Buti Websites

http://www.starfall.com/ Pre-K - 2nd grade online activities that promote literacy
http://literactive.com/Home/index.asp interactive primary reading activities and
printable activities
http://www.auburn.edu/%7Emurrag1/bookindex.html decodable books in power
point version
http://www.storylineonline.net/ Listen to stories read by Screen Actors Guild
members - follow along with the text
www.Bcps.k12.md.us/Boardmaker/ - 758 books you can download if you have
http://staff.prairiesouth.ca/%7Ecassidy.kathy/browserbooks/level1.htm This
website was created to allow beginning readers to read books on their web
browser. Readers can click on the triangle in the lower right-hand corner of each
page to turn the pages. If they are unsure of a word, they can click on it to hear a
child's voice read the word to them.
http://reading.ecb.org/ Excellent reading comprehension resource - using prior
knowledge, making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, summarizing,
evaluating and synthesizing. K-4
http://www.planetebook.com/ Free classic literature to download (middle school
and up)
http://bookbuilder.cast.org/explore.php free online tool for creating digital books
with embedded prompts.
http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/storystarters/storystarter1.htm Story
Starters is a bank of writing prompts. Student spins the lever to get a writing
prompt. To allow for even greater creativity, the student can spin wheels to
change any part of the prompt
http://www.spellingcity.com/ insert the week's spelling list and students can play
games, finish worksheets, and complete other interactive activities.
http://www.wordtalk.org.uk/Home/ a free text-to-speech program for the PC that
works within WORD and Outlook and highlights each word that is read. Includes
a talking spell checker and a talking thesaurus
http://www.naturalreaders.com/ free text-to-speech software program which
converts any written text to speech (Word, pdf, websites, emails)
http://clickspeak.clcworld.net/ free Firefox extension that reads the Internet and
highlights phrases and sentences as it reads (multiple languages)
http://fullmeasure.co.uk/powertalk/ free text-to-speech for PowerPoint
Professional Development
http://education.gsu.edu/autism/ Browse examples of instructional best practices
for students with ASD through video and pictures that illustrate the concepts.
www.ocali.org/aim - 60 sessions. Spanish also. Pre and Post assessments. Ohio
Center of autism and low incidence
www.elearning.autism.net/en/index.php -free down loads, visuals for free, PD
www.autismnetwork.org – PD in print, quizzes
http://education.gsu.edu/autism/ - examples of instructional best practices for
students with ASD through video and pictures that illustrate the concepts.
http://www.behaviordoctor.org/ Behavior website with professional development
presentation handouts. A whole section of behavior data sheets.
http://www.freebehaviorcharts.com/charts/ A variety of behavior charts for data
http://www.time-for-time.com/swf/myclox.swf Online analog clock, can
manipulate clock and show digital time equivalent. Great for Interactive
WhiteBoards or touchscreen monitors.
Writing (creative process)
http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/jeather/writingfun/writingfun.html interactive,
online, structured writing tool to help elementary age students write descriptions,
narratives, poetry, explanations, procedures, etc.
http://ourstory.com/splash.html#%7COur create a timeline story with pictures and
http://www.bubbl.us/ free brainstorming and organizing tool
http://mywebspiration.com/ free, beta graphic organizer tool by Inspiration
http://www.mindomo.com/ online mind-mapping tool, easily share with others
(free version and $6 a month version)
http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/ssass/html/graphicorganizers.html 40
downloadable templates to use in a word processing program
http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page mind mapping
Writing (cont’d)
http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/- Help your students children classify
ideas and communicate more effectively. Use graphic organizers to structure
writing projects, to help in problem solving, decision making, studying, planning
research and brainstorming. This web site allows you to select various graphic
organizers to print.
http://www.teachervision.fen.com/graphic-organizers/printable/6293.html This
website has hundreds of down loadable graphic organizers
http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/ - These
tools help students with the critical steps that come between research and writing
http://www.oatsoft.org/Software/NumberNavigator program that assists those
with fine motor problems to set out columnar arithmetic, without the need for a
http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/default.aspx free program to create
graphs and charts
http://www.mathplayground.com/ excellent site for Math activities for K - 8,
make sure to explore the Mathcasts. Mathcasts allow students to review math
when THEY need to.
http://mathfactcafe.com/ pre-made or create your own math worksheets.
Core academics
http://www.studystack.com/ create interactive web-based flashcards or use ones
that are already created. There are also games to use to study as well.
http://www.flashcardmachine.com/ create interactive web-based study flash cards
http://www.flashcardexchange.com/ large online library of flashcards. Create your
own, study online or offline. Can be downloaded to Word, & Excel
http://www.awesomehighlighter.com/ tool that highlights text on a web page;
save the URL or email it
http://animoto.com/education create fully customized videos of user-selected
images and music almost instantaneously. The web application does all the work
once you select your images and audio
Social- Comic strip creators
http://www.jkp.com/mindreading/ Mind reading- you can explore different
emotions- you can see and hear them.
Do2learn.com/games/facialexpressions/face.htm (afraid, interested, sad, ashamed,
disgusted, surprised, happy, angry)
 Do2learn.com/games/ (multiple choice emotion game)
Voicethread.com -View a photo or scanned document and you can type, record
or call in a response. Capture audio for online digital storytelling. This is one of
the best tools for reaching the needs of all the learners in our classrooms, for all
content areas from K-12. The pro version is free to K-12 educators. Make sure
you watch the excellent tutorials to take advantage of all the features this tool has
to offer.
www.sandbox-learning.com -customized social stories and news letter
http://www.modelmekids.com -videos demonstrate social skills by modeling
http://www.socialskillbuilder.com/ -video sequences of real-life social scenarios
http://www.watchmelearn.com/ -video based lessons
lt.mspx you will be amazed at how quickly you can create slide shows or movies
from your class photos. Upload your photos in seconds, easily add music and you
have a year end presentation of your class activities.
http://photopeach.com/ even easier than Photo Story and it's online so it doesn't
matter what computer platform you are using. Import photos, write captions, add
music, done!
http://animoto.com/education create fully customized videos of user-selected
images and music almost instantaneously. The web application does all the work
once you select your images and audio
http://www.cccoe.net/social/skillslist.htm Rubrics and lots of really nice lessons
for middle school students.
http://www.ccsd.edu/LittleTor.cfm?subpage=1804 premade social stories ready
to print
http://www.dltk-cards.com/chart/ -free website to create your own schedule. Pick
from themes or create your own theme. Chose the schedule format.
http://www.pics4learning.com/ - can use pictures for schedules
Schedules (cont’d)
Google images can be used for schedule pictures
http://www.child-autism-parent-cafe.com/visual-schedules.html article featuring
several strategies for how and why to use checklists and schedules
http://pblchecklist.4teachers.org/ customizable project checklists
 http://www.allcushions.com/- beaded seating cushions
http://www.thebeanbagchairoutlet.com/ a variety of different bean bag chairs
Http://adaptivemall.com a large selection of therapy balls
http://www.precuttennisballs.com/colors.html tennis balls can be put on the legs
of chairs so that they do not make sound
http://www.onestopsensoryshop.com/ sensory boxes, weighted lap pads, weighted
vests, and much more
http://www.toystoolsandtreasures.com/ fiddle toys and other sensory objects
http://www.autismshop.com/ sensory objects, fiddle toys and other items
http://www.officeplayground.com/default.aspx fidget toys
http://www.toysforautism.com/ toys and fidgets
http://www/extrapackaging.com/parentteacher site for very durable folders
http://www.schoolmate.com/ school agendas and folders
http://www.studentagendas.com/ school agendas
http://www.classroomproducts.com/study-carrels.html- portable student carrels
http://www.bizchair.com/studycarrels.html- a variety of student carrels
http://innovantbusinesssolutions.com/carrelstore/- portable student carrels
http://www.packaginganddesign.com/studycarrels/ portable study carrels
http://www.packaginganddesign.com/studycarrels/ variety of carrels
www.spdconnection.com/ -OT site
10 for $60 study carrels
Miscellaneous (cont’d)
http://www.lessons4all.org/ - website with purchased and free lesson plans and
presentation hand-outs
http://www.cindysautisticsupport.com/ many links to various classroom pics,
visuals, premade social stories, favorite links, and much more
http://www.autism4teachers.com/ many examples of premade visuals and social
stories that can be downloaded and printed. Photos of visual structure in
classrooms. Links to other great sites.
http://polyxo.com/ many printable pre-made resources. Information and links to
best practice strategies.
http://www.autismclassroom.com/home/ has free training power points, free
visuals to download and print, photos and videos of classroom ideas.
http://www.tinsnips.org/ premade downloadable and printable visuals
http://www.autismhelp.info/htm/printfiles_index.htm printable files on ideas on
working with children with autism
http://www.specialed.us/autism/05/visualexamplesindex.htm examples/photos of
ideas for structure, schedules and work tasks.
http://www.spectrumtrainingsystemsinc.com/graffiti.html lists of examples of
modifications and accommodations for all areas.
http://www.speakingofspeech.com/Home_Page.html an interactive forum for
speech/language pathologists and teachers to improve communication skills in our
schools. You can exchange ideas, techniques, materials, and lessons that work.
http://www.oneplaceforspecialneeds.com/ Hundreds of resources for all
disabilities. Many great links.
www.onionmountaintech.com catalog of modifications and accommodations
http://www.aacintervention.com/index.htm many ideas and photos and printables
http://www.switchintime.com/index.html has a free section with some great
computer based activities
http://www.autismshop.com inexpensive pre-made visuals, sensory items, soft
ware and other items for children with autism
http://www.do2learn.com/ free downloads, games, schedules and other visuals
http://www.mayer-johnson.com/ products to buy and free downloads if you have
Miscellaneous (cont’d)
http://onlineorganizing.com/ProductsPage.asp?name=HomeworkPad has a
homework organization page and other organization forms.
https://www.boardmakershare.com/default many free pre-made activities This is a
share site.
http://www.printfreegraphpaper.com/ custom graph paper.
http://www.highlightertapes.com/ highlighter tape in many different colors
http://www.cindysautisticsupport.com/ many resources for creating an autism
http://www.pecsforall.com/pictoselector/index_en.html free printable visuals
http://www.scatc.org/pages/teacch_work_jobs.htm work tasks- photos of many
work tasks