (GDM)/per head
- Population: Population development , age pyramid, population density per km²
- Infrastructure: Overview road map
- Import and Export in €
- Business activities: number of registered businesses, sector relation in %
- Labour market: Employment related to the three sectors (initial production,
commerce and industry, services) in %, rate of unemployment
Should be related to the average situation of the country
Situation of agriculture and forestry
- Agricultural households: Agricultural households per 1,000 inhabitants [units]
- Farm Size in ha (average)
- Land use (% forestry, agriculture – thereof grassland, arable land, orchards,
specialised cultivation, fallows, badlands, area covered by buildings),
- Livestock (LSU per hectare, number of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry,
- Trade of agricultural and forestry products/Import and export of agricultural
- Agricultural households with forestry in %
- Machinery: Tractors (single and double axis) per 100 agricultural households
A lot of data (e.g. employment related to the three sectors, livestock units, import and
export, etc.) has still not been available in all partner regions. Due to this reason it is not
possible to do a proper comparison of the Green Mountain areas. Nevertheless the collected
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
data is relevant as a basis for knowledge of the current situation and essential for the
implementation of the Common Model as well as the later evaluation of activities. The
results of the structural analysis of the partner regions are collected under chapters 4.1 to
4.10. Evaluating the data from the Structural Data Analyses and the Existing Situation
Analyses (ESA), some important aspects in the participating regions can be identified:
All Eastern and Central European countries for which the population data are available are
experiencing demographic decline (Nordregio 2004). High age of population (low percentage
of productive population), emigration of young and skilled people, high unemployment rate
– poverty, low rate of skilled persons, bad infrastructure (accessibility mainly by roads, often
bad), also bad infrastructure regarding water and power supply, wastewater treatment,
dump-sites, etc., environmental pollution, e.g. along roads, illegal dump-sites, public
awareness and sense of unity and responsibility is bad, communication and cooperation
among and on all levels must be improved, difficult administration due to high
fragmentation (communities, protected areas, region, etc.), unplanned/illegal constructions,
buildings, etc., hazards: landslides, erosion, fire, windbreak, floods, partly under-utilization
of natural and environmental resources, but most mountain areas doe have an interesting
history and/or culture.
The economies of Europe’s mountain areas are highly diverse at all spatial scales. While
agriculture and forestry are often perceived as vital in local economies and for cultural
identity, employment in other sectors seems to be generally higher.
Agriculture: dominated by livestock (cattle and sheep), meadows and pastures (up to alpine
altitude), partly vegetable, fruit, wine, fish farming). The main problems are a decrease of
managed farms, abandonment of land, loss of traditional cultivation, a missing or not
reachable market (logistic situation, low purchasing power of residents) and low prices for
products, bad economic situation, lack of regional products and knowledge about it, partly
over-exploitation (overgrazing, other places natural forestation due to under-utilization),
badly connected to tourism.
Tourism: (winter, summer – hiking, riding, etc. – health, ecotourism (wolf and bear
watching), (photo) hunting, etc.), main problems are partly (uncontrolled) mass tourism, bad
coordination/organisation, bad connection to agriculture and regional products
Forestry and wood processing: in some regions of economic importance, main problems are
partly deforestation and partly over-exploitation
Other regional products: ores and coal, marble, quarries, mineral water, electricity, etc.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Mountain areas in partner regions have a very high bio-diversity (flora, fauna) and
geologically interesting aspects, lots of springs and rivers, they are a refuge for rare species
(e.g. wolf, bear, golden eagle) what bears a potential conflict with some economic activities.
As main problems identified were the danger of fire, poaching, over-exploitation,
disturbance due to mass tourism, loss of biodiversity due to cultivation abandonment,
disturbance/environmental problems due to badly planned/unplanned constructions
(dumpsites, roads, wastewater, water usage), the appearance of invasive species, a fragile
balance with economic activities and different kinds of administration for National Parks,
diverse protected areas, communities, regions, etc. what sometimes causes a fragmented
and bad management and coordination
One focus of the analysis of a mountainous region is getting in contact with important
regional players and investigating their position in the region as well as their view on the
current situation and on the future development. The position and views of the regional
players leads to a more complete picture regarding the options of rural development in the
specific mountainous area and to get comparable results to other regions.
The list with the persons who are getting interviewed should include the following,
depending on the particular structure of administration:
• Political representatives, as mayors (in countries like Austria with small
communities; in South Eastern countries with their larger municipalities the
contact person will rather be a representative of the administration of the
municipality as mentioned next point)
• Representatives of the administration (municipality/region/ministry) for the
fields agriculture and forestry, environment and nature conversation, land use
planning, tourism; administration of National Parks
• Representatives of existing structures of support and financing: regional
development agencies, Leader-manager, EU-representatives, representatives
of donor-organizations etc.
• Representatives of associations (if they are given: farmers` association,
association for tourism, business associations, associations for nature
conversation etc.)
• Representatives of important companies (tourism and others)
• Individuals important for local development
The interviews of single partner regions are collected in the chapters 4.1 to 4.10.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Based on certain knowledge of the present situation and trends, the factors of the internal
situation (existing strengths and weaknesses) and factors of the external environment
(future opportunities and existing threats) will be described for each participating region.The
aim is the phrasing of a vision for regional development, a tentative goal and a strategy.
Table 1: The internal and external components
Internal components
External components
Table 2: Exemplary SWOT analyses
Sub categories
Wide agricultural product range
The natural park is situated in a well known
touristic region
The topics of bike, vine and culinary delights
already play an important role
High guest frequency in one part of the natural
Interesting, small natural tourism offers
(“Power”-trail, Trekking with donkeys…) and
cultural offers (villages, ruins,..)
Many people’s interest to contribute to the
development of the natural park
No processing products: fundamental
coordination and marketing is missing
christmas tree plantations disturb the landscape
If it would not be a matter of Nature
Parks, the Christmas trees would not be
a weakness
No well-directed mutual appearance, no USP for
the nature park
No active visitor service
Missing processing information and marketing
No management
Missing popularity of the natural park inwards
and outwards
supraregional planned trails will increase the number
of guests and will make the region appealing to new
target groups
planned amendments of the EU-funding could
prevent the creation of new touristic offers
USP = Unique Selling Proposition
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
It is also possible to develop some strategies right from the SWOT analysis, as shown in Table
Table 3: From SWOT to strategies
- Well-developed
and accessibility
- Attractive and
landscape (S2)
- High number of
organic farms
- High
rate (W1)
- emigration of
young people
due to job
situation (W2)
- "old" quarrels,
and citizens
- innovative new
media (O1)
- increasing interest
in eco-tourism
- increasing interest
in organic food
- Optimization of
the production
and distribution of
organic products
- Supporting the
development of
organic farm
holiday offers (S1,
S3-O2, O3)
- supporting the
development of
new media service
jobs (W2-O1)
- lack of interdisciplinary
cooperation (T1)
- abandonment of mountain
regions (T2)
- Inadequate/inappropriate
legal regulation (T3)
- Development of cross-sector
cooperation tourismagriculture- nature
protection (S2, S3-T1)
- development of a new
“regional development”
institution with skilled local
people (W1, W3-T3)
Individual strengths and weaknesses are combined with opportunities and threats and
strategies are elaborated to deal with these summarised aspects.
The single SWOT analyses of all partners are included in the chapters 4.1 to 4.10.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Due to the fact that the analytic activities in the different regions were slightly varying in
their perception and identification of problems and opportunities, it turned out to be quite
impossible to do a proper classification or even to develop common strategies based on the
collected and summarized data. Nevertheless the elaborated analyses are important
fundamental work for the further sustainable development activities of the partner regions.
However, compiling the delivered data it was possible to compile an exemplary SWOTAnalysis from the Green Mountain partners, focusing on the most common aspects of the
regions concerned.
Table 4: Exemplary SWOT-Analysis with strategy-examples based on some of the aspects, listed in the SWOTAnalyses of the Green Mountain partners
1. increasing interest in (eco-)
tourism (O1)
2. diversification of economic
products (O2)
and Strategies
1. bureaucratic structures (T1)
2. lack of competitiveness (T2)
3. increasing interest in
local/traditional products (O3)
3. economic crisis (T3)
4. increasing awareness of the
importance of communication
and cooperation (O4)
4. climate change (T4)
5. emigration (T5)
5. pollution and exploitation
6. abandonment of arable land (T6)
1. high natural and
environmental quality (S1)
1. development of
environmental-friendly tourism
1. sustainable economic use of natural
and cultural mountain heritage, e.g.
environmental-friendly tourism and local
production of specialties (S1,2-T3,5,6)
2. high traditional and
cultural heritage (S2)
3. potential to further
develop tourism. (S3)
4. potential to further develop
local products (S4)
2. creating a common label for sustainable South-East European GreenMountain products and activities (S3, 4-O1,3-T2)
1. lack of cooperation and
communication (W1)
1. using synergies by
cooperation between tourism
and local products/services
1. new arrangement/ establishment of
responsible authorities for sustainable
development with improved
communication (W1-T1)
2. lack of awareness and skills
of population (W2)
2. possibilities to further educate and raise awareness, considering the local
needs and possibilities (e.g. use of new media for online-job training, etc.)
3. deficits in infrastructure
3. further development of
production, processing,
3. any activities like e.g. infrastructure
improvement should be carried out by
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
4. deficits in promoting and
producing regional products
promotion and distribution of
local goods (W4,5-O2,3)
local businesses (W3,5-O3,5)
5. high unemployment (W5)
In every mountain region, there is broad potential for high-quality high-value products and
activities to increase the incomes and improve the livelihoods of mountain inhabitants – and
to be a motor for local sustainable development of mountain communities. Certain niche
products offer comparative advantages and added value for economic development in
mountain areas. In addition to the revitalisation of traditional activities and handicrafts,
speciality products ranging from farm products, such as fruits, vegetables, off-season
products, cheeses and wool, to non-wood forest products, such as medicinal plants, herbs
and native spices (FAO 2011) can develop to high quality mountain products. The EuroMARC
project for example has shown the great potential represented by the positive image of
mountain products in the mind of consumers (Euromontana 2008). Depending on the
specific context, consumers emphasise the positive aspects of those products like
environmentally friendly processing, the local cultural identity, the special quality due to the
healthy environment, the traditional procuction on small scale, saisonality and no direct
comparability to industrial processing. However, this also bears some problems or risks.
Traditional products like lard can be considered as unhealthy. Or expensive investments
could be necessary, e.g. to meet necessary hygiene standards. Some times, the necessary
availability of regional raw materials or infrastructure do not meet the demand. But if the
complete processing or production does not take place in the region concerned, the product
can loose its mountain character. A risk can also arise, if the production and the size of
market do not have a corresponding growth. In any case, negative effects on the
maintenance of the natural resources or the cultural heritage have to be avoided.
A very interesting approach in this context is the “European charter for mountain quality
products” launched by Euromontana (2005). It's a European policy charter which translates
the intention of its signatories to characterise, protect and promote mountain quality food
products and thus to contribute to the sustainable development of the economies and
territories of Europe's mountain regions. Currently, the Charter counts 69 signatories from
12 countries, from governments (France, Norway, Romania) to local cooperatives. Keeping
to these guidelines helps to secure quality as well as authenticity of mountain products, and
should not only be limited to food products.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Box 1: European charter for mountain quality products (Euromontana 2005)
The signatories of the present charter undertake to respect, defend and promote the following five
principles in their own actions:
1- Mountain products are manufactured using primary materials produced exclusively in a mountain
area, as defined by the Member States and validated where necessary by the European Commission
(e.g. mountain areas identified by the Member States within the framework of Regulation EC
1257/99 or mountain areas to be identified by the Member States for the post-2006 European
regional policy), with the exception of primary materials which, for natural reasons, cannot
technically be produced in mountain areas. Animal production in mountain areas must always
demonstrate a link with the mountain territory.
2- All stages in the processing of products are to take place in a mountain area, as defined by the
Member States and validated where necessary by the European Commission (e.g. mountain areas
identified by Member States within the framework of the regulation CE 1257/99 or mountain areas
to be identified by Member States for regional European policy post-2006).
3- Enterprises and farms which process primary agricultural resources in order to manufacture
mountain products must be adapted to their geographical environment. They must take into account
the concerns connected to sustainable development. The production methods used respect the
environment and in particular the water quality present in the territory in question and integrate
erosion risks.
4- The production and processing structures for mountain food products must encourage in their
activity the maintenance of biological, genetic and cultural heritage of mountain areas, the
development of the local knowledge-base of mountain areas and the management of rural areas and
5- Enterprises and farms which produce and/or process primary agricultural materials for mountain
products must be able to ensure tracability to provide transparent provision of all information
relative to the product’s manufacturing conditions (production/processing). In this way, they must
satisfy the legitimate expectations of consumers to be given any information that will allow them to
appreciate the mountain characteristics of the products and the values (transmitted in a positive
way) of mountain farming.
In order to identify and start sustainable activities within mountainous regions, some
important aspects need to be considered. Based on analysis of specific literature (from issuerelated EU-projects like Euromontana, Mountain trip, etc.) and the Good Practice Report,
which was carried out during the Green Mountain project by Heinrich et al. (2011), the
following questions were identified as very important steps towards a successful strategy for
mountain products and activities:
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
3. What sustainable products or activities can be identified/developed within a
4. Who are the potential customers and what are their demands?
5. What makes the mountain products/activities unique and how can these
attributes be promoted to retailers and customers?
6. Are there any possible synergies in order to produce, process, distribute or label
regional mountain products?
In order to create or identify authentic regional products a thorough analysis and survey of
traditional and current crops, livestock and products (e.g. fruit tree species, grain,
cattle/sheep breeds, cheeses etc.), possible touristic activities as well as the consideration of
regional history is of utmost importance. As soon as some interesting things, which are
capable of development, are recognised, the sustainability and economic efficiency of their
future production, processing and distribution must be analysed. Limiting aspects and arising
“bottlenecks” must always be considered: e.g. if the cultivation of old grain varieties is
planned it needs to be secured that there are enough suitable cultivation fields (depending
on climate, soil, exposition, ownership, etc.) and also necessary machinery available to
ensure production on an economic level.
Another very important consideration is the infrastructural and logistic situation. For
production and processing of some goods resources like electricity and additional material
are often necessary. Their supply needs to be secured in order to enable a stabile production
chain, which can sometimes be problematic in remote areas. If local material is available this
should always be the first choice (to support local added value), before goods from outside
the region will get into use. Also the transport of the produced goods to retailers and
consumers may be difficult and needs to be thoroughly planned. Cooperation with other
local producers or suppliers can help to share costs and to use synergies (see also Chapter
Renewable energy activities are both economically interesting and an important step into a
sustainable and environmental-friendly future. Biogas plants, wind and water power (if
environmental-friendly constructed), the sustainable production of wood chips and the use
of solar energy can not only cover the local need of power, but may also enable to export
energy or base material for energy production.
Biosphere Reserve Great Walser Valley: The region is very active in the field of renewable
energies and energy-saving activities. They were awarded with the European Energy
Award®Silver. Important steps to their success and further activities to improve their state of
energy use and production are e.g. offering consultation in energy matters, improving the
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
insulation of buildings and already existent solar panels, feasibility studies of woodchip
distribution and the creation of a biogas plant. Energy-saving championships were held and a
quite new activity is to offer car-sharing with an already existent electric car.
Bread-grain-Project Tyrol: local varieties of bread grain were identified (with help from
Tyrolean gene bank and local farmers´ knowledge), cultivated and their qualities in regard to
baking processes, germination capacity etc. were tested. Due to the results, some grain sorts
were chosen for the production of regional organic bread by a local bakery (Heinrich, 2011).
The Steinbach Way: During the general SWOT analysis of the community Steinbach a.d. Steyr
it got obvious that there was a big amount and variety of fruit trees existent. A lot of
different sorts were identified and due to synergy effects a cooperative was established to
successfully produce and sell regional fruit juice and dried fruit (Heinrich, 2011).
National Landscape Het Groene Woud: An old spelt variety is cultivated, bread and beer are
produced out of this grain and are offered in local shops (Heinrich, 2011).
Products can only be sold if there is an existing demand for them. Therefore it is very
important to think about retailers and consumers, their expectations and demands in order
to be able to answer them with the planned mountain products. During the EuroMARCProject ( a thorough analysis was
carried out to understand retailers and consumers of quality mountain food products.
Retailers play an important role for the distribution of mountain products, if the products
are not directly sold to consumers by the respective producers or processors themselves
(mountain.TRIP 2012b). Independent retailers are often directly supplied by producers and
therefore are suitable distributors. According to mountain.TRIP (2012b), which summarised
the results of the EuroMARC-project in guidelines-brochures, even some supermarkets may
have the possibility to sell local products and can thus be involved in the sales of local
mountain products, especially in the food sector. Selling mountain food products gives
retailers the chance to open new customer segments (e.g. by offering more organic and/or
local food).
The most important customers of mountain products are the consumers which will in the
end buy the mountain products or take part in mountainous touristic activities like hiking,
biking or climbing. In regard to mountain food products, mountain.TRIP (2012b) has
identified the following expectations of consumers:
- Standards of hygiene
- Linked to cultural identity of local communities
- Produced from raw mountain materials
- Connected to specific cultural areas
- Supporting local employment
- Produced using traditional methods
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
All mountain products should orientate and keep to these expectations in order to be
attractive for the consumers and to create and maintain a high level of quality and
authenticity. Additionally, the production techniques and touristic activities need to be
sustainable and environmental-friendly.
Mountain products have a big touristic potential, so a cooperation of producers/processors
and the tourism sector is highly advisable (mountain.TRIP 2012a). Promotion of mountain
products helps to promote the region and vice versa. People may be attracted to visit areas
where products they consume are produced, and tourists are often interested to bring home
some souvenirs for themselves or their friends and thus advertising their holiday region. In
order to support the identification and recognition of mountain products in the future,
naming and labelling them clearly is very important (see also Chapter 3.2.3.).
Often tourists are also the main consumers of sustainable mountain activities like hiking,
biking, canoeing, riding, etc. It is important to spread information regarding the local offers
of activities at neuralgic touristic spots like tourist information centres, guest houses, hotels
and restaurants, but also in the internet, which is an often-used source for planning holidays.
mountain.TRIP (2012a) proposes some examples of possible cooperation between mountain
products and the tourism sector:
- Educational activities and farm visits for children
- Offering food product samples for tasting (on-farm, shops, markets, etc.)
- Cooperation with local restaurants and guest houses in the form of supplying them
with food products or getting the possibility to promote and/or sell any products
there (also handicraft or other goods)
- Using local events and specialised fairs as marketing and sales possibilities
- Organising own events in cooperation with other producers (also from other regions
in order to maximize the number of addressed persons) and additionally exchanging
experiences with other producers
- Create thematic trails with other local actors (like producers, restaurants, ski-slope
managers, etc.) for your products
- Innovative ideas like creating a traditional cook book or something similar
Biosphere Reserve Great Walser Valley: In this region there are different offers for guided
hiking tours in the mountains with gastronomic breaks in order to enjoy local products
possibility to visit sustainably and/or organically producing farms is given by the offer of
respective excursions.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
The Steinbach Way: The Steinbacher Advent (Christmas Market) is used to promote different
products. Amng others, local handicraft products and culinary specialties are offered to
visitors during this event (
Styrian Spring: Since several years, the Styrian Tourism Association presents Styria, it´s
products and it´s culture in Austria´s capital Vienna during a 3-4 day event. A lot of Viennese
restaurants cooperate by offering Styrian culinary specialties. Furthermore, market stalls are
erected in front of the City Hall, providing local products and information regarding holiday
possibilities. Additionally traditional music is played (,
Mountain regions usually have fascinating landscapes and natural features which strongly
form and influence the “nostalgic” image of mountains: pure air and nature, springs and
clean rivers, unique fauna and flora and a beautiful landscape. Due to this, mountain
products are in the consumers minds´ often supposed to be pure, produced in a traditional
way, with high quality and often it is assumed that they are produced in accordance to
According to the brochure “Guidelines for the development, promotion and communication
of mountain foods”, which was one of the outputs of the research project EuroMARC
ines_euromarc_report_final_en_a4.pdf ), mountain food products, which form a big share of
goods produced in mountain regions, should be produced in consideration of the following
aspects to meet the expectations of the consumers:
- The raw materials must have a mountainous origin
- The processing of goods is to take place in mountain regions
- The production is to be done under sustainable conditions
- The production and processing structures must encourage and support the
maintenance of biodiversity and cultural heritage
- The producers must be able to provide traceability and transparency in regard to
used materials and processing structures
The EuroMARC-project also showed that it is important to identify real mountain products
from products which only advertise by using mountain pictures and logos without any real
connection to mountain areas (Brochure Guidelines). Important instruments to make
mountain products easily identifiable and which could support promotion are labelling and
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Labelling and branding do not exactly mean the same. According to Schleyerbach and v.
Alvensleben (1998), labels are awarded to products by an initiating organisation, which is
also responsible for the surveillance of all criteria related to the label. Labels usually indicate
special quality factors like for example organic production or protected geographical
indication and therefore have a strongly informative marketing approach. This helps
customers to rate products within their surrounding sector. Controlling organisations could
be public or also private (Siegrist et al., 2009). Due to the surveillance of criteria often fees
need to be paid. Applying for and, if granted, using already known and well-established
labels can help to find customers which already trust the acquired label and transfer this to
the new product. International guidelines are existent for creating environmental labels and
declarations (ISO 14020ff, they
contain principles and rules for developing certification systems and need to be considered if
the creation of an environmental or sustainable label is planned.
Branding of products is done in order to help the customers to identify goods and services of
brand,, differentiate them against the
products of competitors (Schleyerbach and v. Alvensleben, 1998) and to highlight the
(Friesenbichler,2008: Brands
are used to induce positive emotions in the consumers´ minds by appropriate marketing
strategies and therefore support the sales of the promoted products (Dietler, 2007: Trotz
Label konkurrenzfähig? Brands do often not
have an external quality control system, producing according to promoted quality and image
underlies the internal commitment of the business or brand group.
Brands often have a more intensive and emotion-focused advertising strategies than labels,
which are more informative and less emotional, this could be claimed responsible for the
fact that brands are often better known and accepted than labels, even if the quality
assurance of labelled products is more transparent and credible (Schleyerbach and v.
Alvensleben, 1998). A possibility to combine both could be the establishment of a regional
umbrella brand (one brand for different products of one region), and depending on the
goods and production techniques maybe trying to acquire some labels, e.g. for organic
If labelling or branding activities are foreseen it is of utmost importance to involve thematic
expertise in order to find the “perfect” promotion support for the contemplable products
and services. It is also advisable to visit groups or regions which already have established
successful labelling or branding in order to learn from their experiences.
A fitting advertising strategy (apart from labelling and branding) for mountain products and
activities is essential and needs to be adapted to the targeted consumer groups. It is
advisable to integrate advertising specialists in the planning and implementation of
promotion activities. The arising costs could be shared if several producers are working
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
together (see Chapter 3.2.4.), but they usually are worth being invested, as proper
advertising is an essential part for successful sales of products.
Dachmarke Südtirol: The local government of South Tyrolia created in cooperation with
marketing experts an umbrella brand for regional products and businesses. The umbrella
brand enables the further existence of individual brands, but it also gives all participating
South-Tyrolean enterprises and products a common general thread. Among further
possibilities it is possible to acquire a specific PGI label, quality labels for food products and
also a location label for businesses. Potential licensees need to apply for the use of the brand
( in German and Italian language).
In regard to the Green Mountain project, the development of a common “Green Mountain”
Label might be an interesting approach. A common strategy could be developed, from which
criteria could be evolved like:
- Raw material with South-East European mountain origin
- Traditional and sustainable production techniques or activities (also tourism)
- Supporting regional added value
- Fair social conditions (appropriate working conditions)
A common “Green Mountain” label could be awarded in different sectors (food, wood,
handicraft, tourism) in South-East European mountain areas, still giving the single regions
the possibility to keep their diversity, maybe create an own regional brand and nevertheless
benefitting from the promotional support of this international label. Creating and
maintaining a label needs a lot of expertise, preparations and persistent work, due to this
reasons the idea needs to be thought through very properly, involving marketing and
labelling specialists.
A group of persons can usually achieve more than individuals. This is also the case when it
comes to the production, processing, advertising and distribution of mountain products.
Working together offers a lot of advantages (mountain.TRIP, 2012c):
- Combining knowledge and sharing experiences help to improve quality and create
- A stable volume of products and continuous production can better be provided by
several producers and therefore new markets may open due to guaranteed
continuity of supply
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Costs and money can be saved by buying bigger amounts of material together,
sharing marketing or advertising costs and also by sharing production, logistical and
distribution techniques and activities
A common brand may give the possibility to successfully promote and sell the
products, for example within a cooperative
Product certification and access to some funds are easier for producers´ groups than
for individuals
Good business and marketing plans can be developed together and the costs for
necessary information and counselling can also be shared
Working together instead of competing with each other offers new dimensions
If there is a suitable cooperative already existent in the mountain region, it may be advisable
to join in. But it is also possible to start an own cooperative or producer-group in order to
use existing synergies. The most important element of successful cooperation is good
communication. Working together means to move into one common direction, thus it is very
important to discuss about concerns, expectations and goals (mountain.TRIP, 2012c).
Communication within the supply chain is also very important to adjust production or
processing activities if necessary. The strengths and weaknesses of the participants need to
be known in order to find the best strategy how to work together, forcing strength and
compensating weaknesses. A regular adaption to the market by discussion with retailers is
important to keep the range of products accorded to the customers´ needs. Collective
advertising activities can be increased and also used for communicating quality attributes of
the products like taste or traditional methods of production. Efforts for improvement and
innovation in any aspect like for example production techniques or marketing strategies
should regularly be done.
The easiest way to cooperate is to just neighbourly help each other, e.g. by lending
machines, supporting during harvest and vice versa. Possible kinds of “contractive”
cooperation forms, which may form a kind of corporate body, are for example cooperatives,
producer groups, associations, interest groups, etc., always acting compatible to the national
law. Horizontal (e.g. only producers), vertical (e.g. producers and processors) and also crossissued cooperation (e.g. producers and tourism) are advisable, depending on the singular
situations. An important precondition for successfully setting up cooperation and using
synergies is a proper knowledge of stakeholders, regional players and other important and
interested persons not only within the own sector, but also in other fields like e.g. tourism.
Synergies may also be used with producers or groups outside the own region. If some special
activities like establishing a brand or promoting own products are planned, it is always very
important to look for other persons who may already have experiences within the planned
activities and are willing to share them. In the case of the Green Mountain Project it may
also be possible that several regions which plan to promote similar products, may consult
specific external expertise together and share the arising costs.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Biosphere Reserve Great Walser Valley: The Biosphere Reserve shows the synergies and
success an interdisciplinary cooperating approach can have. In order to offer environmentalfriendly mobility, alp and hiking busses were established. Hikers are brought to more remote
alp regions by local bus businesses, what helps to protect the environment and gives
regional added value. Agriculture and tourism are also cooperating. Additionally to the
culinary hiking tours mentioned above, there are a lot more linked activities like the visitors´
program to alpine dairies. Everybody can visit this processing businesses and gets into
contact with e.g. cheese production, getting the possibility to be involved. Another project is
the cooperation between dairies, butcher shops and bakeries in order to create new and
unique products. Furthermore, the products of local producers and processors are brought
and offered to hotels and restaurants by a “rolling shop” (Reiner, 2007).
The Identification and analyses of activities and products, in consilience with valorisation,
protection and preservation of the high sensitive mountain areas in the participating partner
regions, was one of the main targets of Working Group 1. The activities listed below and
country-specific in the Annex provide the partners with special information about the
potentialties in the different participating partner regions, e.g. information about planned
and on-going activities, intended project areas, available resources, strengths, weaknesses,
stakeholders, target groups, restrictions, limitations, special demands or needed support.
Allocation of initiatives: 1= branding of available local products, 2 = development of local
products or local production, 3 = promotion of tourism, 4 = education and training of local
Progress of initiatives: 1= Not yet developed, 2 = Rough planning already started, 3 =
Detailed planning already started, 4 = Implementation already started
RO Calimani 1: Development through responsible tourism
RO Calimani 2: Network of ecotourism services
RO Domogled-Cerna 1: tourism promotion
RO Domogled-Cerna 2: traditional products and ecotourism
AT Regionally produiced Styrian Pancackes
IT Macerata 1: Moments of taste/truffle
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
IT Macerata 2: Live at a donkey’s pace
IT Macerata 3: Truffle
IT Sibillini: Faunal areas and wild parks
BG Rhodope – Mountains close to the stars
BIH Wine map
ME 1: Establishment of a research and innovational centre
ME 2: Branding and promotion of cheese and dairy products
HU 1: Wild growing herbs
HU 2: Mill rehabilitation in Velem
SK 1: Branding local/regional products
SK 2: Direct sale of primary products from primary producers
GR Gastronomic tourism through PGI products
2, 1
2, 1
1, 2
2, 1
In addition, the collected and assessed information provides the partners with basic
information about possible initiatives, stimulate cooperation between partner regions and
could also act as practical example (case study) for the implementation of the Common
Model and could be useful as proposal for pilot activities (see Work Package 5). Projects of
the participating partner regions that are in preparation or already developed but of
exemplary interest are additionally listed in the partner related following chapters 4.1 to
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Situation of agriculture and forestry
Agricultural households: Agricultural households per 1,000 inhabitants [units]
~ 62 households per 1000 inhabitants
Farm Size in ha (average)
12,6 ha
Land use (% forestry, agriculture – thereof grassland, arable land,
orchards, specialised cultivation, fallows, badlands, areacoveredby buildings),
Livestock (LSU per hectare, number of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry, horses)
1248 ha grassland; from this are
6,6 % permanent pasture,
21,2 % common pasture,
0,9% one mowing pasture,
71 % hay meadow
There are 77 cattle holding companies and 41 sheep
holding companies !!!
of cattles: 1534
Number of sheeps: 1172
Number of goats: 62
Trade of agricultural and forestry products/Import and export of agricultural products
The trade with small cattles, the trade with wood, the
trade with lokal specalities of the region (for example
"Ennstaler Steirerkas" or the typicall styrian Pancakes)
Import of litter, Export of "Sölker Marmor", Export of
water energie
Agricultural households with forestry in %
Machinery: Tractors (single and double axis) per 100 agricultural households [units]
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Soelktaeler Nature
- To cultivate the rye in an
conventional form
- Back to the roots – only bio
farmers and products
- The region has to be more
market with the WM2013
- supraregional planned trails
will increase the number of
guests and will make the
region appealing to new
target groups
- To offer major tourist
- Install a business plan
- Install a management plan
- Work together in the three
- the climatic situation is
not optimal for the rye
cultivation, because he
don`t can thrive
- The mass buy not
enough organic (bio)
- planned amendments of
the EU-funding could
prevent the creation of
new touristic offers
- overnight stays stagnate
further on
- without a business- or
management plan - less
Alpine Farming
Various methods for
protection of agricultural
Bio farmers
- The nature park is
situated in a well known
touristic region, because
we are in a big touristic
association (Dachstein
- The Nature Park is the
largest tourist area in the
DT region
- The topics of hiking and
regional culinary delights
are important (Steirerkas,
Regional produced styrian
Pancakes, many hiking
- High guest frequency in
the summer in the
Großsoelk valley, because
there is the Soelkpass a
really interesting
Further development and
maintenance of pastures
(also alpine farming)
Get more bio – farmers and
products in the region
Very good service quality
Get more touristic
importance in the DT
Receive and care hiking
More marketing for the
Soelker marble
Maintain the different
education trails
The tourist offer can be
created together in all 3
The right area for the rye
cultivation have to be
found – not to steep
(less wind, good soil
Strength the regional
awareness for products
and make an awareness
With the increasing of
nature tourism, the
number of overnight
stays should be pushed
Works in transnational
projects to learn about
other tourist offers and
working methods
Use the four pillars of
the nature park and
communicate this in
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
appropriate road for
Interesting, small natural
tourism with a forest
educational trail, a water
educational trail, a ice
education trail and a
geological education trail.
Soelker marble quarry is a
touristic attraction
- The nature Park consists
of three communities
(St. Nikolai, Großsoelk,
- Good infrastructure
- Small agriculture product
- The slopes are really
- The Soelktaeler nature
park consists of two big
valleys! In this Soelk
valleys you need a lot of
time to go in the Ennstal!
(20 min)
- The “Soelkpass” is closed
6 - 7 month every year
- Delice in overnight stays
- restriction of recreational
activities in case of the
- No management plan in
the soelktaeler nature
- No business plan
- There a some deficits in
• Through the cultivation of
rye a regional awareness
should be created
• The landscape should be
used and cultivated with
all technical equipment.
The overnight stays rise up
through more tourist offer
Market this two valleys as
an area which should be
protected. Nature tourists
are important for this area.
A clear positioning of the
nature park and the best
use of the existing
Create a business and a
management plan
Take more time for
Create a business and a
management plan
Take more time for
Interview 1 – GM Project
Name: Volkhard Maier / Nature Park Manager
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
1. In which field are you mainly working?
Nature Park Management
2. I would kindly ask you to take a little time to think of your region. Could you describe the
most striking and illustrative positive aspects/strengths of rural development which come
up in your mind (either right now or in past)?
Ennstaler Steirerkas (Styrian cheese from Ennsvalley) will become “Genuss Region” in the next
days. Strong regional identification by this cheese. Around the cheese there are various
tourist products: “Ennstaler Almdiplom”, exhibition “Das Gold der Almen” in the castle
Großsölk, “Steirerkas Roas”.
3. I would kindly ask you to do a fictive jump in time with us: If you imagine your region in 10
years – what would you be able to describe in the region in terms of
a. Appearance of landscape
Cultural landscape with high biodiversity
b. Regionally produced products / specialties
Many products around the styrian chees
Big amount of products is sold in the region
c. Regionally operating economic sectors
Agricultural, tourism
d. How the sectors and the civil society are organized – what institutions will be
managing rural development
Nature protection institutions and agriculture institutions
4. Could you please name the three most important strategic / overall goals in rural
development in your region?
Support of agriculture
Increase the touristic offer for nature watching
Support regional companies
5. What are – to your mind – the three most pressing challenges/threats of rural development
your region has face right now?
Migration of well-educated people
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Missing Jobs for well educated people
Bad quality of accommodation
6. What are necessary steps – from your institution – to meet the above mentioned goals?
Clear touristic strategic
Create high quality jobs
Quality initiative for guest houses
7. What are the concretely planned / envisaged measures in the near future (within the
coming three years) – from your institution – to contribute to fulfillment of the overall goals
of rural development in your region?
a. Are there concrete project ideas ready to be applied (i.e. with high maturity in terms
of planning and financing)?
Creation of “Genussregion Ennstaler Steirerkas”
b. Are there project gaps (i.e. subjects / topics, where no project ideas have come
forward yet)?
Use of Sölktäler marble for tourist offers
c. Are there project ideas, without application yet (i.e. with high maturity in terms of
planning but without financing)?
Visitor Center at Sölkpass
8. Could you name / provide us with documents, which describe strategic goals and
operational details of rural development in your region? Could provide us with statistical
data / time series data, which depicts the situation / development of rural development in
your region? Optionally also: Could you name persons, also important involved /
ESA from Green Mountain
Strategie- und Maßnahmenplan “Toursimus im Naturpark – Sölktäler 2008 – 2012”
Interview 2 – GM Project
Name: Albert Holzinger / Mayor of municipality Kleinsölk
1. In which field are you mainly working?
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Municipal government
2. I would kindly ask you to take a little time to think of your region. Could you describe the
most striking and illustrative positive aspects/strengths of rural development which come
up in your mind (either right now or in past)?
Establishment of LEDAER
Various support Programs
Training opportunities, Awareness raising
3. I would kindly ask you to do a fictive jump in time with us: If you imagine your region in 10
years – what would you be able to describe in the region in terms of
a. Appearance of landscape
As now!
b. Regionally produced products / specialties
Steirerkas, Ennstallamm, Vogelbeerschnaps
c. Regionally operating economic sectors
d. How the sectors and the civil society are organized – what institutions will be
managing rural development
Lebensministerium - LEADER
4. Could you please name the three most important strategic / overall goals in rural
development in your region?
Preservation of the cultural landscape
Switching to renewable energy
Improving competitiveness
5. What are – to your mind – the three most pressing challenges/threats of rural development
your region has face right now?
Forestation of cultural landscape
Closing down of small farms
6. What are necessary steps – from your institution – to meet the above mentioned goals?
Better support or promotion of extensive farming operations at the expense of the
intensively used!
7. What are the concretely planned / envisaged measures in the near future (within the
coming three years) – from your institution – to contribute to fulfillment of the overall goals
of rural development in your region?
a. Are there concrete project ideas ready to be applied (i.e. with high maturity in terms
of planning and financing)?
Yes the “Genussregion Ennstaler Steirerkas”
b. Are there project gaps (i.e. subjects / topics, where no project ideas have come
forward yet)?
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
c. Are there project ideas, without application yet (i.e. with high maturity in terms of
planning but without financing)?
8. Could you name / provide us with documents, which describe strategic goals and
operational details of rural development in your region? Could provide us with statistical
data / time series data, which depicts the situation / development of rural development in
your region? Optionally also: Could you name persons, also important involved /
Culinary Delight Region “Ennstaler Steirerkas”
Indicate the country, the region concerned, the project partner and further organisations that will
lead the activity
There are 15 benefit regions in Styria, Austria. Other three candidates were added in April 2011
(Ennstal Lamb, Murtaler potatoes and Ennstaler Steirerkas). The Ennstaler Steirerkas, a crumb
cheese, is a typical regional product and is produced on six alpine pastures and in the Ennstal milk LP
(Limited Partnership).
What’s the idea behind the activity/product?
The aim is to strengthen the cooperation between agriculture, gastronomy, tourism and trade.
What precisely will the initiative set out to do, in both short and long term? What are the overall and
specific objectives?
Awarded the status of "candidate for the culinary delight region" the "culinary delight region
Ennstaler Steirerkas" has to fulfill different tasks until the final absorption in the culinary delight
regions Austria. Participants must meet quality criteria and set the future direction of the region.
Describe the resources you will use for the implementation of the activity/product, e.g. financial and
human resources, natural resources, skills, knowledge, Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT), premises, equipment or other.
The Ennstal milk LP, a producer of the “Ennstal Steirerkas”, supplies C& C (cash & carry) markets,
which should be obtained in addition to delis and grocery chains as a marketer of the product.
The Tourist Association Sölktäler nature park conveys visitors the knowledge of regional products
and their importance for the inhabitants of the Sölktäler. These include:
- The exhibition "The gold of the alps - Steirerkas" in the Sölktäler Nature Park Castle Großsölk
- “Ennstal mountain diploma”: since 2010, locals and visitors have the opportunity to learn
more about the production of the "Ennstaler Steirerkas" as well as on the traditional
management of mountain pastures. It combines different tasks like milking cows, making
cheese, baking doughnuts, acquiring knowledge about mountain pasture plants and animals
– just like a traditional mountain pasture custodian. Guests are able to enter a competition
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
where fun, knowledge, the development of traditional skills and the taste of home-made
food are offered.
What do you intend to do, using human and other resources, in order to achieve its objectives? Please
give an overview of the proposed main features of your initiative: main actions/activities, time scale,
methods to apply, information on any key factors such as e.g. cooperation/partnerships, etc. What
are the possible weak points in your opinion?
First, the quality criteria must be met by the participants. This requires close cooperation with the
culinary delight regions marketing LLC (Limited Liability Company).
At the time, the regional alignment with the partners:
- Producers: six alpine pastures and the Ennstal milk LP
- Local working group: Association for the promotion of the upper Ennstal mountain region
- Culinary delight regions Marketing LLC
- catering
should be set.
Describe the actors invited/involved, specific target-group(s) and expected direct and indirect
- Producers: 6 Alpine pastures and Ennstal milk KG
- Local working group: Association for the promotion of the upper Ennstal mountain region
- Culinary Delight regions Marketing GmbH
- regional population
- Austria-wide catering
- guests
Direct and indirect beneficiaries:
- hotels (f. e. through new offers initiate culinary delight travels)
- farmers
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible impacts.
