the blackstone sessions EP. 101 “Grace’s Surprise” by John Walsh 900 Bush St. Ste. 411 San Francisco, CA 94109 415-505-2589 ACT ONE FADE IN: BLACK SCREEN. GRACE (O.S.) Well, here we are. Can’t say I’m too surprised. Cancer. It’s almost never good news. And when they catch it late... We fade up on... INT. ATTORNEY DON JASPER’S OFFICE -- AFTERNOON (DAY 1) We pan across the extended Blackstone family. A bearded and jaded CARL BLACKSTONE (66) attempts to stifle his tears, but periodic sobs escape him. LAURA MILLS BLACKSTONE (29) is crying. DIANE MILLS (64) is crying. BOBBY BLACKSTONE (27) is crying. JACKSON BLACKSTONE (31) is NOT crying. They’re watching a video of GRACE BLACKSTONE (65) in a hospital bed. GRACE Anyway I asked Don to play this a few weeks after the funeral, so my rotting corpse wouldn’t be so fresh in your minds. Everyone looks over at DON JASPER (46), family attorney. GRACE I wanted to share some thoughts with you all. When I look back, I remember a lot of great things. Bringing you boys home from the hospital, your first days of school, Jackson and Laura’s wedding and...well, fact is, that’s BS. Everyone looks surprised. GRACE Majority of the time we’re a mess. I mean...where do I start? Bobby, we’ve said so many hurtful things over the years ‘cause you were different, and then when you told us you know... You may be living a life of sodomy and sin, but I love you and so does your father - even if he won’t say it. Bobby looks touched. Carl suppresses more sobbing and shifts in his seat, uncomfortably. 2. GRACE Carl, you haven’t spoken to Bobby year! Let it go you old-fashioned And Jackson, you’re as screwed up rest of us - whether you admit it for a idiot. as the or not. Jackson rolls his eyes. GRACE Anyway, point is, I prepared a little surprise a few years back, for when I checked out. It’s an insurance policy for a half million dollars. Carl looks up, through his on-going tears. GRACE But recently I made an adjustment to the policy. I converted it to “therapy dollars.” That is to say the policy funds have been legally allocated for nothing but therapy. For all of you. Shocked expressions all around. GRACE Laura, Diane, I’ve always thought you went overboard with the tree-hugging... Laura and Diane smile, sadly. GRACE ...but you’re always saying how much you’ve gotten out of therapy. So I want you two to pick the shrink. Okay, well, I love you all, and I hope to see you in the afterlife – even though I’ve never put much stock in that crap. Don turns off the TV. Everyone sits in silence for a moment. CARL (falling apart) Aohhh! Damn it, Gracie. JACKSON Therapy dollars. BOBBY Why didn’t she just make it root canal dollars? 3. LAURA Hey. This is a good idea. DIANE Good? It’s great! We’ll finally address the issues interfering with our love for one another. CARL (through his tears) Shut up, hippy. DIANE After you, Neanderthal! OPENING CREDIT SEQUENCE 4. ACT ONE INT. LOBBY OF DON’S OFFICE -- MOMENTS LATER (DAY 1) The family filters out. Jackson, Laura and Diane gather. LAURA (to Jackson) Sweetie? Yeah? JACKSON LAURA Are you...are you okay? Sure. Why? JACKSON LAURA Well, you haven’t really grieved or mourned or... JACKSON You mean cried. LAURA Well...yeah. JACKSON Honey, I told you: my dad used to say crying was for sissies. And I know it’s silly, but it just stuck. LAURA Jackson, look at your father. Jackson looks over at Carl, who is SOBBING at ridiculous volume. Don stands with him, helpless. CARL Aoooaaaaoohhhh! JACKSON (shaking his head) Sissy. Bobby approaches, still crying. BOBBY Talking about me? 5. No. Dad. Oh, right. JACKSON BOBBY They both look over, as Carl lets out another GROAN of agony. CARL Aoooaaaaoohhhh! BOBBY (through his own tears) Can you believe the sob-show macho man is putting on? He tries to wipe the tears from his eyes. BOBBY Just disgusting. JACKSON Yeah. Disgusting. They continue to speak, over Carl’s cow-like VOCALIZATIONS. DIANE (to Bobby and Jackson) You two. Your heart Shakras really need attention. A few sessions with Foukra-LAURA Mom, we’re not using Foukra. DIANE Dear, I think Grace wanted us to choose a therapist