CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Department of Applied Plant Science Natural Resources Take 4 courses: BIO 225 Range Ecology 1 BIO 302 Ecology BIO 325 Range Ecology 2 BIO 455 Rangeland Inventory & Analysis Lab BIO 466 Rangeland Vegitation Manipulation & Improvement Total Credits Soil Management Take these courses: AGRON 220 Introduction to Soils AGRON 321 Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition AGRON 325 Irrigation and Drainage AGRON 425 Soil Management Total Credits Crop Production Take these courses: AGRON 310 Tree, Fruit and Vegetable Management AGRON 330 Forage Crops AGRON 435 Potato Science AGRON 455 Cereal Science Total Credits Crop Protection Take these courses: AGRON 321 Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition AGRON 325 Irrigation and Drainage AGRON 420 Crop Protection AGRON 445 Crop Advisor Certification Total Credits GIS in Agriculture and Natural Resources Take these courses: AGTEC 286 Introdution to GIS AGTEC 474 Mechanical Systems Analysis AGTEC 486 Advanced GIS in Agriculture and Natural Resources Take one course: CIT 320 Database Design and Development GEOG 240 Maps and Remote Sensing GEOG 340 Advanced GIS and Spatial Analysis Total Credits Agriculture Technology Take these courses: AGTEC 320 Agricutural Machinery AGTEC 335 Electronic Systems Diagnostics and Repairs AGTEC 360 Agricultural Hydraulics AGTEC 474 Mechanical Systems Analysis Total Credits Event Planning Cluster Take these courses: AGBUS 232 Ag Sales and Merchandising HORT 325 Interiorscaping HORT 335 Flower Arranging HORT 338A Wedding Flowers Lab A HORT 338R Wedding Flowers Take 1 course: HORT 287R Flower Center HORT 290R Special Problems Total Credits 1004 3 4 3 3 3 12 1005 Horticulture Take 12 credits: HORT 103 HORT 201 HORT 230 HORT 252 HORT 287R HORT 299R HORT 311 HORT 319 HORT 320 HORT 321 HORT 322 HORT 324 HORT 325 HORT 329 HORT 334 HORT 335 HORT 336 HORT 337 HORT 338A HORT 338B HORT 338R HORT 340 HORT 410 HORT 412 HORT 420 HORT 430 HORT 455 HORT 460 HORT 461 HORT 470 3 3 3 3 12 1006 3 3 3 3 12 1007 3 3 4 2 12 1008 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 1500 3 2 3 2 1-3 1 1-3 12 1501 Home Gardening 3 Plant Culture 3 Introduction to Architecture/Landscape Dsgn 3 Landscape Construction 4 Flower Center (repeatable) 1 Seminar (repeatable) .05 Introduction to Arboriculture 2 Landscape Management 3 Plant Propagation 3 Landscape Plant Materials 1 2 Landscape Plant Materials 2 2 Flower Identification 2 Interiorscaping 2 Irrigation 2 Greenhouse Operations 3 Flower Arranging 3 Asian Design Influence 1 European Design Influence 1 Wedding Flowers Lab A 2 Wedding Flowers Lab B 2 Wedding Flowers 1-3 Landscape Computer 2 Turfgrass Management 3 Landscape Pest Control 3 Advanced Propagation 3 Intermediate Landscape Design 3 Nursery Management 2 Cut Flower Production 2 Potted Crop Production 2 Landscaping with Fruit and Vegetables 2 Total Credits 12 Some courses may have a prerequisite that must be met in order to take that course. 1009 3 4 4 3 14 GIS Take this courses: GEOG 140 Introduction to GPS Take 1 course: AGTEC 286 Introduction to GIS GEOG 230 Introduction to GIS Take 1 course: FDMAT 221 Business Statistics FDMAT 222 Biostatistics FDMAT 223 Social Studies Statistics Take 1 course: AGTEC 486 Advanced GIS in Agriculture and Natural Resources GEOG 340 Advanced GIS and Spatial Analysis GEOL 340 Introduction to GIS for Geoscientists Take 1 course: CIT 203 CIT Fundamentals CIT 220 Introduction to Databases COMM 130 Visual Media Total Credits 27 6801 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 Department of Animal and Food Science Equine Take these courses: AS 220 Feeds and Nutrition AS 247 Animal Handling AS 340 Horse Production AS 425 Advanced Nutrition Total Credits 3 3 4 4 14 Animal Health Take these courses: AS 215 Anatomy/Physiology AS 315 Animal Health BIO 221 Microbiology BIO 222 Microbiology Lab Take one course: AS 340 Horse Production AS 360 Beef Production AS 370 Dairy Production Total Credits 4 4 4 15 Animal Reproduction Take these courses: AS 330 Artificial Insemination AS 333 Livestock Genetics AS 336 Animal Reproduction AS 430 Advanced Reproduction Total Credits 2 3 3 4 12 Natural Resources Take 4 courses: BIO 225 Range Ecology 1 BIO 302 Ecology BIO 325 Range Ecology 2 BIO 455 Rangeland Inventory & Analysis Lab BIO 466 Rangeland Vegitation Manipulation & Improvement Total Credits Animal Production Take these courses: AS 150 Introduction to Livestock AS 215 Anatomy & Physiology AS 220 Feeds and Nutrition Take one course: AS 340 Horse Production AS 360 Beef Production AS 370 Dairy Production Total Credits Animal Nutrition Take these courses: AGRON 330 Forage Crops AS 220 Feeds and Nutrition AS 425 Advanced Nutrition Chem 106 General Chemistry Total Credits Beef Production Take these courses: AS 220 Feeds and Nutrition AS 360 Beef Production Take 5 - 7 credits: AGBUS 450 Agribusiness Management AS 330 Artificial Insemination AS 333 Livestock Genetics AS 336 Animal Reproduction AS 355 Principles of Meat Science AS 425 Advanced Nutrition AS 430 Applied Reproduction Total Credits Nutrition Take these courses: NUTR 150 Essentials of Human Nutrition NUTR 200 Nutrient Metabolism Take 6 credits: CHEM 150* Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry NUTR 330* Nutrition in the Life Cycle NUTR 350* Sports Nutrition NUTR 400 Nutritional Biochemistry Total Credits Food and Nutrition Take this course: NUTR 150 Essentials of Human Nutrition Take 1 course: CA 160 Culinary Fundamentals HFED 110 Introductory Foods Take 7 credits: CA 120 Introduction to Food Service Sanitation CA 260* Applied Culinary Fundamentals CA 310* Culinary Nutrition NUTR 200* Nutrient Metabolism HFED 240* Meal Management NUTR 330* Nutrition in the Life Cycle Total Credits 1001 1002 4 3 3 1 Culinary Arts Take these courses: CA 120 Introduction to Food Service Sanitation CA 131 Bakery CA 160 Culinary Fundamentals Take 5 credits: CA 233 Pastry CA 234 Cake Decorating CA 240 Confectionary CA 260 Applied Culinary Fundamentals CA 280 International Foods CA 310 Culinary Nutrition CA 350 Food Services Management CA 372 Advanced Presentation Total Credits 1003 1004 3 4 3 3 3009 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 12 3010 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 13 *Course requires a prerequisite. See course description for more information 3 12 Department of Biology 1010 Pre-Veterinary Take these courses: BIO 221 Microbiology BIO 222 Microbiology Lab BIO 375 Genetics and Molecular Biology PH 105 Applied Physics 1 Take one course: BIO 180 General Biology BIO 208 General Botany Total Credits 3 4 3 4 4 4 14 1011 Natural Resource (Recreation Management Majors) Take this course: BIO 202 Natural Resource Management Take 9 credits: AS 225 Range Ecology BIO 307 Wildlife Law BIO 351 Wildlife Management BIO 423 Natural Resource Policy GEOG 230 Introduction to GIS GEOG 240 Maps and Remote Sensing GEOG 340 Advanced GIS and Spatial Analysis GEOL 440R Applied GIS (Fall classes only) Total Credits 3 3 4 4 14 1012 3 4 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 12 Neuroscience (Psychology Majors) Take these courses: BIO 240 Neurobiology BIO 485 Advanced Neuroscience Take 4 credits: BIO 180 General Biology BIO 264 Anatomy & Physiology 1 BIO 265 Anatomy & Physiology 2 Total Credits 3008 3 3 Biological Illustrations (Art Majors) Take these courses: BIO 208 General Botany BIO 460 Human Anatomy Take 7 credits: BIO 204 Vertebrate and Invertebrate Strategies BIO 209 An Evolutionary Survey of Plants BIO 210 Plant Systematics BIO 221 General Microbiology BIO 331 General Entomology BIO 380 Histology BIO 445 Ichthyology BIO 446 Ornithology BIO 447 Mammalogy Total Credits 5 3 3 3 12 28 1100 3 1 3 4 4 4 15 1102 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13 1103 4 4 4 4 4 12 1104 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 15 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 Microbiology Take these courses: BIO 221 General Microbiology BIO 222 General Microbiology Lab OR BIO 321 Microbiology Take 8-11 credits: BIO 410 Immunology BIO 411 Medical Microbiology BIO 412 Virology HS 370 Epidemiology Total Credits Biotechnology/Forensics Take these courses: BIO 180 Introduction to Biology BIO 375 Genetics BIO 377 Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Take one course: BIO 376 Cell and Molecular Biology CHEM 481 Biochemistry Total Credits Health Professions Prerequisites Take 12-15 credits: BIO 180 Introduction to Biology 1 BIO 181 Introduction to Biology 2 BIO 221 General Microbiology BIO 222 General Microbiology Lab BIO 321 Biology of Microorganisms CHEM 105 General Chemistry 1 CHEM 106 General Chemistry 2 CHEM 351 Organic