to The Old Psi – Fall 2014 Newsletter.

Firman Consensus Facit
Cooperation Makes Strength
Psi Diamond Update
It is winter in Pittsburgh and last year’s beautiful summer and gorgeous fall have once again
given way to a gray and cold winter. Many of us put up with these winters because we know
that spring is right around the corner; the re-birth of another year with all its hopes and
I can’t help drawing parallels to what Psi has gone through over the past 10 years. The dark
days of the House closing, the hard work of our re-colonization and the rewards of recruiting
our Founding Father class have definitely given way to the realization of our hopes and dreams;
the re-birth of Psi and the mantel being passed to a new generation.
It is hard to believe that it was just over 10 years ago when I met with Ted Kemp to discuss
taking the role of Psi Diamond President. As I read through some of the articles for this
newsletter, I was struck with the changes that are taking shape at Psi. One of our Founding
Fathers, Korey Mullin, has taken over as the Chair of the Advisor Group. Korey, affectionately
known as Chops, was recruited along with 11 other young men back in 2004 to bring Psi back to
prominence on the Bethany campus.
In his upbeat article, Chops highlights the tangible results of the foundation laid by those
Founding Fathers back on that beautiful spring day in Oxford, Ohio in 2005 when they were
initiated as members of Psi. Not only is the current group of young men continuing to make us
proud with their leadership, scholarship, philanthropic and athletic accomplishments on the
Bethany campus, but we are now seeing a number of them volunteering for key positions
within the Alumni group.
Korey mentions several young Alumni that have stepped forward to take on key roles. These
men continue to be mentored by the old timers as we step into the background. This is exciting
to see a new group of leaders emerge, that can and will ensure the future of Psi. We all need to
applaud, embrace and support their efforts.
In closing, let me quickly mention some of the Brothers that have been very active over the last
10+ years; they have been tireless in their efforts and saw Psi through those dark, cold winter
days. These include our Advisors, House Corporation, Charitable Foundation, Scholarship
Committee, Mentoring Program, just to name a few.
As we approach another spring for Psi Chapter, please know that there is always a place for you
and a need for your support. If you can get involved, please do. If you don’t have the time,
consider supporting our efforts financially. And remember; Giving of yourself never goes out of
Yours in –kai-,
Doug Miller
1075 and Class of 1977
Psi Diamond Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Report to Membership - 2014
Due to the generous financial contributions of many loyal Betas, the Charitable Foundation (CF) is
fiscally sound. The CF Directors are working diligently to invest and protect the assets of the CF,
distributing funds in a manner consistent with the wishes, and in some situations instructions of the
donors. Suggestions and questions regarding the distributions are always welcome, although governed
by the Bylaws and Trust Agreement.
Market value as of 12.31.2014
Investment Performance:
Current Portfolio Asset Allocation:
70% equities/30% fixed income
Contributions in 2014:
Estimated Distributions in 2014:
Bethany College (last contribution of our $250,000 pledge to the BC Capital Campaign)
Bethany College Green & White Sports Association (to support Bethany athletics)
Beta Theta Pi General Fraternity, the first installment on a $175,000 pledge to establish
the Forrest H. Kirkpatrick Memorial Leadership Fund (held at Beta Theta Pi Foundation
in Oxford). The fund will endow twelve scholarships annually for actives to attend
leadership programs sponsored by the Beta Foundation/General Fraternity.
Contributions to the House Corporation, for upgrades to the Beta House.
Scholarship awards to qualifying members of the Active Chapter.
Leadership Conference and Convention (registration and travel support for actives)
Bethany College (first installment toward a total 4-year $20,000 pledge to the Athletic
Department, to co-sponsor the new scoreboard at the new Baseball facility).
Bethany College, the first of three annual contributions to improve the Greek system
(additional funding will come from the other Greek organizations and the College).
Expenses for legal, accounting and investment advisory services for the Charitable
Foundation, Psi Diamond Association and the House Corporation.
Effective in 2014, the CF became a private foundation (we were a public foundation), which created
some additional compliance requirements. The CF now will make a mandatory 5% distribution each
year. While we preferred to be a public foundation it has no effect on our ability to serve the active
chapter or any organization we wish to support.
