Fall 2006 20:2 - University of Arkansas Libraries

Newsletter of the University of Arkansas Libraries
Vol. 20 No. 2, 2006
Forensic Anthropologist Speaks at Mullins Library
Many people shudder at the
pology, provided some details
thought of discovering human
about his own work in the field,
remains. For Murray K. Marks,
and told some anecdotes based
doing that is just another day
on his own experiences and case
at work. Marks, an almunus of
files. His lecture was accomthe University of Arkansas, prepanied by a slide presentation.
sented a lecture titled “All That
Also speaking at the event were
Remains: Forensic AnthropolDean Carolyn Allen and Marks’
ogy and the Medicolegal Invesformer mentor, Jerome C. Rose
tigation of Death” on Thursday,
of the U of A Department of
October 12, in the Helen RobAnthropology. More than 120
son Walton Reading Room in
people attended the event, which
Mullins Library.
was standing-room only.
Speakers at the event were from left to right Murray K.
Marks is a forensic anthro- Marks, Dean of Libraries Carolyn H. Allen, and Professor
To provide additional interpologist, someone who uses the of Anthropology Jerome C. Rose. Photo courtesy of Russell est for the audience attending
traditional tools and techniques Cothren,University Relations.
the event, Library staff arranged
of anthropology in contempoan exhibit in the Walton ReadThe facility, founded by anthrorary criminal cases. Forensic
ing Room display cases of vinpologist Dr. William M. Bass in
anthropologists assist investigators in
tage medical equipment, tools, and
1971, consists of a five-acre wooded
identifying murder victims, interpretpotions on loan from the Arkansas
plot, in which bodies are exposed to
ing signs of skeletal trauma to infer
Country Doctor’s Museum in Linthe elements in a number of ways to
cause of death, or in establishing the
coln and the Arkansas Archeological
provide insights into decomposition
time of death. Marks said that he
Survey’s U of A Museum Collection,
under varying environmental connever gets bored with his job because
and skeletal remains on loan from
ditions. These experiments enable
“human variation makes every skelJerome C. Rose and graduate assisMarks and his students to observe and
eton unique,” and, he added, the
tant Elayne Pope, both of the departunderstand the processes and time“perimortem circumstances that
ment of anthropology.
table of postmortem decay, which in
bring them to forensic attention only
turn helps them to better determine
adds to the excitement.”
the time elapsed since death in crimiMarks not only practices and connal cases, often a crucial piece of
sults in the field of forensic anthroevidence.
pology, he also teaches it. Marks is
In recent years, the Forensic
associate professor of anthropology
Anthropology Facility has played
and of pathology at the University of
an increasingly important role in
Tennessee, associate director of the
developing or testing new forensic
Forensic Anthropology Center, and
technologies and also in training
curator of the Forensic Anthropology
law-enforcement groups such as FBI
Facility in Knoxville, a unique and
agents, crime-scene technicians, and
controversial facility that gained the
cadaver dogs and their handlers.
popular nickname “The Body Farm”
Murray Marks is greeted by U of A Provost
Marks gave a fascinating overfrom the title of a best-selling crime
Bob Smith. Photo courtesy of Russell Cothren,
University Relations.
view of the field of forensic anthronovel by Patricia Cornwell.
Educational Poster Series
The Libraries’ Special Collection
Department is in the final stages of creating two series of posters on Arkansas topics. The first series, which is
completed, is comprised of five posters on “Amazing African American
Leaders of Arkansas.” The second
series, which is on the topic “Amazing
Women Leaders of Arkansas,” is also
comprised of five posters.
Tom W. Dillard, head of the Special
Collections Department, said the purpose behind the posters “is our desire
to see more public school teachers
and students make use of the extensive holdings of the Department’s
archives.” The posters will be made
available free of charge to teachers
throughout the state.
Each poster contains a photograph
and biography of the subject; the back
side of each poster contains a detailed
lesson plan for teachers, as well as a
time line and other educational features. The Department’s curriculum
developer, Anita Mysore, created the
lesson plans.
The posters on African American
leaders will be released in celebration
of Black History Month in February 2007. The subjects of the posters
are Charlotte Stephens, who became
Arkansas’ first black teacher in 1868
Little Rock; Joseph C. Corbin, the
founder of what is today the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff; Scott
Bond, a St. Francis County businessman and planter who was known
as “Arkansas’s black Rockefeller;”
Daisy Bates, the NAACP leader who
oversaw the integration of Central
High School in Little Rock in 1957;
and Silas Hunt, the young World War
II veteran who integrated the University of Arkansas Law School in 1948.
The five posters on Arkansas
women leaders will be released in
March 2007 for Women’s History
Month. Among the women leaders
included are Senator Hattie Caraway,
the first woman elected to the U.S.
Senate; Louise Thaden, the recordsetting early aviator; Florence Price,
the premier African American female
composer and music teacher; Charlie May Simon, a writer of note and
the namesake for the Charlie May
Simon Children’s Book Award; and
Hazel Walker, a phenomenal basketball player who was the women’s
free-throw champion of the world on
multiple occasions.
Teachers, regardless of the grade
level taught, can obtain a set of posters by contacting the Special Collections Department at University of
Arkansas Libraries, 365 N. McIlroy
Ave., Fayetteville, AR 72701-4002;
or e-mail speccoll@uark.edu.
Libraries Host International Visitors
The University Libraries were
privileged to host two international
groups of librarians touring facilities
throughout the United States this fall.
On September 14, seven librarians
from Egypt, hosted under the auspices
of the Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program,
visited the Fayetteville Public Library,
the University of Arkansas Libraries,
and the University of Arkansas Press.
The librarians were examining issues
in contemporary librarianship such as
information and technology services,
public access and databases, services
for diverse ethnic populations, community partnerships for cultural events
and educational programs, digitization
projects, Internet and print trends, and
freedom of information and privacy
Pictured left to right are members of the group
of Egyptian visitors: Amaal Mohamed Abd Al
Rehim Moustafa, interpretor Ingo Schendel,
Director for Public Services at the U of A Libraries Alberta Bailey, Tarek Mahmoud Abbas Ahmed Mohamed, and Hany Abdel Sattar
Mahmoud Agag.
The tour began in Washington,
D.C., with visits and training sessions
in the Library of Congress, the National Archives, the National Endowment
for the Humanities, and the American
Library Association. The group then
went to Jackson, Wyoming, a small
generally affluent community where
eighty-eight percent of adults have
a library card. The next stop was
Tulsa, Oklahoma, where the focus
was on library resources for underrepresented groups such as Native
and African Americans
and Hispanics. While in
Tulsa, the librarians visited the Muscogee Creek
Nation Library/Archives,
the African American Resource Center of
the Tulsa City-County
Library, the Hispanic
Resource Center, and the
Fayetteville libraries.
After leaving Tulsa, Pictured left to right are additional members of the Egyptian
the group toured Jack- tour group: Associate Dean of Libraries Juana Young, Riad Taher Radwan Diab, Amany Shoukry Abbas Hassan El Gindy, Amr
sonville, Florida’s Inter- Mohamed Abd El Salam Mohamed, Osama Mohamed Hassan
national Visitors Corps Mahmoud, and interpretor Muhannad Haimour.
and the Florida Timesincluding the Fulbright Papers and the
Union to learn about Florida’s open
Peace Links Papers.
government and public access law.
In Arkansas, the Open World delThe visit concluded in New York with
visited the Arkansas State
tours of the historic New York Public
Heifer International, the ClinLibrary, the Brooklyn Public Library,
Library, Parkview
Columbia University’s Butler Library,
Arkansas History
and the research library in the ImmiCommission
in Little
gration Museum on Ellis Island.
The second group, made up of five
library administrators from Russia,
River Valley Regional Library headvisited the Fayetteville Public Library
quarters in Dardanelle.
and the archives in Special CollecManaged by the Open World Leadtions at the University of Arkansas
Center at the Library of ConLibraries on October 5. The Russians
World enables emerging
were delegates in the Open World
civic leaders from parProgram and were hosted in Arkansas
to work with their
by the Arkansas River Valley RegionU.S.
discover ideas
al Library System and the National
for use in
Peace Foundation.
Accompanying the tour group was
Donna McDonald of the Arkansas
River Valley Regional Library System and Betty Bumpers, wife of former U.S. Sen. Dale Bumpers, who
founded Peace Links in 1982, the
forerunner to and model for the Open
World Program.
The Open World delegates spent the
afternoon at Mullins Library. In addition to touring the facilities, the delegates received a brief tutorial about
From left to right: Anrey Igor Minyuk, Andrey
compiling reference materials and
Khokhryakov, Marina Koval of the National
archives to meet the needs of commu- Peace Foundation, Yelena Alebastrova, and
nity businesses. They also examined Yekaterina Pykhtina examine materials from
the archives in Special Collections, the J. William Fulbright Papers Collection.
Books and Letters is published twice a year. Editors: Molly D. Boyd (also designer), Anne Marie Candido, Tom W. Dillard, and Juana R. Young. Photos by Molly Boyd
unless otherwise noted. Andrea Cantrell provided extra material for this issue. ISSN 1047-983X. Correspondence should be addressed to University of Arkansas Libraries, 365 N. McIlroy Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72701-4002. The material contained herein may be quoted or reprinted without permission, provided that appropriate
credit is included.
Borchard Reception
The late Ruth Borchard of London
amassed a remarkable private art collection of more than one hundred selfportraits, featuring a virtual who’s
who of British artists of the midtwentieth century. Borchard collected
works that captured the artist’s introspection beyond the canvas, providing an insightful view into the artistic
genre of self-identity. Borchard never
paid more than twenty-one guineas
for any one picture, making the collection all that more astounding.
Dean of Libraries Carolyn Allen, Associate Dean Juana Young, and U of A
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Nancy Ellen Talburt were instrumental
in securing an exhibit of the Borchard
collection for the Walton Arts Center,
in what was the first stop on its inaugural United States tour. Titled “Face
to Face,” the exhibit was displayed in
the Joy Pratt Markham Gallery and
the Cynthia H. Coughlin Gallery at
the Walton Arts Center from August
21 to November 25, 2006.
Katherine and Ruth Hallgarten stand beside a
portrait of Ruth Borchard, which was included
in the exhibit “Face to Face.” Photo by J. D.
White, University Relations.
Pictured left to right are Mary Ann Greenwood, Ruth Hallgarten, Katherine Hallgarten, Dean Carolyn Allen, Michelle McGuire, and Jenni Taylor Swain. Photo by J. D. White, University Relations.
The Libraries sponsored a reception
for Katherine Hallgarten of London,
whose mother Ruth Borchard collected the works, and for Katherine’s
daughter, Ruth Hallgarten, on Thursday, October 5, 2006, at the Walton
Arts Center. At the reception, remarks
were given by Mary Ann Greenwood
of Greenwood & Associates, Jenni
Taylor Swain, vice president of programs at the Walton Arts Center,
University of Arkansas Provost Bob
Smith, Dean Carolyn Allen, and Katherine Hallgarten.
