AP Biology Final Exam Review Name: _____________________________________ Class: _____ Assignment Instructions This assignment is made up of three parts. Part 1 consists of study questions that will help you review for your final exam. Part 2 consists of two virtual labs and Part 3 is a modeling component that will allow for you to show your understanding of one of the Big Ideas and its associated enduring understandings and essential knowledge’s. You must turn in the entire packet and your model on or before December 6, 2013 at the beginning of class. There will be NO late submissions. Please plan ahead! Proper completion of the assignment will give you the opportunity to replace your lowest lab, quiz, and daily/HW grades with the grade you receive on this assignment. Below you will find a point breakdown and a checklist for the assignment to ensure that you do not miss any key components. ALL students must complete the assignment unless they have a natural 85 or higher in the class. Part 1: Study Guide Questions from Big Idea 1 and Big Idea 2 (45 points) o You must answer each question completely to receive full points for the question o Answer questions in the area provided in packet o 1 point for each question completed Part 2: Virtual Lab Section (20 points) o Virtual Lab 1: Mealworm Behavior o Virtual Lab 2: Flashy Fish o 10 points for each lab completed Part 3: Concept Understanding Model (35 points) o Concept chosen must be relevant to Big Idea 1 or 2 o Get approval from your teacher if you are not sure Model must show a deep understanding of the Big Idea This can be accomplished by including the enduring understanding and the essential knowledge that your model covers o Presentation of the model shows deep understanding of the Big Idea 5-10 minute presentation Student must be able to answer questions about the concept during the presentation Carnes/Maloney Part 1: Big Idea 1 Review Questions 1. List the two inferences that Darwin drew from the following observations that explain natural selection: Observation #1: Members of a population often vary greatly in their traits. Observation #2: Traits are inherited from parents to offspring. Observation #3: All species are capable of producing more offspring than their environment can support. Observation #4: Owing to lack of food or other resources, many of these offspring do not survive. Inference #1: Inference #2: 2. Within a few weeks of treatment with the drug 3TC, a patient’s HIV population consists entirely of 3TC-resistant HIV. Explain how this rapid evolution of drug resistance is an example of natural selection. 3. Complete the following concept map that summarizes the main sources of evidence for evolution. 4. In a population of 200 mice, 98 are homozygous dominant for brown coat color (BB), 84 are heterozygous (Bb), and 18 are homozygous recessive (bb). What are the expected genotype frequencies for this population? What are the expected allele frequencies for this population? 5. Use the allele frequencies determined above to predict the genotype frequencies of the next generation: B (p) _______________ b (q) ________________ BB (p2) _____________________ Bb (2pq) _____________________ bb (q2) _______________________ 6. Fill in the following concept map that summarizes three causes of microevolution. 7. Why hasn’t the highly deleterious sickle-cell allele been selected against and eliminated from the gene pool of the U.S. population? Why is this allele at such a relatively high frequency in the gene pool of some African populations? 8. Why is reproductive isolation required for speciation to occur? 9. Name the type of reproductive isolation and whether it is an pre- or postzygotic barrier for the following examples. Type of Barrier/Isolation Pre- or Post- Example Two species of frogs are mated in the lab and produce viable, but sterile, offspring. Two species of sea urchins release gametes at the same time, but no cross fertilization occurs. Two orchid species with different length nectar tubes are pollinated by different moths. Two species of mayflies emerge during different weeks in spring Two species of salamanders mate and produce offspring, but the hybrid’s offspring are sterile. Two similar species of birds have different mating rituals Embryos of two species of mice bred in the lab usually abort Peepers breed in woodland ponds; leopard frogs reed in swamps 10. Differentiate between allopatric and sympatric speciation. How might reproductive barriers arise in each type of speciation? 11. If the process of speciation appears to occur relatively rapidly, why don’t we see new species evolving all the time? And what does you answer have to do with concern about the current high rate of extinction of Earth’s species? 12. List some of the evidence supporting an endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts. 13. Marsupials probably evolved in what is now North America and Asia, yet their greatest diversity is found in Australia. How can you account for this biogeographic distribution? 14. Give some examples of adaptive radiations following major evolutionary innovations that opened new ecological niches. 15. In this hypothetical phylogenetic tree, which number represents the common ancestor of all the taxa? Which taxa are sister taxa? 16. What two complications may make it difficult to determine relationships based on morphological similarities between species? Give examples. 