Intertype Relationships - Reverse Engineering Person A ↓ (rows) Person B → ↓ MBTI → (columns) ↓ socionics → ENTP ISFJ ESFJ INTP ENFJ ISTP ESTP INFJ ESFP INTJ ENTJ ISFP ESTJ INFP ENFP ISTJ ILE = ENTp SEI = ISFp ESE = ESFj LII = INTj EIE = ENFj LSI = ISTj SLE = ESTp IEI = INFp SEE = ESFp ILI = INTp LIE = ENTj ESI = ISFj LSE = ESTj EII = INFj IEE = ENFp SLI = ISTp ENTP ILE = ENTp ISFJ SEI = ISFp ESFJ ESE = ESFj INTP LII = INTj ENFJ EIE = ENFj ISTP LSI = ISTj Idn Dlt Act Mrr Bn < Sp < Lkl Ill Ego Cnt Qid Cnf Bn ^ Sp ^ Cmp Sdl Dlt Idn Mrr Act Sp < Bn < Ill Lkl Cnt Ego Cnf Qid Sp ^ Bn ^ Sdl Cmp Act Mrr Idn Dlt Cmp Sdl Bn ^ Sp ^ Qid Cnf Ego Cnt Lkl Ill Bn < Sp < Mrr Act Dlt Idn Sdl Cmp Sp ^ Bn ^ Cnf Qid Cnt Ego Ill Lkl Sp < Bn < Bn ^ Sp ^ Cmp Sdl Idn Dlt Act Mrr Bn < Sp < Lkl Ill Ego Cnt Qid Cnf Sp ^ Bn ^ Sdl Cmp Dlt Idn Mrr Act Sp < Bn < Ill Lkl Cnt Ego Cnf Qid ESTP INFJ SLE = ESTp IEI = INFp ESFP SEE = ESFp INTJ ILI = INTp ENTJ LIE = ENTj ISFP ESI = ISFj ESTJ LSE = ESTj INFP EII = INFj Ego Cnt Qid Cnf Bn ^ Sp ^ Cmp Sdl Idn Dlt Act Mrr Bn < Sp < Lkl Ill Cnt Ego Cnf Qid Sp ^ Bn ^ Sdl Cmp Dlt Idn Mrr Act Sp < Bn < Ill Lkl Qid Cnf Ego Cnt Lkl Ill Bn < Sp < Act Mrr Idn Dlt Cmp Sdl Bn ^ Sp ^ Cnf Qid Cnt Ego Ill Lkl Sp < Bn < Mrr Act Dlt Idn Sdl Cmp Sp ^ Bn ^ Bn < Sp < Lkl Ill Ego Cnt Qid Cnf Bn ^ Sp ^ Cmp Sdl Idn Dlt Act Mrr Sp < Bn < Ill Lkl Cnt Ego Cnf Qid Sp ^ Bn ^ Sdl Cmp Dlt Idn Mrr Act Ill Lkl Sp < Bn < Mrr Act Dlt Idn Sdl Cmp Sp ^ Bn ^ Cnf Qid Cnt Ego Lkl Ill Bn < Sp < Act Mrr Idn Dlt Cmp Sdl Bn ^ Sp ^ Qid Cnf Ego Cnt Homo/Heter Homoverted Heteroverted Homoverted Heteroverted Homoverted Heteroverted Symm/Asym Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical Asymmetrical Asymmetrical Rhythm/Arhy LII=INTj's B-type Idn Dlt Act Mrr Bn < Sp < Look-alike Lkl Homoverted Symmetrical Rhythmical Illusionary Ill Heteroverted Symmetrical Rhythmical Super-Ego Contrary Quasi-identical Conflicting Benefit ^ Supervision ^ Ego Cnt Qid Cnf Bn ^ Sp ^ Homoverted Heteroverted Homoverted Heteroverted Homoverted Heteroverted Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical Symmetrical Asymmetrical Asymmetrical Rhythmical Rhythmical Arhythmical Arhythmical Arhythmical Arhythmical Comparative Cmp Homoverted Symmetrical Rhythmical Sdl Heteroverted Symmetrical Rhythmical Identical Duality Activity Mirror Benefit < Supervision < Semi-dual PersonalityPage → Keirsey → Pierce (CelebrityTypes) → Rhythmical Rhythmical Arhythmical Arhythmical Arhythmical Arhythmical LII = INTj ESE = ESFj SEI = ISFp ILE = ENTp IEI = INFp SLE = ESTp EII = INFj LSE = ESTj ESI = ISFj LIE = ENTj ILI = INTp SEE = ESFp SLI = ISTp IEE = ENFp LSI = ISTj ✔ ✔ ✔ (p > j) (p > j) (p > j) (if p) (if j) (if p) (if j) ✔ ✔ ✔ (j > p) (j > p) EIE = ENFj (if p) (if j) A T ISFP ENTJ INTJ ESFP ISTJ ENFP ISTP ~I ~D ~A ~T T A D ✔ ENFJ ✔ ✔ (j > p) (j > p) (if j) ENTP ISFJ ESFJ INTP ENFJ ISTP ESTP INFJ ILE = ENTp Visionary Inventor SEI = ISFp Nurturer Protector ESE = ESFj Caregiver Provider LII = INTj Thinker Architect EIE = ENFj Giver Teacher LSI = ISTj Mechanic Crafter SLE = ESTp Doer Promoter IEI = INFp Protector Counselor Originator Guardian Cooperator Abstractionist Persuader Fe Si Ne Ti Ti Ne Si Fe Fe Ni Se Ti Socionics → Sociotype → TypeLogic → Mrr Mirror Pal 1:2 4:3 2:1 3:4 Act Activity Supplement 1:3 4:2 2:4 3:1 Dlt Duality Anima 1:4 4:1 2:3 3:2 Idn Identical Identity 1:1 4:4 2:2 3:3 Sdl Semi-dual Pedagogue 1:4 4:1 2:~2 3:~3 3.5% 11.5% 11.0% 4.0% 3.5% Mentor / Actor Envisioner Mentor Counselor 29% Green 39% White 33% Red % general popn ~I ~D Stack A vs. B Auxiliary Tertiary A T T A I D D I ~D ~I ~I ~D Inferior I D A T ~T ~A Dominant D i T A T A Inferior I D A T A T T A ~D ~I ~I ~D A T T A ~D ~I ~T ~A ~D ~I ~D ~I ~T ~A ~T ~I ~D ~I ~D ~A ~D ~I ~T ~A A T I ~I ~D ~A ~T ~A ~T D ~T ~A ~D ~I I D ~T ~A ~T ~I ~D D I ~A ~D ~I ~T ~A ~T ~A I I ~A ~T D I ~A ~T D INTJ ENTJ ISFP ESTJ (if p) Si Fe Ti Ne RL:/.../MBTI interrelationships5a.ods saved 02/28/2016 19:20:58 INFP ESTJ (if p) ✔ (j > p) Ne Ti Fe Si another → Dominant D i T A ~A ~T (if j) Dominant = 1 Auxilliary = 2 Tertiary = 3 Inferior = 4 INTP ✔ ✔ (p > j) (p > j) INTP ESFJ ISFJ ENTP INFJ ESTP ✔ Critic / Mastermind Designer Theorizer Rationalist, Philosopher = LII = INTj Thinker INTP's B-type (if j) Seeker / Guardian / Bonvivant / Inventor Conservator Enthusiast Explorer Protector Facilitator Berens (CognitiveProcesses) → Inventor Supporter Caretaker Scientist, Advocate, Passionate Joiner another → ThoughtLeader Poet, Teacher Note my change of symbols: 1:2 = Dominant : Auxilliary ✔ ✔ Stack B vs. A Auxiliary Tertiary A T T A I D D I I D D I P/J Sdl Cmp Sp ^ Bn ^ Cnf Qid Cnt Ego Ill Lkl Sp < Bn < Mrr Act Dlt Idn (if p) Socionics → For: ✔ Altered Variables N/S T/F Cmp Sdl Bn ^ Sp ^ Qid Cnf Ego Cnt Lkl Ill Bn < Sp < Act Mrr Idn Dlt Column belongs to Person A. Contents belong to Person B. Column belongs to Person B. Contents belong to Person A. E/I ENFP ISTJ IEE = ENFp SLI = ISTp ESFP SEE = ESFp ILI = INTp LIE = ENTj ESI = ISFj LSE = ESTj Performer Scientist Executive Artist Guardian Performer Mastermind Field Marshal Composer Supervisor Vibrant Expressive Wizard Subjugator Complier? LifeAffirmer artist Politician / Analyst / Enterpriser / Mediator / Administrator / Ambassador Scientist Pioneer Peacemaker Director Motivator Conceptualizer Strategist Composer Implementor Presenter Director Mobilizer Producer Supervisor SensationSeeker Designer/Archi/ MiddleExpressionist, Dutiful Soldier / / Groupie Engneer manager, Fixer Performer OrgnMan INFP ENFP ISTJ EII = INFj Idealist Healer IEE = ENFp Inspirer Champion SLI = ISTp Duty Fulfiller Inspector Searcher Solidifier? Masterer? Conquerer Teacher Craftsman / Mechanic Analyzer Operator Artisan / Technician Legionnaire / Conqueror Promoter Executor Politician, Entrepreneur Humanist / Empath Foreseer Developer Ti Se Ni Fe Se Ti Fe Ni Ni Fe Ti Se Se Fi Te Ni Ni Te Fi Se Te Ni Se Fi Fi Se Ni Te Te Si Ne Fi Fi Ne Si Te Bn < Benefit< Advisor 1:3 4:2 2:~1 3:~4 asymmetric 1:~2 4:~3 2:4 3:1 Cnf Conflicting Novelty 1:~3 4:~2 2:~4 3:~1 Qid Quasi-ident Complement 1:~2 4:~3 2:~1 3:~4 Cnt Contrary Contrast 1:~1 4:~4 2:~2 3:~3 Ego Super-Ego Enigma 1:~4 4:~1 2:~3 3:~2 Ill Illusionary Cohort 1:~1 4:~4 2:3 3:2 Lkl Look-alike Companion 1:~4 4:~1 2:2 3:3 2.0% 6.5% 3.0% 3.5% 7.0% 10.0% 4.5% Cmp Sp < Comparative Supervision< Neighbor Counterpart 1:1 1:2 4:4 4:3 2:~3 2:~4 3:~2 3:~1 asymmetric 1:~3 4:~2 2:1 3:4 5.0% 4.5% Page 1 Ethicist Dreamer Lyricist / Romantic Harmonizer Clarifier Dreamer Psychologist / Inspector / Reporter Pragmatist Discoverer Planner Advocate Inspector PeaceMaker, Curator,Repo Harmonizer rter,Accntnt Ne Fi Te Si Si Te Fi Ne Sp ^ Bn ^ Supervision^ Benefit^ Tribesman Suitemate 1:~3 1:~2 4:~2 4:~3 2:1 2:4 3:4 3:1 asymmetric asymmetric 1:2 1:3 4:3 4:2 2:~4 2:~1 3:~1 3:~4 7.0% 12.5% Intertype Relationships - Reverse Engineering Green Red ENTP 0 0 ISFJ 1 0 ESFJ 0 1 INTP 0 0 ENFJ 0 1 ISTP 0 0 ESTP 0 1 INFJ 1 0 ESFP 0 1 INTJ 1 0 ENTJ 0 0 ISFP 0 0 ESTJ 0 0 INFP 0 0 ENFP 0 1 ISTJ 1 0 Green White Red 28% 32% 41% 21% 52% 28% 22% 52% 27% 29% 39% 33% 22% 43% 36% 29% 40% 32% 28% 52% 21% 21% 44% 36% 28% 54% 19% 21% 44% 36% 22% 41% 38% 29% 43% 29% 22% 51% 28% 29% 43% 28% 28% 32% 40% 21% 51% 29% Idn Identity Identical 1:1 4:4 2:2 3:3 Qid Complement Quasi-ident 1:~2 4:~3 2:~1 3:~4 Lkl Companion Look-alike 1:~4 4:~1 2:2 3:3 Bn < Advisor Benefit< 1:3 4:2 2:~1 3:~4 asymmetric 1:~2 4:~3 2:4 3:1 Sdl Pedagogue Semi-dual 1:4 4:1 2:~2 3:~3 Ill Cohort Illusionary 1:~1 4:~4 2:3 3:2 Cnt Contrast Contrary 1:~1 4:~4 2:~2 3:~3 Act Supplement Activity 1:3 4:2 2:4 3:1 Dlt Anima Duality 1:4 4:1 2:3 3:2 Cmp Neighbor Comparative 1:1 4:4 2:~3 3:~2 Ego Enigma Super-Ego 1:~4 4:~1 2:~3 3:~2 Sp < Counterpart Supervision< 1:2 4:3 2:~4 3:~1 asymmetric 1:~3 4:~2 2:1 3:4 Cnf Novelty Conflicting 1:~3 4:~2 2:~4 3:~1 Bn ^ Suitemate Benefit^ 1:~2 4:~3 2:4 3:1 asymmetric 1:3 4:2 2:~1 3:~4 Mrr Pal Mirror 1:2 4:3 2:1 3:4 Sp ^ Tribesman Supervision^ 1:~3 4:~2 2:1 3:4 asymmetric 1:2 4:3 2:~4 3:~1 43% 59% 57% 27% 36% 0% 39% 80% 41% Reference cells: TypeLogic → Socionics → Psychological Compatibility Rating assuming No Subtypes. Subtypes influence these strongly. Note that these compatibilities are undifferentiated with respect to task and role, e.g. work, romance, parent/child, play. This makes the system even more suspect. Sociotype → 91% 18% 57% This results in some very questionable pairings. I think that the Duality concept may reflect a cultural bias. 59% 18% 89% Keirsey's compatibilities described at sharing tandem processes: Se ↔ Ni or Ne ↔ Si count also sharing N/S preference S count {4} {xSTP, xSFP} {xNTJ, xNFJ, xSTP, xSFP} {8} N {xNTJ, xNFJ} {xSTJ, xSFJ, xNFP, xNTP} {8} {xNFP, xNTP} {xSTJ, xSFJ} {4} {xNFP, xSFP, xNTJ, xSTJ} {8} {xNFP, xNTJ} {xSFP, xSTJ} {4} {xNTP, xSTP, xNFJ, xSFJ} {8} {xNTP, xNFJ} {xSTP, xSFJ} {4} and Te ↔ Fi or Fe ↔ Ti share either tandem either tandem {6} Idn Mrr Bn ^ Ill Idn Mrr Bn ^ Ill INTJ ESFP INFJ ISTJ INTJ ISTP Cnt Ego Ill Sdl Cnt Sp ^ ESFJ ISFJ ESTP ISTP and pstypes (Keirsey) xNTJ, xNFJ, xNFP xNFJ, xNTJ, xNTP xNTP, xNFJ, xNFP xNFP, xNTP, xNTJ xSTJ, xSFJ, xSFP xSFJ, xSTJ, xSTP xSTP, xSFJ, xSFP xSFP, xSTP,xSTJ typeinsights (Keirsey) xNFP xNTP xNFJ cuts it down to 4 xNTJ xSFP xSTP xSFJ xSTJ How does Keirsey get from 6 to 4??? pstypes does not explain this. E.g., INTP most compatible with: INTP, ENTP, INFJ, ENFJ; dropping INFP, ENFP. Note that 4 types share both pairs of tandem processes, e.g. ENTP, ISFJ, ESFJ, INTP share Ne ↔ Si and Fe ↔ Ti, but these 4 are always split over N and S, yielding 2, so sharing both pairs cannot be the criterion. Sharing one or the other pair yields 6 types with the same N/S preference, e.g. xNTP, xNFP and xNFJ. Keirey compatibilities can't be mapped into function stacks. Incompatible: Opposing Personality Dynamic Opposite Interaction Styles ................................................................. {6} Keirsey Compatible (main tandem + N/S preference): ENTP ISFJ INTP ESFJ ENFJ ISTP INFJ ESTP 100% INTP ENTP INFJ ENFJ ENFJ INFJ ENTP INTP ISTP ESTP ISFJ ESFJ What is the main tandem process referred to in pstypes? We can't just favor the Dominant function, because this would make compatibilities asymmetric. It seems that pstypes simply neglected to say sharing N/S preference and opposite P/J, which always makes T/F his main tandem process. ESTP INFJ ESFP INTJ ENTJ ISFP ESTJ INFP ENFP ISTJ ISTP ENFJ ISFP ENTJ INTJ ESFP ISTJ ENFP INFP ESTJ ESFJ INTP ESTJ INFP ENFP ISTJ ESFP INTJ ENTJ ISFP ISFJ ENTP ISTJ ENFP INFP ESTJ ISFP ENTJ INTJ ESFP Idn that there areIdn Idnhere, corresponding Idn Idnor I__P}. Good. Note only two patterns to {E__PIdn or I__J} vs. {E__J They are {Identity, Pal, Suitemate, Cohort}Mrr and {Identity, Pal, Mrr Mrr MrrAdvisor, Pedagogue} Mrr Mrr Bn < Sdl Bn < Sdl Bn < Sdl Bn < Sdl Bn ^ Ill Bn ^ Ill Idn Mrr Bn ^ Ill Idn Mrr Bn ^ Ill Idn Mrr Bn < Sdl Idn Mrr Bn < Sdl Idn Mrr Bn < Sdl Idn Mrr Bn < Sdl Idn Mrr Bn ^ Ill Idn Mrr Bn ^ Ill ESFP INTJ ENFJ ENTJ ESTJ ESTP ISFP ENTJ INFJ ISTJ INTJ ISTP ENTJ ISFP ENFJ ENTJ ESTJ ESTP INFP ESTJ INFP INTP ISFJ ISFP ESTJ INFP ENFP ESFJ ENTP ESFP ISTJ ENFP INFP INTP ISFJ ISFP ENFP ISTJ ENFP ESFJ ENTP ESFP ISFJ ENTP INFJ ISTJ INTJ ISTP ENTP ISFJ ENFP ESFJ ENTP ESFP INTP ESFJ INFP INTP ISFJ ISFP ESFJ INTP ENFJ ENTJ ESTJ ESTP ISTP ENFJ INFP INTP ISFJ ISFP ENFJ ISTP ENFJ ENTJ ESTJ ESTP INFJ ESTP INFJ ISTJ INTJ ISTP ESTP INFJ ENFP ESFJ ENTP ESFP Cnt Ego Sp ^ Cnf Sp < Ill Cnt Ego Sp < Sp ^ Cnf Sdl Cnt Ego Sdl Cnt Ill Sp < Cnt Ego Cnt Sdl Sp < Ill Cnt Ego Cnf Sdl Sp < Sp ^ Cnt Ego Cnf Sp ^ Ill Sp < Cnt Ego Cnt Sp ^ Ill Sdl Cnt Ego Sdl Ill Dlt Sp < Cnt Ego Ill Cnf Cnt Dlt Cnt Ego Sdl Cnt Cnf Dlt Cnt Ego Ill Dlt Sdl Sp ^ Cnt Ego Dlt Ill Sp ^ Sdl Cnt Ego Cnt Sdl Dlt Cnf Cnt Ego Cnt Dlt Ill Cnf Cnt Ego Dlt Sp < Sdl Ill Aggressor Victim Victim Aggressor Caregiver Infantile Infantile Caregiver This looks like six possible incompatibles, but