Expanded Research Commons Brings More Students to Library
On September 6, the University
Libraries and campus Computing Services announced the grand opening
of the Research Commons / General
Access Computing Lab in Mullins
Library. In the Commons, the number
of computer workstations has been
expanded from 24 to 97 for use by
students, faculty, and guests.
The workstations feature several
multi-media applications, accommodate group projects, and include assistive software for students with disabilities. Through this team initiative,
Computing Services lab operators and
librarians can now help students with
both their technical and academic
research questions in a single location. The project was jointly funded
by the Student Technology Fee, the
University Libraries, and Computing
To make room for the 73 additional
computer workstations, the non-circulating reference collection was condensed to fit along the north walls on
the Lobby Level. Nearly four times as
many students and faculty now have
simultaneous use of the computers,
which provide access to the Libraries’
numerous electronic collections, as
well as software for writing papers,
checking e-mail, preparing presentations, accessing WebCT, Blackboard
and other programs.
The nearly 5,000 reference volumes taken from the reference collection have been relocated to the general
stacks so that students and faculty can
check them out and take them home.
The current proximity of the print
reference collection to the increased
number of computers is proving a
distinct advantage to students and
other researchers in today’s increasingly electronic environment. And,
of course, the Commons has the added
advantage that it attracts more students to the library—which is increasingly being regarded as a major hub
on campus.
Art Exhibits Enliven Student Experience
Mullins Library is a great place
for students. Not only does it provide excellent research opportunities,
it also offers a variety of cultural
enhancements. A good example of
this is the Library’s ongoing art exhibition program.
Art exhibits during the summer and
fall at Mullins Library were pleasantly
eclectic, demonstrating a variety of
forms and techniques to viewers.
The summer opened with “Beauty and the Brush,” a showcase of
artworks created in the fifth annual Garvan Woodland Gardens plein
air painting event. A plein air event
involves painting a natural outdoor
scene in open daylight. 2006’s invitational event, held from April 3 to
April 5, drew eighteen professional
artists from six states.
This year’s “Beauty and the Brush”
artists were Marian Hirsch of Plano,
Texas; John Potoschnik of Wiley,
Texas; Ellie Taylor of Hawkins,
Texas; Jimmy Leach of Stillwell,
Oklahoma; Laura Reilly of Colorado
Springs, Colorado; Phil Sandusky of
New Orleans, Louisiana.; Bill Lewis
and Barry Thomas of Little Rock;
Gloria and Bill Garrison of Russellville; and Deleen Davidson, Robin
Hazard-Bishop, Dolores Justus, Carole Katchen, Eric Maurus, Alison Parsons, Gary Simmons, and Long Hua
Xu of Hot Springs.
The next exhibit was from portrait
artist Monta Black Philpot of Mena.
Philpot thinks of a portrait as an
opportunity to tell a person’s story. In
“A Ouachita Portrait,” which showed
in Mullins during July and August,
Philpot illustrated the story of her
home community by featuring subjects who represented the spirit and
character of the region.
To create her portraits, Philpot used
an unusual technique. She drew using
Prismacolor pencil, then blended the
colors by applying paint thinner with
a brush. The result was a brilliantly
colored, smoothly finished, realistic
portrait, exact in details of setting.
“Shawano Wa Quah (Shawnee Women)” by
Ruthe Blalock Jones. From the Bacone College
“E. B. ‘Blue’ Garland” by Monta Black Philpot. Photo by Lee Holt.
“Bridge Into Springtime” by Laura Reilly.
From the “Beauty and the Brush” exhibit.
pieces placed on pedestals to enable
viewers to admire and operate their
smooth mechanisms by opening the
cabinet doors, which produced a movement of a focused or central piece.
Three cabinets also featured copperplates recycled from past printmaking
projects inserted as door panels.
Fall opened with “Eight Etchings, Four Cabinets,” an exhibit by
Tim LaTourette, shop supervisor and
instructor at the School of Architecture. LaTourette knew a thing or
two about art, a point that was aptly
demonstrated in “Thing One” and
“Thing Two,” two of his etchings in
the exhibit, which showed during September and October.
The appropriately-titled exhibit
included wood cabinetry and copperplate etchings. The cabinets were
three-dimensional, actual working
The Libraries celebrated American
Indian Heritage Month in November
with an exhibit honoring the legacy
of the Bacone College art department.
The art department at Bacone College
in Muskogee, Oklahoma, was founded
in 1935 during an era when Indian artists were transforming their art, from
what had been a form of religious
expression and a type of shorthand
used mainly to record personal and
tribal histories, into a modern graphic
art style. “Raising the Standard for
Indian Art: The Legacy of Bacone
College” gave an overview of the
Bacone style and its evolution.
Featured in this exhibit were selections from three well-known directors of Bacone’s art department, Acee
Blue Eagle (1909-1959), W. Richard
“Dick” West Sr. (1912-1996), and
Ruthe Blalock Jones, as well as pieces
from some of its world-renowned students and faculty: Archie Blackowl
(1911-1992), Lee Joshua (b. 1937),
Mars Biggoose (1943-2000), Sharron
Ahtone Harjo (b. 1945), and Kevin W.
Smith, currently a faculty member at
Bacone and curator of the exhibit.
Processing the Hammerschmidt Papers
The Special Collections Department is gearing up to begin processing its largest manuscript collection, the papers of former U. S.
Congressman John Paul Hammerschmidt. These records, more than
1,400 boxes of materials, document
Hammerschmidt’s 26-year tenure as
the representative for Arkansas’ third
district, 1967-1993.
From left to right: Felicia Thomas, Will Puddephatt, Case Minor, and Kerry Jones.
According to Timothy G. Nutt, the
manuscripts and rare books librarian
in the Special Collections Department, a staff of three processing archivists as well as an intern from the
Honors College have been hired to
process the collection. Leading the
processing is Felicia Thomas, who
previously worked on the papers of
another former third-district congressman, Asa Hutchinson. Other processors are Kerry Jones, who previously
processed the papers of the late Diane
Blair, and Case Minor, a history
graduate student. Will Puddephatt,
an Honors College junior majoring in
German and history, will serve as the
project intern.
During his long tenure, Hammerschmidt was known for the attention
he paid to his constituents. He was
especially strong on transportation
issues and veterans’ services, given
his long service on the House Public
Works Committee and the Veterans
Affairs Committee. Many Arkansans
fondly recall that Hammerschmidt
was an author and sponsor of the bill
that designated the Buffalo River as
America’s first National River.
A highly decorated combat pilot
during World War II, Hammerschmidt flew 217 missions in the
China-Burma-Indian theater. He was
inducted into the Arkansas Aviation
Hall of Fame in 1990. Since his retirement, Hammerschmidt has served on
a variety of boards and commissions.
Hammerschmidt is an ordained
elder and deacon in the Presbyterian
Church. He and his late wife, Virginia, are the parents of a son, John
Tom W. Dillard, head of the Special Collections Department, expects
the processing of the Hammerschmidt
collection to require about three years
to complete.
Felicia Thomas and her processing staff pose
beside some of the shelves of boxes of unprocessed material from the Hammerschmidt Papers.
Save The Date: Arkansas Architecture Conference
The University Libraries’ Special
Collections Department is co-sponsoring a conference with the UA School
of Architecture entitled “The Architecture and Landscapes of Arkansas:
A Heritage of Distinction.”
The conference will be held on
March 2, 2007, at the UA Continuing Education Center in downtown
Fayetteville. Program topics will
include preservation of historic Arkansas architecture and landscapes, the
proposed establishment of an Arkansas architectural archives in the Special Collections Department, and a
tribute to Cy Sutherland, professor
emeritus of architecture. Sutherland
joined the UA faculty in 1968 and was
instrumental in saving and preserving
many Fayetteville landmarks, as well
as mentoring a number of architects
with preservation interests.
The conference kicks off with a
reception the evening of March 1st.
The March 2nd programs comprise a
full day of sessions plus a dinner and
tribute to Sutherland.
Richard Longstreth will deliver the
keynote speech. Longstreth is Professor of American Civilization and
Director of the Graduate Program
in Historic Preservation at George
Washington University. His research
focuses on the history of nineteenthand twentieth-century architecture in
the U. S., retail decentralization in
major American metropolitan areas,
and the economic, design, and cultural
factors that have reshaped the American landscape since 1920.
For further information, contact
Tom Dillard, (479) 575-5577, or
Diane Worrell, (479) 575-5330, in
Special Collections.
New Head of Library Systems Welcomed
The University Libraries recently hired George Fowler as the new
head of automated systems. Fowler
received both a bachelor’s degree
in information science (as well as a
minor in computer science) and his
M.S. in library science from the University of North Texas. He comes
to the University of Arkansas from
Temple University in Philadelphia,
where he was active in their library’s
computing for four years as their
systems librarian. Before then, he
was reference librarian and electronic
services manager for Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University in Daytona
Beach, Florida.
Fowler’s responsibilities in the
Libraries encompass all computing
operations, including technical training, maintenance of all staff computers, networking, and the many servers
of the Libraries’ computer system that
support the online catalog, interlibrary
loan, the main library system, and three
branch libraries. He also provides
technical advice and upgrades in the
main and branch libraries, participates
in national and state users’ groups and
discussion lists, and maintains contact
with other regional library sites that
use the same automated system that
the Libraries use.
Another of Fowler’s areas of expertise and interest—besides computing
and librarianship—is the armed forces. He served on active duty from
1991 to1995 in the Army and then, in
2002, re-enlisted in the Army National Guard and was commissioned as a
finance officer. He has recently been
assigned as the public affairs officer
for the 77th Aviation Brigade in Little
Rock. Fowler also has an interest in
the Russian language (he became fluent in the language while on active
duty in the Army), and he participates
regularly in athletic activities outdoors.
He is married to Sophia Fowler, who
works as associate for administration
for the Division of Agriculture at the
University of Arkansas.
George Fowler. Photo courtesy of Russell Cothren, University Relations.
Stay More Booklets Issued
The University Libraries’ Special
Collections Department has published
Donald Harington and His Stay More
Novels: A Celebration of 35 Years, a
commemorative booklet of the “Stay
More Reunion” held recently in Special Collections. The reunion celebrated the 35th anniversary of the publication of Lightening Bug, the first of
Donald Harington’s novels set in the
mythical town of Stay More, Newton
County, Arkansas.
The keynote remarks given by Bob
Razer, a veteran librarian at the Central Arkansas Library System in Little
Rock and an authority on Arkansas
literature, are published in full in the
booklet. Razer’s address provides a
humorous tribute to and evaluation of
Harington’s life and work.
The booklet also features an intro-
duction by Tom Dillard, head of Special Collections, and a bibliography
of works by Harington and secondary
sources compiled by Andrea Cantrell
of Special Collections. Illustrations,
such as Harington’s hand-drawn map
of Stay More and photos of the Stay
More reunion, enliven the text. The
booklet concludes with the full text of
the Stay Moron’s Oath.
A few copies of the booklet remain,
and may be obtained free of charge
by contacting the Special Collections
Department by mail at 365 N. McIlroy Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 727014002, by telephone at (479) 575-5577,
or by e-mail at specoll@uark.edu.
A PDF file of the booklet may also
be downloaded at http://libinfo.uark.
Researcher Publishes Letters from Special Collections
Like Grass Before the Scythe: The
Life and Death of Sgt. William Remmel, 121st New York Infantry, edited for publication by Robert Patrick
Bender, will be published by the University of Alabama Press in March
These letters reveal the wartime
experiences of a young Union soldier
serving in the Army of the Potomac’s
6th Corps during the crucial middle
years of the American Civil War. In
addition to commentary and observations about camp life and marches, and
the various social and political issues
of the time, Remmel provides wellwritten accounts of the military hospital system and several battles of the
eastern theater (including descriptions
of the controversial 1864 Shenandoah
Valley campaign and the development
of “total warfare”). Remmel’s letters
also provide insights into issues of
family dynamics and the assimilation of working-class immigrants into
mainstream American society in the
mid-19th century.
Bender first became aware of the
collection while a doctoral student at
the University of Arkansas. Although
the collection proved unrelated to his
dissertation research, he believed that
the quantity and quality of the letters warranted their publication as
a full-length edited manuscript. He
says he was “particularly interested in
the challenge of answering questions
related to Remmel’s disappearance
after the battle of Cedar Creek; was
he killed outright or (as the family
believed) did he die in captivity and,
if he died in captivity, could his grave
be located?”
The donor of the collection, Mr.
Harmon Remmel, Jr., still resided in
Fayetteville, so Bender contacted him
about the project. He immediately
offered enthusiastic encouragement
and assistance by inviting Bender to
his home to discuss his family’s history during the years between their
emigration from Germany and the
outbreak of the American Civil War.
Remmel’s interest in the project made
the final manuscript more complete
because he provided insights into the
family’s internal relationships and a
better appreciation for William’s role
within the family, even while separated from them by the war.
William Remmel in military uniform, circa
1862-1864. From the William Remmel Papers,
Manuscript Collection 597.
The letters are from the William
Remmel Papers (Manuscript Collection 597) in Special Collections. Robert Bender, who received his Ph. D.
degree from the University of Arkansas in 2001, teaches history at Eastern
New Mexico University at Roswell.
A. C.
Pi Mu Epsilon Creates Runcinated Dodecaplex
Members of Pi Mu Epsilon (the
undergraduate math club) assembled
a model of a four-demensional polyhedron, the runcinated dodecaplex,
Members of Pi Mu Epsilon assemble a Zome
tools model in Mullins Library.
on November 16 in Mullins Library.
Chaim Goodman-Strauss and Luca
Capogna, professors of mathematical
sciences, organized the volunteers,
which also included art and architecture students, passers-by, and math
The Club used Zometools loaned
by the Zome Company to construct
the model. Mathematicians use Zome
tools to model everything from networks in discrete mathematics, to
group theory, and projection models
(shadows) of theoretical 4-dimensional objects, such as the runcinated dodecaplex, a three-dimensional shadow
of a four-dimensional polyhedron, the
“runcinated dodecaplex.” After assembly, the model was suspended with
fishing line in the east spiral staircase
of Mullins Library.
The finished model is displayed in the east spiral staircase of Mullins Library.
A Note of Thanks!
Students, teachers, and libraries are not alone in advancing learning and knowledge at the University of Arkansas. The role of our donors
is crucial. Their contributions have made a significant impact in improving our collections and services. The University Libraries gratefully
list below the names of generous donors who have donated gifts during fiscal year July 1, 2005, through June 30, 2006.
Corporations, Organizations,
BancorpSouth Bank
Bongiovanni, Collins, and Warden
Butler Reporting, Inc.
C. D. Spangler Foundation, Inc
The Clorox Company
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Ellen Compton Revocable Trust
Debbie’s Family Pharmacy &
Healthy Living Center
Mary Stockley East Trust
Gary P. Nunn, Sr., M.D., P.A.
Goldsby-Matthews Trust
Hawkins Properties
The Hussman Foundation
The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Bruce W. Kaufman, D.D.S., L.C.
Kerr Rentals
Mellon Gift Matching Program
Michener Engineering, Inc.
The Morris Family Trust
Murphy Oil Corporation
NW Arkansas Chapter of the
National League of American Pen
Porbeck Engineering Corporation
Richard S. Muse, P.A.
Arthur Royston Insurance Agency
Earle Leighton Rudolph Trust
Mike Russell and Associates, Inc.
Schmieding Foundation, Inc.
Springdale Public Library
Michael N. Turner, C.P.A, P.A.
Tyson Foods Foundation, Inc.
Tyson Foods, Inc.
Dick Weaver & Associates, Inc.
Jesse E. Williams & Edna P.
Williams Trust
Marty Wolfe Construction
Company, Inc.
Gene A. Wood Revocable Trust
Wood Law Office
3M Community Affairs
Individual Donors
Charles R. Abbey
Edward W. & S. M. Abbott
Cary McClure & Claudia Johanson
Frances E. Achee
James Ralph & Linda J. Acree
John T. Adams
Oakland B. Adams
Nick B. Adcock
Darren Adkison
Philip Aelfwald
Joao S. Afonso
W. N. Agent
Loy M. Aikman
Wayne H. Ainslie
Gordon Clay Akin
James M. Aldrich
George Ivan Alexander, Jr.
Jerome B. Alford
Marla D. Alford
Sissy C. Alleger
Barry Allen
C. Cameron Allen, Jr.
Carolyn H. Allen
Christy D. Allen
Donna Y. Allen
Gleason “Dub” Allen, Jr.
James D. Allen
Steven W. Allen
Scott D. Allmendinger
C. Raymond Alls
Thomas J. Alston
Gail M. Altman
Steve E. Amos
Anis E. Anderson
Frank Ross Anderson, Jr.
Gary Anderson
Gloria Anderson
Karen S. Anderson
Kim F. Anderson
Mitchell Anderson
Richard J. Anderson
Robert Anderson
John Mason Andres
Collins A. Andrews III
Gary Andrews
Dixie Androes
Allan J. Anschutz
Robert H. & Melissa Anthony
Robert L. & Nancy L. Archer
Stephen & Susan Armstrong
Edgar G. Arnn
Mark Arnold
Morris S. & Gail K. Arnold
James M. Arthur
Aaron J. Arthurs
Laura T. Arvin
Olan J. Asbury
Alvin Kenny Ashcraft
Bobby Kent Atkins
Ruth C. Atkinson
Tim T. Atkinson
Frank Attwood
Merlin J. & Beverly E. Augustine
Joshua Austin
Christopher B. Ayers
Martha Ann Ayres
Diann P. Back
Jim Bacon
John R. Bagby, Jr.
Robert E. Bailey, Sr.
Janet S. Baird
Allen S. Baker
C. Rodney Baker
Carl Baker, Jr.
Claude D. Baker, Ph.D.
John A. Baker
Robert L. & Laura C. Baker
Suzanne H. Baker
William P. Baker
Juan Carlos Balda
Kenneth F. Baldridge
J. P. Baldwin
Robert L. Ball
C. E. Ballard, Jr.
Dan R. & Sharon C. Ballard
Jack S. & Arleda A. Ballard
Lance O. Ballard
Joe P. Baltz
Barry D. Barber
Richard L. Barclay
Mitzi J. Bardrick
Lewis A. Barefield
Warren S. Barham
Billie Bariola
Tony L. Barker
Ann Barnes
Bruce W. Barnes
Clifford C. & Paula C. Barnes
Michael D. Barnes
Rollin Alva Barnes
Cassandra G. & Philip Barnett
Michael E. Barnett
J. C. Barr
Rhett Barrett
Arthur E. Bartell, Jr.
Dolores M. Bartizal
Paul A. Bartlett
Curtis B. & Elaine M. Barton
Jack R. Basden
Thomas H. Baskins
Hal F. Bass
Bob & Debbie Bastian
Rahul & Ritta Basu
Zelpha L. Bates
Tony & Kimberly Kaye Batey
Bill D. Baxter
David L. Baxter, Jr.
Gerald Baxter
Jane C. Bayless
Jeffrey & Kristie Bean
Joan J. Beasley
Norma Lea Beasley
Vance E. Beasley
John N. Beaton
Charles F. Beck
Joseph T. Beck
Melissa M. Beck
William A. Beck
Willard D. Beckenholdt
Ramon N. Beeler
Alice E. Beetz
Douglas Beineman
John H. Belcher
Jeremy H. Belford
Curtis Bell
Jeffrey C. Bell
Red & Polly Bell
Robert A. Bell
F. M. Bellingrath
Kurt W. Bender, Jr.
Robert A. & Abigail M. Benkeser
John D. Benson
Richard E. Berg
Steve B. Bernard
Lee R. Berry, Jr.
Bob D. & Pat McCrary Besom
Lloyd G. Bess
Ronald J. Bettinardi
Charles R. Bettison
Carl E. Beutelschies
Jim & Sharon Bilgischer
Robert E. Billingsley, Jr.
Robert T. Billingsley
Frances M. Bing
James H. Bingaman
Jameslyn S. Bird
Jeannette L. Birky
Harry Bischof
John W. Bishop, Jr.
Michael W. Bivins
Jared Black
Jeffrey P. Blackard
James R. & Frances Jo Blackburn
Fedelia M. Blackwell
Scott F. Blair
Art Blake
John & Betty J. Blanch
Kenneth R. Bland, Jr.
Angela Ramey Blankenship
Daniel Blasingame
R. S. Blecker
Harold R. Blevins
Dave Block III
Phillip L. Bloodworth
Zane R. Boatright
Leigh P. Boen
Steven B. Bogle
Margaret A. Bolen
Karan L. Woodward Boles
Clarence A. Bolin
David A. Boling
Lana Bollen
Louis & Mary Bona
Robert L. Bond
Jack L. Boone
Thoma C. Booterbaugh
Darrel L. & Lark E. Booth
Tamara L. F. Bordelon
Alex Bowanko
Gerald D. & Virginia G. Bowers
Donna J. Bowling
David D. Bowman
Gloria Joyce Bowman
Sam Harvey & Jean Boyce
Joe D. Boyd
Molly D. Boyd
Carla L. Boyer
Samuel Lewis Boyster
Dora A. Brach
Marcus W. Brackeen
Robert A. Bracy
Bobby L. & Susan Y. Bradberry
Leon D. Braddy
Scott Warren & Jennifer K. Bradley
Judy M. Bradsher
Guy Brady, Jr.
