Hazlet Township Public Schools Course of Study Italian II Honors Written by: Robert Bradfield June 2008 Italian II Honors Curriculum 1 Hazlet Township Public Schools District Goals The Hazlet Township School District has set forth the following goals in the quest for educational excellence and increased student performance: To provide a rigorous academic program that differentiates instruction to meet the diverse needs of all learners, promotes higher level thinking, reasoning, and problem solving and prepares students to become life-long learners and productive members in society. To establish an ongoing Professional Development Academy where administrators and teachers are afforded the opportunity and encouraged to become active participants in continued professional growth through training and reinforcement of essential educational research and best practices based on the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, the New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers, and the New Jersey Professional Development Standards. To provide the students of Hazlet Township with the resources necessary to support a competitive educational program that extends beyond academics to meet social, emotional, physical, and technological needs in preparation for future demands of continuous education, career pursuits, and community. Italian II Honors Curriculum 2 Hazlet Township Public Schools Introduction Italian II Honors This course is designed for students who have successfully completed Italian I, and who have demonstrated excellence in the language. The course will delve deeper into certain grammatical topics, and will place a stronger emphasis on speaking the target language. Italian II Honors will examine more topics, move at a quicker pace, and cover more material than Italian II. The course will aim to improve all aspects of foreign language learning – reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension. Italian II Honors Curriculum 3 Hazlet Township Public Schools Course Goals Italian II Honors STANDARDS AND PROGRESS INDICATORS The Italian II Honors curriculum has been developed to align with the NJCCCS (New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards) revised and adopted in April 2004. Standard 7.1 ALL STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE AT A BASIC LITERACY LEVEL IN ITALIAN. Descriptive Statement: Meaningful communication is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information through speech, gestures, behavior, or a combination of these. It is through communication that we express ourselves and transmit or receive information. For these exchanges to be meaningful, students need to communicate about, understand, and interpret written or spoken language on a variety of topics in the language studied. The key to successful communication is knowing how, when and why to say what to whom. The standard thus focuses on interpersonal communication. Cumulative Progress Indicators Building upon knowledge and skills gained in the preceding grades, by the end of Italian II Honors, students: 1. Create and respond to phrases, questions, and sentences. 2. Describe people, places, things, and events in detail. 3. Interact with appropriate responses in limited social settings and situations. 4. Express details of their everyday lives and past experiences. 5. Engage in original and spontaneous conversations in Italian. 6. Organize thoughts into coherent oral speech. Italian II Honors Curriculum 4 7. Express thoughts in a variety of tenses including the present, past participle, imperfect, imperative, and conditional. Standard 7.2 ALL STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO DEMONSTRATE AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE INTERRELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND ITALIAN CULTURE. Descriptive Statement: The acquisition of another language focuses attention on how language and culture interact. This interaction helps students reflect on cultural patterns and thus gain insight into their own language and culture. Exploration of a new culture helps students to frame issues about their own world view while investigating another. Comparing and contrasting languages and cultures promotes cross-cultural discourse and understanding which are at the heart of the humanities. Cumulative Progress Indicators: Building upon knowledge and skills gained in the preceding grades, by the end of Italian II Honors, students: 1. Compare the customs of their own culture and the Italian culture. 2. Understand the role of stereotyping in forming and sustaining prejudice. 3. Demonstrate an awareness of the contributions made in many fields by Italians as well as Italian-Americans. 4. Examine interrelationships between the Italian language and culture as evidences in literary works. Italian II Honors Curriculum 5 Hazlet Township Public Schools Proficiency Requirements and Course Outline Italian II Honors By the end of Italian II Honors, students will have acquired the following skills: 1. The ability to comprehend directions, questions, statements, conversations, and narratives about familiar topics and everyday situations. 2. The ability to comprehend idiomatic expressions and phrases in materials produced by and for native speakers (i.e. Italian movies, magazines, newspapers, etc.). 3. The ability to comprehend studied vocabulary and verb structure in writing and speech. 4. The ability to understand texts produced for native speakers, where the meaning of unfamiliar material is derived from contextual clues and inferences. 5. The ability to initiate and sustain, with increasing confidence, conversations based on learned material. 