HFSP AWARDS 201 RESEARCH GRANTS Program Grants and Young Investigators are listed separately The first named for each award is the Principal Investigator Nationality is in parentheses when different from country in which the laboratory is located PROGRAM GRANTS Stem cell dynamics in time and space ANDREWS Peter Centre for Stem Cell Biology, Dept. of Biomedical Science University of Sheffield UK COCA Daniel Dept. of Automatic Control & Systems Engineering University of Sheffield UK PERA Martin Florey Neurosciences Institute Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research University of Melbourne AUSTRALIA (USA) Are Roots in the Dark? Phytochrome-mediated shoot and root development BALDWIN Ian Dept. of Molecular Ecology Max-Planck Institute for Chemial Ecology, Jena GERMANY OH Kyunghwan Dept. of Physics / Photonic Device Physics Lab College of Science Yonsei University, Seoul REP. OF KOREA PARK Chung-Mo Dept. of Chemistry / Molecular Signaling lab Seoul National University REP. OF KOREA (USA) RNA helicases in RNA/protein body assembly and function: a multi-scale approach BRANGWYNNE Clifford Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering A313 Engineering Quadrangle Princeton University USA ECKMANN Christian Eckmann Lab MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden GERMANY MYONG Sua Dept. of Bioengineering University of Illinois Urbana Champaign USA (AUSTRIA) (REP. OF KOREA) Dynamic mechanisms regulating embryonic stem cell fate choice BRICKMAN Joshua The Danish Stem Cell Center University of Copenhagen DENMARK BARKAI Naama Dept. of Molecular Genetics and Dept. of Physics of Complex Systems Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot ISRAEL BEN-YAKAR Adela Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Texas, Austin USA (UK) (ISRAEL) Morphodynamics of mammalian planar cell polarity - a quantitative approach CHEN Ping Dept. of Cell Biology Emory University, Atlanta USA AVRAHAM Karen Dept. of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University ISRAEL MATSUZAKI Fumio Laboratory for Cell Asymmetry Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN, Kobe JAPAN SPRINZAK David Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Faculty of Life Sciences Tel Aviv University ISRAEL Direct DNA damage response activation by nuclear non-coding short RNAs in mammals D'ADDA DI FAGAGNA Fabrizio Telomeres and cellular senescence Lab. IFOM The FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology Foundation, Milan ITALY CARNINCI Piero Functional Genomics Technology Team Omics Science Center, Yokohama JAPAN ZAVOLAN Mihaela Computational and Systems Biology Biozentrum, University of Basel SWITZERLAND (ROMANIA) Physical principles in the self-assembly of immature HIV-1 particles DRAGNEA Bogdan Dept. of Chemistry Indiana University, Bloomington USA REIN Alan HIV Drug Resistance Program National Cancer Institute, Frederick USA SVERGUN Dmitri I. Hamburg Outstation European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hamburg GERMANY VAN DER SCHOOT Paul Dept. of Applied Physics Group Theory of Polymers and Soft Matter Eindhoven University of Technology NETHERLANDS (ROMANIA) (RUSSIA) Stem cell dynamics at the single-cell level ELOWITZ Michael Dept. of Biology, Bioengineering and Applied Physics Caltech, HHMI, Pasadena USA ALON Uri Molecular Cell Biology Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot ISRAEL SURANI Azim Wellcome Trust Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute University of Cambridge UK Value-based decision making in Drosophila foraging: genes, computations and behaviour FAISAL Aldo Dept. of Bioengineering & Computing / Faisal Lab Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, London UK DICKINSON Michael H. Dept. of Biology / Dickinson Lab University of Washington, Seattle USA RIBEIRO Carlos Behavior and Metabolism laboratory Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras PORTUGAL (ITALY) Networks, genetics, clocks and psychosis: a multi-disciplinary and multi-scale approach FORGER Daniel Dept. of Mathematics University of Michigan, Ann Arbor USA PIGGINS Hugh Faculty of Life Sciences University of Manchester UK TAKUMI Toru Laboratory of Integrative Bioscience Graduate School of Molecular Biosciences Hiroshima University JAPAN Ribosomal signalling and specificity in cotranslational protein processing and folding FRYDMAN Judith Biology and BioX Program Stanford University USA DEUERLING Elke Dept. of Biology University of Konstanz GERMANY RADFORD Sheena Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology University of Leeds UK Nano-Mechano-Biology: spatiotemporal remodeling of membrane nanoplatforms under mechanical forces GARCIA-PARAJO Maria Dept. of Single