John T. Brady
Ann L. Brambl
Robert Lynn Brand
Larry J. Brandt
Norman A. Brannon
Donald E. Bratton
Jeff Brazeale
Mike A. Breen
William C. & Jean Trimble
John F. Brewer, Jr.
Mark Aaron & Amanda
Milburn P. Brewster
Stephen M. Brick
Caroline T. Briggs
Robert H. Briley, Jr.
Margaret E. Broadnax
Baird Allen Brock
Kevin D. & Lori K. Brock
Nelson B. Brock
Fern Stephens Brooks
Robert A. Brooks
Vivian N. Brooks
Steven Lynn Brothers
A. C. Brown, Jr.
Billy Brown
Charles S. Brown
Dave Brown
Donna P. Brown
Gary D. Brown
J. P. Brown
James A. Brown
Kevin S. Brown
Melody Ann Brown
Robert D. Brown
Virginia Holmes Brown
Jack E. Browne
Darren L. Browning
William H. Browning
Julia A. Rauton
Frank Broyles
Hank & Mary Broyles
Terra A. Bruner
James E. Brunner
Michael Bryant
Roger D. Bubniak
Chawna Buck
Richard E. Buck III
Michaele Ann Buell
Karyl L. Buffington
Ann Bugg
Terry Dan Bullock
J. T. Bumpers
Lori L. & Dan Bunch
Sandra K. Burchett
Franklin D. Burchfield
Tim H. Burdick
Michael K. Burger
Jane R. Burggraf
Robert A. Burk
Danny W. & Nicole Burnett
David Burnett
G. Kent & Deborah D.
Terry L. Burnett
Murrul G. Burns
Ralph F. Burns
Ronnie G. Burns
David L. & Mary Ann
Caroline L. Burton
Gary C. Burton
Orneita Gray Burton
Edgar T. Busch
Graydon J. Bushart, Jr.
Maggie Bussey
Carolyn H. Butler
Toby L. Butler
Richard D. Buzbee
W. O. Byrd
James W. & Claire B. Cady
June Cagle
Ann Marie Caldwell
Ted W. Calva
Earnestine Camp
Benny Campbell
Jeffery R. Campbell
Sandra T. Campbell
Scott F. & Susan G.
Leigh Campbell-Hale
Charles F. Canterberry
Rebecca Cantey
Dell Cantrell
Jay Captain
James V. Card
Scherrey P. Cardwell
Jeffrey A. Carlson
Howard F. Carlton, Jr.
Jerry D. Carlton
James N. Carney
William L. Carpenter
Tom P. & Mary Martha
Teresa J. Carroll
Hugh B. Carruth, Jr.
James L. Carson
Frank L. & Joyce R. Carter
Frank Peyton & Robin
Lisa Carter
Pamela J. Carter
William S. Carter
William G. Cartwright
Caroline Carvill
Norman R. Cary
J. A. Cash, Jr.
Benson A. Cashion
Melvin Casper
Doyle R. Cassity
Connie E. Castleberry
Don H. Castleberry
Sue E. Castleberry
Clayton N. Castleman
Jaris Catron
Jerry & Frances Cecil
Randy Center
Tommie K. Cervetti
Selina S. Chan
Becky Chance
Sandra L. Chandler
A. B. Chapman
Amanda G. Chapman
Stanley L. Chapman
Claudia M. Chappel
Brenda J. Charron
James S. Chase
Tim A. Cheatham
Alta Luna Cheek
Neal Chilcutt
William K. Childers
Ann L. Childs
Denton L. Childs
Billy R. Chism
Nancy L. Chouteau-Dhonau
Eddie Christian, Jr.
Richard P. & Patricia Diane
Amail & Ann Chudy
Patrick J. Ciervo
Charlene K. Clark
Daniel R. Clark
Edward Paul Clark
Julia C. Clark
Kenneth Clark
LouVenia J. Clark
Peggy Clark
R. B. & Nancy Drury Clark
S. Lewis Clark, Jr.
William E. Clark II
Robert J. Classen
Paul C. Clayton
Dale Clemens
Daniel Clement
Lemuel V. Clement, Jr.
William B. Clement
Debbie L. Clements
Jake E. Clements, Jr.
Brandon K. Clemons
Herschel W. Cleveland
Thomas Michael Clifford
Herman D. Clifton
Hardy Cloutier
Leslie A. Coberly
Hal C. Cochran
Jim J. Cochran
Robert Cochran II &
Suzanne McCray
Louie C. Cockmon, Jr.
Rita K. Coe
Stacy Cogbill
Steve Coger
Betty J. Cole
James A. & Connie K. Cole
James D. Cole
Andrew I. Coleman
Charles Turner Coleman
John W. Coleman
Judy H. Coleman-Weber
B. H. Collie
Kay Graham Collins
Ramona D. Collins
Maureen A. Colvert
Mary Wade Colwell
Mary W. Combs
Betty G. Compton
Ellen K. Compton
Geneva Comstock
Michael A. Conard
Mary L. Condon
Mark E. Conley
Susan D. Conley
Robert Connolly
Ann B. Conroy
Cliff & Elaine G. Contant
Barbara I. Cook
David W. Cook
Doris Marie Cook
Joe D. Cook
Edward M. & LaNita
Holly Harrison Cooper
Jerry W. Cooper
John A. Cooper
Sandra Cooper
Edward E. Corbin
Julie S. Core
Catherine P. Corley
Robert M. Corley
James H. Cornelius
Michael A. Cornog
Steve Cosse
Daniel G. Coston, Jr.
J. C. & Evangeline Cothren
J. B. Courson, Jr.
John R. Cowart, Jr.
Darilynn Anne Cox
Judith S. Cox
Robert W. Cox
Billy G. Cozart
John P. Craft
James H. Craig, Jr.
Carol B. & Tim Crane
S. Caroline Malone Craven
Darrel W. Cravens
Fadjo Cravens
Ryan D. Crawford
Krista Crawford-Mathis
Teresa Crigger
David G. Criner
Carroll Crisler
David R. & Marsha L.
Carol L. Crom
John Crone
Audrey C. Crook
Carl Cross
Robert A. Cross
Kent Crouch
Michael E. Crouch
Charles E. & Betty L.
Jimmie A. Crowson
Robinette Cruise
G. B. Crump
Kenny Crunkleton
Timothy J. Cullen
Harry V. Cumberland
David L. Cundall
Doug C. Cunningham
Samuel W. Cupps
Charles S. Curb
Larry D. Curran
Douglas L. Currell
Thomas C. Cusack
Pui Y. Dai
James & Martha Dale
Brian E. Daly
Samuel C. & Abby
Dana E. Daniel, Jr.
Jim Daniel
David Allen Daniels
Eileen Mary Dargen
Paulette C. Darnell
Candice M. Darr
Stephen E. Darr
Phillip W. Daugherty
Bettye V. Davis
Charles E. Davis
Cindy Lea Davis
Don P. Davis
Jerry Spencer Davis, Jr.
Jerry Spencer Davis, Sr.
Jesse J. Davis
John A. Davis
Kenneth Davis, Jr.
Linda S. Davis
Owanda F. Davis
Rachel A. Davis
Rachel N. Davis
Rhesa W. Davis, Jr.
Robert C. & Angela G.
Ronald C. Davis
Stephen K. & Marsha L.
Teresa Jo Davis
William S. Davis
Christie A. Dawson
Richard E. Day
Michael R. Deaderick
William F. Dean, Jr.
Randy L. & Judy Anderson
Brian A. Degennaro
Nancy Deibner
Wilma P. Delaney
Jeff R. & Mary Delezen
James Demotto
Shannon Demuth
Samuel A. Derby
Christopher W. Deren
Les Desavedo
Ravikanth Devarakonda
Joe Ritchey DeVault
Beulah Kay Devenpeck
Don B. Deweese
Louis Dewett
Leslie A. Dewey
Tushar H. Dhayagude
Michael C. & Deanna S.
Hazel V. Dickey
Gary Floyd Dickison
Jim Dillard
John W. Dillard, Sr.
Rickelle L. Dillon
David W. Dingler
Steven M. Dittrich
Charles R. Dixon
E. L. & Wanda K. Dixon
Martha P. Dixon
J. F. Dobson
Becky D. Dockins
Verna C. Dokey
William Dolezal
Theodore S. Donaldson
Samuel O. Donelson
Alice J. Dong
Eugenia T. Donovan
Charles L. Dorchester
Danny H. Dorman
Robert J. Dornblaser
Trevor & Beth Dorsey
Donald R. Doty
Jennifer L. & Adam T.
Robert W. Dougherty, Sr.
Glen A. Douglas
Hunter R. Douglas
Phillip A. Douglass
Dudley Dowell, Jr.
James G. & Denise L.
Kim A. Dowell
Michael G. Doyle
Kimberlee Dozier
Robert E. Dreher III
Michael Curtis Drennan
Bill F. Driver
Mary Droho
Larry J. Duchanoy
David W. & Karin D.
Robert Jackson Dudley
Sarah Covington Duffel
Rebecca Dugan
Jim Duke
William E. Dummitt
Ben G. Dunagan
Robert N. Duncan
Kevin D. Dunlavy
Robert V. & Effie M.
Carroll W. & Marty Dunn
Robert Dunseath
Mary L. Durand
Judith R. Dye
Charles B. Dyer
William H. Dykes
John W. & Joan H. Eadie
James R. Eads, Jr.
Mildred K. Earp
Jerry & Donna Easom
Mary S. East
Marjorie Easter
Charles R. Easterling
Thomas J. Ebdon III
Eugene G. Eberle, Jr.
Jim Echols
David L. Eddins
Ann Reeves Eddy
Penny L. Edge
Alan M. Edmiaston
Steve A. Edmondson
Bill & Margaret E.
Charles L. Edwards
Patrick E. Egan
Mike Eidson
Sharon L. Elder
John Rolfe Eldridge, Jr.
Anthony B. Elkins
Ron Theron Elkins
Neal Elliott
Connie Ellis
Kenneth L. Ellis, Jr.
Tim E. Ellison
Scott Elphingstone
Gene Elsasser
Charles J. Engelberger, Jr.
Joel F. Engles
Clarence O. Epps
Emily Erstine
Eugene D. Erwin
A. K. Escoe
Jimmie L. & Lillian J. Estes
Dorla A. Evans
Eric S. Evans
Jason L. Evans
Jean T. Evans
Mark A. Evans
Shirley A. Evans
Harold K. Ewald III
Betty J. Ezell
Tanya E. Faidley
Greg M. Fair
Ronnie Fair
Michael A. Fairchild
Stacy Farnell
Richard C. Farr
Timothy P. & Margaret R.