Chemistry 1 CHEM 352 Organic Chemistry 2 PH 105 Introduction to Applied Physics 1 PH 106 Introduction to Applied Physics 2 Total Credits Pre-Profession Take these courses: BIO 180 Introduction to Biology 1 BIO 181 Introduction to Biology 2 Take 5-7 credits: BIO 375 Genetics BIO 376 Cell and Molecular Biology BIO 460 Advanced Anatomy BIO 461 Principles of Physiology CHEM 481 Biochemistry Total Credits 1105 3 1 4 4 4 4 3 12 1106 4 3 3 Coaching (Non-education) Take these courses: ESS 335 Advanced Sports Phychology ESS 350 Evaluation and Administration ESS 375 Exercise Physiology ESS 375L Exercise Physiology Lab ESS 381 Strength Training Theory and Application Take 1 course: ESS 341 Baseball Theory ESS 342 Basketball Theory ESS 343 Football Theory ESS 344 Track & Field Theory ESS 345 Volleyball Theory ESS 346 Wrestling Theory Total Credits 1107 4 4 3 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 Aquatic Managment Take these courses: ACCTG 201 Financial Accounting B 101 Principles of Business Management ESS 268 Water Safety Instruction ESS 367 Lifeguarding Instructor ESS 368 Aquatic Management Total Credits 1205 3 3 2 2 2 12 1206 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 *Check for course prerequisites 1200 Outdoor Recreation Take these courses: ACCTG 201 Financial Accounting RM 200 Recreation Leadership Take 4 credits: RM 223 A-F,K,L Skills Classes RM 223G Skills Classes RM 224 A-F Skills Classes RM 225 A,B,D,F Skills Classes RM 225 C Skills Classes Take 1 course: BIO 352 Wildland Ecology and Range Plants COMM 352 Persuasion ESS 375 Exercise Physiology RM 423 Resource Management Total Credits 4 4 3 3 4 5 4 13 1201 2 2 3 1 3 1 12 Health and Wellness Take these courses: HS 420 Health Behavior Modules and Theories HS 472 Health Communications HFED 100 Essentials of Human Nutrition Take 1 course: HRHP 131 Personal Health and Fitness HS 331 Women’s Health Issues Take 1 course: HS 222 Advanced First Aid HS 223 Wilderness First Aid Total Credits 1202 3 2 3 1 4 Industrial Health Take these courses: HS 310 Environmental Health HS 485 Toxicology HS 486 Occupational Safety and Risk Management HS 487 Introduction to Industrial Hygiene Total Credits 2 2 2 2 2 2 15 Professional Health Take these courses: BIO 264 Anatomy & Physiology 4 ESS 320 Motor Development 2 ESS 375 Exercise Physiology 3 ESS 375L Exercise Physiology Lab 1 HRHP 359 Introduction to Kinesiology and Biomechanics 3 Choose any ESS 100 course 1 Total Credits 14 1204 Inclusion Take these courses: CHILD 210 Child Development ESS 366 Adaptive Education Special Population RM 366 Adaptive Recreation Skills RM 370* Therapeutic Recreation Take 1 course: ESS 100 Aerobic Fitness ESS 101 Water Aerobics ESS 102 Footwork, Agilities, Plyometrics ESS 115 Military Physical Fitness ESS 121 Softball ESS 130 Body Weight Management ESS 160 Swimming Beginning ESS 161 Swimming Intermediate ESS 178 Weight Training ESS 179 Olympic Weight Training Total Credits 3 4 13 Department of Health, Recreation and Human Performance Exercise and Sports Science Take these courses: ESS 320 Motor Development ESS 347 Sports Conditioning ESS 375 Exercise Physiology ESS 375L Exercise Physiology Lab HFED 150 Nutrition Choose any ESS 100 course Total Credits Professional Training Take these courses: ESS 204 Aerobic Fitness Techniques 2 ESS 347 Sports Conditioning 2 ESS 375 Exercise Physiology 3 ESS 375L Exercies Physiology Lab 1 ESS 381 Strength Training Theory and Application 4 HS 305 Health & Fitness Appraisal and Prescription 3 Total Credits 15 1207 3 3 2 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 13 1300 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 13 1301 3 3 3 3 12 Sports Medicine Take these courses: BIO 265 Anatomy & Physiology 2 4 HS 349 Sports Medicine 3 HS 349L Sports Medicine Lab 1 HS 355R Athletic Training Clinical Experience 1-3 HRHP 359 Introduction to Kinesiology and Biomechanics 3 Total Credits 12 1203 29 1302 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 Public Health Take 1 course: HS 285 Hospital and Health Administration 3 HS 360 Community and Public Health Administration 2 Take these courses: HS 310 Environmental Health 3 HS 370 Epidemiology 3 HS 420 Health Behavior Theories/Models 2 FDMAT 222 Bio Statistics 3 Total Credits 13 1303 Emergency Care Take these courses: HS 223 Wilderness First Aid HS 349 Sports Medicine HS 349L Sports Medicine Lab PARA 181 EMT Basic Total Credits 1304 3 3 1 7 14 General Recreation Management Take these courses: RM 200 Recreation Leadership 3 RM 343 Experiential Education/Adventure Challenge 3 Take 2 courses: RM 301 Family Recreation 3 RM 304 Leisure in Society 3 RM 320 Program Management 3 RM 486 Legal Aspects and Risk Management of Leisure Services 3 Total Credits 12 Rehabilitative Recreation Therapy (for Recreation Mgmt Majors) Take these courses: BIO 240 Neurobiology 4 HS 280 Medical Terminology 2 HS 349 Sports Medicine 3 HS 349L Sports Medicine Lab 1 HS 351 Gerontology 2 Total Credits 12 1307 Healthcare Administration Take these courses: HS 280 Medical Terminology 2 HS 285 Hospital and Health Services Administration 3 HS 390 Planning, Implementing, and Evaluation 3 MA 106 Medical Law and Ethics 2 Take 1 course: HS 360 Community and Public Health Administration 2 SOC 357 Human Relations and Leadership 3 Total Credits 12 1308 1305 Department of Nursing Non-Nursing Take these courses: NURSF 301 Family Nursing Skills-Adult NURSF 302 Family Nursing Skills-Women’s Health NURSF 303 Family Nursing Skills-Children Total Credits 1400 4 4 4 12 College of Business and Communication Department of Accounting Financial Accounting (for non-business majors) Take these courses: ACCTG 201 Financial Accounting ACCTG 202 Managerial Accounting ACCTG 301 Intermediate Financial Accounting 1 ACCTG 302 Intermediate Financial Accounting 2 Total Credits General Accounting (For Business Majors) Take these courses: ACCTG 301 Intermediate Financial Accounting 1 ACCTG 321 Income Tax 1 ACCTG 344 Auditing ACCTG 356 Accounting Information Systems Total Credits 2000 3 3 3 3 12 Financial Accounting (For Business Majors) Take these courses: ACCTG 301 Intermediate Financial Accounting 1 ACCTG 302 Intermediate Financial Accounting 2 ACCTG 344 Auditing ACCTG 403 Advanced Accounting Total Credits Tax Accounting (For Business Majors) Take these courses: ACCTG 301 Intermediate Financial Accounting 1 ACCTG 302 Intermediate Financial Accounting 2 ACCTG 321 Income Tax 1 ACCTG 322 Income Tax 2 Total Credits Accounting Information Systems (For Business Majors) Take these courses: ACCTG 301 Intermediate Financial Accounting 1 ACCTG 302 Intermediate Accounting 2 ACCTG 333 Advanced Spreadsheet Applications ACCTG 356 Accounting Information Systems Total Credits 3 3 3 3 12 No double counting of major, minor or cluster courses Accounting Information Systems ( for non-business and non-CIT majors) 2001 Take these courses: ACCTG 201 Financial Accounting 3 ACCTG 202 Managerial Accounting 3 ACCTG 333 Advanced Spreadsheet Applications 3 ACCTG 356 Accounting Information Systems 3 Total Credits 12 Tax Accounting (for non-business majors) Take these courses: ACCTG 201 Financial Accounting ACCTG 202 Managerial Accounting ACCTG 321 Income Tax 1 ACCTG 322 Income Tax 2 Total Credits 2006 Department of Business 2002 3 3 3 3 12 2003 3 3 3 3 12 2004 3 3 3 3 12 General Business Take these courses: B 101 Introduction to Business ACCTG 180 Survey of Accounting Take 1 course : ECON 150 Economic Priniciples and Problems - Micro B 201 Introduction to Finance B 275 Business Law and Legal Environment Take 3 credits: B 321 Organizational Effectiveness B 341 Marketing Management B 370 Human Resource Management B 380 Introduction to International Business B 383 New Venture Creation B 483 Entrepreneurial Management Total Credits 3 3 3 2 3 2 12 General Business (For Accounting Majors) Take these courses: B 321 Organizational Effectiveness B 341 Marketing Management B 361 Operations Management B 499A Principles of Business Strategy Total Credits 3 3 3 3 12 Administrative Assistant Take these courses: B 129 Officce Procedures B 240 Advanced Word Processing B 370 Human Resource Management Take 1 course: ACCTG 180 Survey of Accounting CIT 140 Micro-Applications for Business Total Credits 2005 3 3 3 3 12 30 2100 3 3 3 3 3 2101 2103 3 3 3 3 3 12 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 Administrative Assistant Take these courses: B 129 Officce Procedures B 240 Advanced Word Processing B 370 Human Resource Management Take 1 course: ACCTG 180 Survey of Accounting CIT 140 Micro-Applications for Business Total Credits 2103 3 3 3 3 3 12 Real Estate (Non-Business Majors) Take these courses: ACCTG 180 Survey of Accounting 3 ARCH 100 Introduction to Architecture and