Molecule BioNanophotonics IBEC-Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Barcelona SPAIN CAMBI Alessandra Dept. of Tumor Immunology Radboud University Medical Centre Centre for Molecular Life Sciences, Nijmegen NETHERLANDS LIDKE Diane Dept. of Pathology University of New Mexico, Albuquerque USA MAYOR Satyajit Dept. of Cellular Organisation and Signalling National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore INDIA (ITALY) The role of subsurface structure in biological adhesion: insects to lizards IRSCHICK Duncan Dept. of Biology University of Massachusetts, Amherst USA CROSBY Alfred Polymer Science & Engineering Dept. University of Massachusetts, Amherst USA FEDERLE Walter Dept. of Zoology University of Cambridge UK Probing mechano-transduction by cell-cell junctions at the nano- and micro-scales LADOUX Benoit Physics Dept. / Matiere et Systemes Complexes University Paris Diderot, CNRS, Paris FRANCE LIM Chwee Teck Dept. of Bioengineering / Dept. of Mechanical Engineering National University of Singapore SINGAPORE MEGE René-Marc Institut du Fer à Moulin, UMRS 839 INSERM University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris FRANCE NELSON W. James Dept. of Biology Stanford University USA (UK) In vivo functional imaging and high-resolution manipulations of hippocampal memory circuits LOSONCZY Attila Dept. of Neuroscience Columbia University, New york USA BOLZE Frederic Laboratoire de Biophotonique et Pharmacologie University of Strasbourg Faculty de Pharmacy, Illkirch FRANCE VAZIRI Alipasha Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL), University of Vienna AUSTRIA ZEMELMAN Boris Center for Learning and Memory University of Texas, Austin USA (HUNGARY) Role of cytoskeletal kinases in the mechanosensory feed-back regulation of muscle MAYANS Olga Structural Biology Unit Institute of Integrative Biology University of Liverpool UK BENIAN Guy M. Dept. of Pathology, and Cell Biology Emory University, Atlanta USA KALBITZER Hans Robert Dept. of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry University of Regensburg GERMANY LU Hang School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta USA (SPAIN) The striatal cholinergic system and attention for learning: from neurotransmission to personality NIV Yael Dept. of Psychology & Princeton Neuroscience Institute Princeton University USA CHRISTAKOU Anastasia Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics (CINN) and Dept. of Psychology University of Reading UK MORRIS Genela Dept. of Neurobiology and Ethology Haifa University ISRAEL WICKENS Jeffery Neurobiology Research Unit Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology JAPAN (ISRAEL) (GREECE) (NEW ZEALAND) In silico ancestral rhodopsin reconstruction using multiconfigurational quantum chemistry OLIVUCCI Massimo Dept. of Chemistry University of Siena ITALY CHANG Belinda Dept. of Cell & Systems Biology University of Toronto CANADA (USA) Quantitative analysis of somitogenesis using avian transgenic lines and real time imaging POURQUIE Olivier IGBMC University of Strasbourg, Illkirch FRANCE FRANCOIS Paul Physics Dept. McGill University, Montreal CANADA LANSFORD Rusty Biological Imaging Center California Institute of Technology, Pasadena USA (FRANCE) Magnetogenetics: remote stimulation of mammalian neurocircuitry using nanoparticle heating PRALLE Arnd Dept. of Physics State University of New York, Buffalo USA KNOPFEL Thomas Lab for Neuronal Circuit Dynamics RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wakoshi JAPAN PARAK Wolfgang Fachbereich Physik Philipps University, Marburg GERMANY SCHÜLER Dirk Fak. Biologie / Bereich Mikrobiologie LMU Biozentrum, Planegg-Martinsried GERMANY (GERMANY) (GERMANY) Fluid flows and resource integration across networks formed by foraging, basal eukaryotes PRINGLE Anne Dept. of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Harvard University, Cambridge USA BRENNER Michael School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard University, Cambridge USA FRICKER Mark Dept. of Plant Sciences University of Oxford UK Single cell lineage tracing to understand hematopoietic development and differentiation SCHUMACHER Ton N.M. Division of Immunology The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam NETHERLANDS COHEN Andrew Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee USA DUFFY Ken Hamilton Institute National University of Ireland, Maynooth, IRELAND HODGKIN Philip Immunology Division Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville AUSTRALIA From the end to the beginning: termination and ribosome recycling in eukaryotic translation SPAHN Christian Institut für Medizinische Physik und Biophysik Charité – Universitätsmedizin, Berlin GERMANY PESTOVA