BIOL 1500 – Introduction to Biology Course Goals: An introductory

Welcome to BIOL 1500 – Introduction to Biology
Course Goals: An introductory course exploring underlying theories of biology and the unity and
diversity of life. Topics include evolution, cell theory, introductory biochemistry, inheritance,
biodiversity, and ecology.
Prerequisites: May not be taken by any student who has taken or is currently taking another university
course in biology.
Textbook: What is Life? By Jay Phelan (required)
Class Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1:30 to 2:30pm; CLH B
Instructor: Dr. Tanya Da Sylva
The best way to reach me is email:
Email must include BIOL 1500 in the subject line and your full name somewhere in the text. Email is
NOT a substitute for office hour attendance.
Office hours: Fridays 10:00 – 12:30. 118A Farquharson
Course Website: WebCT
A York WebCT account is required to access any online material for this course.
Information about WebCT at York can be found at:
Please check WebCT often. There may be posted announcements on WebCT before they are
communicated in class. WebCT will also be where you can view your grades, please do not email the
instructor/TAs about grades – they will be posted as soon as possible. Online assessment tools and
learning objectives for each chapter will also be provided on WebCT. You are highly encouraged to fill
out all self assessment quizzes.
Evaluations: Your grade will consist of 2 midterms and 1 final exam as well as the completion of an
online learning module (see below). The midterms will be multiple choice and true/false. The final may
include fill in the blank or short answer questions. Exams will include material from the lectures and the
textbook. The final exam will be cumulative.
Midterms will not be returned but can be viewed during office hours.
Midterm #1: Monday, October 3 (25%) (Chapters 1 – 5)
Midterm #2: Monday, November 7 (25%) (Chapters 6 – 10)
Final Exam: Date and Time set by Registrar’s Office (48%) (Cumulative)
Online Learning Module: Quiz completed by October 28th = 2%
Online Learning Module: On October 7th an online module focused on analyzing and writing scientific
reports (literature) will be made available. You should expect to spend at least an hour reviewing the
online material. After you have worked through the module you will be directed to a quiz. 2% will be
added to your grade for completion of the quiz, if you do not complete the quiz you will receive a
prorated mark (ie. Complete half of the questions get 1%). The quiz must be completed by October 28th.
After everyone has had an opportunity to work through the module we will discuss and address the
issues covered within it. This is material you need to understand for the final exam.
What if I cannot write the exam that day?
Please note that accommodations are not guaranteed in all circumstances. Guidelines and advice can
be found on the departmental website and in your undergraduate handbook.
Link: What excuses are valid for missing a test?
If you are aware of a planned conflict you should contact me as soon as possible. Do not leave it to test
day. Not all conflicts will be accommodated.
Please note: The final exam schedule is set by the registrar. The final exam period this term (F2011) is
from December 8 -22. You should not schedule any vacations, trips etc., until after the exam schedule is
There are special guidelines for religious holidays. You must contact me at least 3 weeks prior to the
exam and you can read the guidelines themselves at: Religious accommodations
NOTE: There will be only one make-up day for each midterm. If you cannot attend the make-up AND
you have valid reasons for missing the test(s) your marks will be redistributed to the final. The make-up
date for the term tests will be announced on WebCT the week prior to the test.
For unplanned (emergency) circumstances please contact me as soon as possible after the exam, and no
later than 3 days after. Note that the make-up day may be before this 3 day cut-off, in which case if you
have not yet contacted me you will have to provide proper documentation for both the original midterm
and the make-up date. For medical issues you must submit an “Attending Physician’s Statement”,
available from the Registrar’s office.
Students who feel that there are extenuating circumstances that may interfere with their ability to
successfully complete the course requirements are encouraged to discuss the matter with the Course
Director (Dr. Da Sylva) as soon as possible.
Students with physical, learning or psychiatric disabilities who require reasonable accommodations in
teaching style or evaluation methods should consult with the Office for Persons with Disabilities (OPD)
and ensure that requests for appropriate accommodations are arranged with the Course Director (Dr.
Da Sylva) early in the term.
Course Outline:
Week 1 (Sept. 7, 9)
Week 2 (Sept. 12, 14, 16)
Week 3 (Sept. 19, 21, 23)
Week 4 (Sept. 26, 28, 30)
Week 5 (Oct. 5, 7)
Week 6 (Oct. 17, 19, 21)
Week 7 (Oct. 24, 26, 28)
Week 8 (Oct. 31, Nov.2, 4)
Week 9 (Nov. 9, 11)
Week 10 (Nov. 14, 16, 18)
Week 11 (Nov. 21, 23, 25)
Week 12 (Nov. 28, 30, Dec. 2)
Introduction. What is Science? What is Biology? Atoms and Water
(Chapter 1 and 2)
Important Macromolecules. What is a Cell? Cell membranes and CellCell communication (Chapters 2 and 3)
Eukaryotic Cells. Energy (Chapters 3 and 4)
What is DNA? Gene Expression. Cell Division and Cell Cycle (Chapters
5 and 6)
Oct. 3 – 25%
Mendelian Inheritance (Chapter 7)
From Genotypes to Phenotypes. Evolution (Chapters 7-8)
Evidence for Evolution. Evolution and Behaviour (Chapters 8-9)
Origin of Life. What is a Species? Macroevolution. Diversity (Chapters
10 – Chapter 11 Part 2)
November 7 – 25%
Tetrapods; Invertebrates; Plants (Chapters 11 and 12)
Animal and Plant Interactions. Microbes (Chapter 13)
Population Ecology. What is an Ecosystem (Chapters 14 and 15)
Species Communities; Biodiversity; Extinction (Chapters 15 and 16)
Dec. 5 will serve as an exam review.
This is a rough outline only. The purpose of this outline is to help you keep track of textbook readings
and the topics covered in a particular week could change as needed. Please check WebCT for any
changes to the outline.