Media Toolkit - Sustainable Food Trade Association

Media Toolkit
Sustainable Food Trade Association
49 Race Street
New Castle, VA 24127
Phone: (413) 624.6678
Media Toolkit
Publicizing Your Company’s Commitment
Once your business has become a signatory on to the Declaration of Sustainability in the
Organic Food Trade, we strongly recommend that your company inform your employees about
your “signing-on” at a staff meeting or though a newsletter to generate buy-in and excitement.
In addition you may wish to publicize your new business commitment to sustainability through
your website, point of purchase materials and media outlets. The following in a sample press
release template that you can use for this purpose. SFTA sends out quarterly press releases
announcing new members to the association.
Sample Press Release:
For Further information contact: (Contact Name)
For Immediate Release
(name of company) signs the “Declaration of Sustainability” and join the Sustainable Food
Trade Association (SFTA)
(LOCATION) – (Date) - (name of company) has become part of a worldwide effort for a
sustainable future by signing the “Declaration of Sustainability in the Organic Foods Trade” on
(date). The Declaration is a 11-point action plan aimed to promote education and action toward
sustainable business practices in the organic and natural food trade.
The Declaration of Sustainability was created in April 2008 when 18 prominent organic
companies in the Natural Products industry from across North America convened in Chicago, Il,
to voice their concerns about the state of the world and create a document that spelled out key
actions the food trade must take to create a sustainable future. (name of company) will be the
first food (processor, retailer, or distributor) in (region) to sign the document.
The document was vetted by hundreds of organic growers, distributors, processors, retailers, and
certifiers at conferences and trade shows for the last two years. By signing this pledge, (name of
company) will commit to continual improvement and transparency around its practices in 11 key
areas including organics, climate change, energy, distribution, labor, packaging, water, waste,
animal care, governance, and consumer education. In return (name of company) will receive
the education and tools needed to support its efforts. .
Nate Schlachter, Executive Director of the Sustainable Food Trade Association—which is the
secretariat of the Declaration—commends (name) vision. “By committing to the principles of
the Sustainable Food Trade Association, (name of company) joins a prominent and diverse
group of organic foods companies committed to advancing environmental and social
responsibility in the food industry. We applaud (name of the company) decision, and look
forward to their collaboration and their contribution to growing a sustainable food future. ”
As part of (name of company) commitment to "greening" the food industry, the company has
been instituting (describe new programs, policies, steps taken, etc.)
Suggested Media Contacts
In addition to your local media, here are some news outlets to which you may choose to send the
press release. Please contact the SFTA office for the updated contact information for each media
Cooperative Grocer
Chefs Collaborative - National
Commerce Magazine
Conscious Choice
Daily Journal of Commerce
E/The Environmental Magazine
Environmental News Network
Fancy Food & Culinary Products
Fine Cooking
Food & Beverage International
Food and Drink
Food Business News
Food Industry Futures
Food Industry News
Food Industry Newsletter
Food Ingredient News
Food Processing
Food Trade News
Green Options
Grist Mill
In Good Tilth
Midwest Food Network
National Grocer
Nation's Restaurant News
Natural Communities
Natural Food Merchandiser
Natural Food Network Magazine
Natural Products Association
Natural Products INSIDER
Natural Products Marketplace
New Energy Times
New Farm
Organic Business News
Organic Products Retailer
Organic Products Retailer
Produce Business
Produce Business Magazine
Produce Merchandising
Produce News Magazine
Progressive Grocer
Progressive Grocer
Provender Alliance
Retail Merchandiser
Simply Green with Danny Seo
Small Farmers Journal
Solar Times
Specialty Food Magazine
Supermarket News
Sustainable Food News
Sustainable Industries Journal
Sustainable Northwest
Sustainable Brands
Sustainable Table
The Green Guide
The National Provisioner
The Natural Foods
The Organic Report
The Packer
Produce News
Western Ag Reporter
Western Farm News
Featured Articles
New Sustainability Metrics for the Organic Industry, Organic Processing Magazine, March/April
Organic Industry Honors Brands With Responsible Packaging Awards and Works Together to
Create More Sustainable Solutions, Organic Processing Magazine, May/June 2011.
Growing a More Sustainable Food Trade, Organically (PDF), California Certified Organic
Farmers Magazine, Spring 2011.
Responsible Packaging: Organic Industry Collaboration Leads the Way, Organic Processing
Magazine, March/April 2011.
Our Path to Sustainability: Nature’s Path’s Journey to Take Its Promise to the Planet Beyond
Ground Level, Organic Processing Magazine. September/October 2010. (By Jyoti Stephens of
Sustainable Food Trade Association member Nature’s Path, discussing their use of Sustainable
Food Trade Association’s sustainability management and measurement framework.)
Steps to Sustainability: It Takes Vision, Cooperative Grocer, 6/2010. (By Annie Hoy of
Sustainable Food Trade Association member Ashland Food Cooperative, discussing their use of
Sustainable Food Trade Association’s sustainability management and measurement framework.)
Waste Not (PDF), Supermarket News, 1/2010
Finding Real Green (PDF), In Good Tilth, 10/2009.
Industry Group Looks Past Organic, Sustainable Industries Journal, 8/2008.
Food Trade Sustainability Leadership Association Created, Natural Products Marketplace
Insider, 8/2008.
Organic leaders create Food Trade Sustainability Leadership Association, Portland Business
Food Industry Puts Green Initiatives on the Menu, GreenBiz, 8/2008.