Verbal Master IV Unit I3
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Write a sentence using each of our five new Verbal Master words. Remember to use
proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question marks and exclamation marks) at the
beginning and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
1. conspicuous
2. inept ____________________________________________________________________
3. insipid ___________________________________________________________________
4. complacent
5. preclude _________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I3
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Please unscramble the words and write the words in complete sentences. Remember to
use proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question and exclamation marks) at the beginning
and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
at the party the girl tried too conspicuous not to be __________________________
inept or insipid other to like her she wanted the and not see her as being _______
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I3
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Correct Order
Directions: Put a ‘B’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the beginning of the story. Put
an ‘M’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the middle of the story. Put an ‘E’ in the space
next to the sentence that belongs in the end of the story.
_____ If she acted too complacent, however, she would preclude the chance of being liked.
_____ She wanted the others to like her and not see her as being inept or insipid.
_____ The girl tried not to be too conspicuous at the party.
Creative Writing
Directions: Write a three sentence paragraph using any three of the five new Verbal Master words
listed below. Use one new word in each sentence. Include one new word in the beginning sentence, one
new word in the middle sentence, and one new word in the ending sentence. Make sure that all three
sentences (beginning, middle, and ending) make sense together. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I3
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Choosing a Topic
Directions: Read the three sentences below. Choose any one of the three topic sentences you read.
The sentence you choose will be the main idea of a new story you are about to write. Write that topic
sentence under the space that says main idea. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
The big orange tent was the most conspicuous tent on the whole fair ground.
The student’s poor grades precluded him from joining the soccer team.
The inept man kept tripping over everything in sight.
Main Idea
Staying on Topic
Directions: You will write your story in stages or steps. The first step was choosing the topic
sentence or the main idea. The next step will involve expanding this story. Please write three new
sentences describing three different thoughts about the main idea. Put one sentence in each space. Be
sure to use your best handwriting.
Sentence #1__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I3
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Using Detail
Directions: Write the main idea or topic sentence in the top space. Then, write the three sentences
you just finished in the three paragraph spaces below. Remember, put one sentence in each paragraph
space. We will now expand on what your wrote by writing two or three new sentences describing the
first sentence in each paragraph space. Use your best handwriting.
Main Idea _________________________________________________________________
Sentence #1 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I4
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Write a sentence using each of our five new Verbal Master words. Remember to use
proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question marks and exclamation marks) at the
beginning and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
1. skeptical _________________________________________________________________
2. rejuvenate
3. bias
4. dearth
5. authentic ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I4
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Please unscramble the words and write the words in complete sentences. Remember to
use proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question and exclamation marks) at the beginning
and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
on the dearth of their bias authentic evidence supporting their claim they based
to rejuvenate the drug makers claimed older patients _________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I4
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Correct Order
Directions: Put a ‘B’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the beginning of the story. Put
an ‘M’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the middle of the story. Put an ‘E’ in the space
next to the sentence that belongs in the end of the story.
_____ They based their bias on the dearth of authentic evidence supporting their claim.
_____ The doctors remained skeptical.
_____ The drug makers claimed to rejuvenate older patients.
Creative Writing
Directions: Write a three sentence paragraph using any three of the five new Verbal Master words
listed below. Use one new word in each sentence. Include one new word in the beginning sentence, one
new word in the middle sentence, and one new word in the ending sentence. Make sure that all three
sentences (beginning, middle, and ending) make sense together. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I4
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Choosing a Topic
Directions: Read the three sentences below. Choose any one of the three topic sentences you read.
The sentence you choose will be the main idea of a new story you are about to write. Write that topic
sentence under the space that says main idea. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
The teacher was skeptical about the student’s project idea.
Everyone was amazed to see an authentic 20 carat diamond.
The town’s people believed that the con man’s potion would rejuvenate their crops.
Main Idea
Staying on Topic
Directions: You will write your story in stages or steps. The first step was choosing the topic
sentence or the main idea. The next step will involve expanding this story. Please write three new
sentences describing three different thoughts about the main idea. Put one sentence in each space. Be
sure to use your best handwriting.
Sentence #1__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I4
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Using Detail
Directions: Write the main idea or topic sentence in the top space. Then, write the three sentences
you just finished in the three paragraph spaces below. Remember, put one sentence in each paragraph
space. We will now expand on what your wrote by writing two or three new sentences describing the
first sentence in each paragraph space. Use your best handwriting.