Don Farris
Dennis D. Faulk
C. B. & Noralee Faulkner
James Fauria
Randal D. Feemster, Jr.
Glenyce G. Feeney
William P. Feland
Alvin Douglas Ferguson
John S. Ferguson, Jr.
Michael O. & Rita Ferguson
Theresa P. Gonzales
Richard M. Ferrell
Craig A. & Frances Ferris
Jerold & Karen Fetzer
Patrick R. Fields
David E. Finch
Michael T. Finch
Robert T. Fink
Charles E. & Tammie J.
James H. Fiser
Cynthia Cole Fisher
Johnny O. Fite
Robert E. Fitzgerald
William Flanagan &
Barbara Jaquish
Frances W. Fleming
Joel D. Fletcher
Richard Bret Flory
Cindi A. Floyd
Harold Steven Floyd
Thomas L. Floyd
Willie Floyd
Julian B. Fogleman
Peggy M. Foiles
Philip A. Forrester
Kathleen Dee Foster
Mark Foster
Winston P. Foster, Jr.
Holly Tuttle Fourmy
Monte J. Fout
Herbert K. Fowler
Mark S. Fowler
Vicki C. Fowlkes
Jonathan R. Fox
Jerry M. France
Douglas S. Franklin
Khadish Franklin
Mark J. Franklin
R. E. & Diana Daulton
Margina Rhyne Frazier
Bryan E. Freeling
Richard A. Freeman
Robert J. Freeman
Stephen R. Freeman
Sarah K. Williams Frein
Larry R. Froelich
Eldon Fry
Melton W. Fulcher
Rosemary Fuller
Daniel C. Fulmer
Ray Fulmer II
Clifton R. Furcron
Larry L. Gaddy, Jr.
Jack L. Gaines
Jeffrey D. Gaines
Teresa Gajeway
Myrna Galligan
Neal Galloway
John & Susan C. Gamane
William B. Gammill
Forrest Gander & C. D.
Joan M. Gardner
Mark B. Gardner
Meriwether L. Garing
John Garrett
Jerol & Sally J. Garrison
Barbara C. Gartin
Daniel C. Garver
Joanna May Garza
Mark N. Gastman
William E. Gaston
Janice R. Gates
Virginia R. Gates
Joe L. Gathright
Paul J. & Beth Gaylo
David A. Gean, Jr.
David Gee
Mike G. Geels
Rita I. Geiger
Lynette O. Geiser
Don Gempler
M. B. Gentry
Marshall Bruce Gentry
Barbara A. George
Steven Jay Gerberding
Theodore J. Giannoni
James W. Gibbons
Marcus L. Gibbs
Allan Gibson & Necia
Cecil L. Gibson
Claude L. Gibson
Phyllis J. Gibson
William G. Gilbert
James Barry Gillenwater, Jr.
Mimi D. Gillespie
George W. Gillie
Floyd R. Gilliland, Jr.
David W. Glass
Ron W. Glass
David B. Glenn
Jennifer Glisson
Louis Glorfeld
Charles E. Goble
Betsy Starr Gochnour
Bettye Currier Gocio
William F. Godbold III
Laura Moll Goding
Andrew J. Goetz
Justin Goetz
Beverly A. Gohlke
Thomas B. Goldsby, Jr.
James F. Gonzalez
Mark Goodman
Sara Sloan Goodrich
John Scott Goodwin
Mary Burnell Goodwin
E. William Goodyear, Jr.
Frank N. Gordon, Jr.
James H. Gordon
Nathan G. Gordon
Jeffery W. Gorsuch
Michael R. Gott
Karen Graddy
Dawn Graham
Donna L. Graham
Gregory B. & Diane C.
John R. Graham
Mary D. Graham
Carl Graves
J. W. Graves
Margaret Graves-Hilligoss
D. Leroy Gray
Mateel Gray
Terry L. Gray
Therasa M. Gray
Charles A. Green
Darrell Green, Jr.
David A. Green
Mary Green
Mavis J. Green
Terry M. Green
William R. Green
William R. Green
Jerry C. Greenwell
Sue Greig
Gwendolyn P. Gresham
Murrey L. Grider
Mary S. Griffin
Rodney E. & Diane P.
Wilbur Lee Griffin
Betty R. Griffith
James H. Griggs
Jack C. Groh
Calvin E. Grubbs
Ledia Guci
Janis Guilfoyle
Lawrence Guinn & Karen
John L. Gunsaulis
Bobby D. Gunter
William H. Gurley
James W. & Josie Ware
David F. Guthrie
David Scott Guthrie
Walter R. Guthrie
George L. Hackney
Richard Haegele
Thomas R. Hagan, Sr.
Gene Hagedorn
Karen Montgomery
Thomas M. Haggerty
Robin J. Hahs
Jonathan D. Haigh
Nancy K. Hainley
Glenn A. & Jensey F. Hale
Gayle Hale
Ruth C. Hale
Van & Becky Smith
David M. Halinski
Edward L. Halk
Emily Ruth Hall
Jerry J. Hall
Joe B. Hall
John E. Hall
Pamela Hall
Patricia R. Hall
Robert L. & Marie L. Hall
Robert L. Hall
Ron & Sandra Hall
Wade H. Hall, Jr.
James E. Halligan
David A. & Pamela J.
Phillip T. Haltom
Kristina Hutchinson
Mary Joe Hamilton
John C. Hammeke
Michael Kevin Hammond
Robert J. Hamp, Jr.
Martha Alstadt Hampton
Marilyn J. Steplock Hanak
Teresa A. Hansen
James M. Hanthorn
James E. Hardin
Shiela M. Hardin
Howard Harding
Bradford Wayne Hardwick
George Michael Hardy
Albert Harkins
P. N. Harkins III
Rob G. Harkness
Mary H. Harlan
Harry M. Harmon
Karen K. Harmon
Steven P. Harrelson
James Mark Harris
Jamie S. Harris
Jerry L. Harris
Roberta J. Harris
Joseph K. Harris
Robert Harris
William S. & Mary Harris
Leo A. Harrison
Rebecca Newth Harrison
Richard Allen Harrison
William F. & Betty A.
Charles R. Hart
Richard M. Hart
Robert L. Hart, Jr.
Wilma J. Hartley
Barbara Hasley
Patsy A. Hastings
Richard F. Hatfield
Tina K. Hatley
Bonnie T. Hawkins
William L. & Amber
James R. Hawthorne
Don F. Haxel
Sean D. Hayes
Stan Hayes
Jackson M. Haynes
Robert Haynes
Charlotte Haynie
Larry R. Hayward
Joseph C. & Carol S.
John B. Heaston
Benson J. Heater
Christopher L. Hedger
Ira G. Hedrick, Jr.
Carthell L. Hefner
Raymon J. Hefner
Virginia Sain Heiple
Eric C. Heizman
Stephanie Frederick Heller
Paul R. Henderson
Rick A. Henderson
Eileen J. Hendricks
Meredith Hendricks
Howard P. Hendrickson
Bob L. Hendrix
Don M. Henry
Edward K. Hensley
Larry L. & Brenda L.
Alfred G. & Virginia Herget
L. Joe & Jo Anne Herriman
Mary Ann W. Herring
Catherine A. Hester
Terri M. Heuck
Alan F. Hickman
Sherrie B. Hicks
John P. Higgins
William R. Higgins
John M. Higgs
Danny High
Suzan C. Hight
Raymond L. Hildebrand
Gene Hill
Harlan H. Hill
Larry J. & Gloria A. Hill
Michael E. Hill
Tim D. Hill
Gail Lea Hines
Julie R. Hinterthuer
M. N. Hobbs, Jr.
Ervin H. Hodges
F. Elaine Hodges
Frances Izell Hodges
Michelle L. Hodgson
John Hoefler
Paul M. Hoelscher
Alfred Hogan
Dan P. Hogan
Dennis B. Hogan
M. Rose Hogan
Robert E. Hogan
Lavern L. Holifield
Carrie L. Holland
Shannon Holland
Susan K. Holland
Ronnie J. Hollandsworth
Jay C. Hollingsworth
Max Holloway
Jesse Vescon Hollowell, Jr.
Norna Holm
James S. Holt III
Rodney B. Hopson
James Hornbeck
Priscilla J. Hornby
Betty F. Horne
Melanie M. Hosford
Jonathan R. Houk
Ben Howard
Harvey H. Howington, Jr.
Anne K. Hoyt
Ora E. Hubbart, Jr.
Frances Novella Huddleston
Geraldine Rose Huff
John D. Huff
Mark S. Huff
Jesse W. Huffman
Cecilia A. Hughes
Corena Hughes
Janice M. Hughes
Grant T. Humphries
Joe Hundley
Garland G. Hunnicutt
Burl Hunt
James Hunt
Cathy J. Hunter
Jayne Marie Hunter
Roger A. Hunter
Joseph B. & Doris Daniel
Shireen Y. Husain
Mark C. Huskison
Lyman A. Hussey, Jr.
Scott P. Hutchins
Lark Dixon Cowart Hutto
Gary D. Icenogle
John L. Idol, Jr.
Libby E. Ingram
Charles W. & Karen Hess
Karen L. Inman
Eric E. Irvin
Tim & Colleen Iund
Cecelia Jackson
Gregory Scott Jackson
John R. Jackson, Jr.
Lester H. Jackson
Mary Ann Jackson
Rick L. Jaggars
Donn Jakosky
Jade A. James
Ross L. Jamison, Jr.
Jerome & Harriet Jansma
Joseph J. Janush
Nancy J. Jarboe
Richard C. Jarman
Dwight Jarry
Stephen D. Jenkins
Bob Jennings
Donald J. Jennings
Andrew & Holland M.
A. Keith & Frances H.
Lucinda E. Jesson
Barry P. Johnson
Ben F. & Sherrel F. Johnson
Carol K. Johnson
Charles Doug Johnson
David Johnson
Delton Lee Johnson
George S. Johnson
Ken Johnson
Michael J. & Normastel
Mosby Johnson
Murray S. Johnson
Patrick J. Johnson
Paul H. Johnson, Jr.
Ray T. Johnson
Reggie Kevin Johnson
Ruben H. Johnson, Jr.
Sid Johnson
Dinah Johnston
James J. & Margaret Z.
Scott Douglas Jolly
Brad Jones
Charles Raymond &
Barbara Jones
Douglas E. & Linda N.
James Laurence Jones
James R. & Margaret Jones
Lamar Jones
Larry E. Jones
Michael D. & Ruth A. Jones
Patricia L. Jones
Randall E. Jones
Richard W. & Suzanne
Joyner Jones
Ronald P. Jones
Roy L. Jones
Stephen P. Jones
Covin Jordan, Jr.