one type is sometimes doubled. Also note that a single type can be most compatible according to one theory and least compatible according to another theory. Socionics Romance Styles: Infantile Aggressor (_S_P) Victim (_N_J) Caregiver (_S_J) Infantile (_N_P) RL:/.../MBTI interrelationships5a.ods saved 02/28/2016 19:20:58 Caregiver Caregiver Infantile Victim Aggressor Aggressor Page 2 Victim NF relationships ENTP ISFJ ESFJ INTP ENFJ ISTP ESTP INFJ PersonalityPage → Keirsey → ENTp Visionary Inventor ISFp Nurturer Protector ESFj Caregiver Provider INTj Thinker Architect ENFj Giver Teacher ISTj Mechanic Crafter ESTp Doer Promoter INFp Protector Counselor Pierce (CelebrityTypes) → Originator Guardian Cooperator Abstractionist Bonvivant / Enthusiast Facilitator Caretaker Passionate Joiner Critic / Mastermind Designer Theorizer Rationalist, Philosopher Si Fe Ti Ne Fe Si Ne Ti Ti Ne Si Fe Bn ^ Benefit^ Suitemate 1:~2 4:~3 2:4 3:1 asymmetric 1:3 4:2 2:~1 3:~4 Ill Illusionary Cohort 1:~1 4:~4 2:3 3:2 3.5% 11.5% Ill Illusionary Cohort 1:~1 4:~4 2:3 3:2 3.5% Dominant = 1 Auxilliary = 2 Tertiary = 3 Inferior = 4 Ne Ti Fe Si INFP Sp ^ Socionics → Sociotype → Supervision^ TypeLogic → Tribesman another → 1:~3 4:~2 2:1 3:4 asymmetric 1:2 4:3 29% Green 2:~4 43% White 3:~1 28% Red = EII = INFj % general popn INFJ = IEI = INFp Socionics → Sociotype → TypeLogic → another → ENFP = IEE = ENFp Cmp Socionics → Sociotype → Comparative TypeLogic → Neighbor 1:1 4:4 another → 2:~3 3:~2 ENFJ 3.5% Bn < Benefit< Advisor 1:3 4:2 another → 2:~1 3:~4 asymmetric 1:~2 4:~3 22% Green 2:4 43% White 3:1 36% Red = EIE = ENFj Socionics → Sociotype → TypeLogic → % general popn 3.5% RL:/.../MBTI interrelationships5a.ods saved 02/28/2016 19:20:58 ISFP ESTJ INFP ENFP ISTJ INFj Idealist Healer ENFp Inspirer Champion ISTp Duty Fulfiller Inspector Searcher Solidifier? Conquerer Teacher Legionnaire / Conqueror Promoter Executor Politician, Entrepreneur Humanist / Empath Foreseer Developer Fe Ni Se Ti Ti Se Ni Fe Se Ti Fe Ni Ni Fe Ti Se Se Fi Te Ni Ni Te Fi Se Te Ni Se Fi Fi Se Ni Te Te Si Ne Fi Fi Ne Si Te Ne Fi Te Si Si Te Fi Ne Lkl Look-alike Companion 1:~4 4:~1 2:2 3:3 Cnt Contrary Contrast 1:~1 4:~4 2:~2 3:~3 Ego Super-Ego Enigma 1:~4 4:~1 2:~3 3:~2 Cnf Conflicting Novelty 1:~3 4:~2 2:~4 3:~1 Qid Quasi-ident Complement 1:~2 4:~3 2:~1 3:~4 Sp < Supervision< Counterpart 1:2 4:3 2:~4 3:~1 asymmetric 1:~3 4:~2 2:1 3:4 Bn < Benefit< Advisor 1:3 4:2 2:~1 3:~4 asymmetric 1:~2 4:~3 2:4 3:1 Sdl Semi-dual Pedagogue 1:4 4:1 2:~2 3:~3 Cmp Comparative Neighbor 1:1 4:4 2:~3 3:~2 Dlt Duality Anima 1:4 4:1 2:3 3:2 Idn Identical Identity 1:1 4:4 2:2 3:3 Mrr Mirror Pal 1:2 4:3 2:1 3:4 Act Activity Supplement 1:3 4:2 2:4 3:1 11.0% 4.0% 3.5% 5.0% 4.5% 2.0% 6.5% 3.0% 3.5% 7.0% 10.0% 4.5% 7.0% 12.5% Lkl Look-alike Companion 1:~4 4:~1 2:2 3:3 Sp ^ Supervision^ Tribesman 1:~3 4:~2 2:1 3:4 asymmetric 1:2 4:3 2:~4 3:~1 Bn ^ Benefit^ Suitemate 1:~2 4:~3 2:4 3:1 asymmetric 1:3 4:2 2:~1 3:~4 Mrr Mirror Pal 1:2 4:3 2:1 3:4 Act Activity Supplement 1:3 4:2 2:4 3:1 Dlt Duality Anima 1:4 4:1 2:3 3:2 Idn Identical Identity 1:1 4:4 2:2 3:3 Sdl Semi-dual Pedagogue 1:4 4:1 2:~2 3:~3 Bn < Benefit< Advisor 1:3 4:2 2:~1 3:~4 asymmetric 1:~2 4:~3 2:4 3:1 Cnf Conflicting Novelty 1:~3 4:~2 2:~4 3:~1 Qid Quasi-ident Complement 1:~2 4:~3 2:~1 3:~4 Cnt Contrary Contrast 1:~1 4:~4 2:~2 3:~3 Ego Super-Ego Enigma 1:~4 4:~1 2:~3 3:~2 11.5% 11.0% 4.0% 3.5% 5.0% 4.5% 2.0% 6.5% 3.0% 3.5% 7.0% 10.0% 4.5% 7.0% 12.5% Sdl Semi-dual Pedagogue 1:4 4:1 2:~2 3:~3 Bn < Benefit< Advisor 1:3 4:2 2:~1 3:~4 asymmetric 1:~2 4:~3 2:4 3:1 Cnf Conflicting Novelty 1:~3 4:~2 2:~4 3:~1 Ego Super-Ego Enigma 1:~4 4:~1 2:~3 3:~2 Cnt Contrary Contrast 1:~1 4:~4 2:~2 3:~3 Lkl Look-alike Companion 1:~4 4:~1 2:2 3:3 Ill Illusionary Cohort 1:~1 4:~4 2:3 3:2 Bn ^ Benefit^ Suitemate 1:~2 4:~3 2:4 3:1 asymmetric 1:3 4:2 2:~1 3:~4 Mrr Mirror Pal 1:2 4:3 2:1 3:4 Idn Identical Identity 1:1 4:4 2:2 3:3 Dlt Duality Anima 1:4 4:1 2:3 3:2 11.5% 11.0% 28% Green 32% White 40% Red % general popn ENTJ Masterer? 21% Green 44% White 36% Red % general popn INTJ Craftsman / Mechanic Analyzer Operator Artisan / Technician Seeker / Guardian / Inventor Conservator Explorer Protector Berens (CognitiveProcesses) → Inventor Supporter Scientist, Advocate, another → ThoughtLeader Poet, Teacher Socionics → Sp < Cmp Supervision< Comparative Counterpart Neighbor 1:2 1:1 4:3 4:4 2:~4 2:~3 3:~1 3:~2 asymmetric 1:~3 4:~2 2:1 3:4 11.5% 11.0% Persuader ESFP ESFp INTp ENTj ISFj ESTj Performer Scientist Executive Artist Guardian Performer Mastermind Field Marshal Composer Supervisor Vibrant Expressive Wizard Complier? Subjugator LifeAffirmer artist Politician / Analyst / Enterpriser / Mediator / Administrator / Ambassador Scientist Pioneer Peacemaker Director Motivator Conceptualizer Strategist Composer Implementor Presenter Director Mobilizer Producer Supervisor SensationSeeker Designer/Archi/ MiddleExpressionist, Dutiful Soldier / / Groupie Engneer manager, Fixer Performer OrgnMan Mentor / Actor Envisioner Mentor Counselor Sp < Qid Supervision< Quasi-ident Counterpart Complement 1:2 1:~2 4:3 4:~3 2:~4 2:~1 3:~1 3:~4 asymmetric 1:~3 4:~2 2:1 3:4 Ethicist Cmp Sp < Comparative Supervision< Neighbor Counterpart 1:1 1:2 4:4 4:3 2:~3 2:~4 3:~2 3:~1 asymmetric 1:~3 4:~2 2:1 3:4 Sp ^ Act Supervision^ Activity Tribesman Supplement 1:~3 1:3 4:~2 4:2 2:1 2:4 3:4 3:1 asymmetric 1:2 4:3 2:~4 3:~1 Dreamer Lyricist / Romantic Harmonizer Clarifier Dreamer Psychologist / Inspector / Reporter Pragmatist Discoverer Planner Advocate Inspector PeaceMaker, Curator,Report Harmonizer er,Accntnt 4.0% 3.5% 5.0% 4.5% 2.0% 6.5% 3.0% 3.5% 7.0% 10.0% 4.5% 7.0% 12.5% Sdl Semi-dual Pedagogue 1:4 4:1 2:~2 3:~3 Idn Identical Identity 1:1 4:4 2:2 3:3 Dlt Duality Anima 1:4 4:1 2:3 3:2 Act Activity Supplement 1:3 4:2 2:4 3:1 Mrr Mirror Pal 1:2 4:3 2:1 3:4 Bn ^ Benefit^ Suitemate 1:~2 4:~3 2:4 3:1 asymmetric 1:3 4:2 2:~1 3:~4 Sp ^ Supervision^ Tribesman 1:~3 4:~2 2:1 3:4 asymmetric 1:2 4:3 2:~4 3:~1 Lkl Look-alike Companion 1:~4 4:~1 2:2 3:3 Ill Illusionary Cohort 1:~1 4:~4 2:3 3:2 Ego Super-Ego Enigma 1:~4 4:~1 2:~3 3:~2 Cnt Contrary Contrast 1:~1 4:~4 2:~2 3:~3 Qid Quasi-ident Complement 1:~2 4:~3 2:~1 3:~4 Cnf Conflicting Novelty 1:~3 4:~2 2:~4 3:~1 4.0% 3.5% 5.0% 4.5% 2.0% 6.5% 3.0% 3.5% 7.0% 10.0% 4.5% 7.0% 12.5% Page 3 do not overwrite these formulas Types & Characterizations Type ENFJ ENTJ ESFJ ESTJ ENFP ENTP ESTP ESFP INFJ INTJ ISTJ ISFJ INFP INTP ISFP ISTP PersonalityPage Giver Executive Caregiver Guardian Inspirer Visionary Doer Performer Protector Scientist Duty Fulfiller Nurturer Idealist Thinker Artist Mechanic Keirsey Teacher Field Marshal Provider Supervisor Champion Inventor Promoter Performer Counselor Mastermind Inspector Protector Healer Architect Composer Crafter Pierce (CelebrityTypes) Persuader Subjugator Cooperator Complier? Searcher Originator Conquerer Vibrant LifeAffirmer Teacher Wizard Solidifier? Guardian Dreamer Abstractionist Expressive artist Masterer? Socionics Mentor / Actor Enterpriser / Pioneer Bonvivant / Enthusiast Administrator / Director Psychologist / Reporter Seeker / Inventor Legionnaire / Conqueror Politician / Ambassador Humanist / Empath Analyst / Scientist Inspector / Pragmatist Guardian / Conservator Lyricist / Romantic Critic / Mastermind Mediator / Peacemaker Craftsman / Mechanic cognitive process preference pattern Berens (CognitiveProcesses) Envisioner Mentor Strategist Mobilizer Facilitator Caretaker Implementor Supervisor Discoverer Advocate Explorer Inventor Promoter Executor Motivator Presenter Foreseer Developer Conceptualizer Director Planner Inspector Protector Supporter Harmonizer Clarifier Designer Theorizer Composer Producer Analyzer Operator Socionics Ethical Intuitive Extravert (EIE) Logical Intuitive Extravert (LIE) Ethical Sensory Extravert (ESE) Logical Sensory Extravert (LSE) Intuitive Ethical Extravert (IEE) Intuitive Logical Extravert (ILE) Sensory Logical Extravert (SLE) Sensory Ethical Extravert (SEE) Intuitive Ethical Introvert (IEI) Intuitive Logical Introvert (ILI) Sensory Logical Introvert (SLI) Sensory Ethical Introvert (SEI) Ethical Intuitive Introvert (EII) Logical Intuitive Introvert (LII) Ethical Sensory Introvert (ESI) Logical Sensory Introvert (LSI) Popn % 3.5% 3.5% 11.0% 10.0% 7.0% 3.5% 4.5% 6.5% 2.0% 3.0% 12.5% 11.5% 4.5% 4.0% 7.0% 5.0% Based on RL's reanalysis of original EM Survey Data See, also: (first presented in an article by Andrea Isaacs and John Fudjack in the 'Enneagram Monthly', March, 1996) using I-values based on Manly's alpha in ts/mscs/mscs07-04.pdf applied to transposed . See, also, briggs-enneagram-mbti-types-correlationsrelationship/ These do not line up particularly well with the expected MBTI types. Consider that Enneagram has more to do with behaviors than with thought processes. Isaacs & Fudjack's raw data are clearly asymmetrical: most Nines are INFP, but INFP might just as likely be Four or another type. Finally, note that I&F's statistical method gives disproportionate significance to Enneagram types that empirically select rare MBTI types. (Transposed data transposes this relationship as well.) Since their sampled percentages of MBTI were unrepresentative of the general population, predictions may be skewed. RL:/.../MBTI interrelationships5a.ods saved 02/28/2016 19:20:58 another label Enneagram? Counselor 2,1 Middle-manager, Fixer 8 Passionate Joiner 2,3 Dutiful Soldier / OrgnMan 8 PeaceMaker, Harmonizer 7 Scientist, ThoughtLeader 3 Politician, Entrepreneur 3,7 SensationSeeker / Groupie 7 Ethicist 4 Designer/Archi/Engneer 5 Curator,Reporter,Accntnt 1 Advocate, Poet, Teacher 6,1,9 Dreamer 4 Rationalist, Philosopher 5 Expressionist, Performer 2,9,4 Artisan / Technician 5 Page 1 Enthusiastic facilitator? Synthesizer? Investigator?? Investigator?? Journalist?? based on interests and aptitudes independent of temperament ENFJ ENTJ ESFJ ESTJ ENFP ENTP ESTP ESFP INFJ INTJ ISTJ ISFJ INFP INTP ISFP ISTP Counselor Middle-manager, Fixer Passionate Joiner Dutiful Soldier / OrgnMan PeaceMaker, Harmonizer Scientist, ThoughtLeader Politician, Entrepreneur SensationSeeker / Groupie Ethicist Designer/Archi/Engneer Curator,Reporter,Accntnt Advocate, Poet, Teacher Dreamer Rationalist, Philosopher Expressionist, Performer Artisan / Technician Fe Ni Se Ti Te Ni Se Fi Fe Si Ne Ti Te Si Ne Fi Ne Fi Te Si Ne Ti Fe Si Se Ti Fe Ni Se Fi Te Ni Ni Fe Ti Se Ni Te Fi Se Si Te Fi Ne Si Fe Ti Ne Fi Ne Si Te Ti Ne Si Fe Fi Se Ni Te Ti Se Ni Fe Types & Characterizations Type ENFJ ENTJ ESFJ ESTJ ENFP ENTP ESTP ESFP INFJ INTJ ISTJ ISFJ INFP INTP ISFP ISTP J: structured J: structured J: structured J: structured P: fluid P: fluid P: fluid P: fluid J: structured J: structured J: structured J: structured P: fluid P: fluid P: fluid P: fluid Dichotomy Characteristics E: responsive F: passionate E: responsive T: dispassionate E: responsive F: passionate E: responsive T: dispassionate E: responsive F: passionate E: responsive T: dispassionate E: responsive T: dispassionate E: responsive F: passionate I: individualistic F: passionate I: individualistic T: dispassionate I: individualistic T: dispassionate I: individualistic F: passionate I: individualistic F: passionate I: individualistic T: dispassionate I: individualistic F: passionate I: individualistic T: dispassionate N: abstract N: abstract S: concrete S: concrete N: abstract N: abstract S: concrete S: concrete N: abstract N: abstract S: concrete S: concrete N: abstract N: abstract S: concrete S: concrete another label Counselor Middle-manager, Fixer Passionate Joiner Dutiful Soldier / OrgnMan PeaceMaker, Harmonizer Scientist, ThoughtLeader Politician, Entrepreneur SensationSeeker / Groupie Ethicist Designer/Archi/Engneer Curator,Reporter,Accntnt Advocate, Poet, Teacher Dreamer Rationalist, Philosopher Expressionist, Performer Artisan / Technician Berens group Catalysts Theorists