The CF is planning a strategic planning retreat for 2015, if you have an interest in attending or has ideas
for the Directors, please let us know.
* Contributions to the CF can be made in appreciated stocks, by writing a check or by inclusion in your
will or life insurance policy. Please, call or write for more information.
-Dean Lesiak: 805.794.8338
-Scott Thompson:412.298.2937
Psi Chapter House Corporation Report
January 2015
Art Bertol, Secretary'’82 #1176 and Ted Kaczorowski, President '76 #1064
The Psi Chapter House Corporation in 2014, under the direction of Ted Kaczorowski, experienced the largest
number and scope of capital investments since the house was built in 1995.
Here is an itemized listing of projects with comment:
Projects Pending & Comment
Common Area HVAC
Boiler based heat system was original. Maintenance and upgrades were done over the years but the system
was replaced before it failed. Poor ventilation issues - especially during dormant summer and early fall months
further necessitated the upgrade. The newer high efficiency system is expected to payback within 6 years.
New Roof
Original roof was about 20 years old and showing serious damage to the shingles.
New Concrete Parking Lot
The alley parking area has been gravel/dirt since the house was built.
New Beds and Mattresses
All rooms were refitted with new commercial grade beds and mattresses
All new sleeping room windows
This project was phased in over the last 2 years, but worth mentioning in the scope of major projects at the
Pending Needs: New Room Furniture / Common House Furniture
All room furniture (except the beds now) is original and needs updated.
This could be a great cause to rally our alums for a much needed capital campaign
This work at 12 Church Street took place during the summer break last year and serves to keep the Beta House in
good order and condition to better compete with the many new housing options for Bethany’s very small
enrollment of about 650 students – just 48% are male. This is a very competitive situation.
These are challenges facing the House Corporation:
1. Keeping the house as close to the 20 member capacity as possible. There are currently 15 actives living at
Beta, but we have been as low as 8 members living in the house. We rely entirely on the active chapter to
recruit new members and impress on each the importance and benefits of living at Beta. The House
Corporation must do everything possible to make the house attractive – the actives must do everything
possible to market the house and the many great benefits of joining Beta Theta Pi.
2. Enticing “millennials” to value and enjoy the many outstanding features of Beta while also overcoming
their negative impression of communal living arrangements.
An interesting side note is that while attending the Beta General Convention House Corporation seminar
this past August, it was expressed that many Midwest (Big 10) fraternity house designs have gone to bunk
room designs – which are much preferred by their actives. Interesting!
3. Beta Alums to step into leadership roles with the House Corporation – and our other entities as well.
There are now several Psi faithful that have been held (captive) in our current duties for decades – this is
not good or fair.
4. Along with a need for time commitment in giving back, the habit of giving financially has also waned.
Projects like those listed above are only possible through the generosity of our alums. Please contribute.
The House Corporation continues to make use of a contracted property manager to aid and assist with the day to
day management, maintenance, and repairs of the chapter house. The House Corporation plans to pursue a
funding tool available from the General Fraternity - Designated Educational Area (DEA) Grants which many other
Beta house corporations are obtaining restricted chapter funds to cover the cost of purchase, construction or
renovation of educational areas in the chapter house as well as operational funds related to operating expenses in
these educational areas annually. More about this to follow.
Psi Diamond Treasurer’s Report
Respectfully submitted by Deno Emili, Treasurer, #1100, Class of 1978
Over the past few years, great strides have been made in segregating the functioning of, and
accounting for, the PDA versus HC, especially as to corporate structure and tax liabilities. With
the expertise of our accountants, Lally & Co., and the guidance contributed by Brother Doug
Selwyn, the officers of the House Corp have solidified our standing with the State of West
Virginia and the U. S. Government and worked to segregate assets and liabilities of the two
entities to levels heretofore not accomplished.