Deborah A. Jordan
Gerald & Elizabeth Jordan
Scott M. & Susan M. Jordan
Beth E. Juhl
Jim L. Julian
Larry E. Kabrick
Norman E. Kampbell
Ellen S. Kane
Brad L. Karren
Martin A. Kasten
Bruce W. Kaufman
Joseph Kaufman
Wood M. Kaufman
Bolanos N. Kawas
David B. Kay
Harun I. Kazmi
Mary A. Keeney
Daniel M. Kees
Leah D. Keith
David E. Keller
Robert F. Kelley
Christopher D. Kellis
MaryAlice Kelly
Sarah K. Kelly
Wayne P. Kelly, Jr.
William R. Kelting
Bill W. Keltner
William P. Kenealy
Thomas C. Kennedy
Darci R. Kent
John Kerper
K. E. Kerr
Mary Gordon Kerr
William L. Kerr
David J. Kessler
Janis J. Kessler
David B. & Cheryl
Donald H. & Mary Virginia
Bradley W. Kidder
E. Marie Kilgore
Victoria Lynn Kilgore
Judith Kilpatrick
Terry Kimbrough
Kyle R. Kimel
Ginger Y. Kimes
Dennis E. Kimmel
Jennifer L. Kimpel
John C. Kincaid
Steve Kincaid III
Farrell & Mary Jane Naylor
Gloria J. King
Howard King
John E. & Lynne G. King
Tommy C. Kinnaird
Marie L. Kirby
Robin B. Kirksey
Patricia E. Kirkwood
Allen H. Kitchens
John B. Kittrell, Jr.
Michael L. Kleck
Kyle H. Klein
Robert J. Klein
Richard A. Klerk
Kate Kluttz
Jack W. Knapple
Deborah P. Knight
Philip Knight
Scott Knight
Scott A. Knowles
Phillip Louis Koch
George W. Kok
Tom & Ashley Koonce
Benjamin M. Koontz
Brenda Kors
Alex V. Kowalski
Janet L. Krakow
William R. Kremer
Mark W. Kroenke
John & Elizabeth
Alan Kross-Vinson
Arthur Stephen Krupicz
Kim M. Kullander
Charles E. Kunkel
Karl F. Kunkel
Lee F. Kuyper
Letha P. Lack
Gregory M. Lackey, Sr.
Jim Lackey
Greg P. Lacki
Ray A. & Diane R. LaCroix
Carla Cobb Lacy
Ann J. Laeuchli
Laura S. Lafferty
Andrew A. LaGrone
Jimmy Lake
Archie E. & Edna Laman
Alan L. & Sherri L. Lamb
James D. Lamb
Robert J. Lambert, Sr.
Louis R. Lambiotte
Donn M. Lancaster
J. L. & Virginia P.
Stephen R. Lancaster
Virginia E. Lancaster
Doelas R. & Rebecca
April D. Lane
Rickey D. Lane
David A. Lanehart
Robert L. Lanford
Nicholas Lang
Erma L. Langford
Jason A. Langston
Lydia S. Langston
Raymond & Martha R.
Robert A. LaPlant, Sr.
Anne Harris LaRew
Dianne B. LaRoe
Gary G. Larsen
Frances M. Larzelere
John S. & Nancy N. Laster
Nathan John Lauer
Shana Porter Lawrence
J. Larry & Nikki Lawson
Russell L. & Carrie R.
Arthur C. Layton
Bill E. & Bettye Lazenby
Edward A. Leding III
Hershell R. Lee
Wayne Lee
Yew Loon Lee
Robert A. Lehnen
Ronald T. LeMay
Anthony S. Leraris
Kenneth S. Leslie
Tana J. Lesovsky
Juanita I. Leverett
Jeff E. Levin
Jack Lewallen
Bill Lewis
Deborah A. Lewis
Mary F. Lewis
Robert P. Lewis, Jr.
Tommy H. Lewis, Jr.
William J. Lewis
Quanyan Liao
Richard M. Lieberman
Dayton G. & Gaye L.
James S. Lillard
William C. Linam
Larry D. Linder
Paul D. & Marianne
Robert T. Liner
Kandee Lipke
Blake & Melissa J. Little
Morris L. Little
Robert T. Littleton, Jr.
Roger V. Logan, Jr.
Jack London
Fletcher Long, Jr.
Joseph H. Long, Jr.
Randy & Jo Long
Allyn A. Lord
Layla Miller Lord
Carol D. Lossing
Joseph A. Lott
Virginia A. Love
Dan P. Lovelady
Mark Loveless
Jimmy S. Lovell
E. Nobles & Margaret B.
Julia F. Loyall
Mike A. Lucariello
Leo L. Ludwig, Jr.
Joseph A. Luebker
Harold & Teresa I. Luneau
Keith S. & Rosemary Lusby
Roderick D. Lusk
Homer G. Luther
Rod L. Luther
Charles Marcus Lux
Michael C. Lyle
A. M. Lyman
Reed & Stephanie Ann
Kathryn G. Lynn
Clifford N. & Jane A. Lyon
Randall J. & Beverly Lyons
Scott J. Lysinger
Sam E. Maben
Sue S. Macaulay
Mike & Kris Macechko
Gwen Mace-Walker
John H. Mack
John T. & Harriet Mack
Alexander MacLean III
Glenn E. Macy
Beverly K. Maddox
Robert A. Maddux
Joseph L. Madey
Jerry D. Magdefrau
R. G. & Ann Magruder
Sandra G. Mailey
John A. Mallory
Cheryl L. Malone
David R. Malone
Diane Malone
Tom Malone
Walter L. Manger
Roy W. Manion
Larry A. Manry
William H. Mansker
Marc E. Manuel
William A. & Camellia C.
Louis & Nancy Marinelli
Heather M. Marinics
Jane Markham
Gary S. Markland
Amy L. Marr
Daniel B. Marsh
John Edward Marshall
Sandra J. Marshall
Art B. Martin
Brian C. Martin
Don K. Martin
Duncan W. & Margot K.
Glenn L. Martin
James E. Martin
Jeannette Martin
Margaret Gerig Martin
R. Wayne Martin
Sally R. Martin
Julie S. Martucci
Phillip J. Marty
Marjorie Marugg-Wolfe
Alan Mason
Robert L. Massengale
Tom Massery
Charles L. Massey
Donna Massey
Joseph O. Massey, Jr.
Sam E. Mathews
Kevin R. Mathis
Archie & Francene Farr
Mark W. Maurer
Ashutosh S. Mauskar
Anthony J. May
Frank May
Charles F. Mayfield, Jr.
John D. Mayfield
Jeffrey Neal Mays
Jim Mays
Anthony D. McAdoo
Hosea W. McAdoo, Jr.
Jerry P. McAlister
M. K. McAlister
Edith L. McAllister
Kent & Sara L. McAllister
William S. McAninch
James A. McCall
John S. McCallum II
Jesse F. McCartney
David C. Mccarver
Doyle W. McClain
Stephen E. McClanahan
Jim McClendon
Charles M. McClintock
Patrick McCloskey
Nancy R. McClure
Anita J. McCollum
Jack R. & Ann S.
Joyce Ann McConaughy
Sammy O. McCord
Jesse H. McCoy, Jr.
Don McCracken
Wendell W. McCune
Mary G. & Marc McDaniel
Christa M. McDaniels
Charles P. McDonald
Douglas W. McDonald
J. E. McDonald II
William R. McDonald
Noel G. McDoniel
Marianne J. McDonough
Pam Keener McGill
Robert H. McGill
Homer E. McGough
Joseph P. & Kathleen S.
Judy McGruder
Alvernon McHenry
Tom McHenry
Robert Glen & Elizabeth
Chadbourn McKee
Michael C. McKenna
Ernest L. McKenzie
Jo Ellen McKim
Bob McKinney, Jr.
David McKinney
Don McKinnie
J. F. McLarty, Jr.
Dan A. McLaughlin
Byron D. McLees
R. Mclsaac
Robert J. McMichael
F. L. & Carol L. McMillin
Mark E. McMurtrey
Donna Dudney McNair
Jerry Mcneely
Jack McNeil
Stephen F. McNeill
Ben B. McNew
Mona B. McNutt
Bill N. McPherson
Howard W. & Viola
Callahan Meadows
Matthew M. Meadows
Allison Mears
James M. & Mary Lou
Ashley Medlin
Cynthia Medlin
H. J. Meenen
James I. Meinecke
Timothy S. & Cindy L.
Harry H. Melhorn III
Karen E. Mellott
Frances C. Merrick
H. P. Merritt III
Mathew M. Merritt
Mark T. Mersman
Allan J. Mesko, Jr.
Elizabeth Barnes Messner
Thomas R. Meurer
Donald C. Michener
Morris H. Middleton
Jeanne H. Milazzo
Matthew P. & Katherine
David G. Miles
James A. Millar
Amel W. Miller
Carolyn L. Miller
Danny F. Miller
George L. Miller
Jennifer Lynn Miller
Marilyn S. Miller
Mark S. Miller
Michael F. & Katherine R.
Nicholas L. Miller
Ray G. & Emma L. Miller
Robert Miller
Ruth Ann Miller
Steven B. & Cheryl Paula
Thomas R. Miller
Tom & Lois N. Miller
Waldon Gene Miller
Shannon T. Mills
William C. Mills III
Anthony Milone
Lynne A. Minix
Brandy L. Mitchell
Sharon A. Mitchell
Suzanne S. Mitchell
William M. Mitchell, Jr.
James & Bo Angulo
Kathy Mize
James S. Mizes
Max J. Mobley III
Walter J. Moeller
Wayne E. Moffitt
Jean Ann Moles
Edward P. Molitor
Karen A. Molitor
Earnest K. Montgomery
James M. Moody
Donna M. Mooney
Austin A. Moore, Jr.
Barbara M. Moore
Daniel T. Moore
Dianne W. Moore
Jim Moore, Jr.
John M. Moore
Leon Moore
Louie A. & Irma K. Moore
Norma L. Moore
Raymond N. Moore
Terry Moore
Donald V. Moore
Ernest H. Morace
Kevin D. Moran
Richard N. Morehart
Shirley R. Moreland
Catherin Morgan
Marilyn Kay Morgan
Leland F. Morgans
Billy R. Morris
David E. Morris
Margaret A. Morris
Monte D. Morris
Ron & Betty D. Morris
Jim Morrison
Merle M. Morrison
Terry W. Morton
Murray C. Moser
Rocky B. Moser
Mary Roy Moses
Everett C. Moulton III
Daryl Mounce
Joann McFerran Mount
Michael W. Mourot
J. Gary & Gayle Mourton
Kevin M. Moyer
Don P. Murphy, Jr.
Thomas M. Murphy
Mary J. Murray
Steven Patrick Murray
Thompson B. Murray, Jr.