Construction 3 B 225 Fundamentals of Real Estate 3 B 413* Real Estate 3 Total Credits 12 2106 Real Estate (Business Majors) Take these courses: ARCH 100 Introduction to Architecture and Constructions3 B 225 Fundamentals of Real Estate 3 B 413 Real Estate 3 Take 1 course: CONST 120 Framing Systems 3 CONST 210* Finishing Systems 3 CONST 330* Construction Estimating 3 CONST 350* Soils and Equipment 3 Total Credits 12 2107 *Prerequisites need to be met Business Fundamentals (Application Only Cluster - See Advising) Take the following courses: ACCTG 201 Financial Accounting 3 B 211 Business Fundamentals 1 4 ECON 150 Economic Principles and Problems - Micro 3 Take one course: ACCTG 205 Accounting Software 2 ART 392 Business for the Professional Artist 2 B 225 Fundamentals of Real Estate 3 B 250 Web Business 1 3 B 275 Business Law and the Legal Environment 3 B 283 Entrepreneurship Skills 3 B 301 Financial Management 3 B 341 Marketing Management 3 B 370 Human Resource Management 3 B 413 Real Estate 3 HS 285 Hospital and Health Administration 3 Total Credits 12 2109 Human Resource Management Take this course: B 370 Human Resource Management Take 9 credits: B 321* Organizational Effectiveness COMM 150 Interpersonal Theory and Practice COMM 450 Conflict Management SOC 323 Race and Ethnic Relations SOC 357 Human Relations and Leadership Total Credits 2111 2112 3 3 1 1 3 1 New Venture Financing Take these coures: B 424D Legal Aspects of Financing New Ventures B 475 Financing New Ventures Total Credits 1 3 12 2114 Entrepreneurship Take 12 credits: B 183 Introduction to Entrepreneurship B 250 Web Business B 283 Entrepreneurship Skills B 383 New Venture Creation B 483 Entrepreneurial Management Total Credits 2115 Public Relations Take these courses: COMM 235 Public Relations Principles and Practices COMM 335 Public Relations Writing and Production Take 6 credits: COMM 322 New Media Strategies and Tactics COMM 339 Events Management COMM 380 Media Research Methods COMM 385 Media Strategy and Planning Total Credits 3 3 3 3 3 12 1 3 Marketing (Application Only, see Advising) Take these courses as one 12-credit class during one semester: Take these course: B 439 Project Management 1 B 443 Marketing Research Skills 2 B 446 Consumer Behavior 2 B 448 Marketing Law 1 B 452 Sales and Negotiations 2 B 453 Marketing Strategy Research 2 Take 2 credits from: B 451 Internet Marketing 2 OR B 457 Retail Management 1 and COMM 231A Basic Advertising Skills: Creative Development 1 Total Credits 12 Advertising Take these courses: COMM 130 Visual Media COMM 230 Advertising Principles and Practices COMM 330 Advertising Concepting and Copywriting Take 3 credits: COMM 322 New Media Strategies and Tactics COMM 380 Media Research Methods COMM 385 Media Strategy and Planning Total Credits 3 Banking and Corporate Financial Management Take these coures: B 424 Finance Law for Corporate and Advanced Investments B 432 Corporate Financing and Banking 2113 3 3 3 3 3 12 Department of Communication *Business majors cannot take B 321 as an option for this cluster Finance Cluster (Application Only, see Advising) Take these courses as one 12-credit class during one semester: Take these courses: B 401 Advanced Financial Management B 410 Investments B 428 Real Estate Management B 433 Personal Finance Choose 1 of the following tracks: Advanced Investments and Capital Markets Take these coures: B 411 Advanced Investments B 424 Finance Law for Corporate and Advanced Investments Supply Chain Management Cluster (Application Only, see Advising) Take these courses as one 12-credit class during one semester: Take these course: B 461 Suppy Chain Risk and Flexibility Management 3 B 466 Global Sourcing 4 B 468 Logistics Management 2 B 478 Suppy Chain Analysis and Modeling 3 Total Credits 12 31 2200 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 2205 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 Media Sales and New Ventures Take these courses: COMM 320 Media and Technology Trends COMM 322 New Media Strategies and Tactics COMM 332 Media Sales and Account Management Take 3 credits: COMM 273 Professional Presentations COMM 280 Communication Research Fundamentals COMM 352 Persuasion Total Credits 2207 3 3 3 12 Professional Presentations Take these courses: COMM 102 Public Speaking COMM 130 Visual Media COMM 273 Professional Presentations COMM 352 Persuasion Total Credits 3 3 3 3 12 Visual Communication Take these courses: COMM 130 Visual Media COMM 310 Online Media COMM 370 Digital Imaging COMM 462 Advanced Visual Media Total Credits 3 3 3 3 12 3 3 3 2208 2210 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 Communication Management Take these courses: COMM 150 Interpersonal Theory and Practice COMM 250 Organizational Principles and Practices COMM 350 Group Dynamics COMM 450 Conflict Management and Negotiations Total Credits Department of Economics 2211 (No Double Counting between Major, Minor and Cluster courses) 3 3 3 3 12 Video Take this course: COMM 297R Communication Practicum/Final Cut Express Section 1 Take these courses: COMM 260 Broadcast Media Principles and Practices 3 COMM 360 Multimedia Video Journalism 3 Take 6 credits: COMM 240 Newsgathering Principles and Practices 3 COMM 265 Video and Film Production Essentials 3 COMM 365 Short Film and Web-Video Production 3 COMM 465 Documentary and Corporate Video Production3 Total Credits 13 2212 News/Journalism Take these courses: COMM 111 Writing for Communication Careers COMM 240 Newsgathering Principles and Practices Take 6 credits: COMM 340 Advanced Media Writing COMM 342 Editing Essentials COMM 360 Multimedia Video Journalism COMM 440 Computer-Assisted Media Production Total Credits 2213 Agribusiness Take these courses: AGBUS 210 Agriculture Economics AGBUS 347 Agricultural Marketing AGBUS 450 Agribusiness Management Select 2 classes from the following: AGBUS 410 Agriculture Policy & Trade AGBUS 420 Agribusiness Operations Management AGBUS 430 Agriculture Price Analysis AGBUS 435 Agriculture Commodity Marketing Total Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 Department of Computer Information Technology Generic CIT Take these courses: CIT 203 CIT Fundamentals CIT 230 Web Design CIT 240 Networking CIT 336 Web Development Total Credits Programming Take these courses: CIT 203 CIT Fundamentals CIT 210 Object Oriented Programming 1 CIT 220 Introduction to Databases CIT 310 Object Oriented Programming 2 Total Credits Networking Take these courses: CIT 240 Networking CIT 330 Operating Systems CIT 340 Network Design CIT 370 Systems Security Total Credits Web Take these courses: CIT 220 Introduction to Databases CIT 230 Web Design CIT 336 Web Development Take 1 course: COMM 130 Visual Media CS 371 Human-Computer Interaction Total Credits Project Lifecycle Take these courses: CIT 203 CIT Fundamentals CIT 220 Introduction to Databases CIT 380 Project Management CIT 485 Enterprise Applications Total Credits CIT/ACCOUNTING Take these courses: ACCTG 333 Advanced Spreadsheet Applicatiosn ACCTG 356 Accounting Information Systems CIT 203 CIT Fundamentals CIT 220 Introduction to Databases Total Credits 3 3 3 3 12 2501 3 3 3 3 12 3 3 3 3 12 Economics and Finance Take these courses: ECON 300 Managerial Economics ECON 358 International Economics ECON 453 Money, Banking and Financial Markets ECON 455 Financial Economics Total Credits 3 3 3 3 12 General Economics (For Business Majors Only) Take this course: ECON 300 Managerial Economics Take 9 credits: ECON 215 Quantitative Methods ECON 278 Statistics for Economists ECON 330 Economic Thought and History ECON 381 Intermediate Macroeconomics ECON 440 Law and Ecomics ECON 444 Regional Economics ECON 453 Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Total Credits 2503 3 3 3 3 3 12 Law and Economics (For Business Majors Only) Take this course: ECON 440 Law and Economics Take 9 credits: ECON 278 Statistics for Economists ECON 330 Economic Thought and History ECON 444 Regional Economics ECON 475 Public Economics Total Credits 2504 3 3 3 3 12 2505 3 3 3 3 12 32 3 3 3 3 15 4 3 3 3 3 3 12 Public Administration Take these courses: ECON 150 Economic Principles and Problems - Micro ECON 151 Economic Principles and Problems - Macro Take 2 courses: ECON 300 Mangerial Economics ECON 444 Regional Economics ECON 475 Public Economics Total Credits 2502 3 3 3 General Economics Take these courses: ECON 150 Economic Principles and Problems - Micro ECON 151 Economic Principles and Problems - Macro Take 2 courses: ECON 215 Quantitative Methods ECON 278 Statistics for Economists ECON 300 Managerial Economics ECON 358 International Economics ECON 330 Economic History and Thought ECON 381 Intermediate Macroeconomics Total Credits Law and Economics Take these