Centrix Announces the Risk Review Worksheet

Risk Assessments beyond ACH…and PAPERLESS!
Centrix Announces the Risk Review Worksheet
LINCOLN, NE, September 13, 2012 – Centrix Solutions, Inc. announces the release of the customer risk review
worksheet to streamline risk assessments when analyzing data from multiple transaction channels (see sample
worksheet). The risk worksheet is customizable for each financial institution (FI) and was developed as an extension of
the Centrix Payments I.Q. System™ (PIQS), which also encompasses ACH origination monitoring to detect
fraudulent files and ACH risk reporting. PIQS is used by financial institutions across the country to safeguard against
ACH fraud, streamline ACH operations and facilitate compliance with NACHA and regulatory guidelines.
The new risk review worksheet was designed to greatly simplify the customer risk assessment and review process,
which is typically very labor intensive for community financial institutions. With automated integration points from other
channels such as loans, deposits, wires and remote deposit capture, and an online workflow process with a robust
user interface for those analyzing the data, the risk assessment
becomes a paperless process. “Bringing all relevant risk-related
“The worksheet allows us to look
data into a single view without manual data gathering is an
at a customer’s relationship
invaluable tool for financial institutions,” according to Tim Schnell,
across multiple channels with
President of Centrix. “In terms of customer risk management, this
much less effort than when we
is groundbreaking for the community bank market and something
that our client base is very excited about."
were manually consolidating the
data. This is a real time saver!”
Kendra Coffey, SVP of Deposit Operations at Sunwest Bank in
Kendra Coffey
Irvine, CA sees many benefits in PIQS. According to Ms. Coffey,
“We view a system like Centrix PIQS as a necessity for Sunwest
SVP of Deposit Operations
Bank. PIQS allows us to protect the bank and our customers from
Sunwest Bank
ACH fraud and better manage ACH origination risk, while also
optimizing efficiency within ACH operations. One of the most
valuable features is the risk worksheet that Centrix developed to simplify periodic customer-level risk assessments.
The worksheet allows us to look at a customer’s relationship across multiple channels with much less effort than when
we were manually consolidating the data. This is a real time saver!”
Because each financial institution may differ in the way they approach risk assessments, the architecture of the PIQS
risk worksheet is extensible, which allows each FI to choose the data sources and individual data elements that are
needed for the review process. According to Schnell, this design provides extensive flexibility. “We understand that
each FI is unique when evaluating customer risk. As such, the risk worksheet was designed so that the platform
remains affordable even though it may be customized to the data requirements of the institution.”
In addition to the risk review worksheet, PIQS monitors and validates all ACH origination activity, regardless of whether
a file is submitted via the on-line banking system or through an alternate channel such as FTP. The validation rules
engine includes ACH calendaring to insure the file is scheduled and ACH “white list validation” to verify that each
transaction record in an ACH file is valid for that file. Suspect files are suspended for review by the financial institution.
PIQS also provides comprehensive ACH risk reporting to meet NACHA and regulatory guidelines for ACH risk
management. This includes trend line analysis by originator, return rate monitoring, and transaction volume reporting.
Centrix Solutions, Inc.
4910 Normal Blvd., Suite D
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506
About Centrix Solutions, Inc.
Centrix Solutions, located in Lincoln, Nebraska, provides financial institutions with products and services to help
manage risk and optimize efficiency. With a product line that encompasses treasury management, compliance & risk
management and bank operations, Centrix provides clients with a broad array of strategic technology solutions. The
Centrix professional services team also evaluates technology needs, provides expert advice, and develops custom
solutions for unique business problems or systems integration projects. More information can be found at
Corporate contact:
Bradley S. Johnson, Centrix Solutions, Inc.
Director of Business Development
(402) 488-3990
Centrix Solutions, Inc.
4910 Normal Blvd., Suite D
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506