- growing number of overnight stays
- restaurants (increasing sales)
- Expansion of the production through production on the farm (currently: production only
during the summer on the alps)??
- Raising the awareness of the cultural landscape (especially the mountain pastures) and their
What are the essential problems you expect, what could hinder the realization of the initiative?
The "Ennstaler Steirerkas" is produced in the summer months in small quantities on the alps. The
product is "sold out" already months before. Currently, the demand is greater than the offer.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
For the implementation of your initiative, what necessary support do you expect (e.g. special/detailed
information, relevant studies, possible fact finding missions at regions with already implemented
initiatives, insourcing of external expertise …).
Regionally produced Styrian Pancakes
The aim for the Nature Park Soelktaeler is to get a product which is fundamentally produced
from the first to the last step in the region (Nature Park Soelktaeler). The basic ingredient of
these Pancakes is a kind of a special rye (called „Tauern Rye”). This type of rye was grown earlier
in this area! So farmer need an area where they can cultivate this rye in a conventional form. To
facilitate processing, the rye has to be ground in an existing mill in the Nature Park Soelktaeler.
To complete this process the flour has to be processed into a dough which was prepared to
about 20 cm diameter thin pancakes. These pancakes should be fried in hot lard for a few
seconds. You can enjoy them cold or warm with the typical „Ennstaler Steirerkas“.
In cooperation with the research centre Raumberg – Gumpenstein, the idea was initiated to
cultivate and grow up the ray, which is the basic substance for this styrian pancakes. So it is our
aim to commercialize this as a regional and typically own produced product. To get the highest
value chain is very important for this area.
in terms of
These pancakes have a very old tradition. In former times it was the simplified food for the
farmers. It is a typically product of the mountain regions, and they are very rooted in the
population. There are also no problems with the legal situation, because rye has been
traditionally grown in this area.
General Objectives:
- Consistent existing regional value chain
- From the primary production to the finished product
- To take lard from the local butcher,
- Salt from a local saline
- Traditional rye varieties produced by regional farmers
- Grounding in a local, traditional mill
- To conduct a feasibility analysis
Specific Objectives:
- Determining production costs
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Determining market potential
Analyzing alternative marketing channels (bread, flour, etc.)
Search for the suitable grade (rye) for this area
To analyse the technique production
o It`s a BIO, or commercial farmer
Search an appropriate area for the rye cultivation (location and soil texture)
Activate mills to grind the rye (end product flour)
Hindrance of the farmers by a running environmental programme - ÖPUL subsidy
(farmlands are not supported)
- Talks about possible product protection with a production group from Lungau, producing
the same variety are necessary
o Major problems are not expected – „Tauern Rye“ has always been grown in
Product quality:
- problems could arise in terms of product quality in case of the organic farming
(mycotoxin contents)!!
- problems with the flour quality caused by the traditional milling process! (e.g. the mill
grinds too rough)
- problems with available production-areas ( erosion, soil texture, accessibility).
The right grade or material has to be found
• The right rye for this climatic area (perhaps the Tauern Rye)
• For the first attempt about ¼ acres are needed! The result are approx 200 kg
yield, where 50 - 60 kg are aside for seed. The aim is to get after one or two
years about 1 or 2 acres from the local farmers.
Similarly, the whole production technology should be adapted on quality and
Through the whole production a regional awareness should be created for value
o Only after a good running pilotphase the regional population awareness can
take place, and thus the possibilities of a project expansion would be wide
open. If the pilotphase proceed bad, so it`s difficult to win more awareness.
Also local ingredients such as lard and salt have to be used for the regional
production. (Local butcher, local saline, local baker – everything comes from the
Finally there is a market analysis be conducted to determine alternative marketing
methods. How could you use this flour out of this styrian pancakes? For example it`s
possible to make a typical “Sölker Bread” with the Sölker flour?
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
In order to produce a product on the basis of a regional value chain, special factors must to be
Starting with the purchase of the seed and the selection of an arable land should be created a
basis. Fortunately, some hundred kilos of seed are available so production can start within this
growing season.
For cultivating the farmlands a mechanical help is indispensable. Through the cooperation with
Gumpenstein, certain mechanic devices in the first 2 years are available and free of charge. Also,
a consulting expense for the farmers is offered gratuitously by Gumpenstein.
For the grinding of corn is one working mill available. How far more necessary equipment can be
activated is still uncertain. Both the grain (rye) and flour should be stored properly. The storage
room should be dry and cool. For the next 2 years, Gumpenstein would overtake over the
Thinking a little further, it must prevail clear what stakeholders will get the milled flour!
What containers are used and is a continuous grinding possible?
Important for the marketing of regionally styrian pancakes is the combination with the „Ennstaler
Producer: Farmer
Scientific support: Raumberg – Gumpenstein
Organisation and administration: Nature Park Soelktaeler
Support: Culinary Delight Marketing GmbH
Local working group: Association for the promotion of the upper Ennstal mountain
- Local butcher (for the lard)
- Maybe the regional saline
Target – Groups:
- Regional population
- Guests
- Direct and indirect beneficiaries:
- Farmers
- Regionally local markets
The entire planning process is conducted in a framework of the green mountain project. The
basic plan, it`s also the first step of this procedure, is carried out by the research centre
Raumberg – Gumpenstein and the Nature Park Soelktaeler. The Nature Park Soelktaeler is trying
to find a common basis for discussion with all actors and stakeholders, in order to implement this
project. With a common cooperation thus a regional value chain can be achieved.
Basically, it can be assumed, that this project is funded in the first 2 years. In the 3rd year the
project must be maintained by the stakeholders, with the sale of flour or rye itself.
The following stakeholders have a great importance for the implementation. The second step
deals with the land which must be made available for cultivation by the local farmers. Also talks
with the Mills – Owners about the grinding fineness and the quality of the new flour should be
important. Without some meetings with the research centre Raumberg Gumpenstein, a project
like this is not possible because they have the technical requirements and the knowledge. The
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
monitoring process is accompanied by this organization and the Nature Park Soelktaeler. It`s
partly absolute new ground for the today`s farmers to grow up rye, so they also need a lot of
- Important for the development of the process is that the production technology is
successfully implemented and optimized.
Cooperation with Raumberg – Gumpenstein (They have the Know-How and the materials
for cultivating the „Tauern-Rye“)
The nature park Soelktaeler
Not available
One method to be used in this paper as an aid in modeling the management Nature Park has
a SWOT analysis. With help of this method we analyze the factors of internal and external
environment and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats closely related to the
management of PP Blidinje. In this sense, the results of the SWOT analysis will be used as
one of the signposts and benchmarks in setting the organization's management, but also a
framework for a discussion concerning the design and development of certain functions of
PP Blidinje.
SWOT analysis is a method on the basis of whose knowledge is to establish a balance
between internal capabilities and external possibilities. It is a set of analytical method used
to compare their strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and dangers that are
perceived in the environment. In this paper the concept of SWOT analysis is used to assess
how the management of PP Blidinje possible use of existing values and opportunities, and
that you can divert and engage the resources and means to exploit opportunities and avoid
In almost every analysis of management models as significant factors in the external
environment include:
- Political stability of the founders,
- Legal regulations, and efficiency of the legal system to protect business
- General economic situation in the environment (infrastructure resources, monetary and
fiscal policies.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
In addition to factors external environment for protected areas are important and internal
factors such as management, finance, human resources, infrastructure, etc. The essential
components of intern environment are:
- Management or the vision, mission, policies and development goals,
- The ability of the management team,
- Organizational structure and business culture,
- Marketing in terms of promotion activities and, especially, services,
- Financial in terms of stability and investment opportunities and the chance
- Staff in the planning and selection of personnel, motivation, or more targeted training,
- The infrastructure in terms of material resources (buildings, vehicles, communications,
roads, etc.)
Analysis and prediction of internal capabilities and resources to identify key strengths, and
characteristics on the basis of which provides conditions for achieving business excellence
and competitive advantage. For such reflection and design management often uses the
concept of value chain created by Deming. Value chain focuses managerial activities of the
organization for nine strategic activities such as:
- Quality management,
- Process management,
- Personnel management,
- Cost management,
- Development and application of new technologies,
- Product development,
- Marketing and promotion,
- Supply and Service.
After analyzing the legal obligations and powers and relationship with stakeholders in the
management of interest, as a further step in developing management models for PP Blidinje
conducted a SWOT analysis. The table highlights are the strength or strengths, weaknesses
or deficiencies, opportunities or capabilities, and a series of threats or hazards.
A clear vision, mission and objectives of management and development strategies
Preserved development potential associated with the natural beauty of the environment
and creation of brand image and PP Blidinje
The desire and ability of PP Blidinje
Stable financial resources.
Existing infrastructure and its ability to further Planning Motivation and founder of Citizens
for the preservation of Nature
The absence of long-term vision and mission management and development
Lack of understanding of all aspects of the founders of the concept of management
Poor cooperation with the environment (sports associations, schools, tourist offices, etc)
The absence of an entrepreneurial spirit of PP
Personnel poor team-work and poor staffing structure
Lack of permanent funding
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Support the national policy of management of protected areas
Strengthening of all, especially public office PP
Expansion of eligible commercial facilities
Growing understanding of management policies by citizens
Connect with domestic and foreign similar protected areas
Potentially strong support of civil society and stakeholders in the implementation
management concept
Turning to the scientific-technical projects and programs
Contribution to the development of the tourism product
Strong pressures on the integrity of the area
Political instability and economic stagnation in the close environment
Negative attitudes of residents and users of PP
Lack of awareness of citizens about the objectives and management measures
Political disqualification basic goals and purposes PP
The lack of preparation, adoption and implementation of key documents and the planning of
The lack of broad support for civil society
Waiver of Personnel Management to strengthen the PP
Based on the findings of the SWOT analysis is concluded on the priorities and activities that
must be considered when determining the design and management. Although such an
analysis requires a complex analysis, but the simple interpretation of the findings indicates
that the key management model:
- Strengthening of the institution staff
- Urgent preparation and adoption of planning and development documents
- Improvement of the program of work, especially the scientific
- Permanent financial stability
- Broad support of citizens, political structures and organizations.
From the table you can see that the concept of management Blidinje PP has much strength,
but also significant weaknesses. Since all of the states have the same meaning ('weight')
added to each item is determined by analyzing the probability of its realization and
magnitude of impact on the overall management objectives.
Outlined the opportunities and threats from the environment and identified strengths and
weaknesses in the design model but management can be a useful tool for checking achieving
management objectives on an annual, and long-term basis.
Not available
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Not available
Not available
partner region: Bulgaria, Smolyan region
Assessment for each participating region
2.1 General socio-economic situation
Area concerned (km²), number of administrative
units (communities) concerned
3192,9 km², or 2.9% of the territory of the
country - 110 000 km²; 1 region, 10
Grossdomesticproduct (GDM)/per head
1164,75 euro for region 3205,5 euro for Bulgaria
Population: Population development , age pyramid, population density per km²
120 456 people, 37,7 people per km²; The
country - 7 364 570, average density is 66 people
Import and Export in €
Gross Domestic Product in the Region Smolyan
is 418 million euro during 2007.
Business activities: number of registered businesses, sector relation in %
4858 companies, of which: 235 Agriculture, hunting
and forestry; 1785 trade; 650 converting; 634 Hotels
and restaurants; 415 Transport, storage and
communications and etc.
Labour market: Employment related to the three sectors
(initial production, commerce and industry, services)
in %, rate of unemployment
45.6 thousand employed; unemployment for 2011 in
Smolyan is 23.8% (14.2 thousand, 45.6 thousand
unemployed and employed) in 11.2% of the country
Should be related to the average situation of the country
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Situation of agriculture and forestry
Number of the Agriculture Farms is 23 838 with total area
of 167 682,9 decares (16 768,29 ha). 198 аgriculture Farms
per 1 000 inhabitans.
Agricultural households: Agricultural households per 1,000 inhabitants [units]
Farm Size in ha (average)
Average 1,40 ha
Land use (% forestry, agriculture – thereof grassland, arable land,
orchards, specialised cultivation, fallows, badlands, areacoveredby buildings),
The larger part of the region is covered by forests 2093 thousand ha (66%) and agricultural lands
occupy 851 thousand ha (27%).
Livestock (LSU per hectare, number of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry, horses)
7,7 LSU per hectare; number of: 13790 cattle, 231 pigs,
29801 sheep and goats, 85817 poultry.
Trade of agricultural and forestry products/Import and export of agricultural products
Production - Caws milk 20639 t.; Sheep milk 1040 t.;
Goat milk 352 t.; Meat Big cattle 177 t.; Meat Small
cattle 116 t.; Meat – pigs 16 t.; Eggs 20276 thousand;
Bee honey 51 t.
Forests occupy a large part of the territory of the
district - 2,531,000 sq. m (70 %). 235 companies Agriculture, hunting and forestry.
Agricultural households with forestry in %
Machinery: Tractors (single and double axis) per 100 agricultural households [units]
Total tractors – 177 agricultural households with
188 number of tractors - 0,94,
The coordination of creation of the rules and enforcement of regional brand - logo and
slogan to promote the products of Region Smolyan and the Rhodope Mountains and its
promotion and strengthening influences strongly on additional opportunities for tourism
development, agriculture and small and medium businesses. In SWOT analysis are covered
the main factors that can contribute to the development or be a threat in this process.
Protection of the nature.
Availability of the natural resources – pure
nature, mineral water, forests, ore.
Tourist center with international and
national importance /Pamporovo/.
Opening of more border passes to Greece,
which will make easier the link to the
White Sea.
Ecologically clean region
Places for recreation and historical sites
for tourism
Professional experience and traditions in
the sphere of tourism, timber industry, ski
production, production of potatoes,
tailoring industry.
Well-developed power supply net.
Building of new and enlarging of the
existing infrastructure.
Applying with new projects for use of the
European Funds.
Low incomes and low purchasing power
of the population.
High unemployment and unfavorable
demographical characteristic.
Insignificant foreign investments in the
region during the last years.
Undeveloped and badly maintained
Decline of the main economic branches.
Isolation of the large administrative and
industrial centers.
Lack of effective regional clusters.
Not well provided funds of the
investments projects.
Very strongly limited production of
many branches.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Use of the programs for work load to
decrease the unemployment.
Increase of the commercial exchange
Development of appropriate forms for 5.
tourism during whole year: rural, cultural,
spa, adventure, etc…
Lack of foreign investors in the region
and small municipalities.
Immersion of the economic crisis.
Lack of targeted state financial support
and policy for help for regional
The evaluation formed as SWOT analysis gives reason to formulate the following
Regarding the inner factors for development:
Regional advantages, which have to be developed:
Sustainable use of clean natural environment and natural resources, providing more
added value products based on higher quality
Favorable geographical position - it is necessary to develop transport infrastructure in
the two directions
as an internal transport network - from the border of Rudozem to Plovdiv and
along Gotse Delchev - Kardjali - the TEN-T program in 2015 - 2020 years - road II86;
as interstate transport connections - acceleration detecting transitions road links
to the Republic of Greece and modernization of road infrastructure of Greek
side. (Although the largest common border between Smolyan and signed
agreements, currently operates only one tourist transport link in Zlatograd.)
Tourism - differential benefits (mountains, pure nature, potential for near sea / opening road
links / cultural-historical values).
Weaknesses need targeted support policy:
Availability of highly undeveloped territorial units.
Unfavourable demographic characteristics.
Low socio-economic indicators.
Isolation from major administrative and economic centers.
Poor condition of technical transport infrastructure.
With regard to external factors for the development:
External factors create opportunities, but also threats in the field of regional development.
The defining features whose implementation would increase the strengths and
competitiveness are:
• The use of EU funds is a key factor in financing regional development policy.
• Attracting foreign investment.
• Development of tourism: development of mountain tourism, development of
cultural-historical, spa and health tourism.
• Use of land and favorable climatic conditions for agriculture.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Modernization the transport infrastructure.
Real threats to which government should oppose specific measures and actions to
reduce or offset their effects are:
Lack of targeted state policy for regional development in Smolyan region as a
mountain and still isolated.
Low absorption of EU funds for the implementation of modern transport regarding
domestically and internationally.
The results of economic crisis over the key sectors and areas related to socioeconomic development of the region and municipalities.
Poorly developed product based on cultural and historical values and their
and others.
Participative analyses / Results of half standardized interviews
One focus of the analysis of a mountainous region is getting in contact with important
regional players and investigating their position in the region as well as their view on the
current situation and on the future development. The position and views of the regional
players leads to a more complete picture regarding the options of rural development in the
specific mountainous area and to get comparable results to other regions.
In order to be covered the important problems and perspectives for the Region Smolyan and
mountainous areas were held interviews and a series of conversations with important
regional players and with people involved in regional development and development of
mountain areas. Among the interviewed people are people with significant managerial and
political experience as in a previous period, and at this time. With some of the interviewees
we had a conversation in terms of different experiences, which they had, depending on the
positions in a different time period. We managed to interview the following groups
(categories) with important regional players:
Political representatives, as mayors ... - Two current, long-term mayors - with few mandate Mayor of Chepelare and Mayor of Banite. Two former mayors - with few mandates - mayor
of Smolyan and Mayor of Rudozem. (4)
Representatives of the administration (municipality / region / ministry) ... - Representative of
Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection and Water, a representative at regional
level in the field of agriculture and the environment. (2)
Representatives of existing structures of support and financing: regional development
agencies ... - A current chairman of the cooperation for development and support of farmers
and growers, who is also chairman of the national association of these co operations, he is
also a former President of the Chamber of Commerce – together with., representative of the
Association of entrepreneurs, a representative of the association of craftsmen,
representatives of the Regional Tourist association "Rodopi" (7).
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Representatives of important companies (tourism and others) - Representatives of
companies part of the timber industry -Todor Kisiov, of the construction, of the tourism,
machine-building, of the transport, and agriculture economy. (6)
Individuals important for local development - Dean of Smolyan branch of the Varna Free
University a former head of the regional administration of the Construction sector and
industry involved in the development of the regulations of Council of Ministers with
concrete measures for development of the Smolyan region. (2) and others.
Their opinion and experience was reported in the drafting of conclusions to 2.1 - General
socio-economic situation and p. 2.4 Identification of strengths and weaknesses,
opportunities and threats in the participating SEE Green Mountain regions (SWOT). As a key
conclusion is the opinion that we need permanent, guaranteed policy for sustainable
development of Region Smolyan as mountain region and the realization of the transport
links with the Republic of Greece - as a last and isolated area. Such a policy must contribute
to sustainable use of mountain resources and to continue centuries-old tradition of harmony
life between humans and nature in the Rhodopes. It is important such a policy to find a
complex reflection in national policy for regional development and on specific targeted
measures on the Operational Programmes of the EU for the next planning period - 2014 2020.
To overcome this situation we offer and work to form a comprehensive policy for the Region
Smolyan and the complex interaction with all departments for solving important problems
for the region. We have made such suggestions and hope for a positive resolution.
For a number of activities in the Rhodopes, as mountain, more extreme, less developed and
inaccessible region, there were many economic levers that were intended at least partially
offset some profitable economic activities
See Chapter 4.3.5
Coordination of the elaboration of rules and introduction of regional brand – logo and slogan, in
order to promote products from the Smolyan region. Activities to promote and to establish the
Indicate the country, the region concerned – Bulgaria, Smolyan Region
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
the project partners – small business organisation
further organisations that will lead the activity - Creation of Expert Council for management of the Brand;
- Undertaking concrete activities to make popular with municipalities, small business and
organisation, local people and other, The Business Chamber, Agriculture Private
Corporations, Knowledge Dissemination Association, etc…
We focus on the task to work hard for entire and multi-aspects promoting of the region, by
creating the entire policy of use of the Regional Certificate Brand
What’s the idea behind the activity/product?
- Coordination of the elaboration of rules and introduction of regional brand – logo
and slogan, in order to promote products from the Smolyan region. Activities to
promote and to establish the brand.
- Improving marketing possibilities of mountain products.
- Improving the image of mountain products of Smolyan region and possibilities for
strengthening the value-added chains.
- Improving synergies between mountain products and tourism.
- Regional information system.
- Exchange and transfer of knowledge.
RELEVANCE in terms of Mountain character – It will contribute for better realization of the mountain products. It will
give a possibility of mountain products to be a part of add-value and to reflect in their price. It
will make popular the life in the mountain – closer to the nature, as well as to the clean and
preserved environment.
Sustainability – create a possibility for organization of the regional principle of coordination
mechanism for help in realization of the products, improving the tourist product and stick the
nature and mountain potential into regional economy. The result will be improving standard of
life, incomes and way of life of the local population.
Law – It can be initiated suggestions, which could cover the Mountain Regional Certificate and to
integrated into legislation. Important is to point the possibility of focusing using the operative
programmes of EU for the next Planned Period 2014 – 2020. It is important to examine the
possibility of applying the approach with trans-governmental conventions in concrete situations.
Beneficiaries – Beneficiaries are all municipalities, small business, agricultural producers, the
population of the region. Indirectly there will be positive influence over the tourists and
consumers of the mountain product.
Short/brief description of problem and possible solution - The main problem is the higher price
of the mountain product and the pressure of the big commercial chains over the local producers.
The problem is also missing of one organized open market, as well as the export of final product
from the region.
Possible solution – Use of the possibilities of the geographical location and Certificate Brand for
development of positive image and coordination the efforts for realizing the local products, for
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
development the tourism and improvement the life of the local population.
OBJECTIVES (before background) General - We focus on the task to work hard for entire and multi-aspects promoting of the
region, by creating the entire policy of use of the Regional Certificate Brand. It will contribute for
better realization of the mountain product, to create possibilities the quality of the mountain
products to be part of the add-value and to reflect in their price.
Specific – To use the possibilities of the geographical location and certificated brand in order to
create the positive image and coordinated efforts for realization of the local products, for
development the tourism and improvement the standard of live of the local population.
The objective of the certificated brand is to become one of the most important power of the
products and other trade brands from the region.
Short and long term –
1. Short term:
- Creating the Expert Council for Brand Managing;
- Creating the rules and regulations for Brand use;
- Identifying the primary beneficiaries.
2. long term:
- Improvement possibilities in the marketing of mountain products.
- Improving the image of mountain products of Smolyan region and possibilities for
strengthening the value-added chains.
- Improving synergies between mountain products and tourism.
- Regional information system.
- Exchange and transfer of knowledge
Resources for the implementation of the activity/product:
First, we ensured and already implemented the process for the choice of the preserved brandlogo-slogan. We did a preliminary agreement between the associations for the Brand use. The
registration has done in the patent department.
Financial – We did not make financial plan yet for the realization of foreseen activities. We have
foreseen financing by different resources during the realization of concrete initiatives.
Human resources –We will use the experience of the local specialists, as well as of the external
experts. Except the experience we received during the staying in Austria and presenting the Euro
Mark, we foreseen a study visit in the National Park Strandja, with certificated brand and with
built mechanisms for its use.
Natural resources – We rely on the clean nature and the possibility of the mountain. It is
foreseen to make classification and grouping the nature sightseeing, for better realization of the
concrete activities.
Skills – We are working over improving the skills of the people engaged with this project. We
would like to form culture of presenting and promoting the mountain products.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Knowledge – During the entire process of implementation the project new knowledge has
received, which help for over build what has already achieved. Thus the achieved knowledge help
for better planning of nowadays and future activities.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) – the realization of the activities is
impossible without the use of the modern information and communication recourses. Now we
are trying to give an access of the info-kiosk system for the region.
Premises – On this stage the Regional Administration - Smolyan ensure the necessary premises
for work and logistic.
Equipment – The necessary equipments for the work and logistics are provided by the Regional
administration- Smolyan.
Other – On the base of the active communication with the stakeholdersна, we aim the creation
of the main body of experts, who will be engaged with the coordination and implementation of
the certificated brand.
Resources available – available resources include the registered brand (logo and slogan),
available premises for carrying out the working seminar, expert potential and the associations of
the small and medium business.
Resources needed – Ensuring the entire market strategy for the region, followed up by the
resourced covered active plan.
The development is provided by over building experience and skills, by the desire to develop the
possibilities of using new (for the region) forms of assistance for producers, for the tourism
industry and by the popularity of the territory as a whole.
An important basis for development is the use of opportunities of new ICT solutions as a system
of information kiosks. We are exploring at the moment the possibilities for using that new
information system for certificated brand.
Methods to apply – an important element of the methodology is the upgrade. Our goal is to
implement new, innovative form that allows better development of local producers and the
inclusion cleanliness of the production and geographical features in the add-value of the offered
product offered.
An important aspect, we have to exam, as possibility is the applying of the model "fair trade".
How does the model "fair trade" work?
Small farmers, producing the same products, combine in a cluster (cooperative). They sell their
products to licensed dealers who are members of fair trade register. Products are purchased on a
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
fixed prices determined by fair trade, and usually the price is from 2 to 3 times higher than
normal "market". The farmer cluster receives up to 50% advance prepayment for the future
production, as well informing the farmers. In case the farmer cluster decides to produce and
organic products, it will receive additional financial incentives in the form of higher purchase
It is important to explore is it possible the similar aspect and mechanism of interaction in the
implementation of mountain production and how to provide funding for its implementation.
What do you intend to do, using human and other resources, in order to achieve its objectives?
With this initiative we aim to:
to form a comprehensive policy for the use of certificated brand for the region and to work for
comprehensive and multi-aspect promotion of the region.
We intend to realize the following steps:
1) Coordination of the elaboration of rules and introduction of regional brand – logo and
slogan, in order to promote products from the Smolyan region. Activities to promote and
to establish the brand.
2) Improvement possibilities in the marketing of mountain products.
3) Improving the image of mountain products of Smolyan region and possibilities for
strengthening the value-added chains.
4) Improving synergies between mountain products and tourism.
5) Regional information system.
6) Exchange and transfer of knowledge.
Overview of the proposed main features of your initiative:
main actions/activities
time scale
methods to apply
information on any key factors such as e.g. cooperation/partnerships, etc.
We will use the experience of the local specialists, as well as of the external experts. Except the
experience we received during the staying in Austria and presenting the Euro Mark, we foreseen
a study visit in the National Park Strandja, with certificated brand and with built mechanisms for
its use.
We rely on the clean nature and the possibility of the mountain. It is foreseen to make
classification and grouping the nature sightseeing, for better realization of the concrete activities.
We are working over improving the skills of the people engaged with this project. We would like
to form culture of presenting and promoting the mountain products.
During the entire process of implementation the project new knowledge has received, which
help for over build what has already achieved. Thus the achieved knowledge help for better
planning of nowadays and future activities.
The realization of the activities is impossible without the use of the modern information and
communication recourses. Now we are trying to give an access of the info-kiosk system for the
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Actors invited/involved
municipalities, small business and organisation, local people and other, Business Chamber,
Agriculture Private Corporations, Knowledge Dissemination Association, etc...
Specific target-group(s)
- Farmers
- Processing firms
- Trade
- and others.
expected direct and indirect beneficiaries
- Consumers
- Political decision-makers
- Communities
- Nature conservation organisations
- Mountain populations in general (jobs)
- and others.
Expected RESULTS AND IMPACT (after objectives)
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible impacts:
Expected Results related to activities
Expected Results related to objectives
Expected Results related to the mountain character
What are the Strong/weak points in terms of sustainability?
Will work for the achievement of the following important aspects:
- The image of mountain products
- Expectations of the consumers
- Possibilities for strengthening the value-added chains in mountain regions
- Marketing strategies
- Improvement possibilities in the marketing of mountain products
- Synergies between mountain products and tourism
Expected Results related to the mountain character
It will contribute to better realization of mountain products. It will enable the qualities of
mountain products to become part of add-value and to reflect in their price. It will promote the
lifestyle in the mountains - closer to the nature and to the protected environment.
What are the Strong/weak points in terms of sustainability?
Sustainability – creates the possibility of organizing a regional model of a coordination
mechanism to support implementation of the production, improvement of tourism products and
stick the potential of nature and mountains into the region's economy. It will improve quality of
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
life, incomes and livelihoods of local people. If it is not provide effective financed resources, it
will not get a lasting solution to the problems and entire sustainability of the approach. Following
the rules, developing for the certificated brand, will result sustainable effects for respecting the
Law – It can be initiated suggestions, which could cover the Mountain Regional Certificate and to
integrated into legislation. Important is to point the possibility of focusing using the operative
programmes of EU for the next Planned Period 2014 – 2020. It is important to examine the
possibility for applying the approach with trans-governmental conventions in concrete situations.
There is a very serious danger such policy not to be accepted.
Preconditions to fulfil activities
The prerequisites to get a good result can be divided into two groups:
a / activities already implemented: First we provided and passed the selection process for a
protected brand - logo and slogan. We have signed preliminary agreement between the
associations using the brand. Registration has done at the Patent Department.
b / clearly understood the necessity of creating an opportunity to organize a regional model of a
coordination mechanism for supporting implementation of the production, improvement of
tourism products and stick potential of nature and mountains into the region's economy.
Essential problems expected
Limitations that could hinder the realization of the initiative:
If it is not provide effective resourced mechanism, it will not get a lasting solution to the
problems and sustainability of this approach.
It is good to mention the ability to direct the policy towards mountainous areas by the EU
operational programs for the next planning period 2014-2020. The process of defining goals and
priorities is underway and is an important activity and strong arguments to rely on eventual
It is an important point to explore the possibility of applying the approach to intergovernmental
agreements in specific areas. There is a serious threat not to adopt such a policy directed both
the legal aspects and political ones.
e.g. special/detailed information
relevant studies
possible fact finding missions at regions with already implemented initiatives insourcing of
external expertise
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Green Mountain
We have the necessary initial support from regional and local authorities, representatives of
business and academia. Very important was the support of Green Mountain to provide
information about the Euro Mark, exchange of best practices and visits to Hungary and Austria.
We will seek greater support at the national level to realize the goals of policy directed to our
mountain region, seeking such an opportunity and betting planning for the next planning period
Territorial cooperation aspects
We are working towards a regional model of a coordination mechanism to support
implementation of the production, improvement of tourism products and stick potential of
nature and mountains into the region's economy. It will improve quality of life, incomes and
livelihoods of local people.
An important issue is to organize a unified approach to focus attention on targeted policy and
attitude towards life in the mountains.
Interaction between the partners and other institutions would have serious contribution in this
There is a possibility to organize the use of the joint potential of certificated brand Green
Mountain, which should be explored in greater depth.
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
partner region:
2.1 General socio-economic situation
Area concerned (km²), number of administrative
units (communities) concerned
Grossdomesticproduct (GDM)/per head
Population: Population development , age pyramid, population density per km²
Region of Epirus
The region of Epirus covers 9.203 km², 6,7% of the country and after the
recent change of its administration units (law no 3852/2010), it consists of
4 regional sectors Ioannina, Arta, Preveza and Thesprotia.
The GMD/per head of the Region for the year 2009 was 14.221 euros, and
the countrys GMD/per head was 20.531 euros.
According to the last inventory (2001), the population of the region of
Epirus is 353.820 inhabitants, 3,22% of the national population. The
population development is 4,0% (the country's is 6,4%). The statistics
show that 19,86% is over 65years old, 65,93% 15-64 and 14,19% 0-14
years old.The population density is 38,7 per km2, and the national
density is 83,1 per km².
Import and Export in €
For the year 2007: Imports 158.000.000 euros, Exports 69.000.000 euros.
For the year 2010: exports 161.503.312 euros (according to the greek
statistics agency)
Business activities: number of registered businesses, sector relation in %
There exist 3 industries at the yoghurt business, 10 smaller for the
production of traxanas, and many small workshops where pites (baked
and frozen) are produced, although in every restaurant pites are baked by
chefs daily, in large quantities.
Labour market: Employment related to the three sectors
(initial production, commerce and industry, services)
in %, rate of unemployment
For the year 2001 the employment in initial production was 22,2%,
Commerce and industry 19,7%, Services 53,3%. Nationally the rates
are 14,4%, 21,7% and 58,5% for the same year. The unemployment
rate the 1st trimester of 2012 is 20,6%, in the region of Epirus.
(according to the greek statistics agency)
Should be related to the average situation of the country
Situation of agriculture and forestry
Agricultural households: Agricultural households per 1,000 inhabitants [units]
Farm Size in ha (average)
Land use (% forestry, agriculture – thereof grassland, arable land,
orchards, specialised cultivation, fallows, badlands, areacoveredby buildings),
Livestock (LSU per hectare, number of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry, horses)
Trade of agricultural and forestry products/Import and export of agricultural products
Agricultural households with forestry in %
Machinery: Tractors (single and double axis) per 100 agricultural households [units]
There are 42.951 agricultural households in the region of Epirus.
(Agricultural households 121,39 per 1.000 inhabitants).
0,62 ha in Epirus. 0,698 ha in Greece (average)
The region of Epirus covers an area of 920,32 ha, 35% of which
is agriculture (grassland 14,23%, arable land 1,7%), 62% forestry
and seminatural areas, 1,8% is covered by water, 0,5%
areacovered by buildings, and finally the industrial and
commercial zones, transport network, mines, worksites cover
There are no available data of the LSU, because of the fact that
those units are many and they are moving. For the year 2000 the
number of cattle was 46.304, poultry 30.033.444, sheep and
goats 1.229.932 and pigs 94.878.
Epirus trades 60% of the produced livestock products. 90% of the
produced poultry, 30% of the 1st day chicks, 80% of the pigmeat,
65% of the sheep and goats. For the year 2010 the exports of
dairy products covereded 19% of the national exports, 16% of
fish and shells, 4,1% of live animals, 3,1% of meat.
The production of round wood is 20.474 c.m. (year 2000).
There are no available data.
94,82 Single axis tractors per 100 units, 110,16 double axis
tractors per 100 agricultural households.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
1. Geographic position and infrastructure
The geographic position of Epirus as the West
Gate of Greece to the European Union and the
Balkans, and the construction of big transport
infrastructure (Egnatia road, West Axe,
Hgoumenitsa Port etc), create the conditions for
supranational development in transport and
The construction of the natural gas pipe line
Greece-Italy, which gives to the Region of Epirus
the capability to become the intermediate
energy junction of great meaning and
The continuing growth of the transnational
commerce with the Balkan countries.
The remarkable sea connection between Greece
and Italy.
2. Entrepreneurship and innovation
The development of “fetal” policies in
innovation, such as the “Regional Information
Society”, “Entrepreneurship through Innovation
in Epirus”.
The existence of basic conditions for touristic
development, given the natural beauty of the
area, the cultural richness, the geographical
position and the prospective exit of the isolation
through the constructing infrastructure. Such
areas with great development potentials, are the
coastal zone of the Ionian sea, and the zone of
the mountainous areas, which have ecological
and cultural richness and can accept the
development of mild forms of tourism.
The dynamic development of the University of
Ioannina (especially in New Technologies, The
Information Society and Medicine), which
contributes to the creation of conditions to make
the city of Ioannina and Epirus in general, the
center of educational innovation and services
1. Geographic position and infrastructure
The lack of air transport infrastructure at the
region of Epirus, which is almost exclusively
covered by the Ioannina airport, which does
not have enough facilities and services in order
to become an air transport junction for the
The lack of technological infrastructure, of
loading, unloading and storage installations,
and of terminal installations for the
development of combined transports.
The insufficient upgrade of the Preveza port.
The insufficiency of the local road network and
the access to the mountainous and
disadvantaged areas.
The lack of railroad connection of the exit gate
(port of Hgoumenitsa) to the national rail road
2. Entrepreneurship and innovation
High cost of production
Lack of research for all the forms of initial
production section and as a result the quality
and the production can’t be improved.
The small manufacturing activity, the small size
of businesses, the reduced production in
relation with the average production of the
country, the inward orientation of businesses
and the inability of producing branded
products with designated origin.
The low grade of cooperation with the tourist
The inability to use the advantages offered by
the information society and the new
information and communication technologies.
The unbalanced tourist exploitation of the
cultural richness, confined in few areas.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
with interregional and ultra-national velocity and
also the continuous strong presence of The
Technological Educational Institution (TEI) with
schools in several cities of Epirus.
3. Environment
The existence of useable resources of renewable
energy sources.
The existence of important ecologic wealth and
of exceptional natural ecosystems. It is
mentioned that the areas of the Region of Epirus
which are included at the National Catalogue
NATURA 2000, cover 28% of the Region. Those
areas are the National Park Vikou-Aoou and
Pindou, The Amvrakikos Gulf, woods, biotopes,
nature’s monuments, areas of special natural
and aesthetic beauty etc.
The existence of approved Spatial Plan of the
Region of Epirus, the implementation of which is
considered to lead to the orthologic distribution
of various activities in the area, in terms of
sustainability, protection and upgrade of the
The existence of approved plan for solid waste
The forming of operators for the management,
and protection of 4 protected areas at the region
of Epirus which are integrated at the European
Network NATURA 2000.
The demand for environmental license for works
and activities according to the European
instructions and directives.
4. Agriculture
The existence of basic conditions for the
development of initial production, based on the
cultivation of organic agricultural products,
especially at the livestock industry and of course
the existence of positive interdependencies with
the secondary sector (processing of agriculture
and livestock products).
In the Region the initial production plays a very
important role at the economic development of
The low grade of interconnection and
collaboration of businesses with the University,
the T.E.I., the Technological Park, the
Institutes, etc.
3. Environment
The serious deficiencies in infrastructure for
activities of the secondary and the initial
production sector. Residential wastewaterwaste.
4. Agriculture
The continuing reduction of the contribution of
the initial production and the secondary sector
to the GDP (with the simultaneous growth of
the services sector)
The low level of technical and organizational
skills of the breeders.
The small rural clergy and the problems related
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
the Region.
In the Region of Epirus livestock industry
contributes 65% to the total gross production
value of the initial production, while nationally
this percentage is almost 39%. In the regional
sector of Ioannina 28% of the gross domestic
product belongs to initial production and the
same nationally is 17%.
The regional sector of Ioannina is the 3rd
producing area of cheese in the country, next to
Trikala and Larissa, with 9% of the total
production. It is the 1st at the production of
meat offering 8% of the production in 2004.
From the agricultural sector comes 5% of its
product, contributing 0,9% to the total
agricultural product of the country.
The high quality that defines the livestock
products of Epirus.
The appointment of Epirus as the West Gate of
the country to the European Union and the
Balkan (especially Albania), and as the
intermediate junction of transport and other
investments in the processing sector and
transport related branches.
The integration of the West Railroad Axe to the
Trans European Network.
The Planning of the Ionian Road.
The construction of the natural gas pipe line
Greece-Italy, which gives to the Region of Epirus
the opportunity to become the intermediate
energy junction of great importance.
The continuous increase in demand for branded
and quality agricultural products, for the
production of which Epirus has got the basic
The increasing demand for products-services of
mountainous areas.
The modern technology in information and
to the ownership of the land.
The low grade of agricultural mechanization.
The low level of management of grazing land
and forestry- the lack of managing plans.
The low level in organizing producers and
The low level of covering the nutritional needs
of animals with food produced in the area.
The need to further organize vertically the
livestock production.
The delay in completing the transport
infrastructure puts in danger the appointment
of Epirus as the transport source of the country
to West and Central Europe.
The growing competition pressure in
traditional economy sectors, as a result of the
gradual removal from the state of isolation of
Epirus, which led to a peculiar protectionism of
the inner market.
The population deforestation in inaccessible
areas and the lack of human resources for the
support of activities in inaccessible areas.
The big number of descending and abandoned
The alienation of employment from certain
sectors of economy (agriculture, intense work
businesses), due to structural changes.
The unwillingness and difficulty in adjusting to
the demands of the labor market (new
abilities), of people who face unemployment in
older age.
The lack of professional opportunities for
young people and women in the country.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
communications offers possibilities for the
promotion and the projection of products and
services of the area towards wider Greek and
international markets.
The big number of alternative activities.
The good potential to enrich the tourist product
of the coastal zone with activities at the inland.
The creation of new nutritional models and the
awareness of consumers for quality, traditional
and pure products.
The potential of creating and organizing
corporate relations and teams for a more
effective promotion of their products and
The existence of positive interrelations between
the secondary sector and the developing tourist
The potential of developing alternative forms of
tourism given the rich natural, anthropogenic
and cultural environment of the area.