Stabilizers Stabilizers Catalysts Theorists Improvisers Improvisers Catalysts Theorists Stabilizers Stabilizers Catalysts Theorists Improvisers Improvisers Markley group Idealists Conceptualizers Traditionalists Traditionalists Idealists Conceptualizers Experiencers Experiencers Idealists Conceptualizers Traditionalists Traditionalists Idealists Conceptualizers Experiencers Experiencers Keirsey Values? Personal code of ethics Emend rules and conventions Duties and responsibilities Duties and responsibilities Personal code of ethics Emend rules and conventions Whatever works Whatever works Personal code of ethics Emend rules and conventions Duties and responsibilities Duties and responsibilities Personal code of ethics Emend rules and conventions Whatever works Whatever works Keirsey Temperaments Abstract Cooperators Abstract Utilitarians Concrete Cooperators Concrete Cooperators Abstract Cooperators Abstract Utilitarians Concrete Utilitarians Concrete Utilitarians Abstract Cooperators Abstract Utilitarians Concrete Cooperators Concrete Cooperators Abstract Cooperators Abstract Utilitarians Concrete Utilitarians Concrete Utilitarians On this page and the next, certain general characteristics of groups below are mapped into individual types above. Some Characacteristics of Dichotomies (i.e., each letter has a single meaning independent of other letters with which it appears; effects are simply additive) E I S N F T P J E: responsive I: individualistic S: concrete Information: Sensing vs. Intuition N: abstract F: passionate Decisions: Feeling vs. Thinking T: dispassionate P: fluid Structure: Perceiving vs. Judging J: structured Focus: Extroverted vs. Introverted social asocial??? experiential mental unstructured rigid??? spontaneous deliberate solitary direct mediated Popn % cooperative uncooperative??? 50% 50% 68% 31% 53% 46% 42% 57% These letters, indicating results from the official test, are the only fixed points. Everything else is interpretation, which is often ambiguous, conflated, specious and, of course, inconsistent. Note that the test is scored using item-reponse theory (IRT), which yields a confidence measure for the binary scale – not an effect size (i.e., not an interpolation of the scale.) Some Groupings using Dichotomies (visualized as rotations of oblique axes in 4-space or higher-order-space up to 8-space using Type Dynamics) _S_J = _S_P = _NT_ = _NF_ = K-M SJ SP NT NF Keirsey Temperaments Guardians Concrete Cooperators Artisans Concrete Utilitarians Rationals Abstract Utilitarians Idealists Abstract Cooperators Keirsey Values? Duties and responsibilities Whatever works Emend rules and conventions Personal code of ethics IS__ = IN__ = ES__ = EN__ = RL:/.../MBTI interrelationships5a.ods saved 02/28/2016 19:20:58 Berens Stabilizers Improvisers Theorists Catalysts Markley Traditionalists Experiencers Conceptualizers Idealists Analyticals Drivers Amiables Expressives Page 2 Keirsey? security seeking sensation seeking knowledge seeking identity seeking Popn % 45% 23% 14% 17% 36% 14% 32% 18% Types & Characterizations Type Dominant P/J ENFJ Conventional judgment ENTJ Conventional judgment ESFJ Conventional judgment ESTJ Conventional judgment ENFP Receptive observation ENTP Receptive observation ESTP Receptive observation ESFP Receptive observation INFJ Purposeful observation INTJ Purposeful observation ISTJ Purposeful observation ISFJ Purposeful observation INFP Personal judgment INTP Personal judgment ISFP Personal judgment ISTP Personal judgment K-M NF NT SJ SJ NF NT SP SP NF NT SJ SJ NF NT SP SP Fe: Te: Fe: Te: Ne: Ne: Se: Se: Ni: Ni: Si: Si: Fi: Ti: Fi: Ti: Dominant Empathetic, conformist Pragmatic, decisive Empathetic, conformist Pragmatic, decisive Observant, inclusive, syncretic Observant, inclusive, syncretic Spontaneous, dissociative Spontaneous, dissociative Convergent, reductive, precise Convergent, reductive, precise Impressionistic, associative Impressionistic, associative Expressive, noncomformist Validity-seeking, conditional Expressive, noncomformist Validity-seeking, conditional Ni: Ni: Si: Si: Fi: Ti: Ti: Fi: Fe: Te: Te: Fe: Ne: Ne: Se: Se: Auxiliary Convergent, reductive, precise Convergent, reductive, precise Impressionistic, associative Impressionistic, associative Expressive, noncomformist Validity-seeking, conditional Validity-seeking, conditional Expressive, noncomformist Empathetic, conformist Pragmatic, decisive Pragmatic, decisive Empathetic, conformist Observant, inclusive, syncretic Observant, inclusive, syncretic Spontaneous, dissociative Spontaneous, dissociative Se: Se: Ne: Ne: Te: Fe: Fe: Te: Ti: Fi: Fi: Ti: Si: Si: Ni: Ni: Tertiary Spontaneous, dissociative Spontaneous, dissociative Observant, inclusive, syncretic Observant, inclusive, syncretic Pragmatic, decisive Empathetic, conformist Empathetic, conformist Pragmatic, decisive Validity-seeking, conditional Expressive, noncomformist Expressive, noncomformist Validity-seeking, conditional Impressionistic, associative Impressionistic, associative Convergent, reductive, precise Convergent, reductive, precise Many theorists agree that we all have all eight functions that we use in different situations. Absent any additionally imposed structure, 8 functions would have over 40,000 permutations. MBTI is one such structure. Berens expands MBTI. Socionics goes in another direction. Jungian Function Stack with Type Dynamics (i.e., letters' meanings depend on other letters) Popn% 5% 11% 24% 11% 9% 14% 12% 15% Ti: Fi: Ti: Fi: Si: Si: Ni: Ni: Se: Se: Ne: Ne: Te: Fe: Te: Fe: Inferior Validity-seeking, conditional Expressive, noncomformist Validity-seeking, conditional Expressive, noncomformist Impressionistic, associative Impressionistic, associative Convergent, reductive, precise Convergent, reductive, precise Spontaneous, dissociative Spontaneous, dissociative Observant, inclusive, syncretic Observant, inclusive, syncretic Pragmatic, decisive Empathetic, conformist