courses: ECON 150 Economic Principles and Problems - Micro ECON 151 Economic Principles and Problems - Macro ECON 440 Law and Economics Take 1 course: ECON 278 Statistics for Economists ECON 330 Economic Thought and History ECON 444 Regional Economics ECON 475 Public Economics Total Credits 2500 1000 2300 3 3 2301 2302 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 2303 3 3 3 3 3 12 2304 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 2305 3 3 3 3 3 12 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 College of Education and Human Development Department of Psychology No Double Counting of Cluster Courses - No Grade Less than C- Department of Home and Family Child Development Take this course: CHILD 210 Child Development Take 6 credits: CHILD 300 Infant/Toddler Development CHILD 310 Early Childhood Development CHILD 320* Adolescent Development Take 3 credits: CHILD 340 Language, Literacy and Learning FAML 120 Parenting Skills FAML 160 Family Relations FAML 220 Parenting NURSF 110 Pregnancy SOC 383 Juvenile Delinquency Total Credits 3000 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 3 12 Infant/Toddler Take these courses: CHILD 210 Child Development 3 CHILD 300 Infant/Toddler Development 3 ECD 350 Early Child Development: Toddler Core Principles 3 ECD 350L Early Childhood Development Lab Experience With Toddlers 2 NURSF 110 Pregnancy 1 Total Credits 12 3001 Early Childhood Take these courses: CHILD 120 Infant and Toddlers CHILD 150 Foundations of Early Childhood CHILD 210 Child Development CHILD 230 Curriculum for Young Children CHILD 340* Language, Literacy and Learning Total Credits 3002 Family Studies Take these courses: FAML 160 Family Relations FAML 220 Parenting FAML 300 Marriage Take 3 credits: CHILD 210 Child Development FAML 100 The Family FAML 110 Marriage Skills FAML 120 Parenting Skills FAML 200 Preparation for Marriage FAML 360 Family Stress and Coping FAML 400 Family Theories and Dynamics FAML 420 The Helping Relationship FAML 430 Family & Community Relations FAML 460* Child and Family Advocacy HFED 160 Home & Family Management HFED 340 Money Management NURSF 110 Pregnancy SOC 311 Family Interaction Total Credits Sewing Take these courses: HFED 207 Clothing Construction 1 HFED 245 Pattern Making HFED 307 Advanced Sewing Construction HFED 345 Fitting and Alterations HFED 360 Textiles Total Credits The Home Take these courses: HFED 140 Architecture and Interior Design HFED 150 Practical Homemaking HFED 160 Home and Family Management HFED 221 Home Decor HORT 103 Home Gardening Total Credits Home and Family Living Take these courses: HFED 110 Introductory Foods HFED 160 Home & Family Management HFED 207 Clothing Construction 1 HFED 340 Money Management NUTR 150 Essentials of Human Nutrition Total Credits Psychology: Business Take these courses: PSYCH 111 General Psychology 3 PSYCH 355 Industrial Organizational Psychology 3 Take 6 credits: PSYCH 310 Culture and Gender 3 PSYCH 341 Personality 3 PSYCH 350 Social Psychology 3 PSYCH 365 Motivation and Emotion 3 PSYCH 376 Cognition 3 PSYCH 380 The Psychology of Performance and Expertise 3 Total Credits 12 3100 Psychology: Health Sciences Take these courses: PSYCH 111 General Psychology PSYCH 342 Abnormal Psychology Take 6 credits: PSYCH 201 Development Psychology Lifespan PSYCH 322 Adult Development PSYCH 365 Motivation and Emotion PSYCH 384 Behavioral Neurobiology Total Credits 3101 Psychology: Parenting Take these courses: PSYCH 111 General Psychology PSYCH 201 Developmental Psychology Lifespan Take 6 credits: CHILD 210 Child Development CHILD 320 Adolescent Development PSYCH 240 Psychology of Effective Living PSYCH 310 Culture and Gender PSYCH 350 Social Psychology PSYCH 361 Principles of Behavioral Learning PSYCH 365 Motivation and Emotion Total Credits 1 3 3 3 2 12 3003 3 3 3 Psychology: Pre-Health Professions Take these courses: PSYCH 111 General Psychology PSYCH 342 Abnormal Psychology OR PSYCH 201 Development Psychology Lifespan Take 6 credits: BIO 240 Neurobiology PSYCH 201 Development Psychology Lifespan PSYCH 342 Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 365 Motivation and Emotion PSYCH 370 Sensation and Perception PSYCH 384 Behavioral Neurobiology Total Credits 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 12 Psychology: Recreation Management Take these courses: PSYCH 111 General Psychology PSYCH 201 Development Psychology Lifespan PSYCH 342 Abnormal Psychology Take 3 credits: PSYCH 240 Psychology of Effective Living PSYCH 310 Culture and Gender PSYCH 341 Personality PSYCH 350 Social Psychology PSYCH 365 Motivation and Emotion Total Credits 3004 2 3 4 3 3 15 3005 Psychology: Sociology Take these courses: PSYCH 111 General Psychology PSYCH 350 Social Psychology Take 6 credits: PSYCH 201 Developmental Psychology Lifespan PSYCH 310 Culture and Gender PSYCH 322 Adult Development PSYCH 341 Personality PSYCH 342 Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 365 Motivation and Emotion PSYCH 376 Cognition Total Credits 3 2 3 2 3 13 3006 2 3 2 3 3 13 *Course requires a possible prerequisite. See course description for more information. 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 3102 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 3103 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 12 3104 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 3105 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 Psychology: Research Methods Take these courses: CS 124 Introduction to Software Development FDMAT 223 Social Science Statistics PSYCH 302 Research Methods SOC 340 Research Methods Total Credits Introduction to Psychology Take these courses: FDMAT 223 Social Science Statistics PSYCH 111 General Psychology PSYCH 112 Career Development in Psychology PSYCH 302 Research Methods PSYCH 311 History and Systems of Psychology Total Credits Industrial Organizational Psychology Take these courses: PSYCH 111 Introduction to Psychology PSYCH 302 Research Methods PSYCH 355 Industrial Organization Behavior Take 1 course: B 212 Business Fundamentals 2 FDMAT 222 Biostatistics FDMAT 223 Social Science Statistics Take 1 course: B 370 Human Resource Management COMM 250 Introduction to Organizational Comm. COMM 380 Media Research Methods COMM 450 Conflict Management HS 390 Program Planning and Implementation HS 486 Ocupational Safety and Risk Management PSYCH 350 Social Psychology Total Credits 3106 Elementary Methods of Teaching Take these courses: CHILD 210 Child Development ED 200 History and Philosophy of Education ED 242 Motivation and Management Take 6 credits: ED 341 Elementary Art Methods ED 342 Elementary Music Methods ED 343 Elementary P.E. Methods ED 442 Elementary Math Methods ED 443 Elementary Science Methods ED 444 Elementary Social Studies Methods Total Credits 3 3 3 3 12 3107 3 3 1 3 3 13 Secondary Education Take these courses: ED 200 History and Philosophy of Education ED 304 Education Psychology SPED 360 Exceptional Students (6-12) Take 5 credits: ED 361 Secondary Principles of Teaching ED 461* Reading in the Content Area Any Secondary Content Methods Total Credits 3108 3 3 3 4 3 3 3303 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 13 3304 2 3 2 3 3 2-3 12 *Course requires a prerequisite. See course description for more information. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 Note: It is the students responsibility to take the proper prerequisite courses. Department of Teacher Education Please note that the Education Clusters will not allow a student to teach in public schools. General Education Take these courses: ED 200 History and Philosophy of Education 2 ED 304 Educational Psychology 3 Take 7 credits: CHILD 210 Child Development 3 ED 206 Technology and Teacher Productivity 1 ED 241 Elementary Early Field Experience 3 ED 242 Motivation and Management 2 ED 312 Culture and Diversity 2 ED 361 Secondary Principles of Teaching 3 ED 402 Linguistically Diverse Students - Assessment 3 ED 461* Reading in the Content Area 3 Any Secondary Content Methods 2-3 Total Credits 12 *Prerequisite of ED 361 or any Sec. Content Methods Course 3300 Elementary Literacy Take these courses: ED 200 History and Philosophy of Education 2 ED 344 Comprehensive Literacy 1 3 ED 345 Comprehensive Literacy 2 3 Take 4 credits: ED 312 Culture and Diversity 2 ED 346 Literacy Practicum 1 ED 402 Linguistically Diverse Students - Assessment 3 ED 441 Language Arts Methods 2 ENG 355 Childrens Literature 3 Total Credits 12 3301 Educational/School Psychology Take these courses: ED 424 ECSE Assessment SPED 310 Exeptional Students (P-6th Grade) Take 5 credits: ED 344 Comprehensive Literacy 1 ED 345 Comprehensive Literacy 2 ED 402 Linguistically Diverse Students SPED 422 Emotional and Behavioral