The addition this academic year of significant numbers of Actives to the House, and the
tremendous benefits gained from these outstanding men, has allowed Psi Chapter to stabilize
the previously completed financial comeback, which resulted in the late 2000’s in our historic
You can see from the information below that the House Corp remains on solid ground. As you
will read elsewhere herein, we want to focus on contributions to the Psi Diamond. Thanks to
all who donated to date, and to the Active Chapter for honoring their obligations as well.
Covering the day to day operating expenses from rental income in academic 2014 -2015 has
again become routine.
Beginning balance January 1, 2014:
House Operating Expenses January – December:
Rental and other Income January – December:
Balance December 31, 2014:
Beginning balance January 1, 2014:
Expenses January – December:
Income January – December:
Balance December 31, 2014:
Advisor’s Report
This is a very exciting time for the Psi chapter. What a great year for the
actives, with another Woolery cup, top in grades, top recruitment class, and
truthfully the best group of guys that any alumni could ask for. Working with the
actives over the last semester or so has been a wonderful experience. These
actives know they want to leave a legacy behind them after they graduate. Terry
Davis our recruitment advisor has been working ‘hands on’ with our guys to make
steps in planning, how to recruit the right guys, and has been a great resource to
the active house with any issues or concerns they have. I have been in contact
and working with Tristian and other General Fraternity representatives. I am glad
to say that the active house is in great standing.
I would also like to welcome a few new advisors to our team. Brandon
“Spud” Essington (2009) has created a Communication advisor position and taken
over for Byron Shindler who has done a tremendous job since our re-colonization.
He will be working with the active chapter on posting events and activities on its
website. He will also help with communication to the alumni, updating us on the
active house when needed among other responsibilities.
JC Rucker (2012) will be stepping into the Pledge Ed advisor rule. He will be
working with the new generation of Psi Beta’s as well as working with the active
pledge education. Focus on education will benefit the active house tremendously.
JC will be attending this year’s Keystone event with Blake Rowe and me.
Tom Kisner (2011) will be our new ritual advisor. He will be working with
the active house to ensure many of our traditions transfer from year to year. As
well as ensuring that the active chapter holds these traditions to heart and they
are passed down in the proper way from generation to generation.
Yours in –kai-,
Korey “CHOPS” Mullin
2008 and Roll Number 1508
Silver Gray Update
Have you ever heard your wife or some friends say something like, “I have never seen anything like you
Betas from Bethany” when describing the friendships and brotherhood existing, growing and still a vital
part of our lives - in some cases for more than 40 years after becoming a Beta. I am betting you have
heard either this or a similar comment.
But what is most likely surprising to you after hearing such an observation is what else one could expect.
We are not just Betas but friends, and well this is what friends do – stay friends and enjoy being with
one another. Our friendships, beginning with our time together and continuing today are based on the
fact that we sincerely enjoy each other’s company - plain and simple having fun. We had fun while at
Bethany regardless of the location -- meals, house parties, Chapter Meetings, minutes, Christmas
Formal, Beta Weekend, sports (school sponsored and intramurals) and yes even studying –and we will
continue enjoying our friendships for the rest of our lives.
There is no better example of this friendship, or in other words the actual demonstration of what
inspires such comments as, “I have never seen anything….”. Well, these friendships continue to be
experienced and enjoyed to the fullest extent possible on the first Thursday of December at Claudio’s in
Over the past five years a Christmas dinner among
six friends from the South Hills of Pittsburgh has
developed into an annual celebration of over forty
brothers. No longer are we from the Pittsburgh
area but Ohio, West Virginia, New Jersey, and
Maryland and yes even Egypt and California.
We honor those who have passed and no longer
with us but most certainly not forgotten;
reminisce about the days gone by as well as our
lives and families today and what the future holds
for each of us. Oh yes, we also have a fantastic
and authenticate Italian dinner served family style
and yes share a little wine since, after all, we are over 21 and responsible, aging adults. Those attending
represent classes of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s.
As we part company, encouraged by Claudio’s twin sons flashing the lights informing us the restaurant
has closed and it is time to go, everyone says, I cannot wait until next year when we do this again.
