Wilfrid Laurier University IT101 – Introduction to Italian I 0.5

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Wilfrid Laurier University
IT101 – Introduction to Italian I
0.5 credit
Fall 2015 Class schedules: Quadrimestre autunnale – Orario delle lezioni
Section A: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00 am - 11:20 am room BA208 O
Section B: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30 am - 12:50 pm BA208
Section C: Mondays 7:00 pm -9:50 pm BA208
WLU course website https://mylearningspace.wlu.ca/
Textbook website http://books.quia.com/books/students.html
Professor / Docente: Dr. Monica Stellin
Associate Professor, Italian Minor and Course Coordinator
email: mstellin@wlu.ca
Office BA408
Phone: 519 884 0710 ext. 2400
Office hours: Tuesday and Thursdays 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Instructional Assistants /Assistenti:
Nicholas Masciovecchio: masc3900@mylaurier.ca
Stefania Pede: pede9910@mylaurier.ca
Course Description /Descrizione del corso:
Benvenuti! Welcome! IT101 will introduce you to the standard Italian language in an active
and practical way. You will acquire a basic understanding of this language as expressed in
its everyday culture. You will be able to comprehend simple spoken and written Italian, and
learn to speak and write it yourself. Cultural components will integrate the learning process,
presenting notions on geography and history, current societal values and lifestyle. A wide
range of learning activities will contribute to making the study of this second language both
interesting and rewarding.
Learning Outcomes / Apprendimento finale
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
• Interact with others using basic Italian forms.
• Exchange simple information about daily experiences.
• Listen to and comprehend audio material.
• Read and comprehend reading material.
• Speak and write about themselves and others, as well as common situations, using
basic vocabulary and language structures.
• Explain and expand on some course material.
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Required Texts /Testi obbligatori:
Merlonghi OGGI IN ITALIA ENHANCED 9 ED package
[Hardcopy + Printed Access Card (24 month access) – ISBN: 130559614] available in the bookstore
or online at http://www.coursesmart.com
see also Laurier Bookstore Compare http://laurier.verbacompare.com/
The package includes a printed key card (i.e. access code) to access the textbook
website. Online you will find the workbook and lab manual your homework is based on.
Information on how to access the site and login follows on page 9.
N.B. The site includes an e-book version of your textbook as well as additional activities
and materials for further study.)
Recommended Texts /Testi facoltativi:
For those who are not familiar with grammatical concepts and terminology such as
direct/indirect objects, transitive/intransitive verbs, and so on, a useful book is English
Grammar for Students of Italian (3rd edition).
A good paperback Italian-English dictionary (Oxford, Collins, etc.) is recommended to
supplement and integrate the textbook’s glossary. There are also a number of reputable
bilingual dictionaries available online or in digital format:
The Collins Italian Dictionary
The Oxford Dictionaries – Italian
Il Sansoni Inglese
Il Ragazzini Inglese 2015
Hazon Garzanti
Final Grade Components = Componenti del voto (specific information on each assignment can be found on
page 5)
Class participation and attendance: 15%
[Partecipazione e frequenza: 15%]
You will be involved in a series of interactive activities
to acquaint you with new language forms structures
and review homework. Attendance and ACTIVE
PARTICIPATION are decisive components of your
learning experience and will affect your performance
and evaluation. Attendance may be recorded by the
Weekly eSAM online homework: 10%
[Compiti a casa settimanali (esercizi scritti e
orali) sul sito Quia: 10%]
Online written and audio-oral activities are assigned on
a weekly basis. You must complete your homework
assignments on the site by the deadline. Homework
grading is based on COMPLETION.
Tutorials: 10%
Ore di tutorato / ripasso orale: 10%
Test 1: (C) 5 (A B) 6 ottobre
You will meet one hour a week in small groups with
your Instructional Assistant to consolidate in oral Italian
the topics covered in class. Attendance is taken at
every session and participation is key!
Two tests will cover a more substantial quantity of
topics than the quizzes (grammar, vocabulary, culture,
etc.) discussed in class.
Test 2: (C) 9 (A B) 10 novembre
N. B.: Please read the section on Absences below.
Quizzes: 20% (2 at 10% each)
[2 quiz: 10%, ognuno 5%]
Two quizzes will be administered over the course of the
term and are based on selected topics from the course
Tests: 30% (2 at 15% each)
[2 test: 30%, ognuno 15%]
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Quiz 1: (C) 26 (A B) 27 ottobre
material covered up to that point. Each deals with
aspects of grammar and/or vocabulary and/or culture.
Quiz 2: (C) 23 (A B) 24 novembre
N. B.: Please read the section on Absences below.
Scenario: 15%
In groups of 4 or 5, you will prepare a 5-minute
presentation/video clip in Italian depicting a comical or
dramatic scene your fellow students can follow and
enjoy in class.
Course Syllabus / Programma del corso
N.B. Dates may be subject to change.
Section A, B, C
Prima lezione
10 settembre
Lesson [Chapter]
Vocabulary / Culture
Vocabolario / Cultura
Structure /
Presentazione del corso
I saluti
L’alfabeto italiano
Sezione A, B
15-17 settembre
Sezione C
14 sett. (prima lezione)
Sez. A, B: 22-24 sett.
Sez. C 21 sett.
Lezione preliminare
I numeri
Lezione 1
Pronomi personali
I nomi italiani, Cose utili
Genere dei nomi
Parliamo un po’
Articolo indeterminativo
Conoscere l’Italia, Videoteca
Lezione 2
Che ora è/Che ore sono?
L’università italiana
Plurale dei nomi
Materie d’insegnamento
Articolo determinativo
Aggettivi possessivi
Sez. A, B
29 settembre –
1 ottobre
Sez. C
28 settembre
Sez. A, B
6 – 8 ottobre
Sez. C: 5 ott.
Lezione 2
Parliamo un po’: c,d,e
Conoscere l’Italia, Videoteca
Aggettivi possessivi
Lezione 3
Il bar italiano
La città
Caffè famosi
Espressioni con
Presente dei
verbi in –are
Sez. A, B: 20-22 ott.
Sez. C: 19 ott.
Sez. A, B: 27-29 ott.
Sez. C: 26 ott.
Sez. A, B: 3-5 nov.
Sez. C: 2 nov,
Sez. A, B: 10-12 nov.
Sez. C: 9 nov.
Lezione 3
Parliamo un po’
Conoscere l’Italia, Videoteca
Lezione 4
I cognomi italiani
I giorni della settimana
Espressioni di tempo
Parliamo un po’
Conoscere l’Italia, Videoteca
Lezione 5
Dove fare gli acquisti
Caratteristiche personali
Lezione 5
Parliamo un po’
Conoscere l’Italia, Videoteca
Preposizioni semplici e articolate
C’è, ci sono, ecco
Presente dei verbi in –ere
Formulare le domande
Verbi irregolari: dare, fare, stare
Aggettivi qualificativi
Presente dei verbi in –ire
Andare e venire
Sez. A, B: 17-19 nov.
Sez. C: 16 nov.
Sezione A, B
24-26 nov.
Sezione C
23 nov.
Sezione A, B
1-3, 8 dicembre
Sezione C
30 nov. – 7 dic.
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Lezione 6
I giovani italiani
Le stagioni e i mesi
Espressioni di tempo al
Lezione 6
Parliamo un po’
Conoscere l’Italia, Videoteca
Passato prossimo con avere
Passato prossimo con essere
Participi passati irregolari
Verbi irregolari: bere, dire, uscire
Scenario: Presentazioni di gruppo
Home and Class Assignments
Week / Settimana
eSAM Online Homework Deadline:
Section / Sezione A, B, C
1. W: Workbook
2. L: Language Lab
B. In-class Quizzes, Tests and Scenarios
N.B. Deadlines may be subject to change
First class / Prima lezione
Sez. A B Sept. 10 / 10 settembre
Week 2 / Seconda settimana
eSam: 21 settembre
A-B Sept.15-17 / settembre
Lezione Preliminare: WP: A-I LP: All
C Sept. 14 / settembre
Lezione 1: WP: A, D - F, J, K; B, C, G - I, L O. LP: all
Lezione 2: WP: A-F
W/S 3
(A B) 22-24 sett. (C) 21 sett.
W/S 4
(A B) 29 sett. -1 ott. (C) 28 sett.
(A B) 6-8 ott. (C) 5 ott.
eSam: 28 settembre
Lezione 2: WP: G-R LP: all
eSam: 5 ottobre
Lezione 3 LP: 1-7 WP: A-D, I, J
Test 1: 5-6 ottobre
eSam: 19 ottobre Lezione 3: LP: 8-14; WP:
E-H, K-N
13-17 October Thanksgiving Giorno del Ringraziamento Fall Term Reading Week
Week / Sett. 6
(C) 19 ott.
(A B) 20-22 ott.
eSam: 26 ottobre
Lezione 4: WP: A-C, G, J, L; LP: 1-8
Week / Sett. 7
Quiz 1: 26-27 ottobre
(C) 26 ott.
eSam: 2 novembre
(A B) 27-29 ott.
Lezione 4: WP: D-F, H, I, K, M, N; LP: 9-15
Week / Sett. 8
eSam: 9 novembre
(C) 2 nov.
(A B) 3-5 nov.