Max J. Murrell
J. Warren Murry
Henry David Muse
Richard S. & Janet Lina W.
Paula W. Mutzig
Barrett L. Myers
Robert A. Myers
Robert E. Myers
Charlotte Nabholz
Carl M. Nagel
Sandra M. Naiman
Betty J. Napier
Denise A. Nations
Charles H. Nauman
James Q. Neal
Marvin & Tamara Neal
Milton R. Neal
Joann Neely
Dan C. & Sandy Nehus
Clifton L. Nelson
Jean C. & Clifford
Paul E. Neuhart
Kenneth J. Newell
Robert W. & Marilyn B.
Janet D. Newton
Ron & Susan E. Neyman
Phat H. Nguyen
James R. Nicholls
Amanda Ann Nichols
Jerry Nichols
John C. Nichols
Ted B. & Cindy B. Nichols
Elizabeth A. Nickle
Lowell A. Nissen
Herbert A. & Sue Nitz
Greg Nolen
Harold W. Nolen, Jr.
Lea A Nolen
Paula King Noll
John R. Nooncaster
Jerald F. Norton, Jr.
Joan Myers Norton
James R. Norwood
Jim Nugent
Larry Nunley
Gary Nunn, Sr.
Bradford Nye
Terrance G. & Mary I.
Carla O’Dell
Linda O’Donnell
Dennis T. & Nancy R.
Isao Oishi
Timothy P. O’Keefe
Ann O’Leary
Daniel J. O’Leary, Jr.
Rod G. Oller
Adrian E. Ong
Larry E. Orlicek
Carolyn A. Orr
David Mitchell Orso
Everett H. Ortner
Richard P. Osborne
Marylen Osler
Fred M. Oswald
Steven P. Oury
Mark A. Ousnamer
Bryan C. Owens
Fred Owens
Timmie Owens
Tom Owens
David M. Ozier
Randy G. Paas
Mark E. Pace
Charles R. & Linda
William R. Pakis
Marx J. Pales
Alex G. Papageorge
James R. Papandrea
S. Dean Papp, Jr.
Irene Cramer Pappas
Anne Simpson Pardington
Cynthia Parette
Paul H. Parham II
Theortres Parham
Rhonda J. Parish
W. Alton Parish
Allen Parker
M. Wayne Parker
Susan Diane Parker
Rudy N. Parks
David O. Parnell
Subba Rao Venka
Connie B. & Samuel W.
Kenneth Pate
Allen J. Patterson
Edward F. Patterson, Jr.
Tucker A. & Laura
D. Keith Patton
Russell H. Patton III
William Patty
Brenda G. Payne
Robert H. Peacock
Cheri Pearce
Lee G. Pedersen
Stephen W. Pelphrey
Edward M. & Evelyn W.
Robert Penick
Bruce Pennington
Jodie A. Pennington
John G. Pennington
Shelley A. Pennington
Stephen M. Percival
John W. & Jean Elizabeth
Fred M. Perkins III
Keith R. Perry
Michael J. & Carol D. Perry
Wade Perry
Steven R. Perryman
Larkus H. Pesnell
Jerry W. Peterman, Jr.
Kenneth S. Peters
Gayle L. Peters-Coates
Dennis D. Petersen
Frank A. Petrocco
Gueorgui Petrov
Marilyn Harris Petruk
David C. Pfeifler
Jennifer M. Phagan
Alan Monroe Phillips
Daniel F. Phillips
Donald R. Phillips
Jack Alden Phillips
James R. Phillips
Jenifer S. Phillips
John W. Phillips, Jr.
Lisa M. Phillips
Phil H. & Judy Grumbles
Wayne E. Phillips
Mike M. & Kathy Phipps
Patricia A. Pickle
Susan J. Pickle
Larry W. Piebenga
Dana H. Pierce
Stephen C. Pile
Kay McCarty Pillow
James B. & Linda K.
R. C. & Viola Pitts
Shirley Murry Pitts
Fred D. Poe
Frank D. Polk
Yet L. Wong
David & Edie Pope
Preston L. Pope
Frank A. Porbeck III
James W. Porter
Jim S. Porter, Jr.
Robert B. Porter
Tom B. Porter
Nancy J. Pounds
Alan E. Powell
Lloyd P. Powell
Mary L. Powell
William Thomas Powers
John G. Pratt, Jr.
Robert B. Preston
Ann Price
Mary E. Price
Sterling Scott Price
Wayne R. Price
Anne W. B. Prichard
John J. Prince
Beverly D. Prior
Sara J. Prothero
Randy Pruitt
David M. Pugh
Owen L. Pugh
Wayne Pyron
Carlos L. Qualls
Claire Koffler Quinn
Tricia Quinn
William J. Quinn, Jr.
Suhrob Radjabov
Thurman A. Ragar, Jr.
William R. Ragland
Jewel G. Rainwater
Burch V. Raley
Bashyam Ramasami
Weldon O. Ramey
Alda J. Ramsey
Melton B. Randall
Janet K. Raney
Eunice E. Rankin
Rhonda L. Rapps
Narayan C. Rath
Velma J. Ratliffe
Gary C. Raub
Susan Ward Rauhoff
Jayraj H. Raval
Jan W. Rayder
Glynn Raymer
Bob Razer
Michael J. Reagan
C. B. Rebsamen
Danny F. Reed
John E. & Elizabeth S. Reed
Joseph R. & Wilma H. Reed
Shari E. Reed
Smith Reed, Jr.
Victor L. Reed
Christy L. Reese
Peggy G. Reeve
Beth A. Reeves
John L. Reeves
Jerry L. Reichert
Judy Ann Reid
Mike L. Reinig
James F. Reinmiller
Cindy Remler
Yi Ren
Bill N. Resimont
Nancy P. Reynolds
Brian J. Rezin
Margaret A. Rhine
H. J. Rhodes, Jr.
Tom Riales
Brooks T. Rice
Carl L. Richards, Jr.
R.L. Richards
Charles B. Richardson
Diane Wilson Richardson
Gene Shaw Richardson
Mark Richardson
Susan Richardson
Randall E. Richmond
Carl W. Rick, Jr.
Michael T. Ricks
Herbert R. Rideout
Philip A. Riester
Michael D. Riley
Lola J. Rivera
William C. Roachell
Tim S. Roark
Calvin L. Robbins, Jr.
John & Diane S. Robbins
Nicholas A. Robbins
Barbara Groves Roberts
Jennifer Roberts
Larry R. Roberts
Robb Roberts
Ronnie Roberts
Rich D. Robins
Elizabeth A. Robinson
Ryland Robinson
Susan G. Robinson
Catherine Rock
Norma A. Roddy
J. C. Roe
Claudia Roebbeke
Billy W. Rogers
Carey W. Rogers
Connie G. Rogers
William A. Rogers
Joe Mark Rogers
Lorene Rogers
Lynn B. Rogers
R. C. Rogers
Stewart E. Rogers, Jr.
Teresa Sherrill Rogers
William M. Rogers
Mark C. Rolle
Olivia A. Romine
Richard S. & Jennifer A.
Paul R. Root
Charles B. & Mary Anne
Beverly L. Rose
L. J. Rosenberg
Donald C. Ross
Teiko Ross
Andy Rossi
Michael A. Rotenberry
Barbara Rothrock
Queen E. Rougeau
Richard R. Rousselot
William R. Rowan
Amy M. Rowe
H. Y. & Jean Rowe
John R. Rowe
Diane Baker Rowland
Robbie Ramey Rowlett
Joel M. Rownak
John J. Rownak, Jr.
Arthur L. Royston, Jr.
Douglas N. Rubenstein
Anne Ruble
Carol Woodard Rudder
Jeffrey D. Rudder
William R. & Glenda R.
Earle L. & Carol A.
Earle Leighton Rudolph
Mary Rush
Bob R. Russell
Bruce D. Russell
Marvin F. Russell
Michael A. Russell
Michael Russell
Tennie Russell
Melissa Kay Rust
Clifford S. Rutan
J. L. Rutherford
James L. Rutherford III
Barnard Pat Ryan
Cathy Anne Ryan
Marie J. Ryan
Mary L. Ryan
Ramsey A. Ryan
Harry L. Ryburn
Thomas J. Rystrom
Henry D. Sadler, Jr.
Wanda C. Sampson
Boyed A. Sanders
Jeffery C. Sanders
Louis L. Sanders Jr.
Leon Sanderson,
Charles R. Sandine
Carolyn G. Sanford
Nathan E. Sanko
Carolyn A. Saterfield
Robert A. Sauerberg, Jr.
David P. Saxon
Julia S. Sayle
Katherine E. Scantlin
Charles W. Schaaf
C. C. Schaller
Richard Marc Scharff
Edward Scharlau IV
Eugenia & Boris M. Schein
Erick Melton Schermerhorn
Fredrik Josef Schlegel
Michelle E. Schleibaum
Toney I. Schlesinger
Jack R. Schmid
Nadine Schmidt
Lawrence H. Schmieding
Richard W. Schmill
Charles Schmit
Michael T. Schneider
Roger C. Schoenfeldt
Faith Schoonmaker
Aubry E. & Margaret Scott
Don Scott
Julie K. Scotten
Ruth H. Scroggs
Allen W. Searcy
Allen Russell Seay
Carol Seay
Christopher A. Seidl
Kevin D. Seitz
Roman J. Selig III
Stephen Selig
Rebecca Spain Seward
Donna Sexton
Elizabeth Dulan Sexton
U.A. G. Sexton
Paul D. Shaffer
Deborah R. Shalosky
Elizabeth A. Shannon
Jimmie L. Shannon
Winifred J. Shanor
R. Frank & Sara S. Sharp
Roy B. Shaver
Hollis Shaw
Gregory A. Sheard
Ted H. Sheets
Christopher Shelton
J. B. Shelton
Michael D. Shepherd
Mark T. Sherland, Jr.
Anthony Jay Sherman
Larry F. Sherrill
Stephen J. Shipcoff
David Curtis Shipley
David G. Shipp
Joyce Shipp
Nasser Shirakbari
Jim G. Shoemaker
Terry & Sam Shoffner
Karen R. Shubeck
Richard P. Shull
Michael G. Siebenmorgen
Alfred A. Silano
Russell E. Simkins
Alvin Simmons, Jr.
James C. H. Simmons
Ty S. Simmons
Carolyn J. Simpson
Faril Simpson, Jr.
Kenneth F. Sims
M. Jack Sims
D. Sitton
Lionel C. Skaggs
William B. Skelley
James Rex Slack
John & Rebecca Slaven
Joseph E. Sledge
William M. Smets &
Bonnie L. Johnson
Bradley J. & Gale F. Smith
C. A. Smith
C. Calvin Smith
Charles E. Smith II
Clayton S. Smith
Earl T. Smith, Jr.
