Industry Amps Up Promotional Products Work!

Kim R. Todora, PPAI
Industry Amps Up Promotional Products Work! Week,
Raises Awareness Among Buyers
IRVING, Tex., (Oct. 28, 2014) – Promotional Products Association International (PPAI;, the world’s largest not-forprofit association serving more than 10,800 corporate members of the $19.8 billion promotional products industry, today
announced 2015 Promotional Products Work! Week scheduled for May 18-22, 2015. The 2015 #PPWWeek campaign is
designed as a co-op program with opportunities for the entire promotional products industry to work hand-in-hand to promote, not
only the Week, but the industry year round.
PPAI, the founder of Promotional Products Work! Week, an international week-long event aimed at raising awareness of the
benefits of promotional products advertising and marketing, is using a business-to-buyer-to-business strategy to deliver the
message that Promotional Products Work! to advertisers, marketers and media buyers.
“Buyers want sustainable impressions, recall and results for their ad dollars, so we are positioning the campaign around the
proven power of promotional products and the personality and emotions they evoke,” said Paul Bellantone, CAE, president and
CEO of PPAI. “Our goal overall is to gain share in the media buy through educating buyers; enabling a deeper understanding of
promotional products as an advertising medium; as well as the benefits of working with certified promotional products
PPAI is driving engagement with the Promotional Products Work! campaign strategy. Over the past two years, the PPW! Week
campaign has created opportunities for the promotional products industry to open doors, build relationships, serve communities,
advocate for the industry, speak up in the halls of government, show customer appreciation, and has generated millions of
impressions through outreach and earned media exposure.
This year, PPAI is ramping up the Promotional Products Work! Week event campaign with social media, online videos, researchdriven content, direct marketing, traditional and digital advertising and events, working with industry sponsors and Association
partners to create an ongoing stream of content aimed at promotional products and advertising media buyers, but ultimately
designed to benefit distributors and suppliers.
Download Promotional Products Work! Week Organizer’s Guide, or request more information here.
The Promotional Products Work! campaign first launched in 2013 and demonstrates the many reasons people and buyers love
promotional products, from being effective and useful to desirable and tangible.
About PPAI
Founded in 1903, the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) is the world’s largest and oldest not-for-profit
association serving more than 10,800 corporate members of the $19.8 billion promotional products industry which is comprised
of more than 33,800 businesses and a workforce of nearly 500,000 professionals. PPAI represents the industry in Washington,
D.C., and advocates on its behalf. PPAI operates the industry’s largest trade show, (The PPAI Expo is held each January);
leading promotional products safety and compliance program, more than 50-year-old professional development and certification
program; and publisher of industry trade journals and periodicals. The multi-billion-dollar industry includes wearables, writing
instruments, calendars, drinkware and many other items, usually imprinted with a company’s name, logo or message. For more
information, visit and find us on Twitter @PPAI_HQ, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest.