Literacy Planning Week beginning 20/6/05 Y5 – Higher ability Unit Persuasion/letters/leaflets Reading Objective Y5 T3 12 to read and evaluate letters, e.g. from newspapers, magazines, intended to inform, protest, complain, persuade, considering (i) how they are set out (ii) how language is used, e.g. to gain attention, respect, manipulate Y5 T3 13 to read other examples, e.g. newspaper comment, headlines, adverts, fliers. Compare writing which informs and persuades, considering, e.g.the deliberate use of ambiguity, half-truth, bias; how opinion can be disguised to seem like fact; Y5 T3 15 from reading, to collect and investigate use of persuasive devices: e.g. words and phrases Writing Objective Y5 T3 17 to draft and write individual, group or class letters for real purposes, e.g. put a point of view, comment on an emotive issue, protest; to edit and present to finished state Y5 T3 18 to write a commentary on an issue on paper or screen, (e.g. as a news editorial, leaflet), setting out and justifying a personal view; to use structures from reading to set out and link points, e.g. numbered lists, bullet points Y5 T3 19 to construct an argument in note form or full text to persuade others of a point of view and present the case to the class or a group; evaluate its effectiveness. Sentence/Word Objective Y5 T3 S4 to use punctuation marks accurately in complex sentences Speaking and Listening Y5 T3 55 Listening to analyse the use of persuasive language e.g. how a speaker uses emphasis, rhetoric and gesture effectively. Speaking to present a spoken argument, sequencing points logically, defending views with evidence and making use of persuasive language e.g. preparing a group presentation of the pros and cons of a current issue. Key Questions Can I choose language to persuade my reader to my point of view? Can I identify when bias has been used or opinion has been disguised as fact? Target children School targeted children – JC CWx Writing pilot targeted children – JC CWx RS SH RG CJ CWb Can I write a letter or commentary to persuade others on an emotive issue (e.g. fear of spiders) Shared reading/writing Sentence/word Look at the adverts from Monday (Burger King – Episode 3, Pepperami, WV Golf, Heinz Beans) Look at the ads and discuss their features. By recapping what they already know about persuasion and adverts. Make a ‘Top Tips’ spidergram of what makes successful adverts. Independent work Children think about the slogans of the adverts and write their own slogans for keeping a lizard. Encourage play on words, alliteration, rhyming etc. (=) RG CWb CB CG RH SH RS with teacher. (-) JC AB CWx CW CJ with Emma. ICT Plenary/homework Ask children to share their slogans and as a group evaluate them as to their use of words play, alliteration, rhymes etc. Tuesday Look at the websites on caring for leopard geckos , 9/16/features_pets_snakes_alive_feature.shtml and for looking after a puppy py.htm As a group make 2 spidergrams – 1 to show the benefits of keeping lizards and 1 to show the disadvantages. Tell the children that they are going to be split into 2 groups – half will persuade the class to buy a lizard by comparing it with a dog and half will do the opposite. Talk about what the children will include in their infomercial and what they will miss out. Remind them that bias isn’t lying! Children begin to plan their infomercial for whichever group they are in. Look at organising it into sections using a writing frame Slogan Product description Benefits Bribes! (=) RG CWb CB CG RH SH RS with teacher. (-) JC AB CWx CW CJ with Emma. Wednesday Thursday Friday Children continue work on Use the BBC skills wise site to reinforce use of their infomercials commas in complex sentences and lists. (=) RG CWb CB CG RH SH RS with teacher. nctuation/commas (-) JC AB CWx CW CJ with Emma. Children produce the polished version of their written infomercial ready for filming next week Supply – (=) RG CWb CB CG RH SH RS with teacher. (-) JC AB CWx CW CJ with Emma. Comprehension activities (=) RG CWb CB CG RH SH RS with teacher. (-) JC AB CWx CW CJ with Emma. Share work so far with a partner and begin to redraft and make improvements (use Digital Blue to record) Work with a partner of how they are going to present their infomercial on camera.