Judy B. Smith
Lavenski R. Smith
Lavonne Smith
Lawrence B. Smith
Linda L. Smith
Marcelline Lide Smith
Maria F. Smith
Patrice J. Smith
Patricia A. Smith
Perry F. Smith
Ruth Penrose Smith
Sydney H. Smith
Tammy S. Smith
Theodore J. Smith
Thomas C. Smith
Vicki Smith
Jimmy R. Snapp
Gregory A. Sneed
John R. Snell
Brian A. Snow
Honsley M. Snow
Renita P. Snow
Harry & Elizabeth Ann
Ronald W. & Cherl Graham
Dean Sobel
Joseph C. & Lydia D.
Hongwei Song
Miles H. Sonstegaard
Sherrie Sorenson
Dennis Sorrell, Jr.
George Sourlis
Mike Spades, Jr.
Jim F. Spann, Jr.
Lyle B. & Martha M.
Dena G. Spears
Drew A. Speed
Mark Hunter Speed
Kimberly A. Spickes
C. T. Spigner
Carolyn J. SpringfieldHarvey
Gaye Spruell
Robert & Annette Stacy
Joe H. & Mary J. Stafford
Joyce S. Stafford
Louis Charles & Mary
Casner Stagg
Ray Stahl
Thomas B. Staley
Lorraine Standish
Gray Standridge
Jo Stanfield
Carma L. Stanley
Keith L. Stanley
Sam J. Starkey, Jr.
John St. Clair
Annice F. Steadman
John W. Steele
Kean Wyman Steely
Heather A. Steen
Steve Wright Sterquell II
Thomas Sterquell
Lloyd W. Stetzer
Michael Alan Stevens
Weldon C. Stevenson
Fred M. & Lisa B. Stewart
John E. Stewart
Jon D. Stewart
Mark W. & Libby Stewart
Paula Jeanne-Stewart
Robert E. & Molly Leeper
Ronald C. Stewart
James E. Stice
Barbara Jean Ramsey Still
Mary Louise Stokes
Mary Stokes
Jeff Stone
Alan L. Storm
Stanley J. Stough
John R. Stovall
Robert Stovall, Jr.
Mary Ann Strain
Michael A. Strapason
W. Bruce Stratton
Harry P. & Mae E.
Ibby Strey Dickson
Freddie C. Stringer
Jimmy L. Strnad
Linda K. Stroud
Marsha J. Stroud
Lequeita Stroup
Carma A. Stroupe
Charles R. Stubblefield
Lynn Sturdivant
Brian Sudderth
Nicole Lee Sullender
F. Dabbs Sullivan III &
Ann Carey Fellinger
E. O. Sumner
Richard L. Sunderman
Melba Suskie
Cyrus A. & Martha
Nicholas R. & Katie E.
John E. & Donna Sweeney
Diane E. Sydoriak
Ronald D. Taber
Sam F. Tabler
Barbara Taegel
Nancy Ellen Talburt
Christine Talley
Michael James Tarini
Glynda R. Tarpley
Tim Tarvin
Eugene L. Tate
John Tate
Tammy Tavernaro
Alfred W. Taylor
Chris L. Taylor
Janet Kay Taylor
K. S. Taylor
Leigh E. Taylor
Peter Gregg Taylor
Paul W. Teague
William Lee Tedford, Jr.
Joshua Teff
June M. Telaar
Eschol V. Terry
Laura Terry
Steven L. Terry
Tenyu Thach
Frank Gibson Thibault, Jr.
Donny K. Thigpen
Derrick L. Thomas
Gary W. Thomas
George L. Thomas
Herbert L. Thomas III
Katie M. Thomas
Max Thomas
Richard L. Thomas
William A. Thomas
Woody A. Thomas
Derrek Scott Thomason
Betty Hewitt Thompson
David Matthew Thompson
John F. Thompson
John R. Thompson
Karen K. Thompson
Kenneth H. Thompson
Lyell F. Thompson
Thomas T. Thompson
Barney J. Thornton
Christopher Robin
Reed Thornton
Laura Elliott Threet
Ray Thweatt
J. H. Tidwell
Margaret Laird Tietjen
Cecil R. Tilley
Michael Timbes
Bill E. Tims
Thomas J. Tisdale
Bill H. Toffelmire
Harry R. Tolliver
Mary Anne Tomlin
Dennis Casler Tool
George A. Toops
Allen V. Tornek
Samuel Totten
Ronald E. Totty
Susan L. Toups
Stuart & Helen Ruth Smith
Chad Alan Townsend
Mildred M. Townsend
Walter C. & Jane
Christopher M. Tracy
Christopher Traxson
Karen K. Trefelner
Kristin D. Trerise
Robert L. Trewatha
William K. Tribell
Joseph & Patricia Bates
Bonnie Troutman
Donna G. Trumbo
Howell Trumbo
Yien-I & Cecilia Tu
Jack & Nell Tuck
Charles R. Tucker
David W. Tucker
Kelly Ann Tucker
Philip S. & Suzanne
Mrs. Rebecca Tucker
Philip & Ramona Tugwell
Mike Tunnell
Ginger T. Turley
C. L. Turner
Colin W. Turner
Finley P. Turner II
Mike Turner
Phil M. Turner, Jr.
Zack W. Turner
Clayton R. Turney
Joyce R. Turney
Jean A. Tuttle
Roger A. Tweedle
Jo Ann Tyler
Van Allen Tyson
Monika Ugrinska
Steve A. Uhrynowycz
George & Frances
Fayrol T. Unverferth
George T. Upton
Wilmer G. Upton
David E. Usery
Howard L. Usher
Bob Utley
Charles Vance
Duane E. Vandenberg
Linda Vann
Charles W. Van Ness
Dona J. Vanterpool
W. L. Varner
Sue Vasicek
Michael Vasko
Don Vaught
Shelley Vazquez
Joseph Scott Vejraska
Brad Hamilton Vester
Charles F. Vester
Ray E. Vester
Ed Viera
Lila Viner
James Andrew Vines
Dwight T. Vines
John Vinson
Paul T. Vinson
Srinivas Vithala
Louis E. Vogele, Jr.
Catherine J. Voight
Sue Jane Volarich
Don B. Vollman
Scott R. Wachter
Ralph W. Waddell
Ronald S. Waddell
William R. Waddell
Wendy S. Wagner
Robert E. Wahlman
Gerald Wahman
Tom Steadman Waldron
W. D. Waldron
Conrad P. and Ann S.
Charles S. Walker
Charles S. Walker
Danny R. Walker
Era Walker
Harold C. Walker
Henry W. Walker
Royce N. Walker
Todd W. Walker
Mrs. Willard J. Walker
Greg Walla
Ron & Maria Mendez
James C. Waller
William M. Waller
Jeffry Wallmark
Benjamin J. Walsh
Daniel T. Walz
Carla Parish Ward
John D. Ward
Kenneth J. Ward
Sarah H. Ward
Thomas H. Ward Jr.
Jeffrey W. Warden
George W. Ware
Marilane S. Warr
Charles E. Warren
Kevin & Elizabeth
Salisbury Warren
Martha J. Warren
Paul A. Warren
Robert L. Warren, Jr.
Greg B. Watkins
Guy G. Watkins Jr.
Quintin B. Watkins
Carl D. Watson
Richard Alan Watson
Scott E. Watson
Ernest Eugene & Jane
Terry K. Weatherford
Richard D. Weathers
Mark E. & Debra K.
Thompson B. Webb
Tommy Weed
Mildred E. Weeks
Michael & Carol A.
E. J. Wehunt
Gary B. Weidner
Steven Weir
Charles Weisenfels
Stacey D. & Terry L.
J. Denise Wells
Thomas R. & Teresa C.
Donald R. West
Elliott West
Ernest N. Westfall, Jr.
Ed Westmeyer
George W. Westmoreland
Jeannie Whayne
Charles Scott Wheeler
Darrell M. Wheeler
Elizabeth L. Wheeler
Karen Lee Wheeler
Randy E. & Christy B.
Jack C. White
James L. White
Kathryn White
Todd White
William D. White
Karen D. Whitehead
Barbara Hunter Whitfill
Mike Whitley
William Wiechman
Joseph P. Wieronski
Janet K. Wilcox
Robert J. Wilkerson
Larry H. Wilkins
Virginia Jane Wilkins
Michael A. Willems
Bill R. Willett
Bea Anna Williams
Billie Anne Beaumont
Bobby M. Williams
Carl L. & Jacqueline
Clarence R. & Katala A.
David L. & Pattie
Dwight Williams
Gregory Williams
Jeff Alan Williams
Jesse E. Williams, Jr.
John Scott & Maxine
Dwyer Williams
Kathryn N. Williams
Les G. Williams
Marion I. Williams
Martha Patton Williams
Marvin G. Williams, Jr.
Merle R. Williams
Miller Williams
Peggy S. Williams
Richard F. Williams
Roger L. Williams
Silverine R. Williams
Thomas F. Williams
Cynthia L. Williamson
William Wright Willis
Dreda Matlock Wilmoth
Gifford D. & Patricia
James C. Wilson
L. V. Wilson
Margaret E. Wilson
Teresa J. Wilson
Thomas J. Wilson
Van R. Wilson
Katrina A. Winborn
Jack Carnes Winburn
Russell Becker Winburn
Gregory A. & Angela L.
Patty Wingfield
Kathryn A. Wingo
Ralph H. Winnick
Murl Mather Winters
Peggy P. Wintz
Gayland B. Witherspoon
Louis B. Witonsky
Larry D. Wolf
Thomas M. Wolfe
Earnest J. Wong, Jr.
Chris J. Wood
David Wood
Gene A. Wood
Ralph E. Wood
Lloyd Woodman, Jr.
Barbara S. Woodring
Robert Preston
Woodruff, Jr.
David A. Woods
David W. Woods
Dorthuelia C. Woods
Pendleton Woods
Joe D. Woodward
Dennis C. Woody
Dwight E. & Marian R.
Gregory Wooten
Dane Workman
R. Christie Wray, Jr.
Douglas W. Wright
Jason Wright
Olin Herbert Wright
Richard B. Wright
Virginia J. Wright
W. A. Wright III
Walter A. Wright
Hueytzen J. Wu
Angelia C. Wurttemberg
Arthur W. Wyatt
Willda Jean Wyatt
Billy R. Wynn
Wengui Yan
Marjorie A. Yancey
Marshall L. Yantis II
Billie Lou Yates
Lennie D. & Sandra A.
Ellen F. Young
Jesse E. Young
Jimmy R. Young
Juana R. Young
Kathy Young
Robert E. Young
Julia B. Youngblood
Scott Yowell
Robert W. Zahniser
E. Lynn Zechiedrich
Leonard R. Zell
Leo Zibert
Christina C. Zimmerman
Lucy Flynn Zuccotti
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