Family Caregiver Amount

March 2013
January 2012
3553 Pembina Hwy,
WPG, MB, R3V 1A5
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Did you know?
The new family caregiver credit (FCA)
helps Canadians with the costs of caring
for a dependant with a mental or physical
Important facts
Introduced in the 2011 federal budget, the
FCA is a 15% non-refundable tax credit on
an amount of $2,000 that provides tax
relief for caregivers of dependant relatives
who have a mental or physical impairment.
This includes, for the first time, spouses,
common-law partners, and minor children.
The dependant must be:
The preceding information is
for educational purposes only.
As it is impossible to include
all situations, circumstances
and exceptions in a
commentary such as this, a
further review should be
done. Every effort has been
made to ensure the accuracy
of the information contained
in this commentary. However,
because of the nature of the
subject, no person or firm
involved in the distribution or
preparation of this
commentary accepts any
liability for its contents or use.
An individual 18 years of age or older
and dependant on you because of a
physical or mental impairment; or
A child under 18 years of age, with a
physical or mental impairment. The
impairment must be prolonged and
indefinite, and the child must be dependent on you for assistance in attending to personal needs and care
when compared to children of the
same age.
You may be asked to provide a signed
statement from a medical doctor that provides information on the nature, commencement, and duration of the dependant's impairment. You can claim the family
caregiver amount for more than one eligible dependant.
Please note that the maximum amount for
eligible dependants age 18 or older already
includes the additional amount of $2,000
for the family caregiver amount.
For more information, go to or contact
us with your questions!
Did you know?
If you use public transit, you can claim the
cost of certain public transit passes to reduce the taxes you owe.
Important information
You can claim the cost of monthly or annual passes for unlimited travel within
Canada on any of the following: buses,
streetcars, subways, commuter trains, or
ferries. You may also be able to claim the
cost of shorter duration passes and electronic payment cards in certain circumstances.
When claiming the public transit amount,
keep your transit pass in case the Canada
Revenue Agency (CRA) asks you to verify
your claim. If you do not have your passes,
you can also provide your receipts, cancelled cheques, or credit card statements
to support your claim.
We offer peace of mind
March 2013
January 2012
Upcoming Seminars
3553 Pembina Hwy,
WPG, MB, R3V 1A5
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The preceding information is
for educational purposes only.
As it is impossible to include
all situations, circumstances
and exceptions in a
commentary such as this, a
further review should be
done. Every effort has been
made to ensure the accuracy
of the information contained
in this commentary. However,
because of the nature of the
subject, no person or firm
involved in the distribution or
preparation of this
commentary accepts any
liability for its contents or use.
Tax Seminar - May 29th, 2013
7:00PM to 10:00PM
Do you have a vacant barn or building
that you are not using and that you
would like to rent out? Are you someone who is looking for a place to rent
for storage, or other purposes?
If you answered yes to either of these
questions, we may be able to help! We
work with a wide variety of clients
across Manitoba and often hear stories
from people who are looking for a
building that they could rent for their
business, or people who have an unused building that could be rented out.
Simply let us know if you have a building to rent out, or are wishing to rent
a building from someone and we will
do our best to match you up with
someone who can fill your needs!
For more information, and to find out
how we can help, please contact our
If you would like to get information
about how to reduce your income
taxes, and avoid a CRA audit,
attend our Tax Seminar! You’ll learn
these things and much more!
Keys to Business Success
Seminar - May 30th, 2013
7:00PM to 10:00PM
In the Keys to Business Success
Seminar you’ll learn how to
increase business profits through
better management. Topics include
how to utilize your financial
statements, how to deal with price
resistance from customers, and so
much more!
Contact us for more information and
to reserve your spot!
Tax Season Is Upon Us!
Don’t forget that personal income
taxes and returns are due April 30th,
2013. Beat the rush, and stop by our
office to drop off your tax return
If you have any questions at all
regarding your tax return, do not
hesitate to call our office at
We offer peace of mind