Appraising the Proximate analysis system Dr Gbola Adesogan Proximate Analysis Summary FEED SAMPLE 105oC overnight MOISTURE DM Kjeldahl Nitrogen x 6.25 muffle furnace at 600 OC overnight CRUDE PROTEIN (CP) Ether ASH (minerals) Boil in acid & then alkali ETHER EXTRACT(EE) CRUDE FIBER (+ ASH) NFE = 100 – (CP + EE + CF + Ash + Moisture) Proximate analysis benefits Pros – Basic overview, useful for many years – Cheap – Rapid – Easily understood Cons Inaccurate quantification of nutritional entities Oven drying methods AOAC (1990) – 135o C for 2 hr (feeds) – 105o C for 16 h MAFF – 100oC for 18 hr Note that these methods measure DM concentration rather than moisture concentration – Reflects importance of DM for expressing results & formulating rations Moisture Assay problems Destructive VFAs, NH3 & alcohols lost during oven drying at 105oC – Mainly a problem with fermented feeds –silage, brewers grains Oven-drying only measures physically bound water – Even at 130O C leaves some chemically bound water (water of hydration, chemically bound to minerals) Drying above 60o C can create artifacts that hinder lignin, fiber & ADF analysis Proportion of volatiles lost from grass silage during drying Oven drying Toluene distillation Formic acid 0.67 0.77 Acetic acid 0.89 0.94 Ethanol 0.99 0.96 Lactic acid 0.41 0.10 Ammonia 1.00 - Alternative DM methods Correction equations – Corrected DM = ODM + 0.67 (formic acid) + 0.89 (total VFA) + 0.41 (lactic acid) + 0.99 ( Ethanol) + NH3 – Species-specific Freeze drying (lyophilizing ) – Cooling rapidly to -40°C under vacuum + ice removal by sublimation Slow, low temperature drying e.g. 55oC for 48 h Alternative moisture methods Toluene distillation – Water distilled from sample is trapped under toluene. – May not remove all the water – Assumes water left = volatiles lost, - overestimates DM – Accurate when combined with correction equations – Hazardous, flammable, carcinogenic vapours Alternative moisture methods Karl Fischer Titration (The reference method) I2 + SO2 + 2 H2O 2HI + H2SO4 – V. accurate (suitable for forages with volatiles) – Hazardous & time-consuming, costly – Sampling errors due to small sample size Alternative moisture methods Gas chromatography – Based on ratio of water:alcohol in standard & in sample analyzed – Accurate but requires special equipment Saponification – Lipid + alkali soap + H2O – Time consuming Effect of method on DM content Oven drying 80oC Oven drying 100oC Microwave drying Freeze-drying Toluene distillation Karl fischer titration Saponification Mean DM of 14 silages 304.5 299.0 311.2 301.0 305.8 325.5 326.8 (Kaiser et al., 1995) EE assay problems Assumed to represent ‘high energy’ components i.e. true fat & oil content (2.5 x energy of carbs) Includes complex lipids that are low in energy – E.g. waxes, pigments, fat-soluble vitamins, sterols Some are not digestible e.g. waxes May include protein & other ether-soluble, non fat compounds e.g. chlorophyll, resins etc. Ash assay problems Excludes volatile minerals eg. I & Se, Cl & Zn May include sand & other inorganic elements of organic origin e.g. P & S from proteins Doesn’t identify individual minerals Use atomic absorption spectrophotometer to accurately quantify minerals CF Assay problems Contains some lignin, cellulose & hemicellulose Excludes some fiber fractions – (included in NFE fraction) – Cellulose, lignin Doesn’t reflect the different types of fiber e.g. cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin % of feed lignin & cellulose recovered in CF fraction Lignin Cellulose Pentosans Legumes 30 28 63 Grasses 82 21 76 Others 52 22 64 (Van Soest, 1977) CP assay problems Determined by Kjeldahl analysis which: – Ignores nitrates – Does not indicate unavailable fiber-bound / heat damaged protein – Is based on some questionable assumptions Assumptions of Kjeldahl analysis 1. All proteins contain 16% N Hence