Demonstration Speech Packet

Name: ____________________________________
Example Demonstration Speech
Demonstration Speech Packet
How to Use Chopsticks
Table of Contents:
Demonstration Speech Assignment (and Rubric)……………1
Example Demonstration Speech…………………………….2-3
Possible Demonstration Speech Topics……………………….4
Step-by-Step Instruction Planning Sheet…………………..5-7
Visual Aid Planning Sheet……………………………………..7
Using Note Cards……………………………………………….8
Speech Writing Practice……………………………………9-12
We have all been told not to play with our food, to use our fork,
knife, and table manners with each meal. I say, throw the fork and knife
into the wind, pick up a pair of chopsticks, and have some fun at
mealtime. Though chopsticks have their own set of “manners,” they can
be as fun, as they are functional.
To begin our chopstick adventure, the only thing that we need is
a pair of chopsticks and a pencil for demonstration purposes. One of the
cool things about chopsticks is that they are everywhere, definitely not as
hard to find as a “chopstick-cautious” person may think. So call your
local Chinese or Japanese take-out restaurant or simply go to Wal-Mart.
(After all, Wal-Mart sells everything!)
It’s important to know what you are looking for though, when
you go shopping for your first pair of chopsticks. Chopsticks are small,
tapered sticks used in pairs of equal length as an eating utensil. They are
commonly made of bamboo or plastic, but are also made of various types
of wood, and even metal, bone, and ivory. (But those are too fancy for
me!) Most importantly though, chopsticks are used in one hand,
between the thumb and fingers, to pick up pieces of food.
The best way to begin is to hold one of your chopsticks like you
would a pencil. Use your demonstration pencil for help. Hold one
chopstick between your thumb and middle finger, positioning the
chopstick so that it rests at the base of your thumb (around the joint) and
the tip of your middle finger. It’s important for beginning purposes that
your pointer, or forefinger, does not touch this chopstick.
Next, place the other chopstick between your forefinger and
thumb with the side of the chopstick resting on the tip of
your thumb and the top of the chopstick rests against the
meat, or pad, of your forefinger. Then, curl your
remaining fingers underneath to support the bottom
chopstick. At this stage, it is important to make sure that
Demonstration Speech Assignment
You will give a 3 – 5 minute speech demonstrating
how to do something. A demonstration speech allows
you to show a step-by-step process, such as how to play a game. For this
speech, I recommend that you use note cards. You must use some type
of visual aid during your speech to help your demonstration. This
speech will be graded on time as well as delivery, content, and use of
visual aid.
Graded Areas
Eye Contact
Did the speaker continuously make eye contact?
Did the speaker take advantage of eye contact to connect with his or her audience?
Voice Control / Volume
Did the speaker speak loudly and clearly?
Did the speaker speak slowly?
Did the speaker stand up straight?
Did the speaker keep his or her hands in an appropriate place?
Did the speaker use hand gestures to enhance or support their meaning?
Introduction / Hook
Did the speaker use a hook to grab the audience’s attention?
Did the speaker use the introduction to preview the main idea and convince audience
members to listen?
Did the speaker use the conclusion to summarize speech and main idea?
Did the speaker use appropriate transitions?
Time: 3-5 Minutes
the two chopsticks are parallel to one another.
After you have stabilized the chopsticks in your hand, and you
begin to feel comfortable holding them, begin moving the top chopstick
up and down, using your thumb and forefinger. It is important when you
begin to move your chopsticks, and touch the tips together, that the
bottom chopstick remains stationary. Just like if you are pinching
something with your fingers; it is easier to bring your forefinger to your
thumb, than bring the two together. (Less work, too!)
Now, it’s time to practice. Use the technique you just learned to
position your chopsticks around a piece of food. Bring the top chopstick
to the bottom. Hold the piece of food firmly between the two chopsticks,
and then it’s time to eat.
Eating with chopsticks takes practice, and it can be quite
tempting after you drop two or three pieces of food in your lap to simply
stab the piece of food with one of the chopsticks. I agree that eating any
type of food on a stick is somehow more fun, but it is considered very
rude, no matter how hungry, or desperate, you may be. Using chopsticks
takes some time to get used to, but the moment you do, I guarantee you
will love it.
Possible Demonstration Speech Topics
Speech Reading Questions:
Underline the materials listed to complete the task. What are they?