The following persons were interviewed and answered to the same questions:
Alexandros Kahrimanis, Regional Governor.
1. Which are, in your opinion the strong points of the area, for the development and
promotion of local products?
The virgin natural environment and the quality local products, which have survived in time
and living conditions of the people in mountainous areas. Also the Region’s efforts to certify
four local traditional products as PGI. Those products are xylopites, Ioannina baklava,
Ioannina trout and Xrysovitsa potatoes, and combined with the Products of Named Origin of
the area (feta, galotyri, Metsovone), which are known nationally and abroad, the
gastronomic tourism can be promoted.
2. Can you describe the weaknesses?
The economic crisis of the last years, caused the considerable reduce of visits in the area.
Also the bad road network to the mountainous and distant areas is causing serious problems
during the winter.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
3. Can you describe the opportunities of the area?
The funded programs for the development and promotion of agriculture and local products.
The increase in demand for quality products. The construction of transport infrastructure
(the Ionian Road).
4. The threats?
The fact that tourism is not properly developed. We should not focus only on
accommodation, but also on other forms of tourism that the area can offer. Also the
economic crisis may cause many problems that we cannot predict.
Tatiana Kalogianni, Deputy Head of the Region of Epirus
1. Which are, in your opinion the strong points of the area, in relation to the development
and promotion of local products?
The tourist development of the region, because Epirus is equally beautiful and has as many
potential as the other regions in Europe. And of course the natural beauty of the mountain
areas that can attract many visitors who want to experience alternative forms of tourism.
2. Can you describe the weaknesses?
The low number of visits, because of the isolation of the area, since there is no adequate
access to main road axes. The fact that the airports of the Region are not properly prepared
to receive and service international flights.
3. Can you describe the opportunities of the area?
The possibility to combine gastronomic and religion tourism at the area, because of the
remarkable natural beauty, the bridges, the paths and our cultural heritage. The fact that
infrastructure construction is already planned.
4. The threats?
The fact that many areas and settlements are abandoned. To be able to attract visitors who
can handle the cost.
Efestion Papageorgiou- Producer of organic-traditional products at Bourazani-Konitsa.
1. Which are, in your opinion the strong points of the area, in relation to the development
and promotion of local products?
The production of organic-traditional products of excellent quality, can contribute to the
increase of exports. The promotion of these products as PGI may result to the increase in
demand and further the development of these production units.
2. Can you describe the weaknesses?
The high production cost of these products, which does not allow the producers to gain an
acceptable profit. The inadequate road network causes the increase of the cost of the
transfer, minimizing even more the profit.
3. Can you describe the opportunities of the area?
During the last years we observed a tendency of consumers to prefer traditional products,
which are many in the area, and of course we offer excellent quality, in order to gain the
trust of our consumers.
4. The threats?
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
The products are not properly advertised, so the production cannot be developed. The nonprofessional behavior of some professionals and people who work in the area.
Sihlimiri Marina- President of the Women’s Cooperative “GIS”. (Earth)
1. Which are, in your opinion the strong points of the area, in relation to the development
and promotion of local products?
The fact that agriculture is performed with respect to the environment, and as a result we
produce quality products.
2. Can you describe the weaknesses?
The fact that there do not exist any organized networks for the promotion of our products,
and of course the delays of funded programs.
3. Can you describe the opportunities of the area?
The increased demand of our products, given the fact that they are considered to be of
excellent quality.
4. The threats?
The production is not organized, so we may not be able to cover the orders and satisfy all
our customers.
Aristotelis Stagikas- Member of the Council at the Municipality of Konitsa (regional sector
of Ioannina)
1. Which are, in your opinion the strong points of the area, in relation to the development
and promotion of local products?
The natural environment which has great ecological value, characterized by rare and
protected flora and fauna. It is also the rich architectural and cultural heritage, the five
NATURA areas, one National Park and a Geo Park.
2. Can you describe the weaknesses?
The initial production is not efficient enough, and as a result people choose to work in
commerce, construction and services. The old age of the population.
3. Can you describe the opportunities of the area?
The favorable conditions for the production of quality and branded agricultural products.
Young people tend to return to the countryside and the mountainous areas, because of the
economic crisis, and occupy themselves in agriculture.
4. The threats?
The risk of compromising the environment because of the fact that the environmental
legislation is not always respected.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Indicate the country, the region concerned, the project partner and further organisations that
will lead the activity
Greece is a country rich in traditional products. The products of each region varies and
depends on the geographic location and conditions, the climate, the culture and the way of
life of the locals.
Due to the mountainous morphology of the area of Northen Pindos & Tzoumerka – Peristeri
- Arahthos Ravine, the livestock-farming, and mainly the breeding of sheep and goats, and
limited agriculture have been over the centuries the main occupations for the local
population. Additionally, the high mountains range, that forms the natural limits of the
prefecture, had kept the area isolated for many years. Therefore, the local diet was based on
local raw materials and products. The diet staples of the region was milk and milk products,
green vegetables, fruits and herds. For that reason the three following products are
considered to be the core of the traditional diet.
Traditional Giaourti (yoghurt)
Within the limits of the region it is produced a traditional type of delicious and healthy
yoghurt that it cannot be easily found in other regions. The raw material of the traditional
giaourti (yoghurt) is fresh milk from healthy free range indigenous sheep and goats.
Traditional pites (pies)
Pites (pies) is one of the most famous dishes in Epirus. The abundance of the necessary
ingredient in the nature, the easy preparation, and the traditional way of life made pita
indispensable part of the everyday diet. In the past, due to the nature of the traditional jobs
the population had to stay for long periods away from home. For that reason the women
prepared a food that can be preserved for many days, by using whatever the nature offered
to them (milk, eggs, cheese, green vegetables, herds). Today the handmade pites are
considered to be one of the delicacies of the region.
Traxanas is a traditional local product, closely linked to the history of the region. It is
concedered as winder food as it is cooked as soup. The ingredients of traxanas are milk, flour
and salt, all these together create a type of homemade pasta that does not need special
storage and can be preserved for a long time. Today, there many family business that
produce and sell traxanas.
What’s the idea behind the activity/product?
These products are of the finest quality, but they are also part of the local culture and
lifestyle and their production demands the use of local raw materials and the sequence of
the traditional homemade process of production. The preservation of the natural resources
and the pure raw materials and the continuation of the traditional way of production will
lead, not only to the economic development of the area, but also it will enhance the
development of a sustainable economic model and will promote the maintenance of the
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
traditional way of life. Moreover, the developments of these type of production will give
impetus to the development of the ecotourism, as the pristine beauty of the nature in
combination with and the traditional way of life and the Protected Geographical Indication
(PGI) products can consist a benchmark and attract many tourists and visitors.
What precisely will the initiative set out to do, in both short and long term? What are the
overall and specific objectives?
The certification of these products as PGI will have a positive effect local population and the
area from economic, social and environmental point of view. The objectives are:
- The development of a sustainable economic model
- The development of little and medium range enterprises and family businesses.
- The limitation of the unemployment and depopulation for reasons of unemployment.
- The protection of the resources that provide the raw materials for the production
and the further protection of the natural environment.
- The protection and preservation of the indigenous sort of animal (goats, sheep etc).
- The development of ecotourism
- The maintenance of the traditional way of life
- The promotion of the products and the opening of new market
- The development of a more organized way of production.
Describe the resources you will use for the implementation of the activity/product, e.g.
financial and human resources, natural resources, skills, knowledge, Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT), premises, equipment or other.
- Local human resources that posses the know how of the traditional production
- Local raw materials, animal and natural resources
- New technologies for the improvement of production, the organization and the
distribution of the products
- Modern management methods for the promotion of the product.
- EU directives and legislation concerning HACCP system and certification.
- Expert that will undertake the project of PGI certification of the products
What do you intend to do, using human and other resources, in order to achieve its
objectives? Please give an overview of the proposed main features of your initiative: main
actions/activities, time scale, methods to apply, information on any key factors such as e.g.
cooperation/partnerships, etc. What are the possible weak points in your opinion?
The first step to be made is the establishment of a cooperation between the Region of Epirus
and the local producers and among the local producers as well. The first and most important
to be raised awareness of the local producers in order to be achieved the best possible
cooperation among them. It is necessary for the producers to set a framework regarding
common aims and t goals and to be found common ground for cooperation. The
establishment of a cluster of businesses or an association is one of the most crucial
initiatives as it is a prerequisite for the process of the certification of the products as PGI
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Afterwards, this union of producers will submit a file to the Greek Ministry of Rural
Development and finally the file will b e submitted to the EU for certification as PGI.
Describe the actors invited/involved, specific target-group(s) and expected direct and indirect
The directly involved stakeholders are the Region of Epirus, the local producers, livestock
farmers, the regional policy makers and the local administration.
Indirectly involved are the local tourist business, environmental organizations and the
Administration Bodies of the National Parks.
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible impacts.
The certification as PGI will:
Make the products more reliable and known
Promote the products to a wider market.
Enhance the maintenance of the quality of the products.
Direct beneficiaries will have: the local producers, the breeders, the farmers and the local
Indirect beneficiaries will have the local society and the environment; as the traditional
structures will continue to exist in an improved version and the protection of the
environment will be a necessity as the quality and the production of these foodstuffs are
related to the natural resources.
What are the essential problems you expect, what could hinder the realization of the
A potential problem can be the lack of will on behalf of the producers to cooperate and to
establish a partnership in order to promote their common interests and aims. However, the
ultimate goal of the certification of the products as PGI can the determine factor that will
give impetus to the cooperation.
For the implementation of your initiative, what necessary support do you expect (e.g.
special/detailed information, relevant studies, possible fact finding missions at regions with
already implemented initiatives, insourcing of external expertise …).
A cooperation between the Region of Epirus and the Greek Ministry of Rural Development
and Food has been engaged in the past, as they have already worked in order to certificate
other products.
But, as already has been mentioned, necessary is the support of the project on behalf of the
local producers.
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Not available
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
partner region:
Köszeg Microregion
2.1 General socio-economic situation
Area concerned (km²), number of administrative
units (communities) concerned
The region is home to 29.000 people, the density of
Grossdomesticproduct (GDM)/per head
2 556,- HUF/head (8,9 Eur/head)
The rate of economically active population is 60,6 %, in
accordance with the county and national average. The level of
qualification and language of the local population is higher
than the county average. The proximity of the region to the
adjacent Austria and also the great number of foreign
businesses contribute to a higher than average working
culture. The region is characterised by the centuries-long
coexistence of several minorities. Croatians - the biggest
minority group here - live mainly in Kőszeg, Csepreg,
Horvátzsidány, Peresznye and Ólmod. Germans live in
Kőszeg, Kiszsidány, Bük and Csepreg.
Population: Population development , age pyramid, population
density per km²
Import and Export in €
Business activities: number of registered businesses, sector relation
in %
population is 78,4 people /km .
import: 20 390 billion HUF (7104529 Eur); export: 22 321 billion
HUF (777735 Eur) but these information is about the whole
country the National Central Statistical Office could not give
information only about the county or the microregion.
I have attached a chart about the registered enterprises and
local tourism also.
In the past two decades the economic activity of the
population has changed significantly. The labour forces
becoming jobless after the transformation were taken up by
both the industrial investments and the fast developing trade
and service sectors building up in the region. But still the
local labour reserve is present, which can be mobilised by
Labour market: Employment related to the three sectors
fostering the development of new workplaces. In the region
(initial production, commerce and industry, services)
commuting to the central settlements is becoming more and
in %, rate of unemployment
more dominant, mainly to the country town Szombathely and
the adjacent Austrian areas, the latter offering much better
working conditions. The local economy was also affected by
the turbulance of the economic crisis, but fortunetly only
slightly. The number of registered job seekers - depending
also on seasonal effects - is usually around 1. 000.
The number of private initiations and enterprises is higher in the county than in the other part of Hungary.
2,3% of the national organizations were registered in this region, 147 enterprises were for 1000 inhabitants,
which means medium business activitiy. The unemployment rate is also lower than the national average.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Situation of agriculture and forestry
Agricultural households: Agricultural households per 1,000 inhabitants [units]
total number of agricultural households: 1705
Farm Size in ha (average)
8248,8 ha (only farmlands)
Land use (% forestry, agriculture – thereof grassland, arable land,
orchards, specialised cultivation, fallows, badlands, area coveredby buildings),
Livestock (LSU per hectare, number of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry, horses)
Trade of agricultural and forestry products/Import and export of agricultural products
Agricultural households with forestry in %
Machinery: Tractors (single and double axis) per 100 agricultural households [units]
forestry: 2153 ha
arable land: about 151 206 ha; garden: about 2
837 ha; orchards: about 2 183 ha; wineries: about
1 062 ha; grass land: about 21 758 ha; forestry:
about 91 694 ha; fallows and/or badlands: about
53 156 ha
cattle: 14/100 ha (total:371 pieces); cows: total:
170 pieces; pigs: 35/100 ha (total:2616 pieces);
sheep: total: 9 pieces; total number of poultry:
169023 pieces; total number of horses: 92 pieces;
total number of rabbit: 3121 pieces; total
number of bee-families: 573 pieces
I could not get any information from the
concerned offices
2083,3 ha
According to the latest surveys (2006) the
agriculture households spent about 198 million
HUF (689 895 Eur); 2,8 pieces of tractors/100 ha; 1
combine harvester/120,5 ha
forestry: 45 370 ha; oak 18%; beech 8%; turkey
oak 10%; hornbeam 9%; acacia 5%, other hard
foliage 3%; other soft foliage 1%; pine tree 45%
Detailed additional information on structural analyses:
The many-colored economic-geographical conditions in the region, the high level of qualification and language
knowledge of the local, as well as our historical traditions, the fruitful coexistence of different people
(Hungarians, Germans and Croatians) and the cultural diversity deriving from this have fostered the
development of an open and attractive region. This is justified by the versatile cultural programmes, the
intensive cross-border and international relations as well as the development of co-operations both on regional
and sectoral basis and the settlement of significant domestic and foreign businesses here.
The rural character is mixed by age-long civic traditions of urban life. Kőszeg had been promoted the rank of
the royal town in 1328, while in 1648 it became the only royal town of historical Vas county. Csepreg had been
a significant market-town since 1390, one of the early centres of Hungarian protestantism. Besides the two
historical town Bük has become a town due to the fast development of its internationally renowned spa resort
in the past decades, the third most visited one in Hungary. The urban status has brought the life old traditional
civil organisations, lively cultural and social life as well as the co-operation of business in trade and tourism.
Natural and built environment
The region stretches from the foothills of the Alps (Kőszeg-Mountain) to the flatland along the rivers Gyöngyös
and Répce. Despite its relatively small area it can boast of a varied landscape. Beside the two small rivers there
are several brooks and artificial lakes of significant size, which are fed by many springs located mainly in the
mountains. The subalpine climate is determined chiefly by its proximity to the Alps. The climate is colder and
wetter than the average in Hungary, with lower number of sunny hours during the year. The climatic conditions
make this region suitable for the treatment of respiratory disesases.
The Kőszeg-Mountain is the habitat of many rare, protected plant and animal species. The Kőszeg Landscape
Protection Are is managed under the auspices of Őrség National Park; out of an area of 4300 hectars 550
hectares are strictly protected. The mountain slopes are covard mainly by orchards, wineyards and chestnut
yards. Fruit-farming has a centuries-long tradition in the hills around the town Kőszeg.
Kőszeg is ranked as the fifth richest town in historic monuments in Hungary. The medieval downtown tohether
with the Jurisics Castle has survived almost intact. The town can boast of altogether 175 listed and just as many
locally protected buildings, many of them still in their original function (townhall, hotel etc.). The enormous
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
historical and cultural heritage is displayed in several museums. Smaller settlements in the region possess
similar built heritage, as well.
Infrastructural characteristics
The public road network of the region is fairly dense, the connection between the settlements as well as the
accessibility to main roads is ensured. The main road No. 87 provides a link to Austria and the county town
Szombathely, too. The main road No. 84 run on the northern edge of the area and provides connection to the
axis Vienna-Sopron-Lake Balaton. In the east the main road No. 86 – the most relevant north-south transport
axis – will have been reconstructed as a clearway by the year 2015. The expressway No. S31 in Austria leading
to Vienna lies only 16 kilometres from Kőszeg.
The two frontier crossing points to Austria are at Kőszeg-Rattersdorf and Bozsok-Rechnitz. The crossing pint at
Zsira-Luttmannsburg is available for cyclists and pedestrians, similarly to the ones for wanderers near Hétforrás
(Seven Springs) and the peak of Írottkő. The cycle path network is failry built up in the region and is used mainly
for tourism purposes.
The main railway connection in the region running between Sopron and Szombathely has been electrified and
reconstructed lately. An industrial railway track can be found at Bük and Tormásliget. One of the crucial
prerequisites of the economic development is the construction of the industrial track from Bük to Csepreg
industrial area. Another important task in traffic development is the reconstruction of the former connection
between the branch line Szombathely-Kőszeg and Austrian railway network.
The railway traffic is well completed by interurban and long distance coach lines in the direction of Sopron,
Bük-fürdő, Szombathely and Oberpullendorf.
In the wider area there are several airports: Vienna-Schwechat (125 km), Sármellék (115 km), Graz (140 km),
Bratislava (150 km), and Budapest (230 km).
The public utilities (electricity, gas and water) are fully supplied, while the sewer system is built up in most
areas. Waste management is highly developed in the region. Landline telephone is available in all settlements,
and with the development of ADSL and Mobile-Internet technologies the Internet access in the region is good.
The conditions in the region give a great chance of utilising renewable energy resources, by which energy
dependence can be decreased, the local economy can develop further, new enterprises and thus workplaces
can be established.
Population and employment
The region is home to 29.000 people, the densitiy of population is 78,4 people/km . The rate of the
economically active population is 60,6%, in accordance with the county and national average. The level of
qualification and language knowledge of the local population is higher than the county average. The proximity
of the region to the adjacent Austria and also the great number of foreign businesses contribute to a higher
than average working culture. The region is characterized by the centuries-long coexistence of several
minorities. Croatians – the biggest minority group here – live mainly in Kőszeg, Csepreg, Horvátzsidány,
Peresznye and Ólmod. Germans live in Kőszeg, Kiszsidány and Csepreg.
Employment, unemployment
In the past two decades the economic activity of the population has changed significantly. The labour forces
becoming jobless after the transformation were taken up by both the industrial investments and the fast
developing trade and service sectors building up in the region. But still a local labour reserve is present, which
can be mobilized by fostering the development of new workplaces. In the region commuting to the central
settlements is becoming more and more dominant, mainly to the county town Szombathely and the adjacent
Austrian areas, the latter offering much better working conditions. The local economy was also affected by the
turbulence of the economic crisis, but fortunetly only slightly. The number of registered job seekers –
depending also on seasonal effects – is usually around 1.000.
Economic characteristics
The structure of the local economy manifests a varied picture. One of the dominant sectors is tourism but there
are significant enterprises in industry as well. From the point of view of employement the service and
educational sectors have an outstanding role.
The main industrial areas are located in the outskirts of the town and along the main road No. 87, functioning
as an agglomerate axis. The major actors in the local economy are Nestle pet food factory and wholesale
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
company VOG in Bük, Uniriv Ltd. producing metal goods in Csepreg, the cable assembly factory of
Kromberg&Schubert Ltd., the underwear manufacture of Kőszeg Clothing Factory Inc., the ampoule factory of
Schott Forma Vitrum Ltd., in Lukácsháza and steel structure manufacture of Szőnye Ltd. in Gyöngyösfalu.
The most important actors in food industry are Soproni and Co. Ltd with bakeries both in Kőszeg and Csepreg
and the mineral water bottling hall of Alpok-Aqua Ltd. in Horvátzsidány. Fruit-farming is growing steadily in the
region, especially wine-production in Kőszeg and Lukácsháza, all belonging to Sopron Wine Region. There are
still several attractive investment opportunities in the region. Their utilisation can strenghten the local
economy, and by means of the value-creating work of the inhabitants business owners may also profit.
Registered enterprises
Number of
3 982
2 989
Out of cooperative
Number of
35 944
26 007
9 937
Ltd.=5 425
Lp.=3 273
The number and density of enterprises is in line with the county average.
Tourism is concentrated mainly on Kőszeg. In 1997 Kőszeg – following the Austrian pattern – Hungary’s first
nature park was established with the partnership of 14 surrounding settlements. (since then we have 16
partners). The main task of the Írottkő Nature Park is to show the natural and cultural attractions scattered
along the area as well as to coordinate activities in the field of tourism. The Kőszeg-mountain attracts mainly
those people who seek active recreation. The area with developed wandering route network, several natural
treasures and the outstanding cultural heritage of the town Kőszeg is a popular destination for hikers. Thanks
to the development in the field of ecotourism, Írottkő nature park was awarded the EDEN (European
Destination of Excellence) Prize of the European Commission in 2009.
The region makes great efforts to enhance the number and quality of tourist attarctions. Among others the
renewal of town centers, the renovation of the Jurisics castle, promotion of traditional local products and winetourism as well as the great number of spectacular events all point to this direction. Facilities in cycling and
horse-riding tourism are also improving.
Accomodation capacity and guest nights
Commercia Accomodati Numb Number of
on/ 1000
er of
staying in
accomodat inhabitants guests commercia
9 583
4 770
18 902
11 940
84 080
47 289
1 459
151 480
360 047
1 323 931
er of
spent in
1 333
4 719
583 311
1 105 442
4 041 252
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Nature /mountain
character/ tourism &
unique, subalpine
attractive natural
environment, special
natural values
neglected areas in the
mountains, neglected
picnick areas and barrack
enlargement of touristic
attraction, development
of walking tours
lack of activity
buildings, institutions
waiting for renovation
and accessibility
lack of experts and
clean air
aging population,
migration of younger
generations from the
town and from the
mountainous areas
weak communication
amongst the leaders
financial problems
raising the significance of
consciousness and power
raising of inland tourism,
support system
cooperation of borderregions
appreciation of unique
natural and cultural
lack of fund
state of water (rivers,
springs etc.) is good
areas and settlements of
Írottkő Nature Park
areas of Őrség National
lack of retention
motivation of local
production and
boosterism of economy
through it new
geographically berth,
good soil
even local people do not
know the concepts of the
Nature Park and National
Park and the possibilities
in the Kőszeg-mountains
lack of evening-events in
the towns
there is no beach
development of
cooperation of local
significant wine-fruitvegetable farming
positive attitude in
favour of the marketing
of local products:
organising of programs,
events etc.
attendance of local
products: wine, honey,
herbs and spices
built walking roads and
study paths in the
rich flora and fauna in
the Kőszeg-mountains
proximity of borders
(Austrian, Slovenian)
there is no appropriate
worked out strategy for
economy development
lack of complex touristic
seasonality of events
touristic marketing is not
active enough
regulation of markets
enlargement of thematic
closer cooperation with
Association of Hungarian
Nature Parks
development of wine
use of renewal energy
(connected to mountain-
aging of inhabitants and
this endangers the
implementation of
development plans
association of
agricultural companies
and producing coops
were broken up that is
why there was no
association or alliance
that help the cooperation
of farmers
agriculture is overruled
the burocracy makes the
developments difficult
difficulties of EU
appearance of mass
without consistency the
mountainous areas will
become endangered
less guest nights
licence and rules of
economy situation
becomes worse
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
advantageous facility of
tourism: valuable natural
environment and
beautiful landscape, rich
in cultural values,
arts and crafts traditions
touristic traditions and
existing values for our
new initiatives connected
to the mountain
character, with support
they are absolutely
implementing projects
projects, tourism etc.)
development of
active tourism: green
ways – bicycle tourism
implementation of the
Green Mountain project
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
GREEN MOUNTAIN Interview – Béla Básthy, deputy mayor of Kőszeg
1. In which field are you mainly working?
I am the deputy mayor of Kőszeg and one of my tasks is to deputize the town in the Association for Írottkő
Nature Park. The Hungarian Nature Park Association chose me its chairman in December 2011. I am the
member of the Vas County General Meeting, too. My original profession is German teacher and interpreter; in
this way I had the chance to have an overview on the cross-border tenders, especially on the area of
sustainable co-operations (Nature Parks, Employment Pacts) and touristic projects.
I would kindly ask you to take a little time to think of your region. Could you please describe the most
striking and illustrative positive aspects/strengths of rural development which come up in your mind
(either right now or in the past)?
Determining characters of the region are the nearness of the Austrian border, big distance from the Hungarian
economic and scientific centers, underdevelopment of infrastructure, advanced civilization, natural
environment in relatively good state, rich built and spiritual, cultural heir, relative improved business- and
work culture.
The main strength of the rural development in our area is the relatively developed culture of co-operation.
Inhabitants of this area could realize numerous of great project sin the framework of business- and municipal
co-operations. The establishment of Írottkő Nature Park played a pioneer role but lot of projects (regional
sewerage system, creation of access for ADSL Internet, procurement through consortiums of local enterprises
etc.), independently from the Nature Park justified the benefit of co-operation for regional actors. Deepening
of the culture of co-operation can help in that region will be able to produce competitive products, services on
international level, will be active in process in the large regions and become attractive destination. It is
important for this region to become more independent in the food- and energy industry and trade and
I would kindly ask you to do a fictive jump in time with us: If you imagine your region in 10 years´ time –
what would you be able to describe in the region in terms of:
appearance of landscape
regionally produced products/specialties
regionally operating economic sectors
how the sectors and the civil society are organized – what institutions will be managing rural
I do not expect significant change in the landscape in the next ten years. It would not surprise me if the areas,
used for grapes and fruit production, grew and I would consider it very important to connect the regional
tourist information systems together. Touristic, economic use of the area of Abért Lake (between Kőszeg and
Lukácsháza village) would lead significant change in the view in our closer region. Kőszeg-Mountain will be
more cared than nowadays with the carefully, strict selection of different protected areas and fields for active
sport functions. Differences between the image of Hungarian and Austrian areas will decrease, KőszegMountain will appear with a unified offer on the touristic market. Renovation of available folk architectural
values and monument buildings will happen with touristic, identity strengthening aim. Villages of the region
attract more settlers, the aggregate life quality raises, we can find less empty houses in the villages.
Regional co-operation generate the leading the development of new local products to the markets
consciously. Improvement of local products, process of becoming entrepreneurs are monitored actively and
helped with trainings and consultations. The developing tourism is significant market of local products beside
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
GREEN MOUNTAIN Interview – Béla Básthy, deputy mayor of Kőszeg
the more conscious consumer behavior. Settlements try to support the local products and goods which
strengthen the identity of these settlements. Concretely I expect improvement in the fruit processing, in
production of local food and arts and crafts.
The determining sectors of the region are the tourism and services and we still fight with the influence of
Austria on the labor market. (Active people go to work to Austria) As our area has good natural qualities, its
role strengthens on the field of recreation, weekend relax, entertaining. The region develop into an excursion
destination, the service sector, belonging to it, builds not only on the field of gastronomy but other
entertaining facilities. There is improvement in the infrastructure (transport) between Kőszeg and
Significant step can be experienced in the power supply of the region for the benefit of local renewal energies.
Role of counties will be strengthened in harmony with the intention of the state on the area of rural
development. Unnatural isolation of towns over 100 000 inhabitants will cease (see LEADER in Hungary
nowadays). As the system of educational, medic and social supply is centrally organized, the importance of the
rural development is raising in the co-operation of regional actors against the institutions maintenance. The
actors next to borders will recognize their common interest, therefore the cross-border rural developmental
co-operational platforms; permanent, ruled co-operations will come into existence.
Could you please name the three most important strategic/overall goals in rural development in your
What are – to your mind – the three most pressing challenges/threats of rural development your region
has to face right now?
Strengthening and deepening of co-operation amongst actors, formation of local associations in every
economic sector.
Assurance of life quality expected by modern people on every settlements of the region with further
improvement of the infrastructural conditions, build on special draw of good natural, environmental
Strengthening of business activity, local economy, value creation: start and support of enterprises
with local seat, employing local labor power, owning strong positions on the local market.
The economically more strong position of the neighbor Austrian areas and Szombathely, the
employment outside of the micro-region achieves a permanent critic level and the area can become a
“sleeping area”.
The lot of tiny touristic attraction and service cannot understand the significance of common
destination marketing, do not co-operate, do not build an intensive system of tourist information,
though it is the basic condition of the touristic success of the region.
The management of the regional enterprises, service, civil associations and institutions does not own
that knowledge with that they will be able to win and enjoy the benefit of the Union and national
supports, we lose the opportunity.
What are the necessary steps – from your institution – to meet the above mentioned goals?
- Municipalities, especially municipality of Kőszeg (as the determining town of the region) has to
support the formation of different systems ready for innovation, co-operation, grabbing of
possibilities, common responsibility taking.
- Development of infrastructural conditions and services determining the life quality with the help of
outer sources and partner co-operations.
- Support of site development, business co-operations, forming of local rules supporting of the
business activity (tax system, laws on local level etc.).
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
GREEN MOUNTAIN Interview – Béla Básthy, deputy mayor of Kőszeg
7. What are the concretely planned/envisaged measures in the near future (within the coming three years)
– from your institution – to contribute to the fulfillment of the overall goals of rural development in your
Are there any concrete project ideas ready to be applied (i.e. with high maturity in terms of
planning and financing)?
Are there project gaps (i.e. subjects/topics, where no project ideas have come forward yet)?
Are there project ideas, without application yet (i.e. with high maturity in terms of planning
but without financing)?
start of new co-operations: Castles around the Kőszeg-Mountain is a great possibility for a high
cultural programs / cross-border cultural-touristic co-operation of settlements (Kőszeg, Lockenhaus,
Bernstein, Stadt Schlaining)
further improvement of the railway between Kőszeg and Szombathely
realization of the bicycle road system in the region
Touristic use of Abért Lakes
Could you name/provide us with documents, which describe strategic goals and operational details of
rural development in your region? Could you provide us with statistical data/time series data, which
depicts the situation/development of rural development in your region?
Strategic and developmental documents of Kőszeg town and its microregion
Integrated Town Development Strategy of Kőszeg municipality
documents of LEADER association
employment analysis and development strategy of Kőszeg and Felsőrépecementi Microregion
Employment Pact
economic improvement documents in the framework of REGIONET Aktív project
Reports and planning documents of Vas County Work Center, Chamber of Agriculture etc.
GREEN MOUNTAIN Interview – Dr. Markovics Tibor, director of Őrség National Park
1. In which field are you mainly working?
Nature protection, public administration.
I would kindly ask you to take a little time to think of your region. Could you please describe the most
striking and illustrative positive aspects/strengths of rural development which come up in your mind
(either right now or in the past)?
Beautiful, attractive landscape, little town with significant, historical past and tiny, friendly villages.
Tourism has age-long tradition in this area. The oldest and most active nature park in Hungary
organizes the touristic development of the region.
I would kindly ask you to do a fictive jump in time with us: If you imagine your region in 10 years´ time –
what would you be able to describe in the region in terms of:
appearance of landscape
regionally produced products/specialties
regionally operating economic sectors
how the sectors and the civil society are organized – what institutions will be managing rural
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
GREEN MOUNTAIN Interview – Dr. Markovics Tibor, director of Őrség National Park
Hopefully the landscape and the built environment will keep its charm invariably, that evolved
during the past decades.
Beside the traditional wine-growing, the culture, which evolved around the chestnut, is popular
and well-known again and fortunately this can be recognized, for example: chestnut festival in
Beside tourism, the cooperation of wineries and other local producers (for instance: beekeepers, dairymen and other traditional artisans) and the deepening of already existing relations
can be waited.
The Association of Írottkő Nature Park will be the main leader of the regional touristic
developments. They will form the touristic segments of rural development together with the
local farmers, nature protection and other civil associations.
Could you please name the three most important strategic/overall goals in rural development in your
Creation of a beach at the Abért Lakes (next to Kőszeg)
Touristic use of the one-time, today standing empty, border guard barracks
Development of village tourism
What are – to your mind – the three most pressing challenges/threats of rural development your region
has to face right now?
The maintenance of the building system for the Association for Írottkő Nature Park that is wellworking, and its formation into Touristic Destination Management (TDM)
Continuous service of the built infrastructure
Start of conference tourism which is mainly planned in the area of the Ball House in Kőszeg
What are the necessary steps – from your institution – to meet the above mentioned goals?
Continuous, constructive contact in favor of good co-operation
Designation of possible ways through the creation of development plans
What are the concretely planned/envisaged measures in the near future (within the coming three years)
– from your institution – to contribute to the fulfillment of the overall goals of rural development in your
Are there any concrete project ideas ready to be applied (i.e. with high maturity in terms of
planning and financing)?
We have a winning tender for the development of Chernel-garden (Kőszeg)
Are there project gaps (i.e. subjects/topics, where no project ideas have come forward yet)?
There is not any but we have new ideas continuously for what we try to find tender sources.
Are there project ideas, without application yet (i.e. with high maturity in terms of planning but
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
GREEN MOUNTAIN Interview – Dr. Markovics Tibor, director of Őrség National Park
without financing)?
For instance the water complex planned at the Abért Lakes.
Could you name/provide us with documents, which describe strategic goals and operational details of
rural development in your region? Could you provide us with statistical data/time series data, which
depicts the situation/development of rural development in your region?
No, but the forestry management plan of the region is being prepared which contains such elements, too.
Interviews with five people were made and the conclusion is very unequivocal:
They had similar opinions about the situation of our region and see the state present and
future alike.
The region has to fight with the following difficulties:
- aging population, depopulation, migration
- mass of ceased workplaces
- difficult or bad social circumstances
- narrowing services
- low level of businesses
- weak local civil sphere
- loss of existing values and traditions etc.
The region has breaking out points but most of the times people cannot live with the
opportunities because they try to achieve their aims separately and think in short-term
periods. The most important and successful key would be the co-operation and long term
processes. The country, the region, small towns and villages have advantages and these
benefits have to be used to make this area strong and prosperous.
- favourable territory and life possibility
- good soil
- rich cultural heir, natural values, gastronomy traditions
- agriculture
- qualified craftsmen
- rich in thermal water etc.
- tourism
- fruit, vegetable, wine, honey
As they see, the future is in the co-operation and different tenders, projects. Cross-border
projects have great significance and what the region has to develop is the infrastructure,
market of local products, marketing of local products, tourism, services and improvement of
economy. Developmental areas are community, culture, human resource development,
nature and environment protection, social programs. There are facilities to find help, these
are the Leader, New Széchenyi Plan and Rural Development Strategy Programs, but they
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
have their disadvantages beside their advantages: they do not support all kind of projects,
most of the time it is difficult to find source for the improvements, renovations, etc. But the
most important thing and solution would be the co-operation of inhabitants, entrepreneurs,
leaders, every people who live in the given town or village.
Development of wine culture and wine tourism in Kőszeg microregion
Indicate the country, the region concerned, the project partner and further organisations that
will lead the activity
Hungary is situated in the Carpathian Basin in Middle-Europe. 50 % of the territory of
Hungary is plain. The Great Plain can be found in the eastern part of the country, where
most of Hungary’s crops are grown. Hungary has two main rivers: the Danube (417 km long
in Hungary) and the Tisza (598 km long). Both rivers flow in North-south direction and divide
Hungary into 3 parts. The area between the Danube and the Tisza is plain. The territory west
from the Danube, including the warmest sweet water lake (Balaton) of Middle-Europe, is a
hilly country. Hungary has a chain of middle-high mountains. The Transdanubian part is
mainly mountainous, with the exception of the northern region, which is called the Small
Plain. The Transdanubian Mountains, west from the Danube, are 400-700 m high. Parts of
the mountains are: Keszthely mountains, Bakony, Vértes, Gerecse, Pilis and the Visegrád
The Northern Mountains (500- 1000 m high) extend northeast from the Danube. Parts of the
mountains are: Börzsöny, Mátra, Bükk, Cserhát and the Zemplén mountains. The highest
peak in Hungary is Kékes-tető (1014 m) and located in Mátra Mountains.
Considering its natural resources, our county bordering Austria and Slovenia has one of the
most varied landscapes in Hungary. Its therapeutic, thermal waters are the most significant
advantages of this area rich in heritage. Vas County is to be found in the western part of the
country in Western Transdanubia. It has more than 268, 000 residents and its area is 3, 337
square kilometres, making it one of the smallest Hungarian county, only KomáromEsztergom and Nógrád are smaller. To the west of its borders are the Austrian province of
Burgenland, southwest Slovenia, while its Hungarian neighbours are couple of counties such
as Zala on the south, Veszprém to the east and Győr-Moson-Sopron County to the north.
The county capital is Szombathely. Other towns are Bük, Celldömölk, Csepreg, Körmend,
Kőszeg, Őriszentpéter, Répcelak, Sárvár, Szentgotthárd and Vasvár.
Although almost half of the total area is flat, the western portion of the county consists of a
medium-size range of hills while the southwest belongs to the Transdanubian Hills. As a
result of Atlantic influences the weather is somewhat cooler, but more balanced than most
other parts of the country. The clean air together with the sub-Alpine climate draws many
visitors here. Kőszeg and its suburbs located in the western part of western Transdanubia
and the northwestern edge of the county. It is bordering Győr-Moson-Sopron County and
the Province of Burgerland in Austria. Its neighboring surroundings are: Sopron in the
northeast, Csepreg in the east and Szombathely area in the south. The core of the area is
Kőszeg which is situated 20 km from Szombathely, 124 km from Győr, 254 km from
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Budapest 109 km Vienna and 117 km from Graz. The area of this suburbia is 185 km2, it is
the smallest amongst the 9 microregions of the county. The following settlements belong to
these regions: Kőszeg, Horvátzsidány, Kiszsidány, Peresznye, Ólmod, Kőszegszerdahely, Cák,
Kőszegdoroszló, Velem, Bozsok, Lukácsháza, Gyöngyösfalu, Kőszegpaty, Nemescsó, and
Kőszeg is the baroque pearl or the jewellery box of Hungary. It is charming, almost 800 years
old town but its history can go back earlier, into the Roman’s time. It is situated 2 km from
the Austrian border, about 240 km from Budapest and 100 km from Vienna. The population
is low with its approximately twelve thousands inhabitants. The county capital is
Szombathely and is only 20 km from here. The town lies at the foot of the Alps and the river
bank of Gyöngyös.
The old buildings and houses on the Main Square, the Jurisich Square and the Jurisich Castle
tell stories about the rich history of the town. The Main Square, with its beautiful fountains,
nice restaurants, cafés, little shops, is very imposing and here can be found the biggest
church of the town, the Church of Jesus Heart. The Jurisich Square is the old-town but it is
under reconstruction now. It can be reached through the Gate of Heroes, and the Tower of
Heroes which is above the Gate. Here is the Town Hall and many old buildings in baroque
style, the Jurisich Castle and various museums: History Museum, Castle Museum, Pharmacy
Museum, Wine Museum and an archive.
Írottkő Nature Park Association
Írottkő Nature Park is named after the highest peak in Transdanubia, located at over 882 m
on the Hungarian-Austrian border. In 2009 the Nature Park was awarded the „Best Emerging
European destination of Hungary” and now the Nature Park is entitled to the use of
honoring „European Destination of Excellence” (EDEN) title. The implementation of the idea
of Írottkő Nature Park was formulated as far back as in the late 1980s. A Hungarian-Austrian
ambivalent committe was formed for the foundation of Fertő-Hansági National Park and
they started the preparing work. On the Austrian side the factual work was begun in 1994. It
came to the ceremonial opening of the Geschriebenstein Nature Park on 16. May 1996. Its
consistent area on the Austrian side runs along Rohonc (Rechnitz) and Léka (Lockenhaus)
municipality. On the Hungarian side first the Írottkő Nature Park has extended to – beside
Kőszeg Landscape Protection District – six settlements, namely Bozsok, Cák, Kőszegdoroszló,
Kőszegszerdahely, Velem villages and Kőszeg administrative area. Additional settlements
joined to the Association in December 2000: Peresznye, Ólmod, Kiszsidány, Horvátzsidány,
Lukácsháza, Gyöngyösfalu, Nemescsó, Kőszegpaty, Pusztacsó.