Lezione 5: LP: 1-5; WP: A-E, K, L, M
Week / Sett. 9
Test 2: 9-10 novembre
(C) 9 nov.
eSam: 16 novembre
(A B) 10-12 nov.
Lezione 5: LP: 1-5; WP: A-E, K, L, M
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Week / Sett. 10.
eSam: 23 novembre
(C) 16 nov.
Lezione 5: LP: 6-10; WP: F-J, N
(A B) 17-19 nov.
Week / Sett. 11.
eSam: 30 novembre
(C) 23 nov.
Quiz 2: 23-24 novembre
(A B) 24-26 nov.
Lezione 6 LP: 1-7; WP: A-D, E, F, G-J, K, LO
Week / Sett. 12.
[eSam online activities final deadline
Dec. 7 / ultima scadenza per il
completamento delle attività eSAM: 7
(C) 30 nov. 7 dic.
(A B) 1-3, 8 dic.
Review and preparation of group
Scenari: Presentazioni di gruppo
Important Information
Online homework & lab:
Online workbook and lab activities (Quiabooks - iLrn) are to be completed by MIDNIGHT on
Mondays (dates are clearly marked in the course schedule). This is graded work! Scheduled
activities that are not completed by this time will automatically receive a grade of zero and
will affect the homework portion of your final grade. Don’t fall behind!
N.B. Homework assignments will NOT be accepted by email or other formats!
Conversation hour (tutorial):
Starting in Week 2, the conversation hour consists of a scheduled weekly one-hour
session (outside of class time) that provides you with the opportunity to improve your
aural/oral skills in a smaller group setting and to practice the vocabulary and grammatical
structures covered in class that week. Your Instructional Assistant will facilitate a variety of
communicative activities that focus on improving your ability to take part in basic
conversation in Italian. Attendance is mandatory and will be taken at every meeting.
Scenario: Group Presentation
Your group project will show your ability to prepare a presentation on a topic related to
those covered in class that is current, significant and engaging to your fellow classmates, as
well as well researched. It must be presented in an intelligent, original and inventive way.
Careful attention should be given to its organization, content, language, materials, group
work as well as the contribution of each member to the collective project.
Classroom policies
1. Student Conduct:
Wilfrid Laurier University has specific regulations in place concerning appropriate behaviour,
both academic and otherwise. You are expected to be familiar with these regulations and to
abide by them at all times (for policies, go to www.wlu.ca and click on Laurier at the top left
of the page. Scroll down to Governance/policies). Your attention is drawn to the section
concerning appropriate use of information technology (including email) in particular.
2. Use of electronic devices
Electronic devices, while useful in certain situations and environments can prove distracting.
As a result, students are expected to:
a) refrain from using electronic devices in class at all times. Unless there is a specific
reason (i.e. accessibility), students are expected to have only their textbook (hardcopy) on
their desk. Students who are found to be utilizing mobile and similar devices, such as
laptops, smartphones, and tablets for reasons unrelated to the course and their learning
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experience, will first be given a warning. Subsequently, the instructor will have no other
choice than to either 1. Confiscate the device for the remainder of the class period; 2. Ask
the student to leave. Should usage of devices become a regular concern, the instructor will
ask that the device not be brought to class.
b) turn off or set to vibration or sleep mode any devices that are in their possession.
3. Correspondence:
a) Students are advised that all general communication from your instructor regarding the
course will take place using the MyLearningSpace site. For example, course handouts,
general announcements, and the like will be posted to MyLearningSpace.
**IMPORTANT: Specific inquiries from individual students pertaining to the course should be
directed to the course instructor using Laurier email accounts and NOT MyLearningSpace.
b) Please be conscious of the language you utilize and be sure to adopt appropriate forms of
address in your correspondence! Etiquette is an important part of your academic and
professional life. You are advised to address all your instructors by their title, unless
instructed differently.
The instructor aims to respond to emails within 24 hours on weekdays, but only sporadically
on weekends; therefore, you cannot expect immediate responses to queries during that
c) Please also be aware that questions pertaining to information that has been clearly
outlined in this syllabus (e.g. homework deadlines or test dates) or information/material you
may have missed due to absence from class WILL NOT BE ANSWERED. It is YOUR
responsibility to ensure you are keeping up-to-date on course requirements. You are urged
to obtain the contact details of at least TWO classmates in the event you miss class and
need to catch up.
a) Active and regular participation in a language course is crucial to your ability to master key
concepts and vocabulary and will directly influence your progress in this course. Attendance
may be randomly taken. As such, students who are absent without valid medical
documentation more than three (3) recorded times over the term will see their participation
portion of the final grade drop by one letter grade (A>B; B>C, etc.). Please read the following
WLU policy carefully:
Class and Laboratory Attendance
·Any student who, in the opinion of instructors, is absent too frequently from lectures or laboratory
periods will be reported to the dean of the faculty. On the recommendation of the department
concerned, such a student after due warning by the dean shall be debarred from taking the final
examination in that course.
b) Missing a quiz or test: Graded term work (Quizzes, Tests) has been clearly scheduled in
your syllabus. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or test there will be NO MAKEUP
QUIZZES OR TESTS and you will receive a grade of 0 (ZERO) on that assignment.