Disorders SPED 423 Autism Spectrum Disorders Total Credits 3302 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 12 34 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 College of Language and Letters Department of History/Geography/Political Science Geography Take these courses: GEOG 101 Introduction to Physical Geography GEOG 101L Physical Geography Lab GEOG 120 Geography and World Affairs GEOG 230 Introduction to GIS GEOG 350 Cultural Geography Total Credits 3 1 3 3 3 13 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Take these courses: CIT 203 Introduction to Programming 3 CIT 320 Database Design and Development 3 GEOG 240 Maps and Remote Sensing 3 Take 1 course: AGTEC 286 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems in Agriculture and Natural Resources 3 GEOG 230 Introduction to GIS 3 Take 1 course: GEOG 340 Advanced GIS and Spatial Analysis 3 GEOL 440R Applied GIS (Fall classes only) 3 Total Credits 15 4001 American History Take these courses: HIST 120 US History to 1877 HIST 121 US History since 1877 Take 2 courses: HIST 360* Idaho and the Northwest HIST 363* The American West HIST 370 Early American History to 1800 HIST 372 Civil War and Reconstruction HIST 376 US Industrial Age 1870 - 1945 HIST 378 US History since 1945 HIST 380 US Constitutional History and Law Total Credits *Students may choose Hist 360 or Hist 360, but not both. 4002 European History Take these courses: HIST 201 World Civilization to 1500 HIST 202 World Civilization Since 1500 Take 2 courses: HIST 304 Ancient Greece and Rome HIST 306 Medieval History HIST 308 Renaissance and Reformation HIST 310 Modern European History Total Credits World History Take these courses: HIST 201 World Civilization to 1500 HIST 202 World Civilization since 1500 Take 2 courses: HIST 325** The Middle East HIST 326** Modern Middle East HIST 330 The Far East HIST 335 Africa since 1400 HIST 340 Latin America Total Credits Political Science - American Politics Take these courses: POLSC 110 American Government POLSC 311 State and Local Government POLSC 314 The Executive Branch POLSC 315 The Legislative Branch Total Credits 4000 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 Political Science - International Politics Take these courses: POLSC 150 Foreign Government 3 POLSC 170 International Politics 3 POLSC 372 Advanced Theory of International Relations 3 POLSC 390 American Foreign Policy 3 Total Credits 12 4007 Pre-Law Take 12 credits: B 275 COMM 102 COMM 150 COMM 307 ENG 450 PHIL 205 PHIL 313 POLSC 280 POLSC 316 POLSC 380 4008 Business Law Public Speaking Interpersonal Theory Practice Ethics and Legal Issues Rhetorical Studies Introduction to Logic Introduction to Ethics Introduction to Law Judicial Branch US Constitutional History and Law Total Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Chinese Elementary* Take these courses: CHIN 101 Beginning Mandarin 1 CHIN 102 Beginning Mandarin 2 CHIN 201 Intermediate Mandarin 1 Total Credits 4003 Chinese Fluent Speakers Take these courses: CHIN 101 Beginning Mandarin 1 CHIN 102 Beginning Mandarin 2 CHIN 201 Intermediate Mandarin 2 Take 1 course: CHIN 202 Intermediate Mandarin 2 CHIN 301 Advanced Mandarin 1 CHIN 302 Advanced Mandarin 2 CHIN 345 Chinese Culture CHIN 347 Chinese Literature in Translation CHIN 377 Chinese Teaching Methods CHIN 490 Independent Study in Chinese Total Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 4004 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 French Elementary* Take these courses: FR 101 Beginning French 1 FR 102 Beginning French 2 FR 201 Intermediate French 1 Total Credits **Students may choose Hist 325 or Hist 326, but not both.. International Studies Take these courses: POLSC 170 International Politics POLSC 390 American Foreign Policy Take 1 course: ANTH 101 Introduction to Anthropology GEOG 350 Cultural Geography INTST 342 Russian Culture INTST 344 Western Europe Culture INTST 345 Chinese Culture INTST 350 Latin American Culture Take 1 course: HIST 310 Modern European History HIST 326 Modern Middle East HIST 330 The Far East HIST 335 Africa Since 1400 HIST 340 Latin America Total Credits 4006 3 3 3 3 12 4005 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 35 4117 4 4 4 12 4116 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 1-4 13 4118 4 4 4 12 French Fluent Speakers Take these courses: FR 101 Beginning French 1 FR 102 Beginning French 2 FR 201 Intermediate French 1 Take 1 course: FR 202 Introduction to French Literature FR 321 Advanced Grammar and Composition FR 377 French Teaching Methods FR 400 French Civilization and Culture FR 410 Masterpieces of Francophone Literature FR 490 Independent Study in French Total Credits 4113 3 3 3 3 3 1-4 13 German Elementary* Take these courses: GER 101 Beginning German 1 GER 102 Second Semester German GER 201 Second Year German Total Credits 4 4 4 12 4 4 4 4120 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 German Fluent Speaker Take these courses: GER 101 Beginning German 1 GER 102 Second Semester German GER 201 Second Year German Take 1 course: GER 202 Introduction to German Literature GER 321 Advanced Grammar and Composition GER 377 German Teaching Methods GER 400 German Civilization and Culture GER 410 German Literature GER 490 Independent Study in German Total Credits Russian Elementary* Take these courses: RUSS 101 Beginning Russian 1 RUSS 102 Beginning Russian 2 RUSS 201 Intermediate Russian 1 Total Credits 4114 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 1-4 13 4119 4 4 4 12 Russian Fluent Speaker Take these courses: RUSS 101 Beginning Russian 1 RUSS 102 Beginning Russian 2 RUSS 201 Intermediate Russian 1 Take 1 course: RUSS 202 Intermediate Russian 2 RUSS 301 Third Year Russian Part 1 RUSS 302 Third Year Russian Part 2 RUSS 340 Russian Literature in Translation RUSS 342 Russian Culture RUSS 377 Russian Teaching Methods RUSS 490 Independent Study in Russian Total Credits 4 3 3 3 3 3 1-4 13 Spanish Elementary* Take these courses: SPAN 101 Beginning Spanish 1 SPAN 102 Beginning Spanish 2 SPAN 201 Second Year Spanish Total Credits 4 4 4 12 Spanish Fluent Speaker* Take these courses: SPAN 101 Beginning Spanish 1 SPAN 102 Beginning Spanish 2 SPAN 201 Second Year Spanish Take 1 course: SPAN 302* Advanced Readings in Hispanic Literature SPAN 321 Advanced Grammar and Composition Total Credits International Studies Take these courses: POLSC 170 International Politics 3 POLSC 390 American Foreign Policy 3 Take 1 course: ANTH 101 Introduction to Anthropology 3 GEOG 350 Cultural Geography 3 INTST 342 Russian Culture 3 INTST 344 Western Europe Culture 3 INTST 345 Chinese Culture 3 INTST 350 Latin American Culture 3 Take 1 course: HIST 310 Modern European History 3 HIST 326 Modern Middle East 3 HIST 330 The Far East 3 HIST 335 Africa Since 1400 3 HIST 340 Latin America 3 Total Credits 12 TESOL Take these courses: ED 312 Culture and Diversity 2 ED 313 Culture and Diversity Practicum 1 ED 402 Linguisticall or Diverse Students Assessment and Strategy 3 TESOL 200 Fundamentals of TESOL 3 TESOL 377 TESOL Teachings Methods` 3 Total Credits 12 4115 4 4 4 4005 4122 Department of English 4121 4111 4 4 4 3 3 15 Spanish Native Speaker* Take these courses: SPAN 321 Advanced Grammar and Composition 3 Take 9 credits: SPAN 325 Phonetics and Conversation 3 SPAN 339 Introduction to Literary Analysis 3 SPAN 350 Hispanic Civilization and Culture 3 SPAN 441 Masterpieces of Spanish Literature 3 SPAN 451 Masterpieces of Spanish-American Literature 3 Total Credits 12 4112 Other Languages Take these courses in one language of choice: 101 Language of Choice 102 Language of Choice 201 Language of Choice Take 1 course: LANG 321 Advanced Grammar in Languages LANG 400 Civilization and Culture LANG 410 Language and Literary Traditions Total Credits 4110 4 4 4 3 3 3 15 *Note for test takers. At least 1 course must be taken on campus, and a cluster cannot be comprised only of test credits. Note: Any 12 credit language cluster that includes LANG 321 or beyond would also be acceptable for a pre-approved cluster. See the Language and Letters Advising Center for examples of this option. 