Aim of our Nature Park
It is considered being unique regarding to that it involves contractors, enterprises, local
governments at the same time, first the Fertő-Hanság National Park, then the Őrség National
Park, the Szombathely Forestry PLC, furthermore civil associations and organisations that
consider the nature and its protection very significant. The aim of the association is the
elaboration and reconciliation of conceptions relative to the development of Írottkő
Geschriebenstein Nature Park: the aligned improvement of the natural and constructed
environment, tourism and economy of the concerned settlements; educational objectives in
nature and environment protection of the Nature Park; furthermore continous and close
contact with the Austrian Geschriebenstein Nature Park within the confines of cooperation
stretching across the borders. Our long-term goals are coordination and developmental
incorporation between two neighboring Nature park.
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Kőszeg Város és Vonzáskörzete Többcélú Kistérségi Társulása
(Kőszeg Town and District Microregion Association- self-explanatory)
It was founded on 24. June 2004. Their scope of duties is organising public services in the
town. The aim of this establishment is that to combined local government whom assuring
that public service for the resident in this microregion is the highest professional standard
and done by more efficiently and economically.
What’s the idea behind the activity/product?
Kőszeg and its environs is one of the oldest wine growing area in Hungary. Wine culture
includes grape, wine production, wine trade, and wine consumption. The quality system of
tradition building on eachother over time. Originated from people and minorities dealing
with grapes and wine. Kőszeg’s wine belong to the traditonal wine culture. Old memorials
from the Romans age (Bacchus monument) witness that grape-growing was started 2000
years ago. Numerous buildings have the mark of wine making. For instance facades of the
houses in Gyöngyös street, the Main Square’s buildings in classicist style are decorated with
grape motives.
The Kapásházak (House of hackers) are at the entrance of the Hegyalja street, entering it
more cellars can be found from the 1700-1800s.
At the time of the Anjous, King Robert Carl gave wine export licence to the town in 1341, in
this way the Kőszeg wine could get to the Austrian and Silezian markets. Later the patent of
the town was confirmed in 1404 (at the time of King Louise the Great and King Sigmund),
people did not have to pay tax or „thirtieth” after the exported wine. The following war time
tried not only the town and its inhabitant but the grape plantations. King Matthias let the
wine tenth and mountain duty off motivating the growers to resettle the damaged grapes.
According to one of the mountain tax book from 1552, grapes were grown on 357 hectares
in this region.
„Book of Vine Branches” has been recorded since 1740 regurarly. It is very valuable from
more point of view and it is unique in the world. On St. George’s Day, 24 April grape shoots
are perpetuated every year. The size of the wine-lands decreased at the end of the 1800s
because of the damages of the filoxera. The pest was recognized in Hungary in 1875 but it
was supposed to make damages in Kőszeg before the turn of the century. The extremity of
the damage took from the 1800s until the end of 1920. Mountain Community established
graft settlements in 1904 but they could not compensate the area decreasing. Other main
illness was the (grey) rot that endangered the crop in autumn. They could defend agains it
only with early harvest. Two world wars contributed to the negligation of plantations. Grapeand wine production stopped for a while. Wine-growing co-op was founded in 1894 (Kőszeg
Wine-growing Co-op) which transformed into mountain community in 1913. In 1955 winegrowers tried to establish a grape-and fruit-growing agrarian association. Their main aim was
joint marketing and resettling of grapes. Wine-growing flourished again in Kőszeg. In 1916
deployment of first large-scale wine-lands happened on Napostető (2 ha). The area was
enlarged with 2, 5 hectares between 1974-1976. After a new transformation they became
Association of Wine-growers and Sellers in 1991. Later some plantation owner established
the Kőszeg Mountain Community (21. June 1991.). New generation evolved amongst the
other grape-growers, new plantations were established in Kőszeg. Eight-ten growers deal
with wine-growing on more hectares. Kőszeg’s wines are more valuable than being realized
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only on local level, tourists consume them with pleasure, they are worthy participants on
different events of the town.
What precisely will the initiative set out to do, in both short and long term? What are the
overall and specific objectives?
Our initiation, development of wineries and wine tourism has more aims. We want to
achieve recovery of economy and tourism, push an advantage of locality and climate of the
area. Lasting knowledge with traditional inheritance of experience is most important in the
town with strong tradition not only has to adapt to the globalization but it has to take
advantage of it. It is significant to stay open and innovate in a way that tradition should find
its function. Initiation considers fundamental tradition of enology, its intellectual and
material value and their protection. We would like it if tradition continued, younger
generations carried on and deepend the already existed knowledge developed the winegrowing areas and wineries. Production of wine is always related to tourism closely. Shortterm aim is development of wine-gastronomy-tourism in the town and its environs that
serves claims of the wine fans and consumers. We would like to receive more visitors and
make them stay with package tours which include various programs connected to the
wineries. There should be constant possibilities to taste local foods and wines on guest
tables in our little villages. We would like to assure the facility of ramble on wine routes to
the visitors coming into our region. One of the condition is the improvement of fundamental
structure of tourism. Presently there are one three-star hotel and one two-star hotel in
Kőszeg, beside these, nice, familiar inns solve the accomodation of the guests. Quantitative
and qualitative changes should be accomplished, build hotels which serve every kind of claim
both in capacity and supply and they are suitable for arranging conferences.
Mountains, forests, springs around Kőszeg are the favourite places of tourists, the Írottkő
Nature Park won the title of European Destinations of Excellence – based on its
ecotouristical supply and development – not in vain in 2009. It would be useful investment
for touring visitors to establish so called green houses. We would get environmental friendly
(passive) houses built with eco-touristical improvements. We would use energy –efficient
solutions (solar collectors, water recycling, recycled furniture, equipments) so the houses
would fit into landscape, would not change it.
The number of visitors could be increased with creation of tourist attractions and
improvement the already existed ones. These are for instance: more walking path,
advanture routes and parks, organising interactive exhibitions in the museums, but the
empty field of the local beach could be used as aquapark. The subalpine climate of the
Írottkő Nature Park raise our area amongst the cleanest region of Hungary. The great
influence of the clean, healthy air is appropriate for treatments of allergic-asthmatic
illnesses. Beside these development plans, gastro-and wine tourism has a great significance.
Trips to the wineries, wine tasting are loved. Promoting of the already existed wine routes
and the Kőszeg Winehouse would have beneficial results in the tourism of our town.
Improvement of wine marketing takes a longer time. First of all, new implamanted areas are
needed, moreover the enlargement of the equipment park is unavoidable. To receive more
guests with qualitative services, the growers should be relieved, new labor coating is
needed. Touristic investments bring economic development, furthermore the relation
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amongst specialists would become stronger. There would be facility for creating workplaces,
helping enterprises.
Describe the resources you will use for the implementation of the activity/product, e.g.
financial and human resources, natural resources, skills, knowledge, Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT), premises, equipment or other.
In our case we differentiate two main resources (human and knowledge resources) which
are completed with information and communication techniques and such places where
programs connected to enology can be held. Under human resources we mean the following
wine-growers and their wineries:
- Alasz Winery
- Cserkuti Winery
- Jagodics Winery
- Kampits Winery
- Láng Winery
- Stefanich Winery
- Tóth Winery
- Co-op of Wine-growers and Sellers
Different associations and organisations contribute to keep the traditions of winery in
Kőszeg and they help in the arranging of events connected to it. Moreover they try to make
the local wines and wine consumption popular.
Kőszeg és Környéke-Vaskeresztes és környéke Hegyközség
(Kőszeg and its environs-Vaskeresztes and its environs Mountain Community –selfexplanatory)
Main professional organistaion. It deals not only with common duties but organizes wine
contests, gives out certificate of origin. The present Mountain Community was founded in
1996. It takes part in organising of Kőszeg’s great events connected to wine like the „Book of
Vine Branches”, Kőszeg Harvest Festival, introduction of the new wine on Márton’s Day.
Beside these programs they arrange town and county wine contest every year and an
international every second year, professional lectures, trips to wine countries in Hungary and
abroad. Its president is: Kornél Stefanich.
Association of Wine Fan
It was founded on 9. January 1999. with twenty-four members. Their aim is to keep
traditions, creating new ones, to get to know Hungary’s wine countries. Beside their
common meetings they take part in professional lectures, trips to wine-growing areas.
Association of Kőszeg Wine Fan Ladies
It was established in 1999 with twenty-two members. They have a serious role in foster of
the Kőszeg wine culture. They take part in wine festivals regurarly, the implemented idea of
Wine Queen Contest is originated from them, too. They act for theirself on every
professional events, it is very significant to them to make Kőszeg’s wines popular. The
competition of savoury snack, which makes one relish wine, belongs to their name.
Moreover they arrange the Wine of Ladies selection, take part in markets, organise the Wine
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Írottkő Nature Park Association
The association has a big role in the Kőszeg wine-growing. The Kőszeg Wine Route was
established with their support in 2004. They get the prospectus, information boards,
placards making the Wine Route popular done. They are very active in organizing and
arranging of different events. These programs attract many tourists, that means fame and
good income to the town.
Information and communication background
At present wineries and their products are promoted in brochures. On one hand the winegrowers get these prospectus done, on the other hand the Hungarian Chamber of
Commerce and Trade published brochures. Beside the information leaflets almost every
winery has its own webpage.
Láng Winery
Tóth Winery
Kampits Winery
Alasz Winery
Common webpage
Places where wine tasting, lectures and other events can be arranged beside the wineries:
Kőszeg Winehouse
Kőszeg Winehouse is worthy preserver of the wine culture. Grape- and wine history,
traditional equipments of grapes processing and vinification are introduced in the House.
The wine shop of Kőszeg Winehouse show the wine supply of the members of Kőszeg Wine
Route (ten wine-growers). Kőszeg is a wine country specialized in red wine traditionally. Blue
grapes, - first of all Blue Frankish, Zweigelt, Blauburger are dominant. Content of grapes
changed in the last period, wine supply of the growers flared: new types of grapes, new
wines appeared.
Wine shop
It can be found in an art relic street of the historical downtown, in the neighbourhood of the
Jurisich Castle. It is in a beautifully renovated art relic building. Local wines, their history and
characteristic features are introduced during wine tasting.
What do you intend to do, using human and other resources, in order to achieve its
objectives? Please give an overview of the proposed main features of your initiative: main
actions/activities, time scale, methods to apply, information on any key factors such as e.g.
cooperation/partnerships, etc. What are the possible weak points in your opinion?
We give help in the enlargement of Kőszeg’s wine market, in the creation of demand.
Cooperation of wine-growers has to be advanced. It would be important to found a
„Producer-Marketing Organisation (TÉSZ) (growers, who live from the vegetable-fruit sector,
join together to constitute a non-profit organisation. They can decrease the charges sitting
upon them and they can increase their competetiveness through marketing the individually
produced goods together). Development of the institutions, which support the direct getting
of wine into market, have to be continued. The Írottkő Nature Park Association work out
suggestions for touristic programs connected to local products and wines:
- Organise trainings that strengthen the fastidiousness and professional skills of the
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Assure publicity to the local products and growers of the region on events and in
other kind of leaflets
- Publish booklets about local products
- Help the negotiations with retail trade shops and hipermarkets
- Assist the communication of the growers with organising forums
Vineyards farm on little area, the growers cannot produce greater amount of grapes and
produce wine. The biggest plantation has the size of 15 hectares, opposite this, there are 6070 hectares area belonging to only one grower on the Balaton wine country. There would be
possibility to buy empty allotments but the condition of the roads to the wineries are not
suitable for transport. The other elemental problem is that these allotments are not supplied
with all essentials, large-scale investments are necessary to their modernisation. Ascent
locality of the areas make the cultivation with machines difficult.
Describe the actors invited/involved, specific target-group(s) and expected direct and indirect
Alasz Winery
They have dealt with grapes since 1996. Their grapes plantations can be found in King’s
Valley and Borsmonostori-vineyard on 2, 5 hectares. The winery produce mainly Blue
Frankish and Blauburger grapes but they have settled Yellow Muscat since 2008. Selling
happens from house both in cans and bottles, but not only to final consumers but to
caterings and hotels. The winery is suitable for hospitality, they have a place formed for this
purpose where 20-24 guests can be received. Their wines have permanent, great quality for
the contentment of the buyers. The winery gives a secure living to the family and has
possibilities for the improvement. They have won prizes on town, county and international
wine contest (at last their Blue Frankish wine of 2009 won gold qualification in 2010). The
supply is continous, the wine lasts in the whole year. The winery is run in primary producer
and enterprise form.
Cserkuti Pincészet
They have dealt with wine-growing since 1964. Today they produce wine on one of the
traditional wine-growing area in Kőszeg, on the Calvary Mountain. It has a size of 1, 5
hectares. At present they have Blue Frankish, Zweigelt, Merlot grapes. They are successful in
town and county wine contests (2009-Zweigelt-bronze). Their wine is sold as bottled and
table wine in their house. They can recieve 20-25 guests in their winery on the Calvary
Mountain based on previous registration.
Frank Winery
They prepare their wines with using traditional and modern technologies, during the process
they aspire to the wines with fresh, fruity character. Pinot Noir and Rosé from it, Blue
Frankish, Zweigelt offer the best part of the choice. An area of one hectare can be found in
the Kövi-vineyard which was settled in 2001. They care of the selection of shoots and
thinning out of bunches during the grapes maintenance. Mr. Frank was the first Wine Master
of the town in 2004-2005. He gives wine tasting with local history lectures, drinking songs
learning for the pleasure of the gourmets. Previous registration for wine tasting is
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Jagodics Winery
They have settled grapes plantation of 2 hectares in the Borsmonostori-vineyard. The winery
has taken part in numerous national and international competition successfully since 2002.
Mr. Jagodics is one of the founder of the European Wine Knights and the leader of the knight
chair in Kőszeg. He was the Wine Master of the town in 2005. They grows four types of
grapes: Chardonnay, Blue Frankish, Blauburger, Cabernet Sauvignon. Sale takes place at their
house, includes bottled and table wine. The customer can choose from six different wines.
Wine tasting for groups happens based on previous registration. A suitable place built in the
basement is waiting for 10-15 guests at their detached house. They possess a winery in the
Borsmonostori-vineyard that is suitable to receive 50-60 guests. Their detached hous is run
as an inn where 12 people can spend pleasant nights.
Kampits Winery
They have grown grapes on 2 hectares since 1985. They process the fruit and sell the wine in
their winery which is at the entrance of the Pagains. Here can be found that building of the
winery where they store their three types of wine in 225 litres-oak barrels. They offer
Zweigelt, Blue Frankish, Blauburger and blended wines according to their own taste (cuvée)
for the customers. They take part in wine contest regurarly where they are successful. They
have a special place built for wine tasting in their winery. Recieving of smaller groups, friend
companies is possible based on previous registration.
Láng Winery
Tradition of wine-growing and enology in Kőszeg can be found in the Láng Winery. A room
for wine tasting is equipped in the hall of the winery. It is very special because there are
wooden barrels in it and the post fermentation happens here. It has an amazing
environment that reminds the atmosphere of the Buschenschanks (Kapáskocsma-„Hacker
pub”), guest can taste the wines in this wonderful place. The growing is run on 5, 4 hectares.
Selling of the wine takes place at their house, the winery deliver their products to local
restaurants, too. The following types of wines can be tasted in the Láng Winery: Blue
Frankish, Blauburger, Zweigelt, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Franc and Purple Kadarka. According to
their proffesion of faith, the winery put the emphasise on regional variety of grapes (Blue
Frankish, Blauburger). The family deals with white grapes, too (Chardonnay, Riesling Silvani).
They do well in town, county and international wine contest, they won the title of the ’Wine
of the Town” in 2004.
Stefanich Winery
They have been engage in wine-growing on 5 hectares as full-time job since 1994. Kornél
Stefanich has been the president of the „Kőszeg and its environs Mountain Community”
since 2005. He is the member of the European Wine Knights. They established a museum in
Kőszeg, where wine-growing equipments can be seen. They produce wine from five types of
grapes, Blue Frankish, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Blauburger and Chardonnay can be found in their
supply. The noble drink, „Jurisich’s Blood” (cuvée) of the Stefanich Winery became the best
wine of the town in 2011. They won the title of the „Wine of the town”. Bottled and table
wine is sold in the winery in the Pagains. Wine tasting and demonstration happens at their
detached house based on previous registration. 50-60 guests can be received, visitors can
view the museum of wine-growing and agricultural equipments.
Tóth Winery
They have dealt with grape-growing and wine production for 21 years. Their wines were sold
in bottled form at first in the town. Their plantations are in the most beautiful vineyards of
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Kőszeg-mountain, the biggest part of them can be found in the greatest contigous area, in
the Kövi-vineyard. They grow Blue Frankish, Cabernet Sauvignon and Tramini grapes. Their
Blue Frankish won the title of the „Wine of the Town” in 2003.
Beside this prize they take part in numerous contest successfully. Bottled and table wine can
be bought in their wine shop. Wine tasting can be ordered based on previous registration.
Co-op of Wine-growers and Sellers
The Co-op was established in 1956, it has 40 members at present. Its grape-growing areas
can be found on Napostető in Kőszeg, on 4, 5 hectares. It runs one of the oldest art relic
wine-cellar in 25. Hegyalja Street and two more taverns in 10. Rajnis street and 54. Várkör
street. Traditional processing features the wine making. They grow Blue Frankish and
Zweigelt Grapes. Every member of the co-op has to work 5 days a year in the common
Horváth Winery
Wine-growing area of 20 hectares was settled in the Cseri-vineyard between Kőszeg and Cák
in 2001. Visitors can taste Blue Frankish, Zweigelt, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Merlot,
Chardonnay and Cserszeg Spicy wines in their winery. It is a developing winery, they have
not dealt with wine-selling yet. Later their enterprise will be suitable to receive groups,
companies, and different organisations. The winery would like to get into the markets of
Kőszeg and its area, deliver bottled or table wine to restaurants and hotels.
Additional resources are the already introduced Írottkő Nature Park Association and „Kőszeg
Town and District Microregion Association”.
Our main target groups are tourists who visit our town and like the local wines, taste them
with pleasure. We would like to familiarize the product of our wineries with more wine
consumer and wine lover. The local inhabitants would profit from the developments as new
workplaces could be created in the vineyards, wineries and in the area of tourism. Greater
number of attendance of events and improvement of our wine tourism can bring significant
income, and inhabitants of the town and its environs would feel the great impact.
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible impacts.
Trough investments like such as, modernizing vineyards and wineries, technical updates of
tools and machines, quantity of wine would grow and quality would improve. With
appropriate equipments the loads of wine-growers decrease thereby they could settle to
more events and increase their being known and trade. With the increase of commodity,
wine of the order of much more hectolitres could be produced which make possible not only
local trade but agreements with wholesale trades. A bigger local winery employment
opportunities helps multiple families with agricultural work in the period from spring to late
autumn. This development would have a positive effect on creating good long standing jobs,
as it is not only about agricultural work and char (PR, marketing, tourism, administration and
professional activities).
Civic events connected to wine-culture would get more prominent role and attendance than
ever because the wine as cultural object, communication tool became fashionable in
everyday life.
St. Georges’s Day (24. April)
Special local events which was developed from a medieval legal custom. „Book of Vine
Branches” has recorded since 1740. Vine-shoots are drawn in it every year. This practice is
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such tradition that cannot be found in other European wine-growing regions. County winecompetition is usually arranged on the day before the drawing of shoots, and there is an
international wine-competititon with national and international jury members every second
year. During the 3-days celebrations different wine tastings and professional lectures are
held and listened to.
Kőszeg Harvest and International Wind-band festival
Kőszeg’s very special event which set the most people in motion. The 3-day series of
programs have been the central event of the county for more than 20 years. The last
weekend of September pivoted on wine every year. On the first evening of the festival it
comes to the Wine Queen Competition, whose mandate is valid for a year. Selection of the
wine of the town takes place at the same time with the Wine Queen competition. Members
of the representative body quality the wines on the grounds of official wine competition
rules. That wine can bear the title of the „Wine of the town” which achieves the highest
score. Kőszeg represents it on protocol events for a year.
Wine Ball
The first County Wine Ball was arranged in Kőszeg in 2004. The title of the „Wine Master”
can be deserved on this evening. During the program tasting is given. Whose wine is liked
the best by the audience, becomes the „Wine Master” of the town for a year.
It is important to talk about the Wine Route, its development would dispaly a positive effect
directy in the view of wine tourism. On the initiation of the Írottkő Nature Park Association
and the Wine fan Association the wine-growers in Kőszeg established the Kőszeg Wine Route
in 2004. Effected growers would like to produce the wine not only for the local market but
familiarize their wines on national and international level. They set the aim of production of
qualitative wine, wine-marketing, and creation of the conditions of hospitality. Eight growers
joined to it who have formulated fundamental criterias:
- Qualified wine has to be possessed (by OBI-National Wine Institute)
- Bottled wine, own label
- Suitable place for hospitality
- Individual and grouped hospitality, giving wine tasting
- Given opening hours
The logo of the Wine Route was done in 2004, together with information boards with the
same image elements.
What are the essential problems you expect, what could hinder the realization of the
A, Size of the vineyards
The base of every activity is commodity. One of the main problems is that this commodity is
still very little, there is not enough wine. At present there are 100 hectares of vineyards
altogether.Growers posses 2-4-6-10 hectares of plantation, there are two growers with more
than 10 hectares but these areas don’t exceeds the 15 hectares. In contrast with Hungary’s
other wine-growing regions where 60-70 hectares of vineyards belong to only one grower.
The quantity of wine can be raised only with extension of the areas. Traditional winegrowing places as the King’s Valley and the belt of hills around Kőszeg, Pagains were
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
contigous vineyards before the filoxera. The plantations, which were settled after the
damage of the pest, grew old, planting was failed. These areas should be cultivated.
B, Locality of the potential areas
In the mentioned point above, the potential, implantable allotments have south-eastern
slopes, they are very steep. Moreover they are supplied with essentials partially, (electricity
is installed, the water partly from own resources but not on every allotment) they are not
accessible easily because of the negligence of the roads.
C, Development of road network
Roads amongst the allotments are not established appropriately. In case of the touristic
exploitation of a winery,- visiting, wine tasting- modern and well maintained roads are
necessary. One of the highlighted development aim is the improvement of the road network
in the Kőszeg Mountain.
D, Resources of the wine-growers
Kőszeg is proud of its many events connected to wine-growing where the appearance and
settling of the local wine-growers is expected. The main aim of the growers to serve the local
claims primarily but they meet difficulties. They do not have possibility to separate all the
subfield of their work (manual labor-office work-administration) and hire appropriate
professionals, these tasks are their responsibilities. This situation means that a local winegrower spends his whole day with hard manual work (wine growing, harvesting, making
wine), he is an enologist, gives wine tasting in the evenings and he is an expertise in
marketing and economy at the same time. In many case they do not have capacity to take
part in more events, losing incomes and promotion facilities.
E, Difficulties of technical development
Continous development and increase of equipment park is necessary for the production of
high quality wine. Different wine making process needs various equipments, for instance:
refrigerating equipments for the chilled fermentation, warming equipments, presses for the
gentle pressing, all of them in stainless implementation. Wine-growing, winery and
hospitality demand devices, investments from the growers separately, but they cannot
invest for everything at the same time, they have to decide which part of their winery should
be developed: there is grower who put the volume of production forward, others improve
the marketing.
For the implementation of your initiative, what necessary support do you expect (e.g.
special/detailed information, relevant studies, possible fact finding missions at regions with
already implemented initiatives, insourcing of external expertise …).
Most of the available tenders for growers order 30-40% of own resources (the amount of
more millions Hungarian Forint are considered) whether it is about investments of machines
or cellar building. Such tenders would be needed that terminate this close allocated funds
and give the chance for the smaller investments. The enlargement of wineries means more
hundreds of millions project:
Amount of money
1 ha (100 m x 100 m)
1 000 000 Forint (3 300 Euro)
1 ha plantation
5 000 000 Forint (16 600 Euro)
6 000 000 Forint (20 000 Euro)
Tender supports:
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Personal and technical conditions of events (hostess, fridge, hiring or buying of
tasting tools, snacks for neutralizing of taste, water, electricity, guarding services)
- Making promotional, advertising materials about the participants, organising of their
common campaign
- Adverstisements in different media, booking of advertising space and transmission
- Support of trainings connected to enology, wine tourism or knowledge of enologytourism. Aim: extensive, specialized knowledge in enology and wine tourism. The
specialist is able to introduce the aptitude and wine touristic services of local
wineries to help the local development of wine tourism
- Acqusition of machines, technologies connected to wine-growing, wine-reform
Non-financial supports:
- Training of experts and sending them into our region: wine-grower, economist,
marketing, manager, instructors
- Study trips, professional lectures: visiting wineries in Hungary and abroad, organizing
international professional lectures, exchange of experience
Collection, drying, selling and use of wild growing herbs
Hungary is situated in the Carpathian Basin in Middle-Europe. 50 % of the territory of Hungary is
plain. The Great Plain can be found in the eastern part of the country, where most of Hungary’s
crops are grown. Hungary has two main rivers: the Danube (417 km long in Hungary) and the
Tisza (598 km long). Both rivers flow in North-south direction and divide Hungary into 3 parts.
The area between the Danube and the Tisza is plain. The territory west from the Danube,
including the warmest sweet water lake (Balaton) of Middle-Europe, is a hilly country. Hungary
has a chain of middle-high mountains. The Transdanubian part is mainly mountainous, with the
exception of the northern region, which is called the Small Plain. The Transdanubian Mountains,
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
west from the Danube, are 400-700 m high. Parts of the mountains are: Keszthely mountains,
Bakony, Vértes, Gerecse, Pilis and the Visegrád mountains.
The Northern Mountains (500- 1000 m high) extend northeast from the Danube. Parts of the
mountains are: Börzsöny, Mátra, Bükk, Cserhát and the Zemplén mountains. The highest point of
Hungary is Kékes-tető (1014 m) in the Mátra Mountains.
Considering its natural assets, our county bordering Austria and Slovenia has one of the most
varied landscapes in Hungary. Its medicinal, thermal waters are the most significant advantages
of this area rich in heritage. Vas County is located in the western part of the country in Western
Transdanubia. It has more than 268, 000 residents and its area is 3, 337 square kilometres,
making it one of the smallest Hungarian county, only Komárom-Esztergom and Nógrád are
smaller. To the west its borders are the Austrian province of Burgenland, to the southwest
Slovenia, while its Hungarian neighbours are the counties of Zala to the south, Veszprém to the
east and Győr-Moson-Sopron County to the north. The county seat is Szombathely. Other towns
are Bük, Celldömölk, Csepreg, Körmend, Kőszeg, Őriszentpéter, Répcelak, Sárvár, Szentgotthárd
and Vasvár.
Although almost half of the total area is flat, the western portion of the county consists of a
medium-size range of hills while the southwest belongs to the Transdanubian Hills. As a result of
Atlantic influences the weather is somewhat cooler, but more balanced than most other parts of
the country. The clear air together with the sub-Alpine climate draws many visitors here.
The Kőszeg microregion is located in the western part of western Transdanubia and the
northwestern edge of the county. The following settlements belong to the region: Kőszeg,
Horvátzsidány, Kiszsidány, Peresznye, Ólmod, Kőszegszerdahely, Cák, Kőszegdoroszló, Velem,
Bozsok, Lukácsháza, Gyöngyösfalu, Kőszegpaty, Nemescsó, Pusztacsó.
Kőszeg is the baroque pearl or the jewellery box of Hungary. It is charming, almost 800 years old
town but its history can go back earlier, into the Roman’s time. It is situated 2 km from the
Austrian border, about 240 km from Budapest and 100 km from Vienna. The population is low
with its approximately twelve thousands inhabitants. The county capital is Szombathely and is
only 20 km from here. The town lies at the feet of the Alps and the river bank of Gyöngyös.
The old buildings and houses on the Main Square, the Jurisich Square and the Jurisich Castle tell
stories about the rich history of the town. The Main Square, with its beautiful fountains, nice
restaurants, cafés, little shops, is very imposing and here can be found the biggest church of the
town, the Church of Jesus Heart. The Jurisich Square is the old-town but it is under
reconstruction now. It can be reached through the Gate of Heroes, and the Tower of Heroes
which is above the Gate. Here is the Town Hall and many old buildings in baroque style, the
Jurisich Castle and various museums: History Museum, Castle Museum, Pharmacy Museum,
Wine Museum and an archive.
Hungary have to be or should be viewed as „high-power” of Europe on the field of the traditional
use, collection, growing and examination of herbs. The first more significant written documents
appeared more than 400 years ago but it can be approved that centuries before it the herbs
were used in wide range. Herbs can be found in a lot of places and Kőszeg and its environs is not
an exception. This topic fits expressly to the sustainable activities on mountainous areas.
There are significant traditions of use and growing of herbs in Hungary. The national flora is rich
in herbs. The importance of this sector is presented in the health protection and it is difficult to
define its role with money. Moreover some types of herbs (for instance camomile, lavender)
make the economical use of less productive soil (eroded, rocky hillsides, sodic, sandy soil)
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Growing of herbs and the collecting, and carrying-in of these plants happened into a premise
which was the building of the present agricultural secondary school. It meant an important
income source for lots of families for instance the picking of the flower of linden was really
popular and useful. This activity has 100 years old tradition on the area of Kőszeg Foothills
(Velem, Bozsok).
in terms of
Mountain character
More tenthousands of people deal with collecting of herbs in Hungary. More than 200 kinds of
herbs exist in the country. These plants can grow in various places, even amongst extreme
conditions. There are excellent possibilities in Kőszeg and its environs to grow herbs and spices in
much larger quantity and with various innovations.
The long-term sustainability and thrift can be solved because the plants (which number can reach
the thousand in the nature) are continously available, in summer and winter, for example the
yield of oak, willow and alder. Greenhouse is not necessary for the growing of these plants
because the organic growing is the basic of the real herbs and spices, so that growing method
should be used which is the closest to the nature. As a first step, collecting, drying and storing in
the nature can be an excellent base of the process. An appropriate background have to be
assured for this activity: big, breezy, dark barn or loft.
The European Union accepted the 2004/24/EK/ policy in 2004 which was built in the Hungarian
Law and Order by the XCV. Pharmaceutical Law of the year 2005 and the 52/2005 and 53/2005
Ministry of Health regulations. According to these laws the curative specifics which are not
qualified as medicines cannot be marketed with references to therapeutic effects.
General objectives in relation to short/middle/long term
More things are necessary to the collecting and full utilization if we think in a longer-term
activity. Our aim is to start a sustainable, adaptable to the environment and workplace creating
Specific aim is to start a course which contains minimum 10 events (10 x 5 lessons) to make the
plants acquinted. The other goal is the building of a premise and the training could be started in
parallel with the construction.
Define preconditions required in order to implement the activity
- Financial resources
- Experts (very important!)
- Construction of premise (we have ideas for the area)
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Essential problems that could lead to restrictions and limitations (e.g. legal restrictions, policies)
- Licences
- The already mentioned new orders: Marketing of curative specifics is important in the herbindustries point of view. The National Medical Institute reclassified more products and they can
be marketed as diet-supplement, food or traditional vegetal medicine. Specifics marketed as
food products have to be suitable for the related laws. In the case of reclassifying of herbs,
qualities connected to prevention, curing or treatment cannot be represented on the products.
Special orders concern to the products selling as medicine during the marketing and
- Lack of investors lack of financial resources
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible impacts, e.g.
Expected results related to activities
- Restart of an industry which was successful and prosperous in our town and its environs long
time ago
- creation of workplaces
- promoting of trade: we could export instead of import
active participation in the
international trade, contact building
- to make people acquainted with nature protection in a wide range
- presentation of that how people can work in harmony with the nature in order to not to cause
any harm in it but they can make use of it
- educational, real knowledge transferring training because killing is possible with some plants or
they can have narcotic effect. People have to know the herbs, their use in a way that our
children, grandchildren can find them in the future, too.
Strong/weak points in terms of sustainability? (Swot analysis)
Huge variety of species
and huge amount of
Human resources +
Existing, usable area
opportunity of Hungary
is excellent for growing
of herbs
Lack of investors
Laws in the EU
Creation of workplace
Aggravation connected
to trade and export in
the EU
Completion of a whole
Making all the work
process in one place
international relations
Identify available/needed resources during development and implementation of the
- financial resources
- tender opportunities
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
-training of experts, employees, financial and human resources, lecturers/teachers
- investors, maintainers (until the possible premise and/or factory cannot become selfsupporting)
- procurement of adequate equipments, devices, machines
Roles of stakeholders in development and implementation of the activity/product
- Association for Írottkő Nature Park
- Local government
- Bakos Flower Garden
More volunteers, investors, contributors have to be looked for.
Target groups:
- people without workplace
- people who are interested in nature and herbs
- buyers, tradesmen
- local inhabitants
- tourists (there would be a tea-tasting and demonstration room int he complex)
Please set procedures of:
- looking for the appropriate territory, agreement with the local government in connection with
the area
- build up of water and road network system
- completion of plans: building for the processing and storing of machines + demonstration and
tasting room ( a little kitchen)
Beside of the appropriate financial conditions we would create workplaces with the realization of
the plans moreover this process would bring more new services. A newer production that is
visible, usable, could be a great demonstration place and could be connect with many, other kind
of activities and products.
After the first steps, the procurement of plans and licenses, the implementation can be started.
- reuse of territory
- construction
Later: - growing
- processing
If the customer base is developed, the continuous work would mean stabile income because
herbs and spices are in demand not only on national level but on international level.
Monitoring and evaluation
If the rehabilitation would be realized from tender sources, then complex monitoring can be
waited at the receipt of the project. Furthermore those authorities that give the licences send
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their experts to control the whole project.
- reports on trade
- financing accounts
- It would be an enterprise with stabile, continuous income
- After the start it can become self-supporting
Describe useful information or resources which could contribute to the realization of the
activity/product (támogatás)
- financial support
- available and appropriate tenders
- study tours
- suggestions and more ideas from the Green Mountain partners
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Mill Rehabilitation Project in Velem (Linda Katona, Alexandra Bartók)
Hungary is situated in the Carpathian Basin in Middle-Europe. 50 % of the territory of Hungary is
plain. The Great Plain can be found in the eastern part of the country, where most of Hungary’s
crops are grown. Hungary has two main rivers: the Danube (417 km long in Hungary) and the
Tisza (598 km long). Both rivers flow in North-south direction and divide Hungary into 3 parts.
The area between the Danube and the Tisza is plain. The territory west from the Danube,
including the warmest sweet water lake (Balaton) of Middle-Europe, is a hilly country. Hungary
has a chain of middle-high mountains. The Transdanubian part is mainly mountainous, with the
exception of the northern region, which is called the Small Plain. The Transdanubian Mountains,
west from the Danube, are 400-700 m high. Parts of the mountains are: Keszthely mountains,
Bakony, Vértes, Gerecse, Pilis and the Visegrád mountains.
The Northern Mountains (500- 1000 m high) extend northeast from the Danube. Parts of the
mountains are: Börzsöny, Mátra, Bükk, Cserhát and the Zemplén mountains. The highest point of
Hungary is Kékes-tető (1014 m) in the Mátra Mountains.
Considering its natural assets, our county bordering Austria and Slovenia has one of the most
varied landscapes in Hungary. Its medicinal, thermal waters are the most significant advantages
of this area rich in heritage. Vas County is located in the western part of the country in Western
Transdanubia. It has more than 268, 000 residents and its area is 3, 337 square kilometres,
making it one of the smallest Hungarian county, only Komárom-Esztergom and Nógrád are
smaller. To the west its borders are the Austrian province of Burgenland, to the southwest
Slovenia, while its Hungarian neighbours are the counties of Zala to the south, Veszprém to the
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
east and Győr-Moson-Sopron County to the north. The county seat is Szombathely. Other towns
are Bük, Celldömölk, Csepreg, Körmend, Kőszeg, Őriszentpéter, Répcelak, Sárvár, Szentgotthárd
and Vasvár.
Although almost half of the total area is flat, the western portion of the county consists of a
medium-size range of hills while the southwest belongs to the Transdanubian Hills. As a result of
Atlantic influences the weather is somewhat cooler, but more balanced than most other parts of
the country. The clear air together with the sub-Alpine climate draws many visitors here.
The Kőszeg microregion is located in the western part of western Transdanubia and the
northwestern edge of the county. The following settlements belong to the region: Kőszeg,
Horvátzsidány, Kiszsidány, Peresznye, Ólmod, Kőszegszerdahely, Cák, Kőszegdoroszló, Velem,
Bozsok, Lukácsháza, Gyöngyösfalu, Kőszegpaty, Nemescsó, Pusztacsó.
Velem is a small village in one of the most beautiful part of Hungary. It can be found at the feet
of the Kőszeg-mountains, in the northwestern part of Vas County. The village belongs to the
Írottkő Nature Park, with the neighbour villages (Cák, Bozsok, Kőszegszerdahely and
Kőszegdoroszló) together it constitutes the Kőszeg Foothills. Velem has subalpine climate and
crystalclear air. From the village, at the feet of the Alps, wonderful view opens to the Saint Vid
Chappel on 582m. Írottkő (882m), the highest point of Transdanubia, is only a few kilometres far
from here, but more higher point can be found on the border of the village, so it is mainly a
mountanious area, only the Velem-field can be considered as a flatlands part. The Szerdahelystream flows through the village and Pákó-stream (starts from Borrha-stream) joins it in the
southern part of the village.
The basic conception is connected to an already existing, being in order mill, which strongly
needs restoration. The fast water of the mountainous stream grinds local grown wheat, beside
this the mill would function as a museum. The place can be visited at present, too, and there is a
museum there as well, but we want to use its opportunity better: we would plan to open a shop
in one of the outbuilding where we would sell handicraft products, primary production goods
and crops suitable for consumption, herbs and spices. Moreover we would utilize the other
outbuildings, we would open a barn theater, a buffet next to it where we would serve foods from
local products, comestibles, if it is possible.
Nowadays there are only a few working mills in Hungary. One of these mills belongs to Velem at
Kőszeg Foothills in a picturesque environment. The mill was mentioned first in 1568, its history
went back to early times. The original mill, on which place the present-day building was built,
was a tatched, “harrow walled” edifice. It was driven by two water wheels that possibly worked
with two grindstones. In one of them the crop was milled, in the other one it was ground. Almost
the whole mill was built from pine tree, iron nails were hardly used during the construction. The
old mill was demolished in 1913, in the following year the water head of the mill was built from
stone and the ground floor and loft of the building were constructed as well. The mill worked
during the first world war, then after the war further modifications were done but it got its
present image (before renovation) in 1919. At that time the roof was demolished and one more
floor was built on the building. Szerdahely-stream gives the necessary energy to the grind.
Thanks for the unusually favourable lie of the land some time ago between the two world wars
the mill got concreted catchment. In the case of larger amount of rainfall the mill-race,
compassing the mill, leads the unnecessary water through the tail-race. Unfortunetly, nowadays
the mill runs empty, the machinery has stood for 3 years because of aging of the mill-wheel and
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
the flood smote the area. State of the mill-machines is satisfying but as they spend a long-term
period without work the whole system needs a thorough review and cleaning. To the start-up of
the grind change of the mill-wheel (its wood material is destroyed completely), reconstruction of
the streambed (dredging of lakebed, strengthening of supporting wall revetment, change of
sluice gate) are needed.
The mill in itself without working is a huge industrial-local historical value, aesthetically beautiful,
technically interesting but the feeling of “lack of movement” stays there in every visitor. This
house has to be active and lively, not to mention that the presentation and inheritance is much
easier if it is supported by visual stimulus. Children have to be taught how the flour is made. It
would be a cultural luxury to give up the possibility of a working mill, an enormous quantity of
knowledge waiting for transferring would be wasted. More buildings can be found on that area, a
meadow belongs to it, too. Utilize of these would give opportunity for activities with those the
institution will be able to achieve plus income – buffet, barn theatre, souvenir-nature shop, herb
and spice garden. The mill and the incremental buildings – miller’s house, barn, equarry – are in a
very used-up condition, they have to be renovated completely. Our intention is that to leave the
environment of the mill in as traditional state as the millers built it long time ago. The renovated
mill should express its countryside nature, tradition of Hungarian back cast mill at the end of the
19th century, at the beginning of the 20th century in a practical, modern and sustainable
in terms of
Mountain character
Water energy is one of the oldest used renewable energy resource. Watermill primarily is a mill
for the grind of wheat and it uses water energy as a resource for its activity. At brook mills a part
of the water is led through a mill channel or mill-race to the usually sloping top water wheel. In
this way the stability of fall is ensured. The beneficiary of this solution is that a possible flood
does not overburden the water wheels and does not cause damages in the structure of the mill.