Main Idea _________________________________________________________________
Sentence #1 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I5
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Write a sentence using each of our five new Verbal Master words. Remember to use
proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question marks and exclamation marks) at the
beginning and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
1. marred
2. heed ____________________________________________________________________
3. divert ___________________________________________________________________
4. negligence
5. immutable _______________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I5
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Please unscramble the words and write the words in complete sentences. Remember to
use proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question and exclamation marks) at the beginning
and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
evening was the marred by unusual accident an _______________________________
detour sign the driver of had failed to the car heed the ________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I5
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Correct Order
Directions: Put a ‘B’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the beginning of the story. Put
an ‘M’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the middle of the story. Put an ‘E’ in the space
next to the sentence that belongs in the end of the story.
_____ The driver of the car had failed to heed the detour sign.
_____ This forced him to divert onto a finished ramp.
_____ This evening was marred by an unusual accident.
Creative Writing
Directions: Write a three sentence paragraph using any three of the five new Verbal Master words
listed below. Use one new word in each sentence. Include one new word in the beginning sentence, one
new word in the middle sentence, and one new word in the ending sentence. Make sure that all three
sentences (beginning, middle, and ending) make sense together. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I5
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Choosing a Topic
Directions: Read the three sentences below. Choose any one of the three topic sentences you read.
The sentence you choose will be the main idea of a new story you are about to write. Write that topic
sentence under the space that says main idea. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
The front door was marred by eggs and tomatoes.
The young girls did not heed the warning that the bridge was out.
The doctor’s negligence caused his patient to die.
Main Idea
Staying on Topic
Directions: You will write your story in stages or steps. The first step was choosing the topic
sentence or the main idea. The next step will involve expanding this story. Please write three new
sentences describing three different thoughts about the main idea. Put one sentence in each space. Be
sure to use your best handwriting.
Sentence #1__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I5
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Using Detail
Directions: Write the main idea or topic sentence in the top space. Then, write the three sentences
you just finished in the three paragraph spaces below. Remember, put one sentence in each paragraph
space. We will now expand on what your wrote by writing two or three new sentences describing the
first sentence in each paragraph space. Use your best handwriting.
Main Idea _________________________________________________________________
Sentence #1 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I6
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Write a sentence using each of our five new Verbal Master words. Remember to use
proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question marks and exclamation marks) at the
beginning and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
1. trepidation ______________________________________________________________
2. bastion
3. zealous
4. indomitable
5. pugnacity ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I6
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Please unscramble the words and write the words in complete sentences. Remember to
use proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question and exclamation marks) at the beginning
and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
the thought of attacking in trepidation over the enemy’s bastion the soldiers sat
would prolong they knew indomitable behavior their pugnacity the enemy’s _____
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I6
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Correct Order
Directions: Put a ‘B’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the beginning of the story. Put
an ‘M’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the middle of the story. Put an ‘E’ in the space
next to the sentence that belongs in the end of the story.
_____ They knew the enemy’s indomitable behavior would prolong their pugnacity.
_____ They knew they would meet a zealous enemy unwilling to give in.
_____ The soldiers sat in trepidation over the thought of attacking the enemy’s bastion.
Creative Writing
Directions: Write a three sentence paragraph using any three of the five new Verbal Master words
listed below. Use one new word in each sentence. Include one new word in the beginning sentence, one
new word in the middle sentence, and one new word in the ending sentence. Make sure that all three
sentences (beginning, middle, and ending) make sense together. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I6
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Choosing a Topic
Directions: Read the three sentences below. Choose any one of the three topic sentences you read.
The sentence you choose will be the main idea of a new story you are about to write. Write that topic
sentence under the space that says main idea. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
The troops could see the evil ruler’s bastion sitting high on the distant hill.
The father sensed trepidation in his son as they approached the ski slope for the first
The indomitable spirit of the high school track team made them unbeatable.
Main Idea
Staying on Topic
Directions: You will write your story in stages or steps. The first step was choosing the topic
sentence or the main idea. The next step will involve expanding this story. Please write three new
sentences describing three different thoughts about the main idea. Put one sentence in each space. Be
sure to use your best handwriting.
Sentence #1__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I6
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Using Detail
Directions: Write the main idea or topic sentence in the top space. Then, write the three sentences
you just finished in the three paragraph spaces below. Remember, put one sentence in each paragraph
space. We will now expand on what your wrote by writing two or three new sentences describing the
first sentence in each paragraph space. Use your best handwriting.
