ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE A.A.S. (Medical Office Assistant) Orange County Community College ENG 101 - En!llish I ENG 102 - English 2 MA T electives including BUS 101 Uberal Arts elective Free electives (restricted ... ) Social Science elective BUS 103- Introduction to Business ACC 101- Accountinq Principles I BUS 203- Business Communication MGT 205 - Human Resource Mgt OFT 214, OFT 209 RAD 219- Medical Terminology OFT 201- Records & Information Mgt OFT 220- Office Internship OFT 103- Medical Coding OFT 211- Medical Transcription or 207 MLT 110- Fundamentals of Medical Physio. TOTAL CR 3 3 3 3 9 6 3 4 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 62 Berkeley College ENG 105 - Expository Writing ENG 106 - Writin!l throuah Literature Math Electives Liberal Arts elective Free electives Social Science elective BUS 100- Business Org. & Mgt ACC 111 - Financial Acc I BUS 265- Business Communication MGT 249- Human Resource M!lt CIS 115- Computer Essentials HEA 200 - Medical Terminoloqv I Free elective Free elective HEA 210- Medical Coding I HEA 211- Medical Coding" SCI 223 - Anatomy & Phvsiolo!lY All 62 credits will transfer to Berkeley and are equivalent to 90 quarter credits. To be completed at Berkeley- 90 credits from among the following: HEA 101-lntro to Health Services HEA 200- Medical Terminology II HEA 203- Ethical and Le!lal Aspects HEA 220- HS Mana!lement I HEA 225- Computer Appli. In HS HEA 310- Health S. Mgt II HEA 409- Research Methods for HS HEA 470 - Issues in Contemporary HS .. ACC 113- Managerial ACC BUS 225- Career Mana!lement Seminar BUS 482 - Internship BUS 451- Business Strategy & Policy FIN 300- Principles of Finance MKT 220- Principles of Marketing MGT 231- Orqanizational Behavior MGT 220- Principles of Mana!lement ENG 115- Public $peakin!l sac 225- Psychology* sac 201- Macroeconomics sac 202- Microeconomics MAT 215- Statistics Free electives* Humanities electives* Social Sciences Electives* Health Services Electives* Math & Science Electives Total quarter credits to be completed at Berkeley College 60 semester credits = .••Includes courses, if not completed at OCCC .••.•• 24 Liberal Arts credits (Humanities, Math/Science, Social Sciences) must be at 300 and 400 levels. 90 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 1 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 8 8 12 8 90