17. Place the taxa (outgroup, A, B, C, and D) on the phylogenetic tree based on the presence or absence of the characteristics 14 as shown in this table. Indicate before each branch point the number for the shared derived character that evolved in the ancestor of the clade. 18. According to the principle of parsimony, the evolution of the four-chambered heart should place birds and mammals in the same clade. Why does the most accepted evolutionary tree show them as separate branches from the reptilian line? Part 1: Big Idea 2 Review Questions 19. Complete the following table to show how the free energy of a system or reaction relates to its stability, tendency for spontaneous change, equilibrium, and capacity to do work. Systems with High Free Energy Stability Spontaneous Equilibrium Work Capacity Systems with Low Free Energy 20. Label the three components (a through c) of the ATP molecule: Indicate which bond is likely to break. By what chemical mechanism is the bond broken? Explain why this reaction releases so much energy. 21. Fill in the appropriate terms in this equation: X is the reducing agent; it ______________________ electrons. Y is the _______________________; it ______________________ electrons. 22. Fill in the following table to summarize the major inputs and outputs of glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, and fermentation. Based inputs and outputs on one glucose molecule. Process Glycolysis Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA Citric Acid Cycle Oxidative Phosphorylation (ETC & Chemiosmosis) Fermentation Main Function Inputs Outputs 23. How much more ATP can be generated by respiration than by fermentation? Explain why. 24. Fill in the blanks in this overview of photosynthesis in a chloroplast. Indicate the locations of the processes in c and h. 25. An action spectrum shows the relative rates of photosynthesis under different wavelengths of light. On the following graph, label the line that represents the absorption spectrum for chlorophyll a and the line for the action spectrum for photosynthesis. Why are these lines different? 26. In the light, the proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane is as great as 3 pH units. On which side is the pH lowest? What three factors contribute to the formation of this large difference in H+ concentration between the thylakoid space and the stroma? 27. Describe the molecular structure of the plasma membrane. If a eukaryotic cell has a diameter that is 10 times that of a bacterial cell, proportionally how much more surface area would the eukaryotic cell have? Proportionally how much more volume would it have? 28. Sketch a mitochondrion and a chloroplast and label their membranes and compartments. Describe how structure relations to function in each organelle based on your labeled components. 29. Label the components in this diagram of the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure. Indicate the regions that are hydrophobic and those that are hydrophilic. What types of molecules have difficulty crossing the plasma membrane? Why? 30. A solution of 1 M glucose is separated by a selectively permeable membrane from a solution of 0.2 M fructose and 0.7 M sucrose. The membrane is NOT permeable to the sugar molecules. Indicate which side initially has more free water molecules and which has fewer. Show the direction of osmosis. 31. What osmotic problems do freshwater protists face? What adaptations may help them osmoregulate? 32. The ideal osmotic environment for an animal cell is ________________________ because… 33. The ideal osmotic environment for a plant cell is ________________________________ because… 34. Why is facilitated diffusion considered passive transport (describe 2 reasons)? 35. The sodium-potassium pump, the major electrogenic pump in animal cells, exchanges sodium ions for potassium ions, both of which are cations. How does this exchange generate a membrane potential? 36. Draw four water molecules that can hydrogen-bond with each other. Show the bonds and the slight negative and positive charges that account for the formation of these hydrogen bonds. Fill in the table that summarizes the properties of water that contribute to the fitness of the environment for life. Property Explanation of Property Hydrogen bonds hold molecules together and adhere them to hydrophilic surface. Example to Benefit Life Temperature changes in environment and organisms are moderated. High Specific Heat Hydrogen bonds must be broken for water to evaporate. Water molecules with high kinetic energy evaporate; remaining molecules are cooler. Less dense as solid Most chemical reactions in life involve solutes dissolved in water. 37. Compare the movement of energy and matter (nutrients) in ecosystems. In which natural ecosystems do nutrients cycle the fastest? Why? In which natural ecosystems do nutrients cycle slowly? Why? What is the effect of loss of vegetation on nutrient cycling? 38. List some potential consequences of global warming. 39. Complete this concept map on the regulation of blood glucose levels by hormones of the pancreas. 40. Explain the difference between negative and positive feedback. Give a plant and animal example of each. 41. Explain how abnormalities to feedback loops may be deleterious by describing how a lack of iodine in the diet may result in goiter, an enlarged thyroid gland. 