Well, the desire for next year to come as quickly as possible is the finest testament as to the friendship
shared and good time had by all. Why you may ask is this evidence so powerful? Well, how often do
you have what is mostly a middle aged group of guys, some of whom may even be classified as old,
wishing time to move faster! Hope you can make it on December 3, 2015 – you will not be
Jim Godish
1973 and # 1002
President’s Message
This past academic year, the Psi
Chapter had numerous successes. Along
with initiating 5 brothers during the
Spring Semester and 3 brothers during
the Fall, for 3 semesters running the
chapter has won the Woolery Cup
(Highest Academic Average Among
Fraternities). Also, for the first time in 5
years, we were able to fill the chapter house to near
capacity of occupancy.
From our trip to Keystone in Cherry Hill, to the
175th General Convention in Oxford, it has been a truly
enjoyable and jovial year for the active chapter. This
November we held a Philanthropy Ball in conjunction
with Phi Mu in order to raise money for both of our
respective philanthropies, Augusta Levy Autism Learning
Center and Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Overall,
it has been a pleasure to serve the chapter as President
and be able to have the honor to do so. Cannot express
enough gratitude that myself and the active chapter have
for the opportunities that have been presented to us.
Yours in __kai__,
Brother Tyler Davis
Recruitment Chair
This fall we have successfully managed to receive
two new pledges into our brotherhood. They are
Steven Pluas and Cameron Deitch. Steve plays
both soccer and lacrosse and is a transfer student,
and Cameron Deitch is a member of the swim
team and is a Beta legacy through his Grandfather.
Steve received Tyler Davis as his big brother and
Cameron received Brandon Trinh. We held a
cookout in September as a recruitment event, and in November we set
up our Chapter Room as a movie theater for a movie night and watched
the movie “Hercules” with some of the independents. Like last year,
the Men of Principle Scholarship has been offered and we are still
currently interviewing possible candidates for the scholarship.
Yours in __kai__,
Brother Dylan Schooley
Results of our Efforts
This Spring has been quite successful in terms of recruitment. Beta Theta Pi
has had the privilege of receiving 11 pledges for bid night this past February
6th. After having handed out open bids, we have a total of 12 new pledges. I
am happy to say that with the help of all the brothers, we were able to
accomplish growing together as a house with recruitment to help bring us
together as a whole. We look forward to sharing being a part of the
wonderful Beta experience with the following pledges: Alex Hannah,
Christian Vogel, Cody Levine, Cooper Roubic, Ian Hayhurst, Jeremy Starr,
John Page, Kevin Bakowski, Landon Orndorff, Matthew Jones, Tim Pagone,
and Tyler Pannebaker.
Parent Advisor’s Report
Dear Parents:
The Beta Alumni are committed to working closely with the active chapter to
assist and guide them when needed.
It has been a busy year for your son. Our Advisory Team has worked closely with
them on many issues and I can continue to report that the Psi Chapter of Beta
Theta Pi is strong, and getting stronger, and continues to be the most respected
fraternity at Bethany College.
As part of your son’s commitment to his brothers and the fraternity, they have
been following the Beta Theta Pi Men of Principle goals.
Cultivation of the Intellect
Leadership Development and Self Governance
Commitment to Community
Membership Education
Responsible Personal Conduct
Chapter Advisors
Member Recruitment
Life Long Fraternal Brotherhood
The Alumni Advisory Team has been recognized by Beta Theta Pi National as one
of the more involved, stronger groups in America.
The Advisory Team and Alumni are very proud of the Active Chapter and their
desire to grow into responsible young men.
Please contact me with any issues or concerns that you may have.
Tim Redman – Parent Advisor
Beta and Bethany College Graduate – 1975
Special Features
Make a
Financial Advisor’s Report
The state of the Chapter’s finances is very good. This is a testament to the
leadership of past treasures Casey Hamilton and Cody McElhaney and current
treasurer Dylan Blaschak as well as the support of the executive team. These
men, through skilled leadership, strong management and by example, resulted in
the active chapter meeting their financial obligations.
Furthermore, the chapter has transitioned over the past four semesters to a new
financial management and information system supported and encouraged by
Oxford, called Bill Highway. The last phase of the conversion is the
implementation of budgeting. The budgeting is scheduled for a test run during
the 2015 spring semester with complete implementation during the 2015 – 2016
school year.