The stream, which flows from the mountains, gives the water energy to the grinding in the mill.
The initiation seems to be stabile from the sustainability point of view, because as far as there
will be mountains and streams then the energy is assured for the grinding. From an economic
point of view some questions and problems raise and we have to find solutions. The summer
periods mean the busiest months with the tourists, people on holiday, and summer camps in the
complex. The winter, quiet period has not yet solved, maintenance costs, wages of the workers
have to be produced in the off-season, too.
The monument protection laws limit our possibilities. The LXIV. Hungarian laws of the year 2001.
– its 41.§ - 45.§ define and write down the maintenance and utilization conditions and rules of
monuments. Each steps have to be carefully thought already in the planning phase. An example:
We have to change the floor tiles in the buffet but we do not like or cannot get the same ones.
We have to justify to the Monument Protection Office why the change happens, why we do not
use the same floor tiles, why we changed the plans and the whole licencing process has to be
played again. This procedure happens all the time, it does not matter how tiny thing we want to
or have to change and this can cause a huge time loss.
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General objectives in relation to short/middle/long term
We mainly have long-term aims. Beside the renovation of the buildings the condition protection
and the continous maintenance work is very significant. The mill would be not only a reworking
building but the transferring of tradition in a self-supporting complex. It would be the
emblematic symbol of Velem where the visiting of the mill can mean a longer activity for
anybody. The benefit, which perhaps would not be so huge but stabile, can be spent on renewal
and expansion.
Specific objectives in relation to short/middle/long term
Expansion of function. The tourist now arrives and spends 25-45 minutes in the mill „listening to
the lecture” and looking at the machines depending on his interest. The target is that he will be
able to get full services if he wants to have them. If he was hungry, thirsty, he can eat and drink,
if he wanted to take home some souvenirs, he can buy them in a shop, and if he spent his time
here, his children can play on the playground if their attention damps during visiting the mill.
And if we talk about wheat then visitors should be able to buy flour in the shop, and if we talk
about flour, then it should be bio and local. But there should be other kind of products – fruits
and greens from the farmers. If naturalness, then herbs and spices should be thematically
planted in the garden and packed in the shop. Moreover if we talk about local producers, then
not only the farmers can advertise and sell their products but the handicraftsmen and artists,
too. The mill should be a little complete summary of that what Kőszeg Foothills means.
Define preconditions required in order to implement the activity
- reconstructed buildings
- working mill, barn appropriate for a cinema, liveable space for sale, restrooms
- licenses
- financial resources
Essential problems that could lead to restrictions and limitations (e.g. legal restrictions, policies)
- License of ÁNTSZ (National Public Health Medical Officer Service): is it possible to make milling
products in a place which can be visited?
- Work Safety Authority: mill can be a dangerous workplace, perform of adequate precautionary
measures is important for the protection of the visitors.
- The already mentioned work safety laws, difficulty of modifications, licences, periods of time.
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible impacts, e.g.
Expected results related to activities
- satisfied mill visitors
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
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- raising number of tourists in the whole territory
- guests who stay for longer time
Expected results related to objectives
- creation of workplaces
- emblematical tourist attraction
Expected results related to the mountain character
- working stream
- reset of habitat: settlement of trout into the mill-lake, place of amphibians, nesting places of
water birds
- raising number of visitors on study trails
- realization of a tourinform center (office)
- longer-term aim: led tours in the mountains and in the village as well
Strong/weak points in terms of sustainability? (Swot analysis)
Minimal risk in the Time factor
continuation of the
basic activitiy
number of visitors
4-5000 visitors/year
if we wait more Nearness of Austria –
the Austrian tourists
money is needed
Unique attraction in
tourists spread the
the environs
negative experiences
Decreasing number
of tourists
Less money spending
facility on the people
Human factor: finding
development, varied the
in its category
Identify available/needed resources during development and implementation of the
Necessary: tender resources, investment loans, donation of civil people
Only one employee is enough during the development and implementation process but during
working the ideal minimal number is 4-5 people:
- exhibition leader/miller
- shop assistant in the souvenir shop
- attendant in the buffet
- caretaker (gardening, cleaning)
It is worth employing trainees in a scholarship system in the summer months because of the
numbers of the tourists. During the winter period other financial possibilities have to be found
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inside the mill or the wage of the basic staff has to be produced in summer.
Given: stream, given environmental protected area with existing natural values
Necessary: various devices, kitchen equipments, projector, computer/notebook
Roles of stakeholders in development and implementation of the activity/product
How can they cooperate together
Operators of the water mill in Velem:
- X Real Estate Development Agency Ltd.
- Non-profit Association for the mill in Velem
Further investigators have to be searched for.
Further co-operators:
- Local government
- Association for Írottkő Nature Park
- local civilians: local firemen, local handicraftmen and farmers
Our target groups:
- tourists
- local inhabitants
Please set procedures of:
After the birth of the idea we will need technical designers, co-ordinated work of architectengineering-electrical engineer and structural engineer, garden designers and mill-engineer is
needed. The completed plans have to be authorized by the Cultural Inheritance Protection
Authority and then the implementation can be started if the appropriate sources are available.
After the restoration of basic function, the already mentioned function expansion can be started
with specific aims.
With the adequate licences the implementation would happen with the help of local craftsmen,
in this way we would create workplaces indirectly for the local inhabitants.
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Monitoring and evaluation
If the rehabilitation would be realized from tender sources, then complex monitoring can be
waited at the receipt of the project. Furthermore those authorities that give the licences send
their experts to control the whole project.
The 3 months in summer are the busiest period and the long weekends can bring more tourists
into the region we have to build on these facts. Working during the winter period needs a
sustainable strategy – what and how to work, what kind of activities to do in order to the basic
staff can have a stabile job in the whole year. So, the next task is the completion of a sustainable
strategy until raising the financial sources.
Describe useful information or resources which could contribute to the realization of the
activity/product (támogatás)
- experts
- available and appropriate tenders
- study tour
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
partner region: Province of MACERATA (ITA)
2.1 General socio-economic situation
Area concerned (km²), number of administrative
units (communities) concerned
km - there are 57 municipalities and 3 Mountain
Communities, representing 2/3 of the territory
of the Province
In the Province of Macerata, the 2010 GDP/per
Gross domestic product (GDM)/per head
head is € 25,145 (data by "Unioncamere")
The population in the Province of Macerata is
distributed as follows: 13%: 0-14 years old; 64%:
15-64 yeras old; 23%: 65-over 65 years old. The
average density of population in the Province of
Population: Population development , age pyramid, population density per km²
Macerata is 116 inhabitants/km2; the same data
is 68 inhabitants/km in the Mountain
Communities area and it lowers to 25
inhabitants/km in the purely mountaneous
The value of the products exported by the
Import and Export in €
Province of Macerata in the year 2011 is €
1.518.000.000. The value of imports is €
Data detected athe 31 of December: 36.792
companies located in the Province of Macerata
Business activities: number of registered businesses, sector relation in %
are registered at the Chambers of Commerce,
Industry, Crafts and Agriculture; among them,
Labour market: Employment related to the three sectors
(initial production, commerce and industry, services)
in %, rate of unemployment
Should be related to the average situation of the country
8.922 are farms and 66 are forestry companies.
For the last 2 years, the unemployment rate
referred to the Province of Macerata has raised
from 5,2% to 5,8%; this data is lower than the
average national one, which is 8,4%. In the
the of
are of
the end
year 2010 in the
Macerata, the employment rate (15-64 years
old) 63,5%, while the national data was 56,9%
and the EU data was 64,2% (remark: with
reference to the unemployment rate, the
remainder is due to the inactivity of people
attending school)
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Situation of agriculture and forestry
Agricultural households: Agricultural households per 1,000 inhabitants [units]
Farm Size in ha (average)
In the Province of Macerata, there are 9.542 farmers out of
324.188 inhabitants (29,4/1000, SH)
The average agricultural area of farms is Ha 10,9, while
their total area is on average Ha 15,7
Average data on the use of land ni the Province of
Macerata: 74,2%: arable land; 22,5%: grassland and pasture;
Land use (% forestry, agriculture – thereof grassland, arable land,
orchards, specialised cultivation, fallows, badlands, areacoveredby buildings),
3,3% tree crops for wood. In the purely mountaneous area
(Appenines), 61,5% of the agricultural area is used as
pasture and grassland while the 37,8% is arable land.
Moreover, the agricultural area used for olive trees is Ha
Livestock (LSU per hectare, number of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry, horses)
1.600,00, while the one used for vineyards is Ha 1.200,00.
Data detected in the 2010 year. Breeding: poultry (700.000
headages); sheep and goat (1305 herds, 74.000 headages);
cattle (2443 herds, 21.000 headages); pigs (3475 pig farms,
19.100 headages).
Trade of agricultural and forestry products/Import and export of agricultural products
Data detected at the 31 of December 2011: the value of
agricultural and forestry products exported by the Province
of Macerata was € 2,667,000, while the imports had a value
of € 34,110,000
Agricultural households with forestry in %
Machinery: Tractors (single and double axis) per 100 agricultural households [units]
Data detected at the 31 of December 2011: 66 forestry
companies are located in the Province of Macerata.
No data available. However, the level of mechanization
(tractors, combines,…) is very high if compared to the
national average
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Points of strength
Points of weakness
Small economic dimension of
Starting of the process of
Availability of research centers
Negative global world-wide
producton and manufacturing
farms’ restructuring
and qualified competence in the
economic situation with higher
costs of production and
Low human pressure
Recurrent crises in the main
Good quality of natural
Incentives to the birth of new
production districts present in
Decrease in spending on
enterprises and reconversion of
the territory (mechanics)
the existing ones
research and development
Strong spray business
presence in agricultural
and on costs of legal
Hardly and rarely structured
protection of the local
farms (especially if small and
mid-sized enterprises)
animals and plants that are
Slow employment resumption
Lack of job opportunities for
relevant for biodiversity
highly skilled workers
Reduced investment in the
productive system and low
Excessive use of land for crops
capacity of innovation
Reduced generation turnover
Awareness raising among
Abandonment of agricultural
resident population and people
working in agriculture
progressive degradation of the
Manufacturing specialization in
environment and landscape
low-tech production
entrepreneurial individualism
Higher unemployment rate for
stressed by resistance to
young men and women
productive and organizational
Limited area dedicated to
cooperation approaches
agricultural production with
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report – Partner Contributions
Points of strength
Points of weakness
high added value
Pollution of both surface water
and groundwater
Good percentage of foreign
activity in the area
High value of landascape
Presence di buildings with
historical and architectural
value for tourist use;
Presence of additional,
Integration of policies
based on enhancement of
historical-artisticenvironmental heritage
Scarcity of innovative products
and services for green tourism
Weak organization of touristic
offer with seasonal singleproduct model
related to tourism development
and its connected activities
Job opportunities for women
and young people in new
tourism sectors and in fields
different from hotel tourism
and traditional accomodation
Promotion and valorization of
the territory carried out by
mountain areas with a touristic
Good levels of education
among population
permanence in the territories
insufficient distribution of
services as regards the needs
of internal areas
Increase and diversification of
Gap between generations
More isolated elderly people
Polarized local services
attention to the quality of foods
and their link to the territory
with good potentialities for
marketing of organic products.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report – Partner Contributions
Points of strength
Points of weakness
positive dynamics of cultural
Risk of loss of local knowledge
Presence of significant sites
of archaeological, artistic
uncoordinated management of
and traditions in agricolture
Preservation of historical and
and handicraft
and cultural interest
artistic heritage
cultural identity
Territory with widespread
inadeguate organization of
organization of cultural offer as
to the great potentialities
offered by the territory
Increase of agricultural
food enterprises related to
local agricultural reality
Presence of organic firms
Presence of local, typical
important specializations
agricultural enterprise
High number of typical local
amount of products and lack of
recognition of local products
Scarce presence of organic
production in the protected
increase of consumption of high
quality food, handicraft and
industrial products.
Development of alternative
sources of income through
diversification of agricultural
Improvement of relatioships
inside supply chain
Intersectoral synergies for local
Improvement of coordination in
programmes and strategies
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report – Partner Contributions
Difficulty of access to relevant
development of the PAC
towards a more free exchange
in the global market in
absence of enhancement of
appropriate policies to support
rural development
emphasis on international
competition in the cereal
Name and institutional function:
Giovanni Battista Torresi - Assessore for Productive Activities (Agriculture and Commerce,
Craft, Industry),Fairs, Economic Development, EU Policies (ROP - ERDF, PSR), Sport
In which field do you work primarily?
Currently, in addition to the role of Assessore of the Province of Macerata, I‘m also Mayor of
Pioraco, a small town in the mountain area
Please, can you describe the positive aspects / strengths the most characteristic of rural
development in the Province of Macerata? (now and in the past)
Restructuring of farms with an increase of female entrepreneurship in the agricultural
Lowanthropic pressure
Good quality of natural resources
Presence of habitats and plant and animal species important for biodiversity
Good attendance percentage of foreign tourists
Consolidated tourist activity in the area
High value of the landscape
presence of buildings of historical and architectural value for tourist use
Good presence of complementary accommodation
presence of important archaeological sites, artistic and cultural
food companies on the rise, conditions related to local agricultural
Good presence of organic farmers
Presence of many typical local products
Good tendency to enhance the multifunctionality of agricultural
And now,if you could travel in the future, how would you describe the territory of
macerata between 10 years, particularly:
• Products / local
• Economic sectors operating
• Organization of various sectors and civil society (such as institutions manage rural
Availability of research centers and qualified expertise in the area
Incentives to the creation of new companies and conversion of existing
Possibility of employment related to tourism development and its suppliers
Job opportunities for women and youth in the new fields of tourism non-hotel
Promotion and development of the area by the institutions
Growing consumer attention to food quality and their connection with the land, with
good potential for marketing of organic products
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report – Partner Contributions
Increased demand for cultural
preservation of the historical-cultural
Increase in the consumption of food, craft and industrial quality products in its
Increase alternative sources of income through diversification of agricultural activities
Improved supply-chain-relationships
Intersectoral synergies for local development
Improve the coordination of the supply chain and run 'territorial' addresses and
Which are the three most important strategic objectives for rural development in this
I refer to the General Plan of Development 2012-2016 of the Province of Macerata approved
by the Government which I belong.
"The province can be divided into three systems:
1. TERRITORIAL MOUNTAIN SYSTEM (most disadvantaged, with lower population density)
2. TERRITORIAL HILLY SYSTEM (hinge between its systems)
3. LOCAL COASTAL SYSTEM (more developed, with the problems of congestion population like
traffic, pollution)
As part of the role of government, the Province has to promote the peculiarity and the
excellence of the entire geographical area, identifying one connotation of "Land of Harmony"
and trying - at the same time - to contribute to the rebalancing of the areas and the systems
and the overcoming of the different development gap.
Teamwork, networking, create a system has to be the dominant motive of administrative
action or the consultation as a working method to use in any case. We think that, in our small
territorial area, only a systemic approach can really take into account the different needs of
57 different municipalities, grouped in the uneven territorial systems. We are sure that only
the union can result a common and strong action worth more than the sum of the single
contributions, to overcome the localism and the ambitions of the municipalities, and to
watch together, forward, toward a common goal of regional development.
Only the contribution of everybody in the interests of the community may actually help to
overcome differences and to harmonize every areas, giving each of them the deserved role,
because otherwise it is intended - acting alone or in opposition to the context - a dangerous
Only by uniting the efforts of everybody in the common purpose and by acting to a
strengthener vision of the public service role to the community, you can effectively combine
effectiveness, efficiency and economy with the values of cooperation and solidarity.
Some examples of work in terms of rebalancing and the overcoming of the margins of the
territories include the following:
a) Extension of broadband to the whole to overcome the so-called digital divide;
b) Protection and enhancement of the railway line Civitanova Albacina to defend and
improve the usability of the territories and the mobility of people;
c) Development of interventions for the construction and maintenance of the provincial road
d) Streamlining the supply of TPL services according to a logic of greater modal integration
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
and tariff, to ensure forms of public transport, also in favor of disadvantaged users
throughout the province;
e) Projecting also in favor of European mountain areas or parts of the territory, however,
more fragile;
f) Harmonization of the distribution of educational facilities and the training of the whole;
g) Developing and strengthening the role of the two universities in the area;
h) Use of social policies, especially those aimed at the family, to reach the populations most
in need by operating in an increasingly coordinated with ATS, municipalities, organizations
and the third sector, including through special arrangements (eg taxi social, speakers, etc. .);
i) Development of policies for training and work, to ensure the maintenance of employment
levels, overcoming the contingencies business in particular geographical areas in which they
occur, social cohesion and support to those affected by the crisis;
j) Balanced development and delivery of services in accordance with the vocations of
different areas, through the PTC, the variant trading settlements, the staffing plan of the
pharmaceutical service, the plan wildlife and forestry, energy plan, the plan update mobility
and so on;
k) Development of provincial network of footpaths (RESM) that allows to combine tourism
development of the territories and defense and protection of the most fragile areas;
l) Actions for the reclamation of the lower basin of the river Chienti, to reduce pollution in the
m) Design and construction of photovoltaic systems on buildings owned by the institution;
n) Monitoring the air to check the areas where the levels of PM10 are exceeded and where it
is necessary to adopt pollution control measures. "
Which are, in your opinion, the three most pressing challenges of the provincial area?
We are living in a difficult time and more than three challenges I would like to list the basic
steps that the Province of Macerata must put in place to combat the crisis at the local level:
1. rigor in the Provincial management
2. rebalancing and territorial cohesion, networks and consultation
3. social cohesion, by supporting on the establishment "family"
4. education, vocational training and policies to promote employment
5. research, higher education and innovation to give prospects for development, especially
SMEs (small and medium enterprises)
6. environment and agriculture, culture and tourism, for new development objectives
together with the manufacturing
7. mobility and modernization of the infrastructure (tangible and intangible)
8. to invest in the homeland security, especially roads, schools and rivers, even with the
constraints imposed by the Stability Pact
Which are the basic steps that your institution / organization have to take to achieve the
mentioned objectives?
See above
What are the concrete measures planned / taken in the near future (within the next 3
years) from the Province of Macerata to help achieve these goals?
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
The mission: together with other local actors and in a real horizontal and vertical subsidiarity,
guide the territory of Macerata and the community in a way that allows to quickly build the
conditions for a balanced, smart, inclusive and sustainable development - in line with
European guidelines - relying mainly on higher education, research and innovation and
investing in people, families, businesses.
The vision: to have a province more comfortable, more safer, more harmonious who knows
and improve her standards of life’s quality, her infrastructure, the environment and services
to person, families, company, with adequate levels of employment and developing a growing
touristic and cultural feeling.
Are there concrete project ideas ready to be applied? (At an advanced stage in terms of
planning and financial)
Talking about the issues of my department, are funded and being implemented the following
1. FROM FARM TO TABLE - GOOD TO KNOW TO GROW. It is developing two sub
projects. The first, called "Farmer for a Day" expected to involve all pupils in primary
schools in the province of Macerata in learning experiences in the classroom and
practical teaching farm on the preparation of various foods with raw materials
produced by the company. The second sub-project called "Scendo in campo" involve
schools of the Province of Macerata in the preparation and management of organic
gardens and the distribution to all primary schools in this area the educational game "
Scendo in campo " to learn, playing, the path of food, from the field to the pot.
2. HAPPY FOOD – This project is about the promotion of the "Mediterranean diet",
which in 2010 was declared by UNESCO as intangible heritage of humanity. Engaging
thousands of young high school students in the province of Macerata who were
involved in a series of initiatives under the 28° Agricultural Exhibition in Central Italy,
organized by the Province of Macerata in May. Currently they are working for the
promotion and dissemination of all the work (see also:
Are There design gap? (Some matter where have not yet been gained of project
The limit is not the ideas, but the lack of funds to implement them.
The main annual event is the Agricultural Exhibition in Central Italy (RACI) who has reached
the 28th edition in 2012
The Festival, a prestigious showcase of the primary sector and in particular livestock,
recorded in the most recent edition, a significant number of visitors, which stood at around
20,000 people and saw the participation of 200 exhibitors from the fields of animal
husbandry, agricultural mechanization, agribusiness, with specific attention to organic
It places particular emphasis on promoting and enhancing the quality of products, with a
focus on typical local food and wine.
Are there project ideas ready but not yet feasible? (At an advanced stage in the planning
but not financially)
Project ideas to be developed would be many, but the operating limit is dictated by the
urgent need to reorder the institution as a result of government decree on "spending
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
rewiew" which requires the reorganization of the provincial territories. In particular with
regard to the agricultural sector, it would be interesting:
Implement initiatives to support all forms of production, in addition to economic
sustainability, ensuring an improvement of the landscape, of the architecture and of the
environment of our province, and then each forms of responsible consumption that help to
protect and improve our territory.
Encourage forms of regeneration of the agri-food sector by creating a new way of being on
the market for all the producers, with equal dignity.
Ensure a functional link between the production of quality and training and information for
customers particularly students, parents, faculty and staff canteen.
Education at seasonal consumption, to discover the "own food" that of their traditions and
roots of their cultural identity the " one's own food", this of the tradition, of the roots and of
the proper cultural identity.
Promote the process of nutrition education in collaboration with the productive sector and
households. Raise awareness of the students to become protagonists for the defense of the
territory and its cultural roots, consuming food produced with the ecological criteria and
To support the launch of economic relations between farmers, processors and costumers of
our territory, trying to organize and manage the sustainability during the time, in particular
by supporting the launch of "Farmer market", the creation of groups of Purchase Fair
Solidarity (GAS), the creation of platforms for food in the area able to accommodate requests
that may come from public canteens (schools, hospitals, etc..), private dining, catering
tourism, etc..
Return to the "river restoration" through buffer strips along the riverbeds to prevent damage
from flooding.
Can you tell us or give us the documents that describe the strategic and the operational
details of rural development in the area? Can you provide statistical data to illustrate the
The required data can be seen in the DEVELOPMENT GENERAL PLAN 2012 - 2016 of the
Province of Macerata, available at the website:
Name and institutional function:
Giampiero Feliciotti - President of the Mountain Community "Monti Azzurri" - San Ginesio
In which field do you work primarily?
Preservation and promotion of the territory and its products
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Please, can you describe the positive aspects / strengths the most characteristic of rural
development in the Province of Macerata? (now and in the past)
The positive aspects are represented primarily by the presence in the territory of Mountain
Community, and the National Park of Monti Sibillini. Again Are there some small villages
and ancient boroughs famous for making great wine and food,( eg.: Serrapetrona with its
Vernaccia DOCG), or important cultural places such as: San Ginesio with its Collegiata and
Alberico Gentili or Monte San Martino with Crivelli’s paintings.
And now,if you could travel in the future, how would you describe the territory of
macearta between 10 years, particularly:
Products / local
Economic sectors operating
Organization of different sectors and civil society (which institutions will manage the rural
No answer
Which are the three most important strategic objectives for rural development in this
Support for innovation can be done not only by the technology (equipment) but also by the
people. Today many graduates people remain in farms favoring a new life style (“Degrowth
”) in the respect of father’s tradition. The same think that once was a symptom of poverty,
the environment, now can back to a new wealth: a return to handwork, a better time
management, healthier working conditions in healthier workplaces.
In your opinion which are the most three pressing challenges for the provincial area?
Invest environment.
Sustainable mobility
Presence of ADSL (fast computer network) in all areas, especially mountainous, not to be out
of this world
Rewarding the consumption of domestic products with tax bonuses resulting from reduced
pollution road
Which are the basic steps that your institution / organization has to take to achieve these
As the Mountain Community of "Monti Azzurri" we have already done an acoustic piano for
14 municipalities. All the towns have joined the Covenant of Mayors and the Mountain
Community has made the SEAP (plan of action) on proxy, to arrive in 2020 in order and not to
pay penalties.We started to cultivate the public and private forest with the Consortium.
We're doing a Master Plan for only 14 municipalities. We have a single doghouse for 15
municipalities at very low cost with the help of the university. We manage social services in
in a unified way to deal with the elderly and multiethnic society without problems.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
What are the concrete measures planned / taken in the near future (within the next 3
years) to achieve these goals?
As mentioned above all are operating and are a fact.
Are there concrete project ideas ready to be applied? (At an advanced stage in terms of
planning and financial)
They are all in place and already financed yet.
Are there some design gap? (In the sense of specific matters on which have not yet been
gained of project ideas)
The only negative gap is represented by the uncertainty of the institution do not know if it
will be closed or deleted by the regional government, even if the Mountain Community does
not need funding, because the Mountain Community has got the natural gas networks of
and the distribution company .
Are there project ideas ready but not yet feasible? (At an advanced stage in the planning
but not financially)
There aren’t
Can you tell us or give us the documents that describe the strategic and the operational
details of rural development in the area? Can you provide statistical data to illustrate the
I could not identify this documents because my work consist on doing practical activities. The
numbers are not important compared to the needs that we know with the experience.
New economic opportunities for mountain areas of the Province of Macerata: the
reintroduction of the "Gentian"(Genziana lutea)
Indicate the country, the region concerned, the project partner and further organisations that
will lead the activity
This action involves the creation of a new economic opportunity for the mountain area of
the Province of Macerata, protects environment and landscape and creates new
opportunities for tourism.
The project partners identified are listed below, but this a brief description of their roles in
the action, we can find in the section "RESOURCES" more analytical description of them.
- University of Camerino (UNICAM) ( has specific scientific
expertise in botany, Agroecology and Pharmacology.
- Marche Region ( through the Regional Observatory for
the soil study, selects potential sites suitable for reintroduction of the
cultivation of Gentian. The Regional Observatory has the strategic role for the
management of consultation with local actors and for the drafting of the next
Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 funded by the European
Commission. The Programme can potentially disseminate the results of the
project "Green Mountain”.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
N. 3 mountain communities – “Comunità Montana dei Monti Azzurri”
(, “Comunità Montana ambito 5 Marca di Camerino”
( e “Comunità Montana Ambito 4 di San Severino
Marche” ( In their territories there are
appropriate conditions for the potential reintroduction of this crop. We can
register a suitable area for gentian - already recorded in the last century - in
the Community of Camerino.
State Forestry Department
( has
specific skills in this matter and we have to plan with them any agronomic
activities in the areas subject to environmental constraints.
National Park of Sibillini Muntain (, in its area we can select
the demonstration sites for the gentian reintroduction. We have to underline
that in the park area we can find good condition for this kind of crop.
N.1 Technical Agronomist / forestry necessary to follow all project steps and
experimental activity.
One or more farms in the Alpine belt (Northern Italy) whit a gentian
production, useful to acquire ecological and/or agricultural information and
to assess a good methodology for the gentian reintroduction in the Apennines
of the province of Macerata.
At least one farmer, available for one or more demonstrations for the reintroduction of the Gentian cultivation;
Private sponsors: an important distillery of the mountain area has shown
much interest to create a short chain to use gentian in the liqueurs
Professional Agricultural Organizations are strategic for the involvement of
entrepreneurs in the dissemination of gentian production.
The Research and Experimentation Centre for Plant Improvement (CERMIS)
( with expertise in testing of herbaceous plant species.
What’s the idea behind the activity/product?
Activities: "Reintroduction of the cultivation of Gentian"
In the programming time 2000-2006 "Agenda 2000", with funding by "Leader +" and by cofinancing resource of the Province Macerata, the Local Action Group (GAL) “Sibilla” has
commissioned UNICAM to reintroduce the cultivation of saffron.
This year, from 30 of October to 1st of November, in the area of the Municipality of
Pievetorina, the event "SAFFRON of Sibillini" took place, promoted by the Province of
Macerata: trade, educational events, tastings, guided tours are organized to promote
economic opportunities of this crop for mountain areas.
Saffron crop now is a positive good practice, and we can move from this experience to test
the reintroduction of Gentian (Gentian lutea). We can promote this re-introduction because
the gentian plants:
- have a multiple use: drug and liquor industry;
- Historically, have been present until the early '900, on the heights above the
town of Visso (Mountain Community of Camerino).
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
In the same mountainous area, area of Municipality of Muccia, there is a
famous distillery that blends the ancient traditions of craftsmanship with
news technology (hygienic storage, bottling facilities), in compliance with all
applicable rules. This distillery promotes an effective link with the territory
and its traditions, and has interest for the realization of a gentian local market
chain for the benefit of the mountain economy.
What precisely will the initiative set out to do, in both short and long term? What are the
overall and specific objectives?
As already mentioned, the aim of this project is the creation of new economic opportunities
for the mountain area of the Province of Macerata. These opportunities have not to
interfere with agro ecological balance, but they have to enhance the biodiversity.
We have the aim to intervene in the short term:
1. within March 2012: perform a preliminary scientific investigation to define the
ecological requirements of gentian, with a focus on environmental and ecological
needs for its proper growth.
2. Within August 2012: acquire know-how by farmers of the Alps area and collect
information in the management of gentian (It is important to know if other "Green
Mountain" partners have similar experiences in their countries and if so, what kind of
method and results they have achieved; if it is possible, it will be interesting to taste
the opportunity of a study visit to delve into scientific knowledge on agro-ecological
requirements of this plant).
3. Within December 2012: train an agronomist with the task to follow the various
stages of demonstration plots in the mountain area of Province of Macerata.
4. Also within December 2012: identify the mountainous areas of the Province of
Macerata which offer the best agro-ecological conditions for planting the
demonstration plots.
Medium - long term (from January 2013 to the end of the project "Green Mountain") we
expect to:
1. Within March 2013: plant the demonstration plots with Gentian;
2. Follow all the necessary growing practices. We have to consider that the first
production - useful as bitter substance for the local distillery - can be product no
earlier than 5 years.
3. Organize awareness events such as: demonstration days during the cultivation steps
or during the assessment of the growth rating and of the adaptation to different
climatic conditions.
4. Provide for financing rules by new Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, to
support the production of this type plant. In this case it will be crucial the role of
Marche Region.
5. Organize the supply chain to the local distillery for the production of bitters.
Describe the resources you will use for the implementation of the activity/product, e.g.
financial and human resources, natural resources, skills, knowledge, Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT), premises, equipment or other.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Human Resources:
Province of Macerata:
a) n. 1 public servant expert on agronomy, ecology; trained as a "multifunctional
popularizer on agriculture matter" Reg. CEE 270/79. He will manage all preliminary
meetings, the intervention design, the start of the pilot project, the conclusion of the
demonstration phase and the phase of consultation with the Marche Region for the
use of funds under new rural Development Programme 2014-2020.
b) N.1 external expertise in agronomist / forest matter, with the task to collaborate in
the planning and scheduling of production of Gentian, and to check the operational
phases in the demo plots.
in the past (Agenda 2000) by Leader + found, it has developed the saffron project in the
mountain area of Sibillini Park. In this project, UNICAM has the task to realize a preliminary
study to determine the ecology of "gentian", to gain experience from other farmers, to study
the local agro ecological territory and identify the most favorable areas for the
reintroduction of "gentian". CERMIS of Tolentino may collaborate on the preliminary study
of re-cultivation.
Each selected farmer
for the reintroduction of Gentian, after the preliminary study of UNICAM, will have the task
to host the multi-year system of "Gentian" and to carry out all necessary cultural treatment
until the first crop, which should be starting from 5 or 6 years after the seeding. The farmer
should be available to disseminate project results to other entrepreneurs interested in the
reintroduction of gentian.
The State Forestry Department and the National Park fo Sibillini Mountains
will have the task to define the limits of intervention according to local environmental
regulations, and will have to find the right balance between a cost-effective and sustainable
intervention and the need to maintain forest ecological balance.
Marche Region
through the Regional Observatory for the study of soils and its large database of soil
characteristics will support the preliminary study and will facilitate UNICAM in the
identification of the most suitable areas for the reintroduction of this “acidophil" plant.
Natural Resources:
The presence of different type of Gentian - Genziana lutea and Genziana acaulis - is proved
until the early '900 on the heights of the town of Visso. These plants had in the past multiple
use, too: drug and liquor industry.
Financial Resources:
In addition to the resources of the project "Green Mountain", we can count upon the
financial partnership by private organizations as Chamber of Commerce, Industry and
Agriculture of Macerata and by a local distillery.
Awareness resources:
One resource is the web site of Province of Macerata ( and of the
other stakeholders (municipalities, mountain communities, government agencies and
The web site of the Province is managed by TASK company and is structured with an intranet
area accessible to all public employees and with a public area where each municipality of the
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
provincial territory can advertise news and events. This system is a strategic tool for the
interaction with the territory and for dissemination of activities and results.
The agricultural organizations will have an important role in the dissemination, too.
What do you intend to do, using human and other resources, in order to achieve its
objectives? Please give an overview of the proposed main features of your initiative: main
actions/activities, time scale, methods to apply, information on any key factors such as e.g.
cooperation/partnerships, etc. What are the possible weak points in your opinion?
The reintroduction of Gentian (Gentian lutea) provides for the 2012:
- acquisition of ecological parameters of the various species of gentians;
- acquisition of know-how by farms visited in the Alps;
- investigate the area and the agro-ecological system of the Province of
Macerata to reintroduce the gentian;
- Identification of the most suitable varieties of gentian in accordance to the
habitat identified and studied.
From January 2013:
- providing cultivation tests in order to define the best growing techniques and
edit a draft of a production disciplinary. We have to remember that the
Gentian is a multi-year plan and we must wait at least 5 years to collect the
first crop. This means that, for the duration of the project "Green Mountain",
we can only set up and manage demonstration plots, and organize awareness
activities such as guided tours to evaluate the adaptation of the plant to the
soil and to climatic conditions and its ratings growth;
- identify the fund opportunity of the new Rural Development Plan 2014-2020,
useful for the promotion of this kind of production.
- Organize the supply and business chain to the local distillery for the
production of bitter liqueurs.
Describe the actors invited/involved, specific target-group(s) and expected direct and indirect
We jus identified the actors in the “IDENTIFICATION OF THE ACTIVITY”.
But we can select two actors with a strategic role in the project:
- University of Camerino (UNICAM) with the task to design and manage the scientific
approach of the project;
- Entrepreneurs/ farmers with the task to promote and disseminate know how of
gentian production.
Specific beneficiaries will be:
- farmers of the mountain areas of the Province of Macerata, selected by the
analysis carried out by UNICAM and the Soli Observatory of Marche Region;
- the local distillery, which may use bitter produced and enhance the link with
the territory.
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible impacts.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Expected results
- Creation of a short market chain.
- Involvement of a local distillery for the production of bitters and tonics made with
- Possibility to create a new chain with pharmaceutical industries with the support of
Pharmacy Department of UNICAM.
What are the essential problems you expect, what could hinder the realization of the
Weaknesses of the project:
- The long waiting time - at least 5 years – for the first crop;
- Agricultural soil limits, environmental constraints in some protected areas and
adapting difficulties to different agro ecological conditions.
For the implementation of your initiative, what necessary support do you expect (e.g.
special/detailed information, relevant studies, possible fact finding missions at regions with
already implemented initiatives, insourcing of external expertise …).
As mentioned before, for the realization of the project, we expect
- for the preliminary study, a positive collaboration between University of Camerino
and Marche Region;
- A good availability of actors outside the territory to transfer know-how.
New economic opportunities for mountain areas of the Province of Macerata: the recovery
of the chestnut fruit production
Indicate the country, the region concerned, the project partner and further organisations that
will lead the activity
The valorization of mountain areas interested the entire Italian territory and more
specifically, the Apennine mountain area of the Province of Macerata, situated in the center
of Marche Region.
This action involves the creation of a new economic opportunity for the mountain area of
the Province of Macerata, protects environment and landscape and creates new
opportunities for tourism.
The project partners identified are listed below, but this a brief description of their roles in
the action, we can find in the section "RESOURCES" more analytical description of them.
The University of Camerino (UNICAM) ( - has specific scientific expertise in
botany and environmental science and has worked on the creation of "regional forest map";
Marche Region ( - has a strategic role on the management of the
consultation with local actors and on the drafting of the next Rural Development Programme
2014-2020 funded by the European Commission. This instrument can potentially
disseminate the results of the project "Green Mountain". To accomplish this, we count on
the availability of Marche Region to modify the rules for the cultivation of chestnut forest.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Now it is possible to obtain fund only for the cultivation of specialist chestnut and not for
fruit chestnut.
N. 3 mountain communities – “Comunità Montana dei Monti Azzurri” (
), “Comunità Montana ambito 5 Marca di Camerino” ( ) e
“Comunità Montana Ambito 4 di San Severino Marche” ( ).
We can just say that there are in their area, n. 3 specialist chestnut to convert in fruit
State Forestry Body
( has specific skills
on forest matter and it is necessary to plan with it each actions for the forest site selected
and implemented by "Green Mountain";
National Park of Sibillini Mountains ( – In its area we can select the project
site for the recovering of fruit chestnut production, and we can select the area for future
N.1 Technical Agronomist / forestry necessary to follow all project steps and experimental
At least one farmer, owner of a chestnut forest re-convertible on high-quality fruit
Private sponsors with interest on co-finance the construction of one or more demonstration
sites for the productive recovery of fruit chestnut.
Professional Agricultural Organizations are strategic for the involvement of entrepreneurs in
the dissemination of chestnut recovery.
What’s the idea behind the activity/product?
Activity: "recovery of the chestnut fruit production "
The aim of the activity is to create a large surface for the production of the "sweet chestnut"
in the Province of Macerata; this is a particularly valuable chestnut and it is necessary to
valorize it with a specific disciplinary like PDO -Protected Designation of Origin and PGI Protected Geographical Indication.
Local market has recent rediscovered the chestnut fruit, and we can said that this fruit could
be an interesting business opportunity for farmers in the mountain area.
The chestnut, as forestry system, is an attractive form of tourism, for example it allows
picturesque excursions inside. The farmer selected for this activity operates in the National
Park of Monti Sibillini area and in the summer 2010, he opened the first "asinovia" (path for
donkeys) of our Region: 5 km of trail that you can do on the back of donkey, inside the
chestnut forest, with an atmosphere of absolute charm. The product "chestnut" is definitely
very strategic to organize touristic activities in different seasons, for example participation in
festivals and events related to the chestnut, and participation in the crop of this fruit, etc..
At the environmental level, the chestnut fruit forest is the ideal nesting sites of protected
species of bird. The Habitat Directive inserts "Caprimulgus europaeus" and "Ficedula
albicollis" on the list of migratory species to be protected. For these species, chestnut fruit
forest is the ideal habitat for nesting. The restoration of this production would be
implemented – and not to break - biological equilibrium in these areas.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
The recovery of the chestnut is also crucial for the historical, cultural and natural landscape.
The presence of large stumps of chestnut attests the ancient role of this plant in rural
society, a real "chestnut civilization", and the chestnut had a central role in food, too.
The restore of the old paths, the recovery of cultural practices, the return to the
functionality and efficiency of chestnut ecosystem are also important practices for the
hydrogeological stability of the valleys.
What precisely will the initiative set out to do, in both short and long term? What are the
overall and specific objectives?
"Green Mountain" focuses in short term (up to March 2012) on:
1. identify the botanical and forest woodlands occupied by chestnut;
2. identify the agronomy and forestry method for the production of valuable chestnut;
3. Acquisition of know-how, with a focus on people with recovery experience. (In reference
to this point and to the point 2, it is important to know if other "Green Mountain" partners
have similar experiences in their countries and if so, what kind of method and results they
have achieved; if it is possible, it will be interesting to taste the opportunity of a study visit
for Italian entrepreneurs and professionals operators).
4. Identify at least one farmer and one forest chestnut for test the recovery of production.
In the medium term (from spring 2012 to the end of the project "Green Mountain") we
expect to:
Carry out the work of production conversion;
Organize promotional moments: demonstration days during the execution of strategic
operations for the conversion (graft) with the involving of potential farms ( point 1 of short
term activities).