36 Reading for a Lifetime Take these courses: ENG 350R Themes in Literature ENG 355 Children’s Literature ENG 356 Young Adult Literature ENG 373 Shakespeare Total Credits 3 3 3 3 12 4200 Genre Study Take these courses: ENG 351 Fiction ENG 352 Poetry ENG 353 Drama ENG 354 Nonfiction Total Credits 3 3 3 3 12 4201 Creative Writing Take these courses: ENG 218 Creative Writing ENG 318R Advanced Creative Writing Take 2 courses: ENG 351 Fiction ENG 352 Poetry ENG 353 Drama ENG 354 Nonfiction ENG 355 Children’s Literature ENG 356 Young Adult Literature ENG 370R Major Authors ENG 418R Creative Writing and Publishing Total Credits 4203 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 Professional Writing & Editing Take these courses: ENG 252 Fundamentals of Research and Presentation ENG 321 Technology for Professional Writers ENG 326 Beginning Editing ENG 452 Advanced Editing Total Credits 3 3 3 3 12 Rhetoric and Composition Take these courses: ENG 325 Theory and Practice of Language ENG 327 History of the English Language ENG 354 Nonfiction ENG 450 Rhetorical Studies Total Credits 3 3 3 3 12 3 3 4205 4206 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 Literature Take this course: ENG 251 Fundamentals of Literary Interpretation 3 Take 3 courses: ENG 331 Medieval and Renaissance 3 ENG 332 Neoclassic and Romantic 3 ENG 333 Victorian and Modern 3 ENG 334 Colonial and Romantic 3 ENG 335 Realistic and Modern 3 ENG 336 British & American Literature - Contemporary (1965 -Present) 3 ENG 350R Themes in Literature 3 ENG 351 Fiction 3 ENG 352 Poetry 3 ENG 353 Drama 3 ENG 354 Nonfiction 3 ENG 355 Children’s Literature 3 ENG 356 Young Adult Literature 3 ENG 370R Major Authors 3 ENG 373 Shakespeare 3 Total Credits 12 4204 Introduction to English Studies Take these courses: ENG 251 Fundamentals of Literary Interpretation ENG 252 Fundamentals of Research and Presentation Take 1 course: ENG 314 Advanced Research and Literary Analysis ENG 321 Technology for Professional Writers Take 1 course: ENG 325 Theory of Language -- Grammar & Usage ENG 326 Editing ENG 327 History of English Language Total Credits 4207 Department of Humanities and Philosophy Humanities Take 12 credits: Please note: At least one cluster course must be upper division. HUM 201 The Arts in Western Culture: Pre-historic to Renaissance HUM 202 The Arts in Western Culture: Renaissance to Modern HUM 250 Critical Thinking and Analysis in the Arts HUM 266 American Humanities HUM 333 Spirituality in the Arts HUM 342 Humanities in the Islamic World HUM 376 The Classical Heritage HUM 385 Travel Studies HUM 497R Senior Seminar Total Credits Philosophy Take 12 credits: Please note: At least one cluster course must be upper division. PHIL 110 Philosophical Reasoning PHIL 201 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy PHIL 202 Modern Philosophy PHIL 205 Critical Thinking and Logic PHIL 305 Symbolic Logic PHIL 313 Introduction to Ethics PHIL 314 History and Philosophy of Science PHIL 315 Philosophy of Religion PHIL 497R Topics in Philosophy Total Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 Ancient Languages Take 4 courses: GREEK 101 Ancient Greek 1 GREEK 102 Ancient Greek 2 GREEK 211 Readings in Ancient Greek HEB 101 Biblical Hebrew 1 HEB 102 Biblical Hebrew 2 LATIN 101 Latin 1 LATIN 102 Latin 2 Total Credits English Language & Usage (for Humanities Majors only) Take these courses: ENG 314 Advanced Research & Literary Analysis ENG 325 Theory and Practice of Language - Grammar and Usage Take 2 courses: COMM 102 ENG 218 ENG 252 ENG 321 ENG 326 ENG 327 37 Public Speaking Creative Writing Fundamentals of Research & Presentation Technology for Professional Writers Beginning Editing History of the English Language 4300 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1-3 3 12 4301 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 4302 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 13 4303 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 College of Performing and Visual Arts Department of Music Instrumental Music Take these courses: MUSIC 101 Music and Humanities MUSIC 171 Basic Musicianship Take 1 course (Take Music 158 twice): MUSIC 158 Applied Music Instruction A,C,E-T, Z (Take 2 semesters for 2 credits) MUSIC 160 Private Lessons A,C,E-T, Z Take 4 semesters: MUSIC 324 Jazz Combo MUSIC 325 RixStix Percussion MUSIC 327 RixStix Drumline MUSIC 328 Jazz Lab Band MUSIC 329 University Band MUSIC 330 Sound Alliance MUSIC 331 Symphony Band MUSIC 339 Baroque Ensemble MUSIC 340 University Orchestra MUSIC 341 String Chamber Music MUSIC 342A Symphony Orchestra Strings MUSIC 342B Symphony Orchestra Winds MUSIC 343A Chamber Woodwinds MUSIC 343B Chamber Brass MUSIC 345 Harp Ensemble MUSIC 346 Flute Ensemble MUSIC 348 Saxophone Ensemble Take a minimum of 2 semesters for 2 credits: MUSIC 158 Applied Music Instruction A,C,E-T, Z MUSIC 160 Private Lessons A,C,E-T, Z MUSIC 324 Jazz Combo MUSIC 325 RixStix Percussion MUSIC 327 RixStix Drumline MUSIC 328 Jazz Lab Band MUSIC 329 University Band MUSIC 330 Sound Alliance MUSIC 331 Symphony Band MUSIC 339 Baroque Ensemble MUSIC 340 University Orchestra MUSIC 341 String Chamber Music MUSIC 342A Symphony Orchestra Strings MUSIC 342B Symphony Orchestra Winds MUSIC 343A Chamber Woodwinds MUSIC 343B Chamber Brass MUSIC 345 Harp Ensemble MUSIC 346 Flute Ensemble MUSIC 348 Saxophone Ensemble Total Credits Organ Take these courses: MUSIC 101 Music and Humanities MUSIC 158B Applied Music Instruction (2 semesters for 2 credits) MUSIC 171 Basic Musicianship MUSIC 185 LDS Hymns and Doctrine Take 1 course: MUSIC 106 Group Organ Instruction MUSIC 158B Applied Music Instruction (2 semesters for 2 credits) Take a minimum of 2 semesters for 2 credits: MUSIC 312M University Choir - Men MUSIC 312W University Choir - Women MUSIC 313 Women’s Glee MUSIC 315 Men’s Choir MUSIC 316 Women’s Choir MUSIC 317 Opera Workshop MUSIC 318 Vocal Union MUSIC 319 Collegiate Singers Total Credits Piano Take 4 credits (take this course 4 times): MUSIC 158A Applied Music Instruction (4 semesters) Take these courses: MUSIC 265 Piano Pedagogy 1A (for 3 credits) MUSIC 363A Piano Pedagogy 2A (Supervisory) MUSIC 363B Piano Pedagogy 2B (Supervisory) MUSIC 491 Piano Teaching 3 Total Credits Vocal Music Take 1 course: MUSIC 104 Group Vocal Instruction MUSIC 155 Introductory Vocal Methods Take this course: MUSIC 158D Music Lessons Take these courses: MUSIC 165A Diction for Singers I MUSIC 171 Basic Musicianship MUSIC 256 Piano Skills MUSIC 308 Conducting Take 4 semesters: MUSIC 312 University Choir MUSIC 313 Women’s Glee MUSIC 315 Men’s Choir MUSIC 316 Women’s Choir MUSIC 317 Opera Workshop MUSIC 318 Vocal Union MUSIC 319 Collegiate Singers Total Credits 5400 2 2 1 2 1 1-3 1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1 1-2 1 1-3 1-3 1 1 1 1 1 General Music Take these courses: MUSIC 101 Music and Humanities MUSIC 171 Basic Musicianship MUSIC 185 Hymns and Doctrine Take 2 courses: MUSIC 104 Group Vocal Instruction MUSIC 155 Introductory Vocal Methods MUSIC 158 A-T, Z Music Lessons (may be repeated) Take a minimum of 4 semesters for 4 credits: MUSIC 312M University Choir - Men MUSIC 312W University Choir - Women MUSIC 313 Women’s Glee MUSIC 315 Men’s Choir MUSIC 316 Women’s Choir MUSIC 317 Opera Workshop MUSIC 318 Vocal Union MUSIC 319 Collegiate Singers MUSIC 324 Jazz Combo MUSIC 325 RixStix Percussion Group MUSIC 327 Viking Marching Band Percussion MUSIC 328 Jazz Lab Band MUSIC 329 University Band MUSIC 330 Sound Alliance MUSIC 331 Symphony Band MUSIC 339 Baroque Ensemble MUSIC 340 University Orchestra MUSIC 341 String Chamber Music MUSIC 342A Symphony Orchestra Strings MUSIC 342B Symphony Orchestra Winds MUSIC 343A Chamber Woodwinds MUSIC 343B Chamber Brass MUSIC 345 Harp Ensemble MUSIC 346 Flute Ensemble MUSIC 348 Saxophone Ensemble MUSIC 362 Piano Ensemble Total Credits 1 2 1 1-3 1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1 1-2 1 1-3 1-3 1 1 1 1 1 12 5401 2 1 2 2 5403 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1 1-2 1-2 13 5405 2 2 2 2 2 1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1 1-2 1-2 1 1-3 1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1 1-2 1 1-3 1-3 1 1 1 1 1 1-2 12 Department of Theatre 2 Theatre Arts Performance Take these courses: TA 121 Voice Diction TA 123M or W Acting 1 Take 7 to 10 credits: TA 223M or W Acting 2 TA 225 Stage Dialects TA 233 Movement for Theatre TA 260R Theatre Practice TA 321 Readers Theatre TA 322 Interpretation and Storytelling TA 324 Actors and Emotion Total Credits 1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1 1-2 1-2 12 5402 1 Theatre Arts Technical Theatre Take 12 credits: TA 126 Makeup TA 219 Beginning Technical Theatre TA 318R Scene Painting TA 319 Fundamentals of Scene Design TA 320 Stage Lighting TA 362 Introduction to Theatre Costume Design TA 390R Special Studies in Theatre Total Credits 1-3 2 2 1 12 38 5300 2 3 3 2 2 1-2 4 2 2 12 5301 2 3 3 2 2 2 1-4 12 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 Department of Dance Dance Take 8-10 credits: DANCE 231R Jazz Dance, Intermediate DANCE 240R Modern Dance Technique 1 DANCE 270R World Dance Intermediate DANCE 271R Clog Dance Technique 1 DANCE 284R Ballroom Technique 1 DANCE 290R Ballet Technique 1 DANCE 331R Jazz Dance, Advanced DANCE 340R Modern Dance Technique 2 DANCE 