Lastly, the Chapter’s transition to financial stability was, is and will continue to be
made possible with the support of the Psi Charitable Foundation (PCF). In
particular, PCF made it possible for the chapter to meet mandates from Oxford
pertaining to various conferences. Although these sponsored events are crucial
to the long-term success of Psi Chapter as well as Beta Theta Pi itself, they are
financially onerous to small chapters such as ours. Our thanks to PCF and in turn
the alumni who manage and those supporting this entity.
In summary, the continued leadership of the current executive team, supported
by the active chapter, the continued quality of future executive teams, Bill
Highway, PCF and alumni support of Psi Diamond will enable our Chapter to
continue prospering well in to the future.
The Chapter and I thank you for your past, current and future support.
Jim Godish
1973 and Roll Number 1002
Stand Together with your Brothers
Psi Diamond Association exists to further the cause of Psi Chapter, Beta Theta Pi,
and Bethany College. Hopefully what you’ve read in the attached pages gives you
great comfort that our Beloved Psi is strong, vibrant and supports a group of the
finest young men that Bethany has to offer. We can be very proud!
We all have great memories of our years at Bethany and especially of our time in
the House! To see our chapter grow, prosper and produce future leaders we
need to continue to invest. We need your support now more than ever.
Although our Charitable Foundation is financially strong the Psi Diamond
Alumni Association operates independently and we need your help now! Please
provide whatever support you are comfortable giving.
There are several ways for you to make a difference. We have established a link
on our website that allows you to donate via credit card with just a couple clicks.
Visit us at . Or you can make your checks out to Psi
Diamond and send in the self-addressed envelope. Your support is greatly
appreciated and needed. We use every dollar like it is our own; it often is!
The leaders of all Psi organizations thank you and wish you and your loved ones
all the best!
Yours in –kai-,
The Psi Diamond Team
Back to the Future
Another Tradition Returns
Psi Stampede - April 18, 2015
One of the biggest challenges with the re-colonization was the loss of many of the traditions of
Psi from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. At this year’s Keystone Leadership Conference in NJ
the young men asked one of our Founding Fathers what they could do to connect with the
Korey Mullin shared his knowledge of a great but almost forgotten tradition; the Psi Stampede.
The Actives were excited to hear about the great time Brothers had during a spring weekend on
the Bethany Campus. They quickly asked how they could make this event happen.
We have come up with a date that hopefully will work for Actives and Alumni alike; Saturday
April 18th. We are going to keep things relatively simple this year, yet bring back a staple from
Friday night April 17th, the boys will be roasting a pig in the backyard of the House, just like the
good old days. No doubt many stories will be told all night long around the fire pit.
Saturday morning we will be holding a golf outing (course to be determined) from roughly 9:30
until about 2. We will then head down to the House for an informal meeting and then a picnic
Festivities will end afterward and the Alumni can head home or stick around for bonding, storytelling, card playing, etc.
Since this will be the first Pig many of our young men will roast, we are going to need some old
timers to show them the way. Hopefully we can get some volunteers to come to Bethany on
Friday night and spend the evening showing these boys the ropes around the campfire.
Sign-ups will be through the website at If you don’t have access please call
Doug Miller at 412-512-2466 and we will make sure you are registered. We are working on
lodging options currently and will publish that information on the website as soon as it is
Please mark your calendars to be a part of this great event!
Special Thanks
The active Psi
chapter would like to
thank the alumni
again for all the
renovations done on
the house this school year. The house has been a much
better place to live and will be just as great for future
Betas as it was for all the former Betas who got to enjoy
the pleasure of living here. We all greatly appreciate
what you as alumni have done for us and hopefully one
day many of us will get a chance to return the favor to
the alumni and future actives of this wonderful
Mailing Address
12 Church Street
Bethany, WV 26032
Tyler Davis
Vice President
Cody McElhaney
Special thanks to Daniel Faix
for his coordination efforts in
publishing this edition of the
Old Psi. – The Alumni
Dylan Schooley