For the long term (from 2014) we expect to:
Use funds of the new Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 of Marche Region for the
restoration of several companies (look at the role of the Marche Region in the paragraph:
Create a specific disciplinary like PDO -Protected Designation of Origin and PGI - Protected
Geographical Indication for the promotion of the production of the "sweet chestnut" in the
Province of Macerata.
Describe the resources you will use for the implementation of the activity/product, e.g.
financial and human resources, natural resources, skills, knowledge, Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT), premises, equipment or other.
Human Resources:
Province of Macerata:
a) n. 1 public servant expert on agronomy, ecology; trained as a " multifunctional popularizer
on agriculture matter" Reg. CEE 270/79. He will manage all preliminary meetings, the
intervention design, the start of the pilot project, the conclusion of the demonstration phase
and the phase of consultation with the Marche Region for the use of funds under new rural
Development Programme 2014-2020.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
b) N.1 external expertise in agronomist / forest matter, with the task to collaborate in the
planning and scheduling of production of chestnut, and to check and technically support the
entrepreneur in the implementing of the operational phases.
University of Camerino has worked on the drafting of "regional forest map." The current
type of chestnut is closely related to the events of abandonment of chestnut fruit cultivation
and health conditions of the trees. In the area of the Province of Macerata, two hardships
have contributed to the abandonment of the cultivation of chestnut or to its transformation
for timber production: the Phytphtora cambivora and Cryphonectria parasitica. UNICAM will
create a forest map selecting with forest-ecological and economic conditions to propose a
conversion of chestnut trees to produce fruit of high quality (eg, the " sweet chestnut ").
At least one farmer, owner of a chestnut forest re-convertible on high-quality fruit
production. This farm has to be chosen for his leadership in the area. He will have the
strategic task of providing a surface, possibly a merged acre, to test the steps (cutting,
pruning, grafting, etc.) of conversion, to perform all operations necessary to demonstrate
the proper and economic management of the converted land, to be available to a further
disclosure to other entrepreneurs interested in the conversion of their chestnut fruit. (It will
be useful to know if others Green Mountain partners have experts for sharing know how and
The State Forestry Department and the National Park fo Sibillini Mountains will have the task
to define the limits of intervention according to local environmental regulations, and will
have to find the right balance between an cost-effective and sustainable intervention and
the need to maintain forest ecological balance.
Marche Region has the task to create financing opportunities for farmers; in this way it will
be possible to make applicable - on a large surface area- the good practice of this pilot
project and to disseminate this practice to potential entrepreneurs.
Natural Resources:
In Marche region, according to the latest forest inventory of 2001, the wooded area
amounts to 256,170 ha, representing the 26.4% of the entire region. The regional forest
complex was divided into n. 11 forest categories, one of which is the chestnut forest, with an
area of 4,600 ha (2% of the total forest area); one quarter of this area is represented by
chestnut fruit trees, while the remaining part is represented by coppice. According to these
data, we can estimate that in the Province of Macerata it is possible recovery some
hundreds of hectares of chestnut fruit trees.
Financial Resources:
In addition to the resources of the project "Green Mountain", we can count upon the
financial partnership by private organizations as Chamber of Commerce, Industry and
Agriculture of Macerata and as some major banks of the area.
Awareness resources:
One resource is the web site of Province of Macerata ( and of the
other stakeholders (municipalities, mountain communities, government agencies and
The web site of the Province is managed by TASK company and is structured with an intranet
area accessible to all public employees and with a public area where each municipality of the
provincial territory can advertise news and events. This system is a strategic tool for the
interaction with the territory and for dissemination of activities and results.
The agricultural organizations will have an important role in the dissemination, too.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
What do you intend to do, using human and other resources, in order to achieve its
objectives? Please give an overview of the proposed main features of your initiative: main
actions/activities, time scale, methods to apply, information on any key factors such as e.g.
cooperation/partnerships, etc. What are the possible weak points in your opinion?
1 - Census of chestnut trees present in the mountain area, their geographical location and
This preliminary step has to be completed on June 2012 with support of regional forest map
and with the collaboration of UNICAM and State Forestry Department.
This phase will use to:
- quantify the forest area occupied by the forest ecosystem "chestnut";
- identify areas with a greater presence of chestnut;
- set the area already dedicated to "fruit", the area for the production of timber
and especially the re-convertible area to” fruit".
2 - Identification of the most suitable methods for fruit production recovery and creation of
an experimental and demonstration site.
This phase of the project – arrange the site land and perform the first agronomic activities
(cutting, grafting, etc..) - should be defined by March 2012. After this date, due the
advancement of spring and the re-growth of vegetation, the interventions could not be done
and we should wait the end of autumn 2012.
During autumn time, we could plan one visit tour to verify good practices used by other
regional partners. At the moment we can visit the recovery interventions in Bolognese
Apennines and in the Province of Ascoli Piceno (we remake the importance to know if
there are similar experiences in Green Mountain project area and if we can collect
information by web).
Actually, we have the availability of the farmer Congionti Augusto, who has a chestnut forest
for the demonstration action near the town of Pievebovigliana (Sibillini National Park area).
This farmer is the same of the point “Background”, with his chestnut grove, educational farm
and path for donkeys of 5 km. On the 1st of July 2011 he has organized a demonstration day
to evaluate a method of recovery according to the experience by an expert grafter (Mr. Lolli
Germano), who has worked for many years for the production recovery of chestnuts in the
province of Bologna (Emilia Romagna Region). However, "Green Mountain" project according to available funds – can give the opportunity to other farmers to test new
demonstration sites.
3 - Implementation of the recovery in the demo site. From spring 2012 to the end of "Green
Mountain", the conversion is expected to carry out, with different awareness moments.
4 - Application of the positive results.
From 2014 we will use the funds of the new Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 to
co-finance the necessary restoration work on several agricultural and forestry companies. At
the same time, we will work to create a specific disciplinary PDO -Protected Designation of
Origin and PGI - Protected Geographical Indication to produce and promote the
consumption and production of the "sweet chestnut" in the Province of Macerata.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Describe the actors invited/involved, specific target-group(s) and expected direct and indirect
We can divide the actors involved in this way:
Experimental phase:
Province of Macerata,
State Forestry Department
National Park of Sibillini Mountains
Mountain communities
Technical Agronomist.
Farmer involved in the demonstration site
These actors participate in the experimental stage with the tasks described under the point
Awareness activities will be strategic for dissemination of results and for make effective the
next step described below.
Application phase of demonstration site results
Farmers and foresters will be benefit of information emerging from the demo site; it will be
the same for chestnut forest owners of recoverable or re-convertible forest for a high-quality
fruit production.
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible impacts.
Expected result in the medium term is the creation of a method or practice for a good,
effective and permanent - in the medium and long term - recovery in production of chestnut
fruit. In the long run we expect a substantial recovery of wooded areas.
What are the essential problems you expect, what could hinder the realization of the
Possible restrictions or obstacles could be identified in:
• absence or limited financing resources of the new Rural Development Programme 20142020;
• Negative influence on production could be induced by Dryocosmus kuriphilus. We have
information of damages to chestnut production in some areas of Italy. The measures for the
plant protection are very expensive in terms of cost and labor. For this aspect, it becomes
important to know if other EU countries have begun to address this problem and how they
are trying to solve it.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
This initiative is practicable in the territory of the Province of Macerata, and it is
particularly useful for economic and touristic promotion of mountain area.
The Province of Macerata is full of annual events that concern art, culture, religious and
historical re-enactments, food&wine, leisure, etc..
However we have to register a lack of an organized provincial system and this lack affects
more mountain than the coast area.
So, to remedy the lack of promotion, one way is the use of province website
But in many events the organizers don’t give enough value to the promotional activities
in the host territory. Therefore it is necessary to stimulate, train and support the
organizers in order to increase the promotional value of each event.
The idea is to promote the mountain in a sustainable way by the creation of a common
model for all the stakeholders who want to enhance their "excellence" and economy.
A system for the promotion of cultural traditions is necessary to re-establish benefit for
mountain area inhabitants, with a focus on the union of food& wine with the knowledge
of villages, towns, suburban museums, churches and abbeys located outside of the most
famous touristic itineraries.
It should be important to work for a collective and shared vision of the territory that
promotes socialization, aggregation and development forms linked to local culture of
food; a vision that rehabilitates the traditional spaces of conviviality and that involves - in
a common aim - inhabitants with educational and cultural stakeholders, local
government, museums, profit bodies and all the actors of food&wine sector.
in terms of
Especially the mountainous area of the Province of Macerata could have benefit from the
added value of the many events organized on its territory.
The idea is to improve organizational aspects of each event to give priority, by a visibility
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
approach, to everything produced or offered in cultural, landscape, etc.. aspects.
However, sustainability is ensured by the fact that the events already exist, so it is only
necessary to act on the organization system for changing promotion approach in relation
to the peculiarities of the host territory.
There are no specific rules for the proposal of these events. We can assume the creation
of a regulation model for the identification of the type of events, their priority - culinary,
cultural, historical, leisure, etc.. – and minimum standard of quality necessary to have all
the support and visibility in the area (respect to the events without these topics).
Beneficiaries of this action:
- the organizers of events should have incentives and support through training and
information session, needed to improve quality and make events useful for the
- Visitors will be able to benefit from all the added value that each area has to
- mountain people would find a sustainable way to promote themselves and find
new opportunities for economic development.
In general it would be necessary:
- Stimulate the organization of events and activities for social, culture and
landscape development of the region and for of its traditions, "typical" touristic
and cultural peculiarities, etc..
- Create a "network" of cooperation between territories aimed to make more
effective the promotion of tourism.
In particular it would be necessary:
- improve, with a "Quality Brand", events produced in accordance with
specifications or rules, and improve culture of solidarity in the territory and
recognize added value of these events respect to the other low-promotional
- Involve in a "calendar" promoted by the Province of Macerata and by any other
partners, the largest possible number of events (festivals, historic reenactments,
etc..), which are proposed to the attention of citizens and tourists.
- Etc...
Necessary conditions to exploit the opportunities offered by this proposal are:
- Creating an effective information system target to public body (Municipalities,
Mountain Communities) and associations that work to promote the area ( the
- Involve organizers in training and information programs to make or increase their
skills in promotion of the culture of territory;
- To recognize added value to events that, in accordance of rules, have or would
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
acquire a high promotional value for the host territory and its products of
Possible restrictions are not identifying at the moment, the initiative is only a system to
improve the value of promotional events organized in the area. Everyone would benefit
from it, the organizers, too.
Expected results are:
- Increase the level of preparation, knowledge and awareness of the organizers;
- Increase the number of high quality promotional events
- Increase the number of visitors in the events with a higher added value.
One of strengths is the high number of events where is possible - in a sustainable way to increase the added promotional value for the host territory and its economy.
Points of weakness or obstacles by law are not identifying.
To achieve these objectives, it is necessary the collaboration of public bodies,
universities, institutes, organizations, etc... associated in an ideal "Technical Committee"
- implement a training and information session to increase the skills of the
- create a method for the evaluation of the events in order to differentiate and
support those with a promotional added value;
- Create an "institutional body" to evaluate and classify the events and to manage
the improvement of the most outstanding events.
Financial resources for this initiative are no necessary, we could operate in a sustainable
Carry out information and training courses in collaboration with the Technical
Committee (TC) and encourage the concentration of locally resources (sponsor) only for
to the events that actually promote the territory and its excellence.
For this proposal, it is necessary to involve in a common task: organizers of events
(municipalities, “pro-loco”, associations), Technical Committee (TC), agencies and
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Other stakeholders - with an important role for the realization of this project proposal are to be found and engaged in a joint session of Green Mountain activities.
The planning stages of realization and monitoring results shall be decided after gathering
all the information by the activity of WG2 and WG3 of the Green Mountain project.
We can report a similar successful initiative recently launched by the Province of
Alessandria (Piedmont Region) ( ).
WINE” AND OF CULTURE OF MOUNTAIN AREA” is strongly promote by provincial
For the realization of this proposal is necessary the collaboration of the Pro-Loco’
( that:
- Represent with the IAT (Information and tourist reception system), a point of
information and accommodation for tourists;
- Are engaged to the development of Local Tourist Systems.
- Contribute to the maintenance of the cultural, architectural and environmental
- Manage cultural and tourist place like Museums, Libraries and Tourist Offices
through special agreements with public or private bodies.
- Organize events in the area of tourism, history, environment, folklore, sports,
festivals and culture, for example music festivals, theater, Conventions and
Exhibitions; they are the active core of tourism in low and high season.
But in the provincial and mountain area, sometimes they don’t operate in the full respect
of principles of development; they promote only fun and entertainment events and not
their excellence.
So, for the full realization of this proposal, it is necessary to cooperate with other
municipalities and other private associations with experience in organization of popular
events, too.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
This initiative covers the mountainous area of the Province of Macerata, which
represents about the 2/3 of the total area of the province. This area is very rich of
natural and cultivated sites of truffle, which cover an area of approximately 3.000
hectares (regularly tabulated and authorized by the administrative offices of the 3
mountain communities).
The natural sites of truffle produce
- Tuber Uncinatum ,
- Tuber Aestivum
- Tuber Magnatum
The artificial sites of truffle produce for around 90% the "black superior truffle” (Tuber
In these mountainous areas an economy linked to the production of natural or
transformed truffles lack: it is preferable to sell truffles to buyers from other regions that
use them to feed local trade. This situation causes loss of added value and loss of
employment in production and commercial chain. The idea is to promote the truffle
trade, with transparent and organized form, and to create a productive and commercial
chain useful for the creation of job opportunities.
in terms of
As already mentioned, the truffle is a value for the mountains of Macerata, which gives,
at the same time, income to holders of truffle’ sites or to truffle hunters, and it can be
the driving force for the creation of an economy, including tourism too, related to this
The sustainability of an economic activity related to truffle cultivation is given by the high
added value of the product that quickly repays any investment.
The general objective is to create a normative and promotional system able to make
transparent the truffle trade.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Specific objectives:
Build a production chain able to create jobs opportunities in the mountain area;
create a brand that identifies the product and links it to the territory.
Approval of laws that hinder the illegal traffic of truffle.
Active involvement of truffle growers and hunters in the creation of a production chain
able to create job opportunities in the area.
Presence of founding resources for the initial investment useful for the construction of
production, processing and marketing facilities.
Main problems could be given by:ð wrong approach in the active involvement of truffle
growers and hunters;ð possible low sensitivity of administrators to enact rules that foster
the creation of a business and tourism chain related the truffles.
Expected results:
Create transparent economy;
create new business opportunities,
create new jobs opportunities,
promote tourism in the mountain by an economy linked to the truffles
Strengths: A large area is covered by truffle sites that justify the commitment to work for
the success of this activity.
Among the points of weakness, the individualistic character of the local population could
be a real obstacle to the need to work together for the creation of an economic chain
tied to the truffle.
To obtain good results we have to:
Convince truffles growers and pickers in the goodness of the project by their active and
indispensable role in the creation of a production and sales chain related to truffles.
Find investments for infrastructure, for the processing and marketing of the product and
its derivatives.
Have knowhow related to the truffle chain.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
We need to involve all potential stakeholders that will be involved in the creation of the
supply chain linked to truffle.Who should be involved, what type of organization
(cooperative or other forms), which funding to use, which kind of promotion are answers
that we would like to find from the suggestions of WG2 and WG3 and from the
discussions between the project partners.
The planning, the steps of realization and the monitoring of results shall be decided after
gathering all the information by the activity of WG2 and WG3 and by the suggestion of
the partners.
In the Province of Macerata we have n.3 Mountain Communities that manage the
administrative activities related to truffles and have all data and information necessary
to plan a productive chain.Historically, the rural development programmes have given a
great impetus to the creation of new sites of truffle, through funding for their plant.
The mountain community of Camerino organizes an annual promotional event dedicated
to the truffle, called: "THE LAND OF THE TRUFFLE"
The initiative concerns the mountain area in the Province of Macerata, which is 2/3 of
The mentioned area has a great tourism potential, thanks to both landscapes and
environment, as well as to art, history and traditions you can find in small towns and
medieval villages.
The Region Marche is mapping the paths system and hiking network the Province of
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Macerata is rich in.
You can find a lot of breeders of donkeys in the region, who formed several associations;
moreover,donkeys are docile and smart animals.
Donkeys create the conditions to improve the tourists enjoyment of the mountain, as
families, children and tourists really like them; this way, people can know new mountain
paths and walks and get closer to the art, history and traditions of local inhabitants.
Young people have been leaving the mountain area of the Province of Macerata towards
new job opportunities away and this situation affects the region, now inhabited by a
population older than the Province average.
The will behind the initiative is to offer new development opportunities in order to let
people enjoy the beautiful mountain features in a creative and playful way, while
offering new job opportunities in the tourism and farming fields, particularly interesting
for young people.
in terms of
The mountain area in the Province of Macerata is rich in paths, small towns and villages,
so it is a place to live for everybody.
The suggested promoting action of the mountain area, which is based on the figure of
the donkey, would be actually sustainable if it was included in the tourism initiatives
offered by the Municipalities, the tourists offices and the farmers who would like to
improve their farms in a multi-function way.
The timetable of such promoting events could be supported by the Province itself, the
territorial associations in the mountain region, other institutions or sponsors.
The integrated activities focused on the figure of monkey and taking place in the farms
could be financially supported by the new programme for the rural development for the
2014-2020 years.
One of the general aims the initiative addresses to is to offer new chances to know full
well the mountain and its features, while setting new job opportunities both in the
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
tourism and farming fields.
The specific aims include:
To set a timetable of events taking place all over the mountain region and offering the
chance to meet donkeys; to set a hiking “at a donkey’s pace” programme and theme
promotional activities, where the figure of donkeys is a means to spread history,
traditions, wine and food.
To find a site for the placement/introduction of donkeys with the support of local
farmers and to start hiking and humpback walks activities, in order to know the region,
its landscapes, its historical paths and so on. The placement/introduction of donkeys in
the local farms would be even more interesting if it was implemented within a “package
tour” or project including also the other local farmers, who could offer completing
tourist services, information or support.
In order to achieve the mentioned aims, it is very important to know the goals reached
within similar experiences which have taken place in similar backgrounds/contexts.
Here’s the list of the conditions required in order to improve the chances this initiative
To set an effective information system, which should be addressed to local institutions
(Municipalities, territorial associations in the mountain region) and associations (such as
tourist offices or cultural associations) which implement promoting activities.
To involve the local farmers in the initiative in order to let them take an active part in it;
their contribution would consist in donkey breeding and providing donkeys for
promotional activities. Farmers should be also supported in the management of the
investments and actions necessary to start such activities.
To involve the associations taking care of donkeys in the initiative; such associations try
to give donkeys a new role at present, in order to make of these animals a smart means
to promote the mountain region and to let people enjoy the time spent in this area,
thanks also to the slow pace the donkey represents so well.
There are no restrictions linked to this initiative.
Indeed donkeys were used for tiring/weighty job (they used to transport wood, coal…) in
the past and then some breeds have become extinct; thanks to the suggested initiative,
donkeys would acquire great importance again and become means to promote the
territory, abiding by the European laws of hygiene and animal health.
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
The expected results include:
⇒ To enhance the tourist features of the mountain;
⇒ To offer new opportunities of investment and job;
⇒ To promote employment;
⇒ To enhance the paths network, which links adjacent areas, in order to
create a collaborative climate among institutions and associations and to
use a standard/common way to enhance each local beauties.
A central role is played by the promotion activities including donkeys: they can represent
a plus point in the promoting programmes periodically offered all over the Province.
One of the weaknesses of the initiative is likely to be the lack of funds for farmers, as
they would need money in order to set up the already mentioned activities.
The required actions in order to make the initiative real are:
⇒ To find the farmers who can provide donkeys for the promotion activities
and for breeding;
⇒ To find association promoting the role of donkeys and able to train new
farmers both to breed donkeys and to use them in tourist activities;
⇒ To boost the activities aimed to the tourist promotion of the mountain
Several subjects/potential stakeholders should collaborate in the initiative: farms and
farms offering tourists board and local produces; association taking care of the donkeys
breed; Municipalities and local associations dealing with the territorial promotion.
There can be further potential stakeholders and target groups who could be involved in
the suggested project/initiative: they must be found and effectively involved in a
common programme.
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
The final choice concerning planning, implementing and monitoring activities must be
made after gathering all the information produced by WG2 and WG3 activities, within
the Green Mountain Project.
The Region Law n.2 of the 18th January 2010, amended by the Region Law n. 18 of the
same year, governs the establishment of the hiking system in the Marche Region, in
order to make hiking activities be a way to create a sustainable tourism development,
promote the rediscovery of historical paths and provide the necessary facilities and
The already mentioned Law terms “hiking” as a tourist, sporting, entertaining activity,
which can be played far from town centres and which deals with visiting and exploring
natural environments, without engine-driven veicles.
The Province of Macerata, the National Park of Sibillini Mountains and the other Parks
must help and plan the inventory of hiking trails and paths.
There are several associations dealing with the enhancement of donkeys (es. The
website: There are also
farms where owners already take care of these animals, such as the farm “Terre della
Sibilla”, located in Pievebovigliana (Province of Macerata), whose website is:
dellasibilla.htm; “Terre della Sibilla” opened the first “Asinovia” (“donkeys path”) of the
Region Marche.
The Regional Association of Farmers has been promoting the role of donkeys for years
within the Farming Exhibition of the Centre of Italy, which the Province of Macerata sets
up every year on the month of May.
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Aggregate data on the whole territory of MSNP are not available, because it encompasses
two Regions (Marche and Umbria), four Provinces (Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Macerata, Perugia)
and 18 Municipalities, not entirely enclosed in the Park area.
partner region:
Monti Sibillini National Park
Assessment for each participating region
Situation of agriculture and forestry
Agricultural households: Agricultural households per 1,000 inhabitants [units]
Farm Size in ha (average)
Land use (% forestry, agriculture – thereof grassland, arable land,
orchards, specialised cultivation, fallows, badlands, area covered by buildings),
Woodland covers about 36% (25,278 ha.),
primary and secondary pastures 34% (23,875
ha.), while cultivated areas cover 16% (11,234
ha.) of the surface of the Park.
With regard to vegetation, up to 1000m, oak,
Ostrya carpinifolia and Fraxinus ornus are
predominant, followed by mixed and then pure
beech. The limit of forest vegetation is around
1700-1750 m, that is about 100 m lower then
original, due to cuttings de-forestation
operated in the past for zoo-technical reasons.
Livestock (LSU per hectare, number of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry, horses)
Trade of agricultural and forestry products/Import and export of agricultural products
Agricultural households with forestry in %
Machinery: Tractors (single and double axis) per 100 agricultural households [units]
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
partner region:
Monti Sibillini National Park
Assessment for each participating region
2.1 General socio-economic situation
Area concerned (km²), number of administrative
units (communities) concerned
The National Park of Monti Sibillini covers an
area of 69,439 hectares, encompassing two
Regions (Le Marche and Umbria), four Provinces
(Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Macerata, Perugia) and
18 Municipalities (Acquacanina, Amandola,
Arquata del Tronto, Bolognola, Castelsantangelo
sul Nera, Cessapalombo, Fiastra, Fiordimonte,
Montefortino, Montegallo, Montemonaco,
Norcia, Pievebovigliana, Pievetorina, Preci, San
Ginesio, Ussita, Visso). Thirteen Municipalities
have their main urban area within the
boundaries of the protected area; 10
municipalities have more that 50% of their
territory in the park area and 4 of these are
entirely included in the Park. The Park is
characterized by a vast mountain area of
calcareous origin that includes territories from
approximately 500 m above sea level up to
peaks 2476 m above sea level (Mt. Vettore)
Grossdomesticproduct (GDM)/per head
Population: Population development , age pyramid, population density per km²
The total population of the Municipalities of the
Park of Monti Sibillini in 2009 was 23,365
inhabitants, representing a very low decrease
since 2001 (- 0,061%). The loss was more
significant in the smaller municipalities, with
some note worthy exceptions. Within the
perimeter of the Park, the estimated population
is 13,500.
Currently the biggest proportion of the
population is made up of older people, in line
with the trend in nearly every mountain area.
This is also due to the return of emigrants of the
50s and 60s, who in their youth moved to the
towns in search of employment.
Import and Export in €
Business activities: number of registered businesses, sector relation in %
Labour market: Employment related to the three sectors
(initial production, commerce and industry, services)
in %, rate of unemployment
Should be related to the average situation of the country
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Improvement of the relationship with
the local communities, thanks to direct
participation in meetings and contacts
with the institutional organisations;
Reinforcement of good interpersonal
relationships ;
Strengthening of listening attitude,
moderation ability and negotiation
skills when facing critical issues
(“getting to yes” strategy”);
Adoption of the “win-win” attitude
Understanding of the problems of all
the stakeholders
Experience and ability of the
employees in dealing with complex
stakeholders and administrators.
Enthusiasm and creativity of the great
majority of Park’s guides and of the
staff of the Environment Educational
Centres and cooperatives.
Full adoption of the European Charter
for Sustainable Tourism in order to
distinguish themselves for eco-tourism
Concession of the logo of the Park;
The Park, being a non-profit Public Authority, depends largely on contributions coming
from the Ministry. This constitutes 85% of its revenue, while 8% (fluctuating) depends
on the contributions coming from other Authorities and only 4% comes from the direct
sale of products (brochures, catalogues, gadgets, etc.) and services. Since nearly 70%
of expenses are running costs (19 employees, 9 Visitor Centres, 6 Refuges, 13 Park
Houses, 11 Museums, nearly all entirely financed), it is clear that a further cut to the
budget would put at risk the existence of the Park itself, in its current form.
The Park image has less credibility in comparison to other National Parks and
Protected areas and this is not justified either by the objective qualities of the Park, or
by its dimension (the Park constitutes 5% of the surface of all National Parks and, for
its extension, it is 11th out of 24). The modest image is also confirmed by the low
work force (19 employees instead of the 35 planned, as in other park of similar
Long bureaucratic times for the adoption of the Park Plan, that is nevertheless
Operational deficiencies in the surveillance service (National Forest Corp- CTA) , that
the Park functionally depends on but is, in fact, independent;
Scarce involvement of the CTA in the problems related to preservation and
management of the Park, that results in undervaluation and lack of prevention in
manageable situations;
Insufficient number – in any case - of personnel in the CTA (40 instead of 70), also
because some of their duties are not in line with the objectives of the Park;
Shortage of professional figures, also in the operative field. The Park , for example,
does not have manual workers
Internal micro-conflicts (among the Park’s employees);
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Annex WG1 Final Report – Partner Contributions
Plan for a sustainable agriculture;
Creation of Guides of the Park.
Great quality of natural resources: the
typical Apennine balance between
environment and mountain landscape
offers a scenary that is never as harsh
and incumbent as the Alpine one. An
added fascination is given to the area
by the air of mystery that popular
traditions, myths and legends give to
the area, in full accordance with the
natural “coyness” of these places.
Improvement of relationships with
administrators and citizens due to the
numerous contacts;
Good synergy with regional and
provincial technical offices; increased
cooperation with The Mountain
Increasing attention from the public
Subjective perception of the isolation of the Park
Overload of work and competences due to insufficient number of staff and absence of
Regulations for the internal coordination of the Park;
- Difficulty in accessing European projects due to lack of competent staff, mainly in the
sector of fund raising (coordination with other authorities);
- Lack / absence of signs at the main entrances of the Park.
- Signs and posters not emotionally involving.
- Lack of real entrances to the Park.
- Inadequacy of the perimeter of the Park (difficult to signpost and patrol).
Economic initiatives in clear contrast with preservation (new buildings, excessive
exploitation of natural resources) and by detrimental sport and recreational activities
(driving off-road or extreme and invasive sports). The widespread lack of education of
the average national and local tourist is also a problem. The best tourist comes from
far away.
General anthropic pressure on natural components. Water resources are particularly
exploited, primarily for drinking water, hydroelectricity and for fish farming.
Critical situations caused by the excessive number of recreational and tourist activities
and the use of motorized vehicles in sensitive areas.
Poaching is quite wide spread, together with the existence of a large number of stray
Covering up of poaching by the local communities
Disorganization and lack of programmes and controls in hunting activities around the
borders of the park.
Prevalence of quarrels, localisms, difficulty in creating partnership (administrators and
Slow process of growth of the tourist sector and higher competitiveness of other
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
authorities and organizations to the
activities and opportunities of the Park;
Round tables also with categories
potentially hostile to or not in favour of
the Park (hunters, breeders, etc.);
Economic incentives, also from Europe;
Increase of the European and extraEuropean tourism, often more
competent, adequately behaved and
less demanding than national tourism.
Summer tourism growing, increase in
the number of tourists coming also
from abroad.
Increased number of local events
where the involvement of the Park is
Increase of school tourism, ideal target
for the preparation and fruition of
educational baths.
Lack of motivation in the young generation and resistance in accepting the challenge
of new professions, including in highly valuable tourist offer;
Local tendency to offer services free of charge, depleting them of their economic
potential and depriving them of quality (low standard service – low revenue or no
revenue at all);
Access of tourists in fragile areas and strong resistance from the local administrators to
discipline and make profitable this phenomenon.
Absence of cohesion among the Park’s Municipalities; lack of homogeneousness both
territorial and administrative (5 Municipalities have territories covering thousands of
hectares and less then 500 inhabitants);
Further estrangement (detachment) from shared objectives and coordination among
various authorities (especially the municipalities), due to lower government funds.
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Interview with Franco Perco, Director of MSNP
1. In which field are you are mainly working?
I’m the Director of the Park.
2. I would kindly ask you to take a little time to think of your region/area. Could you
please describe the most striking and illustrative positive aspects/strengths of rural
development which come up in your mind (either right now or in the past)?
There is a good conservation of some traditional systems of cultivation and there is not an
extreme use of technologies potentially dangerous, also if this applies only to agronomy and
not also to zootechnics.
3. I would kindly ask you to do a fictive jump in time with us: If you imagine your region
in 10 years´ time – what would you be able to describe in the region in terms of:
- appearance of landscape
Increase of the woodland, wind turbines close to the Park (but not inside), increase of paved
roads and of access to the countryside, increase of the enclosures of protection for
cultivations and herds, increase of infrastructures for tourist use.
- regionally produced products/specialties
Truffles and maybe saffron. Concentrations and specialization of the agricultural activities,
decrease of forage crops for abandonment.
- regionally operating economic sectors
Tourism, that now is still in an embryonic phase; dairy products; niche agricultural products
(like the truffle); zootechny and poaching; mineral waters; hydroelectric sector; trout farms.
- how the sectors and the civil society are organized – what institutions will be
managing rural development
First of all the Regions, with the rural development plans, then the Provinces, mountain and
agrarian communities .
4. Could you please name the three most important strategic/overall goals in rural
development in your region?
a) Agriculture as eco-tourist services and valorization of the landscape;
b) Cultivations with low energetic and hydric consumption;
c) Systems of harm prevention from wildlife very selective and low impacting from a
physical and visual point of view (need to preserve wildlife and environmental
5. What are – to your mind – the three most pressing challenges/threats of rural
development your region has to face right now?
a) Overtaking a close mentality unwilling to experiment, because there is a low
awareness of the landscape value;
b) Overtaking the cultural backwardness of the zootechny, the dominant productive
activity, that has very negative side effects on the environment;
c) Preventing attempts of leery urbanization, triggered also by the uncritical
acceptation of “extreme” sport activities.
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Annex WG1 Final Report – Partner Contributions
6. What are the necessary steps – from your institution – to meet the above mentioned
a) To realize agricultural-environmental agreements in all the territory (up to now they
are active only in 4 Municipalities);
b) To realize a big number of educational farms, acting as communication centers of the
Park mission;
c) To promote new professionalisms in tune with the environment, trying to insert
them on already existing activities actually implemented in an amateurish and
individual way (such as horseback riding, hiking, etc.);
d) To increase in a consistent way the natural areas, by strengthening their secrecy and
hypothetical dangerousness to enhance their symbolic value; this doesn’t exclude but
on the contrary strengthens the regulated usability of other areas.
7. What are the concretely planned/envisaged measures in the near future (within the
coming three years) – from your institution – to contribute to the fulfillment of the
overall goals of rural development in your region?
- Are there any concrete project ideas ready to be applied (i.e. with high maturity in
terms of planning and financing)?
Agricultural-environmental plans, planning of the hiking trails (not at altitude), system of the
guides of the park.
- Are there project gaps (i.e. subjects/topics, where no project ideas have come
forward yet)?
Yes, regarding the cultivations with low energetic and hydric consumption.
- Are there project ideas, without application yet (i.e. with high maturity in terms of
planning but without financing)?
Faunal excellence areas, wilderness areas, virtuous harm prevention from faunal dangers,
educational farms.
8. Could you name/provide us with documents, which describe strategic goals and
operational details of rural development in your region? Could you provide us with
statistical data/time series data, which depicts the situation/development of rural
development in your region? Optionally also: Could you name us persons, also
important to be involved/ interviewed?
Agricultural-environmental plans, introductory report to the budget plan for 2012
(documents available on the Park website, but only in Italian).
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Sibillini Great Ring (GAS in Italian): from project to product
Indicate the country, the region concerned, the project partner and further organisations that
will lead the activity
Country: Italy
Regions: Marche and Umbria
Project Partner: Monti Sibillini National Park
Further organizations that will lead the activity: tourist operators and Public Bodies of the
Park territory.
What’s the idea behind the activity/product?
Sibillini Great Ring is a hiking trail of about 120 km that covers the whole mountain range, it
has been completed in 2001. Divided into nine stages, it’s fully reported and allows to know,
besides the variety of landscapes and natural beauty, part of the inestimable cultural
heritage that this area still conserves.
For better enjoyment of the Great Ring, the Park restructured 7 refuges (out of 8 foreseen).
The refuges are managed by private subjects, identified through public notices. They can be
used as alternative accommodations placed along the path or in its proximity.
(length 12,100 km; travel time: 4 h 20')
(length 11,500 km; travel time: 4 h)
(length km 9,100; travel time: 3h)
(length km 18,27; travel time: 5h 30’)
(length km 9,700; travel time: 3h 50’)
(length km 13,60; travel time: 5h)
(length km 18,57; travel time: 5h 30’)
(length km 19,50; travel time: 6h 30’)
(length km 9,500; travel time: 3h 30
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
The Great ring is already a touristic product well organized, that attracts hikers even from
European and extra European countries. Nevertheless the system is underemployed, then
the idea is to activate a communication and promotion plan, shared with the economical
operators and the local institutions, able to increase the fruition of the Great ring through
punctual actions.
What precisely will the initiative set out to do, in both short and long term? What are the
overall and specific objectives?
The detailed redaction of the communication plan will be made with stakeholders
participation, already involved in the Forum for the implementation of the European Charter
for Sustainable Tourism.
The communication and promotion plan will pursue the guidelines here summarized, based
on 4 lines of action:
- Promotion of the tourist product
- Advertisement of the tourist product
- Valorization of the tourist product
- “Experience trekking”
Promotion of the product
Principal interventions to be planned:
- Realization of a video product dedicated to hiking valorization and promotion of the
Sibillini Great Ring. The DVD will contain an emotional tale of the paths, live
documented, related by a figure representative of the hiking world. Moreover it will
contain gps tracks, information, useful news and whatever else contributes to
configure it as a “multi media guide”;
- Organization, in collaboration with Enit (Italian national tourism board) and Marche
and Umbria Regions, of promotional initiatives on national and international markets
(participation to fairs, presentations to press and/or tour operators);
- Organization of educational tours and press tours for journalists and tour operators
selected in the course of the mentioned initiatives.
Advertisement of the product
Principal interventions to be planned:
- Realization of advertisement interventions on specialized press, through which to
spread also the DVD;
- Activation of collaborations with sector newspapers, through support of the
mentioned press tours, finalized to publication of editorials related to the Sibillini
territory and in particular the Sibillini Great Ring;
- “Direct mail” activity.
Valorization and marketing of the product
- Improvement of the network of accommodation facilities and tourism services
related to hiking use, finalized to the creation of specific package tours
- of GAS;
- To facilitate through the Forum collaboration between tour operators, stimulating
the creation of a unique booking center for touristic services related to the fruition of
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
“Experience trekking”
The intervention consists in the organization of an event linked to the GAS hiking in a given
period. For example, it could be detected a week in the month of June to organize a GAS
trekking, where in each stage a theatrical performance or an interpretation and discovery
performance will be organized. The organization of an event, in addition to attract potential
users, represents a good instrument to attract the attention of specialized press and then to
become a promotional vehicle.
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible impacts.
The principal expected result is the increase of tourist flows on the Sibillini Great Ring. This
increase should lead to a series of positive direct and indirect impacts:
- The tourist flows will be oriented toward areas of big charm but of low
environmental fragility (the GAS doesn’t belong to the Zone A: Integral Reserve)
- Revitalization of mountain villages and hiking trail areas, that often are keeper of
traditional economical activities (sheep farming, agriculture, etc.) sometimes in
conflict with the nature preservation, but only if these activities are coherent with
the landscape quality of the interested places;
- Increase of employment (new jobs for the management of already existing refuges
and facilities)
- Increase of consume of local food farming products (the Refuges operators are
required to use them);
- Promotion of a light approach to the natural assets, based on “slowness” (by foot)
and reflection, so that there is also an increase of sensitivity towards environment.
What are the essential problems you expect, what could hinder the realization of the
The biggest problem is finding the financial resources to implement the plan
For the implementation of your initiative, what necessary support do you expect (e.g.
special/detailed information, relevant studies, possible fact finding missions at regions with
already implemented initiatives, insourcing of external expertise …).
It is desirable a support from external experts who may contribute to redaction of the plan
and implementation of some foreseen activities.
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Faunal Areas and Wild Parks
Indicate the country, the region concerned
Describe the activity in relation to mountain character/mountain territory potential:
Monti Sibillini National Park – Other Protected Areas
A Faunal Area (FA) is a fenced-in area where animals (mammals and/or birds) are kept in
such a way to may have a complex and articulated social life, as similar as possible to the
one they would have in conditions of complete freedom.
More FAs constitute a Wild Park. In this case the Park is provided with internal services,
as little restaurants, children's playground, terrariums and what else can be used for a
qualified tourist audience.
In a fenced-in area the tourist services are placed out the fence and the access to all the
structure has to be paid.
The FAs promote the access of visitors and in these cases large size animals, mainly
mammals, are exposed as they are not dangerous and they have a good capacity to get
accustomed to human presence. The favourite species are deers, fallow deers, other
Asiatic deers, moufflons and more rarely chamois and ibex.
The good practice consists in the possibility to observe wild animals in conditions of
semi-freedom. The access is exclusively pedestrian and the animal observation takes
place with the same cautions needed to observe them in freedom.
Some FAs don’t allow the entrance to visitors, as the ones destined to the wolf or to the
European bison; in these cases their economic utility derives by satellite facilities and
eventually by exclusive external paths to be paid.
Despite possible affinities and appearances, the differences between FAs and traditional
zoos are deep and decisive. In the first ones the animals live in (almost) optimal
conditions and in large spaces, while in the second ones the main problem is to exhibit
many animals in a very limited space. Moreover the FAs have not any relationship with
zoo-safari, as these ones are characterized by a spirit of exoticism and (false) adventure
totally absent in the first ones.
The possible options of FAs are different:
conservative - protectionist
educative and training
historic and cultural
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
The specificity of a FA situated in a mountain area lies in the particular character of the
animal species to host, that are big mammals and then they require necessarily a fence.
What’s the idea behind the activity/product, why should it be initiated?
The project FAs began in Italy in 1974, in the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise,
but it is known since long time all over Europe. Originally they were hunting fences, then
they acquired multiple purposes, as touristic, educative, training, scientific and
economical ones.
In Italy this practice developed precisely to enrich of attractions of a Protected Area,
especially to develop the educative, touristic and economical finalities.
Almost in all the National Parks and in many other natural areas FAs are present (in
MSNP there are two active and other five in project).
In other countries (Germany, Great Britain, France, Slovenia and Cekia) they absolve also
other functions as the hunting and scientific ones.
in terms of
Mountain character:
- Particular character of the fauna (big mammals) that answers to the tourist
demand to see the animals, unlike the FAs located in plain or in humid areas that
are mainly dedicated to birds and don’t require necessarily a fence;
- Local folklore linked to the fauna.