together. And Foukra is-LAURA He’s a Shaman, mom. Not a therapist. DIANE Oh, I suppose we’ll use your therapist? Look at me, I’m Doctor Caruthers. I’m so great. I have a PHd and I don’t acknowledge the spirit world. LAURA We’re not using Doctor Caruthers either. We’ll find the person who knows the best way to treat a family like ours. 6. BOBBY Electroshock here we come. Thanks, mom. LAURA Bobby, she did this for your own good. JACKSON No. She did it ‘cause she’s dead and SHE won’t have to talk to the damn shrink. BOBBY Yeah. Crazy cow’s putting it to us from the grave. God rest her soul. LAURA (shaking her head in shock) How can you people not know you need therapy? DIANE Or a Shakra alignment ritual. We haven’t made a final decision. Laura shoots Diane an annoyed look. INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Jackson is seated on a couch, in front of a camera. We don’t see the THERAPIST, but we hear his voice. THERAPIST Do you mind if we record this? JACKSON No.’re not some kind of pervert, are you? No. THERAPIST JACKSON Wouldn’t surprise me. No offense, but I hate therapists. Selling hope to people too weak to handle their own problems. You make me sick. But like I said, no offense. CUT TO: INT. LOBBY OF DON’S OFFICE -- THE PRESENT (DAY 1) Jackson, et al are where they were. 7. BOBBY You know, who is mom to be pointing the crazy finger at all of us? She’s the one who brought an exorcist to my apartment the day after I came out to her. LAURA Bobby, again, in her own way, she was trying to help you. BOBBY She did. Exorcist was gay. And my type. JACKSON Oh yeah - that was the guy that kept dousing you with holy water after you... BOBBY Yeah. Total freak. I should call him. ACROSS THE ROOM, Carl lets out another GROAN of agony. CARL Aaaoooaahhhhh! DON Carl, I’m so sorry. CARL For what? Your wife dead? DON, ICARL Then shove off, dumbass. Don gives Carl a hesitant, consoling pat. Then at a loss, backs away into his office. CUT TO: INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Carl is on the couch. THERAPIST So you put up all your assets to pay for experimental treatments for Grace? CARL Yeah-surprise policy woulda come in handy if it wasn’t in head shrinker money. 8. THERAPIST Did you tell her? CARL Nah. Didn’t wanna be a baby about it. THERAPIST And do you think your state of mind at the lawyer’s office was a reaction to the pressure you were under? CARL It was a reaction to Gracie dropping dead from brain cancer, jackass! But...I guess losing the house didn’t help. THERAPIST And had you figured out where you’d live? CARL I was looking for a time to talk to Jackson. Gracie’s always...taken care of me and I...well, it was Jackson’s place or a home, where I’d...just wait to die. THERAPIST And what about Bobby? CARL Ha! You mean Captain Limp Wrist? THERAPIST Sounds like it bothers you that he’s not...conventionally masculine. CARL Just want my boys to be real men. Like me. CUT TO: INT. LOBBY OF DON JASPER’S OFFICE -- THE PRESENT (DAY 1) Carl is still standing by himself, MUELING in agony. CARL Aooaaaooohhhhh! ACROSS THE ROOM, the rest of the family looks on, as if observing an animal at the zoo. BOBBY Well, I’m gonna take off. 9. JACKSON Yeah, we’re gonna head out too. LAURA Are you guys kidding? They give her a “What?” look. LAURA What about your father? BOBBY What about him? Yeah? JACKSON LAURA Look at him. And now he’s gonna go and sit at home alone? Jackson and Bobby stare back: “So?” LAURA I’m asking him to stay with us. DIANE Honey, let’s not be rash. LAURA What? Mom, look at him. He’s miserable! DIANE In fairness, he’s always miserable. LAURA Mother, I understand you and Carl don’t get along, but he needs our support. DIANE Laura, you know I think all living things are sacred. It’s just, he’s an exception. BOBBY I have to agree. He’s not sacred at all. LAURA You should be ashamed of yourselves. I’m asking him to stay with us. JACKSON Wait a minute. Why us? Why not Bobby? 