Outline the four steps in the speech:
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
Underline any advice, tips, or warnings listed. Identify two below:
To snow board
To iron a shirt
To calculate the mean
To make a fruit cake
To use a washing machine
To apply make-up
To make lemonade
To perform CPR
To apply for college
To face paint
To fly a kite
To clean silver
To clean windows
To vacuum
To sew
To take a photograph
To make a webpage
To arrange flowers
To pass a test
To type
To grill a steak
To shop online
To build a bird house
To make ice cream
To multiply
To make a sand castle
To perform a magic trick
To write a summary
To decorate a Christmas tree
To use a copy machine
To knit a sweater
To paint
To give a speech
To floss your teeth
To wrap a present
To tie your shoelaces
Circle 5 topics that you could possibly
demonstrate to the class. Put a *star*
next to your 2 favorite topics.
To make a pie
To tie a tie
To be a vegetarian
To fix a flat tire
To create a Halloween mask
To clean your car
To play the piano
To dress like a princess
To play a computer game
To organize a surprise party
To print a digital photo
To eat oysters
To make sweet tea
To decorate cupcakes
To register to vote
To read music notes
To play the guitar
To clean your swimming pool
To clean your golf clubs
To make a quick summer salad
To make a candle
To build a shed
To mow the grass
To find demonstration topics
To make Kool-Aid
To stop thinking
To speak Italian
To dry your hair
To use cruise control
To trace your family tree
To make breakfast
To become a doctor
To climb a mountain
To make ice
To become president
To open a door
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: Materials
Introduce the materials required to complete, or demonstrate, this task.
List your materials below:
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________
Step 2: Plan Steps
Break the task down into specific steps or stages. List the steps below:
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________
Step 2.5: Action Verbs
Explain each step with an action verb like stir, twist, thread,
or stretch. Avoid helping verbs like get or be. These words
do not specifically explain the action that needs to be
performed. Create action verbs for each of the steps you listed in Step 2:
1. ______________
5. ______________
2. ______________
6. ______________
3. ______________
7. ______________
4. ______________
8. ______________
Step 3: Elaborate
Using your action verbs, specifically explain how to perform each step.
Add extra detail and imagery (using the five senses) to create a vivid
picture in your audience’s mind.
Step 3.5: Transitions
Choose appropriate transitions to distinguish each step from the next.
Circle some below that you could use:
To start
The second Following this
At first
A final
Also Another
After that
Step 4: Tips, Advice, and Warnings
Identify any tips or advice that you should give your audience during
your speech. List tips or advice below:
Identify any warnings that you should give your audience during your
speech. List warnings below:
Using Note Cards
Using note cards during a demonstration speech can free your hands and
allow you to put down your speech and pick it up again without losing
your place.
Designate a note card for each step of the task you are demonstrating, as
well as a note card for the introduction and conclusion.
How many note cards do you need? _________________
Example Note Card:
Introduction Paragraph
How to Use Chopsticks
We have all been told not to play with our food, to use our fork,
knife, and table manners with each meal. (PAUSE) I say, throw the fork
and knife into the wind, pick up a pair of chopsticks, and have some fun
at mealtime. Even though chopsticks have their own set of “manners,”
Visual Aid Planner
they can be as fun, as they are functional. (PICK UP CHOPSTICKS)
Think about the type of task you are demonstrating and the
materials that you listed in the Step-by-Step Instructions.
What is essential to demonstrate your task? _______________________
Be sure to pick a visual aid that you can easily use or maneuver around
while demonstrating your task.
Plan how and when you plan to use your visual aid in your speech.
Identify three important parts of the note card above:
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
Note Card Tips:
• Be sure that letters are large enough for you to read easily.
• Plan note cards according to logical blocks of material (i.e. one
note card for each step)
• Plan note cards so that you do not have to shuffle cards
• Write cues or reminders on note cards (i.e. LOUDER or pause).
Note Card #1
Speech Writing Practice
Introduction Paragraph
Write in the spaces provided the introduction to your
demonstration speech. It can be about whatever you want. Write
this as if it were your real speech.
Attention-getter sentence: _____________________________________
Introduction (thesis) sentence: _________________________________
Summary of main points: _____________________________________
At the end of this speech, you should be able to ____________________
Body Paragraphs
Create a “body of speech” to show that you understand and
know how to write one. You do not have to do any research.
Point #1:___________________________________________________
Transitional Sentence: ________________________________________
Point #2:___________________________________________________
Transitional Sentence: ________________________________________
Point #3: ___________________________________________________
Conclusion Paragraph
Write in the spaces provided a conclusion for your
demonstration speech. It should be an extension of your
body paragraphs and introduction. Write as if it were your
real speech.
Transitional Sentence: ________________________________________
Summary of main points: _____________________________________
Attention-getter / Closing statement: _____________________________