- FAs constitutes a filter of the tourist flows in an area that is possible to control
and clean regularly, they help to decongest the traffic in more sensible areas;
- Economic input.
- A high level of welfare for the animals is assured;
- They may absolve a relevant function for the conservation, the re-introduction
and the study of rare and threatened species, so they have also a scientific and
veterinary value (see Directive 357, that transposes the European Directive
- FAs answer to the tourist training demand to empathize with nature, through the
medium of fauna, to break the prejudice of the animal who escapes to the sight
of man, especially thanks to “educative” species like the deers.
- Possibility to develop other cultural initiatives (museums, children's playground,
terrariums, etc.) linked to the educative aim;
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Possibility to develop local handcraft with a faunal imprint.
General objectives in relation to short/middle/long term:
To produce income; to manage and regulate the tourist flows.
Short term: to regulate the tourist flows;
Middle term: economical income;
Long term: to sensitize and train a naturalistic consciousness.
Specific objectives in relation to short/middle/long term
They depend on the faunal species we decide to host, for example: wolf −› to sustain its
image, deer −› to promote its knowledge.
Short term: initiatives of re-introduction of the deer in Italy and of other “easy” species;
Middle term: to acquire more scientific information on particular species;
Long term: preservation of species in danger of extinction.
Define preconditions required in order to implement the activity:
- Presence of an urbanisable area (without damage), close to a built-up area and to
a main road (not in the wood);
- Presence of old historic structures, like a castle, to be used in sustainable way;
- Presence of a habitat adequate for the needs of each animal;
- The area should be enclosed at low prices and the enclosure should be safe and
Essential problems that could lead to restrictions and limitations (e.g. legal restrictions,
- To differentiate these initiatives from the zoos
- To be able to combine the economical aspect with the quality of the exposition
- To harmonize the exposition thematic without aiming at the collection of exotic
- To keep the animals in a state of “trusting” wildness
- To highlight the concept of training to environmental and naturalistic sensitivity
within a typology of activity that lends itself to touristic deviations of low level.
- The hunting fences may be problematic and they have to be planned with great
accuracy. They not appropriate in protect areas and then they are forbidden in
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible
Expected direct results
Expected indirect results
Economic income
Good image of the area,
Training to environmental
and naturalistic sensitivity,
cultural change
Regulation of the tourist
Attraction of tourism also
To make productive
in close areas
marginal areas (mountain)
Safeguard of a social fabric, To promote a de-recovery
even if minimal
of isolated houses in
uncomfortable zones, by
offering alternative
Creation of new jobs in
environmental, naturalistic
and touristic fields
Justification for “no
access” in other precious
Strong/weak points in terms of sustainability:
Weak points: possible low level tourist drift, to look for attractiveness through the exotic,
to give low quality shows that confirm the prejudices towards animals, lack of
management mentality.
Strong points: To make productive marginal areas (mountain), to give finalities to very
degraded areas, like the caves, new relationship between man and animal.
Identify available/needed resources during development and implementation of the
Financial: at least € 35.500 for a faunal area of good dimensions; at least 300.000 € for a
Wild Park.
Human: FA: 2 part-time workers + technical figures when needed (minimal set); WP: 1
manager/director, 1 technician (veterinary), 2 or 3 workers, 2 or 3 receptionist, 1
Natural: see precondition
Skills and knowledge: management, communication, veterinary and naturalistic science,
knowledge of languages and relationship skills.
Information and communication technologies: pc and webcam
Premises: old castles, stables, caves, gazebos, etc.
Equipment: 1 tractor, 1 off-road vehicle, mowers, stock room for forage, fences for
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
animals who had accidents, uniform for workers.
Investments: financials and training.
Roles of stakeholders in development and implementation of the activity/product
How can they cooperate together
Institutional actors: Ministry of Environment and local authorities
Other Stakeholders: local communities, foundations, private investors (sponsors),
environmentalists and potential volunteers.
They can cooperate together through common tables and operational protocols of
Please set procedures of:
Monitoring and evaluation
The project is still in a rough planning phase, so the set of these procedure is premature
Describe useful information or resources which could contribute to the realization of the
Specialized consulting, above all veterinary ones.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
partner region:
2.1 General socio-economic situation
Area concerned (km²), number of administrative
units (communities) concerned
Pljevlja municipality covers 1346 km² which is 10 % of the total
territory of Montenegro. and is third biggest municipality in
Montenegro. The municipality comprises of 159 settlements. The
settlements are organised in 20 rural communities and 7
comunities that are located in the center of Pljevlja municipality.
Grossdomesticproduct (GDM)/per head
Data not availabe
The municipality has 30.786 inhabitants, of whom 63,30 %, lived
in the urban part of municipality of Pljevlja, and 36,7% are
siruated in the rural areas. The average age of the population of
the municipal center is 35.5 years, the preschool children
(under 7 years) is 7.3%, and 78.6% of the adult
Population: Population development , age pyramid, population density per
population.There were 9921 families, of which 5910 in urban
parts and to 4011 in other settlements. There are actively
engaged in farming about 3000 inhabitants of which 50% were
over 60 years, indicating very unfavorable age structure of the
agricultural population.
Import and Export in €
Data not availabele
Business activities: number of registered businesses, sector relation in %
Labour market: Employment related to the three sectors
(initial production, commerce and industry, services)
in %, rate of unemployment
Should be related to the average situation of the country
Data not availabe
The number of persons employed in the agriculture sector – under
24 – 600 selfemployed and over 65 years old is 3100 of the
selfemployed. The number of housholds in the private forestry
sector is approaximately 50 housholds. Also, 74 persons are
empolyed in the Managing Forest Company.
Municipality takes over 13% of agricultural land and 15% of arable
land in Montenegro and contributes over 12% of the total number
of cattle and sheep in Montenegro and in accordance with that
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Situation of agriculture and forestry
Agricultural households: Agricultural households per
1,000 inhabitants [units]
Farm Size in ha (average)
The agricultural land occupies 51% of the total area of the municipality
Pljevlja. Most of the active population is employed in economic activities agriculture, hunting and forestry, even 27.6%. The total number of the
housholds is 11 346 whereas 4546 are listerd as the farm households, or
40.4%. Out of this number, the 11.8% is located in the urban areas and
81.1% of the housholds are located in the rural regions of the municipality.
The farming activities in rural settlements take 60% of the overall
economic activites. Out of the total number of the population in
agricultural sector the 94.8% is located in the rural areas. The farms are
small and without adequate technological devices.
Land use (% forestry, agriculture – thereof grassland,
arable land,
orchards, specialised cultivation, fallows, badlands,
areacoveredby buildings),
The municipality, the total area and agricultural potential, is among the
largest and most important in Montenegro. The agricultural land covers 51%
of which is dominated by mountain pastures and meadows, especially in
the plateau region of Kosaniice
The livestock (mainly cattle and sheep) are the most important branches of
agricultural sector. In recent years the municipality of Pljevlja stopped the
downward trend of number of livestock. The genetic potential of livestock
Livestock (LSU per hectare, number of cattle, pigs, sheep has been recently improved through the influence of Ministry of
Agriculture and Forestry and its policies and programs. The local authorities
and goats, poultry, horses)
provided highest subsidies in the state for the livestock. The number of
cows is
10454, sheep 30655, goat 1136, pigs 1883, pollutry 19905, bee hives.
The main brench of the livestock activity is production of milk, which is
further processed into the famous pljevaljski cheese. Also, the lamb meat
is known for its quality and exported mainly in the neighbouring
Trade of agricultural and forestry products/Import and
countiries. About 80% of the total milk produced is processed into cheese
in family farms and distributed to markets across the region through of
export of agricultural products
dealers, traders and the local milk market. However, the standards of the
segmented houshold processing and distribution are low compared to the
The total area of 134 600 ha of the municipality are forests and forest lands
which occupy 79 458 ha, or 59%, and 40 652 ha of grazing land or 30%. There
is 68 494 ha or about 1.91 ha per capita, or 0.79 ha of arable land per capita
which represent an important resource for the development. Agricultural
Agricultural households with forestry in %
production in Pljevlja is mostly carried out on family farms, and slightly in
agricultural cooperatives that have a small capacity for agricultural
production.Vektra-Jakić "company from Pljevlja is the concessionaire for a
period of 30 years in the forest basin in Pljevlja which accounts for 65% of
wood potential of Montenegro.
Machinery: Tractors (single and double axis) per 100
agricultural households [units]
The exact number of the machinery is not known. However, significant
investments in agricultural machinery have been made in the past 10 years
. The number of tractors and machines increased, but farmers do not have
available service repairs and adequate maintenance of the machines,
which is an aggravating factor for the development of agriculture. Supply of
various agricultural equipment and equipment on the farms (for milking
machines, coolers and other equipment) is poor. The use of the existing
machinery is also difficult due to poor electricity supply in the rural areas.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
The available natural resources:
the agricultural land,
the forest potential,
hidro potential,
the mineral resources,
traditional production in agriculture,
particularly in livestock production ,
in the traditional crafts production and
home-made local character products
The potential for development of the
tourism (rural, eco, hunting, health,
sports and recreation, etc..),
Resources for organic food
The existence of the markets for most
of the agricultural products
Areas with special natural values
(Ljubišnja, Kosanica)
Human Resources,
The hospitality of the local population
rich cultural and historical heritage
Inadequate roads, electricity, water and
undeveloped social infrastructure in
rural areas
expressed depopulation - a permanent
reduction in the number of inhabitants,
Poor old age and educational structure
lack of certain personnel qualifications
and entrepreneurship in rural areas
undiversified economy of rural areas
degradation and devastation of
agricultural land as a result of coal
fragmentation, lack of specialization and
low competitiveness of agricultural
Insufficient development of market
infrastructure and facilities for the
processing of agricultural products
Weak horizontal and vertical correlation
of the total food chain
Unorganized marketing, promotion and
marketing of agricultural products
Low levels of standards in agricultural
production and processing,
A low level of awareness and
professional competence of the rural
lack of capital for larger investments in
the economic development of rural
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
modernization and increased
competitiveness of agricultural
Sustainable managment of the natural
infrastructure in the broadest sense
Raising the level of social and health
Promotion of natural resources,
Efficient evaluation of natural resources
(water, agricultural land)
increased level of environmental
protection with emphasis on areas with
special natural values
development of organic agriculture
rural development and other forms of
Implementation of agricultural products
through tourist spending
Certification and promotion of
indigenous agricultural products
(pljevaljski cheese, honey, lamb, etc..)
The development of entrepreneurship
in rural areas (collection and processing
medicinal herbs and forest fruits, wood
processing, manufacturing, trade,
fisheries, bee keeping, etc..)
Association of agricultural producers
and processors
Training and education of the
population in rural areas
Increase of mechanisation for
agricultural production
Valorisation and promotion of rural
Valorisation of the rich cultural heritage
Sustainable managment of forests
education of forestry enterpreners
Development of final wood products
The use of pre-accession funds EU Rural
and Regional Development
Overal economic crisis in the region and
Continuation of negative trends - the
aging depopualcije villages
Inadequate network of trunk, regional
and local roads
Natural disasters,
neglect of other sectors, the dominant
share of the mining industry in the
economic structure,
All tougher restrictions on
environmental protection
Non-fulfillment of the role of agriculture
in economic development and
adaptation of the EU
lack of manpower development for rural
non-competitiveness of agricultural
Lack of information about the process of
EU integration,
Lack of trained personnel to participate
in the call to the pre-accession structural
and cohesion EU funds
The low level of knowledge for the use
of funds during the period of EU
Administrative constraints
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Not available
Not available
Indicate the country, the region concerned
Montenegro, mountainous region of Pljevlja municipality
Describe the activity in relation to mountain character/mountain territory potential
Ljubisnja is a high Dinaric mountain and has a great agriculture and tourist potential. As
such, it has been recognized as a future regional park within the goal C2.9.2-1 of the
Spatial Plan of Montenegro until 2020.
Ljubisnja is abundant in waters and beautiful landscapes and forests. There are even 77
springs on the south side, and the most renowned is Vojnovac spring at almost 1900m of
Ljubišnja consists of Big Ljubisnja and Small Ljubisnja and the highest peak is Dernjaciste
(2.238m). From northwest to southeast, the following peaks rise: Suplja stijena (1.497m),
Kobilja glava (1.869m), M. Ljubisnja (2.073m), Dernjacista (2.238m) etc. In parallel with
the Tara Canyon there are several high karst plateaus: Glibaci, Bobovo, Slatina and
Ogradjenica. The largest part of these plateaus is at the same altitude as Drobnjak Lakes
and Piva Mountain on the other side of the Tara Canyon. Ljubisnja is built of late
Paleozoic, Triassic, Jurassic, Tertiary and Quaternary rocks.
Rich animal world abides in the forests of Ljubisnja. The most numerous species are: roe
deer, bear and wild boar, wolf, fox and rabbit, badger, marten, chamois turtle-dove,
wood grouse, partridge and many others. The brown bear, wild boar and roe deer are
especially interesting because Ljubisnja massif has all conditions for both natural and
artificial breeding.
Wood grouse (Tetrao urogallus l.) is distinguished as a decoration of the mountain. Apart
from hunters and nature lovers, it attracts the attention of artists, both writers and
painters who agree that it is one of the most mysterious, intrigue and beautiful animal
species which abides in forests of Ljubisnja.
All these aspects make the mountain attractive for the tourists. Apart form the natural
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
beauties, there is hughe potential for development in agriculture field and especially
related to cheese and milk production.
These rural mountainous locations of Pljevlja are especially very well known in
Montenegro and in neighboring countries for the cheese and dairy products. Numerous
families in the rural regions are living out of selling these products on the local market
and on the costal region. However, there is no organized brending and promotion as well
that could enable to agriculture producers to earn more money and increase living
standards of the families.
What’s the idea behind the activity/product, why should it be initiated?
The project idea includes creating the logo and definig the promotional campaign that
could in order to position product on the market to enhance economic activity in the
region and increse income. Also, the project aims to develop tools and provide them to
cheese producers in order to be capable to find new distribution and selling channels
Activity 1. Define the team to work on brending
Activity 2. Select consultants to work on regional brending and promotion campaign
Activity 4. Oranise workshops with local stakeholders to make decissions
Activity 5. Organise public voting on 3 signs
Activity 6. Select brending
Activity 7. Organise promotion and visibility campaign
in terms of
Mountain character
The project has a mountain character as local domestic and traditional aspect are value
added to the product and make it unique in taste.
The project is in the line with local strategic and rural development strategy that aims to
promote local products and enrich tourism offer and to increase living standards of
agricultural producers. Enriched biodiversity and environmentally intact land and waters
are competitive advantage for agriculture production and demand for cheese and dairy
Beneficiaries of the project include at least 50 local cheese producers from Pljevlja
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
General objectives in relation to short/middle/long term
General objectiveofhe project include increse of standards of citizens in Ljubišnja
mountain region.
Specific objectives in relation to short/middle/long term
The specific objective of the project include brending of the cheese and dairy products
from Pljevlja region.
Define preconditions required in order to implement the activity
Support from the local government and Ministry of Agriculture
Essential problems that could lead to restrictions and limitations (e.g. legal restrictions,
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible
impacts, e.g.
Expected results related to activities.
Expected results from the activities include defining the brending sign and promotion
Expected results related to objectives
At least 150 beneficiaries from Pljevlja region who are cheese producers obtain
promotional tools to attract market more effectively.
Expected results related to the mountain character
Strong/weak points in terms of sustainability?
The project has strong points for sustainability as it is already a brend for its taste.
Identify available/needed resources during development and implementation of the
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Skills and knowledge
Information and communication technologies
Consultant for the branding and marketing campaign 10 000
Promotional campaign 30 000
Public hearing 5 000
Premises 2000
Per diems and travel costs of the committee member 4000
Administrative costs 3000
Project manager 5000
Project assistant 3000
Total 62.000
Roles of stakeholders in development and implementation of the activity/product
How can they cooperate together
Please set procedures of:
Monitoring and evaluation
Describe useful information or resources which could contribute to the realization of the
Best practices from the partners in the region related to planning development and
implementation of the idea.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
partner region:
2.1 General socio-economic situation
Area concerned (km²), number of administrative
units (communities) concerned
Grossdomesticproduct (GDM)/per head
Population: Population development , age pyramid, population density per km²
Import and Export in €
Business activities: number of registered businesses, sector relation in %
Labour market: Employment related to the three sectors
(initial production, commerce and industry, services)
in %, rate of unemployment
Should be related to the average situation of the country
Domogled Cerna Valley
National Park
612 square kilometers, 11 administrative
150 euros per inhabitant
The development of the population is
decreasing due to the migration of the youth
towards urban areas.70% over 50 years, 25%
between 20 and 50 years, and 5% under 20
years. 15 inhabitants per square kilometers.
Not the case
32 registered enterprises from which non in the
public realation sector
55 % in the production sector; 25 % in the
commerce sector and 20 % in the public service
sector; the unemployment rate is high due to
the lack of permanent job offers in the area.
The presented data is in accordance with the
average situation of the country.
Situation of agriculture and forestry
Agricultural households: Agricultural households per 1,000 inhabitants [units]
Farm Size in ha (average)
Land use (% forestry, agriculture – thereof grassland, arable land,
orchards, specialised cultivation, fallows, badlands, areacoveredby buildings),
Livestock (LSU per hectare, number of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry, horses)
Trade of agricultural and forestry products/Import and export of agricultural products
Agricultural households with forestry in %
Machinery: Tractors (single and double axis) per 100 agricultural households [units]
partner region:
2.1 General socio-economic situation
Area concerned (km²), number of administrative
units (communities) concerned
Grossdomesticproduct (GDM)/per head
Population: Population development , age pyramid, population density per km²
Import and Export in €
Business activities: number of registered businesses, sector relation in %
Labour market: Employment related to the three sectors
(initial production, commerce and industry, services)
in %, rate of unemployment
Should be related to the average situation of the country
75 agricultural households per 1000
1,5 ha average size.
74 % forestry, 26% agriculture
0,2 number / ha; as follows: 550 cattle, 1200
pigs, 3500 sheep, 250 caprine, 5000 fowl, 110
Approximately 5% of the production in the
area is exported and consists in forestry
products, and the rest is used localy.
Represents 95 % from the total enterprises
28 tractors per 100 households.
Calimani National Park
2000 square kilometers, 18 administrative
200 euros per inhabitant
20% over 60 years, 63% between 15 and 59
years, and 17% under 15 years. 35 inhabitants
per square kilometers.
Not the case
254 registered enterprises from which non in
the public realation sector
69,87 % Employment related to the three
(initial production, commerce and industry,
services) ; 7,2% rate of unemployment
64,64 % Employment related to the three
(initial production, commerce and industry,
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Situation of agriculture and forestry
Agricultural households: Agricultural households per 1,000 inhabitants [units]
Farm Size in ha (average)
Land use (% forestry, agriculture – thereof grassland, arable land,
orchards, specialised cultivation, fallows, badlands, areacoveredby buildings),
Livestock (LSU per hectare, number of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry, horses)
Trade of agricultural and forestry products/Import and export of agricultural products
Agricultural households with forestry in %
Machinery: Tractors (single and double axis) per 100 agricultural households [units]
193 agricultural households per 1000
1,52 ha average size.
arable land - 24,38%; thereof grassland 27,78%; specialised cultivation - 1%, forestry 41,81%
0,74 number / ha;
Approximately 30% of the production in the
area is exported and consists in forestry
products, and the rest is used localy.
Represents 44,76 % from the total enterprises
43,11 tractors per 100 households.
Domogled –Cerna Valley National Park
- The park is easily accessible by car and rail means
- The existence of special landscapes,
- The biodiversity of the area, including flora and fauna of particular community
interest habitats virgin forests.
- The traditional life of the local communities / traditional agriculture
- The special architectural aspect and communities traditions.
- The tourism sector (pensions, travel associations, etc.)
- The large carnivores population, known nationally and internationally
- The lack of key infrastructure, including information and interpretation of specific
tourism (visitor centers, points of access, thematic paths, parking lots, well-equipped
- The impact of tourism on biodiversity.
- The relatively low level use of accommodations for visitors from the local
- The reduced number of complex programs to attract different categories of visitors
on trails auto interpretative organized tours, guided tours or thematic
- Lack of specialized travel agents to promote ecotourism products
- Opportunities:
- The development of ecotourism worldwide
- The possibility that international visitors contribute more to local economic recovery
and financing of the park
- Promoting international presence made the area as a center of large carnivore
- The increasing of the interest in outdoor recreation
- Developing tourist industry and local food
- The existence of niches for the development of tourism products with reduced
environmental impact, ecotourism specific or more general.
- The management role in promoting ecotourism park through its own activities and
through partnerships.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
- Uncontrolled and disregard the traditional aspect of mountain areas,
- Exploitation of natural resources without strict control (without respecting of the
forest exploitation rules) poaching.
- Development of mass tourism by increasing the number of visitors unorganized
- Increasing quantities of waste left behind by visitors and the lack of appropriate
collection and transport to landfills,
- Camping random
Interview 1
1. In which field are you mainly working?
Local Administration - Cornereva Hall
2. I would kindly ask you to take a little time to think of your region. Could you please
describe the most striking and illustrative positive aspects/strengths of rural development
which come up in your mind (either right now or in the past)?
The main positive aspects of rural development in the past are:
- development of the infrastructure through the elaboration of projects for locality water
and sewerage;
The main positive aspects of rural development in the present are:
- Accessing European funds for the reconstruction and modernization of local/communal
and tourist roads.
3. I would kindly ask you to do a fictive jump in time with us: If you imagine your region in 10
years time – what would you be able to describe in the region in terms of:
appearance of landscape
- Maintaining the present state and appearance of the landscapes, but there are possibilities
to appear new infrastructures in the area;
regionally produced products/specialties
-in terms of regionally produced products we imagine that they will remain the same with
the possibility of being commercialized in a special centre.
regionally operating economic sectors
- development of wind farms which could offer employment for the local communities and
establishment of tourism agencies for the promotion of the area.
how the sectors and the civil society are organized – what institutions will be managing rural
-the County Council and the local Mayoralty.
4. Could you please name the three most important strategic/overall goals in rural
development in your region?
- the development of the infrastructure;
- development of tourism activities and
- creation of new employment possibilities.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
5. What are – to your mind – the three most pressing challenges/threats of rural
development your region has to face right now?
- the lack of investments what leads to the migration of the local communities;
- the lack of infrastructure for the development of tourism activities;
- difficulties in implementing projects with external funds.
6. What are the necessary steps – from your institution – to meet the above mentioned
- creating a specialized team on local administrative level, who would create and implement
7. What are the concretely planned/envisaged measures in the near future (within the
coming three years) – from your institution – to contribute to the fulfillment of the overall
goals of rural development in your region?
Are there any concrete project ideas ready to be applied (i.e. with high maturity in terms of
planning and financing)?
-there is a concrete cross border project with the title “Exploring nature across borders”
which was approved to be financed.
Are there project gaps (i.e. subjects/topics, where no project ideas have come forward yet)?
Not the case
Are there project ideas, without application yet (i.e. with high maturity in terms of planning
but without financing)?
8. Could you name/provide us with documents, which describe strategic goals and
operational details of rural development in your region? Could you provide us with
statistical data/time series data, which depicts the situation/development of rural
development in your region?
We can offer information from the “Regional Action Plan for the environment” and
“Organization Plan of the Caras-Severin County”.
Optionally also: Could you name us persons, also important to be involved/ interviewed?
Interview 2
1. In which field are you mainly working?
Local Forestry Department-Baile Herculane
2. I would kindly ask you to take a little time to think of your region. Could you please
describe the most striking and illustrative positive aspects/strengths of rural development
which come up in your mind (either right now or in the past)?
The main positive aspects of rural development in the past are:
- exploitation of natural recourses;
The main positive aspects of rural development in the present are:
- exploitation of natural recourses and conservation of the forest ecosystems and
development of silvo-tourism.
3. I would kindly ask you to do a fictive jump in time with us: If you imagine your region in 10
years time – what would you be able to describe in the region in terms of:
appearance of landscape
- the landscape will remain the same, the administration goals will be implemented in a way
that the protection of forest surfaces will be maintained;
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
regionally produced products/specialties
- specific wood products and forestry fruits and development of centers for the
commercialization of these products.
regionally operating economic sectors
- economic agents for the exploitation and commercialization of wood products.
how the sectors and the civil society are organized – what institutions will be managing rural
- National Forestry Administration - County Forestry Department.
4. Could you please name the three most important strategic/overall goals in rural
development in your region?
- Exploitation of wooden materials;
- Development of forestry roads;
-Certification of high conservation value forests.
5. What are – to your mind – the three most pressing challenges/threats of rural
development your region has to face right now?
- climate change which would lead to negative changes in the forest ecosystems;
- provoked fires;
-exploitation of low quality wood.
6. What are the necessary steps – from your institution – to meet the above mentioned
- Obtaining funds for the development of forestry roads and commercialization of
certificated wooden materials.
7. What are the concretely planned/envisaged measures in the near future (within the
coming three years) – from your institution – to contribute to the fulfillment of the overall
goals of rural development in your region?
Are there any concrete project ideas ready to be applied (i.e. with high maturity in terms of
planning and financing)?
- The administrative plan of forestry surfaces was renewed for the next 10 years;
Are there project gaps (i.e. subjects/topics, where no project ideas have come forward yet)?
Not the case
Are there project ideas, without application yet (i.e. with high maturity in terms of planning
but without financing)?
- Project ideas regarding investments in forestry roads reconstruction.
8. Could you name/provide us with documents, which describe strategic goals and
operational details of rural development in your region? Could you provide us with
statistical data/time series data, which depicts the situation/development of rural
development in your region?
The Administrative Plans of the Local Forestry Department-Baile Herculane.
Optionally also: Could you name us persons, also important to be involved/
Interview 3
1. In which field are you mainly working?
Tourism Association Baile Herculane
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
2. I would kindly ask you to take a little time to think of your region. Could you please
describe the most striking and illustrative positive aspects/strengths of rural development
which come up in your mind (either right now or in the past)?
The main positive aspects of rural development in the past are:
- Baile-Herculane spa is a bi-millenary location with an old and strong history in balneary
tourism and represented a great attraction for tourist both on national and international
The main positive aspects of rural development in the present are:
- Tourism development through creating complex tourism programs;
3. I would kindly ask you to do a fictive jump in time with us: If you imagine your region in 10
years time – what would you be able to describe in the region in terms of:
appearance of landscape
- the main wish of the administration is for the landscapes to remain the same.
regionally produced products/specialties
- specific local and regional traditional products
regionally operating economic sectors
- Tourism agencies with diverse offers.
how the sectors and the civil society are organized – what institutions will be managing rural
Tourism and Rural Development Ministry-County Council
4. Could you please name the three most important strategic/overall goals in rural
development in your region?
- Creating touristic programs;
- Renewal of the accommodation facilities;
- Reconstruction of the historical buildings.
5. What are – to your mind – the three most pressing challenges/threats of rural
development your region has to face right now?
- the continuous degradation of the historical centre;
- the lack of complex tourism programs and entertainment attraction;
- investments which would destroy the natural environment.
6. What are the necessary steps – from your institution – to meet the above mentioned
- involvement of the Local Authorities and Tourism Agencies in creating a tourism strategy;
- financial recourses for implementing the main goals.
7. What are the concretely planned/envisaged measures in the near future (within the
coming three years) – from your institution – to contribute to the fulfillment of the overall
goals of rural development in your region?
Are there any concrete project ideas ready to be applied (i.e. with high maturity in terms of
planning and financing)?
- Financed projects by the Tourism and Rural Development Ministry for the renewal of the
tourism trails and historical centre of Baile Herculane spa.
Are there project gaps (i.e. subjects/topics, where no project ideas have come forward yet)?
Not the case
Are there project ideas, without application yet (i.e. with high maturity in terms of planning
but without financing)?
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
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8. Could you name/provide us with documents, which describe strategic goals and
operational details of rural development in your region? Could you provide us with
statistical data/time series data, which depicts the situation/development of rural
development in your region?
Informational materials regarding the area, web site (
Optionally also: Could you name us persons, also important to be involved/
Ecotourism in Calimani National Park
Indicate the country, the region concerned, the project partner and further organisations
that will lead the activity
Calimani National Park (CNP) area is located in the northern Carpathians (Romania), in
alimani Mountains and, in terms of tourism it is already well known at national level due to
the good radition and fame. The area has also been made famous for the mineral water and
the diary products, which earned their good position on the market due to their good quality
related also to the quality of the natural environment (very good quality, traditionally
managed pastures).
CNP will lead the project.
What’s the idea behind the activity/product?
Providing education and interpretation for a sustainable and responsible tourism.
What precisely will the initiative set out to do, in both short and long term? What are the
overall and specific objectives?
The main objectives of the project were to promote the concept of ecotourism, to offer
training and develop a best practice guide for ecotourism development in the area and to
develop a network of local eco-tourism products and services, as first step to the goal of
developing the area as an ecotourism destination.
Describe the resources you will use for the implementation of the activity/product, e.g.
financial and human resources, natural resources, skills, knowledge, Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT), premises, equipment or other.
Human resources
The team will be select from the park’s administration and partners, totally 8 persons.
Existing material resources
Headquarters for the project
office equipments
mobile equipment: car, portable GPS
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Necessary material resources
equipment for team members
Financial resources
This project purpose is obtaining funding through Structural Funds
What do you intend to do, using human and other resources, in order to achieve its
objectives? Please give an overview of the proposed main features of your initiative: main
actions/activities, time scale, methods to apply, information on any key factors such as e.g.
cooperation/partnerships, etc. What are the possible weak points in your opinion?
In order to achieve the objectives, the project management team idea is to establish a local
ecotourism association which will include the stakeholders involved in the tourism sector. A
small number of stakeholders will found the Association, which will include one member
from all of the most important actors on the local tourism “scene”: 2 guesthouses, 2 tourism
services businesses organizing recreational activities in the park and the rest of the area,
Călimani National Park Administration, the mountain rescue team, a mayoralty and a local
consultant. The Association is going to be the management body of the future destination.
The Association will:
define the criteria to get in the organization (based on the principles of ecotourism)
define and is underway of creating a primary network of services AND criteria to get
in the network;
a label for the network and criteria to get and use the label.
be involved in the tourism zoning for the area
Raise awareness and interest for the eligible area - support actions for regional identity –
informational panels which will be located in strategic points, promotion through internet
and mass-media
Organization of specific events for tourism promotion –excursions with tourist groups or
with the students from schools located in or near the national park.
Describe the actors invited/involved, specific target-group(s) and expected direct and
indirect beneficiaries.
Stakeholders which will be involved:
Local Public Authority
County Councils
schools around the park
Target groups:
local communities around the park
students from school near the park
Romanian and foreign tourists
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible impacts.
a functional Association, which will develop ecotourism activities involving local
stakeholders, near the park
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
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tourists and local communities members awareness about the importance of the CNP
What are the essential problems you expect, what could hinder the realization of the
The financial support must be obtain from Structural Funds and exist the possibility that this
project will not be approved.
For the implementation of your initiative, what necessary support do you expect (e.g.
special/detailed information, relevant studies, possible fact finding missions at regions with
already implemented initiatives, insourcing of external expertise …).
The CNPA will obtain the support from local stakeholders and public authorities.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
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Social and economic development of local communities from Domogled-Cerna Valley
National Park through tourism promotion
The project initiative is established in Romania, Caras-Severin county, Prisacina and
Dobraia hamlets administratively belonging to Cornereva locality. The responsible for the
project implementation is the administration of the Domogled-Cerna Valley National
Park and the partner is Cornereva Hall.
This particular area is located on the right slope of the Cerna river, in Cerna Mountains.
What’s the idea behind the activity/product?
On the surface of the park there are areas where economic activity is underdeveloped
and we can also find a continuous depopulation of the areas. Nevertheless these areas
are rich in exclusive natural beauties which are not exploited as tourist destinations.
These areas are endowed with interesting flora and fauna which can attract many nature
lovers. The achievement of tourist activities through a very well established plan and also
developing visiting infrastructure are raising chances so that the local communities can
be able to develop tourist activities and in this way to increase the incomes, their life
quality and also reducing depopulation from these areas.
Relevance in terms of
Mountain character
Short/brief description of problem and possible solution
In Mountain areas human settlements are formed from scattered households where
traditional activities are carried out. Prisacina and Dobraia hamlets are completely
included in the Cerna Mountains area, their inhabitants have as main activities domestic
animal breeding and ecological agriculture with a minimum environmental impact.
From conservation point of view these activities on long term within the mountain area
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
don’t represent an obstacle in nature conservation.
The laws regarding environmental issues mention that the activities of the local
communities are nor forbidden on the surface of a protected area and these are
presented in the management plan.
The beneficiaries are the local communities within Prisacina and Dobraia hamlets, pupils
from local schools, students from diverse Universities, Romanian and foreign tourists.
There were no problems identified which would block the implementation of the project
in a protected area.
OBJECTIVES (before background)
The social and economic sustainable development of the areas from the national park
affected by depopulation.
- increase overall competitiveness of the economy in the area
- improve the quality of life for local communities
- develop a sustainable eco-tourism
Short and long term
Short term objective:
Increasing accessibility in the hamlets area trough reconstruction of the communal road.
Long term objective:
- acknowledging and promoting of traditional activities and products together with the
- making products which can be commercialized and labeled.
Resources for the implementation of the activity/product:
To implement this project initiative is very important to obtain financing through
Structural Funds or IPA funds through a cross-border project.
Human resources:
The implementation team of the project is formed from members of the park’s
administration and Cornereva Hall. In the present, the staff of the park is formed from 14
members, from which 10 will be involved in the project.
Natural resources:
This specific area is located inside the national park where a rich natural heritage can be
found consisting in attractive flora and fauna for all nature lovers.
The staff involved in the project has past experiences in implementing other projects so
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
the activities from this initiative don’t represent a problem.
During the past years the staff accumulated enough knowledge to satisfy the requests
for the implementation of this kind of projects.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT):
Within the administration there is a responsible with awareness and ecological education
who is also member of the project staff.
The activities of the project will be carried out at the national park administration’s
headquarter, which is a rented location in Baile Herculane.
All necessary equipment for the implementation in good conditions of the project can be
found at the headquarter of the national park.
Resources available:
- the necessary space for the activity of implementation team
- office equipment
- electronic and office equipments
- ground equipment: off road car, portable GPS
- 2 unimproved buildings
Resources needed:
- field equipment for rangers
- van with 7+1 places
On the surface of the national park we can find hamlets from which Dobraia and
Prisacina are included in the project initiative. In these areas the economic activity is
underdeveloped and a continuous depopulation can be noticed. However, these areas
can be characterized with a large attraction regarding the landscape, traditions, flora and
fauna, and unfortunately are not exploited as tourist destinations.
Developing the touristic infrastructure and ecotourism activities will increase the chances
of the local communities for a better lifestyle through incomes from tourism and also
they will be able to sell some of their traditional products.
Methods to apply
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
What do you intend to do, using human and other resources, in order to achieve its
The management team formed from the national park’s employees together with the
mayoralty of Cornereva will coordinate the implementation of the activities within the
project and regarding the tourism and educational activities will actively participate.
Overview of the proposed main features of your initiative:
Main actions/activities:
- Creation, development, modernization and promotion of public cross-border
infrastructure for tourism (tourist roads within tourism areas/tourist resorts ) – through
this activity the access road from Prisacina to Dobraia (two hamlets which belong to
Cornereva Hall) will be restored on 15 km length
- Creation and development of centers for tourism promotion – rehabilitating of two
existing buildings with ecological education purpose and tourists accommodation
- Rehabilitation, protection and preservation of tourist attractions, part of cultural
heritage for their inclusion in the tourism circuits – reconditioning of 4 water mills, part
of cultural heritage
- Creation of research studies and plans for tourism promotion and development –
development of a tourism plan for the area which will be included in the strategy of the
- Raising awareness and interest for the eligible area - support actions for regional
identity – informational panels which will be located in strategic points, promotion
through internet and mass-media
- Organization of specific events for tourism promotion – obtaining the necessary van for
visiting this tourist trail, excursions with tourist groups or with the students from schools
located in or near the national park.
Time scale: The project will be implemented during 2 years from the moment of signing
the financing contract.
methods to apply
Information on any key factors such as e.g. cooperation/partnerships, etc.
Actors invited/involved:
- Local Public Authority
- Caras-Severin County Council
- Caras-Severin Environmental Protection Agency
- Education Units
- NGO’s
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Specific target-group(s):
- local communities from Prisacina and Dobraia hamlets
- students from school units from and near the park
- students from different universities
- Romanian and foreign tourists
expected direct and indirect beneficiaries
Expected RESULTS AND IMPACT (after objectives)
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible
Expected results:
- tourism plans developed and translated in action plans for development and marketing
- wider public internationally informed on the project areas and on the entire project
The impact on the biodiversity is insignificant because both, the buildings and the road
already exist and are located in the sustainable development area of the park.
Expected Results related to activities:
- 4 cultural objectives restored from the park
- 2 restored buildings which will be used as tourism centers
- renewed access road to the hamlets
Expected Results related to objectives:
- 43 families, inhabitants from Prisacina and Dobraia hamlets will have better economic
development opportunities
- accessibility to the national park
Expected Results related to the mountain character:
-developed tourism plans and translated in action plans for development and marketing
What are the Strong/weak points in terms of sustainability?
Strong points:
1. Easy acces by cars and railways to Baile Herculane spa;
2. Diverse relief and landscapes;
3. Diverse Flora and Fauna, habitats included in the Birds and Habitats Directive, virgin
4. Traditional way of life in the local communities;
5. Traditional agricultural practices;
6. Special appearance and architectural traditions within the communities;
7. Partners from the tourist area (board and lodging, tourism associations…) which can
be found in Baile-Herculane town;
8. Interested local communities in promoting the natural and cultural values;
9. The town of Baile Herculane is located in the vicinity of the national park;
10. The National Park is Natura 2000 site.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Weak points:
1. The lack of key elements in the specific touristic infrastructure, including information
and interpretation (visitor centre, informational points, thematic trails, parking lots and
endowed camping areas);
2. Chaotic character of tourism activities and the negative impact on biodiversity;
3. Low use of the accommodation facilities within the local communities by tourists;
4. Small number of more complex touristic programs to attract diverse categories of
visitors into organized excursions on self interpretive and thematic trails or excursions
with guides;
5. Insufficient tourism agencies specialized on promoting eco-touristic programs;
6. The access to the hamlets is sometimes difficult due to the deteriorated roads;
7. Aged local communities in course of disappearance;
8. The lack of commercial agents who could sale the traditional products of the locals;
9. The absence of permanent locations in the touristic areas for the presentation and
commercialization of traditional products.
Preconditions to fulfil activities
It is necessary to obtain approvals from the concerned institutions and organizations for
the realization with success of all activities ( approval of the Scientific Council,
Environmental agreement).
Essential problems expected
Limitations that could hinder the realization of the initiative:
For the implementation of this project the administration of the park needs a
considerable financial support, but at the moment there is no available amount of
money for this matter. The only solution to obtain financing is through Structural Funds
or IPA funds from Cross-border projects.
From legal point of view there are no restriction regarding the implementation of this
project, because the area where the project is proposed to be implemented is included
in the sustainable development area of the national park, where these kind of activities
can be carried out.
The regional and local development plans include a development strategy for the local
communities in the national park’s area.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
e.g. special/detailed information
relevant studies
possible fact finding missions at regions with already implemented initiatives insourcing
of external expertise
The local authorities and stakeholders are supporting this project initiative the only
problem is the financial one.
Accessing funds through cross-border project in partnership, Romania-Serbia.
Green Mountain:
Accumulated experiences with the occasion of all meetings through the Green Mountain
project and also with the help of the presentations of good practices from other
Countries in similar areas.
Territorial cooperation aspects
The territorial cooperation consists in the partnership with the Cornereva Hall.