371R Clog Technique 2 DANCE 384R Ballroom Technique 2 DANCE 390R Ballet Technique 2 DANCE 440R Modern Dance Technique 3 DANCE 484R Ballroom Technique 3 Take 2-4 credits: DANCE 242 Improvisation and Choreography DANCE 295 Dance Kinesiology 1 DANCE 356 Techniques of Teaching Dance DANCE 358 Teaching Techniques of Social Dance DANCE 402 History of Dance DANCE 442 Choreographic Explorations DANCE 458R Teaching Techniques of Social Dance, Advanced Take 3 credits: DANCE 131 DANCE 135 DANCE 140 DANCE 170 DANCE 171 DANCE 180 DANCE 181 DANCE 184 DANCE 185 DANCE 190 Jazz Dance, Beginning Tap Dance Modern Dance, Beginning World Dance, Beginning Clog Dance, Beginning Social Dance, Beginning Country Western Social Dance, Beginning International Standard Beginning International Latin Beginning Ballet Beginning Total Credits Art - Art History Take these courses: ART 201 Art History 1 ART 202 Art History 2 Take 2 or 3 of the following courses: ART 301 Art of the Ancient Near East and Egypt ART 302 Greek and Roman Art ART 303 Medieval Art ART 304 Far Eastern Art ART 305 Meso-American Art ART 306 History of Design and Illustration ART 307 History of Photography ART 308 American Art ART 401 Italian Renaissance Art ART 402 Baroque Art ART 403 Nineteenth Century Art ART 404 Twentieth Century Art ART 407 Sacred Art: Art of the World’s Religions Total Credits 5100 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 Art - Graphic Design Take these courses: ART 130 Introduction to Graphic Design ART 230 Typography ART 235 Graphic Design Take 1 course: ART 331R Information Design ART 335R Identity Design ART 337R Interaction Design ART 430R Sequential Design ART 437R Advanced Typography ART 438R Motion (Interactive) Total Credits 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 Art - Fundamentals Take these courses: ART 101 Introduction to Visual Arts ART 110 Drawing 1 ART 117 Design and Color Take 1 course: ART 301 Art of the Ancient Near East and Egypt ART 302 Greek and Roman Art ART 303 Medieval Art ART 304 Far Eastern Art ART 305 Meso-American Art ART 306 History of Design and Illustration ART 307 History of Photography ART 308 American Art ART 401 Italian Renaissance Art ART 402 Baroque Art ART 403 Nineteenth Century Art ART 404 Twentieth Century Art ART 407 Sacred Art: Art of the World’s Religions Total Credits Department of Art Art - Two Dimensional Studies Take these courses: ART 110 Drawing 1 ART 117 Design and Color Take 2 courses: ART 210 Drawing 2 ART 212R Head Drawing ART 250 Oil Painting 1 ART 251 Watercolor 1 ART 310 Expressive Drawing ART 312R Figure Drawing Total Credits Art - Three Dimensional Studies Take these courses: ART 110 Drawing 1 ART 220 Ceramics 1 ART 280 Sculpture 1 ART 320 Ceramics 2 ART 380 Sculpture 2 Total Credits Art - Photography Take 1 course: ART 110 Drawing 1 ART 117 Design and Color Take these courses: ART 160 Photography 1 ART 260 Color Photography ART 361 Digital Photography Take 1 course: ART 307 History of Photography ART 364R Advanced Black and White Photography ART 365R Photography 3 ART 462R Historical Processes ART 463R Documentary Photography Photo cluster students may NOT take the following courses ART 362 Studio Lighting ART 366R Commercial Photography ART 460R Portrait Photography Total Credits 5200 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 5201 3 3 3 3 3 15 5204 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 All photo cluster students must own a digital SLR camera There are to be no customized clusters in the photo area 39 5205 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 5206 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 5207 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 College of Physical Sciences and Engineering Design and Construction Management Construction Management Business Management Option 1 Take this Course: ACCTG 180 Survey of Accounting Take 1 course: B 101 Principles of Business Management B 283 Entrepreneurship Skills Enrichment - Take 2 courses B 201 Introduction to Finance B 225 Fundamentals of Real Estate B 341 Marketing Management B 370 Human Resources Management B 380 Introduction to International Business B 413* Advanced Real Estate ECON 150 Economic Principles and Problems - Micro FDMAT 221 Business Statistics Total Credits *B 413 has a prerequisite of B 225 (For Construction Management Majors Only) Commercial Construction Take 12 Credits: ARCH 190 Building Information Modeling 1 ARCH 270 Specifications ARCH 290 Building Information Modeling 2 ARCH 300 Sustainable Design and Construction CONST 250 Steel Structural Systems CONST 290R Special Problems CONST 320 Construction Safety CONST 340 Fundamentals of Land Survey CONST 350 Soil and Equipment GEOL 404* Environmental Geology WELD 101 Welding Fundamentals Total Credits *Geol 404 has a prerequisite of Geol 111 Architecture Take 12 Credits: ARCH 120 Computer Aided Design 1 ARCH 160 Architectural Design (Studio) ARCH 180 Architectural Graphic Representation ARCH 190 Building Information Modeling 1 ARCH 220 Computer Aided Design 2 ARCH 270 Specifications ARCH 290 Building Information Modeling 2 ARCH 300 Sustainable Design and Construction ARCH 310 Advanced Visual Modeling CONST 290R Special Problems Total Credits Residential Construction Take 12 Credits : ARCH 120 Computer Aided Design 1 ARCH 300 Sustainable Design and Construction CONST 210 Finishing Systems CONST 290R Special Problems CONST 300 Cabinetmaking CONST 320 Construction Safety CONST 460 Residential Construction Practice WELD 101 Welding Fundamentals Total Credits Interior Design Take 12 credits: ID 101 ID 102 ID 105 ID 136 ID 160 ID 237 6001 3 3 3 3 3 .5-3 2 3 3 3 3 12 6002 Construction Management Business Management Option 2 Take These Courses : ACCTG 201 Financial Accounting ACCTG 202 Managerial Accounting Enrichment - Take 2 courses B 201 Introduction to Finance B 225 Fundamentals of Real Estate B 341 Marketing Management B 370 Human Resources Management B 380 Introduction to International Business B 413* Advanced Real Estate ECON 150 Economic Principles and Problems - Micro FDMAT 221 Business Statistics Total Credits *B 413 has a prerequisite of B 225 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .5-3 12 6003 3 3 3 .5-3 3 2 2 3 12 Automotive Technology Take 1 course: AUTO 100 Automotive Maintenance 1 AUTO 125 Automotive Major Essentials Take these courses: AUTO 102 Automotive Maintenance 2 AUTO 131 Automotive Electrical Systems 1 AUTO 132 Automotive Engine Performance 1 Take 4 credits: AUTO 155 Steering, Suspension and Brakes AUTO 221 Air Conditioning & Heating AUTO 231 Automotive Electrical Systems 2 AUTO 232 Automotive Engine Performance 2 Total Credits 3 2 3 3 3 2 12 Please note that the Interior Design Cluster is only available for students who have previously taken Interior Design courses and then dropped the program. General Construction Take 12 credits: ARCH 120 Computer Aided Design 1 ARCH 160 Architectural Design (Studio) ARCH 180 Architectural Graphic Representation ARCH 190 Building Information Modeling 1 ARCH 220 Computer Aided Design 2 ARCH 270 Specifications ARCH 290 Building Information Modeling 2 ARCH 300 Sustainable Design & Construction ARCH 310 Advanced Visual Modeling CONST 210 Finishing Systems CONST 250 Steel Structural Systems CONST 290R Special Problems CONST 300 Cabinetmaking CONST 320 Construction Safety CONST 340 Fundamentals of Land Survey CONST 350 Soil and Equipment CONST 460 Residential Construction Practice GEOL 404* Environmental Geology ME 115 Computerized Technical Illustration WELD 101 Welding Fundamentals Total Credits *Geol 404 has a prerequisite of Geol 111 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 6007 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 Automotive 5000 Visual Communication 1 Color Theory Introduction to Interior Design Presentation 1 Architectural Drafting and Detail Presentation 2 Total Credits 6006 6100 1 1 1 3 3 4 3 3 3 12 Chemistry Chemistry Take 12 credits: CHEM 105 CHEM 106 CHEM 150* CHEM 220 6005 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .5-3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 12 OR Take 12 credits: CHEM 105 CHEM 106 CHEM 220 CHEM 351* CHEM 352* 6500 General Chemistry General Chemistry Introductory Organic and Biochemistry Quantitative Analysis Total Credits 4 4 5 5 12 General Chemistry General Chemistry Quantitative Analysis Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Total Credits 4 4 5 4 4 12 *Chem 150 cannot count with Chem 351 and/or Chem 352 Animal Health Chemistry Take 12 credits: CHEM 105 General Chemistry CHEM 106 General Chemistry CHEM 351 Organic Chemistry CHEM 481 Biochemistry Total Credits 40 1013 4 4 4 4 12 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 