10. BOBBY You’ve got a three bedroom house, and you think our father who shares his feelings about gays with Hitler and the KKK should come stay in my studio apartment? JACKSON Don’t exaggerate. You’ve got a one bedroom. Bobby shakes his head at Jackson. BOBBY (bitter) You know, it could be Birmingham Palace, he still wouldn’t set foot in there. Carl approaches, uncomfortably, wiping his eyes. INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Carl is on the couch. CARL Seemed as good a time as any to ask Jackson about me moving in. CUT TO: INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Jackson is on the couch. JACKSON I can take an hour with my dad. Well, five minutes. Five minutes, for sure. But Laura inviting him over for A FEW DAYS? I’d rather kill myself – with a rusty spoon. I many ways, I’m just like him. And I don’t like to be reminded of it. He’s like my shadowy reflection. My shadowy, bigoted, macho, male chauvinist pig reflection. With a beard. CUT TO: INT. LOBBY OF DON JASPER’S OFFICE -- PRESENT (DAY 1) Everyone is where we left them. CARL (working up his courage) Jackson, this is hard...but...well... 11. LAURA Carl, we’ve been talking, and we’d like you to stay with us a while. Jackson sighs. CARL (half-assed) Oh? Oh, I don’t’ve got your hands full with one geriatric case... (fishing) You don’t really want two, do you? DIANE I am NOT a ‘geriatric case.’ CARL Oh, look in a mirror, Leather Face. Barbarian! Slut! DIANE CARL LAURA (jumping in) Carl! At a time like this, I can’t bear to think of you by yourself. CARL Well...if it’d make you more comfortable. LAURA (humoring him) It really would. BOBBY Okay. Well, I’m gonna get going. Bobby hugs everyone, but stops indecisively in front of Carl. CARL Hand shake’ll do, Mary Poppins. BOBBY (shaking hands unemotionally) Ah, you’re talking to me again. And...calling me Mary Poppins again. Awesome. 12. Bobby exits. Everyone else follows. CUT TO: INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Bobby is on the couch. BOBBY When your father showers you with hateful barbs your whole life, you learn to deal with it. I deal with it by picturing him with an axe in his chest. INT. JACKSON AND LAURA’S LIVING ROOM -- EVENING (DAY 1) Jackson, and Carl enter. Carl is dragging three bags. JACKSON Dad, come on. Let me help you. CARL What’s that s’pose to mean? JACKSON Uh...I’d like to help you? CARL You can carry my bags when I develop a menstrual cycle. JACKSON Okay. Well, keep me posted on that. Carl proceeds slowly upstairs as Laura and Diane enter. DIANE All I’m saying is someone like Foukra could uncover things others might miss. LAURA Mother, this family needs psychotherapy, not a guy that communes with the dead. DIANE He does NOT commune with the dead. Beat. DIANE He channels them. It’s much harder. 13. LAURA Oh, bull! He’s a fake. A big fake faker. DIANE You just can’t open your mind to new things, can you? I can too! LAURA JACKSON Look, you should forget this whole thing. That’s what I’m gonna do. LAURA Forget your mother’s last request? Wouldn’t you feel a LITTLE guilty? Eh. JACKSON (shrugging) LAURA I married a cyborg. DIANE You know - you’ve never valued my opinions. LAURA Oh God. Do you know why I’m a consultant for PETA? And the EPA? Why I spend every day working for reform? Huh? Diane looks away. LAURA Because of you, you left-wing whack job! DIANE (re-engaging) You call that working for reform? LAURA What do you call it? DIANE Going to an office and typing. AKA, playing into the hands of The Man. LAURA So I can’t have a career? 14. DIANE Sure. And you can clear cut a rain forest and cram a baby cow into a crate the size of a shoe box. If that’s your thing. LAURA Oh! I make a difference in MY WAY, mom. And when dad left you and you moved in here, you said you’d stop criticizing me. DIANE Well would it kill you to chain yourself to a Redwood in front of a bulldozer once in a while? LAURA It might, mother! They steam silently. Jackson shakes his head at Laura. JACKSON Kids today. All shortcuts and cop-outs. INT. JACKSON AND LAURA’S BEDROOM -- LATER (DAY 1) Laura is in bed. Jackson climbs in and gets situated. After a moment, he feels her staring at him. He looks over. LAURA So. How are you feeling? Anything you want to talk about? JACKSON No. I’m good. Thanks. LAURA Are you sure? JACKSON Oh come on. Honey, why are you always trying to get me to...feel stuff? LAURA Why are you always repressing stuff? You really do need therapy. JACKSON I don’t need it, and I’m not getting it. Look, you know feelings aren’t my thing. I mean, I don’t ask you baby seals. Why? Because I know it’s not your thing. 