Main Idea _________________________________________________________________
Sentence #1 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I7
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Write a sentence using each of our five new Verbal Master words. Remember to use
proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question marks and exclamation marks) at the
beginning and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
1. revere
2. denounce ________________________________________________________________
3. candid __________________________________________________________________
4. impartial
5. disdain __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I7
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Please unscramble the words and write the words in complete sentences. Remember to
use proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question and exclamation marks) at the beginning
and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
the parents membership why some children would try to could not understand
revere gang _______________________________________________________________
must be their gangs clear disdain toward _____________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I7
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Correct Order
Directions: Put a ‘B’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the beginning of the story. Put
an ‘M’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the middle of the story. Put an ‘E’ in the space
next to the sentence that belongs in the end of the story.
_____ Their disdain toward gangs must be clear.
_____ They knew they had to denounce gang behavior in very candid terms.
_____ They could not understand why some children would try to revere gang membership.
Creative Writing
Directions: Write a three sentence paragraph using any three of the five new Verbal Master words
listed below. Use one new word in each sentence. Include one new word in the beginning sentence, one
new word in the middle sentence, and one new word in the ending sentence. Make sure that all three
sentences (beginning, middle, and ending) make sense together. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I7
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Choosing a Topic
Directions: Read the three sentences below. Choose any one of the three topic sentences you read.
The sentence you choose will be the main idea of a new story you are about to write. Write that topic
sentence under the space that says main idea. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
The crowd angrily began to denounce the actions of their mayor.
The interview with the actor began on very candid terms.
The man’s disdain toward the military became very clear.
Main Idea
Staying on Topic
Directions: You will write your story in stages or steps. The first step was choosing the topic
sentence or the main idea. The next step will involve expanding this story. Please write three new
sentences describing three different thoughts about the main idea. Put one sentence in each space. Be
sure to use your best handwriting.
Sentence #1__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I7
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Using Detail
Directions: Write the main idea or topic sentence in the top space. Then, write the three sentences
you just finished in the three paragraph spaces below. Remember, put one sentence in each paragraph
space. We will now expand on what your wrote by writing two or three new sentences describing the
first sentence in each paragraph space. Use your best handwriting.
Main Idea _________________________________________________________________
Sentence #1 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I8
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Write a sentence using each of our five new Verbal Master words. Remember to use
proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question marks and exclamation marks) at the
beginning and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
1. extol ____________________________________________________________________
2. pragmatic
3. novel
4. proponent
5. rigorous _________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I8
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Please unscramble the words and write the words in complete sentences. Remember to
use proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question and exclamation marks) at the beginning
and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
when the people started the athlete to extol his ability seemed confused _______
the reason pragmatic he won was more ______________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I8
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Correct Order
Directions: Put a ‘B’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the beginning of the story. Put
an ‘M’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the middle of the story. Put an ‘E’ in the space
next to the sentence that belongs in the end of the story.
_____ He won because he was a proponent of rigorous daily practice.
_____ The athlete seemed confused when the people started to extol his ability.
_____ The reason he won was more pragmatic.
Creative Writing
Directions: Write a three sentence paragraph using any three of the five new Verbal Master words
listed below. Use one new word in each sentence. Include one new word in the beginning sentence, one
new word in the middle sentence, and one new word in the ending sentence. Make sure that all three
sentences (beginning, middle, and ending) make sense together. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I8
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Choosing a Topic
Directions: Read the three sentences below. Choose any one of the three topic sentences you read.
The sentence you choose will be the main idea of a new story you are about to write. Write that topic
sentence under the space that says main idea. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
The principal was looking for a worthy student upon whom he could extol the “Student
of the Year” honor.
The athletes were ready for a rigorous year on the basketball court.
The neighbors were all proponents of animal control.
Main Idea
Staying on Topic
Directions: You will write your story in stages or steps. The first step was choosing the topic
sentence or the main idea. The next step will involve expanding this story. Please write three new
sentences describing three different thoughts about the main idea. Put one sentence in each space. Be
sure to use your best handwriting.
Sentence #1__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities
Verbal Master IV Unit I8
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Using Detail
Directions: Write the main idea or topic sentence in the top space. Then, write the three sentences
you just finished in the three paragraph spaces below. Remember, put one sentence in each paragraph
space. We will now expand on what your wrote by writing two or three new sentences describing the
first sentence in each paragraph space. Use your best handwriting.
Main Idea _________________________________________________________________
Sentence #1 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 4 Writing Activities