Leadership Successes YOUTH EXAMPLES 1. Nike SB (skateboard) Being authentic 2. Red Bull vs. the followers Creating culture Leadership Stumbles 3. Levi's vs. Diesel Ignoring reality 4. Absolut vs. Grey Goose Resting on your laurels 5. Burger King vs. itself Getting back to the core LEADERSHIP SUCCESS STORIES BEING AUTHENTIC Tapping into trendsetters Y RS Y IT E R IT T S O S R P J R O D O A O J M A AD AR AT M Y V G Y L L O R TE R N A AG A A E L L IN E BRAND CORE To maintain its leadership, Nike realised it had to do more than battle Adidas in the shops and on TV OV N IN RS O AT LY R EA RS E PT O AD TRENDSETTING VANGUARD Y IT S R O D J A AR M Y G Y L IT TE R R AG A A O L L E AJ M BRAND CORE To get ahead of Adidas right from the starting line, Nike went into skating “The jocks who used to beat me up for skating wore Nikes. And now Nike wants in with skaters? Uh-uh. It’s not going to happen.” -- Moish Brennan, skater, quoted in AdBusters To break into the insular skate culture Nike had to make a meaningful, credible contribution Nike SB launched exclusively in hardcore skate-shops: skater-owned, skater-run Signalling a real commitment to skate culture Also keeping the brand out of the hands of poseurs Top skaters were given signature lines to design Made the brand credible Gave consumers a taste of what it’s like to be their heroes Other designs come from people like hipster artist Jeremy Fish and toymaker Kidrobot Generated buzz Increased premium credentials All designs are limited editions: they’ve produced 150 SB Dunk editions in 5 years, none in mass quantities Kept the brand consistently fresh and ahead of the curve Generated a sense of exclusivity Online community with over 200,000 active posts and hundreds of diehard fanatics Rewarded passion with insider access Fed the flames When SB released an ultra-limited edition called the pigeon in 2005, sneakerheads actually rioted in their press to lay claim to a pair (which now go for $2000) Status symbols Cult-like devotion A small brand with a big impact When the competition heats up, get a head start and go to the source of leadership: trendsetting culture To make an authentic contribution to this culture: Do Do Do Do not steal, mimic, or bastardize the culture partner with credible people to create something new not get greedy with volume – exclusivity is everything reward the passionate few to keep them passionate CREATING CULTURE DON’T BORROW FROM IT Ingredients Energy Premium Grown-up International Mysterious Bad for you in a good way First, the big guys scrambled to get in on the game… Red Bull refused to follow suit, as it’s not as credible – and wouldn’t create the distance they needed Clubs: Energy to party all night Adventure (Felix Baumgartner Base jumper) Energy to go hard Aspiring DJs are given an opportunity across continental and cultural boundaries to work with and learn from prominent music trendsetters Every year, Red Bull throws a 24 hour party to encourage a diverse range of creative types to share their energy. Why do people need energy at clubs? To dance. Red Bull has set up classes to teach street dancing. The only competition like it in the world: A test of real-life wings Really the only competition like it in the world. Do you have wings? Red Bull is committed to bringing fast, intense F1 racing to the States – but recognises that US audiences won’t pay attention until their country has a great driver. So Red Bull is creating that driver at their F1 school. The final sporting frontier in America? Soccer. And Red Bull now owns one of the best teams in the country. When the competition heats up, don’t fight them on the same turf – create your own turf: Contribute to the culture you live in “Walking the walk” to bring your comms promise to life Creating a clean space to own LEADERSHIP STUMBLES Levi’s once created its category and led youth culture It still maintains thought leadership – but its market dominance has been smashed Because the reality of the brand no longer matches what the brand communicates… …While the competition’s reality and image are synched Levi’s invented jeans – and the meaning behind them A pioneering brand for rebels & iconoclasts: The embodiment of effortless cool The same products that peaked in the 80s, aimed at the same (ageing) consumers Consumers don’t want to buy jeans – they want to buy a lifestyle that expresses who they are But Levi’s portfolio is limited: 85% of its sales come from jeans How rebellious and cool is the experience of sorting through a giant mess at Sears or Bi-Lo? Bogan Mum jeans Bogan Dad jeans Levi’s was communicating like a leader, but it wasn’t behaving like a leader in the world Like Levi’s, Diesel has a strongly-defined brand Unlike Levi’s, however, that brand is expressed and paid off at every touchpoint Work that captures the spirit of the brand: Cheeky rebellion Jeans with the same quirky, stylish touches as the ads that sell them Tops Outerwear Shoes Glasses Jewelry Watches Bags Even a hotel Diesel’s not just a denim brand: It’s a