Tatyana Dept. of Cell Biology SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn USA SANBONMATSU Karissa Dept. of Theoretical Biology and Biophysics, Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Laboratory USA YUSUPOV Marat Structural Biology University of Strasbourg, IGBMC, Illkirch FRANCE (RUSSIA) Information processing and computation in fish groups TKACIK Gasper Dept. of Biophysics / Neuroscience Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Klosterneuburg AUSTRIA COUZIN Iain Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Princeton University USA SCHNEIDMAN Elad Dept of Neurobiology Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot ISRAEL (SLOVENIA) (UK) From swarm intelligence to living buildings. Novel concepts of managing internal climates TURNER J Scott Dept. of Environmental & Forest Biology SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry, Syracuse USA MAHADEVAN L Dept. of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Physics Harvard University, Cambridge USA MARAIS Eugene Dept. of Entomology National Museum of Namibia, Windhoek NAMIBIA SANE Sanjay Dept. of Neurobiology National Centre for Biological Sciences Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore INDIA SOAR Rupert Dept. of Architecture and Construction Greenwich University, London UK (USA) YOUNG INVESTIGATORS Role of exported proteins in the intracellular dynamics of liver-stage falciparum malaria BODDEY Justin Division of Infection and Immunity The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne AUSTRALIA DINGLASAN Rhoel Dept. of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore USA JOST Philipp J. Medical Dept. of Hematology and Oncology Klinikum rechts der Isar Technical University of Munich GERMANY (PHILIPPINES) Neural basis of behavioural multitasking and coordination by specific hypothalamic circuits BURDAKOV Denis Dept. of Pharmacology University of Cambridge UK ADAMANTIDIS Antoine Dept. of Psychiatry Douglas Mental Health University Institute McGill University, Montreal CANADA KOROTKOVA Tatiana Dept. of Behavioural Neurodynamics NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence / Leibniz Institute for Molekular Pharmacology (FMP), Berlin GERMANY (BELGIUM) Neuroscience meets nanotechnology: the key to unlock emotional memories with nanodetectors CAMPOLONGO Patrizia Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology University of Rome La Sapienza ITALY DUAN Xiangfeng Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry / Hetero-integrated Nanostructures and Nanodevices University of California, Los Angeles USA (CHINA) 3D spatial structure in multicellular systems: self-assembly, implications and optimization GORDON Vernita Dept. of Physics and Center for Nonlinear Dynamics University of Texas, Austin USA ALLEN Rosalind J. School of Physics and Astronomy University of Edinburgh UK BJARNSHOLT Thomas Dept. of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology Faculty of Health Sciences University of Copenhagen DENMARK DIGGLE Stephen School of Molecular Medical Sciences Centre for Biomolecular Sciences, Nottingham UK In situ real-time imaging of neurotransmitter signaling using designer optical sensors JANOVJAK Harald Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biophysics Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Klosterneuburg AUSTRIA HENNEBERGER Christian Institute of Cellular Neurosciences University of Bonn GERMANY JACKSON Colin Research School of Chemistry / Jackson Laboratory Australian National University, Canberra AUSTRALIA (SWITZERLAND) (NEW ZEALAND) Regulating microtubule mechanics from within: towards an understanding of intralumenal acetylation NACHURY Maxence Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Physiology Stanford University School of Medicine USA THERY Manuel Dept. of Vegetal and Cellular Physiology / Physics of cell cytoskeleton and morphogenesis CEA / Institute for Research in Technology for Life Sciences, Grenoble FRANCE (FRANCE) The mechanistic basis of working memory in prefrontal cortical circuits RENART Alfonso Neuroscience Programme Champalimaud Foundation, Lisboa PORTUGAL CHADDERTON Paul Dept. of Bioengineering Imperial College London UK ROYER Sebastien Center for functional connectomics Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul REP. OF KOREA (SPAIN) (CANADA) Quantitative modeling of expression pattern evolution in insect development – RENEWAL APP TOMANCAK Pavel Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Max Planck Institute, Dresden GERMANY BERGMAN Casey Faculty of Life Sciences University of Manchester UK OHLER Uwe Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy Duke University, Durham USA (CZECH REPUBLIC) (USA) (GERMANY)