uses constant‘6.25’ to convert N to protein 2. All N in the food comes from true protein Problems with assumption 1 All amino acids are not created equal Amino Acid % Nitrogen Alanine 15.72 Arginine 32.16 Aspartate 10.52 Cystine 11.66 Glutamate 9.52 (Bissel, 2002) Therefore, all proteins are not created equal Protein % Nitrogen Casein 15.9 Glycinin 17.5 Hemoglobin 16.8 Ovalbumin 15.5 Serum globulin 16.2 Jones, 1931 Conversion Factors Protein Kjeldahl Conversion Factor Corn 6.25 Eggs 6.25 Milk 6.38 Wheat 5.70 Soy 5.71 Whole Cottonseed 5.90 Ammonia 1.21 (6.25 gives 515% CP) Urea 2.22 (6. 25 gives 281% CP) Jones, 1931 Problems with assumption 2 Nitrogenous compounds in plants include: (Bissel, 2002) Nucleic Acids (DNA/RNA) Cell Wall Proteins Nitrogenous Lipids Ammonium Salts Hence the true protein in the plant is overestimated by the Crude Protein value. the name ‘crude’ protein Secondary Compounds Free Amino Acids Peptides Protein Hence Maynard and Loosli, 1979 Alternative CP methods 1. Combustion methods (e.g. LECO analyzers) – Based on the Dumas (1831) Combustion method – Sample N burnt to elemental N; measured by thermal conductivity Pros – More repeatable/ precise, (error =0.9 vs 0.14 for kjeldahl) – No reagents; less hazardous , – 1.5-2% better estimates of sample N – Quicker; easier Cons – Small sample size problems (now solved) – May need dried sample (now solved) True protein methods 2. Ninhydrin analysis – Involves hydrolyzing protein to aas & – Adding ninhydrin which: – reacts with a-amino acids to produce a purple color. – Color intensity reflects amino acid concentration. – The test is sensitive but the reagent is difficult to prepare 3. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) precipitation – TCA precipitates protein in a liquid e.g. milk – Protein is filtered off, NPN is retained in filtrate – Maceration may be required to free fiber- bound protein True protein methods 4. Colorimetric/ dye binding techniques – Lowry method, Bio-rad, Bradford’s assay etc. – Involve reactions between peptide N, or acidic or basic aas with a dye – Measure soluble/available N – Appropriateness for forages with fiber / tannin bound N – Results may depend on particle size and peptide size, presence of reagents that interfere with the reaction NFE calculation problems Not directly measured, calculated by difference NFE is a very vague measure of several constituents It should estimate non-fiber carbohydrates but does not do this accurately Often includes cell wall components May be less digestible than CF Transfer errors Proximate analysis summary In addition to all the problems previously mentioned, Proximate analysis: – doesn’t account for fecal, urine and gaseous losses. – Ignores palatability, digestibility, toxicity etc Hence, most labs have replaced aspects of the Proximate analysis system with modern analytical techniques References (Prox. Anal. Lecture) D.J.R. Cherney Characterization of Forages by Chemical Analysis. Forage Evaluation in ruminant Nutrition. Eds Givens, Owens & Ohmed. CABI Windham WR, Robertson JA, Leffler RG A comparison of methods for moisture determination of forages for near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy calibration and validation CROP SCI 27 (4): 777-783 JUL-AUG 1987 Cole, E.R., 1969. Alternative methods to the Kjeldahl estimation of protein nitrogen. Review of pure and applied chemistry, 19: 109-130. Galleti, G.C. and Piccaglia, R., 1988. Water determination in silages by Karl Fischer titration. J. Sci. Food Agric., 43: 1-7. D J. Levey, Heidi A. Bissell, and Sean F. O’keefe. Conversion of nitrogen to protein and amino acids in wild fruits. Journal of Chemical Ecology, Vol. 26, No. 7, 2000 Kaiser, A.J, Mailer, R J. and Vonarx, MM. A comparison of Karl Fischer titration with alternative methods for the analysis of silage dry matter content. J Sci Food Agric. 1995. 69:51-59