lifestyle brand A brand that’s equally built on its hangtags and salesforce Style lab may be a tiny business, but it creates a steady stream of ideas and excitement Style lab may be a tiny business, but it creates a steady stream of ideas and excitement The Heidies digital campaign organically positioned the brand as cutting edge Diesel’s leadership in one area is amplified by its leadership in others Diesel’s through-the-line integrity has turned like-minded consumers into evangelists Ultimately, product really is king Leadership must be maintained at every consumer touchpoint No matter how great your communications Leadership in one place can’t compensate for lapses elsewhere Negative perceptions of your consumer can erode a youth brand as surely as negative brand perceptions A well-integrated product portfolio is often more powerful than the sum of its parts Because it creates a badgeable lifestyle Absolut took a moribund category and injected it with fresh life Taking the lead on all fronts, from product design to communications It became part of pop culture – and then it became ubiquitous and coasted And was ultimately overthrown by a competitive set that learned from the leader and topped it The swill for alcoholic Russian peasants The cocktail of choice for urban sophisticates Harsh, nearly toxic Pure From the evil empire From the most attractive country in the world Cheap, foreign & old-fashioned Premium, relevant & contemporary The usual spirits clutter Absolut Breakthrough Consumers collected the ads, made statements with them, and created their own First Second It failed to innovate first The campaign became tired & expected It activated lazily Absolut was everywhere – and that meant it was in places where it shouldn’t be, and in the hands of consumers who shouldn’t have it One brand in particular rose to the challenge: Grey Goose Uninspired Creative work Instead, it attacked where Absolut was most vulnerable Spirits experts acknowledge that all vodkas taste the same $35 $28 But the price difference made Grey Goose appear more premium A premium vodka must taste better, right? In an image-driven category, who wouldn’t want to be seen drinking the best? No longer just top shelf, it was bottle service Music Publishing Film series Golf TV 25% volume growth year on year between 06-07 Once lost, leadership can be very difficult to regain Complacency can undermine a leader as surely as a failure Winning formulas are ultimately just that: formulaic In fast moving categories, the leader has to move faster A leader brand’s weaknesses in one area will be exploited by the competition In image categories, ubiquity may drive short term sales, but it can be deadly in the long term Gatekeeping is vitally important Burger King is a classic rise & fall leadership story with the promise of redemption Its fall is an important cautionary tale And its return helps us understand how to stay on track Burger king Teen target Grilled burgers Custom made Cheeky attitude Food-focused experience McDonald’s vs. Family target Fried burgers Pre-made Kiddie attitude Fun-focused experience A successful #2 brand built on a compelling core Founded in 1954 1967: 247 franchises 1982: 3,500 franchises An explosion that proved difficult to control: A cancer of success “Npd had become filled with products that lacked relevance to consumers.” “The brand had become schizophrenic with its targeting.” Focus Focus “The environment had become sterile and corporate, lacking any humanity or sense of fun.” Source: Burger King Case study, warc, 2005 “The brand lacked a consistent personality and identity.” 1. +2% 1. 2. -21% 2. 3. +11% 3. 2001 Source: BusinessWeek, warc 2002 Burger King could have tried to reinvent itself once more to fit with the times… …Instead, however, the brand returned to its core “Superfans”: young men aged 18 – 34 who average 18% of customers but 49% of sales Unapologetically bigger, juicier (and unhealthier) burgers “Everything from the restaurants' signs to the employee uniforms…. All those things are branded experiences, and are being reworked." – Alex Bogusky An in-store overhaul to connect in all the details “When McDonald's tries to get hip, they show us kids playing basketball on rollerblades. BK's stuff is just far more subversive – [which] its cynical consumers appreciate.” -- Slate.Com Work that’s not afraid to polarise in order to engage with its target Burger king spoofs on youtube King character on myspace with 10,000+ friends Family guy poked fun at subservient chicken 1. 2200 2000 Rev (millions) 180 0 2. 160 0 140 0 120 0 100 0 2002 2003 Source: warc 2004 2005 2006 3. The cancer of success: a leader brand can lose its way during periods of rapid growth A leader cannot be all things to all people: it must focus and sacrifice When it’s easy to lose sight of the core that sparked that growth Play to your strengths; don’t try to be something you’re not Every touchpoint matters Burger King’s ads wouldn’t matter if the in-store experience hadn’t also been turned around