Pragmatic, decisive Empathetic, conformist Dominant Auxiliary Tertiary Fe Te Fe Te Ne Ne Se Se Ni Ni Si Si Fi Ti Fi Ti Ni Ni Si Si Fi Ti Ti Fi Fe Te Te Fe Ne Ne Se Se Se Se Ne Ne Te Fe Fe Te Ti Fi Fi Ti Si Si Ni Ni Inferior Ti Fi Ti Fi Si Si Ni Ni Se Se Ne Ne Te Fe Te Fe Ni: Normative theory drives curiosity. Fill in the blanks. Evolving, tight-mesh set of abstractions assimilate new (even paradoxical) observations. (Hidden) meanings are illuminated by theory. (Random effects model. Plato's Forms?) Ne: Connections between new and old ideas drives curiosity. Connect the dots. MBTI subset Dominant Description (see also CelebrityTypes) Might say: Expanding, loose-mesh, elastic, non-Cartesean scaffold of ideas. Empirics are subject to multiple simultaneous interpretations. (Fixed effects model.) IN_J = Ni Convergent, reductive, precise If only... Pattern seeking, theory-building, EN_P = Ne synthesizing, abstract, future-focused Observant, inclusive, syncretic Si: Perceives meaning and potentiality of physicality. Memory drives curiosity. Unconventional. This is how the universe works IS_J = Si Concrete (incl. body), present-focused Impressionistic, associative This is how the world works Se: Perceives immediate physicality. Novel experience drives curiosity. Conventional interests. (Also present-past continuity in Si) ES_P = Se Spontaneous, dissociative Enjoy! It is what it is.... Ti: Deductive logic?? ( = Ti Validity-seeking, conditional Try it this way. (This ought to work.) Analytic, dispassionate decisions ti-is-deductive/ ) Theory first? No. Others (and I) say Ti is inductive. Extrapolative. Inferential. Dialectical. ( ). Detects minute Do it my way (the right way) (Ti logic may be more subjective.) E_TJ = Te Pragmatic, decisive distinctions, identifies inconsistencies. More likely to design/develop new rules and theories. I_FP = Fi Instinctive, social and/or value-based Expressive, noncomformist Feel my joy/pain Te: Inductive logic? Theory last? No. I say that Te (contrary to Myers' Ti), more likely to decisions E_FJ = Fe Empathetic, conformist I feel your joy/pain follow expediency and pragmatism, is less likely to devise new rules, more likely to apply crude deduction, (or more likely abduction.) Descriptive. Interpolative. Categorical. Remember that N, S are exclusively information-gathering (i.e., decision-feeding) functions, while T, F are exclusively decision-making functions. Under this schema, each Dominant function forces another specific function to be Inferior, e.g. Fe always pairs withTi Dominant::{Auxiliary, Tertiary} are always Perception::2*Judgment or Judgment::2*Perception Dominant::Tertiary are always same attitude, i.e. {Introverted::Introverted or Extroverted::Extroverted} Dominant::Auxiliary are always opposite attitude. Therefore, Auxiliary and Tertiary should be thought of as working as a pair supporting Dominant. For {“I__P”,”E__J”} dominant judgment criterion is supported by two info sources. For {“I__J”,”E__P”} dominant information hunger is driven by two judgment criteria. 21% 29% 22% 28% I__P = I__J = E__P = E__J = Dominant P/J (closer to socionics or Pierce at CelebrityTypes) Ji Personal judgment Inside pushing out, subjective Pi Purposeful observation Pe Receptive observation Outside pulled in, objective Je Conventional judgment Contrary to prescribed usage? No. Spends vs. gains energy. Socionics: Receptive/Adaptive Socionics: Balanced/Stable Dominant Auxiliary Tertiary Imposes own structure Hungry for comparisons Hungry for experience, ideas Accepts received structure Interpreting Appraising Opportunistic Conformist Socionics: Flexible/Maneuvering Socionics: Linear/Assertive Dyads (a proposed approach to Type Dynamics: consider prominence, strong or weak valence, i.e. 1-4 or 2-3) Ti-Fe Te-Fi Ni-Se Ne-Si E or I or soft logic, subjective reasoning hard logic, rule-applying theory-building, selective attention to patterns omnivorous receptivity to new patterns e conflict avoidant i conflict tolerant RL:/.../MBTI interrelationships5a.ods saved 02/28/2016 19:20:58 empathetic expressive objective experience shared (validating?) meaning of particular experience (not the same as competitive; consider team vs. individual sports) Page 3 Ji Pi Pe Je Pe Je Ji Pi Pi Ji Je Pe Inferior Je Pe Pi Ji on xtroverted} inant. Types & Characterizations E/I N/S T/F J/P E N F J 3.5% E N T J 3.5% E S F J 11.0% E S T J 10.0% E N F P 7.0% E N T P 3.5% E S T P 4.5% E S F P 6.5% I N F J 2.0% I N T J 3.0% I S T J 12.5% I S F J 11.5% I N F P 4.5% I N T P 4.0% I S F P 7.0% I S T P 5.0% Sum - pct T/F N/S F pct Berens Interaction Styles In Charge In Charge Get Things Going In Charge Get Things Going Get Things Going In Charge Get Things Going Chart the Course Chart the Course Chart the Course Behind the Scenes Behind the Scenes Behind the Scenes Behind the Scenes Chart the Course Motivation? another label Compassion Counselor Continuity Middle-manager, Fixer Community Passionate Joiner Duty Dutiful Soldier / OrgnMan Harmony PeaceMaker, Harmonizer Revelation Scientist, ThoughtLeader Control Politician, Entrepreneur Sensation SensationSeeker / Groupie Ethics Ethicist Order Designer/Archi/Engneer Compliance Curator,Reporter,Accntnt Humanity Advocate, Poet, Teacher Utopia (F) Dreamer Utopia (T) Rationalist, Philosopher Art Expressionist, Performer Technique Artisan / Technician ➢ Is TypeDynamics overspecified wrt alternating attitude in Dom, Aux, Ter, Inf? T Total Result N 17% 14% 31% S 36% 32% 68% Total Result 53% 46% 99% It seems that there ought to be a way for at least Aux attitude to follow Dom & Ter, yielding distinct subtypes. My experimental grid: (A better version of this can be found at new grid.ods) Sum - pct J/P E/I J P Total Result E 28% 22% 50% I 29% 21% 50% Total Result 57% 42% 99% Think about activities that bring pleasure/fulfillment (i.e., energy gain) rather than discomfort/pressure/stress (i.e., energy loss.) After matching two dyads, only one Type