15. LAURA So me asking you to express your feelings over your mother’s passing is the same as you asking me to club something to death? JACKSON Not EXACTLY. Just roughly. LAURA Oh, okay. Now it doesn’t sound crazy. JACKSON Look, I have to worry about your feelings, your mother’s feelings, my brother’s feelings...the last thing I need is to have my own. LAURA So you just shut your emotions out because they’re inconvenient? JACKSON Sure. Besides - you don’t really want me to cry anyway. You women. You’re always like “Why can’t men be sensitive and cry?” Then, when we do cry, you’re like “Oh, my God. Can I get you a tissue? Or...a dress?” It’s a trap - a trap to make men show weakness, so you can be all “I am woman, hear me roar.” LAURA Wow. I was wrong about you needing a therapist. You need a TEAM of therapists. He shrugs and turns out the lights. END OF ACT ONE 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: INT. JACKSON’S AND LAURA’S LIVING ROOM -- AFTERNOON (DAY 2) Carl is sitting, watching TV. Bobby enters, with two pizzas. CARL What are you doing here? BOBBY Laura asked me to pick up pizza. He holds up the box, which pictures a jolly old woman and the pizza parlor name: “Mama’s Pizza.” BOBBY I got Mama’s. I think we’re all having lunch together, because we’re a regular, happy, healthy family. CARL Ha. Funny, Tinkerbell. BOBBY Ooh. ‘Tinkerbell.’ That’s a new one, bastard. Say, I just went by the house. CARL (worried) You what? BOBBY Yeah, figured you’re not there. Might be a good time to get some of my stuff. Oh. CARL BOBBY My stuff wasn’t there, though. House was empty. Empty, and for sale. CARL Thought it was time for a change. BOBBY Really? What happened to “The next place I live’ll be a box in the ground?” 17. Eh. CARL (shrugging) BOBBY Wait. Was it...was it something to do with mom? (realization dawning) The treatments! The doctor said they were experimental... CARL You shut up now. BOBBY Geez. Where are you gonna live? CARL I was thinking... He looks around the house. BOBBY You want to move in with Jackson? Hmm. Nothing else occurred to you? Like what? CARL BOBBY (swallowing his feelings) I don’t know, I...nevermind. And how’s Jackson feel about a nasty, psychotic old man in his house? Carl doesn’t answer. BOBBY You haven’t told him! CARL I’ll get to it. BOBBY Oh, he’s totally gonna put you in a home. CARL Horse crap! BOBBY Come on. It won’t be that bad. We’ll visit. Once a year. While you’re asleep. 18. CARL Jackson’ll put me in a coffin before he puts me in a home. BOBBY Really? Then why haven’t you mentioned any of this to him? Tell you what: why don’t I talk to him for you? CARL You keep your mouth shut! BOBBY Wait a minute. What did you do with our stuff? Did you put it in storage out in the middle off nowhere? CARL Nah. Wouldn’t do that. Had a yard sale. BOBBY You what?! What about my CDs? CARL Didn’t sell well. Ended up throwing half of ‘em away. BOBBY What?! Wait. (panic setting in) What about...what about my Friend Bears? CARL Oh, yeah. Some lady bought ‘em for her daughter. (shaking his head disdainfully) Figures. BOBBY You bastard! CUT TO: INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Bobby is on the couch. BOBBY Lovey Bear. Kissy Bear. I had all the rare ones. They were worth $900. CUT TO: 19. INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Carl is on the couch. CARL You’d be amazed what freakin’ Teddy Bears go for. I got 25 bucks for ‘em. CUT TO: INT. JACKSON’S AND LAURA’S LIVING ROOM -- THE PRESENT (DAY 2) Carl and Bobby are where we left them. BOBBY You miserable, selfish S.O.B.! Jackson enters. JACKSON Hey! What’s going on? Bobby looks at Jackson, then at Carl. Carl looks nervous. Bobby hesitates, then answers. BOBBY Nothing. He called me a pansy. JACKSON