Sustaining the local communities in promoting the traditional products and
Indicate the country, the region concerned
Describe the activity in relation to mountain character/mountain territory potential
Our initiative is located in the south-west part of Romania, on the surface of the
Domogled-Cerna Valley National Park, in Caras-Severin and Mehedinti County, in the
hamlets belonging administratively to Cornereva and Izverna localities.
These areas are situated on the slopes of Cerna Valley, within the Cerna and Mehedinti
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
What’s the idea behind the activity/product, why should it be initiated?
On the surface of the national park there are hamlets where the households of the
inhabitants are scattered within the Mountains, which surround the Cerna Valley. These
locals can prepare and commercialize diverse traditional products. The households can
be reached by hiking the tourist trails which have as starting point Baile Herculane town
and certain points on the Cerna Valley. This way the traditional products can be
promoted in two ways:
- By hiking the trails to the areas where the households are located and tasting and
buying these products;
- By establishing three promotion centres where the locals will exhibit and sale
their products.
in terms of
Mountain character:
The localities in Mountain areas are formed from scattered households and their
inhabitants carry out traditional activities. The hamlets belonging administratively to
Cornereva and Izverna localities are entirely in the Cerna and Mehedinti Mountains.
Activities carried out by the locals are, animal breeding and ecological agriculture which
have a minimum environmental impact. By practicing these activities traditional products
were developed which are specific to this area.
From nature conservation point of view, the development of these kind of activities in
the Mountain area, on the long term, doesn’t represent an obstacle in nature
According to the environmental laws, the activities of local communities are permitted in
protected areas and these are presented in the national park’s management plan.
The beneficiaries are the local communities from Cornereva, Izverna, Prisacina, Dobraia,
and Romanian and foreign tourists.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
General objectives in relation to short/middle/long term:
Sustainable and social-economic development of local communities from
Mountain areas within the national park;
Promotion of traditional activities and products through ecotourism.
Specific objectives in relation to short/middle/long term:
Improving the living standards of the locals;
Developing ecotourism;
Realizing products what can be labeled and commercialized.
Define preconditions required in order to implement the activity:
Preliminary conditions for the implementation of these activities consist in:
- the consent of the locals, through which they commit themselves to carry out
traditional activities and produce products for a minimum of 5 Years;
- financial support for the communities from the local authorities to develop microfarms.
Essential problems that could lead to restrictions and limitations (e.g. legal restrictions,
For the implementation of the initiative is necessary the involvement of all stakeholders
and serious financial support from the budget of the local authorities or by accessing
project funds on national and international level. From legal point of view there are no
restrictions regarding the implementation of the project, due to the fact that these areas
are located in the national park’s sustainable development area, where these activities
are allowed.
The local and regional development plan anticipates a development strategy of the local
communities within the Domogled-Cerna Valley National Park.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible
impacts, e.g.
Expected results related to activities:
- a number of 20 products will be labeled and commercialized;
- three centres will be established for the commercialization of the products;
- three micro-farms will bi developed through partnerships between the locals;
- 4 tourist trails will be rehabilitated to develop ecotourism.
Expected results related to objectives:
- 55 families within the Cornereva and Izverna localities will have better opportunities for
economic development;
- the traditional activities and products will be maintained for the next generations.
Expected results related to the mountain character:
- realized tourism plan including an action plan for development and marketing.
Strong/weak points in terms of sustainability?
Strong points:
- Diverse relief and landscapes;
- Diverse Flora and Fauna, habitats included in the Birds and Habitats Directive, virgin
- Traditional way of life in the local communities;
- Traditional agricultural practices;
- Special appearance and architectural traditions within the communities;
- Partners from the tourist area (board and lodging, tourism associations…) which can be
found in Baile-Herculane town;
- Interested local communities in promoting the natural and cultural values;
- The town of Baile Herculane is located in the vicinity of the national park;
- The National Park is Natura 2000 site.
Weak points:
- The lack of key elements in the specific touristic infrastructure, including information
and interpretation (visitor centre, informational points, thematic trails, parking lots and
endowed camping areas);
- Chaotic character of tourism activities and the negative impact on biodiversity;
- Low use of the accomodation facilities within the local communities by tourists;
- Small number of more complex touristic programs to attract diverse categories of
visitors into organized excursions on self interpretive and thematic trails or excursions
with guides;
- Insufficient tourism agencies specialized on promoting ecotouristic programs;
- The access to the hamlets is sometimes difficult due to the deteriorated roads;
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
- Aged local communities in course of disappearance;
- The lack of comercial agents who could sale the traditional products of the locals;
- The absence of permanent locations in the touristic areas for the presentation and
commercialization of traditional products.
Identify available/needed resources during development and implementation of the
In this area the local communities have small incomes, so the involvement in this type of
projects is restrained. Without the support of the local authorities this project can’t be
start off. The national park’s administration can’t assure from personal funds the
initiative of this project, but wishes to access projects with national or international
The employees of the Domogled-Cerna Valley National Park, Cornereva and Izverna Hall.
These areas are situated in a natural protected area and here we can find a very rich
natural patrimony consisting in attractive flora and fauna species for all nature lovers.
Skills and knowledge:
The personnel who will be involved in the project has ability and experience from the
implementation of other projects on the surface of the park. The accumulated
knowledge over the years fulfills the expectations for the implementation of the project.
Information and communication technologies:
Within the park’s administration there is a responsible with information and
communication who has experience in this field and can participate in the project team.
The team of the project will work at the national park’s headquarters which is a rented
place in Baile Herculane town.
The necessary equipment for the implementation of the project, in good conditions, can
be found at the headquarters of the park:
- the necessary space for the activity of the implementation team;
- office equipment;
- electronic equipments;
- ground equipment: off road car, portable GPS.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Needed resources:
- field equipment for rangers;
- off road car.
Investments consisting in:
- developing three micro-farms (constructions for animal breeding, for the storage and
exhibition of the products, e.g.);
- arranging three places to commercialize the traditional products, one in Baile Herculane
and two other on the Cerna Valley, in the near proximity of the national road 67D.
Roles of stakeholders in development and implementation of the activity/product
The involved stakeholders:
- Local public authorities;
- Caras-Severin County Council;
- Mehedinti County Council;
- Caras-Severin Environmental Protection Agency;
- Mehedinti Environmental Protection Agency;
- NGO’s.
The target groups are the inhabitants from Cornereva, Izverna and from the vicinity of
the national park, and Romanian and foreign tourists.
The role of each party is to identify on field the needs of the local communities and the
measures that needs to be taken in order to realize this project. The Park’s
administration will collect all data and harmonize it with the management plan and the
regulation of the protected area.
How can they cooperate together:
The cooperation of all parties will be done through the national park’s administration
which will act as a bond to all stakeholders. Also, will organize meetings with all
interested factors in order to establish the benefic activities what can be carried out
through the project.
Please set procedures of:
The action plan will be settled for 2 years from the start off of the project.
As mentioned before,the national park is special due to the communities situated on its
surface and also due to their traditional activities and traditional products what can be
put in good use on local level. On the other hand,these areas are very rich in exclusive
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
natural beauties and they are not exploited as tourist destinations.
The union of ecotourism and the commercialization of traditional products by the local
communities is for sure the optimum solution for their development and the reducation
of depopulation.
The necessary activities needed,to put in practice this initiative, are:
1. Development of 3 micro-farms by realizing partnerships between the inhabitants;
2. Construction of 3 presentation and commercialization centres for the traditional
products. One will be in Baile Herculane and two other on the Cerna Valley in the
proximity of the national road 67D;
3. Realization of an ecotourism plan what will be included in the tourism strategy;
4. Involvement of the tourism agencies in the tourism programs and product promotion;
5. Labeling a number of 20 traditional products;
6. Organizing special events for the promotion of the traditional products.
Monitoring and evaluation:
The monitoring of all activities within the project will be done by the national park’s
administration who will also conduct all activities.
There is support from the local authorities and stakeholders in implementing this project,
but the only issue is the financial one.
Describe useful information or resources which could contribute to the realization of the
Accessing cross-border project funds, in partnership with other organizations, RomaniaSerbia, or other external project funds.
Calimani National Park
Developing a concept of sustainable development through responsible tourism
Creating a network of ecotourism services Tara Dornelor
Activities needed within the I initiative:
- Improving local policy in the area of tourism development;
- Development of tourism infrastructure and related services;
- Formation and training personnel involved in tourism activities;
- Local public awareness on the significance of the concept of
- ecotourism, the importance of ecotourism development;
- Developing and promoting ecotourism areas offer.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Activities needed within the II initiative:
- Develop ecotourism destinations as an entity is required to coordinate its
development and to ensure dialogue between various actors.
- This entity will be composed of representatives of public and private sectors of
tourism, nature and local government area.
Expected results, initiative I, in accordance with the activities:
- Adopting the principles of ecotourism and its integration objectives in the local
development measures
- Improvement of existing tourism infrastructure
- Training staff in involved in tourism activities
- Awareness sessions on the importance of ecotourism
- To get a uniform to promote the area
Expected results, initiative II, in accordance with the activities:
- The entity have to turn Tara Dornelor into one of the most popular ecotourism
destinations and cherished in the Carpathians.
Necessary support
For implementing these project initiatives a considerable financial support is necessary,
which in present is not available for the park’s administration, the only solution is
obtaining funding.
Calimani National Park Administration has the necessary support from public authorities.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
partner region:
2.1 General socio-economic situation
Area concerned (km²), number of administrative
units (communities) concerned
Grossdomesticproduct (GDP)/per head
Population: Population development , age pyramid, population density per km²
PPP Horehron
- area of Public -private parthenership region Horehron (PPP Horehron) = 470
- number of administrative units: 10 municipalities
this data is not available on level of this region(NUTS V)
PPP Horehron is located in Banskobystrický region (NUTS III), Banskobystrický
region: 12 372 in PPS (in 2009)
population development: monitoring period (1869-2008)
1869-1930: numbers of inhabitants increased by 43 inhabitants per year
1930-1940: mild decrease
1940-1970: rapid increase in average by 228 inhabitants per year
from 1970: decrease in average by 135 inhabitants per year
age pyramid: monitoring period (2001/2008)
number of inhabitants
> 60
density: 36.3 inhabitants/km2 (in 2008)
Import and Export in €
data is not available on level of this region(NUTS V)
Business activities: number of registered businesses, sector relation in %
number of registered businesses: 1543
primary sector : 31 % (in 2008)
secondary sector: 29% (in 2008)
Labour market: Employment related to the three sectors
(initial production, commerce and industry, services)
in %, rate of unemployment
data is not available
rate of unemployment: 29 % (in 2007)
Should be related to the average situation of the country
Situation of agriculture and forestry
Agricultural households: Agricultural households per 1,000 inhabitants [units]
data is not available, number of employee: cca
183 (in 2005)
Farm Size in ha (average)
190 ha (in 2005)
Land use (% forestry, agriculture – thereof grassland, arable land,
orchards, specialised cultivation, fallows, badlands, areacoveredby buildings),
monitoring period : 2007
forestry: 65%
agrculture: 31.5 %
arable: 10.9 %
grassland: 87.7 %
orchards: 0 %
gardens: 1.4%
Livestock (LSU per hectare, number of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, poultry, horses)
monitoring period : 2011
cattle: 3677
pigs: 0
sheep: 4475
goats: 74
Trade of agricultural and forestry products/Import and export of agricultural products
data is not availabe
Agricultural households with forestry in %
data is not available, number of employee: cca
216 (in 2005)
Machinery: Tractors (single and double axis) per 100 agricultural households [units]
data is not available
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
In regard to economic development
- region with high environmental quality, presence of
protected areas
- production potential of forests, agricultural land,
particularly of meadows and pastures
- conditions for extension of breeding of traditional
farm animal, fishery and hunting
- conditions for development of cultural tourism,
recreational and sport tourism, cycling
- organizing social, cultural and sports events of
regional and supra-regional significance
- preserved tradition architecture and rich cultural
- development and preservation of traditions,
handicraft and folklore
- outward: promotion of municipalities by web
pages, promotion materials, inward: information
newspaper in particular municipalities
- diversification of economic activities in direction of
non-agricultural activities
- utilization of local natural resources
- re-managing of meadows and pastures
- opportunities for implementation of new
technologies (utilization of alternative energy
- improvement of competitiveness of agro-food and
forestry sector
- entrance of foreign investors into joint agricultural
- utilization of state assistance programs and
programs financed by EU funds
- revitalization of public places in municipalities
- creation of complete tourism product
- assistance in creating new jobs in small and middle
entrepreneurship and services
- assistance to private producers – honey, sheep
products, support of medicinal herbs growing
- creation of regional label “Product of Horehronie”
- creation of social enterprise - protected workshop
aimed at e.g. folk costume embroidery
- inefficient utilization of natural potential of the
- agriculturally disadvantaged – mountain region
- economic instability of agricultural companies
- unsettled proprietary legal relationships with land
- change of typical landscape scenery in
consequence of non-managing of meadows and
pastures – - abandoning the arable
- strong soil erosion
- dissolution of industrial companies in the region
- negative population trend, population migration
- high unemployment, lack of job opportunities
- low purchasing power of population
- construction restrictions resulting from legislative
in force in nature and land protection issues
- undeveloped services for needs of sightseeing
tourism and recreational sport tourism
- non-complex information system of the region
- absence of complex tourism product
- seasonality in tourism
- unfinished tourism centers
- insufficient state of state and local roads
- building of basic technical infrastructure of
municipalities has not finished yet
- inadaptable populous Roma community
- population aging
- efflux of educated workforce to towns/abroad
- rising unemployment
- devastation of environment
- change of typical landscape scenery resulting from
non-managing of meadows and pastures
- insufficient financial resources for necessary
structural changes
- insufficient presentation of region
- growing inadaptable Roma community
- climate change – warming – short winter
- without natural snow –winter tourist season in
- natural calamities – floods, windstorms
- economic crisis
- delay of investors entrance to lagging rural areas
- great administrative challenges for acquiring
finances from state subsidies and EU funds
- clientelism and corruption
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Interview was done from 15.5 till 23.5.2012. We asked for it following groups of people:
Political representatives
Representatives of administration
Representatives of existing structures of support and financing
Representatives of associations
Representatives of important companies
We identified these people:
1) Political representatives: a mayor of municipality
2) Representatives of administration: a representative of natural conservation
institution (National Park Nízke Tatry Administration)
3) Representatives of existing structures of support and financing: a project leader
4) Representatives of associations: a representative of association of Horehron microregion
5) Representatives of important companies: a representative of providing services in
We asked these groups of people following questions:
1. In which field are you mainly working?
2. I would kindly ask you to take a little time to think of your region. Could you please
describe the most striking and illustrative positive aspects/strengths of rural
development which come up in your mind (either right now or in the past)?
3. I would kindly ask you to do a fictive jump in time with us: If you imagine your region in
10 years time – what would you be able to describe in the region in terms of:
• appearance of landscape
• regionally produced products/specialties
• regionally operating economic sectors
• how the sectors and the civil society are organized – what institutions will be
managing rural development
4. Could you please name the three most important strategic/overall goals in rural
development in your region?
5. What are – to your mind – the three most pressing challenges/threats of rural
development your region has to face right now?
6. What are the necessary steps – from your institution – to meet the above mentioned
7. What are the concretely planned/envisaged measures in the near future (within the
coming three years) – from your institution – to contribute to the fulfillment of the
overall goals of rural development in your region?
• Are there any concrete project ideas ready to be applied (i.e. with high maturity in
terms of planning and financing)?
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Are there project gaps (i.e. subjects/topics, where no project ideas have come
forward yet)?
• Are there project ideas, without application yet (i.e. with high maturity in terms of
planning but without financing)?
8. Could you name/provide us with documents, which describe strategic goals and
operational details of rural development in your region? Could you provide us with
statistical data/time series data, which depicts the situation/development of rural
development in your region?
9. Optionally also: Could you name us persons, also important to be involved/ interviewed?
It was difficult to get information from asked interviewers. Some questions have not been
The answers are following:
Political representatives: a mayor of municipality
1) A mayor of municipality
2) The main aspect for rural development for our region is that was work out Integrated
strategy for development of territory Public private partnership Horehronie and
started activity belongs to LEADER approach (more detail info on website . Also in the field of infrastructure in our region
were build sewerage system in some villages, revitalization of public spaces and
reconstructions of buildings for public services. Now we are working on next
activities for LEADER approach.
3) Appearance of landscape and regional products: At present, we observe a gradual
overgrowing of the landscape due to missing management of agricultural land, so we
want to really change the future and preserve the original character of the landscape
by the support of local farmers for example through the supporting of selling regional
products on local markets. We have to cooperate with state government and in the
future established rules for sale of regional products (decreasing level of VAT).
Cooperation of sectors: We have to continue in our activities with PPP projects and
maintain and improve cooperation for future.
4) Strategic goal: Improving quality of life of PPP Horehron, encouraging diversification
of rural economy and increase the competitiveness of the territory on the principle of
using natural, human, cultural and historical potential of the area. Specific goals:
1.Encourage innovation in the economic base and support employment in the region,
2.To develop the tourism potential, 3.Support local development and communitybased rehabilitation quality of life in communities.
5) Lack of financial funds for rural development 2. Overgrowing and abandonment of
the landscape, Illegal waste disposal 3. rising unemployment – lack of job
6) We have to improve cooperation between three sectors public-private-NGOs and
work together on removing problems in the territory. Our organization should lobby
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
on level of state government to support local farmers and organization of local
7) not answered
8) Main strategic document is Integrated strategy for development of territory Public
private partnership Horehronie which providing all the statistics data of rural
Representatives of administration: a representative of natural conservation institution
(National Park Nízke Tatry Administration)
1) I work as a specialist for environmental education an may main task is organizing
activities related to environmental education such as workshops, conference,
seminars and educative trails.
2) Revitalization and reconstruction of hiking and educative trails in the territory of
National park Low Tatras and supplementing infrastructure for fulfilling the
obligations related to Natura 2000 in the Low Tatras National Park.
3) Our organization would like to continue to protect the natural values of the national
park, but also support the development of ecotourism in this area, so in terms of land
use is necessary, in the future to determine zones of natural conservation and zones
for development of tourism and achieve balanced territory of national parks from
both aspects of rural development. Cooperation of interested organizations including
bodies of natural conservation, economical actors, municipalities, NGOs and public
could manage region properly.
4) The most important objective for the development of the region is to promote
ecotourism in the area with regard to nature conservation. Improve public awareness
of nature and landscape protection.
5) The greatest and strongest threat is pressure from big investors to build large resorts
near protected areas. This construction is often very harmful to environment and
causing irreversible changes in the landscape. Next challenge is improve relationship
between bodies of nature conservation and wide public sector.
6) To negotiate with economic sector and set up rules for nature conservation and
development of tourism.
7) Our institution is recently working on these projects: Communication and
interpretation Conservation Strategy - The project is aimed at improving
communication management of the national park with the public. An infrastructure
for fulfilling the obligations related to Natura 2000 in the Low Tatras National Park Improving the material conditions for ensuring the protection of the natural
environment within the northern part of Low Tatras National Park, with special
regard to the care of areas included in the National List of Habitats of European
Importance. Support of pedestrian tourism in the area Chopok – south – Project is
aimed on the change of hiking trails in this area.
8) not answered
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Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Representatives of existing structures of support and financing: a project leader
- Not respond
Representatives of associations: a representative of association of Horehron micro-region
(MR Horehron)
1) I work as a lead manager of Microregional association Horehron.
2) Infrastructure: built sewerage system in villages Pohorelá, Závadka, Polomka, partly
built sewerage system in Šumiac, Telgárt, Bacúch. Revitalization of domiciles and
public spaces Šumiac – completed, in process Pohorelá and Závadka. Bulit CCTV
system in villages Šumiac, Heľpa and Pohorelá. Reconstruction of schools (including
interiors and insulations). Built places for collection of waste material in Telgárt and
Polomka. Elaborating of the new local plan of villages Telgárt and Šumiac.
3) From the point of view appearance of landscape: abandonment of agricultural land
(without support of state government for farmers), vision of gypsy Horehron, rising
of poorness. If there will be support from state government through decreasing of
VAT on 6% level, than selling of the regional products could be competitive able. If
the nature conservation will be protect everything than I won’t predict any
development of tourism. There are no cooperation in economic sector, because of
that factor vision is not really good.
4) The most specific and most important goal is bring the job opportunities for people
which are living in the region and supporting of small and middle enterprisers.
5) Lack of job opportunities in the region, outflow of young well-educated people,
increasing of poorness and raising number of gypsies’ inhabitants.
6) For microregions is very hard to achieve any goals and changes because it depends
on state government support. Support should be mainly focused on field of tourism,
enterprisers and donations for private farmers.
7) MR Horehron tried to join PPP Hehronie and programme LEADER but it did not work.
The biggest problem is to make decisions among 10 villages and find out joint goal an
lack of calls for microregional associations.
8) Every member of MR Horehron has its own plan for economic and social
development and villages Telgárt and Šumiac working on their local plan.
Representatives of important companies: a representative of providing services in tourism
1) I work as a chief manager in pension Schweintaal.
2) Activities belongs to PPP Horehronie and LEADER approach, which tries to promote
our region, our traditions and promote regional products, possibilities of
accommodations and established rules for cooperation of sectors and stakeholders in
the territory of our region.
3) Appearance of landscape: Landscape with places of nature beauty, managed
agriculture land by local farmers and developed infrastructure.
Functional market with regional products could only exist with support state
government (e.g. lower level of VAT, easier conditions of selling) regional
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
government through the supporting of promotion activities. If these conditions will
be fulfill, then will be functional market with regional products.
a)Well developed infrastructure including roads (reconstruction of roads of every
quality), building of sewerage system, electricity and gasification.
b) Support from state government in the field of tourism through the financial
support, promoting actions, set up strategies for tourism, creation of tourism
products cooperation with regional municipalities and local stakeholders.
c) To improve quality of sports resorts, monuments and places of national heritage.
a) The condition of places of national heritage, monuments and areas of natural
beauty. These are often in poor condition, deserted unwell marked and therefore
does not attract tourists to visit.
b) Outflow of young people which could work in field of tourism.
c) Lack of investment into the region.
not answered
not answered
not answered
Implementation of the regional trademark for regional products
Indicate the country, the region concerned, the project partner and further organisations that
will lead the activity
Slovak Republic
Horehron Public –Private Partnership region
Project partner:
Slovak Environment Agency
Further Organization: Public –Private Partnership Horehron
Small and middle enterprises
Municipalities and regional administration
What’s the idea behind the activity/product?
• the region offers of many traditions, traditional products and traditional workshops
as a big potential for implementation of regional trademark
• an interest of people from the region in maintaining traditions, traditional products
and workshops
• problems with sales of agricultural products due to a law purchasing power of local
inhabitants, pending customers relationship and not accomplished system of
governmental intervention in agriculture market, an insufficiently developed
distribution system and lack of support of local and regional products by public
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
increasing loss of agriculture land and cultural character of landscape, caused by
interrupting management of some agriculture land, mainly in areas with less
favourable natural conditions
the low responsibility of new owners with handling of agriculture lands and premises
missing marketing of regional products
non-complexity of services and information system provided in the field of tourism
giving a priority not local and regional products in gastronomy sector
low competitiveness of small and middle enterprises
low level of employment in the region
What precisely will the initiative set out to do, in both short and long term? What are the
overall and specific objectives?
• The overall objectives:
o to support a sale of domestic products by implementation of regional
• The specific objectives:
Short/middle term
• to implement the regional trademark for regional products
• to design the regional trademark
• to set up rules of granting and using regional trademark
• to draw up an appropriate marketing for supporting of the sale of regional products
• to increase employment in the region
• to improve competitiveness for small and middle enterprises
• to support crafts with using of local and regional materials
• to maintain traditional crafts
• to raise public awareness in buying regional products with the trademark
• to maintain landscape character
Long term
• to find out tools how to keep a regional trademark on the market
• to set up a policy on supporting of the regional product sale
• to create a net of regional trademark
Describe the resources you will use for the implementation of the activity/product, e.g.
financial and human resources, natural resources, skills, knowledge, Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT), premises, equipment or other.
• Human resources
- Public –Private Partnership Horehron:
setting up the regional trademark,
development of activities for marketing and promotion the regional
- External experts:
cooperation in setting up the regional trademark
- small and middle enterprises:
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
to cooperate in setting up the regional trademark
to use the trademark for a sale of their products
- regional self-government:
to create appropriate conditions in regional policy related to labelling
and sale of regional products
to approve the regional products, to certificate the regional products
- public:
to be informed about these regional products
to gain interest of public in buying of the regional products
Financial sources:
- EU founds
- a financial contribution of enterprisers in obtaining and using the regional
- a financial contribution from state subsidies, e.g. Rural Development
Programme of the Slovak Republic 2007 – 2013
- a financial contribution from sale of regional products
- sponsoring
Natural and cultural sources:
- the region with the huge potential of nature and culture heritage
- the region with the rich tradition and crafts
- free potential of premises, which can be used for development of production
and sale of the regional products
What do you intend to do, using human and other resources, in order to achieve its
objectives? Please give an overview of the proposed main features of your initiative: main
actions/activities, time scale, methods to apply, information on any key factors such as e.g.
cooperation/partnerships, etc. What are the possible weak points in your opinion?
• to meet with experts in order to knowledge exchange in labelling
• to carry out a survey on interest of regional craftsman and entrepreneurs in using the
regional trademark
• to ensure financial sources for regional trademark of products ( rules of funding for
registration and using the regional trademark)
• to identify regional products (mainly: agricultural products, gastronomy products,
craft products, natural products, providing of services) and set out criteria for
handing out the regional trademark (rules for approving the regional products, rules
for marking system
• to develop common marketing strategy for promotion and campaign on trademark in
target groups (presentation in the medias on international, national, regional and
local level; to create and update product catalogue; a creation of information
brochures, billboards and other printed informational materials; a development of
website and e-shop)
• to develop a control mechanism and a marketing strategy for maintaining the
regional trademark on the market (to organise fairs, markets and exhibitions)
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
to support labelling in regional policy
Describe the actors invited/involved, specific target-group(s) and expected direct and
indirect beneficiaries.
• Public -Private Partnership Horehron:
o setting up the regional trademark,
o development of activities for marketing and promotion the regional
• External experts:
o cooperation in setting up the regional trademark
• regional self-government:
o to create appropriate conditions in regional policy related to labelling and sale
of regional products
o to approve the regional products, to certificate the regional products
Target groups
• small and middle enterprises:
o to cooperate in setting up the regional trademark
o to use the trademark for a sale of their products
• public:
- to be informed about these regional products
- to gain interest of public in buying of the regional products
Public –Private Partnership Horehron:
• the association, that consist of subject of public and private sector
• mainly coordinates the regional and spatial development of production restructuring,
development of small and medium enterprises, tourism, services, education and
culture, transport and technical infrastructure, conservation, environment and
natural resources
Regional self-government:
• municipalities:
- ensures and coordinates the elaboration and realization programme of
economic and social development of municipality, monitors it regularly and
evaluates its fulfillment annually
- creates conditions for establishment and development of territorial
cooperation and partnership
- supports development of entrepreneurial activities needed for development
of municipality
• Self Government Region:
- ensures and coordinates the elaboration and realization programme of
economic and social development self governing region, monitors it regularly
and evaluates its fulfillment annually.
- elaborates proposals of regional innovation strategy and regional innovation
policy and other sector strategies and policies.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
participates in fulfillment of tasks relating to target of the support of regional
development in cooperation with the Ministry and other socio-economic
partners in self governing region,
creates conditions for establishment and development of territorial
cooperation and partnerships,
supports development of entrepreneurial activities needed for development
of municipality
Describe the expected direct and indirect results of as well as positive and tangible impacts.
• improving competitiveness of small and middle enterprises
• increasing sale regional products
• maintaining traditions, traditional crafts, traditional ways of farming, processing
domestic raw materials in the region
• maintaining landscape characters, e.g.: managing agriculture land
• complex solving problems in sale of regional products
• increasing visit rate in the region, to support development of tourism
• the positive impact on promotion of the region
• new opportunities of sale of regional products (new places for trading of regional
• improving marketing of regional products
• improving quality of products in region
• production of regional products in line with requirements of environmental
What are the essential problems you expect, what could hinder the realization of the
• a low interest in the regional trademark from enterpriser
• a height of price for products is more important for local customers than the quality
and origin of products
• a lack of support of regional policy for setting up and implementing the regional
• implementation of the regional trademark does not have to ensure automatically to
increase or keeping employment in the region
• a lack of business awareness/ knowledge
For the implementation of your initiative, what necessary support do you expect (e.g.
special/detailed information, relevant studies, possible fact finding missions at regions with
already implemented initiatives, insourcing of external expertise …).
• exchange of knowledge in the form of existing studies, communication and
cooperation with experts
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Branding local/regional products
The regional brand presents a system of branding products or services, which have a connection
to economic activities operating in particular regions as well as in mountain areas.
Products/services, which is given the regional brand, particularly:
- are environment friendly,
- are made from materials coming from region where they are produced,
- are made by inhabitants from region where they are produced,
- have to meet determined quality standards.
It is important to realize that branding regional products/services helps producers to improve
their marketing of their sale, but it does not means that if producers have regional brand of their
products/services, they have to do nothing for their successful business. These producers, who
have their interest in branding, they have to meet determined criteria for regional
products/services, they submit an application and after approving it, they have right to use
regional brand for their products/services.
Apart from a benefit for producers, branding brings the benefit to economic development in a
region. By the brand it is possible to serve useful and important information about the region for
its promotion outwards or inwards. By this way the region has opportunity to increase the
interest to visit it, and so to support development of tourism, what brings next money into
region. Purchasing these products/services gives a chance the region to maintain and develop
traditional form of manufacturing.
Mountain areas provide a huge potential of economic activities, which outputs are
products/services meeting rules of branding. Therefore it is very important from point of view of
sustainability so that the region would use this opportunity in full power and would adjust
conditions for fluent running branding what leads to a guaranteed success.
Mountain areas provide a huge potential of economic activities, which outputs are
products/services, which can represent the region under regional brand. People, who live there,
they mostly work in agricultural, forest and tourism sector. Many of their products/services are
not only local or regional products, but also they are origin. We can not find anywhere, only in
such region. One of the ways how to get visible them is branding.
With branding of regional products is connected a providing of excellent information about
region, that means it promotes the region and it has an indirect impact of visit rate in the region.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Buying of these products/services we contribute to a development of small and middle
enterprisers, to a support of employment and also to a saving environment.
in terms of
Mountain character:
Mountain area has its unrepeatable character influenced by natural and cultural heritage, crafts
and tradition of local communities. Products /services, which come from such region, they carry
mountain character, in which a work of local craftsmen or farmers is put. Therefore branding
regional products/services is a way how to maintain their origin, so that a visitor of region would
take a qualitative original product and so he supports not only producers, but also regional
economic activities and also he saves environment.
The sustainability of branding regional products is depended on:
- initiatives of regional product producers,
- support regional policy,
- awareness of regional/ local communities,
- awareness of visitors.
Branding regional products does not work without producers. Therefore it is very important so
that their business would be successful. It is not possible to expect a success of selling regional
products just from the brand. Producers have to initiate good developed business plans, if their
business should guarantee the success. The brand should be an inseparable part of these plans. A
key to the success to ensure branding as sustainable activity is to create partnerships with public
sector, which can influence conditions for development of selling regional products positively.
Subjects of public sector have effective opportunities to improve business environment and to
increase awareness of regional products/services towards local communities and visitors of
Law for a support of branding regional products/services on EU and national level does not exist.
Mostly branding regional products/services is based on voluntary of local partnership or
association, which set up rules for activities from obtaining brand to using brand.
Branding of regional products/services brings a benefit three groups of players:
1)producers - benefits are:
a) competitive advantage and increased sale,
b) promotion and advertisement of their products,
c) cooperation with public sector by some partnerships
2) local communities – benefits are:
a) improving opportunity to employ
b) improving local services
3) visitors of the region: benefits are:
a) easy accessible information of regional products/services
b) easy identification of products/services on the market
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
General objectives
Short/middle term
Long term
• to support a sale of regional
• to promote a region under a
products/services in order to
promotion of brand of regional
strengthen the development of
products/services in order to support
economic activities in a region
the development of tourism in a
Specific objectives
Short/middle term
Long term
• to put in place the brand of regional
• to promote and sustain using the
brand of regional products
It is very important before starting economic activities to analyze preconditions for their
realizing. The brands are closely tie with regional products/services and their producers. From
this reason a region should have a sufficient potential of production/provision of regional
products/service. Producers of regional products should have an active interest to use brand for
their business. They should believe that use of brand is good marketing of their sale. In a region it
should be opportunities for building sale places of these products. Sale of regional products and
providing of regional services request to have built basic infrastructure.
Mostly customers of these products are visitors (tourists) of a region. So a region should have a
potential for a tourism development. There should be wide variability of recreation activities,
so that the accommodation of tourist in a region would not be monotonous and flat.
In a region there should be conditions for creating partnership between public and private
sectors. Both of subjects participate in a success of achievement of aim of branding and they are
both of beneficiaries.
Restrictions/limits for branding are:
• a successful benefit of producer from a sale of products/providing services
Run of branding system of regional products/services strongly depends on an interest of
producers to insert their finances for using the brand. The interest of producers in the brand
increases linearly with a successful benefit from a sale of products.
• a seasonality, a limit amount of regional products/services and a narrow spectrum of
customers, whom are address products/services
Some regional products are not possible to produce during whole year therefore an accessibility
of products on market is limited. Small and middle enterprisers are available to produce limit
amount. In the case of large interest in a product, it is not possible to ensure products on the
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
market. Some of products are bought only by visitors of region.
• limit sale places
Regional products are accessible only in specific sale places. It is not possible to get them in
Expected results of branding should be:
• a survey of interest in branding
• an analysis of an applicability of products/services in a region
• an establishment of managing and control subject for all process of branding and rules
for its action
• logo of a brand
• rules for giving and using a brand
• a template of application for giving a brand
• an establishment of commission that approves applications for giving a brand and rules
for its action
• a template of certificate for using a brand
• a template of contract for using a brand between producers of products/services and
managing and control subject
• a creation of cooperation between private and public sector by a partnership
• information bulletins, brochures for producers of regional products/services and for
• a creation of web side for providing information about:
- what is necessary to do so that to get a brand of regional products
- how to use a brand
- lists of regional products/services which has given a brand
- why is good to use a brand and why is good to buy a regional products/services
- information about a region, where a product/services is produced/provided
• by public sector providing information about branding in a connection with information
about a region
Expected impacts of branding should be:
• in stimulation of economic development in a region
• in improvement of promotion of region in relation to tourism development
• in improvement of environment protection
• in maintaining cultural and natural heritage, an identity of region
Human resources
- a managing and control subject, a subject which has real interest in development in a
region; its role:
o to mange whole process of branding (giving and using a brand)
o to control a compliance with rules for using a brand
o to communicate with producers/providers of regional products/services and
authorities, other subjects of public sector
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
to administrate a register of producers/providers regional products/services,
web side
o to provide information about branding by bulletin, brochures
- an approval commission; members of commission have to be impartial; its role:
o to approve applications of producers on giving a brand
Financial sources:
- EU founds
- financial contributions from state subsidies
- fees of producers/providers of services, who ask for using a brand
- financial contributions of producers/providers of services, who use a brand
- financial contributions from sale of regional products/from providing regional
- sponsoring
Natural and cultural sources:
- a region with a potential of nature and culture heritage
- a region with rich traditions and crafts
- an accessible potential of premises, which can be used for a production or a sale of
the regional products/services
Stakeholder are:
• experts; their role:
o to cooperate in solving special issues, e.g. criteria of regional product/services,
criteria for approval an application for using a brand and etc. with managing and
control subject
• small and middle enterprises (producers); their role:
o to cooperate in a creation of brand a its marketing with managing and control
subject with managing and control subject
o to promote a region, in which they live with a promotion of their
• authorities and other subjects of public sector; its role:
o to cooperate in a creation of conditions in a region, which would support a sale
of regional products/services with managing and control subject
o to cooperate in spreading information about branding, regional products,
services and a region with managing and control subject
• public; their role:
o to cooperate in searching an effective way to provide information about a brand
of regional products/regional services to public with managing and control
Targets groups:
• small and middle enterprises (producers); their role:
o to use a brand for a sale of their products or for providing their services
• public/visitors of a region; their role:
o to support an economic development in a region by a buying of the regional
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
An appropriate type of cooperation for branding is multi sector partnership. It is very important
so that representatives from public, private and civil sector cooperate together. All three sides
are beneficiaries of branding and they can seriously contribute information and solutions to
achieving a desired and acceptable result of implementing activities regarding to branding. An
establishment of such partnership costs a lot of efforts, but it brings a guarantee benefit. If this
subject exists in a region, it is a big advantage of a region. In this case, it is important to use all
opportunities so that this subject fulfills a position of manage and control subject for branding.
Roles of these representatives of three sectors are mentioned above.
Prepared phase
Before realisation of particular activities of branding it is necessary to get information, if regional
producers have active and serious interest for using a brand of their products. To get this
information it is possible to do survey by questioners or to organize a public meeting with
regional producers. Producers must be informed mainly about:
- what is a brand of regional products,
- what is a goal of brand,
- who can use a brand,
- how gets a brand,
- what benefit is from using a brand, etc.
This basic information should be gained from public accessible sources.
To conduct prepared phase, it is possible only by covering own financial sources.
Develop and implementation phase
Firstly it is necessary to develop a project for obtaining financial sources from founds. Each found
has its own rules and guide for writing project. It is so important to keep them. After an approval
project activities should be realised in follow steps:
1) Logo of brand for regional products
to design a logo, which represents character of region
to develop design manual
to develop rules for using logo of brand for regional products, shops of regional
products, workshop of regional products etc.
2) Competence/organisation
to establish a subject that is responsible for all administrative operations regarding to
giving and using a brand and for all communication with producers/providers of services
regarding to giving and using a brand
to establish an commission that is responsible for approval of using a brand for
3) Submission of application for giving a brand
to determine criteria, who can submit for a brand of regional products; these criteria
should be mainly:
a) type of products/services
b) a guaranty of product/services quality
c) environmental friendly products/services
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
d) originality and territory connection of products/services with a region
to determine criteria, which must meet products/services for giving a brand
a) a territory connection with a region
b) qualifying licences to products
c) financial integrity
d) a guaranty of production quality
e) environmental friendly production
to develop a template of application for producers/providers of services, who want to
use a brand, this application should have:
a) identification data of producers/providers of services
b) basic data about products/services
c) information and documents, which declare a fulfilment of criteria for regional
to determine a fee for giving a brand
4) Approval of giving a brand
to develop a evaluation system for acceptation products/services so that they could use
a brand
to develop a template of certificate for using a brand
to determine a personal capacity of approval commission
to determine a time schedule of approval
5) Using a brand
to develop rules for using a brand
a) to set up rights and obligations of producers/providers of services
b) to determine time limit of using a brand
c) to determine fee for using a brand
to develop rules for controlling abidance of rules for using a brand
6) Promotion of brand
to set up rules who, where and how can promote a brand
Evaluation phase
To evaluate branding is important for sustaining this activity. Evaluation is operated through
indicators. Indicators should be proposed so that it would be possible to evaluate a benefit of
branding for:
- producers, who are a driving force of branding,
- sustainable economic development in a region,
- local communities, who support a sale of regional products through their buying.
Indicators should be relevant, understandable and reliable. In this case they could be for
- number of users of branding,
- number of sold regional products, which are identified a bran,
- number of visitors in a region,
- number of established job positions regarding to a sale of regional products.
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
Association of Regional Products has rich and useful experiences and knowledge of branding of
regional products in the Czech Republic. It is responsible for:
- coordinated activities for national system of regional brands,
- a help member regions to set up and develop a regional brand,
- a support of promotion and marketing of regional brand.
The web side is:
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions
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Web references
mountain.TRIP (2012a): Brochure “Serve mountain foods to tourists!”
mountain.TRIP (2012b): Brochure “Spice up the market with traditional mountain foods!”
mountain.TRIP (2012c): Brochure “The ingredients of successful cooperation”
Green Mountain Project - A Sustainable Development Model for Green Mountain Areas:
Annex WG1 Final Report - Partner Contributions