42. Indicate whether a short-day plant (a-e) and a long-day plant (f-j) would flower or not flower under the indicated light conditions. 43. A flaccid plant cell has a water potential of – 0.6 MPa. Fill in the water potential equation for this cell. p = +s = = This cell is then placed in a beaker of distilled water. Fill in the equation for the cell after it reaches equilibrium in pure water. Explain what happens to the water potential of this cell. Explain what would happen to the same cell if it is placed in a solution that has a water potential of -0.8 Mpa. Fill in the equation for the cell after it is moved to this more concentrated solution and reaches equilibrium. p = +s = = 44. Draw a model that illustrates the key differences between innate and acquired immunity. Give examples of each. 45. Describe the difference between the antigens that B cell receptors and antibodies recognize and the antigens that T cell receptors on cytotoxic T cells and helper T cells recognize. Explain two advantages of having memory cells when a pathogen is encountered for a second time. Part 2: Virtual Labs Virtual Lab 1: Mealworm Behavior 1. Use the link below to open the virtual lab. http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/virtual_labs/BL_19/BL_19.html 2. Read the question and watch the introductory video for the lab. 3. Fill in the data table below using the data you collect by watching all the stimulus videos. Then answer the questions below the data table using what you have learned from this lab. Stimulus Applied Predicted Behavior Actual Behavior Type of Behavior 4. What is the difference between a reflex behavior and instinctive behavior? Describe reflex behaviors and instinctive behaviors that humans possess. 5. Which mealworm behaviors were reflexes? Why? 6. Which mealworm behaviors were instinctive? Why? 7. How did the mealworm respond to food as a stimulus? What type of behavior is displayed in the mealworm's response to food? Why is this behavior important? 8. How did the mealworm respond to cold water as a stimulus? Was the response behavioral or metabolic? Virtual Lab 2: Flashy Fish-Evolution (PBS.org adaptation) 1. Use the link below to open the virtual lab. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/educators/lessons/lesson4/act2.html 2. The data sheet and analysis questions are below. All you will need to do us launch the Web Activity. Click on the Sex and the Single Guppy Link. a. Select “I’m ready to find out.” b. Read and click on the pools to investigate the guppy stream more closely. c. Then click on “What causes guppy color variation?” Select one of the hypotheses or create your own and record it below in the data section. d. Visit the Guppy Gallery. Read about the different types of guppies, their predators, and their habitats. e. Click on “simulation”. Proceed with the simulation by creating and carrying out a filed experiment to gather data about your hypothesis. Record your data in the data section. f. Finally answer all questions in the data section below. 3. Data and Analysis Questions a. If being flashy attracts predators, why are male guppies so colorful? b. What do you think is responsible for the variation in color from one generation to the next? c. Select a hypothesis from the Sex and the Single Guppy Web activity or come up with your own and record it here. d. Next you will set up your experiment as directed in the simulation. Record your initial settings here. i. Predator types and numbers: ii. Initial guppy population: e. Run your initial experiment for at least five generations and record your results here. i. Number of guppies: ii. Number of generations: iii. Number of weeks: iv. Male color types: Brightest male guppy ____% Bright male guppy ____% Drab male guppy ____% Drabbest male guppy ____% f. Was your hypothesis supported by your data? If so, why? If not, rewrite your hypothesis. g. Why do some guppies tend to be drabber than others? h. Why do some guppies tend to be more colorful? i. What role does color play in guppy survival? j. Explain the push and pull that the environment has on the coloration of guppies in Endler’s pools. Part 3: Open-Ended Project Presentation Your final challenge is to creatively find a way to illustrate your understanding of ONE of our TWO Big Ideas covered during the first semester. You may choose ANY WAY to demonstrate your knowledge from the list of items below, or any other preapproved method. Your assignment MUST tie together the following: The Big Idea (#1 or #2); The Enduring Understandings for this Big Idea; The Essential Knowledge’s for these Enduring Understandings; and Some Illustrative examples for these Essential Knowledge’s Pre-approved project formats include: Poster (large or tri-fold) 3D Model Movie Maker Video YouTube Video Research Paper (topic to be approved in advance) You must be familiar enough with your topics to present your ideas to your instructor and peers and be willing and able to answer questions regarding your presentation. The presentation component should take no longer than 5-10 minutes and should include both a visual component and student-interaction component. THE GOAL OF THIS SECTION IS TO DEMONSTRATE THAT YOU CAN TIE TOGETHER THE MAIN IDEAS OF ONE OF OUR UNITS. THEREFORE, YOUR PROJECT AND PRESENTATION SHOULD BE FOCUSED ON MAJOR THEMES AND CONNECTIONS THROUGOUT THE BIG IDEA.