Oh. Seems like you’d be kinda...used to that by now. BOBBY Yeah well, you know us gays. Very dramatic. CUT TO: THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Bobby is on the couch. THERAPIST You were angry at him, why didn’t you tell your brother about his situation? BOBBY What’s the matter with you? I hate him, but he’s...he’s my father. What’s the matter with you? CUT TO: 20. INT. JACKSON’S AND LAURA’S LIVING ROOM -- THE PRESENT (DAY 2) Jackson, Bobby and Carl open the pizza and dig in as Laura comes down to join them. Diane enters with Foukra (38), who looks distinctly Indian. DIANE Everyone, this is Foukra. We’re going to be giving him a try as our therapist. CARL Where’d you find this guy? Beggin’ for work with the rest of the day laborers? DIANE (to Foukra) See? You need to teach them to stop hate and start love, like you taught me. (to Carl) Pig! Hag! CARL LAURA Look, Foukra, I think this is the wrong family for-DIANE Laura, I’m curing you of your closemindedness if it’s the last thing I do. LAURA I am not close-minded! DIANE Really? Because truly open minded people can open their minds to the possibility that their minds are closed. LAURA You’re nuts. DIANE Could be. See? I don’t deny possibilities. I accept them. FOUKRA (attempting to take control) Please...perhaps a demonstration of my methods. I know you’ve suffered a loss. I’d like you to gather around and embrace one another. 21. BOBBY Like hug? Well, yes. FOUKRA CARL What? We’re paying’ YOU, and WE’RE putting on the sex show? Seems like it oughtta be the other way around. JACKSON I don’t...really want to have physical contact with anybody. CARL Look FubarFOUKRA It’s...Foukra. CARL You say it your way, I’ll say it mine. Anyway, you some kind of fruit? ‘Cause we got plenty a’ that here already. BOBBY He’s talking about me. I’m gay and he can’t deal with the fact that my mother wouldn’t let him burn me at the stake. CARL Ha! I wouldn’t a’ wasted the wood! BOBBY Rot in hell! You first! CARL An uncomfortable silence falls over the room. FOUKRA (turning to Diane) Um...Diane, I’m afraid your daughter’s right. These people aren’t really ready to be healed. I wish you luck. He bows and walks out. DIANE Foukra, wait! 22. She glares at everyone and chases after him. JACKSON Well, that went well. When’s our next session? The pizza’s kinda cold. I’m reheating. He takes the pizza into the kitchen. LAURA (with something in mind) I’ Laura follows him. Carl and Bobby stare at one another. Bobby looks uncomfortable and turns on the TV. INT. KITCHEN -- MOMENTS LATER (DAY 2) Jackson watches the pizza in the microwave. LAURA That’s too long. It’ll be too hot. You’ll burn yourself. JACKSON I’m tough. I can take it. LAURA Um...I wanted to say I’m sorry. For what? JACKSON LAURA Pushing you to express your feelings. My mom’s reminded me it sucks when someone pressures you to be what you’re not. JACKSON (taking pizza out of microwave) Eh. Didn’t bother me that much. LAURA What? How can you say that? JACKSON I don’t know. Just...wasn’t that bad. LAURA I’ve been harping on you for days about being unfeeling! What kind of an emotionless robot doesn’t mind that? 23. Jackson sighs, then takes a bite of pizza. It’s too hot. Oww! JACKSON LAURA I told you! JACKSON Yeah, yeah. LAURA I...uh...honey...are you all right? We see his eyes are full of tears. Yeah. Why? JACKSON LAURA Well, your eyes are... He dabs at his eye and looks at his hand. JACKSON What the...what the hell is this? LAURA I think you’re crying. JACKSON (heavy sarcasm) Ha. Yeah, right! That’s what I’m doing. I’m crying. He chuckles. Then he dabs at his eye again. JACKSON (disturbed) Wait a minute. know I think you might be right. Laura is suddenly uncomfortable. JACKSON Hey, why are you looking at me like that? LAURA Like what? I don’t know what you mean. Can I...can I get you a tissue? 