Mathematics Math 6200 Take at least 12 credits from Mathematics courses numbered 111 or higher. Total Credits 12 *(Only 1 of FDMat 221, 222, 223 and 224 can be used to fulfill this requirement) Statistics Cluster Take 1 course: FDMAT 222 Biostatistics FDMAT 223 Social Science Statistics Take 9 credits: BIO 377 Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BIO 379 Ecological and Wildlife Tech CHILD 400 Research and Evaluation ECON 388 Introduction to Econometrics ESS 497 Exercise Science Seminar HS 391 Research Methods and Program Evaluation MATH 323 Intermediate Statistics MATH 326 Experimental Design MATH 327 Introduction to Bayesian Statistics MATH 423 Probability and Statistics MATH 425 Applied Linear Regression PSYCH 302 Research Methods SOC 400 Sociological Analysis Total Credits 6203 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science Take these courses: CS 124 Introduction to Software Development CS 165 Object-oriented Software Development Take 2 courses: CS 213 Web Engineering 1 CS 235 Data Structures CS 237 Discrete Mathematics 1 CS 238 Discrete Mathematics 2 CS 246 Software Design and Development CS 312 Computer Graphics CS 371 Human-Computer Interaction CS 460 Computer Communication & Networks ECEN 160 Fundamentals of Digital Systems ECEN 324 Computer Architecture Total Credits Computer or Electrical Engineering Take these courses: CS 124 Introduction to Software Development CS 165 Object-oriented Software Development ECEN 150 Electric Circuit Analysis 1 ECEN 160 Fundamentals of Digital Systems Total Credits 6600 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 6711 Mathematics Cluster for Geology Students Take 12 credits: MATH 214 Multivariate/Vector Calculus 3 MATH 215 Multivariable Calculus 4 MATH 271 Elementary Differential Equations 2 MATH 281 Introduction to Applied Mathematics 3 MATH 316 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4 MATH 341 Linear Algebra 3 MATH 371 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations3 MATH 411 Numerical Analysis 3 MATH 412 Scientific Computing 3 MATH 472 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations 3 Total Credits 12 6703 Physics Cluster for Geology Students Take 12 credits: PH 123 Principles of Physics 2 PH 220 Principles of Physics 3 PH 223 Engineering Physics PH 250 Intermediate Physics Lab PH 279 Modern Physics PH 291 Wave Physics PH 323 Solid State Physics PH 332 Classical Mechanics PH 333 Electricity & Magnetism PH 336 Advanced Physics Lab PH 385 Numerical Modeling in Physics Total Credits 6704 Inorganic Chemistry Cluster for Geology Students Take 12 credits: CHEM 106 General Chemistry CHEM 220 Quantitative Analysis CHEM 461 Physical Chemistry CHEM 462 Physical Chemistry 2 CHEM 470 Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 471 Advanced Laboratory Total Credits Organic Biochemistry Cluster for Geology Students Take 12 credits: CHEM 106 General Chemistry CHEM 220 Quantitative Analysis CHEM 351 Organic Chemistry CHEM 352 Organic Chemistry CHEM 481 Biochemistry Total Credits 6601 3 3 3 3 12 Geology Geology Cluster Take these courses: GEOL 111 Physical Geology GEOL 111L Physical Geology Lab GEOL 112 Historical Geology GEOL 112L Historical Geology Lab Take 4 credits: GEOL 140 Introduction to GPS GEOL 235 Meteorology GEOL 311 Structural Geology GEOL 335 Oceanography GEOL 340 Introduction to GIS for Geoscientists GEOL 351 Earth Materials GEOL 352 Petrology GEOL 370 Stratigraphy & Sedimentation GEOL 380 Regional Geology GEOL 404 Environmental Geology GEOL 411 Geomorphology GEOL 420 Geochemistry GEOL 425 Petroleum Geology GEOL 435 Hydrology GEOL 440R Applied GIS GEOL 445 Geophysics GEOL 480 Paleontology Total Credits Geographical Information Systems Cluster for Geology Majors Take this course: GEOL 440R Applications of GIS in Geology 3 Take three courses: CIT 203 CIT Fundamentals 3 CIT 220 Introduction to Databases 3 CS 124 Introduction to Software Development 3 FDMAT 222 Biostatistics 3 GEOG 240 Maps and Remote Sensing 3 Total Credits 12 6700 3 1 3 1 1 2 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 41 3 3 4 1 3 2 3 4 4 2 2 12 6705 4 5 3 3 3 2 12 6706 4 5 4 4 4 12 Engineering Cluster for Geology Students Take 12 credits: ME 131 Manufacturing Processes 1 ME 142 Engineering Computation 1 ME 172 Visualization in Engineering Design ME 201 Engineering Mechanics: Statics ME 202 Strength of Materials ME 204 Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics Total Credits 6707 3 3 3 2 3 3 12 Computer Cluster for Geology Students Take 12 credits: CIT 203 CIT Fundamentals CIT 210 Object Oriented Programming 1 CIT 240 Networking CIT 310 Object Oriented Programming 2 CIT 320 Database Design & Development CIT 340 Network Design CS 124 Introduction to Software Development CS 165 Object Oriented Software Development CS 213 Web Engineering 1 CS 235 Data Structures CS 246 Software Design & Development CS 371 Human-Computer Interaction CS 460 Computer Communication & Networks ECEN 150 Electric Circuit Analysis ECEN 160 Fundamentals of Digital Systems Total Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 6708 CLUSTERS Brigham Young University–Idaho 2012-2013 Geology Module Take these courses: GEOL 111 Physical Geology GEOL 111L Physical Geology Lab GEOL 112 Historical Geology GEOL 112L Historical Geology Lab GEOL 140 Introduction to GPS GEOL 340 Introduction to GIS for Geoscientists Total Credits Earth Science Module Take these courses during your first 2 semesters: GEOL 111 Physical Geology GEOL 111L Physical Geology Lab GEOL 112 Historical Geology GEOL 112L Historical Geology Lab Take 2 courses: GEOL 235 Meteorology GEOL 335 Oceanography GEOL 351 Earth Materials Total Credits Mechanical Engineering 6709 3 1 3 1 1 3 12 Engineering Cluster Take 15 credits FDMAT 112 Calculus 1 ME 101 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering ME 131 Manufacturing Processes 1 ME 142 Engineering Computation 1 ME 172 Engineering Graphics ME 201 Engineering Mechanics: Statics ME 202 Strength of Materials ME 204 Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics Total Credits 6710 3 1 3 1 Manufacturing Cluster Take 12 credits ME 131 Manufacturing Processes 1 ME 172 Engineering Graphics ME 331 Manufacturing Processes 2 ME 332 Advanced CNC WELD 101 Welding Fundamentals Total Credits 2 3 3 13 Physics Technical Physics Take 12 Credits : PH 121 Principles of Physics 1 PH 123 Principles of Physics 2 PH 150 Beginning Physics Lab PH 220 Principles of Physics 3 PH 250 Intermediate Physics Laboratory for Physics and Physical Science PH 279 Modern Physics PH 311 Physics by Inquiry 1 PH 314 History/Philosophy of Science Total Credits Physics Exposure Take 14 credits: PH 105 Introductory Applied Physics I PH 106 Introductory Applied Physics II PH 311 Physics by Inquiry I PH 314 History/Philosophy of Science Total Credits Welding Cluster Take these courses: WELD 101 Welding Fundamentals WELD 123 Advanced Welding Processes 6400 3 3 1 3 Take 6 credits: ME 131 ME 172 WELD 120 WELD 229 WELD 280 1 3 3 3 12 Fabrication Cluster Take these courses: ME 131 Manufacturing Processes 1 ME 172 Engineering Graphics WELD 101 Welding Fundamentals 6401 4 4 3 3 14 Take 3 credits: ME 331 ME 332 WELD 120 WELD 123 Physical Science Physical Science and Mathematics Take 12 credits from at least 2 of the following areas: Chemistry Take any Chemistry class numbered 105 or higher (Chem 150 and Chem 153 cannot be taken with Chem 351 and/or Chem 352) Physics Take any Physics class numbered 105 or higher Manufacturing Processes 1 Engineering Graphics Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Code, Certification & Inspection Welding Fabrication Total Credits Manufacturing Processes 2 Advanced CNC Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Advanced Welding Processes Total Credits 6800 0-10 0-10 Geology Take any Geology class numbered 111 and 111L or higher 0-10 Mathematics Take any Mathematics class numbered 111 or higher Total Credits 0-10 12 College of Foundations and Interdisciplinary Studies Family History Research Take these courses: FDREL 261 Introduction to Family History 2 FDGEN 111 Introduction to Family History Research, Part 1: Record Groups and Methodology 3 FDGEN 120 Introduction to Family History Research, Part 2 Analysis of Research Evidence 3 FDGEN 130 Paleography 3 Take 1 course: FDGEN 112 Introduction to Family History Research, Part Two: Analysis of Research Evidence FDGEN 160 Family and the Law FDGEN 211 Research Methodology, Part 1 Total Credits 7000 3 3 3 14 42 6300 4 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 15 6301 3 3 3 3 3 12 6302 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 6303 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12