6. The ability to comprehend, speak, read, and write at a higher level of fluency compared to Italian II students. 7. The ability to write, with logical sequences, paragraphs, narratives and dialogues based on learned material. 8. The ability to take learned material, and replicate its usage in everyday situations in the target culture and language. Italian II Honors Curriculum 6 Hazlet Township Public Schools Overall Student Assessment Italian II Honors Students will be graded in the following assignments: 1. Homework 2. Quizzes 3. Tests 4. Class Participation 5. Oral Tests/ Quizzes/ Projects 6. Cultural/ Grammatical Projects There will be four Marking Periods during the academic year. A student will receive a grade for each Marking Period. At the end of the second Marking Period there will be a Midterm Exam, and at the end of the fourth Marking Period students will take a Final Exam. The exams will account for 20% of the final average for the course. Italian II Honors Curriculum 7 Hazlet Township Public Schools Periodic Student Assessment Italian II Honors 1. An organized, three-ringed binder will be kept by each student. The instructor will be collected and/or checked during each marking period. This will attempt to ensure the student take copious notes, and keeps all material to prepare themselves for tests and exams. Also, this may serve as a guide to areas of the student’s strengths and weakness. 2. The instructor will evaluate the student’s active and passive participation on a regular basis. 3. Reading comprehension will be assessed through a number of methods including: summarization, discussion, writing assignments, etc. 4. Reading comprehension and writing activities will help students and teachers assess the application of skill areas including vocabulary, culture, and grammar. 5. Listening comprehension may be assessed through a variety of means such as traditional testing or evaluating a student’s ability to follow directions and discussions in the Italian language. 6. Speaking ability may be assessed through direct question and answer method, dialogues and conversations with the teacher and with other students. 7. Journals will be kept in order to improve writing skills, and will be read periodically as oral assessment. Italian II Honors Curriculum 8 Hazlet Township Public Schools Classroom Objectives Italian II Honors 1. To enable students to understand spoken and written Italian. 2. To enable students to speak an above-average amount of Italian with a relatively high level of fluency. 3. To enable students to read Italian at a level where s/he will be challenged, yet gain an adequate understanding of the material. 4. To enable students to write grammatically correct Italian, and to understand an intermediate to high structure and communication. 5. To provide useful, fun vocabulary that the student will be able to use to describe everyday activities. 6. To provide instruction to each type of learner by using different means of instruction, i.e. Power Point, repetition, personal reflection. 7. To enable students to partake in conversations spontaneously, and be able to describe their thoughts and feelings in correct Italian. 8. To allow students a glimpse into the world of a different culture, and appreciate the differences and similarities to their own. Italian II Honors Curriculum 9 Hazlet Township Public Schools Classroom Procedure Italian II Honors rd A. Book used: Parliamo Italiano! A Communicative Approach – 3 Edition B. Everyday material needed in the classroom: 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Classroom procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. D. covered textbook notebook pen or pencil any other material previously specified by the teacher Be on time. Be seated at your desk ready to work when the lesson is about to begin. No food, drinks, or gum in the classroom. Cell phones are prohibited. Usage of a cell phone in class will result in the phone being confiscated by the office, and to be picked up only by a parent. Homework and Makeup Work 1. Homework is to be completed the night it is assigned and brought to class the next day. 2. Late homework will not be counted. 3. When absent, the student has twice the number of days to make up the work (this includes tests and quizzes). After the allotted time, no work will be accepted. 4. It is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher to find out what s/he missed when absent. 5. Homework is checked and counted every time it is assigned. E. Extra Help Extra help is always available. The student needs to inform the teacher that they would like extra help to set a date and time. Italian II Honors Curriculum 10 Hazlet Township Public Schools Scope and Sequence Italian II Honors Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Week 1 Review 1-3 Unita’ 4 Fall Break Unita’ 6 Unita’ 6 Unita’ 7 Unita’ 7 Unita’ 7 Unita’ 8 Unita’ 8 Week 2 Review 1-3 Unita’ 4 Unita’ 5 Unita’ 6 Midterm Exam Review Unita’ 7 Unita’ 7 Spring Break Unita’ 8 Final Exam Review Week 3 Review 1-3 Unita’ 4 Unita’ 5 Unita’ 6 Unita’ 7 Foreign Language Week Unita’ 8 Unita’ 8 Week 4 Review 1-3 Unita’ 4 Unita’ 5 Christmas Break Midterm Exam (Oral & Listening Comp) Midterm Exam Unita’ 7 Unita’ 7 Unita’ 8 Unita’ 8 Final Exam (Oral & Listening Comp) Final Exam Italian II Honors Curriculum 11 Hazlet Township Public Schools Scope and Sequence Italian II Honors Timelines Review Unita’ 1-3 4 weeks NJCCCS 7.1 Content/Objectives Communicative Goals: Talking about self, family, friends, greetings, home, school, geography, city, numbers, the calendar, dates, weather, idiomatic expressions, all in