24. JACKSON I knew it! I knew it! Look at you. You’re horrified! Repulsed! LAURA I just...who cries ‘cause they burn their mouth? JACKSON Well apparently I do! Your husband. Or should I say your wife? LAURA Honey - crying doesn’t make you less of a man. CUT TO: INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Laura is on the couch. LAURA All I could think was “What a girl!” And it didn’t make sense! He goes all Niagra Falls over hot pizza, but his mom dies, not a tear. And that’s when it hit me. CUT TO: INT. JACKSON AND LAURA’S KITCHEN -- THE PRESENT (DAY 2) Tears continue to pour down Jackson’s face, though he still shows none of the other usual signs of crying. JACKSON It won’t stop! Why won’t it stop?! LAURA (realization dawning) Hold on. Honey you’re not crying about the pizza burn. JACKSON Oh, good. You wanna pretend this isn’t happening and I’m still the man and you’re still the woman. Like when I found you waxing your mustache. LAURA It was a couple of hairs! 25. JACKSON Whatever you say, Magnum P.I. LAURA You promised to stop calling me that! JACKSON Well somebody’s gotta be the man here! Look at me! What if this keeps happening? LAURA You’re still the man. You’re not crying because of the pizza, you’re crying because your mother died. JACKSON Hmm. Okay, yeah. Convenient timing. Anybody asks, that’s what we’ll tell ‘em. LAURA No. You don’t understand. You really ARE crying because of your mother. It’s called displacement. JACKSON I don’t know. The pizza was pretty hot. LAURA Honey, you’ve been repressing your feelings and the pizza burn just triggered them for some reason. Wait... She picks up the box, which pictures Mama. LAURA Mama’s Pizza! It wasn’t the burn, it was the box! Like a...subliminal suggestion. JACKSON (grimacing at the box) Damn you, old woman. LAURA You know, without me going to therapy, we’d think you were crying ‘cause you burned your mouth. JACKSON Hmm. So what you’re saying is: if it weren’t for therapy, I’d be a sissy? LAURA Yes. Yes you would. 26. JACKSON (still skeptical) All right. I’ll...give it a try. INT. JACKSON’S AND LAURA’S LIVING ROOM -- SAME TIME Carl and Bobby watch TV in silence. Bobby works up his courage and speaks up. BOBBY Look, I...I’m not too happy you hocked my stuff. But I’ll get over it. The thing that bugs me is...well, why’d you go to Jackson for help? Why not me? Carl takes a moment, then speaks from the heart. CARL He didn’t run like a girl. BOBBY What? He didn’t “run like a girl?” That’s it? CARL That, and I never had to worry about walking in on him prancing around, singing Diana Ross into a hairbrush. BOBBY It was Whitney Houston! CUT TO: THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Bobby is on the couch. BOBBY I wanted to dance with somebody. And so did Whitney. We knew each others’ pain. CUT TO: INT. JACKSON AND LAURA’S LIVING ROOM -- THE PRESENT (DAY 2) Carl and Bobby are where they were. BOBBY So it really is just the gay thing. 27. CARL Well it’s...when you were kids, I never knew what to make of you. He was a regular boy. Did regular stuff. I could relate. BOBBY (understanding) Huh. Look Dad, we’re different, but we’re family. I may run like a girl, and throw like one, but I there for you. CARL (taken off-guard) Uh...yeah. Well I... CUT TO: INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Bobby is on the couch. BOBBY For the first time in my life, I felt like I was making a connection with him. CUT TO: INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Carl is on the couch. CARL (touched, but conflicted) I don’t know. It was like he was trying to...make some kinda connection with me. (macho denial) What a fairy. CUT TO: INT. JACKSON AND LAURA’S LIVING ROOM -- THE PRESENT (DAY 2) Carl and Bobby are where they were. CARL Listen kid...time like this, I guess I just go with what I know. And Jackson’s like me - manly man, you know? Jackson enters with the pizza, tears streaming down his face, but otherwise unemotional. Carl and Bobby stare at him. 28. CARL What the hell’s the matter with you? JACKSON (nervous) Oh, I’m...crying. ‘Cause mom is dead. CARL (suspicious) What? Well, why now? Yeah? BOBBY JACKSON ‘Cause displacement and...repression. CARL (pointing at the pizza) Hmm. Gimme another slice of that. Jackson hands Carl a piece of pizza and leans over to Laura, his eyes still filled with tears. JACKSON (whispering optimistically) I think