However, if you are absent and can provide appropriate documentation (e.g. a signed and
dated medical note) in class immediately upon your return, the percentage the missed test
was worth may be transferred to the following assignment. For e.g., if you miss Test 1, then
Test 2 can be worth 30%.
NOTA BENE: If you were absent you may email me only if you can provide a valid
explanation supported by documentation, such as a medical note; otherwise, your
absence will be duly noted, and any email message will not be answered.
Wilfrid Laurier University Policies
1. Academic Integrity/Misconduct (cheating): Laurier is committed to a culture of integrity within and
beyond the classroom. This culture values trustworthiness (i.e., honesty, integrity, reliability), fairness,
caring, respect, responsibility and citizenship. Together, we have a shared responsibility to uphold this
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culture in our academic and nonacademic behaviour. The University has a defined policy with respect
to academic misconduct. You are responsible for familiarizing yourself with this policy and the penalty
guidelines, and are cautioned that in addition to failure in a course, a student may be suspended or
expelled from the University for academic misconduct and the offence may appear on their transcript.
The relevant policy can be found at Laurier's academic integrity website along with resources to
educate and support you in upholding a culture of integrity. Ignorance of Laurier’s academic
misconduct policy is not a defense. <see: www.wlu.ca/academicintegrity >
2. Special Needs: Students with disabilities or special needs are advised to contact Laurier’s
Accessible Learning Centre for information regarding its services and resources. Students are
encouraged to review the Academic Calendar <see:
http://www.wlu.ca/page.php?grp_id=1365&p=5123 > for information regarding all services available on
3. Plagiarism: Wilfrid Laurier University uses software that can check for plagiarism. If requested to do
so by the instructor, students may are required to submit their written work in electronic form and have
it checked for plagiarism. (Approved by Senate May 14, 2002)
4. Classroom Use of Electronic Devices – see Policy 9.3 (Approved by Senate March 8, 2012)
5. Final Examinations – Students are strongly urged not to make any commitments (i.e., vacation)
during the examination period. Students are required to be available for examinations during the
examination periods of all terms in which they register. (See Academic Regulations – examinations in
the academic calendars)
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Quia Books Site Access Instructions
IT101 Introduction to Italian I Fall 2015
Oggi in Italia 9th Edition iLrn: Heinle Learning Center
Creating a Quia eSAM Account
If you do not have an account, you need to create one. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Go to http://books.quia.com and click Students, then click Create a new account.
2. Select a username and password and enter your information, then click Submit.
Note: Remember to write down your username and password and be sure to select the
correct time zone. Also, please enter a valid e-mail address so we can send you your
password if you forget it.
Entering the Book Key and Course Code
Enter the book key and course code to complete the enrollment process. You may already
have a book key, or you may need to purchase a book key. Depending on your situation, use
one of the procedures below. If you activated the book for a previous course, you can start
at step 4 of I already have a book key below.
Once you have completed this step, the system lists the course and book on the Student
Workstation home page. To enter additional books, enter a book key in the Enter field and
click Go.
Note: Book keys can only be used once. Your book key will become invalid after you use it.
I already have a book key
1. Go to http://books.quia.com and log in.
2. At the top of the page, enter your book key and click Go.
3. Click Confirm to confirm your registration information. Your book will appear under the
My books heading.
4. Beside the book listing, enter the course code JFAEN869 in the Enter course code field
and click Go.
5. If necessary, select a class or section and click Submit.
I need to purchase a book key, or would like to access a free 3-week trial.
1. Go to http://books.quia.com and log in.
2. At the top of the page, enter the course code JFAEN869 and click Go.
3. If necessary, select a class or section and click Submit. The course and books will appear
under the My classes heading.
4. Locate the book and click buy.
5. Proceed through the purchase process. If you are not ready to purchase your book key
and would like to access a free 3-week trial, follow the instructions on this page.
Note that 3-week trials are not available for all titles.
Note: If the buy link does not appear in Step 4, contact Customer Support.
Using Quia
To access your Student Workstation in the future, go to http://books.quia.com and log in.
Here, you can open your book, submit activities, view your results, and view your instructor's
feedback. If you have any questions, contact Quia Support at