will seem like a good fit. Sum - pct J/P N/S J Dyad method P Total Result N 12% 19% 31% S 45% 23% 68% Te-Fi Ne-Si (_STJ, _NFP) Total Result 57% 42% 99% Te-Fi Ni-Se Sum - pct J/P T/F J P (_NTJ, _SFP) Total Result F 28% 25% 53% T 29% 17% 46% Ti-Fe Ne-Si Total Result 57% 42% 99% Sum - pct N/S E/I N 1↔2,3↔4 “Mirror” ___P vs. ___J: 1↔2,3↔4,i↔e “Quasi-Identical” E__P vs. I__J: S Total Result E 18% 32% 50% I 14% 36% 50% (_SFJ, _NTP) E___ vs. I___: i↔e “Contrary” __F_ vs. __T_: 1e↔4i or 2e↔3i “Look-alike” or “Comparative” _N__ vs. _S__: 1e↔4i or 2e↔3i “Look-alike” or “Comparative” RL:/.../MBTI interrelationships5a.ods saved 02/28/2016 19:20:58 Page 4 Ti-Fe Ni-Se (_NFJ, _STP) ESTJ Dutiful Soldier / OrgnMan Te Si Ne Fi ENFP PeaceMaker, Harmonizer Ne Fi Te Si ISTJ Curator,Reporter,Accntnt Si Te Fi Ne INFP Dreamer Fi Ne Si Te ENTJ Middle-manager, Fixer Te Ni Se Fi ESFP SensationSeeker / Groupie Se Fi Te Ni INTJ Designer/Archi/Engneer Ni Te Fi Se ISFP Expressionist, Performer Fi Se Ni Te ESFJ Passionate Joiner Fe Si Ne Ti ENTP Scientist, ThoughtLeader Ne Ti Fe Si ISFJ Advocate, Poet, Teacher Si Fe Ti Ne INTP Rationalist, Philosopher Ti Ne Si Fe ENFJ Counselor Fe Ni Se Ti ESTP Politician, Entrepreneur Se Ti Fe Ni INFJ Ethicist Ni Fe Ti Se ISTP Artisan / Technician Ti Se Ni Fe Enneagram Center Instinct Feeling Thinking Type 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Behaviors self-confident, decisive, willful, confrontational receptive, reassuring, complacent, resigned principled, purposeful, self-controlled, perfectionist generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing, possessive adaptable, excelling, driven, image-conscious expressive, dramatic, self-absorbed, temperamental perceptive, innovative, secretive, isolated engaging, responsible, anxious, suspicious spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive, scattered Riso-Hudson Challenger Peacemaker Reformer Helper Achiever Individualist Investigator Loyalist Enthusiast Palmer-Daniels Protector Mediator Perfectionist Giver Performer Romantic Observer Loyal Skeptic Epicure Instinctual Subtypes (motivations) Secure Survivalist Collector Pioneer Nurturer Company Man Creative Individualist Castle Defender Family Loyalist Gourmand Social Group Leader Community Benefactor Social Reformer Ambassador Politician Critical Commentator Profesor Social Guardian Utopian Visionary modified by one or two Wings Direction of Integration (Growth) 1→7→5→8→2→4→1 9→3→6→9 Direction of Disintegration (Stress) 1←7←5←8←2←4←1 9←3←6←9 These are levels, not types. Levels of Development 1 Liberation 2 Psychological Capacity Healthy 3 Social Value 4 Imbalance / Social Role 5 Interpersonal Control Average 6 Overcompensation 7 Violation 8 Obsession and Corruption Unhealthy 9 Pathological Destructiveness See: RL:/.../MBTI interrelationships5a.ods saved 02/28/2016 19:20:58 Page 1 Sexual Commander Seeker Evangelist Lover Movie Star Dramatic Person Secret Agent Warrior Adventurer Socionics Socionics Function #, name MBTI #,name Socionics pattern Berens #, name Berens pattern 1 = leading, program, primary, base 1 = Dominant 1 = Leading 2 = creative, secondary 2 = Auxiliary 2 = Support 3 = role --m 4 = vulnerable, sensitive 7 = observant, ignoring, restricting inverts 1 8 = demonstrative, background inverts 2 → Socionics dichotomies accepting Ti (independent, fixed) Ti Ne (dependent, variable) producing mental strong valued mental strong valued (conscious) 8 = Devilish inverts 4 Se Fi accepting mental weak unvalued 7 = Deceiving inverts 3 Fi Se producing mental weak unvalued Fe accepting weak valued Si producing vital weak valued 4 = Aspirational Si 3 = Tertiary 3 = Relief Fe ` vital (unconscious) 5 = Opposing inverts 1 Ni Te accepting vital strong unvalued 6 = Critical inverts 2 Te Ni producing vital strong unvalued - inverts 4 Examples LIII = INTj = INTP Ne 4 = Inferior ed- 6 = mobilizing, activating lign inverts 3 isa 5 = suggestive, dual-seeking ILE = ENTp = ENTP Critical: Note changed meaning of fourth letter. For MBTI, it is the Extroverted function. For Socionics, it is the Dominant (i.e., Leading) function. Note: Socionics populates functions 3 through 8 in a completely different order from Jung, MBTI and Berens. MBTI 3 and 4 become Socionics 6 and 5, respectively. accepting vs. producing = leading or following in its Block 1: Describes a person's most comfortable thinking patterns, perspective on life, state of mind, and behavioral style, their positive motivational forces. 2: The primary mode of application of the base function. Used to interact with others, solve problems. 3: When a person is actively using his base function, the role function is essentially turned off. It is activated when a person is anxious. 4: The vulnerable function is also called the Point or Place of Least Resistance (PoLR) or sensitive function. The element in this function creates a feeling of frustration and inadequacy and is avoided as much as possible. 5: The suggestive function is also called the dual-seeking function. It perfectly complements and drives the activity of the leading function. Entertaining, soothing, energizing. 6: The subject is more comfortable using this function than the suggestive function but still can only use it sporadically. 7: The ignoring function is also called the observing, or limiting function. A person has very little use of this element, as it is the rival image of the base function, representing an antithetical approach to the same domain. It lies in the subconscious as a persistent annoyance to the individual. 8: A person uses this element mainly as a kind of game, or to ridicule those who he thinks take it too seriously. They often intentionally go against its conventional usage simply to prove a point in favor of their creative function. However, this function is used quite often in private, to produce information of its element to support their creative function when focusing on making contact with the external world. Socionics “Model A” Function number pattern Accepting Producing Ring 1 = Mental Ring 2 = Vital Block 1 = Ego (valued) Block 2 = Super-ego (unvalued) Block 3 = Super-id (valued) Block 4 = Id (unvalued) 1 4 6 7 2 3 5 8 Strong Weak Weak Strong Complementarity is a corollary of Duality. Ego and Super-ID complement each other. Ego conflicts with Super-Ego. iD conflicts with Super-Id. both valued or both subdued Functions and Complements: Functions and Conflicts: (?) 1: Leading 2: Creative 3: Role 4: Vulnerable 1: Leading 2: Creative 5: Suggestive 6: Mobilizing 5: Suggestive 6: Mobilizing 7: Ignoring 8: Demonstrative 4: Vulnerable 3: Role 8: Demonstrative 7: Ignoring Based on the Socionics schema, Duality refers to {1:5; 2:6} = {1:~3; 2:~4} This is equivalent to {1:4; 2:3} in the Jungian, MBTI, Berens schema. Block 1 describes people's preferred and most comfortable and natural role or "mode of operation" when interacting with other people or the environment. Block 2 is the source of much self-consciousness. In Block 3, people appreciate direct help to the Super-id and see tasks related to it as chores best left to others, but also as a source of frequent recreation. In Block 4, people see Id elements as a relatively easy, if somewhat boring and meaningless exercise, good for sharpening one's skills, but not worth focusing on too much. RL:/.../MBTI interrelationships5a.ods saved 02/28/2016 19:20:58 Page 1 Complementary Info Metabolism Traits: Ne Ni Fe Fi Si Se Ti Te Socionics Information Metabolism Element Extraverted logic (thinking) Extraverted ethics (feeling) Abstracted definition(?) (rather, concerned with these Information Aspects) external dynamics of objects (explicit meaning of purposely observed structures) internal dynamics of objects (implicit meaning of purposely observed structures) external statics of objects Extraverted sensing (explicit meaning of naturally observed structures) Extraverted intuition (implicit meaning of naturally observed structures) Introverted logic (thinking) Introverted ethics (feeling) internal statics of objects external statics of fields (explicit meaning of naturally observed processes) internal statics of fields (implicit meaning of naturally observed processes) external dynamics of fields Introverted sensing (explicit meaning of purposefully observed processes) Introverted intuition (implicit meaning of purposely observed processes) inFJ internal dynamics of fields English Acronym Symbol Mental Processes Te Fe task oriented, efficient, accurate, pragmatic; less abstract L responsible for the perception of an emotional state in an individual and the bodily and linguistic expression of emotions. Fe is able to influence others' emotional condition and to communicate its own, "infecting" others. Fe is used especially in generating and recognizing excitement and enthusiasm. Se responsible for the perception, control, defense, and acquisition of space, territory, and control. It observes outward appearances, estimates whether forces are in alignment or conflict, and uses strength of will and power-based methods to achieve purposes. Se understands territory and physical aggression. It is also the function of contact and apprehension of qualia. Ne sees possibilities; seeks the essence (permanent but not obvious traits) of people or things; estimates potential and latent capabilities; speculates on causes, but sees each manifestation as distinct Ti analytic; interested in logical explanations and distinctions, categories and meaning, consistency and structure, independent of application; interprets information according to how it fits into a (concrete or abstract) validating system Fi L responsible for understanding the quality, nature, and proper maintenance of personal relations; makes moral judgments; and aspires to humanism and kindness. Fi has a strong understanding of the social hierarchy and how people feel about each other, their attitudes of like or dislike, enthrallment or disgust, repulsion or attraction, enmity or friendship. Si responsible for perception of physical sensations; questions of comfort, coziness, and pleasure; and a sense of harmony and acclimation with one's environment (especially physical). Si understand how well a person or thing's behavior agrees with its nature as well as the differences between comfortable behaviors and positions and uncomfortable ones. Ni seeks to understand and forecast evolution of processes over time; is acutely aware of events that occurring outside of immediate perception. These are the Information Aspects (i.e, inputs) that align with each Information Metabolism Element of the psyche. They are not the same thing. Objects vs. Fields is an elaboration of E/I. Objects are discrete, categorical, structural. Fields are continuous and involve interaction (e.g., attitude, orientation) between the observed and the observer or among objects (e,g,, mechanics). Static perception = Pe(Ji) vs. Dynamic perception = Pi(Je). Dynamic perception {Si, Ni} involves memory, association, expectation (incl. potentialities beyond past observation.) Static perception {Se, Ne} is opportunistic, descriptive, dissociative, self-limiting rather than inductive. So, as processed by a leading function: “Dynamics of objects” = E__J (= E__j) = purposefully observed (Pi) structures (E). “Statics of objects” = E__P (= E__p) = naturally observed (Pe) structures (E). “Dynamics of fields” = I__J (= I__p) = purposefully observed (Pi) processes (I). “Statics of fields” = I__P (= I__j) = naturally observed (Pe) processes (I). External = {T, S} vs. Internal = {F, N} describes explicit vs. implicit understanding. So, in a leading function: “External dynamics of objects” gets us to E_TJ (L_E = Logical Extrovert), whose Information Metabolism most easily processes explicit meaning of purposely observed structures. See: RL:/.../MBTI interrelationships5a.ods saved 02/28/2016 19:20:58 Page 2