the present tense. Suggested Activity/ Materials-Equipment Teacher generated materials for group review, dialogue writing, question and answer activities, and skits Evaluation Written and oral activities, quizzes, and tests. Oral presentations and discussions on vocabulary topics. Vocabulary from Units 13 definite/indefinite articles gender of nouns and adjectives adjectives singular and plural possessive adjectives present tense –are, -ere, -ire verbs present tense of irregular verbs interrogative words prepositions Italian II Honors Curriculum 12 Timelines Unita’ 4 4 weeks Content/Objectives Evaluation Communicative Goals: Talking about past actions and events, specifying quantities, talking about food, shopping for food, shopping in specialty stores, handling and changing money, avoiding redundancy, expressing there A. Al Mercato All’ Aperto NJCCCS 7.1 & 7.2 Suggested Activity/ Materials-Equipment A1. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Teacher uses visual aids to review foods. Exercises in the text. A1. Quiz on food vocabulary. List of foods the students like and dislike. A2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Students act out in front of class, and to each other in groups. Students complete oral and written assignments to gauge comprehension. A2. Students will model the Incontro and create their own dialogues to be read aloud for an Oral grade. A3. Grammar – The Past Tense (Passato Prossimo). Students take notes on the formation of the P.P. and complete exercises practicing the usage of both regular and irregular past participles. Teacher generated worksheets, stories containing the P.P., skits, journal entries, and speaking assignments will all be included in this extremely important grammar point. A3. Written test on the P.P. Written assignment to be read out loud for an Oral grade. Italian II Honors Curriculum 13 Timelines Unita’ 4 Content/Objectives B. I Soldi Suggested Activity/ Materials-Equipment B1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Discussion on the European Union and Italy’s currency. Exercises in the text. B1. Written quiz on vocabulary to check for writing proficiency. B2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Students act out in front of class, and to each other in groups. Students complete oral and written assignments to gauge comprehension. B2. Students will research an Italian recipe, and then compose a dialogue in which they will go shopping for the ingredients. The skit will be presented for an Oral grade. B3. Grammar – The Partitive and word “ne”. Students take notes on the formation of the Partitive, and its usage, and complete exercises practicing using the grammar. B3. Written quiz on the Partitive to check for writing proficiency. C1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary, students repeat and copy into notes, and complete oral and written drills to practice usage of vocabulary. C1. Oral quiz in which students define words in Italian. C2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Written and oral activities to check for comprehension. C2. Students use learned vocabulary in order to create a skit of their own to be presented to the class. C3. Grammar- Direct Object Pronouns and the word “ci.” Students will take notes on grammar points, and complete written and oral assignments to practice usage. C3. Written quiz on D.O.P. to check for writing proficiency. 4 weeks C. Le Commissioni NJCCCS 7.1 & 7.2 Evaluation Italian II Honors Curriculum 14 Timelines Content/Objectives D. I Negozi Unita’ 5 Suggested Activity/ Materials-Equipment Evaluation D1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Exercises in the text. D1. Oral quiz on vocabulary to check for listening proficiency. D2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Students act out in front of class, and to each other in groups. Students complete oral and written assignments to gauge comprehension. D2. Students will research an Italian recipe, and then compose a dialogue. The skit will be presented for an Oral grade. D3. Grammar – agreement of the Direct Object Pronoun to the Past Participle. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar point, and complete oral and written assignments to practice usage and application. D3. Written test on Unita’ 4. A1. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Teacher uses visual aids to review foods. Exercises in the text. A1. Quiz on food vocabulary. Students label a picture of a typical bar scene in Italy. A2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Students act out in front of class, and to each other in groups. Students complete oral and written assignments to gauge comprehension. A2. Students will model the Incontro and create their own dialogues to be read aloud for an Oral grade. Communicative Goals: Ordering food and drink, avoiding redundancy, describing actions, coking and sharing recipes 3 weeks NJCCCS 7.1 & 7.2 A.1. Al Bar Italian II Honors Curriculum 15 Timelines Content/Objectives B. In Trattoria C. Al Ristorante Suggested Activity/ Materials-Equipment Evaluation A3. Grammar – Indirect Object Pronouns. Students take notes on the grammar point and complete oral and written exercises to practice usage. A3. Students change indirect objects in written statements to the pronoun. B1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Discussion of Italian meals, demonstration of a typical Italian menu. Exercises in the text. B1. Oral quiz on vocabulary to check for listening proficiency. B2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Students act out in front of class, and to each other in groups. Students complete oral and written assignments to gauge comprehension. B2. Students will translate the passage and complete oral and written comprehension assignments. B3. Grammar – Double Object Pronouns. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar point and complete oral and written exercises to practice usage. B3. Written quiz on Double Object Pronouns to check for writing proficiency. C1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary, students repeat and copy into notes, and complete oral and written drills to practice usage of vocabulary. C1. Students will create their own menus using all vocabulary from Unita’ 5. C3. Grammar- Adverbs, Conoscere & Sapere. Students take notes of the formation of adverbs, and the correct conjugations of the verbs Conoscere & Sapere. C3. Students list different sctivities they do including an adverb for each. List facts they know and then translate using the correct verb. Italian II Honors Curriculum 16 Timelines Content/Objectives D. In Cucina Unita’ 6 5 weeks Evaluation D1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Exercises in the text. D1. Students will compose their own Italian recipe for a project grade. D3. Grammar –“Si” impersonale. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar point, and complete oral and written assignments to practice usage and application. D3. Written test on Unita’ 5. A1. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Teacher uses visual aids to review cognates. Exercises in the text. A1. Have students write their hobbies and what they do in their free time and read aloud for Oral grade. A2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Students complete oral and written assignments to gauge comprehension. A2. Students will complete question and answer exercises to check for comprehension. Communicative Goals: Talking about things you used to do, describing actions, situations, people, and things in the past, talking about hobbies and sports, talking about the future, discussing vacations A.1. Hobby e Tempo Libero NJCCCS 7.1 & 7.2 Suggested Activity/ Materials-Equipment Italian II Honors Curriculum 17 Timelines Content/Objectives B. Lo Sport C. La Passesggiata Suggested Activity/ Materials-Equipment Evaluation A3. Grammar – The Impefect Tense. Students take notes on formation of the verb tense and complete oral and written exercises to practice usage and application. A3. Students will create a skit using the Imperfect tense to be graded orally. B1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Discussion on sports in Italy. Exercises in the text. B1. Written quiz on vocabulary. Students will write about sports in The U.S. and their favorite sports. B2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Students complete oral and written assignments to gauge comprehension. B2. Students will translate the passage and answer oral and written comprehension questions. B3. Grammar – The Progressive Tense. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar point and its usage, and complete exercises practicing using the grammar. B3. Written quiz on the Progressive Tense to check for writing proficiency. B4. Grammar – P.P. vs. Imperfect. Students will complete exercises and write examples of when to use which verb tense. B4. Students will receive a paragraph in English and translate into Italian using the correct tense. C1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary, students repeat and copy into notes, and complete oral and written drills to practice usage of vocabulary. C1. Oral quiz in which students define words in Italian. C2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Written and oral activities to check for comprehension. C2. Complete exercises in the text and correct them orally for comprehension. Italian II Honors Curriculum 18 Timelines Content/Objectives D. Al Mare e In Montagna Suggested Activity/ Materials-Equipment Evaluation C3. Grammar – The Future Tense. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar point, and complete oral and written exercises to practice usage and application. C3. Students will compose a skit using the Future to be memorized and performed for an Oral grade. D1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Exercises in the text. D1. Written quiz on vocabulary words. D2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Written and oral activities to check for comprehension. D2. Complete exercises in the text and correct them orally for comprehension D3. Grammar –Stressed Pronouns. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar point, and complete oral and written assignments to practice usage and application. D3. Written test on Unita’ 6. Midterm Exam Review 1 week Midterm Exam Midterm Exam Midterm Exam Midterm Exam Unita’ 7 7 weeks NJCCCS 7.1 & 7.2 Communicative Goals: Talking about daily routines, illness, comparing nouns, buying clothes, talking about fashion, expressing wishes, what you would do in certain circumstances, giving commands A.1. Il Corpo, La Salute A1. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Teacher uses visual aids to review cognates. Exercises in the text. A1. Have students play Simon Says “Simone Dice” to practice body parts vocabulary. Written quiz. Italian II Honors Curriculum 19 Timelines Content/Objectives B. L’abbigliamento C. Fare Acquisti Suggested Activity/ Materials-Equipment Evaluation A2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Written and oral activities to check for comprehension. A2. Complete exercises in the text and correct them orally for comprehension A3. Grammar – Reflexive Verbs. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar point, and complete oral and written exercises to practice usage and application. A3. Students will place reflexive verbs in each verb tense studied thus far. Review of each verb tense followed by test. B1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Exercises in the text. B1. Written quiz on vocabulary words. Students describe what they and their classmates are wearing. B2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Written and oral activities to check for comprehension. B2. Complete exercises in the text and correct them orally for comprehension. B3. Grammar –The Comparative and Superlative. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar points, and complete oral and written assignments to practice usage and application. B3. Students will compare each other, their families, friends, and objects that are familiar to them. C1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Exercises in the text. C1. Written quiz on vocabulary words. Students describe what their own clothes are made of. C2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Written and oral activities to check for comprehension. C2. Complete exercises in the text and correct them orally for comprehension. Italian II Honors Curriculum 20 Timelines Content/Objectives D. La Moda Unita’ 8 7 weeks Suggested Activity/ Materials-Equipment Evaluation C3. Grammar – The Conditional Tense. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar point, and complete oral and written exercises to practice usage and application. C3. Students will compose a skit using the Conditional to be memorized and performed for an Oral grade. D1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Exercises in the text. D1. Students will put together a fashion magazine posing as a fashion designer. They will describe and draw each article of clothing to be counted as a project grade. D2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Written and oral activities to check for comprehension. D2. Complete exercises in the text and correct them orally for comprehension D3. Grammar –The Imperative Tense. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar point, and complete oral and written assignments to practice usage and application. D3. Students write commands they would give to their teacher & parents. Written test on Unita’ 7. A1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Exercises in the text. A1. Written quiz on vocabulary words. Students describe what profession they would like to have. Communicative Goals: Expressing desires, opinions, emotions, and doubts. Talking about professions and the workplace, discussing means of transportation. NJCCCS 7.1 & 7.2 A. Le Professioni Italian II Honors Curriculum 21 Timelines Content/Objectives B. I Mezzi di Trasporto C. L’Industria Suggested Activity/ Materials-Equipment Evaluation A2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Written and oral activities to check for comprehension. A2. Complete exercises in the text and correct them orally for comprehension A3. Grammar – Impersonal Expressions and the Present Subjunctive. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar points, and complete oral and written exercises to practice usage and application. A3. Students will list their opinions, doubts, fears, etc. on subjects that are familiar to them using the Subjunctive to be aloud for an oral grade. B1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Exercises in the text. Discussion of transportation in Italy. B1. Written quiz on vocabulary words. Students will write how they would get to different places in the state. B2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Written and oral activities to check for comprehension. B2. Complete exercises in the text and correct them orally for comprehension. B3. Grammar –The Present Subjunctive of Irregular Verbs. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar points, and complete oral and written assignments to practice usage and application. B3. Students will compose sentences using the grammar point, and they will be read aloud and corrected as a class. C1. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Exercises in the text. Written quiz on vocabulary words. Students will complete translation sheets using the vocabulary. C2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Written and oral activities to check for comprehension. C2. Complete exercises in the text and correct them orally for comprehension. Italian II Honors Curriculum 22 Timelines Content/Objectives D. Il Colloquio di Lavoro Suggested Activity/ Materials-Equipment Evaluation C3. Grammar – Conjugations and the use of the Subjunctive. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar point, and complete oral and written exercises to practice usage and application. C3. Complete exercises in the text, oral drills, teacher generated materials, and a written quiz. D1. Vocabulary. Teacher models pronunciation of vocabulary and students repeat and copy into notes. Exercises in the text. D1. Students will put together a resume and apply for a job of their choice to be counted as a project grade. D2. Incontro. Teacher models dialogue and plays CD recording. Written and oral activities to check for comprehension. D2. Complete exercises in the text and correct them orally for comprehension D3. Grammar –Relative Pronouns. Students take notes on the formation of the grammar point, and complete oral and written assignments to practice usage and application. D3. Students write descriptions of people they know using the Relative Pronouns. Written test on Unita’ 8. Final Exam Review 1 week Final Exam Final Exam Final Exam Final Exam Italian II Honors Curriculum 23