they’re buying it. He gives a “thumbs up.” She shakes her head. Diane enters. DIANE Well, I hope you people are happy. The negative energy in here bloated Foukra’s spleen. And I may never see him again. BOBBY Oh, no. What’ll we do if we need a chicken sacrificed? Everyone laughs. DIANE You’re like a pack of hyenas. I’ll be in my room. She starts up the stairs. CARL Say, son I...was wondering, you gonna be needing that guest room any time soon? JACKSON You mean, like, in the next few days? 29. CARL I was thinking more like...ever. LAURA You...want to move in? Diane pauses on the stairs. DIANE Oh, please! You want a change of scenery, I’m sure the museum of natural history’d build you a nice habitat so people could come see a real live cave man. CARL Shut up woman. Nobody’s talking to you! DIANE I’ll shut up when you make me! CARL It’ll be my pleasure! JACKSON Dad! Dad, I’m not following. What are you talking about? Carl hesitates and looks at Bobby, who offers him a supportive nod. CARL Well, it’s like this. When I lost your mom, I...lost everything. JACKSON Dad, I know it feels that way but-CARL No, I...put up the house, our investments. Everything - for the experimental treatments. JACKSON What? Dad...if you needed money... CARL Hey, I don’t need your money! I pay my own way. Beat. CARL By the way, I...sold all your stuff. 30. JACKSON What? You...I...Why wouldn’t you ask for help? CARL I AM asking for help. JACKSON Oh. Right. So you want to CARL That’s what I was thinking. JACKSON But then you’d Yeah. CARL JACKSON In our house. With us. Here. CARL Son, without your mom, I’m... He pauses, at a loss. CARL I need family. CUT TO: INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Carl is on the couch. CARL It was the hardest thing I ever had to ask anybody. But...I knew my boy would come through. CUT TO: INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Jackson is on the couch. JACKSON I thought, “To hell with you old man. You’re going to live in a home.” But was weird. I thought of gravel. That’s what he did for thirty years, you know: delivered gravel. (MORE) 31. JACKSON (CONT'D) And I always thought he was incapable of love, but at that moment I just had this image of him driving around all day, shoveling rocks into peoples’ driveways. hit me. The man did for us. CUT TO: INT. JACKSON’S AND LAURA’S LIVING ROOM -- THE PRESENT (DAY 2) Everyone is where they were. CARL So how ‘bout it? Jackson looks at Laura. She hesitates, then shrugs and nods. JACKSON I...I guess we could...yeah. CARL Thanks. Laura, I really appreciate it, ‘cause I know we don’t see eye to eye on saving the whales and...respecting women and what not. Laura bites her lip and nods. CARL And son, I... He hugs Jackson. At first it’s a back-patting man hug, but as Jackson pulls away, Carl squeezes him tight. Jackson returns the gesture and they remain there. Laura and Diane look at the two men, touched. Then they turn and look at one another. BOBBY (to Carl and Jackson) Man. And you guys think I’M gay. Carl and Bobby break the embrace, suddenly uncomfortable. CARL (wiping his eyes) Never happened. JACKSON Don’t even know what you’re talking about. Laura approaches Diane on the stares. 32. LAURA Mom, look. I’m sorry I wasn’t more open to the Foukra thing. DIANE And I’m sorry I said you work for The Man. You’re doing a lot to change the way we treat the environment and animals. LAURA Thanks. That means a lot coming from someone who did time for trying to skin the governor and wear him as a coat to “see how he liked it.” DIANE All that salt and pepper hair. Bastard woulda made a sharp lookin’ fur. LAURA How ‘bout we take some time next week and interview some therapists together? Diane smiles. They hug. CUT TO: INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Laura is on the couch. LAURA We have our differences, but...I love my mom. CUT TO: INT. THERAPIST’S OFFICE -- SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE Diane is on the couch. DIANE The EPA. PETA. Ha! We can hug and make up ‘till the cows come home, but the fact is, she’s doing the devil’s work. END OF SHOW FADE OUT.